Tactical Warfare
OOC: good luck everyone. Characters appear with permission.

January 20th, 2019
Making Things Right
Los Angeles, CA

It had been 2 weeks since he had last heard from his mother, the cunty narcissistic woman had always been a bane in Andrew’s side. You’d expect a mother to have unconditional love and respect for her son but when you’re a spitting image of your father, resentment is something that comes easier for a self-absorbed woman. After being named the Star of Tomorrow and Male Wrestler of the year, it seemed all too convenient that his mother was trying to get back into contact with him. She was that type that only cared when it benefitted her, not Andrew. Andrew had still been deciding on whether or not to try and engage his mother, given that she had been trying to reach out to him with her texts that were doing nothing more than irritate the Embracer of Hate. He remembers earlier in his career when she wasn’t giving him the time of day, as a pathetic “man of the fans” who was never able to really mount himself up the ranks. She had always essentially resented him from the day he was born for coming out exactly like his father and not an image of his mother, something that had always had an impact in his life. To this day she was of the few triggers in his life that could easily set him off, untamed anger that he has never been able to really deal with due to the fact that he wanted nothing to do with her and believed that just avoiding her and being away from her would be enough. Still though, she would make copious attempts to get back into his life when it seemed most convenient for her and Andrew did everything in his power to avoid it.

Until now….

He arrived at the Staples Centre closer to the start of the show, he really didn’t need to be there early since he had the night off but he wanted to be there to show support to his friend, Bree Lancaster, because she was in for the fight of her life inside a roofed caged with a determined Selena Frost for the United States Championship. Dustin was there with him, they often travelled together given their friendship and work elsewhere. He was a little miffed already that he hadn’t been booked but even given the power struggle series between Sasha and Katya, Andrew wanted no part of it. He didn’t care about who was in power as he would continue to do as he saw fit for himself and Dustin. He hadn’t said anything to Dustin about what had been going on with his mother trying to get back into his life, mostly because he knew that Dustin wasn’t someone that was going to be providing any sort of advice or ways to handle it but also Andrew tended to be quite closed off when it came to his family. He was more of the type to try and handle everything himself, ask Amy, regardless of what came from it. He just didn’t want to involve people in his business because he was the only one who knew how to deal with it and wanted to do things on his own terms, as he had everything else in his life.

They had been there for about a half an hour now, chillin in their locker room and away from everyone else. Andrew didn’t really care to be there but again he was trying to be a good friend to Bree by showing his support. He figured he would go and see her later before her match, leaving her now to get herself prepared for what was to come. More importantly, the thought of his mother was still lingering in the back of his mind. Still not willing to engage with her even after she started to irritate him with messages proclaiming how rude it was to ignore her. It was becoming clear that she was insisting on getting through to him for a reason Andrew hadn’t quite figured out yet but knew it was because of some kind of rise to prominence and his attitude. He was sitting there, earphones in and listening to some music before he hears a sound chime through his ears, he recognizes the tone as a text message tone and he slowly slides his phone out of his pocket and looks at it, he sees its from the number he believes that his mother is using to communicate with him though not a short message this time, seems to have provided a little more content for Andrew to rage on.

Mom Wrote:Son, I know that you are receiving these messages, I want you to know that I am extremely disappointed in the fact that you haven’t responded to me over the last couple of weeks. As your mother, I find it disrespectful that you refuse to acknowledge me in any form.

He just looks at it for a minute, already starting to feel annoyed she would do this again. Finally having enough he decides its high time to write back. He takes a deep breath, knowing once he sends this reply he’ll be going his own rabbit hole regardless of his reply, decides to respond in kind as he would.

Andrew Wrote:What the fuck do you want?

The hostility, in Andrew’s mind, was more than warranted. He wasn’t about to try and play nice under any circumstances and he wasn’t going to hold back in his messages, perhaps hoping that she senses he wants nothing to do with her and she will just go away for good, oh if only…..

