Eavan Maloney vs. Kimberly Williams
2 of 2

June 11th, 2024
Boston, Massachusetts
Off Camera

Kimberly Williams did not win Taking Hold of the Flame and thus will not be challenging for the World Title in the main event of Rise To Greatness but she still has her sights set on another big prize, another remarkable achievement that could add to her already stellar record and resume as queen of the Underground; she wants to walk into Rise To Greatness as the defending SCW Underground Champion for a third consecutive year. But this will not be an achievement just handed to her on a silver platter. She will have to earn it by first getting past Eavan Maloney. Maloney, a newcomer to SCW but certainly not a newcomer to the violence of hardcore wrestling, is the one obstacle standing between Kimberly Williams and yet another appearance in the biggest show of SCW’s calendar year as the reigning and defending Underground Champion. Eavan Maloney has taken a great interest in Kimberly since arriving in SCW. Kim, in turn, has taken an interest in Maloney. The Woman Scorned has been the single most dominant force in the Underground for a long time now and while she enjoys being champion, she also knows that the Underground needs fresh new blood, she knows that the Underground needs new individuals who can step up and carry it on their shoulders when Kimberly is finished. Eavan Maloney could be the individual to step up. The Queen of the Death Match will make her earn it. Kimberly will not go away without a fight and she definitely does not want to step aside or step down at least until after she has walks into Rise To Greatness for a third straight year as the division’s champion.

The Woman Scorned seems to know that this upcoming title defense on Breakdown will be challenging. She knows that Eavan Maloney will bring the fight. The Queen of the Death Match is leaving nothing to chance, which is what brings her to her legendary mother’s home in Boston, Massachusetts. Angelica Jones owns quite a large chunk of land in Massachusetts and along with her large, exquisite home, Angelica has quite the modern training compound on the grounds that she has used during her own active wrestling career to train and prepare for her matches. It is available to any member of the Jones family but Kimberly, even though she is Angelica’s daughter, has not often made use of it. Williams wants to think she can go it alone and make it on her own without too much help from her famous thirteen time world champion mother. This is one instance that Kim is willing to make an exception. Angelica has all the tools at her disposal to make sure Kimberly is ready for the war that Eavan Maloney is sure to bring at Breakdown.

Fluorescent lights hang high above in the ceiling, casting a bright light that illuminates the entire gym. In the center of this workout area is a standard regulation size wrestling ring with a light blue canvas, black ring ropes, and black turnbuckle pads. Surrounding the ring are various other training equipment that any wrestler could find useful, including punching bags, speed bags, free weights, and even a treadmill and elliptical. The Woman Scorned, reigning SCW Underground Champion Kimberly Williams, sits on the edge of the ring apron. She is wearing black workout shorts, sneakers, and a white t-shirt with a penguin emblem on the front. Her long red hair is pulled into a ponytail in the back. Seated next to her is her beloved penguin Wasley. A tiny headband is placed on Wasley’s head for this occasion. The Matriarch of the Jones Wrestling Family, Kim’s mother Angelica Jones, stands in front of them. Jones is wearing gray workout pants, a white t-shirt, and sneakers. Her long red hair is pulled into a ponytail in the back.

“You know, Kim, I love you and all…”

“Don’t get all mushy on me.” Kim states with a playful grin. “This is about deadly violence and bloodshed!”

“Yes, that’s kind of the point.” Angelica motions to the equipment around them and the wrestling ring. “This facility of mine is really to help prepare for a standard wrestling match. I have no problems helping you prepare, but you are defending the Underground Championship against Eavan Maloney and I have a feeling that match will be anything but standard wrestling.”

“Oh I know but we shouldn’t make fun of her for still having a Barbie Doll.”

“That’s not a Barbie Doll…” Angelica sighs and shakes her head “...look, I mean, are you sure I am the person you want to help you prepare for this fight against Maloney? True, I have dabbled in hardcore wrestling before. I was Extreme Champion in Motor City Wrestling. But that was ONE hardcore title reign. You are a former MWE Chicago Way Champion…”

“Oh stop!” Kim says playfully.

