Bree Lancaster & Andrew Raynes vs. Redemption (James Evans and Angelica Jones)
New Orleans, LA
April 2nd, 2019

Being in New Orleans was no longer the same for Andrew anymore.

IT had become the equivalent to being in Toronto for Andrew, all he wanted to do was show up to work, be finished and get the fuck out as quickly as possible. He hated being here, even if his good friend, Bree, lived here, there was too much here that Andrew wanted no part of in this city and being here just wasn’t something Andrew wanted to. He only came into the city a day earlier before Breakdown because Bree wanted to meet up with him about something important. It was about the only reason worth coming to this wretched city.

However, had he known why he was coming earlier, he probably would have found a reason to stay away.

He assumed it would just be something simple like talking about what they had planned for the tag title match, a match long overdue for the former champions and given that Bree knew Andrew’s developed distain for the city, she needed to make sure that she convinced him to come a day earlier so they could talk. Given that it was in New Orleans, she played it safe by inviting him over to her place. HE would have been perfectly fine talking about it at the arena for Breakdown before the match but Bree insisted on making sure he was there early. The friendship they had built since he returned was something unlike most other relationships. They were truly friends, even after everything broke down between her and Blake, they found a way to continue to coexist which culminated in her selecting him as her tag team champion and partner when the opportunity presented itself. It was something that meant a lot to Andrew and served a s reminder that even though he was a different, better person, there were still a select few who understood him and he could trust.

There was no understanding what was about to happen though.

He arrived earlier in the day, whatever this was he needed to make sure he was feeling up for it. HE also made sure that Dustin was coming with him, figured there was no point in leaving him hanging when they arrived as this was important for all of them. It was around 2pm when they got there, Andrew and Dustin looking rather unconcerned about what this was going to be about considering what was at stake tomorrow night. Andrew had been prepared for this title match for a while now and getting what they were finally due, given how much Mr D and now Sasha didn’t want us to have what we were owed, gave them more incentive to be prepared for what was coming. Just getting to Bree’s house, Andrew felt relaxed, ready for this as he always been. The time to become Tag Team Champions again was at hand and getting this prep over with would be good for them. Knocking on the door, Andrew and Dustin are standing outside for a few moments before Bree opens the door.

Bree: Hey, glad you guys could make it, come on in.

Bree looked somewhat nervous, given what they were preparing for would suggest that perhaps something else was up but Andrew didn’t really pay attention to it right away. They don’t waste any time making their way inside. They sit down in the living room where she guided them to. They have a seat, pretty chill as they had been here a few times before. Andrew still seemed concerned about being there so early before the show. She knew that Andrew could probably figure something was up soon enough so she really didn’t wanna go about wasting any time beating around the bush. There’s some awkward tension at first, Bree was growing more nervous by the minute but she had kept her composure pretty solid because this wasn’t going to be pretty when it came out. After getting a few drinks, Andrew finally decides to break the ice.

Andrew: Alright, so what was so important that you wanted us here today instead of just going over the game plan at the arena before the match? It’s not like we have anything to worry about given who we’re up against.

Given Andrew’s renewed confidence, there really wasn’t anything in particular to discuss regarding facing Redemption for the tag titles. Bree wasn’t dumb but given she was successful in getting him here early there was no sense wasting time.

Bree: Look, I’m not gonna lie, as much as we can talk about Redemption, there’s actually another reason why I wanted you to come early. It’s something that needs to be brought up before Breakdown tomorrow.

Andrew looked even more concerned now as there was nothing else he could think of they would need to have brought to attention. His concern grew serious as even Dustin raised an eyebrow about what the whole point of this was.

Andrew: SO then why are we here?

Bree took a deep breath, this was going to be very difficult but she knew she had to follow through with it. Bree knew this would only happen with his consent but knew that this wasn’t going to be easy. She probably had a better chance of getting another match with Selena then getting a positive reaction of out Andrew right now but here goes nothing.