Mom Wrote:Is that any way to speak to your mother? So disrespectful!

Andrew wasn’t about to mince words!

Andrew Wrote:Coming from the egotistical, narcissistic mother who abandons her son, I think you deserve far worse but I’m being “cordial”

He knew that would elicit a lovely response from his mother but given the fact that she was coming hard for her son, he knew she would be responding by attacking Andrew!

’Mom’ Wrote: Son, I would never abandon you, you’ve shown your mother no respect. I am the furthest person from being selfish or full of ego and the pride that I do have is being a MOM! The fact that you think of me as being that way only shows that what I have done for you over the years was taken for granted instead of being appreciated and respected.

Andrew rolled his eyes over that last text. He knew full well that she was the type to ditch out when shit got rough. Andrew had been going through it his whole childhood when she would leave him at his grandma’s. For her to say something like that now really pissed Andrew off!

Andrew Wrote:What a joke, you have no pride in being a mother unless it benefits you. You’ve shown to be nothing more than someone who only wants something or play the “mom” card when it’s worthwhile to you. Considering every time you’ve decided to pop back into my life is when I have been worth something or when you’ve tried to use my lowest points in life to be a manipulative bitch!

The lowest points being when both his father and grandmother passed, his mom tried to convince Andrew to come back into her life and stand by her side. It was something he never wanted any part of as his hatred for his mother was rooted deep and his attempts to ignore her had clearly fizzled. He figured given his last message, it would surely turn her off and leave him alone….

Mom Wrote:Andrew, Your language usage in these messages is repulsive. I can see that nothing I have done for you for the past 34 years has been acknowledged. I am not about to reiterate any part of it as I am sure you already know as I do. The pain has been horrific with all the changes and it is not without me wanting to make amends, it is the lack of communication that has kept it from happening. You have not reached out either and YOU are the one that caused this entire happening. YOU and YOU only should be the one reaching out and repairing fences.

See, narcissistic bitch! Andrew was just downright mad at this point, he knew that engaging with her was going to result in this but the longer he would choose to ignore her would most likely make things even worse. Still, getting his message across and realizing that his mother was still the same as she always was wasn’t going to change anything.

Andrew Wrote:I don’t need to be the one mending fences, given it’s been YOUR actions that have caused this shit over the past 34 years. I have no reason to bother trying to fix something when I have made myself better because of me, not you. You haven’t even been around since you fucked off to bother trying to get involved in my life unless it was for yourself. Given how fucking self-centered and egotistical you are, why would I bother reaching out at any point? The only reason I bothered responding now was because I knew you wouldn’t leave me alone unless I squashed this once and for all. Don’t fucking get in contact with me again, I want nothing to do with you…..ever!

Andrew took a deep breath and nearly threw his phone against the wall but he was fucking mad. Dustin, who had been out walking around doing his own thing comes back into the room and sees Andrew ready to just explode. He takes a second before addressing him.

Dustin: Yo, everything alright?

Andrew just looks over at Dustin with this pissed look on his face, Dustin could see it immediately.

Andrew: I’m just livid, shit with my mother escalated real quick and I need to just go blow off some steam. What match is taking place right now?

Dustin thinks for a second.

Dustin: Pretty sure it’s the Adrenaline Battle Royal.

Andrew: Perfect, listen, you cool with staying back here while i go and get this dealt with? I just need to go and get rid of this before something worse happens.

Dustin just smirks.

Dustin: Sure bud, I’ll be here when you get back and then we can go get ready to watch Bree defend her title. I’ll have a couple beers waiting for us!

Andrew: Thanks man, I appreciate it.

Andrew goes to leave but not before grabbing a steel chair with him. KNowing that the battle out there is going to be rather intense, he needs to have something he can really unleash his anger with and get this over.

