Selena Frost vs. Kandis vs. Kirsten Scott vs. Polly Pingotti
The Royal Letter

The camera opens up to a rather gorgeous looking balcony, overlooking the setting sun within Miami, Florida (as the small graphic on the corner of the screen indicates). As the camera turns from the view of the horizon, it focuses on the white couch placed in front of a series of medium-size tries, the green foliage adding to the style and ‘ritz’ of the place. Sitting on the couch, however, and taking up the majority of the focus, is the SCW World Champion, Selena Frost. Her hair is tied in its iconic braid and she wears an elegant black dress that shows her shoulders legs despite its length. The SCW world championship sits on its own cushion beside her.

Miami, Florida… She speaks slowly, drawing the attention out. Do you believe?

She gives a knowing grin before shrugging her shoulders. I mean, you have to by now right? It, really, can no longer a choice at this point, can it? You’re either someone that FINALLY gets it, or you’re just plain stupid. You’re either someone that acknowledges who the best in the world is, or you’re like the donkey in that old tale ‘The donkey and the tiger’: You’re a bunch of asses. A bunch of fools who don’t care about the truth or reality.

With a smug smirk, she gestures a hand with a flourish towards the championship belt. And the reality is that I am still your world champion. I have proven, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that I am the greatest of all time. The main-event. And that I am going to Rise to Greatnesses’ main-event – where I belong! – for a record fourth time!

Relaxing, Selena leans back against the couch cushions. So, since this is Rise to Greatness season, and coming to my SIXTH month of ruling this place since my return, it’s time to either get on board and stop embarrassing yourselves or keep your mouths shut… and stop embarrassing yourselves!

She gives a shake of her head. Because all I’ve heard since London is how I ‘stole it’. How I got by ‘by the skin of my teeth’. How I ‘almost lost it’. Like those things upset me.

But you see, how can they upset me? I told you how it all was going to go! I literally called it play by play! I told you all that I was in for a painful match with Xander Valentine. I told you it would take everything I had to get past him because that’s how good and tough Xander Valentine is. And what happened? I got beat up from pillar to post. I got thrown around, powerbombed, bent in half – I got a beating that few in this business can give me and fewer could even survive! I said it would happen and it did.

But what else did I say? I said that Xander’s ego was going to get in the way. I said that Xander’s ego would make the difference and give me my opening. And what happened? He let his ego get in the way, he took his eyes off the prize, and, how did Sharper put it? “By the skin of my teeth” I won.

The Blue-Eyed Devil gives a short laugh before turning her eyes back to coldly glare at the camera. You’re damn right I beat Xander by the skin of my teeth! Because that’s ALL the difference that it takes! You know what it often takes to be a gold medal winner running in the Olympics? Usually 0.01 of a second! A sliver of a second! A ‘blink and you miss it’ moment! That’s what it takes to be the best! That’s the difference between a good – even great - superstar like Xander Valentine, a Hall of Famer and icon, and the greatest of all time. The difference that makes him him and me the World Champion, the history-maker, and better than everyone else! The smallest difference that makes ALL the difference in SCW!

Her grin refuses to falter, but she seems to relax more so – the topic having been passed. So now that Xander is in the rearview mirror where he belongs – probably preaching about his retirement to the few that care, I want to move on. Because this Breakdown isn’t about Xander, it’s not about the world title, hell, it isn’t even entirely about Rise to Greatness and my ‘Unbelievable Main-Event’, per say.

No… apparently, this Breakdown is supposed to be me being punished. Me having to deal with ‘consequences’…

Taking a moment, a chuckle escapes Selena as she looks away for a moment before turning back to the camera. Now, I’m going to unwrap all of that in a second, but let’s just address the situation for what it is. she leans forward, rubbing her pale hands together. So… because of my involvement in the royale – where I ran down and attacked Kandis, Kristen Scott, and Polly and, let’s face it, got them eliminated from the royale… I’ve now got to face them in a ‘fatal-fourway’ match as part of ‘consequences’.

And I use ‘air quotes’-
she does it again. For that because… pfft, come on. We all know what this is. We all can see what this truly is. Hell, CHBK was grinning like a damn fool last week on Breakdown… even taking credit for it in front of Lucas Knight.

