Autumn Valentine vs. Marie Jones
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June 5th, 2024
Boston, Massachusetts
Off Camera

Taking Hold of the Flame has now come and gone. Marie Annabelle Jones, the woman known as The Phoenix who is still on her journey of redemption, went into the event with everything and nothing to lose. Some might point out that she left the event having gained absolutely nothing. She failed to capture the Adrenaline Championship from Bree Lancaster. She failed to win Taking Hold of the Flame. She doesn’t have a title, she doesn’t have a title shot. Then again, those are material gains. One could argue that she did gain something immaterial; she gained a measure of respect and redemption from the locker room and the fans because The Phoenix competed twice in one night and put on a hell of a performance both times, even in losing efforts. Jones has no reason to hang her head in shame. Besides, there is no point in looking back at the past at what might have been. Supreme Championship Wrestling is now in Rise To Greatness season and Marie Jones is ready to make her return to the biggest event on the SCW calendar year. The Phoenix has no idea what the future holds or what this year’s Rise To Greatness will mean for her, but she plans to tackle it head on, and the first challenge on her road to Rise To Greatness will be Autumn Valentine. This match will be difficult in at least one sense; keeping her emotions in check. Autumn Valentine has been very close to Syren and Infamous, the same people who manipulated Marie several years ago. Things have certainly changed a great deal since then and she knows that she should focus on the task at hand, which is to defeat Autumn and get back to her winning ways. It is difficult to forget the past and Marie knows that keeping her emotions in check will be quite the challenge.

Now that Taking Hold of the Flame is in the rearview mirror, Marie can focus on unwinding and relaxing a little before returning to the ring and facing Autumn Valentine. The best way Marie knows how to relax is to spend time with her friends and loved ones, her family. This evening she decided to spend time with her fifteen year old son Sean Connor Jones as well as her new boyfriend, burly biker and ex-convict trying to turn his life around named Percy Matthews, who prefers to go by the nickname Death’s Head. The last time Marie and Percy went out was to a fancy restaurant in Albany, New York where Percy ran into some trouble from his past. Since then they have tried to keep things in Marie’s neighborhood which is what brings them to this bar in Boston, Massachusetts. The bar itself is dimly lit, with a cozy yet slightly gritty atmosphere. The wooden table they sit at is marred with years of scratches and carvings, telling tales of countless patrons before them. In the background, the soft hum of classic rock plays from an old jukebox, blending with the murmur of conversations and the occasional clink of glasses. The air smells of spilled beer and fried food, a staple aroma in such establishments. Marie is wearing a black leather jacket over a black tank top, denim jeans, and black high heeled boots. Seated to her right is her teenage son, Sean, who wears a band t-shirt under a plaid flannel, along with worn-out jeans and scuffed sneakers. Opposite them sits Percy Matthews, whose almost intimidating presence is softened by the way he looks at Marie and Sean. His leather jacket, adorned with various patches and pins, is slung over the back of his chair, revealing muscular arms covered in intricate tattoos.

“This is a cool bar…” Percy remarks “...the folks here seem to be giving off some strange vibes towards you, though.” Percy states, speaking to Marie. Marie and Sean exchange a knowing glance and then both laugh. “What’s funny?”

“Percy…Death’s Head…I rarely come here. I came here because, well, I know you’d be far more comfortable here than in one of the exquisite opulent five star upscale restaurants I like to show off. But my twin sister Kim frequents the place a lot…” she chuckles “...she’s a little, unique to put it mildly. They probably all think I’m her.”

“Right, you told me about your identical twin before. I just never met her.”

“My sister Kimmy is definitely a little wild to say the least.”

“Aunt Kim is awesome!” Sean exclaims. “She’s a death match wrestler!” Marie chuckles and pats her son on the back.

“Sean here seems to be interested in following the family tradition of getting into the ring.” Marie winks at Sean. “I am trying to convince my son that Kim’s style is a little too dangerous for him.”

“Mom…” Sean complains. Percy just chuckles as he watches the mother and son pair squabble.

“Well hell, y’know, the ‘safer’ style of wrestling isn’t exactly that much safer.” Percy points to Marie’s knee. “How is that knee holding up by the way?”

“It’s still sore but I’ll be fine in time for my match against Autumn.” Marie’s eyes grow cold. “That one is personal.”

“I dunno if that’s a good idea.” Percy shakes his head.

