The Enigma's Revenge/Revenge against Enigma?
Portland, Oregon. Tuesday 28th May. (Offline)

The only day the team could meet up before Sunday was today because Konrad had a double race weekend with ARCA Menards West Series and NASCAR Xfinity Series races he was doing in Portland, Oregon, before flying to England straight after the Xfinity Series race. Of course, Konrad had other plans for today regarding wrestling as well, but it was for another company and was irrelevant. Ludvig and Dakon flew to Portland today to meet up with Konrad. They decided to discuss it at a Starbucks coffee shop since the meeting was last minute, with the match announced at the last minute.

Although it was a busy coffee shop because of the race weekend coming up, it was a surprise for Dakon and Ludvig to see some NASCAR fans already, even some wearing Konrad's shirts, which Dakon and Ludvig were surprised about. Ginny, who was also there, not so much as she was used to the fan affair Konrad got in NASCAR. Because it was not the day for Konrad to interact with fans, he wore a tiger mask to avoid being discovered, which got them concerned, but they found out why, as Dakon says quietly.

Dakon Theron: "It feels so strange that you're hated in wrestling but have fans in NASCAR."

Konrad Raab: "It's just how it is."

Ginny Raab: "Let's get down to business, shall we? We all came here to discuss the match."

Konrad Raab: “Thank you Ginny. I also want to discuss what I want you boys to do throughout the week we're in Europe."

Ludvig Eriksson: "Stupid England, why did we go there instead of Germany, Norway, Turkey or Sweden? I hate England so much because they always get a wrestling audience, but our countries barely get a mention or get a god damn Breakdown show? It's such a disgrace. They are like America's ugly cousin."

With his loyalties to his country and anything related to the UK, Ireland and the US, Ludvig dislikes. Dakon nodded in agreement since he was so loyal to his European native as well. On the other hand, Konrad nods, too, because he knows things that Dakon and Ludvig don't in SCW. They all got cold coffees as it was hot in Portland, which was odd for the area they were in, except for Konrad sticking with his vegan diet for many years, drinking some water.

Ginny Raab: "Can we please discuss the plans for the match."

Konrad Raab: “Indeed. We talk about that whole thing later."

Dakon talks a bit louder than earlier.

Dakon Theron: "It's also stupid talking about the match in which Kim and Deanna are involved. Like, what the fuck has that got to do with us? I don't give a damn about them."

Konrad Raab: "Because they all got our common enemy, Enigma. I know it does suck they have to be a part of the match, and what grinds all of our gears is the fact the match is having us go against each other."

Ludvig Eriksson: "It's one thing if Dakon and I were solo wrestlers like Kemal will be: we have to accept Konrad and Kemal going against each other when he comes in, but we're not.

Dakon nods as it ruins their plans entirely. They should've had Enigma all to themselves without Kim and Deanna. Of course, Konrad is aware of it, and Dakon comes up with a plan as he tries to listen to everything said.

Dakon Theron: "Don't worry; we aren't going to win the match from you because we are a tag team, not individual wrestlers. We'll have your back always. Honestly, we won't care or bother with Kim or Deanna because they aren't tag wrestlers."

Konrad Raab: "Deanna and Selena used to be, but they've gone their separate ways. Kim has never been a tag wrestler as far as I've known her."

Ludvig Eriksson: "Although I don't appreciate Kim attacking us."

Dakon Theron: “No we don't. But at the same time, she was set up by David and Chris, who have no reason to be buddying up with half the roster with stupid Body, Heart and Soul agreeing with their methods to make wrestling to their standards like a pussy bunch of pricks they are. They are just as cowardly as Enigma and tell Ludvig and me that we are unsuccessful. Chris and David can fuck off with their bullshit quotes with them being unsuccessful, a shit team that they are as far as we're concerned who are unsuccessful themselves."

Konrad Raab: "Yeah, Aisling spoke about that before we fought for the TV title. Honestly, I didn't care to talk about it because I knew you guys could defend yourselves. To talk about the changes we have to make is stupid. Changes aren't always good for everyone, and it wouldn't be good for us because it wouldn't be who we are as a team, and we'd be just as boring and stale as the rest of the teams. It would take away everything that means in our name. They were forced to make changes from peer pressure rather than losses. David and Chris are dogshit wrestlers, too, don't worry. Just a bunch of hacks who've been lucky to get where they are."

