Tommy Valentine vs. Selena Frost
OOC: CD takes place immediately following Retribution PPV. Promo takes place day of Breakdown. Best of luck Ash! Posted in two parts due to length

I of the Storm

“No More Dancing Around the Issue...”

There was a cool breeze blowing through Manhattan today, which, actually blended nicely with the warmer weather that late March was offering the New York city. It was a reminder that spring was practically here, if the “official dates” of the weather could be believed. Still, even with the green leaves of the trees rustling in the wind, the forest outside looking like a sea of green, it was all ignored in the moment as-

“She took my arm! I don't know how it happened.”

-As the music played within the home. It was not obscenely loud, neither was the singing of the redhead as she twirled the platinum-blonde with ease. After all, with their baby daughter sleeping upstairs, even if the door was closed and the walls were sound proof (the door only allowing loud sounds – like a baby crying - through), neither woman wished to wake her from her afternoon nap.

Be that as it may, neither Deanna or Selena allowed their smiles to drop as Selena, taking her wife’s singing lyrics as advice, took the lead and began guiding the redhead around the kitchen area, carefully avoiding any chairs or other furniture.

“We took the floor and she said…” Deanna continued but Selena came in with the next line, pale hands gently cupping the young redhead’s face.
“Oh don’t you dare look back.” the wrestler sang, leaning in to playfully nuzzle her wife's nose with her own in an Eskimo kiss. “Just keep your eyes on me.”
“I said.-“ Deanna gave a teasing tilt of her head, emerald eyes sparkling. “You’re holding back.”
“She said, ‘Shut up and dance with me!’.” Selena replied, moving her arms back to their original place, one taking Deanna’s right hand and the other wrapping around her wife’s waist.

With a grin, the younger Frost lifted both hands up above Selena’s head to gently and lovingly run them down the back of the woman’s platinum head, moving downwards where she felt toned back muscles and shoulder blades under the gray t-shirt Selena wore. “This woman is my destiny…” the redhead sang, her hands reaching their desired destination around the SCW superstar’s waist, as Selena’s free arm did the same to hers. “I said ooo ooo ooo!” with the line, Deanna leaned back fully, swinging her upper body in an arc as Selena held her, swinging a little with her before Deanna snapped back up. “Shut up and dance with me!” she finished singing to the older Frost, the two dancing the last of the song before Selena, reaching out with her hand closest to the counter pressed the button on the small player/speaker machine.

“My turn.” She purred, changing the song to a softer, slower tune. “Something slower.” She whispered, gently adjusting Deanna’s arms to wrap around her neck while hers returned to the redhead’s waist. Deanna’s head, meanwhile, found rest in the crook of the platinum blonde’s neck and Selena could feel her soft breath on her pale skin. There were no lyrics to sing – Selena didn’t want any. 

With SCW giving its staff and roster a full two weeks of post-ppv break over the traditional one – first, to fully conduct the transition of power from Mr. D. to his daughter, Sasha, and the other to launch a full investigation into the assault that had happened on the latter – Selena, upon returning home, had spent as much time as she could (aside from recovery) being a mother and wife to her family, bathing in the love and returning it with equal vigour.

She felt the soft placement of kisses lining her neck muscles, causing a shiver to run a course up and down her spine. “I love you, minx.” Whispered the redhead. 
“I love you, pet.” She replied with ease, allowing the shorter woman to lift her head so Selena could capture her lips with her own in a soul-searing kiss. The Snow Queen squeezed her wife’s soft form to her own, as Deanna pulled her closer and deeper. Selena could feel every inch of her wife’s form pressed against her as her tongue softly wrapped around the redhead’s. 

They stayed in such a way for a few moments until breathing became essential, Selena breaking the kiss but granting her wife a few more soft kisses on pale lips. She still felt the sore muscles of her back and legs protest under certain actions, testaments to her battle inside the two rings and steel of Tactical Warfare, but Deanna had certainly sped along her 'recovery' of sorts.

A bark came from downstairs as Oberon, the white-husky pup (who, Selena swore, was getting bigger and bigger as time went on) bounded up the stairs from the basement to rush towards the two Frost women, circling their legs and nuzzling them. When the two didn't immediately react in the first two milliseconds, the pup, opted to try a different tactic for attention, leaping up on its hind legs to lean against Deanna's behind, semi-effectively adding himself to the 'dance'.

“Whoa!” Deanna cried in surprise from the shifting of weight. “Obi!”
“Down boy!” Selena tried, though her voice came out more as a laugh than anything else.

Together, as if having the same thought, the two Frost women, shifted their hips in the same direction, gently shoving the husky a little. Fortunately, it was enough to get the dog to lose his balance on his hind-legs and return to his four-legged stance, but not enough to dissuade him, as he released a soft whine at being, what he felt, 'ignored'.

“Oh, you big baby.” Selena, sighed, releasing Deanna and kneeling down towards their pet dog. Pale hands reached out and immediately, they were scratching and petting the 'neglected' animal with the utmost attention. The whining from Oberon immediately changed to content as the dog flopped onto his side, his paws up in the air, further requesting more attention, which Deanna, moving her red sarong to the side a little so she could kneel down and assist her wife in scratching Oberon's furry belly.

“He's going to get so big that it'll take both of us to keep him happy.” she remarked to her pale wife.
“That or one of us with a VERY effective puppy scratcher.” 
“You think we should get one for him?” Deanna asked. “Some kind of scratching post?”
“He already uses the table legs and corners on the walls around the house.” Selena replied. “I mean it might help with keeping his shedding localized when he does, but...”

She turned her head to see the panting, happy face of their adopted dog. “I don't think that will help too much. He just wants the attention from his mommies, don't you, you little ball of fur.” her tone adopted to a more 'playful' and 'motherly' tone, teasing Oberon affectionately as she leaned down to kiss the side of the husky's nose. Immediately, Oberon, sensing this new kind of affection, was up in a seated position, turning his head to lick Selena's face excitedly, his tail wagging back and forth.

