Autumn Valentine vs. Katie Steward
SCW Goddess | Katie Steward | "A Daring Escape & Rivalry Renewed"

{The episode starts with Katie Steward laying on a cold iron floor. She wakes up and holds her hand up and rubs her cheek feeling a bruise. She looks at the iron bars in from of her and quickly realizes she caught in a cage. She sits up and looks around. Her cage is on top of a wage that’s being pulled by a hand full of the King’s soldiers. She looks ahead and sees the King leading his soldiers on his horse. The Claíomh Solais, the Sword of Light by his side. Katie sits back in her cage. She rests her back against the iron bars. She remembers what happened clearly now and how she got here. The King and his soldiers finding them at Kablam manor and Katie doing her best to fight the his men. Unfortunately the King surprised her and knocked her out with a punch.}

Katie Steward: Oh Goddess…

{Katie leans her head back and turns it to look behind her and sees more solider and they carry Dagda’s Cauldron. Katie closes her eyes as she knows her journey has been utterly defeated. She opens her eyes and up at the sight of a giant stone castle in Ireland and the scene fades.}


{The scene changes back to Kablam manor. Derek Adonis walks around in a bit of a freak out after the King and his men came and fought with Katie leaving behind a mess and taking the cauldron that gave Adonis’ visitors the vitality that they seek.}

Derek Adonis: Oh My God… what are we going to do Cookie? I can’t believe he took it. What are we going to do? We’re ruined. The cauldron was the only reason people came here to fulfill their desires and he took it. Have you looked at the Kablamsutra? It’s just a picture book. Nobody is going to understand it.

{Derek wanders around looking desperately for Cookie. He turns a corner and comes to face with the blades end of Autumn Daniels’ knife.}

Autumn Daniels: Where is she? Where is Katie?

Derek Adonis: If that is your friend who was here then she is no longer here. The Kings men took her away and that is good thing, because here at Kablam manor we don’t like people who hide who they really are.

{Katelyn Buehler steps into the scene with Cookie as she holds her hostage with a tiny pistol in hand.}

Katelyn Buehler: Are you serious? This whole place is about secrets and no names so the person can fulfill their darkness fantasies. Not trying to throw any shade. This place is super cool, but you’re a liar. Now answer Autumn’s question. Where is Katie?

Derek Adonis: Ok, ok… fine I’ll tell you, but you have to leave here and promise never to return. The King has probably taken her to face her punishment. She’s guilty of theft, assault and evading capture so probably she’s to be tried in front of the Goddess herself.

Katelyn Buehler: Well if Katie is being sentence in front of her Goddess then that’ll mean she’ll go easy on her, right?

Derek Adonis: Oh you’re just so adorably naive, precious one. No, the Goddess doesn’t go easy on anyone. Here at Kablam manor we usually pride ourselves on our creative punishments, but she’s looking at a more darker sentence.

Katelyn Buehler: Butt stuff?

Autumn Daniels: They’re going to execute her, Katelyn.

Katelyn Buehler: Oh, that makes more sense. He confused me with the Kablam talk.

Autumn Daniels: Where are they now?

Derek Adonis: How would I know? There not here that’s all that matters.

{Autumn presses her blade closer to Adonis to get him to spill.}

Derek Adonis: Ok, ok they’re probably down the road headed to their castle home. It’s a giant castle with lots of guards. You can’t miss it. You’ll also have to be crazy to think you can stop them, but you two seem to have that covered.

Autumn Daniels: Thank you. Katelyn let’s go.

{Autumn lowers her blade and walks out of the room. Katelyn lowers her pistol and she smiles at Derek and Cookie saying good bye to her host of Kablam manor. Katelyn follows Autumn out of the room. They grab TJ Johnson on their way out and the Brats rush to try and save Katie from her fate.}


{The scene changes to the castle where Katie has been taken by the King. She’s still locked in her cage that the soldier brought to the large dining room in the castle. The King walks into the room and passes the cage. He walks to the food spread out and reaches with his good hand grabbing a hand full of grapes. He turns back and walks over to Katie’s cage.}

Chad Evans: You probably thought you were special when you stole my sword. Now looking so special now. Now you’re going to pay for your crimes.

{The King smiles at Katie seemingly quite happy that she’s going to see her locked up after being such trouble. The King turns and walks away from Katie. He walks down the dining room to leave, but the Dagda walks in. Another one of the Tuatha Dé Danann, the one who the Cauldron belongs too and the father of the King.}

Shawn Winters: There is my boy. I saw that you’ve brought back my cauldron. You didn’t sample it, did you?

{Dagda laughs at the King grabbing him into a headlock and messes with his hair. The Kings pushes him off and tries fixing his hair.}

Chad Evans: Cut it out. I don’t want to play any games. I’m King now and have a whole army to lead. Not interested in playing Frat boy games.

Shawn Winters: Alright, fine. You’re King now. All business and no fun, I got it. Get a promotion and everything changes with you.