Ludvig nodded, saying the exact same thing, and that was one thing they could agree about: They weren't going to change anytime soon. It would change who they wanted to be, and that's not what they wanted in life. Dakon had questions about Konrad's new motives, but that was for another day.

Ludvig Eriksson: "We all agree that we aren't going to beat Konrad down, but I think we can also agree that we're only going to be wrestling Enigma. That punk has shit coming to him with us cracking his god damn skull."

Dakon Theron: "I only want to get my hands on Enigma. I don't want to win the match. We will assist Konrad in getting the pinfall to win the match, and we'll both be winners. I want nothing to do with Kim or Deanna."

Konrad Raab: "You don't have to do anything with Kim and Deanna. I will easily tackle Kim and Deanna as well as Enigma. I do concern myself about them because Deanna, ironically, I've not wrestled at all that much, and I need to take that US title from her at some point. Because that US title is a disgrace, I'll change it to European Championship."

They went to toast their cups and bottles and drink to their agreement. Ginny preferred to be there without contributing because she was, in a way, quite afraid of Enigma after what happened. At the same time, she knew Dakon would protect her in every way possible, as would Ludvig and Konrad.

Dakon Theron: "God, I can't get over the fact that he attacked Ginny, can do that easily, but avoids you and us in every way possible, mostly you."

Konrad Raab: "Which I don't get honestly when you guys can wrestle him as you proved pretty well, Dakon on your own, which I watched on TV. He can go and beat Kim's sister down being a wrestler too you forgot to mention, but afraid of me and you guys, more me when I gave him that tie. It's still going to be unsettled with that."

Ludvig Eriksson: "Yeah, you two need another match against each other, which seems to be more of your goal than winning titles. I don't blame you. But the thing is, you are making changes regarding title quests because of peer pressure, too, Konrad."

Ginny Raab: "That's not true. There's a reason for this, and I won't discuss it due to a promise Konrad, and I made, although some guy at the locker room will be with us, but don't worry; it has nothing to do with you two and won't comment or say a thing in front of you guys."

Konrad completely forgot about Ross being the case of him coming to all of his matches, and being in the same locker room as Ludvig and Dakon would raise questions. Konrad knew he had to sort that out later to get him to avoid entering the same locker room as Dakon and Ludvig, mainly to stand outside of it.

However, Ginny covered everything as Konrad nodded, despite still being pissed off about the whole thing being set up by SCW staff. He slaps himself in the face. But little can be said about it, the better. It was crowded, and you could smell coffee beans more, with people demanding coffee despite it being hot outside.

Konrad Raab: "Yeah, we as a team that ironically we've done little of together focus is to beat the living shit out of Enigma. I have no idea why; if he's a so-called monster, he won't tackle or beat the shit out of me like I expected him to do. I had respect for him because he was doing shit that was different from everyone else, and I legit thought I could face the danger of him being a dangerous wrestler, which he is in regards to his mind. Still, his psychical methods aren't at all like a monster."

Dakon Theron: "Beating people that can't defend themselves like Ginny aren't to be respected."

Konrad Raab: “I said had Dakon. It was only after that I lost respect for him. I thought Enigma was better than being a coward."

Ludvig Eriksson: "You thought wrong, sadly. Don't worry; we will tackle Enigma with you, beat the loving shit out of him, making him bleed, making him choke as you will, too, along with Kim and Deanna to it. If any of us are left to pin him, Kim or Deanna, we will pick you up and pin either one of them to get the win because you winning this match is all it needs."

Ginny Raab: "Well planned and thought of, Ludvig. Konrad needs to win more than you guys do, and the fact is that when Konrad wins, you both will win. All you three have to do is fuck up Enigma, well Konrad, of course, has to fuck up Kim and Deanna also. The thing we got to discuss is the video stuff."

Another idea for the meet-up was the video. Konrad had discussed it in detail on social media on efedder, but it also needed to be said in public. The tiger mask put people off from interacting with Konrad, which wasn't the right day for that, considering he had to do autographs and photo sessions with the fans on race days on Friday and Saturday anyway.

Konrad Raab: "Oh, I will do the video with them, we've already discussed that. I hate talking to the camera, and I prefer to write. But when it's a team thing, I can accept that. Kim and Deanna need to be mentioned, and I know Dakon and Ludvig won't do so for valid reasons."

Dakon Theron: "It's true; Konrad and I have discussed this on, and we're doing it today since it's the only day we can with his busy schedule."