“...you are a three time and current HKW Bloodlust Champion…”

“You are making me blush!”

“...you are the current ZION Wrestling Hardcore Champion…”

“...yeah, I am great aren’t I?”

“...and you are a five time and current SCW Underground Champion. If anything, I should be taking advice from YOU on how to be a hardcore wrestler. So really, Kim, what brings you here to see me for what little advice I can offer?”

“Maybe I just wanna see my mommy!” Kim exclaims as she leaps off of the apron. She runs to her mother and embraces her in a tight hug. Angelica chuckles. She pats her on the back and then gently pushes Kim away.

“That’s sweet and I wish it were true,” Angelica says with a polite yet warm smile “but a mother can tell. When her kids grow up and get on their own, they typically get a bit of an independent streak. They want to do things on their own. You and your sisters, Marie and Jessica, you all have very fierce independent streaks.” She pats Kim on the back. “Especially you. You are bound and determined to make a name for yourself without having to use my name as leverage. The only time you have ever used me is when you needed me…such as when you destroyed your reputation in the SCW locker room not once but twice and you needed me to help repair some of the damage you did.”

“I gotta admit, creating that damage was pretty damn fun!” Kim says with a smirk.

“Even now I still act as your backstage manager and advocate but even then it stays just like that…backstage…and when people try to bring up your relationship to me, to the Jones Wrestling Family, you get offended.”

“Offended? Of you, my precious mommy who gave me life?” Kim shakes her head. “Never!”

“You hide it well, but yes.” Angelica nods her head. “You are offended, not necessarily of me, but the implication that your relationship to me helped in your ascension in SCW.”

“Well anyone who says that is a complete dumbass!” Kim exclaims, slipping just a little and letting her true feeling loose. “You didn’t even raise me for the first eighteen years of my life. I made my wrestling debut behind a mask so that no one would know who I was. I earned every bit of this!” Kim finally realizes that she was ranting. She smiles sheepishly. Angelica chuckles.

“See what I mean?”


“It’s ok. I don’t mind helping you in any way you want; whether you want me to be your backstage advocate, your manager, to negotiate with CHBK for you, whatever. I don’t even mind helping you prepare for your title defense against Eavan Maloney, although I still doubt I will be able to provide much help.” Angelica places a hand on her daughter’s shoulder. “I just want you to be honest with me, that’s all.”

“You want the truth?”

“Yes, the truth.” Angelica nods her head. “Why are you here? I doubt it’s just because of Maloney.”

Williams pauses momentarily to consider the options. Her mother is right, of course. Kim did not come here just to help prepare for a title defense on Breakdown, although that is admittedly part of it. Kim finally sighs and nods her head.

“Yeah, you’re right. There’s something else bothering me.”

“And you need my advice?”

“Well you’re the only one who might understand.” Kim grins knowingly. “It has to do with my friend Lawrence of Arabia.”

“You mean Larry Dempsey?” Angelica asks. Kim nods her head. “What’s wrong with him?”

“His mental issues have returned with a vengeance. He was put into the mental hospital with me because he was hearing voices, voices that told him to do horrific things. Those voices have returned and for some reason he wants my help!”

“Hopefully you told him to get professional help.”

“Of course I did.” Kim states, nodding her head emphatically. “I told him to seek a legit psychiatrist, not someone like me who probably also needs to see a legit psychiatrist. I told him that the likely problem is his medication. He probably needs something new.”

“That makes sense.” Angelica nods his head.

“Yeah, but the problem is he refuses to see a psychiatrist or a therapist or anyone…anyone but me, at least.”


“He is afraid that a psychiatrist will send him back to the mental hospital.”

“I see.” Angelica nods her head. “Yeah, you’re right, I do understand. I recall my own time in a mental hospital and it wasn’t very fun. I can feel for him but he still needs help. He needs to seek professional help.”