The Inmate Sentenced
February 27th, 2019

He understood it, knowing that Sienna wanted to go with someone else she trusted more. Andrew had an idea of who it might be but it didn't stop it from bothering Dustin that he wasn’t going to be involved in tactical warfare. Having the big man on our side would have helped immensely but Sienna isn't going to let this go to chance under any circumstances. He got it, legit, if it’s who he thought it was then he knew that trust was certainly behind it and given his do anything for her nature, would certainly allow for a little more leeway in terms of Andrew's actions.

Dustin though, he wasn’t having it, he practically felt insulted being turned down like that, given his experience and nature, you would want a big man like Dustin on your side and getting the job done. He didn’t want to cause a scene in front of Sienna though, didn’t want to try and have any issues going down before tactical warfare. He stormed out though, Andrew was right there behind him. Still bothered by what was happening, he stormed down the hallway for a few moments with Andrew and even Bree behind him, he goes into the locker room and immediately grabs a hold of a chair and flings it across the room with authority which smashes right against the wall, you could hear a few people gasp considering the door hadn’t fully closed yet. Andrew, motioning to Bree to stop before entering, walks in cautiously….

Andrew: Yo, chill out man!

Dustin turns, looking at Andrew with intensity.

Dustin: How am i supposed to be cool when i'm the best possible option for this match and get told she has someone better in mind?

Andrew shrugs

Andrew: Dude, there’s a good chance that she’s gonna pick Ikiro for this, the man who’s basically is attached to her tit and would follow her anywhere. Clearly she needs someone who’s gonna do what she wants to win this.

Dustin didn’t seem concerned about that, he felt he was still the better man for the job.

Dustin: Is that supposed to make me feel better? I’d rather be in there causing chaos.

At this point, Bree comes into the locker room and gets in front of Dustin. KNowing she’s taking a risk with Dustin fuming, she believes in this whole thing more than Dustin and Andrew do and wants to make sure everyone is fine.

Bree: Dustin, listen, we still need you to help us win, even if you are not in the match itself. COnsidering the fact that Scott is gonna be busy with Manvel during the show and more of a lover than a fighter anyways. We are gonna need someone who is gonna be able to bail us out, sort of an insurance policy in case shit starts to go south. There’s no one else I or anyone else on this team would rather have helping us out.

Andrew nods in agreement

Andrew: What she said. Besides, think about it. When we win this fucking thing and WE have control. You and I are gonna be able to continue doing whatever we want. That’s gonna mean we can go and fuck up people like Dawn, Alexis, Crissy and whoever else we want and they won’t be able to touch us. With us in control, we don’t have to answer to anyone or getting fucked over.

Dustin seems to calm a little, still sensing the irritation coming from him though.

Dustin: I still don’t like it but I’ll be damned if I am left out of this entirely. No way am i gonna sit back and let you clowns have all the fun. HOwever, when we do win, I’ll be making sure i get what i want out of this too.

Andrew: Dude, we can get you in line for the Adrenaline or TV Title or something like that.

Bree looks a little shocked, looking at Andrew.

Bree: You don’t want it again?

Andrew shakes his head.

Andrew: I made that title what it is today, I’ve left my mark and don’t need it anymore. I’ll have my eyes on bigger things in time. We have our tag titles to win back and Dustin needs something. Since he won’t be competing, I don't have a problem with it.

Dustin took a deep breath, that seemed to have helped him calm a little bit. He didn't enjoy the idea of being on the sidelines but he also knew that given the stakes, there was going to be more than just him outside this match that would get involved. He needed to be in their corner to help make this work in our favor.

Dustin: Fine, I’ll play along, we’ve come too far to let all these other power hungry mongers take advantage of the situation. WE need this!

Andrew and Bree exhale.

Bree: Perfect, you’ll see that this will help all of us. Listen, I need to go back and talk to Sienna about a few things. Can we talk after the show?

Andrew: Alright, I’ll catch up with you later.

Bree smiles and she walks off, but not before patting Dustin on the shoulder and telling him everything will be fine. Andrew just takes another deep breath and looks at Dustin.

Dustin: Don’t fuck this up, we’re not gonna have a second chance at this.