Konrad Raab: "I want you guys to go to my wrestling school in Germany and teach some students after today until Sunday since the wrestling venue is in England. My twin brother will be there. I know he's texted the pair of you the address, location and how to get there, and it's a good thing you met him while I was away and taught you boys tricks or two. I only knew because he told me in a phone call the other day while I discussed this with him a few weeks ago."

Ludvig Eriksson: "He and his tag partner Samuel inspire us. He told us how he and Samuel won the hardcore tag titles. That's the goal we want to achieve at SCW; none of these regular tag match bullshit rules. We would turn them into hardcore tag team titles when we win the belts."

Dakon Theron: "It's true, and I've watched their matches, and I was like, damn, that's the team me and Ludvig inspired to be, and I think part of you, Konrad wants to capture that glory they had again."

One thing you can't deny The European Fiery Nation was they weren't just a regular tag team that wanted to win matches and wanted to win only tag titles; they wanted underground rules tag matches all the time, and so far, they were getting just that in the majority of their matches. Ginny got Dakon and Ludvig cold coffee, and Konrad got a cold water bottle while they finished their drinks.

Konrad Raab: "Indeed, and it pisses me off that Body, Heart, and Soul want you guys to be exactly like them and every other tag team in the division, stale and boring. They also want you to get out of the underground tag mindset and be a regular tag and solos competitor's. There's no identity for any of the teams anymore; they are all the same. That's why we're different and have more of an identity than the rest of those boring and basic bitches."

Ludvig Eriksson: "That's why it's offensive that we go to these English-speaking countries to wrestle and neglect the rest of Europe."

Konrad Raab: "They haven't been to Sweden or Turkey, but they've been to Norway and Germany in the past. It's been at least four years since they've been there, and it bothers me badly. But the focus is on Enigma."

Of course, Konrad had to switch the topic back to Enigma as it was the reason for the discussion here, although he had to wear a tiger mask to hide his face from being spotted. Dakon clicks his fingers, thinking yes, he can't forget about Enigma, but says something about it.

Dakon Theron: "Who we all will beat to the next century, make him taste his blood and make sure he doesn't stand up after the ass-kicking we'll do to him. The advantage is going to us already."

Konrad Raab: "Especially when Kim is more focused on the rumble, and Deanna is more focused on keeping her US title and potentially being in the rumble, too. While you guys are focused on getting tag titles, this match isn't a barrier preventing you both from achieving that goal. It's pretty much our advantage when Enigma is our only focus. Well, racing for me too, but wrestling-wise, it's my only focus, winning and beating Enigma and moving on."

Ludvig Eriksson: "We'll win as a team with you being the victor, showing the rest of the tag division what Dakon and I are made of along with you since you are our team leader. You show Enigma we aren't playing for his foolish tricks."

Konrad Raab: "Especially how fire is a part of my life now, and it will always be like that with burns I will forever treasure. He has no mist marks he'll treasure; then again, mist marks can easily be rubbed off, compared to burns that will attach to me forever. That's the reality of scars: mine are real, and his mist slimes can wash off and have no purpose other than to trick people into using tricks like that and playing with people's minds instead of using the physical warfare we're known for."

Dakon listens to his teammates and pretty much agrees their goal is to fuck up Enigma only, and Konrad does the business with Kim and Deanna, who they've not spoken about. They weren't their goal, except for Konrad's, who had experience of wrestling both. Ginny was sitting quietly and drinking her cold coffee, as were the boys, and Konrad was drinking his water as the Starbucks coffee bar went quiet.

Dakon Theron: "While getting payback for what Enigma did to Ginny, it is still not over and done with, despite that underground rules match we had. I want to make sure I make him cough for doing what he did to Ginny and make him squeeze every life he's had in his life."

Konrad Raab: "Well, I think it's time we put this video together. Ginny, got anywhere we can do that since you live here?"

Ginny Raab: "I got just the thing I know that was empty a couple of days ago due to a lack of payment. I was given a key to the place before they thought about selling it to other people. Do your video there. I'll wait at my home for Dakon and Ludvig. Pick me up when you're ready to head to Germany. Here's the key and paper showing where the address is."

Ginny gave Konrad a key and paper of the address as they stood up and finished the last drop of their iced coffees, which was a good thing Ginny knew the tips and tricks of living in Portland, knowing it would be a year ago on Friday they would meet up for the first time in years. Ginny returned to her home while the boys figured out the address they needed to get there. Konrad requested an Uber from his phone with the location, and they went straight there with all the video equipment they had brought to do the video on the same day.