“Try telling him that.” Kim shrugs her shoulders. “All he wants from me is to find a priest to perform an exorcism.”

“What?!” Angelica exclaims. Her eyes grow wide. “What the hell? An exorcism?!”

“He claims he doesn’t believe in any of the religious power behind it. He claims he used it as a placebo.”

“Sounds like he’s using it as a crutch.” Angelica states.

“He won’t let go of it, either. He wants someone to perform an exorcism for him. The diocese won’t allow it which is why he is in the predicament right now.”

“It makes sense. The Church rarely signs off on exorcisms these days unless you can prove beyond any other scientific explanation that it is supernatural and your friend Larry, it sounds like his problem is medical not supernatural. He will not get a priest to perform an exorcism, at least not a Catholic priest.”

“You’re right…” Kim’s eyes suddenly light up, it’s as if a light bulb goes off over her head “...yeah, you’re right…”

“Right about what?”

“You just gave me a great idea!”

“Oh God…” Angelica sighs, regretting immediately what idea she just gave her deranged daughter “...what idea is this?”

“No time!” Kim runs off. “I gotta make a quick phone call!”

June 17th, 2024
Baltimore, Maryland
Off Camera

It has been over a week since Kimberly Williams last had any contact with her good friend Larry Dempsey and that last visit was not exactly a pleasant one; Larry had the extremely unusual request for Kim to perform an exorcism on him and it led to Larry tackling her to the ground and trying to strangle her. Kim holds no grudges against it, but their friendship has been strained in recent weeks due in large part to the re-emergence of Larry’s mental issues. His initial mental problems were what led to them meeting in the first place, as they both spent time locked up in a mental hospital for treatment. Larry’s problem was that he heard voices in his head, voices that told him to do horrific horrible things to people. The treatment at the hospital coupled with medication seemed to cure him. But now it seems as if everything has returned. It seems as if all of the treatment was for naught. Kimberly thinks he needs new medication and that all will be well. Kim thinks he should seek professional help. Larry has his own unique take on what he needs; he wants religion, he wants an exorcism. The Church has refused to perform the rite of exorcism upon a man whom they are quite certain is not actually possessed but simply needs psychiatric treatment. Larry has thus turned to his good friend Kim for help but The Woman Scorned has been unable to provide any meaningful help to a man who only wants the one thing, an exorcism, and nothing more. Except now, perhaps, Kimberly Williams might have found some legitimate help. She might have found a way she can legitimately help her good friend Larry Dempsey. There is only one way to find out.

Kimberly finds herself sitting across from Larry in their usual booth late at night in the Waffle House in Baltimore, Maryland. This has been their meeting spot since forever. They would always meet here, once a month at least, to keep in touch with one another and make sure that they are still doing well. This meeting is even more important for Williams because this has been several days since she put her latest plan to help Larry into effect. She needs to know if it has worked or if it is once again back to the drawing board. Kim is wearing a pair of torn denim jeans, flip flops, and a black Queens of Chaos logo t-shirt. Her long red hair hangs straight down to past the shoulders. She studies Larry closely but cannot get a good read off of him. Larry always did have a good poker face. He is wearing a simple pair of blue jeans, brown cowboy boots, and a white t-shirt. He sips on his coffee while Kim stares into his eyes, trying to figure him out.

“Your coffee good, Larry?” Kim asks.

“Splendid, thank you.” Larry says. “Oh and, I apologize, my friend, for trying to…well…”

“Trying to strangle me?” Kim chuckles. Larry nods his head.

“Yes, I apologize for that, my dear.”

“Eh, it’s no biggie. Happens all the time.” She winks. “I tend to have that effect on people!”

“You are a good person, my friend, and you deserve better than what I give.” Larry says. “Speaking of which, the last few weeks we have focused so much on my troubles it seems as if we have ignored yours. Are you doing well, my friend?”