{The Dagda steps back from The King as the King fixes his hair with his good hand.}

Chad Evans: Do you know what they were doing with the cauldron? Some sex guru was hosting his own orgies.

Shawn Winters: Of course.

{They are joined by Danu, the Mother Goddess of the Tuatha Dé Danann. Katie’s Goddess. She walks into the room wearing a white robe and a hood covering her dark hair.}

Gina Pierce: Hello boys, hope you’re behaving yourselves. King Nuada, I haven’t seen you in awhile.

Chad Evans: Hello Danu.

{Katie over hears the name and she lifts her up and looks at the three talking. She recognizes the name that Autumn told her about.}

Chad Evans: I’ve been busy. Fighting battles all over Ireland.

{Katie tries to listen in on the conversation until a furry little friend runs into her cage. Katie looks down and sees a rat next to her. Katie freaks out and screams kicking the rat into the iron bars of her cage knocking it out. Katie pushes her back against the wall trying to get away from it as she watches it shape shift back into Hurse.}

Katie Steward: Hurse? Oh my Goddess, you scare the hell out of me. Hurse?

{Katie checks on Hurse and tries to wake him up.}

Gina Pierce: What was that scream?

{Katie hears the Goddess talking about her. She looks at Hurse and realizes she can’t let them both get caught. She spins around and pops out her butterfly wings to try and hide Hurse behind them. The Goddess turns the corner with the King next to her and she sees a fairy locked inside a cage.}

Gina Pierce: What did I say about bringing pets into the castle?

Chad Evans: It isn’t a pet. It’s something more of a pest. Don’t worry about it. It’ll be taken care of by morning.

Gina Pierce: Well just as long as it’s not a pet. Fairies are vicious creatures and a pain to tame.

{The Goddess turns away and leaves the dining room with the other two. Katie turns back to Hurse and continues to try and wake him as she could do his shape shift druid thing to free her. She gives him one good kick that seems to do the trick.}

Hurse: Ow. Did you kick me?

Katie Steward: Yes. You deserved it after scaring me half to death coming inside the cage as a rat. Now I need you do it again and go outside and let me out with whatever druid magic you have.

{Hurse shape shifts to his rat form and slips out of the bars and back to his human form so he can begin to break the lock.}

Katie Steward: I saw her. I saw the Goddess, Danu and I couldn’t say anything to her. She saw me a prisoner locked in a cage. A ferocious creature that can’t be tame. No way she’ll make me a Goddess again. Not even if I had the sword of light in my hands or drank from the cauldron. This journey is impossible.

Hurse: Do you still have the sword? You know about the cauldron?

Katie Steward: He took the sword back and Autumn, Katelyn and I found the cauldron at the Kablam! Manor. The King took that too. I really did blow it. Did you talk to her?

Hurse: Umm, No. She doesn’t really handle the druid stuff. That usually falls under Dagda.

Katie Steward: You said you had a message from the Goddess. That she could help me get my powers back. Now you’re saying you haven’t talk to her.

Hurse: Hey it’s really all under the umbrella for the most part. If she had saw me then I’d ask, but I haven’t so that’s that. I’m trying to help you. That part is sincere.

Katie Steward: Just open the cage.

{Hurse uses his nature magic to cause the lock on the cage to burst open and break. Katie pushes open the door and steps out of it and starts to walk away.}

Hurse: Where are you going?

Katie Steward: I’m going to talk to the Goddess and have my own meeting with her. She’s right. You can’t tame a fairy. We do things on our own.

Hurse: Well that’s not really what a fairy is or does.

{Katie ignores Hurse and walks out of the dining hall of the castle. She sneaks around doing her best not to be found out by guards. Eventually she finds herself peaking around one corner and see the Goddess walking into another room. She sees her chance and turns that corner and hurries to the Goddess. Unfortunately she’s not that lucky and patrol walks out in front of her cutting her off.}

Soldier: Halt! How did you get out of your cage?

Katie Steward: Oh come on, seriously. Can’t this be easier. I just need a few minutes alone with the Goddess. Can’t I bribe you or something?

{The soldier ignores Katie’s plead and instead pulls out his sword. Katie shakes her head in frustration. She looks around for something of her own. She grabs a spear by the wall and wields it against the soldier. The soldier slashes at her a few times and each time Katie uses the spear to block the attacks. Katie jams the butt of the spear at the soldier foot. He doubles over and Katie connects with a head butt knocking him out. Katie stumbles a bit herself from the blow.}

Katie Steward: Ow. That’s hurt.

{Katie rubs her head a bit and a few more soldiers run into the hallway to confront her. She takes a step back only for a few more soldiers to run behind her and trapping her. She is surrounded. She looks pass them and sees the Goddess walking out to check what the noise is. Katie takes a deep breath seeing as there is no way for her to fight and make it to the Goddess. She spreads her wings and runs at an open window jumping out of it. Katie screams She does her best to fly away from the castle. She flies over some woods and her flight takes her down into the tree branches where she eventually crashes down into the dirt below.}

{Back at the castle, The Goddess walks over to the soldier. She looks around and then turns to see the spear missing.}

Gina Pierce: Where is the Spear of Lugh? You just let the fairy take it? Who is she?