“What do you mean?”

“Far be it for me, just a guy with no real wrestling experience, to judge the wrestler here, but I think I can safely say that making something that is just business into something more personal is a bad idea.”

“You don’t know the past involved, Percy.” Marie shakes her head. “Autumn has it coming, even if only for the company she keeps.”

“Trust me on this one, sweetheart. I know from my own experience, it’s best to let go of the past and focus just on the present.”

“You’re probably right.” Marie sighs. “It’ll be hard to keep the past out of my mind, though.” She quickly and suddenly turns her attention back to her son. “But one thing I KNOW that I am right about is you, Sean.”


“I’m willing to allow you to be a wrestler if you want. I mean, I can’t control you forever. But if you want MY help you’re going to learn my style first.”

“Y’know something, Marie…” Percy begins slowly “ I said, I am not a wrestler, but when I was locked up in the prison, you had to learn how to defend yourself. Me? I learned some mixed martial arts skills.”

“What are you getting at?” Marie asks, her interest being peaked.

“Well, I may not be a pure trained wrestler like you or your sister, but I think I know a thing or two about basic self defense and some martial arts skills. I can teach Sean here a few basic skill set that could get the ball rolling for his future. If you think that’s cool.”

“I think it’s awesome!” Sean exclaims. He looks back at Marie with pleading eyes. “Can I mom? Can Percy train me, please?!” Marie chuckles.

“Not that look!” Marie sighs and nods her head. “Oh ok, I admit that maybe Percy giving you a few basic beginning lessons in self defense might be a good starting point.”

“Yes!” Sean shouts in what sounds like a victory shout. Both Marie and Percy laugh out loud in unison at Sean’s glee and joy.

Marie is about to respond but she is interrupted with the arrival of the server. The server, a waitress of short stature with blonde hair pulled back into a ponytail, has drinks in her hand. She hands Percy a bottle of Bud Light, a glass of red wine to Marie, and Sean, since he is still a minor, gets just a bottle of pepsi. Sean sips his pepsi and then sighs.

“You know, your drinks look good.” Sean points out. Marie shakes her head.

“Yes, they are, but you are also underage, kiddo.”

“Aunt Kim let’s me drink.” Sean says. Marie blinks her eyes several times. She then stares a hole through Sean.

“Seriously?” She asks. Sean then starts laughing.

“Nah! Not really! I’m just messing with you, mom!”

“God…” Marie rolls her eyes “...don’t do that to me, Sean! Your aunt is crazy enough that she might actually do that…”

“Your sister sounds like a trip.”

“Trust me, Percy, she is.” Marie sips on her wine. “One day I will introduce you. Then again, she might just take the initiative and introduce herself without you knowing.”

“Huh?” Percy furrows her brow. Marie chuckles.

“Yeah…Kim has been known to impersonate me in the past.” She turns and looks briefly at Sean. “She fooled Sean’s school principal into thinking she was me during a parent teacher conference, she fooled an ex-boyfriend of mine, she fooled an ex-girlfriend of mine…hell, she has fooled everyone at least once…”

“And you’re saying she’ll try this with me?”

“I have no doubt she will.” Marie states in a matter of fact tone. “I think Kim views it as a game, a challenge. You’ve had to pay your dues to join a gang right?”

“Patched in. Yeah.” Percy nods his head.

“Consider it being patched in.” Marie smirks. “When my sister decides to play a joke on you for her personal amusement, consider it your right of passage into officially becoming a part of this family.”

“I can’t wait…” Percy says with a chuckle “...but I…” Percy’s next train of thought is interrupted. He stops talking immediately and his face goes ice cold. Marie can sense that something is bothering him. He is staring right past her. Marie turns and notices a pair of bikers approaching their table; one is big and muscular like Percy and the other is thin and wiry. The two bikers step up to the table and Percy stands up. The three high five one another and slap each other on the backs. Clearly Percy knows them from somewhere.

“Death’s Head!” The taller, muscular one exclaims. “How the hell have ya been, brother?”

“Life’s been good, Hank.” Percy turns and looks at the thin man. “How about you, Bruno?”

“Never better, Death’s Head.”

Percy looks back at Marie and Sean, both of whom are remaining silent as they watch the scene unfold. Percy chuckles lightly as he realizes his mistake. He motions to Marie and Sean. “Guys, this is Marie and her son Sean. Marie, Sean, the big guy is Hank and the smaller guy is Bruno. They’re two of my ol running buddies from the gang.”