Bree: Look, as you know, I have been trying my very best to reconnect with my family and try and get things back to the way that they were before. I also understand that we have become very good friends since you made your return to SCW, thanks to Blake. I essentially considering you guys to be like family to me, an extended version. That means that I need to be able to have whatever little inner circle I have to try and be as much as on the same page as possible. I would really like it if we were able to all meet up for a conversation to clear the air.

Andrew’s eyes narrow, he was really hoping she wasn’t about to suggest what he thought was coming.

Andrew: All who meet up?

Bree took another deep breath.

Bree: You, me……and Amy

Dustin: Damn!

Andrew sat there for a minute, the look on Dustin’s face was probably more priceless given he could see Andrew’s reaction too. Andrew’s look was stunning; he couldn’t begin to process what she just asked him. Nah, she had to be joking about this.

Andrew: You’re not fucking serious?

Bree took a second to think if she wanted to respond to that. She didn’t know how he would react after that so she decides to stay quiet and let Andrew figure it out.

Andrew: Oh wait, wasn’t April fools yesterday? That’s a pretty good one Bree, you catch that one Dustin?

Bree sort of looks over at Dustin who looks over in a bit of disbelief, he could see the serious look on Bree’s face as this was something important to her and he clearly wasn’t taking it seriously. Andrew looks at both of them looking at each other and he clearly puts two and two together. He stands up furiously.

Andrew: No fucking way!

Bree saw that coming, she knew the anger was coming. Still glad she chose now rather than before their match.

Bree: Andrew, come on please. Just hear me out.

Andrew: Why would I want to? You know I want nothing to do with th—her!

Andrew was trying his best not to sling her in the mud in front of Bree, as angry as he was he was still trying to make a conscious effort not to rip Amy apart in front of her. Bree at least could appreciate the effort.

Bree: I know, you’ve made that very clear but if we’re really going to do this, be a team and be champions then this is something that I think needs to happen. You two need to at the very least move past whatever the hell happened between you so that everything can move forward. I’m tired of all of you fighting and talking shit around me about each other and I can’t have it anymore. Besides, if she’s going to take us seriously as a team and see that you’re not just the asshole she thinks you are, maybe it can help us become a better team.

Andrew took a breath, sat himself back down but he was on edge. The fact that she even asked this question was mind boggling to him but he was still completely unsure of this.

Andrew: Oh, and let’s add to this, I supposed you’re going to tell me you talked to Amy about this already and she rejected you too.

Bree: Actually she agreed to it.

Andrew: Fuck off!

Bree: I’m serious; I want whatever resentment you have with Amy to be done with or just move past it. You’re both important to me and to have this linger every time you two might be around each other is just going to cripple the chance I have of having everyone good in my life seeing somewhat eye to eye. Besides, if I can convince her that we are an actually formidable team and you two can move on. I think it will help us out a lot.

Andrew was beside himself, he did everything in his power not to have immediately walked out on her after she asked him. He was also doing his best to keep his cool as he had that much respect for Bree and their friendship. She was asking a lot, maybe too much out of him at this point.

Andrew: Look, I can’t see anything good coming out of this, I don’t see the point. I get that it means a lot to you but to stand there and have to stomach her for even a minute makes me want to vomit.

Bree: It’s why I made sure she agreed to it first before asking you and why I wanted to talk to you now instead of at the arena. I knew if I tried before our tag title match it would cause utter chaos between us and potentially fuck us over and I don’t want that but I really need this to happen. I know I am asking a lot and I wouldn’t be asking if it wasn’t important.

Andrew: I really don’t know if I can do this.

Bree: That's exactly why I think you should. You need to get past this, you keep saying you don't want anything to do with her, yet take every chance you can to make a cheap shot or angry comment, even when it has nothing to do with her. Us winning these titles? Are not about her just cause the match is here. You probably don't see it cause you think you're fine but other than me just being sick of it, it's actually holding you back.

Andrew: That's what you think? I just don't know, Bree.

Bree takes a deep breath, she’s about to tell him what she sacrificed to Amy in order to secure her approval of the meeting. Andrew still looks angry, Dustin is causally just sitting there watching everything unfold.