“Yes, you do.” Selena laughed as she pet the back of his head. “Alright.” she gently ordered after a few moments of such affections. “Are you hungry? Thirsty?”

With her free hand, the Snow Queen gestured towards the far end of the room, near the play pen where the younger children (Amiliah and David) would often play safely. There was a plastic fence that served the perimeter of the area – again, for the safety of the wandering, excitable children – and near that fence was a plastic bowl, recently filled with water and a metal one of similar shape filled with dog food. Both Oberon recognized rather quickly, the dog forgetting his mothers for a moment eat and drink his fill.

Wiping her face with the bottom of her shirt, Selena shook her head as she stood up to her full height, reaching over with her free hand to assist her wife in also doing so. “Three kids and a dog.” she stated simply.

“I know.” Deanna shook her head before turning her emerald  gaze to her beautiful wife. “We should get you something for the road! How bout a ferret!”
“No.” Selena shook her head. “I'm not babysitting anyone on the bus unless it's the five people ALREADY living in this house with me.”

The redhead cocked her eyebrow playfully. “You have to babysit me?”
“Absolutely.” Selena answered. “I promised your sister when I first took you out to New York.”
“You mean our first 'date'?”
“It wasn't a date.” Selena stated. “I was fulfilling my obligations to the auction you won.”
“Which ended up with us having sex while you were drunk, and, ultimately, me being married to you.” she added with a teasing glare. “Should I be considered with the other people you babysit?”

Selena's narrowed a little in amusement and slight confusion. “Considering those people are OUR children and dog? No, I don't think so, Deanna.” she shook her head. “ that I think about it, can I ask you a dumb question?”

“Oh! I love dumb questions!” the redhead clapped her hands playfully, still in her teasing mood. She hopped over closer to Selena, enough to, once more, lean against her wife snugly, resting her head against the platinum-blonde's shoulder and moving Selena's hands to, once more, wrap around her. “Go ahead.”

“Well... and I know it was what? Four years ago?”
“Almost.” Deanna replied.
“But, how much did it cost to win the auction? I honestly don't remember.”
“I do.” Deanna smiled. “You got the second highest. Two-thousand and seventy-five dollars. The mayor got four grand easily.”

“Okay... how did you get that much money? I mean, it's not a lot now for us, but you had just finished high-school and I can't imagine your sister would let you spend that much on something like that...” Selena asked.

Deanna shrugged. “I actually had worked a little as a server in one of the restaurants. Remember Buell St. Bistro? I told you about Mark and them?”
It took a moment but the Snow Queen nodded her head as she recalled the memory. “Right?”

“Well...” Deanna explained. “I had started working with them a few months earlier and had about sixteen-hundred saved up. But when I went, you quickly moved past that number. And no, when I begged Amy for some help, she flat-out refused.”
“I can imagine.” Selena gave a tilt of her head.
“It wasn't anything personal.” Deanna assured her wife. “She just didn't think that much money should be spent.”
“I can agree.” Selena nodded her head. “I mean, it was for a good cause but it wasn't meant to break people's banks for it.”
“I know but...” Deanna shrugged. “What can I say? I wanted to meet you.”

With a smile, Selena shook her head. “Oh, I can definitely remember that...” she mused as she looked into her wife's eyes. “I dropped by your house and your sister said that you were still going through dresses.”

A moment passed before a red tinge lined Deanna's cheeks, causing Selena to giggle playfully. 

“ knew about that.” Deanna buried her face in Selena's neck shamefully. “I....wasas...soonerus” her voice was muddled by her position, causing Selena to gently guide the red-haired head away from her neck.

“Oh stop that.” she stated.
“I was nervous.” Deanna shrugged. “I mean, I already had like the BIGGEST crush on you.” she admitted. “And you had just sort of come out of being bisexual and...”
“You wanted to whisk me off my feet?” Selena titled her eyebrow.
“A little...” Deanna whispered, her head lowered.

A pair of pale fingers reached out to gently guide her face back up, emerald eyes meeting sapphire ones. 

“It worked.” Selena smiled, leaning into kiss her wife's forehead. “Because I'm still falling in love with you almost four years later.”

The blush returned to Deanna's face, causing her to turn away from Deanna and cover her face with her hand. “Dammit. I hate when you make me blush like that!”
“I don't.” Selena smiled with a tilt of her head just as a ringing sound filled the room, coming from the landline telephone hanging on the side of the wall.

Selena acted first, rushing to the phone (as she was closest to it) and pulling the receiver off the body of the machine. She didn't want to take any chances in the ringing waking up either Amiliah or David (who was also having an afternoon nap). “Hello?” she spoke quietly while Deanna moved to calm Oberon, who had been a little spooked from the ringing of the phone.

“Yes, Mrs. Frost?” 

Selena didn't recognize the voice right away. Phones were weird, always making voices sound different than they did when in person. “One of them.” she replied, casting a quick glance at her wife, who's eyes were on her. “This is Selena.”

“Yes, fine. This is Mr. Bradley at the South Bronx Classical Charter-” Selena did not have to hear the long name of her daughter's school to recognize whom was speaking to her. Immediately, the Snow Queen's alarms were up, tension in her back, reminding her of her injuries of the past weekend defending SCW from takeover.

“Yes, Mr. Bradley-” she stated, perhaps too quickly but her nerves were already on edge as she spoke the principal's name. “Has something happened with Elsianna?”

There was a moment of pause from the other line, enough time for Deanna, having heard her wife's words, to rush over to Selena's side, the small frame of the redhead pressed against Selena's back and her hear close to where the phone was to Selena's ear, trying to hear everything being spoken.

“I...” was how the principal started, causing Selena's heart to drop. “There has been a terrible incident. We need you or your wife immediately.”
“What's happened?!” The alarm in Selena's voice raised in pitch. 
“It would be better if you came and spoke to me.”
“Mr. Bradley-” Selena started, on the verge of a break down, only for the phone to be snatched out of her hands by Deanna, who expertly held the device while Selena looked at her, shocked.

