Team Desire vs. Light in the Darkness
Team Desire | Katie & Giovanna Steward | "Their Secrets & A Burning Fire"

Katie Steward sits on the couch in the living room of her friend, Gina Pierce’s home. A couple of wine glasses sits on the table nearby. Katie’s eyes are focused on her phone sitting on the table near the glasses. Katie waits for the call from her agent about the status of the job she went to interview for. So Katie decided to visit her friend again and while she waited for the call. Since they seemed to have such a good time last time.

“Well this is nice. Twice in a week. It kind of feels like old times.” Gina says sitting next to Katie. “So why are you really here?”

“What? You said it yourself. It was nice hanging out earlier. So I thought why not do it again. All I’m doing now is just waiting for a phone call.” Katie explains it to Gina. She reaches for her phone. “But if you want I could call TJ and he can pick me up. I should probably do something with him. Probably feeling neglected.”

“Sure, whatever you want to do. I don’t mind drinking wine and gossiping.” Gina laughs, grabbing her glass of wine watching Katie’s fingers hit keys on her phone.

“Gossip you say? Do you have anything juicy?” Katie’s attention is perked looking up from her phone.

“I was hoping you did. I don’t get a lot of office gossip at the office. How is SCW doing?” Gigi sets her wine glass back down on the table.

“I don’t know. You know how most of them keep their distance from me. If you want gossip and rumors it'll be better to ask someone else and they’ll tell you something about me. Oh Goddess. It’s High School all over again.” Katie throws her back on the cushion of the couch. Remembering the awkward days of teenage Katie preparing for her play in drama class while avoiding the main troublesome cliques.

Gigi pats Katie on the shoulder trying to make her feel better. “Sorry, I guess I kind of ruined the day.”

“No. It’s not your fault. We’re just a couple of strong women that are too intimidating for some people.”

“Yeah, We’ll go with that.” Gigi nods in agreement with Katie. “How about Giovanna? How are things going with her? I saw that she was seeing someone.”

Katie lifts her head up and turns to stare at Gina with this breaking news that she’s just now hearing.

“No. Gigi isn’t seeing anyone. She hasn’t said anything about someone…”

“Oh…” Gina jumps up from the couch in a panic. She looks around frantically looking for any excuse. “Is that the phone? Your agent might be calling you?”

Katie leaps up to her feet. “Gina, what do you know?”

“Probably nothing. Ok, so at the office we’re working on Software development programs. Some contractors came in to work on it. I got a glimpse of one of their phones and saw a picture of him and Gigi. So I just assumed.” Gina carefully explains herself to Katie so Katie doesn't usually over act.

“That doesn’t necessarily mean Gigi has a boyfriend. It could’ve been a meet and greet.”

“They were playing some video games.” Gina hits Katie with the proof.

“But why wouldn’t she tell me?”

“Katie, you’re the mom. You remember how it is.”

“I’m not a mom. I’m a cool mom. I’m not my mom.” Katie shakes her head in decline. Looking at Gina as she tilts her head and stares back at Katie. Katie watches while Gina’s eyes move and Katie follows the line of sight to the glasses of wine on the table. “That doesn’t mean anything.”

“We’re day drinking, Katie.” Gina tells her the reality that it’s indeed true.

“Oh My Goddess, what have I become.” Katie paces around not sure how to process the situation.

“Katie, it’s not that bad. He seemed like a smart and good guy.” Gina tries to get through to Katie. Helping deal with the situation smartly.

“You’re right. I can do that. I just need all the facts and maturely and reasonably talk to Gigi and be supportive. Like I said, cool mom.” Katie looks at Gina with a smirk. She was just completely wrong moments ago.

Katie's phone rings in her hand. She and Gina look at each other thinking this is it. Katie’s getting the news she’s been waiting for. Katie turns the phone and looks at the screen. The breath that she was holding in release.

“It’s just TJ calling.” Katie answers.

Katie goes outside Gina’s home to meet up with TJ. He had gotten the earlier message and showed up. Katie says her bye to Gina as she heads off with TJ for other business to attend. Gina leaves her with the wise advice of not to do anything dumb as Katie and TJ get into the car and leave.

TJ drives Katie around while the two talk some things over.