“Nice to meet you.” Marie says politely.

“Likewise.” Hank answers.

“So you’re Death’s Head’s girl?” Bruno asks. Marie doesn’t like Bruno’s tone, or how he implied that she belonged exclusively to Percy, but she does answer with a simple nod of her head.

“Yeah…I’m his girl.”

Hank and Bruno turn their attention back to Percy. “Death’s Head, we need to talk.”

“What’s on your mind, Hank?”

“No, no, you don’t get it, Death’s Head.” Bruno chimes in. “We need to talk alone.” He gazes briefly at Marie and Sean. Immediately Percy’s demeanor changes. He quickly shakes his head.

“Not tonight, guys.”

“It won’t take but a minute.” Hank insists. Percy still refuses.

“No. I’m busy.”

“We can see that.” Bruno smirks. “But can’t ya spare some time for some old friends?”

“Not tonight.” Percy shakes his head.

“It’s alright, Bruno.” Hank says. “Maybe we should go it alone?”

“Yeah.” Bruno nods his head. “You’re right. I think ol’ Death’s Head mighta gone soft on us.”

Percy doesn’t take his eyes off of Hank and Bruno as the pair turn and start to walk away. Marie also keeps her eyes on the two men. Once they exit the bar Percy seems to return to normal. He sits back down at the table and sighs with a sense of relief as the tension is lifted. Marie looks at Peercy for a long time before speaking up.

“What was that about?” She asks. “I mean, if you needed to talk to them, Sean and I would have been fine alone.”

“They didn’t want to talk, Marie.” Percy says, shaking his head.

“What did they want?”

“They wanted to make a quick score.” He says. “They wanted to rob some nearby convenience store.”

“What?!” Marie exclaims. “How did you know?”

“Because they had already contacted me earlier.” He shakes his head. “I told them then that I wasn’t interested, that I wasn’t involved in that life anymore. But I should’ve known they’d have shown their asses up here. Hank and Bruno were always rather persistent and stubborn. They rarely took no for an answer.”

“I was in a gang once at school.” Sean points out. “But I got out of it when I realized that my friends were just nothing but trouble.”

“You did the right thing, Sean.” Percy says with a smile on his face. “Trust me, kid, gang violence is something you do NOT want to involve yourself with. It was the worst mistake I ever made and I am glad I got out of that life.”

Marie watches as Percy and Sean engage in conversation. Sean listens intently to what Percy has to say. He seems to be legitimately interested. And Percy seems to legitimately care for Sean. One thing Marie Jones has always wanted for Sean was a father figure. Sean’s real father is dead. Marie had almost given up hope of ever finding that special person, a father figure for her son to look up to; but perhaps this ex-convict looking to turn his life around might be just the right person for the job? He can give Sean good life lessons along with the practical self defense lessons that will be the basis of his future wrestling training. It is amazing. It really is. Marie wasn’t sure that she and Percy would work out. She had her doubts about dating an ex-convict. But now she is grateful for meeting Percy. She is thankful to have him. Everyone deserves a second chance. She certainly needed a second chance to turn her life around. Why not Percy? This is exactly what redemption is all about.
[Image: Fr3dxo2WIAAhCXt?format=jpg&name=large]
SWC Southern Heavyweight Champion 1x
MWA Turmoil Champion 1x
GCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
HKW Bloodlust Champion 3x
2022 SCW Trios Tournament Winner
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
SCW Underground Champion 5x
SCW Television Champion 1x
SCW United States Champion 1x
MWE Chicago Way Champion 1x
5LW Television Champion 1x
Queen of the Death Match

[Image: mariejones.png]

SCW United States Champion 1x
SCW Television Champion 2x
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Champion 1x
UWA X-Class Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
IWC World Tag Team Champion 1x
MCW X-Division Champion 1x
GDW International Champion 1x
GDW World Tag Team Champion 3x

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Autumn Valentine vs. Marie Jones - by Konrad Raab - 06-11-2024, 02:42 PM
RE: Autumn Valentine vs. Marie Jones - by The Matt - 06-12-2024, 09:41 AM
RE: Autumn Valentine vs. Marie Jones - by Syren - 06-14-2024, 10:47 AM

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