“Mr. Bradley, this is Deanna. Is Elsianna alright? Tell us that.”
“She's... in stable condition.” Mr. Bradley stated.

Sadly, that was enough to also get the redhead worked up. Taking a deep breath (and purposefully NOT repeating what the principal had just said for the sake of Selena), she simply asked. “Where are you?”

“525 E on 68th Street.” came the answer. “The Weill Cornell Burn Center.”


[30 minutes later]

Traffic was always an issue with New York/Manhattan. Even with all the roads and three-ways and alternate routes. It couldn't be helped. In a large city as New York and the thousands of business and millions of people? Traffic was bound to be an issue.

Traffic had never met a determined redhead like Deanna Frost before. 

Because this was different than the last time they had driven through the streets of Manhattan, New York, in a rush to travel to their daughter's aid. The previous occurrence, to put it quite simply, had not been for her true aid, but rather to do with her ability to defend herself against bullies. The matter had been discussed at her school and then, for what the Frost wives believed, solved... for the most part.

This was something different entirely. 

Now, they were truly rushing to Elsianna's aid. There had been no mistake in in the principles' voice. There was concern, fear, and not for his job, position, or for himself. No, Mr Bradley at spoken as if he was fearing for the well-being, perhaps the life, of Elsianna. Selena had heard enough of such things like intonation and emotion in her career, watching promos and segments in SCW to recognize the cues.

They had needed only five minutes to call Gerda and have her come to their house to watch over the sleeping children before Selena and Deanna were on the road. What was supposed to be a twenty-five minute car ride was dropped down to eighteen, thanks to Deanna. As their Jeep Liberty pulled into the parking lot, Selena was already undoing her seat belt. As if anticipating her wife’s actions, Deanna didn’t search for a parking space first and foremost. Rather, she moved the car to stop in front of the door of the tall building that was the burn treatment hospital. 

“Go!” the redhead urged, pushing the ‘unlock’ button for the car doors. “I’ll find a parking spot.”

The Snow Queen did not have to be told twice, practically leaping out of the car and sprinting the short distance to the entrance. The automatic doors barely had enough time to open – the platinum-blonde pushing them apart a little with her hands to rush inside. It didn’t matter what the name was. Burn center, health clinic, hospital... it was all the same, with white floors and walls littering the majority of the entryway/lobby. As if the color white seemed “cleaner” or “more sanitized”.

Coming from the Snow Queen, what does that mean? she didn’t allow herself time to be distracted or amused by her thoughts. Not now... she quickly chastised herself as she reached the reception.

“Hello.” she called towards the back of the first nurse she saw, a large woman with short, black hair with a hint of gray woven into it. “Yes, my daughter was brought here – her school called and -”
“Sweetheart, I need you to relax.”

Selena's brain did not process the information for several seconds, the sound of the nurse's voice only shutting her brain down and making her mouth inoperable for those seconds. 

“Sorry.” the nurse offered with a smile. “You were just panicking and  talking a mile a minute. Not going to do anyone any good, okay?”
Slowly, Selena nodded, part of her wondering why she could not speak still.

“Now, what's your child's name?”
“Elsianna Frost.” Oh NOW you work. Where were you fifteen seconds ago?! 

The nurse was suddenly at work, her chubby fingers moving, surprisingly, faster than Selena's eyes could. Within a few seconds, she had turned her head to Selena. “Nothing here.” she admitted, but quickly held up her hand before Selena could utter a word. “However, that could easily be because she was brought in on an emergency and she hasn't been placed on record. What was the problem?”

“I don't know.” Selena blurted out. “Her principal called me and said there was a problem and that I needed to be here immediately with my wife-”

Turning around, Selena spotted her wife rushing through the front doors as fast as she could, probably a little less easier than Selena, who had worn running shoes as opposed to the sandals Deanna had thrown on in a hurry.  Still, within a few seconds, the sarong-wearing redhead was by her wife's side. “Well?” she asked quickly.

“What I was saying-” Selena turned her attention back to the nurse, who, the platinum-blonde quickly noted, had a nametag that read 'Fiona'. “Is that we don't know what's going on. All we know is that she was brought her by a Mr. Bradley.”

“Okay- THAT I can work with.” Fiona stated before reaching for her phone and dialing a number. Quickly, she threw a glance back at the Frost wives. “Names in case he just calls?”
“Selena and Deanna Frost.” Selena answered. 

Almost immediately, Fiona's voice filled the entire section of the hospital and, Selena guessed, beyond. “Mr. Bradley, please come to the reception desk immediately. Mr. Bradley to the reception or call the front desk.” she hung the phone back into its receiver. “I'm going to be right here, okay?” the nurse slowly gestured towards the filing cabinets and computers that surrounded the interior of the small desk/counter that several nurses were walking in and out of. Selena merely nodded her head before pushing herself away from the desk to march around the room, her running-shoed feet barely making a sound, her hands stuffed into the pockets of her leather jacket.  Every time she would pass the right side of the wall, she would hear the not-so-quiet tick-tock of the clock hanging on the wall. Despite this, the Snow Queen had no idea how much time had gone by. Minutes? Hours? Was that even possible for Bradley to take so long? Given the number of ticks that kept echoing in Selena's ears, she was starting to believe that it was.

And just as she was about to yell at the nurse to try again – or let her do it so she could REALLY yell Bradley's name – the ding-chime of the elevators down the hall (though still visible to the Frost women) was heard, causing both platinum-blonde and redhead to cast their glances from there. Four people filed out of the metal construct, but Selena and Deanna only cared about the dark-haired, broad man that marched out, his eyes wildly scanning the space Selena and Deanna occupied until he recognized them. Quickly, he lifted his hand to beckon them closer, something neither Selena nor Deanna, given the present circumstances, had an issue in obeying.

