Sam Raine vs. Aaron Blackbourne
Again only CD stuff... I apologize for that. I actually had a few ideas in store, but this time... time just got away from and work calls tonight. If I don't post this now I don't post at all unfortunately. So need to say the beginning of this was supposed to be for my match against Raynes, but that I couldn't finish it... changed a little bit of it up and of course the ending of it explains why the match didn't happen and explains why Sam had be missing since that show.


For the SCW roster, Tabula Rasa, was the start of a clean slate for everyone, but for Samantha Raine, there was no chance to impress, showcase her abilities against anyone. Not against the best of the best nor the bottom of the barrel, but considering that most people find her to be the bottom of said barrel that to some might explain why she was wasn’t on the show. It was obviously reason why she wasn’t allowed anywhere near the match that was going to decide who was going to take over the company. Even with all her past accomplishments she wasn’t even an afterthought when choosing those teams were done, because it isn’t a well-hidden fact, but Samantha hasn’t had the same kind of career she had in GDW. She’d be lying if she said that it didn’t bother her that she’s the laughing stock of the company, but it does and now with the ownership of the company changing hands she had to worry about her position on the roster. Would Sasha or Katya be inclined to keep her around?

High Altitude Training Center
Leadville, Colorado
March 25th, 2019

Samantha Hawkins’ lungs were crying out in protest, they were both burning and totally spent. Her breaths were labored, the cause was that they were being overworked but she didn’t slow down in the slightest as her iron will scream at her to continue on in defiance. She had to keep powering through her pillars of pain to keep running, to keep climbing nature’s ladder. She had to keep going further, higher, and faster. As she knew that this steep path had an end, but she couldn’t see it ahead of her… at least not yet. Like the song says “There will be rest when you are done.” The only thing that she can see in front of her right now is her friend and trainer, Woody Hoyt.

He’s just standing there holding a whistle in his left hand and he’s shouting something at her, but she can’t seem hear it at the moment. At the very least due to the thudding heartbeat that’s resonating through her eardrums. Despite the fact that Breakdown this week is in Newark, New Jersey… Samantha was currently in a small town known as Leadville, Colorado. She had let Woody talk her in to doing some high altitude training and this was it at its peak level.

Leadville, can boast that it is at 10,200 feet or 3,109 meters about sea level. Training this way has been glorified by the advancement of Sports science and knowledge of the human body, but even more so from the elite athletes. Elite athletes like Floyd Mayweather, George St. Pierre, hordes of Olympic competitors, and even Muhammad Ali has implemented it in to their routines in the past and present.

However, Samantha will attest to the fact that this type of training is pure misery, but a necessary misery. Though, Woody should he have known that Samantha was thinking in the moment he’d call her closeminded. Sure, this method was new to her in the moment. Which, just meant couldn’t see the potential of it, but more importantly meant that she wasn’t acclimated to it just yet. He knew that some of Samantha’s peers might call this a backdoor way of cheating as it helps trick the body into producing more red blood cells to carry more oxygen to one’s muscle’s tissues.

Which in turns translates in to enhanced endurance when one returns to lower altitudes. So it does give one an unfair advantage over their peers, but it’s an all-natural way of doing it with no supplements or drugs to cause the desired effects. Regardless if the SCW considers it cheating or not, it’s a tried and true method of training that has worked for athletes and this coming Breakdown, Woody hopes that it works for Samantha in her match against Andrew Raynes, because looking at the both of them. They both wrestle similar styles, but as a former wrestler himself, he knew he had to the give the weight, size, and power advantages all to Andrew.

Which meant that Sam’s only hope of winning this match was to endure and out last him. She’ll have to keep moving, keep hitting, and keep angling away at him to pick up the win as he will eventually tire out, but Woody had to make sure that she didn’t run out of gas about the same time as him.

“Speed it up, you sandbagging bimbo!” His voice finally pierced through the throbbing and all Samantha could think about at that moment was easy for him to say. His lungs didn’t feel like they were on fire in that precise moment, his mouth and lips were so dry that he felt like he was out in the desert, but then again that’s the perk of being a manager slash trainer is that he doesn’t have to do the training. She was almost certain that her tank was empty in that moment, but she hoped that just maybe she could suck out just enough from one last burst. At that very moment, a vision of Andrew surfaces into her mental landscape born from her imagination, hypoxia, and near dehydration.

They’re in the ring at The Prudential Center in Newark, New Jersey. He’s lunging for that Thunderstruck super kick as if he’s garnering all of the static energy from Ontario to New Jersey. It was if she could smell the scent rain and feel the tingle of electricity before the lightning strike. The move comes, but Samantha ducks underneath it, hits the ropes as he drops to a knee, and then she drops him with the Halestorm before collapsing down on top of him for the pin.

The mental imagine of one of the many possible chain of events in the match causes a surge of energy within Samantha like a shot of NOS to a car’s engine. She pushes herself just a little longer until the treadmill she is on beeps. She had reached her “finish line” as the treads of the machine start to slow down to a stop. Which of course allows Samantha to start to slow down and catch her breath a little bit. Woody raises his left hand up for a high five, but Samantha just leaves him hanging, because she’s too tired to even lift her arm at the moment.

