Abigail Lindsay vs. Ravyn Taylor
-- Promo/Letter Only.--

Dear Alexis Louis “Ravyn” Taylor;

“Hope you don’t mind me using your government name, felt a personal touch was needed.”

“Writing this letter to you is not me trying to mock your process of communicating with the Supreme Championship Wrestling populous; quite the contrary, I’m paying you an homage. More people should. They don’t understand you like I do. I don’t understand you completely, if I did, I would have gotten your attention, I haven’t quite done that have I? I tried to run over Alexander Crowe, he means something to you. I tried to take CHBK’s head off with a steel pipe. You have hung around the old man long enough, on some level, you care about him. Is that enough to get you to come out and play. There is a very real possibility trying to decapitating Alex isn’t enough to force you to show up. Hey, I have all the time in the world, I’m not going anywhere. Eventually, you are gonna have to come back to Supreme Championship Wrestling, when you do Alexis, I’ll be waiting. I’ll be here. Until I get your attention Ravyn, this game does not come to an end.”

“I feel like the boy in high school who is looking at the prettiest girl in the room, all the boy wants Alexis is to get the pretty girl to pay attention, to act as though he exist in her world. That’s where we are Alexis, little of me, the runt of the Lohan litter, my main purpose in Supreme Championship Wrestling is you.”

“Yes. You.”

“How cool is that? You didn’t need to invade my home. You didn’t need to orchestrate a near takeover of the company to get a rise out of me. The rest of them? You invaded their lives. You pulled strings. You orchestrated a coup to become the SCW Supreme Champion. You make people jump. Oh, they hate you, Ravyn, they demean you. They refuse to give you credit. When is the last time someone actually went out of there way to get your attention, not for your wrestling accomplishments sweetie, which is quite impressive, Hall of Famer in your own right if you retired today. This girl wants to play with the smartest woman in the business, sure, you can be an idiot at times. We all have our moments. I forgive you. No one is perfect, not even me.”

“Let everyone clammer over who the real World Champion is. The world can obsess with being the next hero to star in the next phase of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. For me, Ravyn, you are my hero. You are the sun, the moon, the mountain and rivers. Gosh, I’m really sounding like a Stan, aren’t I? Suppose it makes sense. The only reason I am wrestling Ravyn is because of my sisters, being an observer all these years, not a lot in the way of role models. Most of these rasslers babble on, and on, and on, about being the best, about being heroes, they want to be role models, they want to win x amount of championships ignoring full well when they die, none of that will matter, in time, they will be forgotten, what truly last is the impact one has on this world. That sweetie can’t be erased.”

“You my dear Alexis have affected the lives of so many. When many of these rasslers leave the sport, they will have you on their brain. That is your biggest contribution, how can I not be an admirer? It would be impossible for me not to be a Stan.”

“All roads lead to here, Alexis. You and me. For the fans (if you do show up), this is just another rasslin match. We are on a rasslin show, what else are we supposed to do, shake our asses? Strip? Imagine that. Us, stripping, no one wants to see that. We’ll (assuming you show up) rassle. Reverse moves, going through the motions. For me (assuming you show up), will be a chance to step in the ring with a woman I have been dying to get into the ring from the very first moment I ever decided to make this my vocation. I wasn’t ready for you way back then. Tell you the truth, I might not be ready for you now. I can live with that. Who am I to you, Alexis Louis Ravyn Taylor? No one. Not even worth giving a passing thought to.”

“I hope I can change your mind.”

“It doesn’t matter who wins. You could win. You could choke me out. You could walk away believing putting me down was the end. I could win. I could choke you out with your own move like I did Christy Matthews at the start of the year. What would that prove? Rasslers with less on their resume has beaten you, bet you forgot about them. Who do you remember? Who stands out, really? I’m hoping you will pay attention to me. I know what it is like being the smartest person in the room knowing no one else there holds your interest. I know what it feels like to be bored by the peanut gallery every single day. I know what it is like to not have a challenge.”

“Ravyn... I can be the answer to your problem. Boredom.”

“Be honest with yourself, sweetie. After close to a decade in Supreme Championship Wrestling, what is there left to do for you? You have done almost everything that I can think of. Will you stand back, scheme away so Syren can continue to reign as World Champion? Truly content with just being who you are? I’m not. I wasn’t. Helping my sister out was cool. Burning deep inside me was a desire to let it all out. Acting like I was going to run down Alexander Crowe and CHBK? That’s me. That is Abigail “Serenity” Lindsay. That is the woman I want you to meet.”

“All you need to do Ravyn, is take a chance. Play with me. I can make however much time you have left in Supreme Championship Wrestling, worth it. For you, a blank slate doesn’t exist. Your impact can’t be Thanos’ed away into the ether. However, you can explore a new adventure, with yours truly. Come on, sweetie. Show up. Come and play. I promise you won’t regret it.”

Ta Ta,
Abigail “Serenity” Lindsay 

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Abigail Lindsay vs. Ravyn Taylor - by Konrad Raab - 04-08-2019, 09:39 AM
RE: Abigail Lindsay vs. Ravyn Taylor - by Serenity - 04-13-2019, 01:12 PM
RE: Abigail Lindsay vs. Ravyn Taylor - by Syren - 04-13-2019, 04:10 PM

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