Thomas Valentine


Wrestler's Real Name: Thomas Valentine
Pic Base: Jeff Hardy
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 205lbs
Birthdate: 29/1/84
Birth Place:Raleigh, North Carolina
Current Residence: Santa Barbara, California
In Ring Appearance: Tommy has a lean, muscular frame. He usually wears baggy green camo style jeans to the ring with a pair of dark green boots on. He also has a black vest with green trim on it. fairly long hair that is most often dyed green but varies depending on how Tommy feels, he once again frequently dons facepaint

Out Of Ring Appearance: Tommy tends to wear a hoodie and jeans combo when not due to compete, more often than not with the hood up


Wrestling Style: High Flier, Risk Taker, submission artist
Alignment (Face/Tweener/Heel): Heel
Years Pro: 18
Strengths: Determination, Speed, Fairly expansive ring knowledge
Weaknesses: Often sees the worst in even the most righteous of people, Sometimes doesn't know when to give up


Choking Point
Knee Deep
No Laughing Matter

Alternate Finisher: Griever's Bane

Note: Though Tommy doesn't use this primarily any more, he will still utilise it on the occasion or if all else fails. 

Finishers Descriptions (If Needed): 

Knee Deep: Eddie Edwards 'Boston Knee Party'
Choking Point: The 'Asuka Lock'
No Laughing Matter: The Judas Syndrome is hit then transitioned into a rear crossface/chokehold ala Sasha Banks 'Bank Statement'

Alternate Finisher Description: Randy Orton's RKO. Tommy kneels to one knee and beckons for the opponent to get to their feet with an upward motion of his arm; palm facing up before hitting the move. can also be hit spontaneously if the opportunity arises

Signature Moves:
Last Shadow Of Hope(lessness)
Judas Syndrome
Beggar's Throne
The Trailblazer
Twist Of Hate
The Elitist

Signature Moves Descriptions (If Needed):

Last Shadow Of Hope(lessness) - Pele Kick
Judas Syndrome- The Backstabber
Beggar's Throne- Seth Rollins 'Stomp/kerb stomp
The Trailblazer - Springboard Forearm Smash immediately followed by a pinfall attempt if possible
Twist Of Hate - The Twist Of Fate
The Elitist - The Labelle Lock

Common Moves:

Shooting Star Press
Crescent kick (Booker T Style sidekick)
Russian Leg Sweep
Spinning Heel Kick
Spinning Clothesline
Koji Clutch
Spinning Neckbreaker
Swanton Bomb
Kimura Lock


Theme Song: "Choke" By I-Prevail

Entrance Description:

The arena's lights cut out completely, plunging the whole room into darkness for several seconds before the screens light up to display four words.


The screens show static for a few seconds before going dark once more. The black screen starts to pulse now like a heartbeat and on each pulse that reverberates round the arena, a shot of Thomas in various poses is shown before reverting to the words on screen until the next pulse that sounds like a bass drum beat with increasing volume until a final shot of him holding the SCW Title aloft after winning the match at Taking Hold Of The Flame is Shown and remains until two green fireworks shoot from the rafters and explode on the ramp. The explosion drifts across the ramp before the beginning chords to "Cut The Cord" by Shinedown, hits.

A shot of "Thorn" going for the Swanton from the top of a chamber pod at Under Attack 2009 is shown in slow motion as he misses it and hits nothing but canvas. A shot now of him hitting the Socially Unacceptable Moonsault stomp from the top rope onto Justin Davis is shown, the impact punctuated by the last word of the verse before a shadowed figure can be seen standing in front of the curtain at the top of the ramp.


As the last word echoes, the lights start to strobe again briefly as the song reverbrates throughout the arena now, causing the fans to start jeering, the heat almost palpable in the air.

