Aries, Amarant & Angel VS Kandis, Raynes & Williams
Doctor: “Someone get security to the common room! NOW!”

The Doctor could hear the commotion from her office on the other side of the Whitehill Mental Institution. It unsettled her, to say the very least, to hear that the inmates were now running the asylum – a trope that has been the subject to so many clichés. And although she hadn’t yet mustered up the courage to look to the camera feed within the building, she knew deep in the pit of her heart who was responsible for the current swell of chaos within her walls.

Subject 667: Damian Angel.

The Doctor had taken great pains to isolate Damian from the other “guests”, knowing that their minds were relatively weak, and his charisma would be enough to trigger their inhibitions to rebel against the system. She knew there was a risk when Damian came into the Institution but had thought that the payment from Katya D. would be enough to allay any fears. She could hire more security guards for the event that things went out of hand or be able to provide herself with guaranteed safety while at work. She had chosen the latter. She wished now that she hadn’t.

The sounds of commotion seemed to get closer, finally prompting the ubiquitous Doctor to check her security cameras. Although commotion was all she could hear, the cameras betrayed her, showing nothing. She used her remote to cycle through various cameras, all showing the same nothingness upon it. Finally, she spotted the problem… the bottom corner indicating that the shot was NOT a live feed. It had been looped from previously-recorded security footage.

There was a bang on the door, and the Doctor felt a cold shiver run up her spine. The first bang was followed by a second. Then a third. The fourth such sound brought the door crashing to the floor from its hinges, as Behemoth and Malphas descended on the Doctor. She attempted to call for help…

She was too late…


It must have been hours before the cover on her head was pulled off. The Doctor squinted against the bright lights of her hospital’s common room. She attempted to move, but found her wrists and ankles bound to a chair. As she struggled to bring her surroundings into focus, she spotted the figure seated across from her. Damian Angel was a dangerous, charismatic man. She knew this. But she didn’t expect that the slightest of momentary lapses in security would give him such an opening… the ability to round up his followers behind him and effectively neuter her security forces.

Her security! She looks around…

Doctor: “Where are…?”

Damian, as though he anticipated the question, gestures off to the side, where the security guards offered an even more disturbing image: They, too, had fallen in line with The Devil Himself. But what Damian does not do is almost enough to frighten the Doctor more than his gesture, more than his acquisition of support. For as he gestures, he keeps his eyes affixed downward on an opened manila envelope.

Damian: “So Katya D. wants to keep me under control…”

Doctor: “It’s not…”

Damian shoots his hand up, immediately drawing silence from the Doctor as if he had taken the very air from her lungs. He continues reading.

Damian: “You see, this is my problem with people like Katya. She wants to be able to have absolute control, to have everything happen to her liking, and she is not comfortable when there is a wrinkle in her plans. Very unprepared for the industry she wishes to spearhead.”

Doctor: “You can’t possibly…”

Damian: “Tell me Doctor…”

He laughs a bit, as a realization creeps into his psyche.

Damian: “I just realized that you never did actually divulge your name. Why is that?”

She doesn’t answer… or if she would, Damian doesn’t give her the opportunity to do so.

Damian: “I do suppose such details are ultimately irrelevant, are they not? After all, you do not care enough to even learn our names. Subject 667, as though accepting the numerical value of “the devil” before shifting me one off of it is supposed to cause me some great psychological trauma. Foolish…”

Damian closes up the folder, passing it off to Kali beside him. He sits back, resting his right foot across his left knee as he tilts his head, surveying the Doctor.

Damian: “So what is your assessment of me, Doctor? In the time that I had been forced here against my will, what great determination about my inner being have you been able to divulge?”

The Doctor, not sure whether or not this is a trap – and not caring one way or the other – squares up, lifting her chin a bit.

Doctor: “You are a narcissistic psychopath is delusions of grandeur fuelling your megalomania. You prey on those with weaker minds to amass a following around you, and then you manipulate those who are too stable or too intelligent to fall into your trap into performing tasks that only you deem necessary.”

Damian raises an eyebrow, nodding his head.

Damian: “Is that all?”

Doctor: “That’s all I need to know. When Miss D. brought you to me…”

Damian rises from his chair, beginning to pace around as he does.

Damian: “Now there is the problem once again. You still believe that this is all the machinations of one Katya D.… one woman barely wet behind the ears. No-no… I recognize the hallmarks of this entire operation more clearly than you could possibly fathom. Katya? She is merely the middleman… middlewoman, if you would be more comfortable with that… to another.”

The Doctor shakes her head.

Doctor: “I don’t know of any other.”