“I'm so sorry.” Bradley managed to blurt out as he ushered the women into the elevator, immediately pressing the button for the sixth floor.
“Just tell us what happened.” Selena demanded, though her tone was more cold than angry, a sign Deanna took to step in.
“We've been worried that it's bad.” she replied, trying to ease the tension. “Can you at least tell us it's not?”

“Of course it's bad, Deanna.” Selena shot back. “We're in a burn hospital! You think they'd bring her here if she had the sniffles or another bruise on the face?”

For a moment, Deanna, despite being the ever-optimist, had no refute. Simply because, with the logic as absurdly simple as it was, she could not offer any decent argument. And when Bradley took a deep breath, the redhead was almost certain what he was about to say:

“I'm afraid that Mrs. Frost.” he gestured towards Selena. “Is correct.” Despite hearing those words, the Snow Queen felt her heart sink into her stomach. And as the elevator opened, she was not given time for further questions as Bradley quickly marched the wives down a long hall, taking a right – to Selena, it reminded her of her adventure years ago with Deanna, sneaking into the office of Doctor Paracelsus to get the information of her frozen embryos – eggs that had lead to the birth of her sweet prince, David.

But he is at home sleeping. He is safe. What about Elsa?

That thought sobered her mind and she pushed forward, keeping in step with Deanna as they walked behind Bradley. It was not long before they were in a sitting room, very similar to the one in the lobby, but smaller. Probably because fewer people spend time on this floor- Selena started but quickly shut her random thoughts off as best as she could as Bradley turned towards the two wives, gesturing for them to take a seat.

“What is this?” Deanna asked, her eyes scanning the room with the utmost concern. “Can you please tell us what has happened? You said Elsianna was in 'stable condition' what does that mean?”

Again, Selena chose to jump in with an answer. “She got burned, didn't she?”
Slowly, Bradley nodded his head, which only caused Selena's heard to seize, her anger spiking as she put the pieces together. 

“And it wasn't an accident, was it?” she stated.
“We are certain that it was not.” Bradley answered.

Deanna's mouth hung open for a moment before she suddenly was pressing herself into Selena's form, the Snow Queen, protectively, wrapping her arms around her wife. “How...” the platinum-blonde's voice shook. “How bad is it?”

“I feel it best that you sit down and allow me to tell you everything I know.” Bradley stated. “Starting with that what I said was true. Your daughter, last I was told, was in stable condition and there doesn't seem to be any threat to her life.”

Quietly, Selena guided her wife to sit on the couch beside her, though the wrestler never released her trembling redhead from her arms. 

“To give you a quick idea, our school recess space is a rather large backyard that several other houses are built around.” he started, removing his black glasses to polish them with a handkerchief. “In the far back, right at the end, there is a small series of trees and shrubbery, the children like to climb them and are usually well supervised.”

“What if they hide in the woods?” Selena asked, her gaze jetting from Bradley to the different hallways she could see, hoping her snowflake would appear at any moment – in any of them.
“It is possible, but usually we have a patrol out there inspecting every thirty or so minutes so not too much mischief is supposed to happen.” Bradley answered. “That's actually what I am getting. It seems that a group of children have been running to the forest, reaching the back and jumping one of the fences every recess to harass one of the neighbours dogs.”

“Wha-how?” Deanna's head shot up, almost knocking Selena in the chin. “How could they do this?”
“The fence is not that high up. Any able climber could make it.” Bradley replied simply, before waving his hands. “Regardless, we were very understaffed due to people calling in sick today.”
“And?” Selena asked with a tilt of her head.
“It seems that the group of children tried again – perhaps knowing of the time between patrols, I'm not sure. But they climbed the fence and started harassing the same dog.”

“According to some of the students we rounded up, they had spent weeks tying cans and shoes to the dog's tail, feeding it foods that made it sick from their lunchboxes-”
“Mr. Bradley.” came the cold voice of the Snow Queen. “This is sad and I certainly am sorry for the owner, but you are talking about a pet when we are here because of Deanna's and my daughter!”. The fact that, even this stressed, Selena refused to exclude Deanna  from her mother patronage made the redhead's heart glow with warmth for a moment.

“I promise you, I am getting there. According to the boys we apprehended, the leader-”
“Was it Aaron Stanton?” Selena asked, raising an eyebrow as she caught the look of surprise of Bradley as Selena mentioned the name of Elsianna's tormentor of a bully.

The principal's silence was all the answer she needed. “I told you.” she said coldly. “I told you this problem would not go away simply by ignoring it.”
“And I wish to God I had listened to you.” the broad man implored as he stared at the Frost wives.

“ more interruptions, please.” Deanna's voice was frail, pleading. “Just let him tell us what happened to our baby.”

Biting her lower lip hard, Selena's cold glare (a representation of the cold of Nome still in her veins), nodded her head. 

Quickly, Bradley straightened his suited posture before continuing. “It seems that Aaron's plan-” he had lost the pretenses of hiding the information from the Frosts. It was their child in their after all, dammit. “To simply spray the dog's tail with aerosol Fabreeze and then light the tail on fire and watch the dog chase itself. But when they made it into the neighbours' backyard, it seems your daughter followed them there. And when she saw what was being done, she screamed as loud as she could. Which was enough to get the boys to scatter when a patrol monitor arrived.”

Despite the situation, Selena felt a swell of pride for her daughter, one she knew Deanna was feeling as well. Still, it didn't not make sense why Elsianna would be here if she stopped them.

“There's more to this.” Selena stated, more in dread than anything else.
Sadly, Bradley nodded his head. “About twenty minutes after school had concluded for the day, screams were heard coming from the backyard. Myself and a few others, along with the custodian staff, were still on school grounds, finishing up the day's records when we heard it repeatedly. We rushed out, but by the time we got there, the only person that was there was your daughter. She...”

The principal took a moment to remove his glasses, as if that was enough to will his tears to stop forming inside his eyes. “She was on the ground, rolling around in pain and her arms...”
“What about her arms?” Deanna asked, her voice a little higher.
“We believe she suffered three-degree burns to both her arms. Right now, she is in the operating room, the surgeon removing any dead skin from the burns.”