“If you’re asking if I have any further urges to kidnap my sister, take her place, and basically destroy my entire family…” she shakes her head “...nope! Those urges are still gone! I direct all of those violent destructive urges at my opponents across the ring from me, which happens to be ol’ Eavee Maloney Baloney Peggy Sue!”


“Eavan Maloney.” Kim smirks. “I defend my Underground Championship against her this week. It should be fun!”

“Ah, well, good luck, my friend. I shall cheer you on.” Larry says quietly. Kim points at Larry.

“What about you, Lawrence of Arabia? How have you been progressing?” Kim asks curiously.

“Ah, yes, I figured you would ask.”

“Of course I would ask.” Kim states bluntly. “Do you realize how difficult it is to get a legit Catholic Priest? Do you realize how much it costs to bribe said Catholic Priest in order to perform such an exorcism he isn’t supposed to perform without proper permissions from his Bishop? I went through a lot of difficulty for you, Lawrence of Arabia, so I expect results.”

“Well Father Thomas was a rather…unique individual…” Larry sighs “...but he did the task he was asked to, he performed the exorcism.”

“Did it work, though?” Kim asks. She taps Larry on his forehead. “Are those voices still there?”

“Alas they are.” Larry shakes his head. “Admittedly my problem still is not yet resolved.”

“Whoa, whoa, hold up a sec,” Kim begins “I want to make sure I understood this correctly. You were certain that a real priest performing the exorcism was all you needed. Well I got that for you. But you’re saying that it still didn’t work?”

“Yes, that is true.” He shrugs his shoulders. “I just don’t know what is wrong now…”

“Oh I know precisely what’s wrong.” Kim smirks devilishly. “Father Thomas? More like Father Tommy Wasley, my boyfriend.”

“What are you suggesting?” Larry asks, his voice growing a little cold and stoic.

“I’m saying that it wasn’t a priest at all, that was my boyfriend!” Kim says with a look of mischief upon her face. “Seriously, it took a lot of convincing to get Wasley to impersonate a priest!”

“How dare you?!” Larry shouts angrily. His voice resonates throughout the Waffle House. What few patrons are there now turn their attention and stare briefly before turning their attention back to their own devices. Larry then leans over and quietly growls. “You deceived me!”

“So what if I did? You were asking the impossible! There is no honest to goodness Catholic Priest who was willing to help, not in your case. The diocese was already aware of your case and forbid it. I had to think outside the box.”

“You consider lying to me ‘outside the box’, Kimberly?”

“Yes, I lied.” Kim nods her head. “But I also proved that your stupid placebo effect theory was bunk.” Kim points a finger at Larry. “You were convinced that the medication and the exorcisms were what had kept the voices at bay. And when the diocese refused any further exorcisms, you were convinced that the lack of exorcisms, NOT the medication, was the problem. I never told you Wasley wasn’t a priest. You were convinced he was real. So the placebo effect, in your theory, should have worked. But it didn’t.”

“I…” Larry’s voice trails off, he finds it difficult to argue Kim’s logic “...I suppose…”

“You never did believe in the power of exorcism, did you?” Kim asks. Larry shakes his head.


“So the fact that Wasley wasn’t an actual priest shouldn’t have mattered, should it?”


“Which means that the exorcism, placebo effect, whatever, that wasn’t the issue. The issue is what I’ve said all along, it’s your medication. It just isn’t working anymore.”

“You don’t know that.” Larry shakes his head. “You are not a professional.”

“No I am not. That’s why you need to seek professional help.”

“You have a point. Perhaps you are right?” Larry begins to shake with fear. “But you know how much I fear going to a psychiatrist. I might get locked away again.”

“I figured you might say that, which is why I have an idea that you might be open to; my family is in close contact with a psychiatrist. This psychiatrist, her name is Jennifer Warren, and she is a close personal friend of my mother’s. She has done special work for us in the past and I can promise you that she will not lock you up.”