Damian: “No, of course you would not know of it yourself. You are only led to believe what they want you to believe. You see, Doctor… you, like those you accuse of being weak-minded, are being led down a path like a puppy trapped on a leash. You do not have the faculties to comprehend just how twisted and manipulative those forces can be. You believe me to be the narcissistic megalomaniac. You have barely begun to scratch the surface. I must say, however…”

He stops in front of the Doctor, crouching down in front of her.

Damian: “I do appreciate your efforts in… how should we say… reprogramming me into something Katya would find palatable, but you are not going to erase the impact of the last decade on my life. My child, wherever she may be, deserves better than to have her memory erased from me. The things I have done…”

He sits down again, this time on the floor beside the Doctor’s chair.

Damian: “I do display much of what you identified, but I do not see these proclivities as weaknesses… merely eccentricities. Something I am able to work within.And clearly, for Katya to take such an effort to supress me… bribing one such as yourself to “cure” me…”

Doctor: “It wasn’t a bribe!”

She protested a little too firmly, prompting Damian’s attention. He smirks.

Damian: “Sure it was. You took tainted money to imprison me and my followers here against our will. You were given illicit funds to perform psychological torture, and ordered to keep it quiet. You accepted this payment freely. But now things are going to go differently, Doctor.”

Doctor: “What are you going to do?”

Damian: “It is not a question of what I will do… but of what you will do. This is all a part of a cat and mouse game with Katya, but I am no mouse. Your entire livelihood now falls under my order, Doctor. And you shall play a pivotal role in teaching the young D. a lesson in trifling with forces she cannot hope to contain.”

The Doctor shakes her head.

Doctor: “And what if I refuse?”

Damian grins, nodding to one of the other people who had apparently sworn feelty to him. The person slides an envelope in front of the Doctor.

Damian: “It would be in your best interests to cooperate with me. It would be a shame to see you throw your entire professional live away on an indiscretion such as this, would it not?”

The Doctor looks at Damian, almost resigned to her fate.

Doctor: “What do you want me to do?”

Damian smiles…

Damian: “First thing… tell me everything you know about Wonderland…”

She looks to Damian, then to the other people inside the common room, before the scene cuts out.


“The Trios Tournament… had I cared about such a trivial venture before today, I would have provided an effort within it. But as it is, I am Damian Angel. I am the Devil Himself. And I do not need to worry about silly daliances to make my point.

And yet I still find myself within the confines of the Trios Tournament, bound to Giovanni Aries - the valiant warrior against the dastardly Lizard King - and Ruby Amarant - a firecracker seeking to explode within SCW. And while I am certain you are looking for some crack, some exploitable weakness within the trio to enable one to escape past us… you need not waste your time. It would be better spent preparing for your own untimely demise.

But that is not what I wish to talk about. While Trios affords me an opportunity to bring hell back to SCW again, it is not something that I need to focus on for my own means. Rather, I will tell you exactly what I do when I walk out of the tournament with the ability to book any match I see fit.

I will use Trios to fully and completely eradicate the Canadian Heart-Break Kid, Alexander Desoubrais.

How our paths keep intertwining, Alex.

It did not have to be this way. Twelve years ago, while the two daughters were still in primary school, I sat in front of this camera and declared you a cancer upon this company. I swore that I would rip you out of the fabric of this company and that you, Alex, woiuld be broken by the Devil Himself. And what I have found since that declaration is that you have this annoying penchant to not stay dead. At Rise to Greatness 2007, I drove my feet into your spine and put you on the shelf for eleven months. And do you know what happened in that eleven month timespan?

SCW thrived without you. But you could not stay away, could you Alex? You just HAD to come back… just HAD to prove that you were not the frail man that you had been shown to be the previous year. And since then, you have gone to great lengths to prove me right. The brash child Devil has been vindicated by your actions since that time. The way you have latched onto and leech off of Ravyn and Syren, seeking only to see your own legacy grow and your fingerprints to be indeliably etched in the very essence of SCW. It is because of you that this place has become the cesspool it is today. It is because you have fulfilled the prophecy that I spoke of when I first set my sights on you all those years ago.

Alexander, I will be the force driving you out of SCW once and for all. More than any others before, this is my purpose. And I will not make a secret of this. When I win the Trios Tournament, I will use my wish to decree that at Rise to Greatness, I face you one more time… one last time… our final match in SCW… our final work of art in SCW. For after the final bell rings… that will be it. We will both be contractually barred from any appearances, any influence on Supreme Championship Wrestling. I will free this company from your wretched influence if I have to sacrifice my own to do it.

Trios? It is just another step on the road. In the end, I will be the one to END CHBK FOREVER!”

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RE: Aries, Amarant & Angel VS Kandis, Raynes & Williams - by Corner G - 02-15-2019, 09:27 PM

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