Andrew: Trust me, Things are gonna be much, much different.

Andrew and Dustin nod and shake hands. They knew that they were in good given how the teams were shaping up. Andrew didnt want Dustin feeling left out because of the choice Sienna made, she was the one essentially leading this team as she wanted it to be for the people. Andrew didn;t want there to be any dissention going into this, he needed to be focused and it meant keeping his good friend from blowing up as well. They would have much more important uses for their anger and strength and needed to save it for Tactical Warfare.

Brandy RayneCaster
February 27th, 2019
Breakdown - Post-Show

A Second Chance, Pulled back into another power struggle.

It seemed too weird to Andrew, the type that didn't want to be involved in any form of power struggle, focusing on solely his own agenda and doing what he wanted. He'd been able to avoid dealing with Dawn, Alexis and others simply because he felt untouchable. He was the type that could just march to the beat of his own drum, having the tag title shot lined up which was making Dawn fume and cry like a little bitch and even though he had been ready to face her and regain their tag team titles, he got drawn into this little war again.

This time though, it felt so different. It felt Right.

It wasn’t like Second Chance at all, the VWA show where War Games was fought to determine ownership of the company between a father and son. Sounds familiar? That was being involved in a war he never cared to be involved with in the first place. Fighting for someone he hated in Shane Lawson, fighting with someone he was beginning to resent in Amy, who was clearly resenting him because he was dealing with his own shit. This time though, even with his mother beginning to loom around in his head, he wasn't going to let anything get in his way, not this time. He felt that there was more on the line this time, something more worth actually fighting for. Being in SCW, he had come into his own being a man of hate, of his own accord doing what he wanted without having to worry about moral compasses and all that other bullshit. Never in the history of his career had he been named the future of the company or man of the year. He had gone and done it on his terms, on his own accord because he didn’t have to worry about anything or anyone holding him back anymore. He wouldn’t play second fiddle to anyone.

Was he playing second fiddle to Sienna though?

he didn’t feel that way initially, talking about it briefly, he knew that this would essentially put her back in the World Title picture and Bree wanted her hands back on Selena more than anything. Andrew was fine, he would get their tag title shot with Bree and make good on fucking up Redemption after this was all said and done. We would be putting ourselves in the driver's seat, on their own accord and not having to worry about management fucking them over, they WOULD be management. The ability to take control and do things on their terms was something he didn't want to let slip through their fingers. This team, we were all friends, ish, we trusted each other a lot more than Andrew ever trusted the team he was on for Second Chance. There weren't underlying egos here, we were all on the same page this time and we were going to make sure that we stayed on the same page for a cause that we could all believe in. Well, maybe minus the whole “for the people” aspect but Andrew could make that his own somehow.

This was going to be a second chance that Andrew would look to strongly capitalize on, it was just a matter of making sure things were good between him and his friend.

Bree wanted to meet with him after the show, presumably to make sure that we are for sure on the same page given we were forgoing our tag title shot for this war. WE had chances to talk about it briefly during the show but we kept getting interrupted by everyone else, we really hadn't had a chance to talk heart to heart about it. This was important, our tag titles were important and we needed to make sure everything was fine going into this, leave no stone unturned basically. Andrew waited for her after the show, he was in the arena down by the ring after everyone cleared out. The crew were taking down the set for the most part but they weren't even close to where Andrew was. He just didn't want to be backstage anymore, away from the locker room area or backstage where they would most likely be interrupted by people walking by and shit and he didn't need anyone prying in on their conversation.

They were both in their casual clothes, bags ready to get the fuck out of there but they wouldn’t leave together. Bree had her own stuff to deal with and Andrew wanted to get to the bar for a drink. Dustin had already headed back to the hotel and was waiting for Andrew there so this was just something for Andrew and Bree to settle on before Retribution. She finally sees Andrew and makes her way down to where he was sitting. He was chill, sitting with his feet up just watching everyone doing their post-show take down. It had been awhile since he had done something like this but also knew that it was the best place to have this conversation.

