SCW Adrenaline Championship Contendership Battle Royal
Somewhere, someone is probably wondering… what’s next for Jordan Majors. I feel like at least a few will try to label me a loser because my debuts on pay per view and Breakdown didn’t produce wins. I look back on these as lessons in humility. Not for me, no, but for everyone else. They were all humbled in feeble attempts to write me off as nothing more than another pest who shows up in December to try to take down the establishment in January, only to fade away by the end of a 30-day trial period. Yeah, that’s not what I came here for. I came here because I want to be a star. And I know I’m going to be a star. They can’t stop me just because they have an opinion that I’m in over my head or that I’m not good enough to be here. Whether it was Rabb telling me that I can’t possibly believe I outwork everyone in this company or the fan in the front row with that sign that said “Jordan Majors, more like Major Failure,” I will prove them all wrong for me.
Everyone wants to be a star in the end, but only a few of us can truly come out on the right end of Stardom. I will be headlining this company before everyone knows it, and it starts now. Sometimes you just have to write a letter to yourself to remind yourself of what’s coming in the future. Some will say you have accomplished nothing in this company, but the truth is something always comes from nothing. And nothing will evolve into something bigger than anyone else expected very, very soon. You got this girl. You’re going to win the world over and charm them all. You’re going to win everything everyone else wants.
Jordan put her pen down and shut a notebook before standing up to see a friendly looking women standing behind her. She looks at her confused and points.
Jordan: Oh, yeah, what’s your name again?
Nancy: Oh, dear, I’m Nancy. Your new personal assistant?
Jordan: I know who you are obviously, it’s just that, I sort of go through personal assistants pretty fast and usually they are much younger or family or… am I telling you too much? Why am I asking you all these questions?
Nancy: Oh, hunny, I think maybe you’re just stressed out. Why don’t you come enjoy this fresh baked pie I made.
Jordan: Damn, did I hire a new assistant or a kind old woman to make me baked goods? I’m going to pass oldie. I can’t exactly be stuffing my face with pie before I suplex, superkick and strong style these chumps all over the ring right into the biggest opportunity of my wrestling career. So you see, I can’t afford to be holding my stomach the entire time while I relish having sugar for the first time in years. What you’re looking at when you see me is an absolute physical specimen that was created at birth and chiseled to perfection in the gym over the past 20 plus years. If you hear of anyone that’s in better condition right now to enter a match with this kind of opportunity at stake, then you are hearing a silly story. A myth.
Nancy: I’m sorry, so that’s a no on the pie?
Jordan: And this is what I get for hiring some kind old southern woman to be my assistant. Here’s what I’m gonna tell you, toots, if you can’t help me stay focused and keep all the other junk off of my plate while I prepare for this match, then you can turn yourself around and head right for that door over there and get your goofy, old ass out of here. Ain’t nothing going to stop this corn-fed girl from destroying the participants in this match and stamping my chance at winning an SCW title. Not a thing will stop me but that delicious smelling pie that you placed on the counter in my apartment and as far as I’m concerned, it needs to be beaten right now.
Nancy: Eaten right now? Oh yes, let’s eat it right now darling.
Jordan rolls her eyes and hurries to the kitchen. She tosses the pie into the air and spin kicks it out the window. A small yelp is heard from a few stories down from a woman that was struck and she snickers before walking back to the woman.
Jordan: I’m sorry to say this arrangement is not going to work out. You see, I’m about to be the biggest star the wrestling business has ever seen and you’re just an old sack of dead weight at this point as far as I’m concerned. I don’t really mean to be rude, honestly, but I’m tired of being let down by other people. So, I’m not going to let myself down this time around. I’m going to kick ass and take names and I’m going to continue until I’m a champion and then I will redefine what it means to be a champion. It will start with this event. And it will never stop. Once they make the mistake of letting me feel the power of being a true star in this business, they will regret it for the rest of their days. The time is mine, Nancy. And your time is up. See you later old lady. It’s time to dominate.
Jordan points to the door and Nancy leaves the apartment with her head held down. Jordan walks over and picks up a video camera and shoots it back at herself.
So I just had an awkward experience again, Major Fans. P.S. I’m looking for a new assistant and P.P.S. it comes with the benefit and standing side-by-side to the biggest future star in this business. I was put on this earth to succeed. I was created to be better than anything that came before me and I refuse to believe anything else. Now, you must be able to be intelligent and make smart decisions on a whim and you can’t slow me down or make any mistakes. That won’t be tolerated because I don’t tolerate my own mistakes. I have made myself pay for the mistakes I’ve made in my first two matches and the third one will be the charm. In this position you don’t get a third opportunity. Nor a second. It’s one and done as far as you are concerned. Please send any and all applications through my website and be sure it’s accompanied by a video that tells me all the wonderful reasons I should hire you as well as a list of fair warning for why it might be a bad idea for you to come work for me. If I know your shortcomings ahead of time I can either avoid you all together or prepare myself for the constant disappointment just in case you are as good as it comes. I won’t consider any family members, entitled 21 year olds or old women so, don’t even try to apply.
One more message to all the haters and losers out there. This is Jordan’s world. I’m the one and only ruler and it’s about to get real fun these weekend. Strap in cake sniffers. Jordan Majors is about to be rocket strapped straight to the top.
Jordan smiles and shuts off the camera.

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RE: SCW Adrenaline Championship Contendership Battle Royal - by Jsquared - 01-19-2019, 11:35 PM

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