Bree: I told Amy I would make an honest effort to be nicer to Jason if she agreed.

Talk about taking the wind right out of Andrew’s angry sail. That must have been an even tougher pill to swallow than asking Andrew to meet with her and Amy.

Andrew: Shit, this actually means that much to you?

Bree actually chuckles a second.

Bree: Amy said the exact same thing.

Andrew: I bet, that wouldn’t be something you bring up lightly.

Bree: Now do you understand how important this is to me?

Andrew got a clearer sense of it after finding out she would try and be nicer to Jason Helms, what a clown. He would never admit it but whatever the fuck Amy saw in him had to be something incredibly fucked up to want any of that. However, if Bree was willing to make that sacrifice, perhaps Andrew actually had to take this seriously.

Andrew: Fuck, hard not to after that but I don’t know, at the end of the day it’s still asking a lot. I am gonna need some time to think about this.

Bree had a glimmer of hope after that, considering it went from an outright no to a think about it. She needed to hold him to it.

Bree: Promise me you’ll think about it?

Andrew: I promise, I owe you that much. We’re gonna head out, I’ll find you before our match tomorrow with an answer.

Bree: Thank you and I’m sorry I sort of sprung this on you under false pretenses.

Andrew: We’ll deal with that later.

Andrew sternly looks over at Dustin.

Andrew: We need to get the fuck out of here.

Andrew walks past him furiously as Dustin just looks over at Bree as he stands up slowly. He knew he was about to get an earful about this.

Dustin: Well, this will make my night pleasant. Thanks Bree!

Bree just shrugs a bit.

Bree: I’m sorry, try to talk some sense into him for me please?

Dustin: You have a better chance of being nicer to Jason, but I’ll do my best.

Dustin just turns and follows Andrew who’s essentially already walked out the door. Bree has certainly asked for a lot in this case and was leaving Dustin to try and convince Andrew to get on board with this. With so much at stake in the tag titles, Bree didn’t want to leave anything to chance. Getting Andrew to clear up whatever was bothering him about Amy could help clear his head a little more and help refocus him on what was important.

April 2nd, 2019
Later that Day

The drive back to the hotel was incredibly silent. Andrew chose not to address what happened in the car as he decided he needed to have his thoughts to himself at this point. It seemed fucked up that not only his mother was trying to creep back into his life but now he was being asked to bury the hatchet with Amy which at this point seemed like a greater impossibility. Did she honestly ask him to be in the same room as Amy and have a civilized conversation? He was still under the impression she was full of shit but given what she dropped on him to convince Amy to do this herself seemed hard not to believe. It was shit you couldn’t make up. There was heavy tension in the car as Dustin drove them back to the hotel so that Andrew could take the time to just sort of process everything that had just happened. Andrew had never expected to really come into contact with Amy ever again but the reality was that this was essentially inevitable. With Bree on a mission to reconnect with her family and close friends, the idea of them being friends and tag champions essentially put Andrew on a collision course with Amy. It was easier to avoid her before when he was focused on his own thing but the building friendship with one of the few people he cared for and trusted clearly meant that this was going to happen sooner or later.

He just didn’t like it.

Back at the hotel, having some time to really ponder things that had been going on, him and Dustin finally got settled in and got their shit unpacked, Andrew had some “other” shit to unpack and needed Dustin to help him better understand what the fuck had just happened. Dustin had a feeling that Andrew was waiting to be as far away from Bree as possible so that he could really sound off. Rather than have it in the room and deal with people complaining about what would be going down, Andrew, having time to really think about it, decides to take a walk out onto the hotel patio and sits down. Dustin follows suit and chills near him. He waits a few seconds before saying something.

Dustin: Guess it’s your turn to tell me how you really feel.

Andrew just turns and looks at Dustin with complete disdain. Finally having the chance to get this all out of his system because he didn't want to blow up on Bree when she asked him this absurd request.

