SCW Adrenaline Championship Contendership Battle Royal
SCW Goddess | Katie Steward | "A Foreign Trickster and a Bruised Goddess"

{The episode starts with Katie Steward walking through some war encampment. She wears a white gown and a floral crown on her head. Her fairy butterflies wings are on her back spread. She walks with the Spears of Lugh using it like a walking stick. She looks around at the people of the encampment. Weird and strange looking beings. Katie keeps to herself and continues on her way through the encampment. She comes to a dark cave in the back of the encampment. She hears some strange sounds and walks closer to see what it is. She gets closer to the cave entrance and feels something creeping up near her. She spins around, gripping the spear and holding it up ready to gut whatever in next to her.}

{Marcus V. Lopez comes face with the blades end of the spear. He holds his hands up showing himself being unarmed and giving up.}

Marcus V. Lopez: Bonjour! I come in peace. No sticking the MV.

Katie Steward: Frenchie? What are you doing here? Did I fly all the way to France from the castle?

Marcus V. Lopez: I don’t know, did you? I just came over to warn you. You don’t want to go in dat cave. There is something bad inside dat cave.

Katie Steward: What’s in there?

Marcus V. Lopez: I don’t know. Just, you don’t go in there. Now come, let’s get away from the cave.

{Marcus directs Katie away from the cave entrance.}

Katie Steward: What is this place?

Marcus V. Lopez: Dis a refugee camp. We’ve traveled here, but the locals inhabitants aren’t dat welcoming to us.

Katie Steward: Oh My Goddess, that’s terrible.

Marcus V. Lopez: It’s been a struggle, but it is our struggle.

Katie Steward: Do you need any help?

Marcus V. Lopez: Dat is kind of you to ask, but we wouldn’t want you to get hurt. It is very dangerous.

Katie Steward: You don’t have to worry about me. You should know very well that I’m tougher than I look. Besides, I need time to figure out what I’m going to do next and I’m probably be safer here so Autumn, Katelyn and TJ can find me.

Marcus V. Lopez: Well glad to have your help then.

{Katie and MV turn and walk away from the cave and into the encampment. The camera shows a behind shot of the two of Katie’s wings and Marcus’ fox like tail that sure to come up later.}


{The scene opens at the castle where the Tuatha Dé Danann are home. Inside the Throne room, Danu stands to the side of her throne listening to some news from soldiers. She looks up at Katelyn, Autumn and TJ being escorted inside. She dismisses the people and walks over to Katie’s party. She walks around them in her white robe and hood covering her dark reddish hair.}

Gina Pierce: You three are traveling with the Fairy that’s been causing so much chaos in the land, are you not? I just want to know about her. Who is she? When did she arrive on our land? What are her plans? Why did she steal a priceless treasure? Where is she taking it? I need answers.

{The Goddess looks at the three of them. None of them look to be giving up anything. Katelyn is the first to step up and she makes a plead with the Goddess.}

Katelyn Buehler: She’s just a fan. She’s a Goddess, like yourself. Or at least she was. She lost her Goddess Powers. A real tragic fall from grace she’s had. All she wants to a chance to meet you and show you that she is deserving of being a Goddess. We wouldn’t be standing here by herself if we didn’t believe in her.

TJ Johnson: She’s right. We do believe in her. Whatever you throw at her. She’s fight back twice as hard.

Autumn Daniels: Kinda of just here to return a favor. She did help me when I was down.

Katelyn Buehler: That’s not true, Autumn. You and Katie are friends.

Autumn Daniels: I will stab you.

Gina Pierce: Enough. No one is stabbing anyone. Now if what you are saying it true and she just wants to talk. Why did she steal the Spear of Lugh and escape the castle only to run into a warring camp of Fomorians.

Katelyn: Floridians? Crazy people high on bath salts? Did they originate from Ireland?

Autumn Daniels: Fomorians, Katelyn. They’re a supernatural race must like the Tuatha Dé, but are more hostile and monsters.