“How can you guarantee that?” Larry asks.

“Because my family will make her promise not to, as a favor to our family.” Kim reaches out and grabs Larry’s hands which are trembling in fear. “And if you still need incentive, then I might go see her myself.”

“You would do that?” Larry asks. “But aren’t you…” Kim nods her head.

“Yeah, I’m not exactly thrilled about psychiatrists, either. We both have that same fear of being locked up again. But you’re my ride or die, Larry. Wherever you go, I go. So if you’re seeing the family psychiatrist, so will I. But only if you agree to see her.”

June 19th, 2024
Miami, Florida
On Camera

We open in a medieval looking room, dark and gray with not much in terms of ambience of glamour. In the center of this room is a throne, that does not look very comfortable and is also gray and lacking in any real color. A few moments later this dark, gray room is filled with the sounds of approaching footsteps. Kimberly Williams then enters the scene from the right. The Woman Scorned is wearing a purple and black gothic style dress and black boots. She has her SCW Underground Championship title belt wrapped around her waist, her HKW Bloodlust Title belt draped over her left shoulder, and her ZION Wrestling Hardcore Title belt draped over her right shoulder. She is carrying her beloved stuffed penguin Wasley in her right hand. She walks nonchalantly over to the makeshift throne and sits down. She rests Wasley in her lap.

“All hail the queen?” Kim laughs. “I am not going to be one of those arrogant, stuck up snobs who demands worship and praise. Don’t we have enough of those in professional wrestling these days? But I will remind each and every one of you that the Underground is my turf and I will defend my turf until my dying breath. The Underground is mine, I have proven it on five different occasions. During my reign as Queen of the Underground I was the one who resurrected it, I was the one who raised it to prominence, elevated it to be in the main event of an SCW pay per view. I defended this title in the last two Rise To Greatness events and I plan to defend it in my third straight Rise To Greatness, assuming I make it past ol’ Eavan Malone first.” She winks at the camera. “I’ll get to you in a moment.”

“Any time and every time the Underground is threatened, I am there to defend it. The Enigma thought he could use MY Underground to play his silly little games and everyone saw what happened. I shut him up and shut him down. My friends and fellow Revengers, Deanna Frost and Oktoberfest, if they still feel the need to get further revenge against Iggy The Enigmatic Enigma, let them. They can get their pound of flesh. But as for the Underground? I defended my turf. I taught that mystical supernatural bastard a lesson about stepping up to me. And after that Underground War, I still went right back out to the ring for Taking Hold of the Flame and I finished in the top ten. I came so close to winning it all. The main event of Rise To Greatness was there within my grasp…” Kim sighs and shakes her head “...but I came up just short. But even in defeat, I proved to the entire world what I am capable of; I showed what I can do and just how much physical punishment and abuse I can take. I also showed the newcomers of SCW just what they are up against if they decide to step into the Underground. They will face The Woman Scorned, someone who will not stand down from any challenge.” A smirk forms on her face.

“Eavan Maloney, your eyes have been squarely on this since your arrival in SCW.” Kim pats the SCW Underground Title belt. “You look at it with lust in your eyes. You want it. You crave it. You want to sit where I sit, you want to be the Queen of the Underground. And hell, I like you, Eavee. You remind me a lot of myself when I first entered the Underground. You have the right kind of mindset and killer instinct to succeed in the Underground. You have the same twisted personality to make it in the Underground. I could easily see you one day being Queen of the Underground.” Kimberly throws her head back and laughs. “Oh but it won’t be that easy! No, way, no how, am I going to make it that easy. I would be doing a disservice to this championship and this division, a division that I built, if I were to just roll over for you. If you want this championship you are going to have to prove that you can outcrazy me, you are going to have to prove you can be more violent and more sadistic than me. Do you know how many people have been able to do that since I resurrected this division in October of 2021?” She holds up her hand making a zero.”