Andrew: Is she out of her fucking mind? Does she honestly expect me to stand in a room with Amy Cunty Chastaine and be fucking civil?

Dustin: Is it really that hard?

Dustin maybe really had no idea how much he hated Amy at this point

Andrew: Dude, there’s a fucking reason why I have gone out of my way to avoid her like the fucking plague. I want nothing to do with her, what part of that is so hard to understand? If I wanted something to do with Amy, I wouldn't have torched the letter, I would've read it like a fucking gullible idiot and I'd hate myself even more to going back to who I was before. Better yet I'd actually give the cunt the time of day and probably be sucked into something stupid like becoming a trainer at Blackout academy and teaching stupid little hopefuls how to kiss ass and pander to the worthless idiots in the crowd about how “it's all for the fans!” Christ I really am gonna vomit.

Dustin just shrugged, this really bothered Andrew and he could see it with the way Andrew finally exploded. They'd never really talked about it I depth as Andrew kept it mostly to himself but for Bree's sake, and clearly Andrew's, he needed to figure something out.

Dustin: Probably easier to do when you didn’t start teaming with her sister-in-law and becoming besties? I mean, you can’t honestly be surprised about this.

Andrew: The fuck you talking about? Bree knows I want nothing to do with her! Considering she ended Amy's fucking career before I had the chance to, now we’re on the cusp of winning the tag team titles back and she wants to fucking throw me a “Hey, you wanna have a good old chit chat with your ex?”

He had a point, the timing seemed suspect but given they were in New Orleans, there was probably no better chance to genuinely get Andrew into this without being even shadier about it and pissing him off even more than he was now about it which would have led to more catastrophic events. Dustin needed to make Andrew try and understand where Bree was coming from to make this happen and how important it was not just to Bree but subconsciously to Andrew as well and he's the best chance to make it happen.

Dustin: She did say there was a reason why she wanted to do this? Maybe not so much for herself but maybe Bree's actually right.

Andrew: Fuck you, you're supposed to have my back!

Dustin: Think about it, any mention of her name sets you off and I'm convinced that as good as you've been, you're still not 100% focused. Considering the fact that you couldn't help but take your cheap shots at her the first chance you got, maybe you need to do this and actually move on. I don't know what other shit you've been dealing with but coming off being man of the year and star of tomorrow you haven't done shit since including being pinned twice in two weeks.

Andrew felt that low blow.

Andrew: Dude, weak! I just wanted to come here, win the titles and throw it in her fucking face how much better I've become since embracing the hate. Instead, I'm here all pissed off because I have both you and her telling me I should abandon everything I've done to avoid her and keep her out of my life and just go sit in a room with her and not try and fucking kill her.

Dustin: First off, you need to stop acting like you have something to prove to Amy because you don't anymore. I'm pretty sure you took care of that inside the Thunderdome when you defended the Adrenaline Championship a year after she lost to Hush. The more you keep wanting to do shit to rub in her face, the more of an overgrown child you keep acting like and that's gonna fuck shit up for you even more than a 10 minute conversation with Amy ever would.

Andrew: Be lucky if we get past exchanging pleasantries!

Dustin, seeing this as his best chance to turn the tide, goes in for the kill shot on Andrew to convince him.

Dustin: and think about it, she was willing to be nicer to Jason Helms to get Amy to agree to this. How petty do you look if you fuck off now and bail?

He had another damn point, that had to be hard enough to swallow for Bree given everything she discovered about their relationship and trying to ruin Amy with it. It really meant that much to Her to at least get them in the same room and see what happens then. It's not like she told Andrew they had to kiss and make up, Amy had enough dick to cover that. Still, it wasn't sitting right with Andrew at all. As much as he wanted to try and stay civil, even with Dustin, he wasn't really having it anymore.

Andrew: Fuck, alright I need to bounce. I need to go clear my head and figure all this shit out. I may even sleep on it, we'll catch up tomorrow. Thanks for letting me vent!