“So Gigi has a boyfriend that she didn’t mention to you. How long do you think it’s been going on for?” TJ questions.

“I don’t know. She hasn’t been acting all that different. Maybe it's new. I just need to play it cool. I can do that. Get her to tell me instead of her feeling like she’s been busted. That is how a brilliant mother handles things.” Katie smirks leaning back in the passenger seat. “I just need to dig up some information.”

Katie holds up her phone and calls up her other daughter, Ash. The information isn’t a lot. Gigi hasn’t told Ash or even Maddy any of it. Katie takes it as a positive. That means Gigi didn’t keep the secret just from her. Gigi just has a secret boyfriend from everyone. Although Maddy had overheard the conversation and she is the one who doesn’t take the news well. That kind of a secret kept from one's best friend. Things might turn into a powder keg.

“Everything is good.” TJ asks while his eyes are on the road.

“Yeah. It’s all good. I know what I’m going to do.”


Gigi Steward sits in a chair with an Xbox controller in her hand. She plays some Elden Ring getting ready for the new DLC to come out. Liam sits in the chair next to her watching.

“You know there are builds you can look up that might help.” Liam proposes to her.

“I know. I just feel the need to swing a big sword and smash a lot of things right now.” Gigi mashes the buttons on the controller, killing some enemies.

“Do you want to talk about it?” Liam asks.

“No. I did enough of that with the Doctor at therapy and I don’t think it helped.”

“Therapy? Was I mentioned?” Liam laughs.

“Actually yes you were. She was wondering why I was keeping it such a secret. Like I said before, I just want something normal. Katie isn’t normal. My life gets crazy. This is just nice”

“Well I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself. It’s been really fun hanging out.” Liam nods agreeing with Gigi. He is happy to help her.

Gigi feels her phone buzzing in her pocket and she takes it out to check. She widens seeing a long list of messages from Maddy. She scrolls through them, many asking where she is. That is when it clicks in Gigi’s head.

“Holy Lady, she knows!” Gigi jumps to her feet dropping the control on the chair.

“Your mom?” Liam asks.

“No. Maddy. She found out somehow. I mean I figured she would eventually.  I just didn’t suspect it so soon. I was careful. I got to go…” Gigi grabs her things and says bye to the boyfriend. “I just have to find her and talk to her. See you later.”

“Of course. We’ll talk later.”

Gigi walks to her car. She holds up her keys and goes to unlock the car when she notices Maddy sitting on the hood.

“How long have you been sitting here waiting for me to come out?” Gigi says, lowering her hand back to her side.

“Not long. When you get so good at lying.” Maddy replies with a bite.

“Sorry. It must be a bad habit I picked up from Katie.” Gigi walks over and joins Maddy by her car. “I didn’t to not tell you. I just, it was nice having something to myself. I feel like I do so much for other people. Not a lot of people know who Gigi Steward is. Maybe I was just frustrated that my solo career hasn’t taken off how I wanted it to.”

“I hear that. I’m sorry. I do feel a little hurt. I mean not telling your best friend. That sucks. You don’t want to be just like Katie. You don’t want your friends to break up with you like they did to her.” Maddy grabs Gigi’s hand. “And over a boy too.”

Gigi laughs. “How did you figure it out?”

“Ash said it while on the phone with Katie.”

Suddenly it gets real for Gigi.

“Everyone knows now?” Gigi covers her mouth with her free hand.

“Well I guess there is nothing left then to meet him.” Maddy hops off the hood of the car and drags Gigi back to the apartment.

Though as they get halfway across the parking lot Gigi’s phone buzzes with another message.

“Did you send me another stalkery message?” Gigi asks.

“Probably.” Maddy answers.

Gigi checks her phone. She sees a message from her Doctor. She needs to come in for an emergency session.
“That’s weird. I have another therapy session scheduled in twenty minutes.”

“I thought you finished your scheduled session earlier this week.” Maddy replies as she stops dragging her across the parking lot.

“Yeah. I did.”

Gigi and Maddy turn back to Gigi’s car. Maddy will just have to meet the boyfriend later.


Gigi walks through the waiting room with Maddy following behind her. She walks by TJ who sits in a chair against the wall. Maddy joins him sitting in the chair next to him. Both playing on their phones while they wait.

