Team Desire vs. Light in the Darkness
Team Desire | Katie & Giovanna Steward | "Their Destiny"

Gigi Steward sits on the couch in the office of her therapist and Median, Dr. Evelyn Mercer. She turns her head to the empty chair next to her. The chair where Katie Steward is supposed to be. Their session is about to start and Katie is a no show. Gigi let out a sigh. Though not really that surprised Katie would flake on this. She probably thinks everything is fine and doesn’t need it anymore. Just like that Gigi is sitting alone.

Dr. Mercer walks into the office carrying her notebook in her hands. She looks at Gigi and smiles happy to see her. “Hi Ms. Steward.”

“Hello.” Gigi answers back. She squirms in her chair feeling a little uncomfortable being there all alone. “I’m sorry. We shouldn’t have wasted your time. I guess Katie thinks she’s done with this therapy.”

“No. She called me just now and told me that something came up that she needed to be at and it was very important. So I let her go. This way it’ll give the two of us time to talk. To know how you’re feeling right now.” Dr. Mercer explains it to Gigi. She sits in her chair across from her. Notebook in hand ready to understand her feelings.

Gigi leans back in her seat. Wondering what kind of excuse Katie pulled to get out of this session with Dr. Mercer. What could be more important? The upcoming Breakdown show is what they have been wanting.

“So you had a recent match that didn’t go quite how you’d have liked.How are you feeling about that? Let’s help talk it out and push forward for the next one.” Dr. Mercer's hands move around. Being extra animated helped express herself to Gigi.

“Uh yeah, it’s not that big of a deal. It was the battle royal. I knew I wasn’t going to win. Everyone involved always puts out their best. It’s for a chance to main event Rise to Greatness. It’s what I expected to happen.”

Dr. Mercer nods her head along while writing down her notes.

“Sure I’d have liked to have made a bigger impact in it. It is what it is though. I just have to push myself harder.” Gigi turns her head to the empty chair next to her. “What did Katie say? What is she doing right now?”

“She didn’t say. Just that her agent just lined up a meeting for her.” Dr. Mercer explains.

Gigi nods. “And being here is less important? Breakdown is a pretty huge deal for us.”

“Are you feeling some hostility toward her that will affect the match?” Dr. Mercer sets aside her notebook. “As long as I have at least one of you here I can work with that. I’ll get Katie in here before Breakdown and talk to her. Or would you rather just cancel the whole thing?”

“Of course not. This was a good idea. Having a mediator is something that we need. I just don’t see how only one of us being here helps.”

“Thank you.” Dr. Mercer tells her. “I know what I’m doing. Trust me. It’s going to help you. Now this upcoming Breakdown show. It’s a big deal for you and Katie. How are you feeling about that?”

“Nervous.” Gigi takes a breath. “I'm a little scared honestly. This could very well be the end of Katie’s quest. Even more reason why she should be here.”

“Ok I see you’re distracted. Maybe you’re right. We should cancel today’s session.” Dr. Mercer grabs her notebook and stands up out of her seat. She leaves the room.

Gigi rolls her head around. Thinking about what she is even doing. Dr. Mercer is trying to help and she’s just taking out her frustration on her. “Wait.”

Dr. Mercer stops just as she opens the door of her office.

“I’m sorry. You’re right. I’m just scared and I’ve never really said that to anyone…”

Dr. Mercer closes the door and walks back to her chair. Gigi turns her head away, not making eye contact. Feeling very vulnerable.

“Tell me about it.”

Gigi Steward gets out of her car. She stealthy walks to her apartment. Like she is trying not to get caught by anyone. Asking where she’s been. Maddy and Ash are still unaware of Gigi’s boyfriend, Liam and how she likes it. For now at least. Gigi unlocks her door and walks into a blackened room. She closes the door behind her and flips the lights on for a shocking surprise.

“SURPRISE!” Maddy and Ash jump out from their hiding spots and surprise her with a party of just the two of them. At least they act like it’s a party, but it’s just the two of them and they haven’t decorated anything. They just decided to scare the hell out of Gigi.

“What in Goddess Heaven is wrong with the two of you? Are you trying to give me a heart attack?” Gigi clutches her chest feeling her pulse coming back down after being shot through the roof moments ago.

“G, we just heard the news. Sasha called to tell you about it. It’s finally happening, you and Katie got your shot at the tag team titles again. One on One… well, Two on Two.” Maddy tells Gigi beaming with excitement after every word.

“Yeah, you still gotta get through the match and actually win the thing, but I’m sure you and Katie aren’t going to let that happen.” Ash adds.

“That’s great, but I could’ve done without the cardictic arrest.” Gigi carefully walks across the room to a chair and sits down on it.

“Ah, stop playing the Katie card and over acting. We didn’t scare you that much.” Maddy jokes with Gigi. “We got a call from Sasha a couple of hours ago about the title match and you should’ve been here like an hour ago, but you weren’t. Where were you?”

Gigi pops her head up on high alert. She’s not shocked. She knew Maddy and Ash would try and pry. Once they got a whiff of Liam. “I was just held up. A lot of red lights. You know how it is.”