Andrew needed to get out of there ASAP. about Amy was.liable to.make his head explode before he even gets to breakdown to win back the tag titles. Dustin could sense how hostile he was about this and that he really wasn't sure if Andrew was going to actually be willing to go through with it but at the very least, he'd done his part as promised.

Dustin: I'm not cut out for this Dr Phil shit!

Dustin reaches into his pocket and pulls out his phone. He shoots a quick text message to Kandis to see if she's down to do anything tonight given he's found himself alone likely for the night with Andrew unlikely to meet up with him. Given his good friend deed for the day he wanted to treat himself, god knows he'll need it.

April 3rd, 2019
Morning before Breakdown

Even having slept on it, Andrew was still feeling bothered by the idea of meeting with Amy under any circumstances. Andrew felt that he had made his choice last year when he decided he'd rather torch the letter than ever open it to see what she had to say. His Hatred ran so deep for her that it nearly mirrored the hate and disdain he had for his own mother, which was no easy feat. It wasn't that he was ignorant to how Bree or even Dustin felt about. This was about everything that Andrew had been trying to rebuild form himself since coming back; something Amy had to be fully aware of as well. Andrew had been hella certain this was going to trigger something massive and possibly something that Andrew and Bree couldn't come back from if this goes south. This was something that Andrew really had to take seriously and not take for granted because of the implications that came with it. Given the best efforts from both Bree and Dustin, neither of them truly realized how deep this really ran inside Andrew. Knowing the importance of this and what he needed to do in order to get this taken care of in any capacity. Andrew decides to turn to the only person he can actually talk about this in depth with. Sitting alone in his hotel room, he takes a second before pulling out his phone and going through his contacts. He takes a second before arriving at Dr VanRensburg and hitting the call button. Given the money he's invested in him he had a direct line to contact him. It rings for a few moments before he picks up, knowing it's Andrew.

DVR: Hello, Andrew!

Andrew: Doc, you have time to talk?

DVR: I have about half hour before my next patient arrives.

Andrew: Good, add this to my bill, we need to talk.

DVR: Go ahead

Andrew: So as if it wasn't bad enough dealing with my mother trying to creep back into my life. Now I have Bree wanting me to reconcile or at least have a face to face conversation with her sister in law.

VanRensburg knows right away who he's referring to.

DVR: You mean, Amy.

Her name still induces inner vomit inside Andrew.

Andrew: Certainly wouldn't be any other cunt i hate the most.

VanRensburg knew how deep the hate was, spending nearly the last couple years roughly having Andrew as a patient certainly had been full of a lot of Amy bashing and other things. Still, he didn't seem to concerned that this was happening. There seemed to be no coincidence that this two headed dragon was reading it's ugly head at the same time.

DVR: You don't find it odd that thinks happening.

Andrew: The fuck you mean?

DVR: You dont think it's a coincidence that this is coming together at the same time?

Andrew took a second to think about it, he'd been so mad about the whole thing that he wasn't even thinking about how he could grow from it. Wasn't even something that was on his radar, his desire to be completely distant from Amy was stronger than ever.

Andrew: why? So the karmatic universe can fuck me over for being awesome the last year and made shit relevant? Bullshit. I don't need this shit on my plate now. Why would she bring this up now and not after our title match tonight?

DVR takes a second jotted down notes. Andrew can hear him writing stuff down.

DVR: maybe she needs to get this out now so that way you can be more focused on what's important instead of being so caught up in something that happened years ago.

Andrew didnt like that. He wanted someone to just agree with him but the more he was hearing it the less he started to Think he was in the right.

Andrew: Ive taken steps to make sure I had nothing to do with her. Same as I did with my mother and now she's even trying to get back involved. It's like my success has allowed these snakes to come back into the fold to take what I've built.

DVR: or maybe it's to help you take the next step forward.

Andrew stops for a second, why would addressing them take the next step forward.

Andrew: the fuck you talking about?

DVR: listeners you've spent so much time keeping your distance from the things that triggered you the most. Between Amy and your Mother. You're still harbouring unjustified hate that would ultimately consume you if it hasn't started already. How's 2019 treating you so far?