Katelyn Buehler: Oh? Well I’m sure she didn’t know. Plus she wouldn’t be running if the King wasn’t after her.

Gina Pierce: Be very careful what you say about King Nuada. He is a very proud Tuatha Dé and first King of Ireland. If he took her prison and brought her here I’m sure he had a very good reason.

Katelyn Buehler: This is really Katie’s Goddess? She doesn’t seem all that fair and understanding. Also are we going to ignore she’s definitely not a 10. I mean I think we all pictured a knock out, but this…

Gina Pierce: Enough.

Katelyn Buehler: I’m shaming you or anything. I mean you’re hot, but I’m just was expecting a lot more.

Gina Pierce: (shouting) Shut Up!

{The Goddess rubs her head as she is tired of talking to them.}

Gina Pierce: I have her friends, so negotiating the treasure back should be too hard. If she gives us any more trouble, well for their sake let’s hope she doesn’t.

{The Goddess begins to walk away, but TJ reaches out and stops her before she goes.}

TJ Johnson: Hi, Hello, TJ Johnson. I have a question. Is it possible to be tried separately from them. I am apart of Katie’s party, but just not their party.

{The Goddess just looks at TJ and doesn’t answer. She turns and just walks away.}


{The scene opens back to Katie as she is meeting with MV and he tells her about the peaceful refugee camp.}

Marcus V. Lopez: It hasn’t been easy. I’ve been doing my best to try and get them to where they need to be, but the attacks on the caravan happen more frequency. If your help I hope we can finish our journey.

Katie Steward: Well I’m happy to help. I know a thing or two about losing a home and how hard it is to find a new one. A Goddess is compassionate and hopefully it shows on my journey.

Marcus V. Lopez: Tell me more about dis journey of yours. I’m interested.

Katie Steward: Ok well Hurse came to me in a dream. He was a High Druid with a message from the Goddess for me. She’s lost her faith in me. It just really spoke to me. I know SCW goals I’ve been struggling and acting wise I’ve have gotten much. Plus with my home being condemn with a fire and then black mold. I think he was right. So I have to take up this journey. I have to find a way to be a Goddess again. I have to be a strong woman and earn my self back. So thank you for letting me help. Just lending my strength should help a lot with proving myself.

Marcus V. Lopez: It’s all for a noble cause.

{Katie steps away from MV and goes to help some of the little children and see if they need anything. MV stands around and looks at the caravan to see if anyone needs anything. He sees something standing on top of a hill. The image comes clearly and it’s the King standing there. His men approach from behind and stand at attention. Before MV can shout out to the caravan the Kings gives the order to charge in. Katie tries her best to hurry the people away so they’re not caught. She spins around looking for MV, but he’s no where to be found.}

Katie Steward: Frenchie?

{Katie grips the spear on her hands ready for a fight. She turns only to be clocked by the King and Katie falls back into the dirt. Katie rolls over and picks up the spear. She stands back up and back tracks away from the King who stalks her.}

Chad Evans: First you tried to steal my sword. Then you try to steal the spear and now you align with our enemies. I knew you were no good.

Katie Steward: What is wrong with you? These are refugee just trying to find a home. If this is what the Tuatha Dé Danann do then maybe there should be a new Goddess to look up too.

Chad Evans: Refugees? Who told you these were Refugees?

{The King laughs at Katie for being naive. Katie continues to back up and away from him.}

Chad Evans: These are sea monsters that crawl from the oceans. The Fomorian are evil creatures and just because you hid out here for a couple of hours doesn’t change that. You’d still fed to their Demon.

Katie Steward: What? No. You’re lying.