“That’s not good G. We’re going to have to change your luck by Breakdown.” Maddy sounds worried walking over with Ash and joining Gigi in the room sitting next to her.

“Yeah, we’ll work on that.” Gigi smiles at Maddy. “So do either of you get me a cake for my surprise party?”

“I’m sorry G. We didn’t know you needed one.” Maddy apologizes.

“We can get you one if you want. I’ll just pull up Grubhub.” Ash pulls out her phone and scrolls through her apps.

“Thanks. That’ll be great.” Gigi smiles with the girls. “Then afterwards we’ll get in the gym and work it off. We got to be ready for Breakdown.”


Katie gets off  her phone with Dr. Mercer after telling her she’ll miss their scheduled session today. Katie looks happy with Dr. Mercer is very understanding. She sits in a waiting room of a building in Hollywood. A script for “Rift in Time” sits in her lap. Katie opens it up and flips through the pages re-reading some of the lines while she waits. Her head is still filled with the conversation she had with her idol a few weeks ago. Thinking about how the industry was and mostly still is. Katie remembers thinking about hating the truth she knew already. Knowing she definitely hasn’t done enough to help fight it. Katie closes the script and leans back in her seat. This is why she’s here. She’s going to go into this meeting and she’ll get what she wants. She’ll use this to help be the change that the industry needs.

The door to the meeting room opens and a castoff walks out and leaves. Some gentleman steps out and calls her in next.Katie stands and collects her things and follows him into the room.

Katie sits behind a table. In front of her a bunch of male studio execs sit behind their big table and watch her. The man in the middle, dressed in a nice suit and hair sleek back. He looks at a list of schedule names they're meeting with today. “Katie Steward. Quite a few acting credits, but not very much in the way of directing. Why would we consider you for this movie?”

Katie laughs followed by taking a breath in. “Well, I might not have any directorial experience credited. That doesn’t mean that I don’t lack vision. You clearly don’t know who Katie Steward is. The few credits I do have. I have shown my own style and taste in my work. My own brand of creativity. From Fantasy, to noir, to supernatural. Even if you need more of an example of how I express myself. Just look at my wrestling persona to see just how creative I am. I mean that’s why I’m here, isn’t it? You need new faces. New minds. Something different. I’m ready for this. I’m meant for this. I’m already making the change and need to turn the box office around and get this studio its next hit.”

Katie stands up from behind her table. Before they have any chance at questioning her. She walks out of the meeting with confidence. Leaving them with hopefully the impression that she truly knows what she is going to do.

“Stop it. You didn’t just walk out on the meeting like that.” Katie’s friend, Gina Pierce says sitting on the couch in her living room with Katie sitting next to her and cracking a smile.

“I did. Trust me. I know how these types work.” Katie laughs being very pleased with herself. “See you have to remember. I’m kind of a bad ass.”

“Yeah sure.” Gina takes a sip of her wine. “You definitely are not getting the job.”

Katie continues to laugh while she and Gina both sit on the couch drinking their wine. Katie really enjoys spending time with her bestie. Wonders why she didn’t do this awhile ago after her Brats breakup and Gigi being upset with her last year. Gina has always been a good friend to her. She really likes just hanging out and having some girl talk and wine.

“This is nice.” Gina tells her first. Obviously having the same thoughts as Katie.

“Do you remember the show “Princess Adventures”?” Katie asks.

“You mean the show that you were obsessed with. Your Halloween costume all through school? I vaguely remember it.” Gina asks.

“Yes. I found her and went to her house. We had a really good talk. About how women in the industry are treated. I just… I need to get this job. I can’t stop unseeing it everywhere I turn.”

Gina looks at Katie and sees how worked up she’s getting just thinking about it. “Katie, are you joining the effort to help fight for change? I’m so happy for you.”

“Well I don’t know what I can do, but if I can break through and push my own journey to the forefront and inspire others to do the same. That’s what my goals will be. That’ll be my Princess Adventure.”

Gina throws her arm around Katie and gives a bit of a hug. Comforting Katie and being happy that she’s on this journey.


Back to Dr. Mercer’s office. Gigi still sits there in the middle of her session with the Doctor. She’s finished telling her about her little party that Maddy and Ash had thrown with her.

“That’s interesting. Why didn’t you tell Maddy or Ash that you had a boyfriend?” Dr. Mercer asks the question to Gigi. Her eyes widened in shock. Shit. Did Gigi let that slip out during the conservation with the Doctor?

“I… Did I say that?” Gigi questions. “It’s just not that serious.It’s just not something worth sharing with anyone at the moment. I’m just having a little fun. Getting away and playing Video Games and Going out. It’s just… nice.”

“So you’ll never tell them?” Dr. Mercer questions Gigi. She notices the doctor is very active now writing in her notebook.

“They’re smart girls. I know they’ll figure it out eventually.” Gigi shakes her head. Unaware of how the conversation got to this topic. “Look, everything is going well for me right now, ok? I have friends and I’m having fun. Things with Katie are good. SCW, I’m working my butt off to be what everyone knows that I’m good enough to be.”