Team work prevails all with Konrad getting the win without us wrestling against each other and Konrad bullshit with focus being on Enigma with Konrad's focus on Enigma, Kim and Deanna shoot in Portland, Oregon on Tuesday evening. (Online)

Dakon Theron: “So here we all are, including Konrad talking about this match as a team, get it everyone, as a team, not as individual wrestlers that everyone wants me and Ludvig to be. We know if we hit each other, it would affect this team and the future of European talent we all got lined up to make this team grow which we aren't going to risk at any point. I know Konrad the leader should've started the video, but that point had to be clear from me and if we get the chance to pin Enigma, we get Konrad to do so.”

Ludvig Eriksson: “Before you lot go ahead and wonder, why aren't we talking about Kim and Deanna especially Kim who attacked us before? Well because Kim was set up by a bunch of untalented wrestlers named David and Chris telling her to attack us because they were too scared to attack us alone like a bunch of cowards they are just like Enigma. David and Chris are a bunch of hasbins. Besides, we aren't individual wrestlers that want anything to do with Kim or Deanna”

Konrad Raab: “Instead, Kim and Deanna will only deal with me and I will only be speaking about you both along with adding onto Enigma business. The fact Dakon and Ludvig have forgiven you for attacking them Kim is a shock quite honestly. The fact is you don't understand that they are an Underground Tag team and it's a surprise somewhat you don't approve of them, considering you wished you had the idea in the first place. I wonder why you didn't think to bring an underground hardcore team of your own. But I leave things there with you for now because honestly out of you, Deanna and Enigma in the match, apart from my team, you're the only one outside of the team that isn't my enemy”

Dakon Theron: “While I'm disgusted more with Enigma being a little bitch, attacking Ginny for no fucking reason. Seriously, just because she's at ringside with us, doesn't mean she gets attacked. Even Kandis of all people didn't do that shit. She attacked the pair of us as you should've done Enigma you piece of shit. We had an underground match, but I didn't want to win because it wouldn't have done anything for me.”

Ludvig Eriksson: “We haven't much of an encounter Enigma, but you crossed the damn line when you attacked Ginny, especially to Konrad and Dakon who are their family members like I treat her like a family member too.”

Konrad Raab: “Unlike those two, I respected you as a wrestler because I thought honestly, you had something going for you that I liked compared to the stale and boring roster, how different you were. But you piss that all away when you attacked Ginny over what? Some fucking mist play? Over so you try to play mind games? Mind games that are so stupid that you have to attack Ginny who has done and said nothing wrong. You're one of the biggest bitches I've had to face in my time as a wrestler.”

Dakon Theron: “It's also disgusting how we're forced to be wrestling in America's ugly cousin country, England. Yes, England is a lot like USA, having tons of wrestling fans and get all wrestling shows along with tons of wrestling schools and wrestling companies. Where the fuck are SCW Breakdown or PPV shows in Germany, Norway, Sweden and Turkey? Where are the other European countries? Are other European countries irrelevant for wrestling venues or something?”

Ludvig Eriksson: “Makes me sick, it really does that we have to wrestle in United States ugly cousin country. We'd rather that SCW would be more accommodating to other European countries than just performing in United Kingdom all the time.”

Konrad Raab: “Kim and Deanna, I won't hesitate to tackle you both as well because I won't be wrestling Dakon and Ludvig at any point, but I will stop you both from getting that win and if Dakon and Ludvig fight you, it's only because you both will stop me from winning against Enigma since the match is more in our advantage than anyone else. Besides, it's not like you both wanted to face Enigma yourselves like I did. I viewed Enigma as a threat because of him being the most dangerous wrestler in SCW, but psychically, he's not even close to that because you keep running from facing me using your cheap mist tricks.”

Dakon Theron: “Even the mist tricks like your attack on Ginny makes you pathetic. I can put green slime on my body and I can wash it off. Same with mist that always comes off and will never be able to treasure for the rest of your life like Konrad's burns that he had since he was a child because his dad was a piece of shit to him, burning his face with a cooker at ten years old. There's no good reason for you at all to use mist and magic tricks.”

Ludvig Eriksson: “There's no reason. Granted Konrad praised you for standing out and I get that because everyone seems pretty dull and boring with being friendly to wrestlers without personality, but your darkness stories makes zero sense.”