Gigi walks into the doctor’s office to find Dr. Mercer and Katie sitting inside waiting. She notices the chairs  are turned  facing one another now.

“Ah Gigi, welcome. See I told you she’ll be back and now we can have our session together.” Dr. Mercer smiles at Gigi. She waves her hand out offering the chair across from Katie to sit in.

Gigi cautiously walks around not taking her eyes off of Katie. What is this woman planning, Gigi thinks to herself. If she knows, why is she not saying anything?

Dr. Mercer watches Gigi sit down in the chair and have her staring contest with Katie. “Ok, welcome to mediation. I got the feeling that there is a lot of tension between the two of you. Which will have a negative affect on your team efforts. That’s why you’re here. You want to move past this. To be a unity team”

Gigi tries her hardest to read Katie’s mind. Katie’s defenses are way too secure. Katie just so casually playing innocent. How can anyone buy this?

“Gigi, I know you were a little upset with Katie not joining us earlier. Would you like to tell her about it?”

“What is her plan? She’s plotting something. I know she is. She knows.” Gigi, not playing any games Just comes right and accuses Katie of what she is clearly doing.

“I can explain.” Katie raises a hand. “I was in a meeting with studio executives about a directing job. I had to be there. I’m sorry I missed our session. So I wanted to make one up. Thank you for doing this. Also I’m still waiting for a call from my agent so if she calls…”

“I’m sorry. This is a no phone session.” Dr. Mercer points out.

“Yeah, but I need to answer it.”

“No phones.” Dr. Mercer putting her foot down.

A smirk pops up on Gigi’s face. Amused by hearing someone telling Katie no.Katie does catch it and points it out.”

“Ha. That’s a smile and as the rules state. It’s an apology.” Katie says with a fist pump in the air.

“I wasn’t smiling at you and what would I be apologizing for? Forgiving you for missing the session? Why don’t you just say what I know you already know?” Gigi stares at Katie waiting for the truth to come out.

“I’m not the one that needs to say it.”

“Yeah. You just love playing your games knowing you’re going to always win at them.”

Dr. Mercer sits up looking at both Stewards. Impossible to know what the other is hinting at.

“Gigi, the doctor is right. We can’t be like this. Not before our biggest match. Not before we finish our quest. Just tell me.” Katie leans forward waiting to hear the answer.

“My Goddess, you’re so infuriating. Fine. I have a boyfriend.” Gigi falls back into her chair and watches Katie throw her hands up in celebration. “How did you know?”

“Gina caught you and him on his phone while he was at her office working.”

“You’re hanging out with Gina again?”

“Yeah, we had a good time.”

Katie's phone buzzes with a message. She reaches for it, but Dr. Mercer is there with the no phones warning again.

“So where are we currently? We’re all ok with Gigi’s boyfriend?” Dr. Mercer asks them.

“Of course. I get it. Gigi can do whatever she wants and I get to torture her over it.” Katie smiles at Gigi.

“Yeah, you had your fun. I can’t wait to go back and be around someone normal for a few hours.” Gigi shakes her head.

Katie’s phone again bussing with another message. Katie goes to check, but again the doctor warns her. Then Gigi’s phone buzzes. They look at each other and both go to check their messages against Dr. Mercer's instructions. TJ and Maddy come running through the door to get Katie and Gigi.

“Excuse me. There is a session going on right now. You have to wait outside.”

“Oh my Goddess.” Katie says in horror. She stands up along with Gigi. “TJ why didn’t you come get me sooner?”
“I tried.” TJ says.

“I’m sorry Dr. Mercer, we got to go. There is a fire happening right now at my church.” Katie pushes forward with TJ as they quickly exit the room.

“So the same time next week. Hopefully our success story.” Gigi smiles at the doctor before going with Maddy out of the room.


Katie walks into her church and the hallway looks untouched like the outside of the building. She walks by some firefighters and into the main room and that’s where most of the damage is seen. Most of the pews burn. The altar is completely destroyed.Katie looks pale as a ghost at the sight of the destruction.

TJ, Gigi and Maddy walk into the church after Katie to check out the destruction as well.

“Oh my Goddess, this is awful.” Gigi says, looking horrified.

“It is not my first look at what church vandalism looks like, but it's always disgusting.” TJ shakes his head.