Again, Deanna sought refuge in Selena's frame. The Snow Queen, despite hearing this news, remained silent... at least on the outside. Inside? Her heart was racing and her mind was anything but silent.

Couldn't save her!
Too weak!

The familiar taunts and jabs of her demons were roaring, as if they were inside the very walls of that room. They were screaming in her head, and she could even imagine the sight of her snowflake – her eldest child – writhing in agony on the cold ground as the flames licked and bit into her arms. For the first time, Selena had nothing she could think of to say. She had always been able to relate to her child in terms of the bullying and tormenting – having gone through it herself in her past in Nome, Alaska.

But this... this was so much more than being locked in a chest or having chocolate milk or hot coffee dumped on your head. This was so much more than having play-doh globbed inside your hair or abandoned in a forest with no clothes on. Those were injuries to her pride – emotional scars that she could overcome if she was strong enough.

What her daughter had gone through was... it was beyond bullying! It was sick! It was something Selena had learned to expect in SCW but, luckily, never had. It was MEANT for a wrestler like Selena! Not a child like Elsianna!

“Selena! Selena!!” the voice finally broke through the Snow Queen's mind and sapphire eyes flicked back to reality as they stared into emerald ones. “Come back! Come back to me, please!” 

“Wha...what is it?” Selena asked in confusion, looking around. “What happened?”
“You began hyperventilating.” Deanna whispered. “And gripping me so hard...”

As fast as she could move, Selena shot her gaze down to her hands, wrapped so tight around Deanna's biceps that the platinum-blonde's knuckles were turning white – whiter than usual. Immediately, Selena threw herself back off the couch and away from her wife. “I'm so sorry.” she pleaded. “I didn't mean to!”

“I know.” Deanna tried, pushing herself up to move closer to her wife.
“No- please!” Selena tried to stop her but she barely got to the wall before she felt Deanna's hands reach around her to press into her shoulder blades, the redhead's head resting over Selena's heart.
“I'm okay, Selena.” she whispered. “Was it Sirus, again?” she whispered even lighter, so only Selena could hear.

She understood – she refused not to. With Selena being upfront with her wife about her A.A meetings and the demons that haunted her, Deanna had refused to simply shrug off her wife's problems. Even if the younger Frost could not hear the voice or comprehend the power they had over her wife's mind, she refused to simply ignore her beloved's suffering. 

Slowly, Selena shook her head. “Partly but it was more me... it's-”
“If you say that this is your fault, I swear to Odin that I will slap you!” she hissed.
“But it-”

Deanna's head sprung back and Selena could see the ire in her wife's emerald orbs, literally making her gulp. “I...I told her she could defend herself. That's why she did what she did.”
“No.” Deanna countered. “She did what she did to save an innocent animal.” Deanna reasoned. “Because you and I taught her to do that. Her books and stories taught her that.”

Turning her head, Deanna gazed at Mr. Bradley, who had watched the entire exchange of the two in absolute silence. “May we see her?”
“The doctor said that he would come and get us when we would be able to.” he answered honestly. “I am beyond sorry for all of this.”

Selena took a deep inhale and exhale through her nose. Part of her wanted to yell at Bradley, hold him accountable for his actions – indirectly or not, HE had chosen to sweep the initial problems under the rug due to the fact that Aaron Stanton's father, Wentworth Stanton, was a member of the school board, holding much sway and power over numerous schools in the region, including the one Elsianna and Aaron attended. 

But if Selena was going to blame Bradley for that, then she would have to blame not only herself, but also Deanna, for it as well. Because, while they had tried to comfort and support Elsianna, all they had done is give her the right to defend herself should the need arise. They hadn't tried to go to war with Stanton, or seek some kind of punishment.

In a way, she's paying for all us... her mind whispered, causing her heard to break a little more.

Nothing more was said for several more hours as the trio awaited news from the doctor and/or surgeon working on Elsa. Deanna had excused herself to get some food after hearing Selena's stomach growl for the fourth or fifth time. Five minutes later, the redhead had returned with, surprisingly, a snack that Selena had grown fond of just to nibble on (as did their white-haired daughter).

Fortune cookies. 

Deanna had bought two full bags from the convenience store section across the street, and while she nibbled on one, herself, she watched her wife continuing her nervous pacing back and forth. The Snow Queen wasn't even reading the fortunes within. She would just stop by Deanna, gather one up, unwrap it, drop the wrapper in the nearby trash, break the cookie in half, shove the piece of paper into her pocket, and then spend the next few laps of pacing chewing the cookie quietly.

It would be adorable if the situation wasn't scaring the holy hell out of the both of them.

Turning her head to try and distract herself, the redhead gazed at the broad-shouldered man sitting near her. “Are we sure that it was the young Aaron boy?”

The question was enough to snap Selena from her pacing for a moment. “How can you ask that?” she asked in disbelief. “Who else could have done it? Who else WOULD have done it?”

Calmly, Deanna turned her head to her wife. “I'm not saying it wasn't, Selena, but I am being objective here. You know what happened last time. His father just swept it under the rug. He'll just have his son deny it and he will do the same.”

“That may not be possible this time.” Bradley sighed. “I wasn't the first one on the scene when we heard the screaming. I was inside my office. But a custodian was. And he saw the four boys involved, and easily recognized Aaron. Add that a few cans of Febreeze were on the ground near your daughter, which I made sure to point out to the police before I came here, and the statements of the students we caught in the earlier fiasco – no... I don't think Wentworth Stanton can dodge this bullet.”

“I hardly doubt bullet-dodging is necessary.”

The voice that spoke last did not belong to either Selena, Deanna or Bradley. Rather, as if conjured up by the mention of his name too many times – which, in that moment, Selena partially believed – there stood Wentworth Stanton. He wore a dark, black suit, and his hands were behind his back, as if he was some character from a Jane Austin novel with his posture and prideful glare. “You seem to be constantly causing me trouble, young ladies. What is this? The second time your daughter has bothered my son?”