Selena knowing shakes her head. Oh trust me, we’re gonna talk a little about that. But because I attacked those three, this is the ‘consequence’…

She seems to contemplate the situation for a moment, looking away a little. And that just sort of… well, I have to laugh at that because you all act like this is my fault. That this is ‘right’. That this is ‘justice’. But if that’s justice, where’s the rest of it? Hmmm? Because, as I recall, I didn’t start this whole thing. I didn’t fire the first shot, did I?

No, Kandis did! Let me refresh your bias memories: I was done with Kandis and ‘The One’. I had moved on. I gave them their shot, I beat them clean, proven that I was better, and was moving on to the next one. Then, I beat Polly Pignotti clean in the ring, proving the same thing! But what happened? On DAY ONE that her suspension was lifted, Kandis flew all the way to Japan, a show she wasn’t even booked for, snuck in through the audience and attacked me – with Polly giving me a sucker punch because she was a sore loser! I was blindsided, attacked from behind, and laid out.

What was Kandis punishment? What was Polly’s punishment?
she pauses, as if waiting for an answer. After a second, she gestures with her hand in a turning gesture.

Fast forward a couple weeks and I’m fighting Bree Lancaster. What happens? Kandis runs in, working with Kristen Scott. Scott lays her hands on an innocent official and then proceeds to attack me. To put her hands on the world champion because she couldn’t beat me.

Where’s her punishment for that?

Hell, since we’re on the subject – London, England! Kandis ran down, DEFYING Lucas Knight’s orders to stay in the back, all set to attack me again. What’s her punishment?
Again, there is a pause but no answer is given.

See, old man, and I’m talking to you, CHBK. I can’t quite grasp that. Kandis and Scott attack me from behind, involve themselves in my matches – MORE THAN ONCE – and there is no punishment. Polly sucker-punches me and there are no consequences. They all threaten and promise to keep interfering in my matches and look to screw me out of the world title, but nothing is done. But I get involved in their match. I attack them from behind and I’m punished? I’m the one that has ‘consequences’ coming?

And you all want to call ME the hypocrite?!
The laugh is genuine as the platinum-blonde marvels at the blatant hypocrisy.

Looks like your true-colors are showing, Alex. Looks like your mask is slipping and you’re showing the bias little troll that I always knew you to be! And just like at Rise to Greatness last year, you are out to get me because I’m better than everyone, including you. Because now, you’re not the biggest name in SCW, are you? I am. You’re not the biggest icon or legend or Face of this place. I am.

She leans forward slightly. Because what I did in the royale? That’s Kandis’ fault. It’s Scott’s fault. It’s Polly’s fault. And it’s your fault. I didn’t start this. They did. I didn’t make this into a war. They did. And what I did? Was because you wouldn’t. You wouldn’t hold them accountable to their actions or promise them ‘consequences’ like you are to me. So… I did what you wouldn’t.

Taking a deep breath, Selena leans back, her tone calm once more. Which is why, this Breakdown, I’m going to do it again. I’ll do what none of you – including our supposed ‘boss’ – can seem to do and accept the consequences for my actions. I’ll be the only one with integrity and accept the ‘punishment’ for what I did – for rules that, apparently, only apply to me.

Taking another deep breath, a sudden smile breaks across Selena’s face. So come on, Miami, let’s celebrate! You’re in for a treat! You’re going to see the world champion get beaten up again! A three-on-one assault! Oh, it’s going to be amazing! I’m going to get double-teamed, triple-teamed – it’ll probably be more one-sided that one of Kandis gang-bang videos!

That’s what you want right? For the ‘evil’ Selena to get hers? Hell, even the intern running SCW’s twitter’s is being obvious. All three women ‘looking for revenge against Selena’? Again, that hypocrisy…

But let’s set it! Let’s promote it! Cause if I got by Xander ‘by the skin of my teeth’, no way am I going to think I have a chance against a three-on-one that CHBK rigged into a fatal-fourway so there is no fairness about it like tag rules or whatever, right? My ego isn’t so big to think I can’t be touched with such odds – a basic ambush. No, I’m going to get beaten down and beaten hard! So yay! Celebrate it!

She gives a mock cheer, including a slight ‘Wooo!’, followed by a clap of her hands before settling back down, her tone more ‘knowing’. But… see, that’s all well and good… and it’s not like I haven’t gotten the hell beaten out of me before, but… she seems to ‘contemplate’ something, her hand stroking her chin. My focus is wondering… what happens at the end?