Bree: Hey Andrew, thanks for waiting for me.

Andrew: It was no problem, Dustin took off to the hotel.

Bree gets to where Andrew is, rather than sit though, she stands opposite the barricade and looks over at Andrew who still hasn't really moved. He was rather comfortable.

Bree: Listen, I wanted to actually have a chance to talk to you about Tactical Warfare and what we have at stake here. I wanted to make sure that you and I are good!

Andrew shrugged a little, feeling it was silly for her to ask such a question. Given that we had our tag title shots pushed back, again, though made it a little concerning that it would get to Andrew.

Andrew: Why wouldn’t we be good? We have the chance to do something special here and take power for ourselves for the first time. We won’t have to worry about clowns running the place, kids running around with Daddy’s power pretending to be shit they ain’t. I have a chance to make good on a second chance, there’s no reason why we wouldn’t be good, Bree!

Bree takes a deep breath.

Bree: I know that we had to push our rematch back, again, against Redemption but I know that once we are in power and we win this whole thing for ourselves, we will be able to dictate when we do what we want.

Andrew just smirks.

Andrew: Of course, besides, I know it probably took a lot for you to forgo your US title rematch against Selena in choosing our Tag rematch over anything. You don’t owe me anything to make that choice. If anything, it made being involved in this much easier to accept. I know this is something that is important to you and to Sienna as well. Sienna could have picked anyone else, I am sure that you clearly put in a good word making sure the Star of Tomorrow and Man of the year involved, also given our tag prowess as well. If you can make the sacrifice then it's something that I can do as well.

Bree: Are you sure?

Andrew: Absolutely, I don’t trust anyone else. I don’t trust Katya, Sasha or the fucking wonderland for that matter. IF i had to get dragged back into a power struggle then I am going to make sure that I am able to do what i want once we are in power. Considering the hell Mr. D put me through when I was Adrenaline Champion, I already showed that Katya is nothing more than a power hungry cunt who cant take being told the truth to and Sasha is someone who would also fail to do the right thing. The logical option is for us to step in and make sure that we are the ones calling the shots.

Bree senses a big relief there, she had been concerned that Andrew might not care as much as her and Sienna did about this but with Andrew on board, that added a whole new pillar of strength to this team. Given Sienna would most likely pick Ikiro as the 4th, he would be someone that would follow Sienna to the ends of the earth if it meant her getting what she wanted. Andrew wanted to make sure that the right people were in place to allow him to act as he wanted to. He didn't want to answer to anyone, have to pay for his actions or worry about anyone else hiding behind douchebags.

Bree: Thanks Andrew, it means a lot, we will get what we deserve after we win. I just wanted to make sure that everything was okay with us moving our tag title shot back and being on the same page. I know you said so in front of Sienna and Dustin and the cameras, we really didn't get a chance to really talk about it beforehand and I wanted to just make sure everything was good for real.

ANdrew: We're always good, Bree. Even had you picked the US title over the Tag Titles, like I suggested you do, we would be fine. I'm not gonna worry about stuff like that. We will always be friends and we will make sure that we are the most cohesive team here. We are not fighting for someone else to be in power, we are fighting for US to be in power, we are the ones who are friends here and we can always trust each other. With Dustin at ringside as well, it’s gonna ensure that we get the job done and nothing is going to come and fuck us in the ass out of nowhere.

Bree: Good, I feel a lot better now, thanks. Listen, I need to get going, I’ll catch up with you later okay? Thanks again for meeting with me after the show.

Andrew: Sure thing!

Bree smiles, grabs her bag and walks away. Andrew continues to sit there, now taking his headphones and throwing them back into his ears as he just sits there, watching the crew take everything down and reflecting on everything that is about to go down.