“Bothered your son?!” Deanna scoffed in disbelief. “Your son isn't in the next room being treated for third-degree burns, is he?!” Selena heard her wife growl as she spoke – it was almost intimidating.

Ignoring the redhead, however, Wentworth focused his glare on Bradley. “I just wished to inform you that I have put the papers forward to transfer Aaron from your school.”
Bradley's eyes widened a little in surprise. “Transfer?”
The suited man nodded. “Yes, after much though, I have decided that your chartered school isn't the proper fit for such a promising, keen mind as Aaron. Therefore, he will be moved to facility more suited to his... potential.”

“An excellent idea.” Selena suddenly spat. “How's juvenile detention sound? Or some kind of detention center?” 

It was at that pair of accusations that Wentworth turned his head, and attention to Selena, the man practically oozing power in a way that, sort of, reminded the Snow Queen of Mr. D..

“Yes, I'm aware that the two of you are implying my son is the reason behind your daughter's misfortune. Sadly, I am done wasting my time with your constant attempts to slander me and my family. So, I will warn you this last time.” his eyes narrowed at the older Frost. “Cease these accusations or I will have no choice but to file a restraining order on you, your family, as well as a liable lawsuit on defamation of character.”

For a moment, the threat almost seemed plausible and intimidating. For a moment, Selena actually found herself believing that such a thing would be a problem for her, Deanna and their children. But the moment quickly passed, and was replaced by that mental image that had haunted her earlier – of her daughter on the ground, being burned – in pain...alone...

“You go ahead and file your restraining order, Mr. Stanton.” she finally said. “And while you are at your lawyers, you can discuss the charges we are going to file against you.”
“With what proof?” Wentworth scoffed.

“How does witnesses? Statements from other students? Hell, I'll wager one of those cans of aersol used has your son's fingerprints on them.” The speaker this time was Bradley, who narrowed his eyes at Wentworth, surprising the board member.

“Say that again, Andrew.” he dared, though Selena could hear the shaking in his voice.
“You heard me.” Bradley replied, pushing himself to his full height and approaching the older man. “I warned you to keep your kid under control. I told you that if you endangered my students again that all bets are off.”
“Think carefully regarding your next move.” Wentworth's voice had dropped to a whisper – but was no less deadly. “Your career is now on the line.”

“You can have it.” growled Bradley. “Because I just saw a little girl suffering like I have never seen before in nearly twenty years at the school. She maybe injured and scarred for life because of you and your son. And if you think I am just going to sweep that under the rug like all the other times your son has damaged something, you are VERY wrong. We have a witness, a staff member, that saw him fleeing the scene. And I agree with Mrs. Frost, one of those cans will surely have his fingerprints on them. There's enough there, and you know it.”

Wentworth seemed to think about this for a moment before scoffing. “He's seven. He can't be held legally responsible. No one will try and convict a child that young.”

“For arson? Trespassing? Attempted murder?” Selena scoffed – grateful to some of the things she had picked up from Jean Black's detective work. “Detention center, juvenille hall, any of those ring a bell? They might hold him there for years once everything gets known by a judge.”

Wentworth turned his attention to Selena, a smirk playing on his lips. “You'd ruin the life of a seven year old?”

The question was a moral dilemma, or at least it was presented at such. Selena knew what she was saying – essentially condemning a child for potential 'child prison' time, which would, possibly, affect him the rest of his life. She was almost compelled to call it all a bluff in that moment.

But she didn't. Because there was something that was needed far more than her 'moral composure'. Throughout her past, she had had no one looking out for her. No one to protect her but herself. And despite mostly succeeding in that regard, Selena could not count the number of nights that she had cried herself to sleep, praying that someone would be kind to her – protect her against the bad people. She had, initially prayed for her mother, Anastasia DeCarlo, to be that person, but that quickly was a lost dream, replaced with a prayer to ANYONE to help her. 

Those prayers were never answered.

Selena refused to let that happen to Elsianna. Not when the little girl had her and Deanna!

“Your seven-year old....” she stated. “Just tried to END the life of my child, Mr. Stanton. So if you're asking me if I would pick my child over yours?” she glared at him, her cold eyes narrowing to bore into his. “You bet your ass I would!”

Wentworth shifted uncomfortably, twisting his head a little and rolling his shoulders. “I am not an unreasonable man, Mrs. Frost. I do sympathize with you and wish only the best for your daughter's recovery. In fact-” he eyes Bradley as he spoke. “as a member of the board of her school, I believe the school itself should handle the bills for any treatment your daughter may-”

“Are you trying to buy us off?” Deanna asked in surprise, pushing herself to her feet. “This may surprise you, MISTER Stanton, but this is NOT about money. My wife probably makes more money a year than you do.” she dared.

A dare which did not go unheard as Wentworth tilted his head at Selena in disbelief. The Snow Queen merely shrugged. “Seven figures a year without breaking a sweat.” And that isn't even including the fifty thousand a month from being the United States champion...

Stanton said nothing, his mouth merely opening and closing, causing Selena to wonder what kind of delusions did this man have if SHE was, indeed, of greater financial net worth than him. Because, easily, there were others in SCW making far more money than her. The legends and veterans like Regan and CHBK, or Syren and Ravyn with their years (despite Selena hating them). She was somewhere at the top of the pay-grade now, that was for sure, but there were a good handful of people higher than her – and then there were people above that! 

How delusional was this man if he thinks seven figures is 'a lot' for power and authority?

“What is it you want?” finally came the words from Wentworth's lips. “Let's face it, you have 'circumstantial evidence' at best.” he stated. “I can assure you that I will be removing Aaron from your school, and he won't be bothering your daughter again.”

“You're right.” Selena replied, her tone becoming darker. “But then it will be someone else's daughter, won't it?” she took a step towards Wentworth. “Someone who's hair he doesn't like. Or parents he doesn't like. Or maybe someone that 'smiles too much' or someone that 'looks different' or looks like a 'Disney character' or someone that's just better than him in every damn way! Like my daughter!”