They find Katie who is talking to the Fire chief who is probably telling her everything that they know of at this point. The Fire chief finishes talking to her and walks away. TJ, Gigi and Maddy walk over and join Katie.

“So what happened Katie?” Gigi asks.

“They said it doesn’t look like fool play. Just some sage that was burning accidentally caught something on fire and then the place went up in flames. That was the first thing they smelled. They’ll do an investigation, but they doubt anything comes up.” Katie shakes her head.

“I’m sorry Katie.” Maddy says giving her a bit of a hug for comfort.

“Do you really think someone did this for one purpose?” Gigi asks.

“Do you want to know what I think? I mean, A church of our Lady Goddess. My new pursuit for justice for women in the industry. It doesn't take a genius to figure it out. Clearly this is the work of the GOP and conservatives in their ongoing war on women.” Katie nods with approval at her foolproof theory.

TJ, Gigi and Maddy look at one another wondering who told her she’s crazy.

“Yeah, I want to say it’s crazy, but that is the most sensible thing I've heard about conservatives in a while.” TJ adds agreeing with Katie.

Gigi and Maddy just nod their heads along, agreeing too. Clearly it's the most sense.

Katie phones rings and she excuses herself from everyone and walks over to the destroyed altar to take the call.


“Hi Katie. It’s Harriet. I was just calling to ask you what you said to the studio about the directing job?”

“I just told them how it was and who I am.I didn’t get the job did I?” Katie's voice is concerned about knowing her faith. Her world seems to be coming down around.

“No. I picked someone else. I’m sorry Katie.”

“Right. Thanks for everything Ms. Specter.”

Katie ends her call with her agent. She goes back to the group and they take her away from the ashes of her church.


Gigi steps up into a ring at the gym. She does some exercise inside. Getting herself ready for Breakdown.

“There is nothing that I want more than being able to call myself a champion again. Being one half of the tag team champions with Katie is a moment in itself. I don’t honestly know if I’m going to be able to make it. The butterflies in my stomach are probably going to eat me from within first. If they somehow don’t get the job done. Then I’m going to give Amelia and Lux one of their best fights they’re ever had as tag team champions. Knowing how much we want this. Katie walked out last week on Breakdown and she made her call. She’d called her shot for this match. Whatever she has planned . Whatever games that are going to be playing. Trust me. This match is only going to end one way and it’s her way. Amelia, Lux is as good as you are. Two Time Tag Team champions. You can hang with the best of them. It’s just Breakdown, you can’t stop Katie Steward.” -Gigi Steward.

Katie sits on the yoga mat with her legs crossed. Some unburnt sage sits on a plate behind her not filling the room with its scent. Katie just sits in the silence in her room.

“I’m not going to scream. Everything is still great and I’m still at my very best. Everyone is always against the strongest, most confident, stunning, beautiful and brilliant woman. The intimation is a real thing. I’m not defeated yet. I wasn’t defeated when my Brat left me. I’m not going to be defeated now. Katie Steward didn’t need a church to get her message across. She doesn't need some big blockbuster Hollywood movie to show her creative genius. All I really need is myself. People come to see me, because I’m the one worth seeing. Breakdown isn’t going to be just a career defining moment for me. It’s going to change SCW as everyone knows it. I will win the Tag Team titles and I will become the most decorated person in SCW. Nobody can even say that. Everyone throws out big names like Selena Frost or Josh Hudson or Xander Valentine. While they may be Supreme Champion. They’re not truly a Supreme Champion. SCW retired the Women’s Champion and brought back the Television Champion like they were creating some kind of obstacle for Katie Steward to cross and Katie Steward alone. Being goated into facing the Underground Champion and ended winning. Having my Fortunes revealed to be an Adrenaline Championship. Running a campaign to be the United States Champion. Then finally being not just the first woman to call herself World Champion, but first women’s main event world title match. Now with one last hurdle to jump through. No one is going to cost me it. There will be no screw job.No shenanigans whatsoever. Team Desire is going to earn this. Light in the Darkness is a great team. There's going to be a great fight. It’s time though for this Hollywood ending to come to a close and Katie Steward becomes what she always was. A Supreme Champion. In name and title.” -Katie Steward.
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RE: Team Desire vs. Light in the Darkness - by Team Desire - 06-20-2024, 09:07 PM

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