Rayning Eye-Yoshi
March 6th, 2019
Breakdown - Pre-Show

So, as expected, Ikiro was in fact the 4th person selected for the team, no surprise given he was basically Sienna’s man and someone that she clearly trusted more than anyone, obviously as she chose him over Dustin. It was something that ANdrew needed to assess as well, given that he and Ikiro didn’t always see Eye to Eyeyoshi at first, given his desire to be more of a clown working with people like Jason Helms and Dylan HOwell when ANdrew was chasing the Adrenaline Title. NOw that they all abandoned him and he was linked to Sienna, things were much different. Andrew needed to know where they stood though if they were going to work together for the first time, get everything sorted out so they can be focused on the same objective. It shouldn't be too much of a shock, given that Ikiro would legit go to the ends of the earth for Sienna, it wouldn’t be a stretch to think they could work together.

NOt one to have Ikiro’s contact information himself, Andrew got his number through Bree, who got it from Sienna. He mentioned to Bree as he figured getting a chance to talk to Ikiro before hand would make things a lot easier, put Sienna’s mind at ease too. Maybe he wasn't sure how much beef they had before but nonetheless, it wasn't a chance ANdrew was willing to take, he wanted to make sure that things were fine.

Sure, they had dinner together with a bunch of people before but they never really had a chance to talk to each other one on one. THere was no way of really knowing where they stood. Given the importance of this match and the spoils that come with it, Andrew didnt want to leave anything to chance. He wouldn't know what to expect and he wanted to make sure that everyone was on the same page to ensure maximum cohesion in winning this match. Given how the other teams weren't really all on the same page and doing it for someone else, this was a chance for Sienna, Bree, Ikiro and himself to be a perfect unit walking into Tactical Warfare

HE told Ikiro he would be by the loading area before the show. Again, he didn’t trust anyone so he wanted to keep the meeting away from everyone else. IT was just a chance for the two of them to talk and get on the same page themselves leading up to Retribution. Though, Andrew wasn't sure if Ikiro was going to show up, he wasn’t sure what to expect given their past. Maybe he would just avoid it and they would just work together as a common goal and move on, he wasn’t sure. He had been waiting for about twenty five minutes for Ikiro to show up, seeming less likely that a meeting was going to take place. Andrew was willing to wait about five more minutes and then leave thinking he won't show up at all. It was getting closer to time when finally, Ikiro was walking towards Andrew. ANdrew seemed somewhat relieved to see him, this was already shaping up to be what it was meant to be.

ANdrew: I wasn’t sure you would show up.

Ikiro: We have a common goal.

Andrew: I figured with whatever you and I had before, I wanted to make sure you and I were good.

Ikiro just shrugs his shoulders.

Ikiro: Eyeyoshi much different than he was before. No longer a patsy for people. Want to kick them in the face and bring power to Sienna.

Andrew smirks, as expected he knew where his loyalty lay.

Andrew: That's not a surprise, it's good to see you’ve finally seen how stupid trusting clowns can be.

Ikiro: Ikiro trusts Sienna, Bree and hopes he trusts you.

Andrew was waiting for that, remember, the beef they had was pretty intense.

Andrew: It's why I wanted us to meet before BReakdown, I wanted to make sure that we were good given our history. I wouldn’t have accepted being on board if i wasn't to be trusted. Having people I trust in control will go a long way for what I want to accomplish here and if it means choking out whoever needs to be put down, so be it. I’ll ensure that we come out on top. Given that Bree trusts me and Sienna trusted me enough to have me on the team, I think it's safe to say I can be trusted. As long as you and I are good, we put our shit behind us and work together, no one's gonna touch us.

Ikiro smirks.

Ikiro: So we good?

Andrew: We’re good, thanks for meeting with me.

Ikiro: Good, EyeYoshi needs to go see Sienna now, We talk later!

They shake hands and nod as Ikiro walks away, Andrew just waits a few moments before walking the other way to meet up with Dustin. With this out of the way now, the team was as gelled as they were going to be, most likely the most cohesive unit in Tactical Warfare which would mean alot given what's at stake and how the match is going to play out. Andrew wanted to make sure that nothing was going to be left in the air to come crashing down on them at the worst possible time.