{The scene changes back to Katie who lays face down in the dirt. She picks herself up and cleans the spots off her white gown. She grabs the spear next to her and walks with it. She walks into an encampment of soldiers. Different banners from that of the Kings’. Another tribe. Katie continues her way as maybe she’ll be safe here. Here she is not a wanted woman and the scene fades.}


{The scene changes to Katie’s Brats who followed the King’s soldiers back to the castle. Autumn and Katelyn peak out from behind some bushes and check out the security of the castle. They look to be more on a high alert.}

Autumn Daniels: This doesn’t look good.

Katelyn Buehler: Well if Katie is in there. We have to get her out. They’re planning on executing her.

Autumn Daniels: I know. I was there with you when Adonis told us. Katie is also our only way home from this world so we really have no choice. It’s just impossible to sneak inside. TJ you were a slave. Do you know any secret in and outs of the castle?

TJ Johnson: I’m sorry, I don’t.

Autumn Daniels: Great.

Katelyn Buehler: Well if we can’t sneak inside, then I guess we’ll just have to go through the front door.

Autumn Daniels: What!? We’re not fighting our way through.

{Katelyn steps out of the brushes and walks to the front gate of the castle. Autumn tries her best to call her back, but Katelyn just walks right up to the soldiers. She opens her robe and flirts a little with the guards. Autumn and TJ hear Katie scream. They look up and see her flying over head and passing them by. Autumn turns back to Katleyn who is being escorting into the castle.}

Autumn Daniels: Oh you gotta be kidding me.

TJ Johnson: What do we do? Go after Katelyn and I’ll find Katie.

Autumn Daniels: No.

TJ Johnson: We can’t leave Katelyn behind.

Autumn Daniels: I’m aware, but I’m not doing this alone. We’re going inside with her.

{Autumn grabs TJ and drags him along to join Katelyn inside the castle and the scene fades.}


{The scene opens up in Hollywood, California at a movie studio backlot. Inside one of the studios we find Katie Steward sitting in her director’s chair in front of a green backdrop and wearing her white and gold ring robe. She looks over her shoulder noticing a blue box behind her. She then gets a strange feeling someone was sitting her chair. She ends up just shaking off the feelings and continues with her promo.}

Katie Steward: Autumn Valentine. A clash between two really great women that will surely have end up being points on someone’s score card. Now I don’t really care what happens behind the scenes in SCW. I don’t know about this huge civil war that is brooding. Now something might’ve happen last week to squash it, but I’m still here facing Autumn Valentine on Breakdown. She’s on Katya’s side which is Dark Fantasies side and I’m on Sasha’s side because Gigi is friends with Sasha. Well that’s the basic understanding of where the lines are drawn. Maybe I should be more furious and crushing Katya’s new SCW. I did watch End of the Year show and saw what had happened to Gigi and Maddy.

{Katie sits back in her chair and she thinks it over.}

Katie Steward: I might not be Television Champion and I’m going through a lot right now with my life and what has happened to me. However I am still a Mama Bear and my cubs were hurt. So Breakdown I know what I need to do. Maybe it’ll be just as easy as getting a win which would be nice, but it’s never easy and it’s definitely not going to be fair by any means. If this is how I’m going to reunite my feud with Dark Fantasy well then that’s the way it’s going to be. I’ve grown a lot of the years since the last time and I’ve learned from my mistakes. I’ve learned that when it comes to SCW it’s never easy for a Steward. We’ll always be at a disadvantage. The smut won the last time and continued to degrade the TV Title to end the year. Now I face Autumn Valentine who should give me one hell of a match, but honestly what kind of tricks will be pulled to ruin it. Autumn is a very capable competitor. My Brats are gone. They have been for awhile. Gigi and Maddy are honorable ladies. I’m bringing the fight. It’s what Katie Steward does and that falls on deaf ears. I wish I was TV Champion. I wish I was Tag Team Champion, but there are too many people in SCW taking shortcuts and choosing sides.

Katie Steward: I might be on Team Sasha for Breakdown by default and I will do what I can to make someone pay for what happened to Gigi and Maddy. I think an Off With Their Heads would be appropriate, but no one is ever on my side except my Brats and there not here. So Breakdown while I continue my journey of finding the Goddess again and I can give the Iron Angel a real challenge to the World Title. Autumn Valentine, Dark Fantasy, Katya D. and whoever else wants to try and jump in front of me. Someone is going to be losing their head on Breakdown. I promise. You’ll be singing my song again.

{Katie picks herself up and step out of her director’s chair. She walks off the set as the scene and the episode end.}
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RE: Autumn Valentine vs. Katie Steward - by Team Desire - 01-15-2019, 07:14 AM

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