The lights finally flicker back on and Thomas Valentine can now be seen on top of the arena's ramp as he looks out into the audience that are now booing loudly, chanting obscenities in some cases. He stops and smiles a little before spinning around away from the fans and holding his arms outwards with his palms upwards, he then stops and then shakes his head before smirking and shrugging. The smirk turns to a full on grin as "The Modern Day Viking" Olaf Erlandsson walks out from the back and stands behind Thomas who spins around and then pat's Olaf's shoulder before turning back around and looking out at the audience with smug satisfaction. Fireworks then shoot out at the top of the ramp in a burst before Thomas starts walking down to the ring, Olaf slowly walking behind him. As he walks past the barrier he looks out into the crowds and goes to high five a few fans and moves his hand at the last second, instead running it through his hair and chuckling before moving on down the ramp, the smirk still on his face before he slides underneath the ropes and immediately runs to the corner and climbs the turnbuckle, simply nodding before looking at all the fans in the crowd with undisguised disgust. Olaf looks in the ring at Valentine, an emotionless expression on his face as he watches Thomas showboating. Meanwhile, Thomas jumps down and does the same to all the turnbuckles, soaking in the disapproval of the fans before standing still in the centre, cranking his neck. He then stands motionless in the corner, looking over to make sure Olaf is focused on the ring before waiting for his opponent


Thomas "Thorn" Valentine has been into wrestling from a very early age. Thomas first saw a wrestling event when he was eleven, and ever since then he's been hooked. As soon as he was old enough he decided to join a federation near to where he lived. At first Thorn enjoyed it at the IFCW, he was doing his one true passion in an environment that suited him. Then the fed started screwing him out of wins and matches so he was eventually frozen out of the roster. He left after that and joined up with the WIW. Now this was more like it, he was again doing his passion but the people appreciated him more and recognized the potential everyone around him knew he had.

After his semi final defeat to Ace in determining a new champ a merger occurred with the WIW and the AWF. At first Thorn felt betrayed as he watched the merger occur but couldn't actually see it was a very good thing. He became withdrawn from the AWF and he thought all was lost...

Jeremy Hancock, the owner of the AWF thought otherwise however and offered Thorn a second chance. Although Thorn had a string of defeats and a single win behind him, Jeremy took him back and put him into the roster again where he is now competing at the top of his game to achieve his childhood dream of becoming The World Champion one day... cue to present day and following a heroic, yet failed attempt at finally becoming the AWF World Champion with it's second coming, the AWF once again closed its doors due to financial trouble. With an unexpected invite to join the SCW roster by his former boss, Brian Kinney, "Thorn" takes a step into the unknown when he joins the ranks of the former AWF's "Rival Brand" SCW...

Tommy has done practically everything he can possibly do in the company to date, but lately has seemed like a different person to the one the fans, his friends and family have known. He has become more aggressive, brooding at times as well as showcasing what seems like a bit of an ego... 



Handler's First Name: Ashley
AIM: xionlaine
Y!: rarely use

[Image: jeNZaGV.png]

SCW Achievements

SCW Television Champion (x3)
SCW Tag Team Champion /w Kandis (x4)
SCW Tag Team Champion /w David Helms (x2)
SCW Tag Team Champion /w Jake Starr (x1)
SCW United States Champion (x1)
SCW Underground Champion (x2)
SCW World Heavyweight Champion (x1)
A Founding Member Of "The Connection"
A Founding Member Of "The Next Level"
Ranked 7th in the 2009 Taking Hold Of The Flame Battle Royal
Conquered The Thunderdome...and CHBK

Messages In This Thread
Thomas Valentine - by Thomas Valentine - 08-05-2018, 01:26 PM
RE: Thomas Valentine - by Thomas Valentine - 09-04-2018, 04:21 PM
RE: Thomas Valentine - by Thomas Valentine - 04-27-2019, 07:58 AM
RE: Thomas Valentine - by Thomas Valentine - 05-27-2020, 10:53 AM
RE: Thomas Valentine - by Thomas Valentine - 07-01-2020, 07:18 AM
RE: Thomas Valentine - by Thomas Valentine - 11-26-2021, 09:50 AM

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