“No one! A big fat zero! Sure, I lost it four times but each of them failed to keep it from me. No one has managed to keep this title and this division away from me. They’ve all been distracted and overwhelmed with other problems to keep this away from me. In order to win this and to keep it, you have to have your full and complete dedication and attention on the Underground.” She points a finger at the camera. “Can you be that person, Eavan? Do you have what it takes to be the standard bearer of the Underground? We’re about to find out because your interest, your curiosity in yours truly has paid off. You get a shot at this championship you crave. You are about to go through Underground boot camp after, what, how many matches?” She pauses for a moment before holding up two fingers. “Two matches. Two victories against people who have yet to win a match.” She cackles nastily.

“Now I get it, you have experience elsewhere, and I am definitely not here to be one of those people to belittle that experience or to underestimate you. I underestimate no one. Every person I face, especially those whom I fight in the Underground, they get the very best of Kimberly Williams. But let’s face it, Maloney, SCW fed you two weaklings in your first and already you are in a championship match? If I were you, I would be counting my blessings instead of boldly declaring on social media that you were going to defeat me. Many have tried, most have failed, but everyone who has ever faced me in the Underground lost a little bit of themselves. But you are going to defeat me…” she smirks knowingly “...let me pose a question to you, Eavee. What makes you different? What makes you different from Lucas Knight, a hall of famer…or Deanna Frost, the current United States Champion…or Owen Cruze, a future first ballot Hall of Famer…or James Evans, a Supreme Champion? What they have in common is that they are the only ones who found a way to take this from me. But none of them could keep this from me. None of them could kick me off of this throne.”

“Those are some legends in SCW, Maloney. That could very well be a Mount Rushmore of SCW. And you already want to add your name to that list? Those are some damn lofty goals. That’s why I do admire you. You set your sights high. But like I said, I am not rolling over for anyone, and I am damn sure not giving up this title without a god damn war. If you want to be Underground Champion, if you want to sit where I sit, you are going to have to go through war with the sickest, sadistic, deadliest bitch in this company. And honestly, I still am not sure you realize just what you are asking for. But you can certainly ask around. Ask David Striker…ask Oktoberfest and his European Fiery pals…ask that mysterious bastard Enigma…ask James Evans…they have all seen me at my worst, at my most vile and evil, and if they are honest then they will warn you. If they’re honest they will tell you that you might not be ready so early out of the gate to try and challenge me for this Underground Championship.” Kimberly smirks devilishly.

“We’ll see, won’t we? Because I am not going to treat you like untested Eavan Maloney who has only had two matches against two people who can’t buy a victory. I am going to treat you like Eavan Maloney, a legitimate threat to my Underground, someone who has earned the right to challenge for this; and what that means is you are not going to get playful jovial Kimmy. You are going to get one of the most evil creatures you have ever come across. You are going to get Kimberly Williams, the Queen of the Death Match, The Woman Scorned who is willing to do anything it takes to keep this championship.”

“So you’re going to re-introduce me to defeat?” She smirks. “Bold claim. Back them up if you can, because this Underground belongs to me and you will have to kill me to take it from me.”
[Image: Fr3dxo2WIAAhCXt?format=jpg&name=large]
SWC Southern Heavyweight Champion 1x
MWA Turmoil Champion 1x
GCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
HKW Bloodlust Champion 3x
2022 SCW Trios Tournament Winner
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
SCW Underground Champion 5x
SCW Television Champion 1x
SCW United States Champion 1x
MWE Chicago Way Champion 1x
5LW Television Champion 1x
Queen of the Death Match

[Image: mariejones.png]

SCW United States Champion 1x
SCW Television Champion 2x
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Champion 1x
UWA X-Class Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
IWC World Tag Team Champion 1x
MCW X-Division Champion 1x
GDW International Champion 1x
GDW World Tag Team Champion 3x

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RE: Eavan Maloney vs. Kimberly Williams - by The Matt - 06-18-2024, 11:40 AM

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