Though Wentworth Stanton stood at six foot three, Selena's five-foot-seven frame did not seem to diminish as she stood there, her pockets filled with fortune cookie papers. 

“Because that's what people like your son do. Will ALWAYS do. Look for someone to torment. To hurt. To ruin! I know because I have lived that nightmare most of my life. And now? My daughter is in there-” she pointed towards the hall that read 'Staff only' on its door. “Fighting for her life! Damaged! Scarred! And just like your son, you're trying to bully me and my wife and Mr. Bradley to obey you! Well...” she shook her head. “Take your money, your ideals, and shove them! Because I am DONE watching your son torment my daughter. I am DONE letting this get swept under the rug. You get your lawyer and I'll get mine. Because if I can't make your son pay for what he's done to my Elsa, than I sure as hell can make YOU pay – and maybe that will be enough to get you to start giving a damn and stopping him from ever doing it again. Either, way I won't stop until THAT is a reality! Do I make myself clear?!”

Neither Deanna, nor Bradley (who stood just in front of her) said anything as Selena stared down Wentworth. As for the suited man, he merely took a deep breath before muttering: “I'll see you in court.” before quickly excusing himself, marching out of the hall and towards the elevator. It wasn't until they heard the set of dings it set off before Bradley started to speak.

“Whoa, that was inc-”

He barely had time to get the words out before he was pushed to the side slightly. “Out of the way” Deanna urged as she shot past him, moving just fast enough to catch her wife as she collapsed, the Snow Queen zapped of energy. Gently, the redhead lowered herself and her wife to the floor, both sitting there with Selena leaning against her wife's frame as Deanna petted her head. “Well done, beloved.” she whispered. “I'm so proud of you.”

“I think I just made us another enemy.” Selena whispered, taking deep breaths to calm her anxiety.
“Meh. One less person on the Christmas card list.” Deanna replied, kissing her wife's temple.

The pair didn't move from that spot for several minutes until they heard the doors of the 'staff only' opening. Helping Selena up, Deanna was relieved that the Snow Queen's strength had returned and she could stand on her own. She had simply been winded and overwhelmed in her fight with Wentworth and her adrenaline leaving her as soon as it could. But such thoughts were quickly abandoned as both Selena and Deanna starred at the young doctor as he removed his mouth guard and surgeon's hat.

“Frost?” he asked, gesturing towards the pair of women. 
“Yes.” Deanna answered. “We're Elsianna's mothers.”
“Ah, okay.” the surgeon nodded, though only in understanding, not judgment. “Okay, there is good news and bad news.”

I hate this... Both Deanna and Selena thought.

“Just give it to us straight.” Bradley offered.
“Very well – and you are?” the young man asked.
“He is the one that brought our daughter here, you can tell him as well.” Selena stated without much thought. Bradley had stood up to Wentworth before she had – if nothing else, he deserved to know as well.

“Alright.” the surgeon replied with a sigh. “The damage is quite severe. Third-degree burns up to the elbows.” his words were like daggers into both women's hearts but they remained silent, afraid that if they spoke, they both would break. “We removed all the dead skin and have treated it properly. There will be steps you will need to do to ensure that nothing gets it infected and can heal the best it can.”

“You said you had good news.” Bradley tried.
“Yes. There is some.” The surgeon stated. “First, while there maybe some massive scarring, she will, eventually, be eligible for a skin graph.”
“Eventually?” Selena managed to squeak out.
“At present, with her age and size, there is not enough skin to gather to cover that much of her body. It isn't recommended at this point. When she has grown and has more, then of course, but not now.”
“Anything else?” Bradley asked.
“Yes. You'll be happy to know that, while there was massive skin damage, there was no muscular or ligament damage. By observation, she should be able to have full use of her hands and arms after recovery. Physical therapy will aid in this.”

Despite this good news, which did, indeed, raise the Frost wives' spirit, both women noticed the hitch in the surgeon's young voice as he spoke of the last part – as if...

“There's more, isn't there?” Selena asked, though she was quite certain of the answer.
The young man sighed and nodded his head. “It is not definite, but from an observation, her nerve endings seem to have been burnt shut.”

Both Selena's and Deanna's eyes widened. “What...what does that mean?” Deanna asked.

“Well...after the skin burns, the nerves are the next in line, followed by the muscles and bones. That's why second and third-degree burns are the most painful, because they go through the nerves. In the case of your daughter, they burned through her nerve-endings and seem to have sealed them shut. There is a lot of damage so it is not 100%, but if I am right, then...”

“Elsianna will never feel anything in her hands and arms again.” Selena finished the doctor's sentence, utter despair gripping her.

“It is possible.” the surgeon affirmed. “That isn't to say she won't be able to use her hands. Far from it. With time, she will be as efficient with them as you or I are. But, and I cannot stress this enough, she will be looking to the two of your guidance through this time. I find that with such cases, the patient fears being treated differently than before. You need to ensure that doesn't happen. Remind her that she is the same Elsianna that she's always been. That she is loved and cared for.”

It was a mere opinion, but one that Deanna and Selena needed to hear. “Thank you, doctor.” Deanna whispered before turning towards Selena to embrace her.

Giving a nod, the doctor turned to go but was stopped by Bradley. “Doctor, if I could get your opinion. Your professional opinion.”
“Of course.”
“What would have caused the child's skin to catch on fire like that? Given the kind of burns and such.” Bradley asked carefully.

“Well, there are quite a few, but, from what I was told, aerosol was used on her arms and, with it being flammable...”
“Does that check out with what you saw?” Bradley asked.
“Very much so.” The surgeon nodded. “If you like, I can send some her dead skin to the lab to be analyzed. They might find trace amounts of it.”

Selena's eyes widened. “You can do that?”
The surgeon turned to Selena. “With ease.”
“Please.” Bradley asked. “And make sure it's put through as many tests as possible to ensure everything.”

