Damian Angel vs. Tommy Valentine
OOC Something different here - a letter sent by Damian Angel to Katya D. ahead of Breakdown. Enjoy.

Hello Katya,

So I understand your reign of “terror” has now lapsed, leaving you without the sole power to dictate the fate and circumstances around Supreme Championship Wrestling. I do hope you learned some valuable lessons during this past month. I understand how difficult it may have been for you to manage the weight of the expectations on your shoulders, left only with people who will ultimately betray you to rely upon.

Make no mistake, Katya, they WILL betray you. You need not take it personally. It is merely the nature of the industry as a whole, and Dark Fantasy has a particular penchant for falling in line with those very same idioms. Alexander Desoubrais, in particular… although I believe I do not need to tell you that specifically. You likely have seen the history for yourself, and choose now to cast lots in some foolish naivete that they will not subject you to the same fate that they have foisted upon others.

It is foolish, indeed.

As was your attempt to send me here for what? Rehabilitation? Reprogramming? WIshing to turn me into a mindless follower of your making. Perhaps that was to be your security measure for when Dark Fantasy casts you aside like yesterday’s garbage. Perhaps you felt that turning me to your side would either act as a deterrent - or a Doomsday Option. After all, who other than myself has a complete and utter lack of regard for his own safety to the point that he would do whatever it took to destroy those across from him - even if doing so meant my own demise? It would have been a clever plot, Katya… but you have passed as a possibility.

Now, you have indentured me as your rival. The time will come where I rip the heart out of your vision for this company, when I finally fulfill the prophecy set out for me and destroy the Canadian Heart Break Kid, negating his heinous influence upon this sport and this company once and for all. But until then, feel free to continue casting obstacle after obstacle in front of me. Feel free to think that you have finally gotten me… finally broken me… only to fall to disappointment again and again when I keep coming back.

Casterillo made an interesting claim heading into the Trios Tournament. He claimed that he had been responsible for my demise. That the Devil had died. He could not have been farther from the truth. No miscreant as miserable and pathetic as Casterillo is EVER going to have the satisfaction of ending The Devil Himself. I know my worth, Katya… and HE is not worthy of me.  He is a viable cog in the machine, but nothing more. He will NEVER be anything more than a piece of a larger puzzle, and we both know that deep down inside he knows that. Deep down in the pit of his soul, he knows that he will NEVER amount to me, and that the hammer in the back that he NEEDED to defeat me will forever cloud his career. He will never be seen as anything more than that. Pity. He could have been fashioned into something worthwhile instead of the worthless husk he is.

I do wonder if Thomas Valentine envisions a similar fate for him, although I am not as optimistic about his position as I am about Casterillo’s. Thomas has success in SCW beyond the requirement for a hammer to the back. He is simply lost and embarrassed, having lost the Television Championship he was so certain he would retain. See, unlike myself - who does not care for petty trinkets - he prided himself on being Television Champion and, after weeks of being unstoppable, he was stopped. Not only that, he was stopped of his own volition - submitting defeat to me. That must have damaged his psyche… for we now find ourselves colliding at Breakdown again after his cowardly actions smiled fortune upon Manvel.

And make no mistake - when the time comes, I will snuff the life from Manvel as well.

Katya, please pass a message along to Thomas on my behalf. Tell him there will be no deal… there will be no forgiveness. There will only be pain and agony. When he faces me in the ring, there will be no ambiguity in what I desire. His career, legendary as it may be, is in serious jeopardy.

The Doctor sends her regards.

Damian Angel
Subject 667

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Damian Angel vs. Tommy Valentine - by Team Desire - 02-23-2019, 06:34 AM
RE: Damian Angel vs. Tommy Valentine - by Corner G - 02-26-2019, 08:12 PM

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