Pulled back In, fueled by hate

Just when I thought I was past these power struggles, I find myself right back in the middle of it.

This time though, it won't be like Second Chance.

This won't be like giving the company to one of two people I couldn't stand when VWA went through this. Given how much I hated both Lawsons involved, motivation to do well was something that wasn't worth my time. It was more of a dragging contractual obligation to pretend I gave a shit when really, VWA could burn to the ground for all I cared. I hated everyone on my team, people who just wanted to kiss Shane's ass and suck him off to try and give an undeserving man a company that really neither Lawson should have had control of. Being a part of that was a joke, an insult to the man I wanted to be. I was thankful when it was all said and done because it allowed me to fall to a point where I am who I am today now because of it.

Now it's time we show you all how it's done.

Because now I come into this little war as a new man, the man I am meant to be. The man who became the star of tomorrow and man of the year because I did this shit on my own with not a fucking thing handed to me. You Think D enjoyed seeing me ascend to the top of the adrenaline division after trying to stifle and prevent my rise. A man who did everything he could to take the title away from me because I made it relevant and i wouldn't go down quietly. A man who didn't know what was best because he had his little fairies in his ear trying to make their lives better and holding real champions and real people back because deep down, they never deserved to be there. I did though, I went and I backed up my shit talk, my warsnofnwords because I was everything I said that I was, with nothing holding me back anymore. What I was able to do was go out there and just freely unleash the hate and devastation I had been holding in my entire life. Having that freedom to do as I saw fit with no ramifications or remorse for my actions. I haven't felt sorry for anything I've done because I don't owe anyone anything anymore, not to the fans, not to management and certainly not to anyone on the roster who thinks they're entitled to more than me or a higher place than me. Right Dawn? Alexis or Sammy? You can just kiss my ass.

Now with Daddy D stepping down we'd expect things may actually improve around here, except for the fact that his little pathetic spawns are no fucking better than he was, with the exception of being day and night in terms of the people they support. It essentially becomes no different which was evident after Katya took over. All it did was give me shades of the House and the morons that ran a company into the ground and that's exactly what we're gonna have here if a D. is allowed to run the show again.

That's why we have the chance to truly, make things right.

See, being involved in this was something I never wanted it to come to, there was a reason why I avoided the pathetic power series at Making things right. It was because I wasn't about to subject myself to two pathetic little kids to try and run a show they were completely out of their league to perform. Except now we're in very danger of having that happen permanently and I can't fathom the idea of making that a reality. This time though, I'm not surrounded by complete morons and self-serving clowns who could barely get along outside the ring, let alone pretend to act like a cohesive team to win control. It was a fucking joke! The difference now is were against all those types of people in this, people who believe that they're doing the right thing or have been convinced and played to do something they won't get anything out of for performing well enough. For this to really succeed though is the one thing we have over every other team in this match, complete cohesion. We are team of friends, of people who have really come together in order to achieve what we want. Four people who have done shit by our own rules and on our own terms because we see what's really at stake here. We are people who have ,time and time again, been a reward over and made to be looked over because we don't tow the company line or the suck management cock in order to get ahead. We're people who go in there and we get the job done because we are better, period. You think Selena really deserved two shots before being forced to cash her trios contract before Bree finally just let Selena have it to shut her the fuck up? You think Marie deserved any World title shot beyond being voted by clowns? People end up being handed shit they don't deserve because they play the good little follower, the good soldier who gets entitlement because they did a good thing. Or people get lucky and handed shit they don't deserve because other people want to get in good with brass and be given stuff because they can't go earn it on their own. It's why I never bothered throwing a fit after getting fucked out of the adrenaline title because I knew it was the only way it was gonna be taken from me and finally handed to Regan Street on a silver platter.