{Katie goes and lunges forward with the spear trying to run the King through, but he moves and Katie gets another back hand and a face full of dirt. The spear rolls away from her. Katie lays on her back and looks up at the cave entrance. The King stands before her with the sword of light in his hand. She vision is a bit blurry. She think she sees a dark beast emerge from the cave. A demon. She makes out an eye on it and she watches as it swipes at the King from behind. The King falls to his knees and the sword of light falls from his hand. Katie in fear tries to roll over and crawl away through the dirt. MV sprints over and stands between Katie and the Demon. He simply nods at it to get it to back off.}

Marcus V. Lopez: I am sorry for the deception, Katie. You might’ve lost your Goddess powers, but in this world. Some of us have found our own. I am Renart the Fox. I’m a bit of a trickster. (laughs) You know me.

{MV steps back and he helps himself to the Sword of Light and the Spear that’s lying on the ground.}

Marcus V. Lopez: I would love to help you in your quest, but I’m more interested in these special items. Also with the King now decreased. You should probably find your way back to the castle. Once the Goddess finds out. Your friends won’t have much time. Good bye.

{MV turns around and sprints off leaving Katie lying in the dirt. For what she thought she’s going to deeper down in her journey she has just reached in new low.}


{The scene changes to a Hollywood studio where Katie Steward sits on the set in her chair. Her hand holding her cheek after her beating she suffered through. Katie doesn’t look too happy as she sits in her chair in her white and gold ring robe.}

Katie Steward: I might not have won at Breakdown, but I’m still not going to let that get me down… wait, no. Breakdown I won my match. I went in and faced Autumn Valentine and I pulled off a huge win on my part. So why in Goddess Heaven am I sitting here licking my wounds? Why do I look at something like a show titled Making Things Right, or whatever nonsense that is says and I don’t believe a damn thing about it. I don’t care about side in whatever idiotic civil war is happening in SCW and yet I’m the victim. Now SCW at Making Things Right has put me into a battle royal for a chance at the Adrenaline Championship. I could win it, but whose not saying that I won’t have any sore losers. Or even funnier is a Steward is involved in a battle royal. Surely I have complete faith in SCW that there will truly make things right.

Katie Steward: Now let’s see how SCW plans on making this right with this battle royal. Who do they put in this thing with me? Jordan Majors? Whose that? Was he wronged? Alexis Quinne. She’s clearly enemy of Dark Fantasy and Katya. Dawn Lohan and Max Kane, weren’t they like the network or something. Sam Raine and Crissy Gardener. Oh fun I haven’t seen them sine Rise to Greatness. Oh I so miss hearing how I haven’t earned anything in SCW. Kim Williams, Aaron Blackborne and Tommy Valentine were these people wrong. I don’t even know. Although I do get a very funny feeling that if again whatever happens. I’m going to have a lot of very sore losers in this battle royal. I’ve been called out for thinking I’m entitled. While every single person in this match wishes that had my legacy. So while SCW is trying to make things right. I don’t care. I don’t want or need an apology from you or anyone. I will be making things right on my own terms. What that means is this battle royal I will be winning it. I will eliminate Tommy Valentine and earn myself the next shot at the TV title while also taking out Dawn Lohan who didn’t get the job done last week. I will eliminate Sam and Crissy and I will help myself to the SCW Tag Team Championship in the future also. As for Alexis, I will look forward to sqauring off against you. I just hope you’re more of a sportsman unlike my last opponent. As for Jordan, Kim and Aaron welcome to SCW, I think. Whatever. I am Katie Steward. I am your Goddess and you will respect me. With the fallout of Breakdown last week my Adrenaline is pumping and Team Katie is the only team that will survive this civil war. Or at least it should be. Katya should be kissing Dark Fantasy’s ass. Mr. D and Sasha shouldn’t be trying to make things right with everyone else. Katie Steward is coming back to reclaim her status quot.

{Katie Steward stand up out of her chair and walks off the side. She still rubs her cheek as the studio light click off and the scene goes to black and ends.}
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RE: SCW Adrenaline Championship Contendership Battle Royal - by Team Desire - 01-19-2019, 10:40 PM

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