I mean, this is a fatal-fourway, right? That’s what CHBK, in his bias and unprofessional conduct against me, has chosen. Which means no one needs to tag each other in, you can all bombard me at once since you can’t do it by yourselves… but it also means that, just like with the THOTF royale… there can be only one winner… Sorry, too soon?
she grins at the memory before settling her smile down with a shrug.

So… who’s it gonna be? Who’s going to be the one person to FINALLY pin Selena Frost, the most DOMINANT world champion in SCW? Who’s going to be ‘the one’ to take that accolade home with them and ride it as their ‘greatest achievement’? The gently runs a hand along her braid.

I mean, look at Kandis! No greater example! She’s been riding her tainted victory from last RTG all year! On and on, every promo – despite failing as world champion, failing in every attempt to get ‘back into the picture’. I mean, you want to talk about ‘resting on your laurels’? The woman’s ridden that fluke-win more than ‘insert porn and sex reference here’. Again, Selena uses air quotes.

That’s what pinning Selena Frost does for your career. And maybe it WILL be Kandis again. I mean, we all know she has no problem taking an ‘assisted win’ and making it seem like it was all her. She’s ‘Shameless’, right? And after all, she’s been at this the longest right? I mean, ever since I returned, I’ve just been embarrassing her, outsmarting her, and making her out to be a fool. So… maybe that’s her case, right? After all, Kristen, she stepped aside to let you have a beating on me during my match with Bree, so maybe you owe her one?

Selena tilts her head, considering another thought. But then again, Scott, who’s lost to the Frosts more than you, am I right? I mean, how long you’ve been going on about this ‘new guard’, and ‘changing SCW’, and ‘altering the landscape’ crap? How many years? And you think about it, you failed to beat me for the tag-team titles, you failed over and over again to beat Deanna, you failed to get the United States championship. Hell you had the PERFECT opportunity with that Trios contract of yours and you STILL, even with a rigged deck and EVERYTHING working in your favor, you couldn’t beat a Frost. I’m actually pretty sure you have a perfect-loss record when it comes to fighting Frosts. Least Kandis can have her win and cling to it like the donkey in that little tale I spoke of. She can be the ‘Ass’ she’s so found of being in SCW. But you? I don’t know – ‘The One’ doesn’t even have ONE win against a Frost, despite so many attempts! So maybe this is an emergency. Maybe this is your chance to get it and finally have some semblance of credibility, however fake and rigged and ‘assisted’, in your career, right?

A scoff escapes the young woman. Not that you would know what to do with such credibility. Not like Polly. See, Polly… Polly’s got something neither of you have. Polly’s got some initiative. Polly’s got some decency and – dare I say - integrity. While you two were coming at me from behind, threatening to put me on the shelf – to be there ‘every show, every pay-per-view’, even threatening to end my career because neither of you can beat me in this ring, Polly…

She takes a quick breath, pausing for effect. Polly came to my dressing room door. She made a challenge. She demanded to face me face-to-face. Like a woman of integrity should. Now… I dealt with the sloppy-seconds of Deanna once before so I didn’t pay it much attention, not when I have bigger fish to fry and an Unbelievable Main-Event to plan, but I can at least appreciate the effort made by you, Polly. I mean, if I wanted anyone of the three of you – anyone – to take this pin, this GIFT being given, I’d want it to be you. Because you’ve not really been involved with the cowardly attacks. You’ve not tried to put me on the shelf. You just… want to beat me. You want to break that glass ceiling that’s been over your head for so long. To be seen as more than ‘the girl that wore the collar leash and barked like a bitch’. Selena nods in understanding.

And had you not run your mouth about getting involved in my business, I would have left you alone. But, you went too far – one of many mistakes you’ve made this year, understandable. But, really, Polly, you’re just driven. You just want the chance that Kandis had and Kristen already had. Cause really… you’re the worst case of the bunch.

She shrugs matter-of-factly. I mean, everything the other two have been through? You’ve been through. Never beaten a Frost? Check. Soundly beaten by me? Check. The difference, where Kandis has her fluke-win and The One was at least ‘considered’ to fight me for the world title. You… you’ve never gotten any of that. You’ve not been recognized as a contender or even the same level as the rest of us. You’ve not been taken seriously by any of management – I’m just stating facts here, Polly. You were a joke. ‘Polly Playtime’, right? No one took you seriously except Deanna and me! When we faced after ‘Taking the Leap’, I beat you soundly by giving you my absolute best! I held NOTHING back in our match! Because I saw what you were becoming. I believed in what you were saying about your toughness and building your way up and becoming more! I believed you, Polly!