Dr. Mercer in approval of Gigi’s statement. “Good. I’m happy to hear you speak out so confidently. You’re right. Everyone knows how good you are. You know it’s been a long time and you’re going to earn this. We'll talk about it in our next session.”

Dr. Mercer puts her notebook down and she says bye to Gigi letting her go. Gigi walks out of the office. Feeling a bit amped up, she knows where she needs to be. She heads to the gym to prepare for her match on Breakdown and also to burn off the cake that she had with her girls.


Katie arrives at A Steward’s Place restaurant. Katie walks over to the bar and finds TJ Johnson there keeping the place running. TJ sees Katie walking over and his face lights up.

“Hey, there is the woman of the hour. Are you here to celebrate with the people?” TJ announces it to the bar. Whatever it is.

“Uh no, I haven’t gotten the call from my agent yet about the movie. I know I pretty much left them speechless, but that’s just a normal everyday occurrence that I have on people.” Katie explains the situation to TJ, but it isn’t right.

“No. Well yeah there is the movie deal thing, but I was talking about Breakdown. Finally you’re going to be the Tag Team Champs…” Before TJ can finish his sentence Katie reaches out and shushes him.

“TJ, no! Don’t say it.” Katie freaks out at him. TJ jumps back a bit defensively.

“What? What did I do?”

“TJ, I'm an actress. You can’t just say things like that. It’s very superstition. Are you trying to ruin everything?” Katie shouts at TJ in her usual tone at him.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it. I’ll just wait for Breakdown and watch the show like a normal person.” TJ keeps a safe distance away from Katie’s reach.

“Just be more careful. We don’t want to jeopardize this. It’s very important for Gigi and I that we do this. We’re just so close to changing everything. So it has to be perfect.” Katie explains to TJ. She breathes heavily looking in distress. TJ really never saw Katie this nervous before she’s had a match before. Winning the Tag Team Titles will be one of the most important moments of her career.

TJ apologizes again and they carry on with their conversation without talking about this unfortunate miscommunication between.

“TJ. Where is my celebratory drink you promise?”

“I thought we weren’t doing that.”

“We’re not saying it, but they never made it clear in the superstition and a celebratory drink will affect it.” Katie shakes her head. How does he not know these things?


Katie sits on a mat in one of her rooms at her house. She does her yoga exercises and tries to clear her mind from distractions while the sage burns in its safe plate on the table close by.

At the gym, Gigi is in the middle of her training. Getting herself at her best and ready for Breakdown.

“Oh My Goddess. I can’t. I don’t know what is wrong with me. I have never felt this way before a match. Going into Taking Hold of the Flame a couple of weeks ago didn’t have me this flustered. This moment though. This moment isn’t just for me. It’s something that is going to change the very foundation of how you see things. That’s why people are going to try and prevent it from happening. That’s how massive this is. Light in the Darkness is a good team. They’re two time champions. It’s an incredible feat. They should be really proud. It’s also the problem of them being fighting champions. Anyone can just walk in and call their shot.That’s what I’m doing. Because Katie Steward is a big picture kind of girl. Light in the Darkness can learn and adapt and after Breakdown be a better team. Katie Steward inspires people that way. The big picture though.Rise to Greatness needs something big. After the very poor battle royal showing and winner. Once again a man wins and gets to challenge the dominant woman champion to try and make the world set right again. It’s like a fairy tale of the male fantasy. This is why I made the match for Breakdown. Because Team Desire needs to walk into Rise to Greatness as the SCW Tag Team Champions. It’s not some kind of cheap shot thrown at Light in the Darkness. They are great girls. It’s just no one is Katie Steward and only Katie Steward can walk into Rise to Greatness as the greatest SCW talent of all time. Team Desire will defend those titles in the biggest celebrations that those titles will ever be held.” -Katie Steward.

“We’re back again. Back to being the thorn in Amelia and Luz’s side.It’s nothing personal, but I made a promise to Katie. That we’ll be tag team champions and that’s what we’re going to make happen. Last month we were off our game and things were falling apart. It might even have Amelia and Luz fall into a bit of overconfidence. They did it once and they can do it again. Katie and I, we don’t get beat. We work it out. We get better. We get help and then we come back better. Maybe Amelia and Luz are expecting it. They wouldn’t be champions overwise. It’s been a long time since I’ve been on the verge of calling myself a champion again. I want that feeling again. I’m going to put in all the work and nothing is going to stop me. To stop us. If Amelia and Luz thought Twisted and Sadistic needed the tag team titles. Then they have no idea about Katie. No one really knows the things that go on in Katie’s head. No one is stopping her from this. Katie is going to finish her quest. She’s going to go to Rise to Greatness and have the biggest moment that anyone has ever had. I’m going to be right there with her. So Amelia and Luz best of luck to you, but there is nothing that’s going to stop Katie from this.” -Gigi Steward.
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RE: Team Desire vs. Light in the Darkness - by Team Desire - 06-18-2024, 11:24 AM

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