Konrad Raab: “I on the other hand would've won the belt from you if I could've gone to Australia to wrestle you instead of racing like I had to that week and be the reason why I won't be in England until Sunday morning, possibly evening. Dakon wanted to beat your ass so badly. He wanted to make you choke on your own blood. Not that I'd go that far personally, but beating you blooded and broken is exactly what me and the team will do to you.”

Dakon Theron: “We only want to make you feel pain and bleed everywhere across your body and I do want to choke the life out of you still. Konrad knows he's not done with you and nor am I quite frankly. Ludvig hasn't even had the chance to get his hands on you yet, but he wants to bloody you badly and he along with me will do it in style. I didn't steal your TV title, why would I want to steal the piece of shit title from you when I would've ended up giving it to Konrad anyway? I cost you a chance to retain the TV title by attacking you from behind and you got mad about it, there's a difference.”

Ludvig Eriksson: “Enigma, we will bring all the Underground wrestling style as a team along with Konrad to smash your stupid head in. Heck because Konrad feels you crossed an even bigger line, I won't be surprised if he'll attempt to burn you which is way more affective than blinding someone with a mist. You don't know anything about burns so the whole ashes of your life stuff was a lie.”

Konrad Raab: “Because you were never burned in your entire life Enigma and know nothing about being burned like me. Ludvig is right, not only we will bash your brains with a steel chair, but I will attempt to burn you because you deserve it. Kim and Deanna will only suffer from the hands of me when I want to become champion again, wouldn't mind being Underground champion again as for me, that was the best title I've ever become champion in and had great battles with Kim, but I especially want that disgraceful US title you hold Deanna since I've not held the title yet and it won't even be called US title. I'd rename it as European championship.”

Dakon Theron: “We're going to do shit as a team and make sure Konrad will come out the winner because when he wins, me and Ludvig will win also. There's no me and Ludvig beating the shit out of Konrad, there's no reason for us to do that when he's the reason European Wrestling industry is growing because of the wrestling school he opened which me and Ludvig will be training some of the students in Germany from Thursday to Saturday night.”

Ludvig Eriksson: “While we can't wait for that, we can't wait more to put Enigma through tables again, can't wait to make him choke with biker chain and making sure Enigma has a concussion for making this personal for all of us. I talk the least, but I prefer to get my hands dirty than talk.”

Konrad Raab: “They are spot on with Enigma being their only focus. Kim, I get that he hurt your sister and I get that he hurt Jessica and I did the same too, Deanna but because she was siding with Enigma or so I thought, but you aren't even related to or friends with Jessica so don't know why you want to defend her honour when you're married to Selena when last I checked, Enigma has done nothing towards your wife. If he can't attack me, he won't with Selena either. You have no business being in this match quite frankly like who cares if Jessica got attacked? I don't think your wife would approve defending for SCW now, would she?”

Dakon Theron: “We aren't afraid of you for a single bit because you're nothing to be afraid of. If anything, I see you're more afraid of Konrad and even me and Dakon than we are with you. See, every attack me and Ludvig have ever done have been on wrestlers that can attack back, not god damn managers who can't beat you with their fists because they aren't trained to be professional wrestlers. We will use every weapon the ring provides the team and use every single one of them to crush the shit out of you.”

Konrad Raab: “That goes for Kim and Deanna as well as Kim knows I do everything to make her cut up as she will with me. I've not personally experienced wrestling Deanna in an underground rules match before so don't know what to expect from her, but I know what to expect from you Enigma and your violent game was piss poor to say the least.”

There was a pause as Dakon and Ludvig said everything they wanted to say, but Konrad wasn't done as you could see the abandoned dark home Ginny sent them to do the video and that was all you could see with only a light and sitting on a wooden floor. Konrad then goes to end the video.

Konrad Raab: “Let me finish up that The European Fiery Nation will walk in and out of the ring, not only as a team, but me winning this match because when I win, Dakon and Ludvig will win too and there's no downside to this and we sorry to have disappointed you stupid wrestling fans to expect Dakon, Ludvig and myself to trash and fight each other, but we won't because The European Fiery Nation are a team and aim to win and beat Enigma as a team and beating Kim and Deanna for my own individual glory. See you bitches on Sunday night because you all are fucked from me, Dakon and Ludvig.”

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RE: The Enigma's Revenge/Revenge against Enigma? - by The European Fiery Nation - 06-01-2024, 10:49 PM

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