And that's just me, we can talk about how all of us on this team have been fucked over and overlooked because we didn't play by the rules of others. Constantly pushed back so their friends and allies can be given opportunities that they shouldn't have to begin with and now, we have the chance to walk into Tactical Warfare and the Retribution we deserve, that we have earned because people like Sienna and I aren't named Female and Male Wrestler of the year, respectively, because we fluked our way into it. We earned it, we went out there and showed people why we are who we say we are. Why Bree, who had the chance to select whoever she wanted as a tag team champion with her, why she chose one of the best in this business. Because I've gone out there and proven why I am who I say I am. Even Ikiro, who was overlooked by everyone because they thought he was a nobody, had to finally show who he really was because it was time to fuck everyone else and be who he was meant to be. Now he's alongside the Iron Angel and a more dangerous and lethal man capable of kicking you in the face when you least see it coming.

Make no mistake about it, we are the team to beat here.

Because we are the most cohesive and dynamic team here. Because we are working to achieve the common goal that we have been denied for too long. We all come into this knowing what to expect and what we expect of each other which we know for a fact can't be said the same for the other teams. Thrown together because Katya, Sasha and the Wonderland believe they can simply pick the best people possible throw them into a team and come out victorious. no, what you'll witness is a classic case of one or two people trying to lead the pack, run the show for their team without the care or concern of their teammates and will crumble. While Sienna, Bree, Ikiro and I come into this with a complete plan and intentions of walking out victorious in this power struggle. Where we trust each other and have each other's backs because we know the only way we win this is if we're together in unison to get the job done. That's why you come into this with your friends, with people you know so you can feed off it and use each other's strengths and weakness as they should be. With the anger and dark side I possess and have harnessed to being into war, you'll all won't be ready for the balance we bring to destroy all of you.

Make no mistake about it, the hatred we've built for the system is going to be deployed in a manner that will overwhelm and consume each one of you before you're even ready to attack. Friends or foes were up against won't matter because us four are bent on getting the job done and we don't care what we need to do to get the job done. There's no holding back, there's no respect here because we know that we'll get cut down the second we blink or turn our backs. Prepare to take us down all you want but you'll fall into the endgame before you even see what's coming.

We fight for what's right, for too long we have sat back and given you clowns the chance to make this company worth something and this is why we've all ended up here.

Now, it's our turn!

The Code Of The Sith
Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.

Messages In This Thread
Tactical Warfare - by Team Desire - 03-03-2019, 06:05 AM
RE: Tactical Warfare - by The Matt - 03-09-2019, 07:11 AM
RE: Tactical Warfare - by Owen - 03-09-2019, 09:28 AM
RE: Tactical Warfare - by James Evans - 03-09-2019, 10:15 AM
RE: Tactical Warfare - by HardyGirl - 03-09-2019, 11:17 AM
RE: Tactical Warfare - by Giovanni Aries - 03-09-2019, 12:13 PM
RE: Tactical Warfare - by SnowQueenSCW - 03-09-2019, 12:42 PM
RE: Tactical Warfare - by The Matt - 03-10-2019, 07:31 AM
RE: Tactical Warfare - by Giovanni Aries - 03-10-2019, 09:31 AM
RE: Tactical Warfare - by Corner G - 03-10-2019, 11:05 AM
RE: Tactical Warfare - by James Evans - 03-10-2019, 11:20 AM
RE: Tactical Warfare - by HardyGirl - 03-10-2019, 11:26 AM
RE: Tactical Warfare - by Owen - 03-10-2019, 11:38 AM
RE: Tactical Warfare - by Sienna Swann - 03-10-2019, 11:42 AM
RE: Tactical Warfare - by Regan Street - 03-10-2019, 11:44 AM
RE: Tactical Warfare - by EyeYoshi - 03-10-2019, 11:47 AM
RE: Tactical Warfare - by Kennedy Street - 03-10-2019, 11:54 AM
RE: Tactical Warfare - by DeeSizzle - 03-10-2019, 11:56 AM
RE: Tactical Warfare - by Sienna Swann - 03-10-2019, 11:56 AM

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