The surgeon raised an eyebrow in confusion but simply nodded his head. “I'll do all I can.” he stated before gesturing to the doors. “She's been moved to the resting rooms. You can see her if you want.”

Without needing further encouragement, Selena and Deanna followed the doctor further down the hall, turning past other corners until they were standing in a room filled with inlets for beds to be pushed into, like large, bed-sized cubicles. At the doctor's gesturing, Selena rushed to the one he pointed to, turning inside and being met with amber-coloured lights and a white bed with a white blanket. 

“Mommy...” the voice was weak, tired, but as Selena stared at the round face of her baby, she could only see exhaustion. No pain. Rushing to her side, the platinum-blonde bent down to gently pepper her daughter's forehead with kisses. 

“Gods, darling. I'm so sorry.” she whispered. “I'm so sorry I wasn't here sooner.”
“Can we go home now? The doctor said I could have ice cream!”

Casting her gaze up, the slurring and tired speech of her daughter made sense as Selena saw the IV sticking into her arm. One was in the left and the other was in the right. She guessed that one was a painkiller (hence the loopiness) and the other was intravenous liquids to keep her hydrated.

“I'm sure we can.” Selena smiled, but her smile faded as she forced herself to look down. Perhaps worse than the sight of burnt skin to Selena, was the sight before her – her daughter's hands completely covered with gauze. There was no part of her forearms that could be seen. It was like the child's arms were caterpillars having just entered the cocoon. 

“Hello, sweetness.” Deanna smile gently, reaching out to caress Elsianna's cheek with her hand. “How are you feeling?”
“Tired...and hungry...” Elsianna yawned. “I was in a lot of pain but then I fell asleep and it didn't hurt anymore.”

Selena and Deanna shared a knowing glance before gazing back at Elsa. “Elsa, darling.” Deanna tried. “Did we tell you how proud we are of you? You saved that dog, didn't you?”
“Yeah...” Elsa's voice slurred a little, the painkillers' effect. “Stupid Aaron was being mean to it so I screamed so loud that someone came and stopped him. People in the house were so happy.”

She was about to speak more when her stomach growled. Quickly, Deanna reached into her bag to pull out some of the fortune cookies she had bought, tossing a few to Selena, who unwrapped them, broke them in half and fed them to Elsianna. “Fortune cookies.”

“Yay!” Elsianna cheered as she nibbled on them with a smile. “What's my fortune say?” she happened to ask as Selena stuffed the paper into her pocket.

“Oh...” Selena said before reaching her hand back into her pocket, and meeting the dozen or so papers there. Quickly pulling one out, she started to read. “You have a-” warm personality... oh you gotta be kidding me. “Not that one.” She smiled before stuffing the paper back into her pocket and pulling out another. “You b-” You burn with a passionate fire! Oh come on! she stuffed that paper back into her pocket before pulling out another. “Here it is!” she said/hoped as she read. “You are about to start a brand new adventure! Yes, that's the one.” she showed Elsianna, who beamed happily before yawning.

“Alright, alright.” the surgeon, who hadn't left the room stated. “Time for the patient to get some rest. We will see how she is in the morning and if she can be taken home.”

Both Deanna and Selena looked at the doctor in alarm. “She...she's never slept anywhere by herself-” Deanna whispered.
“Are there places we could stay? We could sleep on the floor...” Selena offered, eyeing the ground by Elsianna's bed.

With a nod, the surgeon walked over to the side of the wall where he pulled down a small, pull-down bed. “We can allow one parent to spend the night with the child.”

Both Selena and Deanna eyed each other, neither wanting to be the one to leave.

“Let me stay.” Selena begged. “You're the better mom than me. David and Ami will need you tonight.”
“But...” Deanna tried but Selena was right. Deanna was the stay-at-home mom most of the time. She had developed the routine and style that Selena was miles behind. 

“I can't do much like that.” Selena whispered as Deanna moved around the bed to meet her on the other side of the room. “But I can do this.” she added, taking Deanna's hands in hers. “I can look after Elsa tonight. Because I know she is going to need us when that painkiller wears off.”

Slowly, Deanna nodded her head, stepping on her tip-toes to kiss her wife goodbye. She gave Elsianna so many kisses that took minutes and minutes to finish before finally departing, handing Selena the bag of fortune cookies for later.

“Well, snowflake.” Selena smiled, moving to sit beside her daughter. “Just you and me now. What you wanna do?”

She turned her head as she sat on her bed for the night, only to see Elsianna asleep. She gazed over her baby's body, to the heavily bandaged arms. “Yeah...that's a good idea.” she smiled with a sad sigh as she, herself, relaxed on the mattress, staring up at the white walls of drywall. “Not sure how many of those I've got left...” she whispered before she, too, began drifting off to sleep...

[Image: hffOaUZ.png]
SCW Supreme Champion
6x SCW World Champion
4x SCW World Tag-Team Champion
2x SCW United States Champion
3x SCW Adrenaline Champion
SCW Television Champion
Longest Reigning SCW World Champion (234 days)
Winner of Shot of Adrenaline Tournament (2016)
Winner of Best of the Best Tournament (2016)
Winner of Trios Tournament (2018)
Winner of U.S. Championship Tournament (2020)
Winner of World Championship Tournament (2023)
Winner of Tactical Warfare (2014, 2019)
Winner of Elimination Chamber (2015)
Winner of Roofed Cage Match (2019)
Winner of Last Person Standing Match (2019)
The Unbelievable Main Event (2021-2023)
Winner of Double Jeopardy Match (2022)
Winner of EOTY Invitational (2023)
Female Wrestler of the Year (2016, 2021, 2022)
Tag-Team of the Year (2020 - w/ Regan Street)
Match of the Year (2018, 2019, 2021, 2023)
Feud of the Year (2014, 2019)

[Image: 34zetxl.png]

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Tommy Valentine vs. Selena Frost - by Team Desire - 03-29-2019, 03:37 PM
RE: Tommy Valentine vs. Selena Frost - by SnowQueenSCW - 04-02-2019, 11:21 AM

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