SCW Adrenaline Championship Contendership Battle Royal
Ooc: Was unexpectedly ill yesterday which cut the time i had to work on this, significantly. Not completely happy with this but it is what it is.Had to go promo only  Good luck to all Smile 



Looks like things didn't go the way that many people didn't want on Breakdown huh? Particularly one Dawn Lohan and saaaay… Seventy five percent of the fans? Now I'll address the Dawn Lohan issue before I tackle the elephant in the room as its the much simpler point I have to make in this little promo of mine. It seems like things didn't exactly go how you wanted, Dawnie huh? You stood there and after your little wobble about not getting the recognition you feel is owed to you and to Abigail for services rendered, you then said some pretty bold things about and to me. Now don't get me wrong, I'm stoked that you're stepping away from the Tag Team Title situation for the time being, and focusing on getting your feet underneath you on the singles circuit for now… I really am… But I think Sasha might have gotten a little too trigger happy with the alleged giving out of opportunities to those of us who decided to not pledge our allegiance and so got lost in the shuffle. I didn't want to have to be the one to leave you disappointed so soon, Dawn… I really didn't. You deserve to be able to spread your proverbial wings and flourish as a singles athlete, to achieve something else memorable, something else that wows the masses and I know that will still happen one day in the near future, I promise you sweetheart… Which is why it pained me a little to have to put you down in our match and delay your ascension to being within reaching distance of Supreme Champion. You gave it all you had and came close too many times for my liking, but at the end of the night the same thing happened to you that happened to Derek Adonis. You were outgunned by the Elite and THIS stays with me a little longer. 

(I pat the Television Title on my shoulder and smirk) 

At the Pay Per View, you'll get your chance to bounce back and maybe get a measure of redemption… No pun intended, towards me and gain a nice little Title shot in the bargain; but you know as well as i do that if i can stop you and everyone else whilst I'm at it, you'll fall short once again! 

Now I guess I can't avoid talking about that damn elephant. The fans that I have bled, sweat and practically breathed for since becoming a professional wrestler. The people that I have tried to entertain regardless of my actions. You're all bent out of shape recently because of what? Me living up to what I know I'm capable of? Case in point is the match that i won this title… MY title. Derek Adonis knows this business or at least should have at least done a bit of homework on it before deciding he wanted to enter this world. Anything can happen on any given night and our match was a prime example. Manvel interfered and I took advantage, what's the problem? Was I supposed to stop what I was doing and give Adonis enough time to turn me into a pancake just so that you would all still support me? Screw that! If it means a few less of you conveniently forget why I'm doing this, why I gave it my all to not only beat Derek but then to also beat Dawn Lohan the next week… So be it! Going forward, I have all the people I need supporting me, and any fans that remain in that camp after I've done what I need to in order to get where I want to be, then it's a delightful bonus… 

Now that's out of the way, how about the events of Breakdown outside of me retaining my championship huh? 

Absolutely brilliant! 

So many people scurrying around like headless chickens, this person wanting to beat that person; made even more hectic by the ‘huge’ announcement that the squabble between siblings has been amped up by several matches at the upcoming Pay Per View becoming little more than marks for each sister to win in a bid to gain control for a few weeks. Okay, that bit isn't brilliant… Its quite sad really when you think about it. I expected this whole thing to have been nipped in the bud once Mr D returned but for whatever reason, he's allowing it to continue and ENCOURAGING this whole thing! On the bright side though, it did lead to some entertaining viewing as people on both sides did their best to kiss ass more than kick it. I'm sure that all the people involved have fooled themselves into thinking they're in it for other reasons but in the back of their minds, the rewards for their respective side winning must be quite a motivation… Which is something that both intrigues me and puzzles me a little bit about perhaps one of the more important matches in the long run. The very match that I'm going to be attempting to win and keep the momentum going. Surely some thought must have gone into the potential winner of the contendership match for the Adrenaline Title? It's all well and good having the Title match itself be a part of this needless challenge series, but what happens if someone that isn't a part of this little game wins contendership for it? Someone that TRULY can't be controlled by either side and just isn't claiming they can't until the next opportunity to get some media exposure crops up? 

But most importantly what if that person goes on to BEAT the Adrenaline Champion? Meaning that the nefarious Katya and the benevolent Sasha BOTH stand to lose a horse in the race dependent on whether Ravyn survives or Owen becomes the Star of Today by the time Making Things Right is in the books. Now THAT is what's piqued my interest and is a decent motivation to go above and beyond to make my mark in the match, never mind the fact that a victory here brings me one step closer to Supreme Champion status, the very thing you now want too, right Dawn? I'm ready and waiting to come out of this one ahead of the pack and whoever is Adrenaline champ at the end, here's looking at you Ravyn… Not because I think you should win but because I'd find it more satisfying to end your reign than to cut the kids’ short.. Whichever of you wins, I'll be ready and waiting if i have anything to say about it. So to all my opponents, get ready for Sunday, because one way or another you'll all be Knee Deep in trouble!
[Image: jeNZaGV.png]

SCW Achievements

SCW Television Champion (x3)
SCW Tag Team Champion /w Kandis (x4)
SCW Tag Team Champion /w David Helms (x2)
SCW Tag Team Champion /w Jake Starr (x1)
SCW United States Champion (x1)
SCW Underground Champion (x2)
SCW World Heavyweight Champion (x1)
A Founding Member Of "The Connection"
A Founding Member Of "The Next Level"
Ranked 7th in the 2009 Taking Hold Of The Flame Battle Royal
Conquered The Thunderdome...and CHBK

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RE: SCW Adrenaline Championship Contendership Battle Royal - by Thomas Valentine - 01-19-2019, 09:44 PM

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