Andrew: Terrible when you think about it. Feels like i've been on the losing end too many times or we haven't gotten our fair shake. Between SCW and GCW it seems like things have been coming up short for me the past few months. Now though isn't the time as there gold at stake and I don't need these distractions in my life right now.

DVR: Maybe it's because you actually need to start dealing with these anger clouds still preventing you from reaching your full potential. Perhaps Bree and even Dustin know this and need you to understand that too in order to fulfill the growth you need to take the next step.

Andrew: Jesus fucking Christ. So you're saying I should go through with this?

DVR: I think you owe it to yourself, and to Bree, to at least explore it. Clearly this wouldn't be something important otherwise you wouldn't be having this conversation with me. You need to explore ways to help release whatever you feel is holding you back from being who you are meant to be. Bree seems to only be asking you to have a conversation, not wash away everything that happened. If you can at least stomach being in the same room as her, you've already begun to take steps forward.

Andrew: and if I wanna punch her in the face?

DVR: then you walk away before anything gets ruined and you can at least say you tried and did the best you could. You clearly have friends who care about you and want what's best for you and if this helps you gain some more peace from it then maybe it will give you the step you need to move forward and be the man you want to be.

Andrew thought for a second, maybe he did have a point. He'd been so focused on hating Amy and staying away that he never came to terms with the idea he may need to face her one day..probably better under these circumstances where someone like Bree is there to help mediate knowing this was hard enough to arrange. DVR however was running out of time.

DVR: you need anything else? My next patient walked in.

Andrew: I think I'll be fine. Thanks doc.

He hangs up. He takes a deep breath as things become a little more clearer for him. His friends were right, maybe he needed to look at this differently and do whatever it takes to evolve into the next phase of who he is becoming.

April 3rd, 2019
Arena pre- Breakdown

Andrew knew that Bree was going to be at the arena early. He didn't want to waste much time letting this longer before their big match tonight. This was too important and Bree was someone who really mattered to him. With everyone essentially saying the same thing. It was obvious that Andrew valued his friends and his own future to keep growing properly. Andrew wanted nothing holding him back and as his mother and now Amy becoming more prevalent in his life he needed to start dealing with it, starting with Amy. He figured if he can handle Amy it'll help bridge a possible gap to.confronting his.mother.

Arriving at the arena, he headed over to Bree's locker room where she told him she would be. He makes his way over there, alone as Dustin was going to come by later. He knocks on the door, didn't want to walk in unannounced and her be indecent. He waits a few moments before she opens the door.

Bree: Andrew, come in.

Andrew walks in, looking calmer than he did when they last saw each other. He takes a deep breath and looks over at Bree.

Andrew: look, I'm sorry I stormed out yesterday, it was alot to take in on such short notice and I needed to be sure I took the time to really consider this and not just act on emotion and be unfair to you given how important this is to you and us.

Bree smiles, barely able to contain her excitement.

Bree: Does this mean?????

Andrew takes a deep breath.

Andrew: Let's see where this goes, I'll agree to the meeting.

Bree looks ecstatic as she never expected him to agree to it.

Bree: OMG this is so awesome, I never expected you to actually say yes to this. You'll shock Amy more than anything. I just didn't want you to be upset with me, not before our big match tonight.

Andrew: look this is important to you and we've been good friends. You've accepted me for who I. Even if we don't take the same.methods to get there. There's nothing i want more than for us to be on the same page and if that means tolerating one conversation with her, then I'll take my chances.

Bree looks overjoyed.

Bree: thank-you, Andrew.

Andrew: look I gotta run, get ready and shit. Tonight we become two time champs.

Andrew hugs her and walks out. He was taking a big chance but for the sake of their friendship, something were worth making a sacrifice over. Even if it meant overcoming the biggest obstacle Andrew has faced so far.

The Code Of The Sith
Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.

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RE: Bree Lancaster & Andrew Raynes vs. Redemption (James Evans and Angelica Jones) - by DeeSizzle - 04-12-2019, 04:58 PM

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