Eight Person Tag Match
OOC: Promo only that isn't formatted due to my phones browser not liking the site for some reason. Good luck!

So yeah… 

As you can see, I'm not standing here as your NEW United States Champion… I wasn't able to overcome Selena and you know what? It's fine. The general consensus of the none brainwashed masses aside, that woman is a talent and there's no shame in me saying that. I'm not however… Going to do a Bree Lancaster and make up some bullshit like I let her win, or that it doesn't matter because THEN I'd be a liar, perhaps even worse… A hypocrite and folks, that ain't me! It stings me deep down to my core that I couldn't put my demons to bed on this occasion as I was prepared to go to war in order to be the guy that beat Ms Frost and hold that glorious title above my head once more, but you know what? I'm going to just say it… Selena was the better athlete on the night. Even though I'm not a part of the Decoder Ring Club that gets pats on the back for putting their opponent through the wringer, i know that up until I became a little too overzealous… I was brutalising your United States Champion, I was putting the hurt onto her so bad that any lesser person would have just thrown in the towel… II may not get any acknowledgement as I was merely just a stopgap before Selena got a ‘higher profile’ opponent, but I think I got my point across that it was a great idea to not look past me as so many others have, otherwise you might not have been able to walk of your own volition, let alone walk out the champ… So until we meet again in that ring, make sure you keep kicking ass and taking names, yeah? 

(Smiling, I try not to get too bitter about the fact I lost out in the biggest match I'd been given in a while, and push out the niggling doubts that I would ever get another shot like it again) 

And so moving on from that, I guess I ought to talk a little about Tabula Rasa. Kinda funny that I go from a big match for the US Title, to having to team up with Katie Steward again… Almost like the fates are punishing me for not staying focused enough, but who am I to judge the Powers That Be, huh? I should be here saying that I'm grateful just to have a match on the card, let alone one where Katie isn't someone I have to rely on… And yet that is where my problem lies. Relying on other people in matches like this… It's pretty difficult to do, I'll be honest. I couldn't even rely on my own ‘brother’ Jake Starr to have my back when I'm getting beat down by half the locker room, so how am I going to rely on not just a Steward, but two other people as well in this eight person clusterfuck of a tag match?! The simple answer is this… I don't. Fact of the matter is this, I'll stake every last penny in my bank account that not just Katie, but all three of my ‘team mates’ foolishly will believe they are some sort of leader in this match… That they are best suited to call the shots and lead us to victory. I think Katie has proven me right already… Alistaire believes he's some sort of moralistic deity in general and the previous X Factor in my estimations, the Wild Card if you will, Jordan Summers… Major Michaels… Michael Jordan? Whatever your name is… I'm a little unsure seeing as you've barely been in the company for a cup of coffee and yet think you deserve to even be in the conversation for talking down to three people who have done more in their career than you could even dream of at the moment. I thought you might have been a little more… Humble when it came down to this match, but I should have known better when Sienna Swann and Bree Lancaster are amongst your role models and people you think are worth a damn… 

(I sigh and shake my head slowly) 

But I guess this is the price I pay for matching to the beat of my own drum and not choosing to support a woman that has her favourites as much as Katya did and apparently still does. I don't get to team with people who can think about the bigger picture, and so I have to plan accordingly. Alistaire, Katie and even you, Sienna Light… Let me make this clear to you, so there's no misunderstanding at such a crucial time. I'm no one's lackey, I'm not going to let anyone tell me what to do, and I'm not going to go by any rules other than my own. Got it? Good. Please don't think that because I came out on Breakdown that it's me going back on anything I've said in the past or even recently because I assure you… I don't like Alistaire… I despise Katie… And after the misplaced display of egotism towards this match and the people who will more than likely have to bail you out, I'm not all that fond of you either Jordan… The thing is, I don't want the three of you to put us even more at a disadvantage as i look to wipe the slate clean on some matters of my own, and so I came out to join the clusterfuck… The three of you getting beat up doesn't help me, so just bear that in mind before any of you think it's out of some form of obligation or duty when I came out, yeah? The three of you want to get your asses whooped, go right ahead but do it when I'm not going to have to carry each of you, got it? Going against some tough competition, it would have been nice to not have to listen to the kind of drivel I know that's already been said and is yet to come from my team but beggars can't be choosers… Especially as I know a fraction of what Peyton Rice is capable of due to being at ground zero during some of her training, and of course I've tussled with Boy Wonder, Aaron Blackbourne before… Quinne is the one that even dared to make one of the most laughable claims I've ever heard when saying I'm no longer ‘Elite’ despite her doing a pretty good impression of someone who smacks of less than averageness now herself… And then there's Goddard, someone who piques my curiosity to no end… One of the few people I haven't stepped into the ring with yet and I look forward to seeing what happens when I do at the Pay Per View. Even though I wouldn't spit on the people I have to team with to put them out if they were on fire, I have to go into this one believing that we won't implode before we do what we somehow managed to do on Breakdown and that's raise some hell. After that, I get the hell outta dodge. 

I'm not a bad guy, really I'm not. 

Though I'm forced to stand beside the kind of people I'm going to have to, it's not gotten to the point where I like doing the things I do. I make the tough decisions that many of the do gooders on the roster wouldn't dare to in order to get what they want. If that puts me in the same league as the Villains of the story, then so be it. Just remember, your Superman has already let you down… Chris knows the truth that I've been trying to get through to everyone for months now. How long before you all come to realise that the voices speaking the loudest right now are the ones belonging to those who know the least? I'll play along with this whole idea that the kind of people I'll be across the ring from are the ones that have all the answers, when in reality… Once those ideals that your idols stand for are shown to be a load of crap, don't say I didn't try to open your eyes. I'm done playing around, it's time for the 'good guys' to once again know what it's like to be Knee Deep in trouble.
[Image: jeNZaGV.png]

SCW Achievements

SCW Television Champion (x3)
SCW Tag Team Champion /w Kandis (x4)
SCW Tag Team Champion /w David Helms (x2)
SCW Tag Team Champion /w Jake Starr (x1)
SCW United States Champion (x1)
SCW Underground Champion (x2)
SCW World Heavyweight Champion (x1)
A Founding Member Of "The Connection"
A Founding Member Of "The Next Level"
Ranked 7th in the 2009 Taking Hold Of The Flame Battle Royal
Conquered The Thunderdome...and CHBK

Messages In This Thread
Eight Person Tag Match - by Konrad Raab - 04-08-2019, 09:35 AM
RE: Eight Person Tag Match - by Jsquared - 04-09-2019, 06:30 PM
RE: Eight Person Tag Match - by Ruppy - 04-13-2019, 01:37 PM
RE: Eight Person Tag Match - by Thomas Valentine - 04-13-2019, 04:09 PM
RE: Eight Person Tag Match - by Team Desire - 04-13-2019, 04:18 PM
RE: Eight Person Tag Match - by Peyton Rice - 04-13-2019, 04:29 PM
RE: Eight Person Tag Match - by Adamsama - 04-13-2019, 04:30 PM
RE: Eight Person Tag Match - by Max Kane - 04-13-2019, 05:00 PM

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