But them? Management? CHBK? Hell, the two people that will be fighting beside you? They never gave you a glance, did they? They never gave you a consideration! It’s always been “One and Kandis” working together. Did they come to you last week? Did they talk to you about their ‘plans’?

Again, Selena knowingly shakes her head. No. You never factored in other than me seeing you as the woman and challenge that you are. Them? They don’t take you seriously. I mean, do you really think they are going to let you have this pin? Let you have the win that you need to break that glass ceiling? That could change your entire career’s trajectory? No, Polly. They’re going to do what they always do. Cowardly attacks and excuses! And all to just make themselves ‘feel better’. To have something to brag about on X. All for their egos.

And I want you to know that because I don’t want you to blame me.

She places her hand over her chest. Because none of this is my fault. None of what is to happen in Maimi will be my fault. It’s going to be your fault, it’s going to be Scott’s fault, it’s going to be Kandis’ fault and it’s going to be CHBK’s fault!

Reaching out, Selena takes the SCW world title into her hands, eyes still on the camera. You four have made your stance on this very clear – moreso last week! Kandis and Scott, out of sheer jealousy and desperation, want to put me on the shelf, Polly wants to beat me and lower my stock, and CHBK… he wants to smile and ‘teach me a lesson’… her tone grows colder as her hands tighten around her championship.

Which means I will be backed into a corner, with my very place in the main-event at Rise to Greatness in jeopardy if Kandis and Scott are to believed. With the stock and credibility of said main-event in jeopardy of Polly is to be believed…

Her hands tighten even more around the title. And the last time I was backed into a corner, I choked out the most dangerous wrestler in the world! Sapphire eyes glare into the camera.

So… maybe the answer to ‘who will pin Selena’ isn’t Kandis, just to appease her ego and inability to beat me on her own now. Maybe it isn’t Kristen Scott, just so she can say she ‘beat a Frost’. Maybe it isn’t even Polly just so she can break that glass ceiling…

Maybe the answer to the question is… no one.
The last two words almost echo with the weight of their implication.

No one will be pinning Selena Frost. Because here, in Miami, maybe I do what I have always done and ‘protect what’s mine’. Maybe, CHBK is the one that learns the lesson that actions have consequences!

When I take advantage of this match and demolish three of his superstars.

When I make an example out of all three of you and show why NONE of you were in my league. Why NONE of you could beat me and be the world champion or deserved to be in the main-event at Rise to Greatness! Maybe, as unbelievable as it sounds, maybe I turn this whole night on its head… and make the smile on CHBK’s face disappear… and I leave all three of you as you’ve always been – beaten, opportunity-wasted, and mere bit-parts in the grand show that is MY Rise to Greatness!

Staring down at her title, Selena allows the devilishly grin to grace her features. Yes… somehow that sounds far better to me. Whether any of you want to believe it… or not.

She gazes back at the camera with that same grin as the camera begins to fade before going entirely to black.
[Image: hffOaUZ.png]
SCW Supreme Champion
6x SCW World Champion
4x SCW World Tag-Team Champion
2x SCW United States Champion
3x SCW Adrenaline Champion
SCW Television Champion
Longest Reigning SCW World Champion (234 days)
Winner of Shot of Adrenaline Tournament (2016)
Winner of Best of the Best Tournament (2016)
Winner of Trios Tournament (2018)
Winner of U.S. Championship Tournament (2020)
Winner of World Championship Tournament (2023)
Winner of Tactical Warfare (2014, 2019)
Winner of Elimination Chamber (2015)
Winner of Roofed Cage Match (2019)
Winner of Last Person Standing Match (2019)
The Unbelievable Main Event (2021-2023)
Winner of Double Jeopardy Match (2022)
Winner of EOTY Invitational (2023)
Female Wrestler of the Year (2016, 2021, 2022)
Tag-Team of the Year (2020 - w/ Regan Street)
Match of the Year (2018, 2019, 2021, 2023)
Feud of the Year (2014, 2019)

[Image: 34zetxl.png]

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RE: Selena Frost vs. Kandis vs. Kirsten Scott vs. Polly Pingotti - by SnowQueenSCW - 06-20-2024, 10:56 PM

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