“Great job, Sammy.” Woody says, before he blows his whistle lightly as Sam steps off the machine and the moment that her feet are on the stationary ground she places her hands on her hips and bends down at the waist. As she is slightly dizzy and has a little bit of a sour stomach from pushing herself so hard, but from what Woody tells her that’s normal for this kind of training. Like the final moments of her run she shakes it off and starts to do some cool down exercises.

“Well…” Samantha asked, through her panting breathes.

“Let’s see…” Woody says before he looks at the screen of the computer on the treadmill. He studies it for a moment to the point that Sam goes to move in to check it herself, but she doesn’t make it that far. “You cut your time down by a minute and a half to five and half minutes.”

“Five… and… a half?” Sam said, a little in disbelief through her panting breathes once again. It’s been a while since her high school days, but she used to be able to run five miles for the track team in the range of twenty two minutes for a pace of four minutes and a quarter. However, she couldn’t blame Woody for her time, because it could be the altitude that screwing with her time, but it was more than like her knee injury from school that is really to blame. As after that injury she cut back on her running quite a bit. “Aqua?”

“Yes, aqua, but remember to drink it slow.” Woody says, as he hands her a bottle of water. She graciously takes it from him and she knows that she needs to sip it slow, but the moment that she cracks the top and takes a sip from it. Gracious goes out of the window as she starts to suck down the contents greedily. Woody shakes his head as he grabs a nearby trash can and removes the lid for it. “3… 2… 1…”

Sam could only grunt as she pulled the water bottle away from her mouth and leaned over the trash can. Which is where she proceeded to throw up the very water that she greedily consumed.

“I told you to take it easy, but you never do anything easy which is why Raynes is never going to know what hit him.” Woody says, as Samantha just groans and spits a little bit as she hopes she is done throwing up now.

“But I want him to know that I’m what hits him.” Sam snaps, as her breathing is slowly starting to return to normal and she’s starting to cool off a little bit. “He needs to know who I am. The whole SCW needs to be reminded of who I am.”

“Oh they will know who you are.” Woody says, “They will have no choice, but to put you back into contention for the Adrenaline championship and give you and Minka a tag team title shot.”

“You really believe that?” Sam asked, and for moment Woody wondered if she really wanted him to answer that question. It’s in that moment he realizes that it is a test for him.

“Of course I do.” He says, with a smile on his face. “Why don’t you go get cleaned up. Our flight to Newark is in a couple of hours.”

“Okay dokey Pinokey.” Samantha said, flashing a grin at Woody before talking another sip from the water and heading towards the showers.

- Twenty Five Minutes Later –

After Samantha’s shower, she and Woody are on their way back to their hotel to start picking up their things for their flight to Newark. Woody is sitting in the front seat of the rental car they have and as he’s driving he is listening to the radio. The Song that is currently playing is “Praying” By Kesha and he is trying to, but failing miserably at singing along with it. Sam doesn’t seem to mind in the slightest, because she’s just chilling in the backseat of the rental, laying down, playing a game of Word’s with Friends with her daughter.

Sam smiles to herself as she just basks in the cool breeze of the Colorado air after playing the word “winner” to pull ahead of her daughter by thirty points. The smell of the pine and the rest of the nature from the surrounding area soothes her and the aching muscles as she awaits her daughter next move. She didn’t have wait long before Alaska fired back with “antiestablishment” playing off her “I” in winner and off the “t”, “h”, and “n” of three more words and over two double point titles.

“Son of a…” Sam started to say and it was obviously how she was going to finish the sentence, but she stopped herself. She knew that she could be a bitch some of the times, but she didn’t want to refer to herself as such in the moment. She looked up for her phone in defeat, because she had a feeling that was game right there to find that Woody was giving her a sidelong look in the rear view mirror of the car.

“You okay?” He finally asked, as he wondered if the outburst was because she forgot something at the training center or if it was something else.

“My daughter is too smart for her age.” Sam said, sounding a little hurt that her daughter was able to beat her as she resigned from the current match, but there was also a very proud tone in her voice as well. Who knew that a young woman born to two wrestlers would be so intelligent? Even though at times she doesn’t show it. Like last year when she got in a fight with another kid in school, because they were bad mouthing her mothering, because they were fans of Regan Helms.

“She must get that from Chase.” Woody says, with a sly grin on his face and Samantha can only feign some hurt feelings over the comment, because she truly doesn’t know who her daughter gets her smarts from. She was about respond to the comment her phone starts ringing and surprisingly enough it is her better half. With a smile on her face and as much cheer as she can muster through her sore muscles she answers the phone.

“Hey babe, what’s up? Is everything okay?” Sam asked, as she also placed the phone on to speaker mode so that she doesn’t have to hold it up to her ear for longer than she has to.

“No… are you sitting down at the moment?” Chase said, which took both Samantha and Woody by surprise.

“Yes, Woody and I are driving back to the hotel right now.” Sam said, wondering if something had happened to Alaska since she played that word in their game. Even though that was highly unlikely given the fact that would’ve taken longer for her to hear something from her husband, because surely something didn’t happen right in front him and he failed to stop it.

“Are you driving?” Chase asked, and now Samantha was really getting worried.

“No Chase, I am.” Woody chimed in, and Samantha couldn’t tell if her husband was relieved or peeved that Woody was able to listen in on the conversation like that. However, he didn’t say anything about it, because that’s not the most important thing in the moment.

“You’re father… I mean Zachary Raine…” Chase started to say, and Samantha of course started to wonder if something had happened to Mr. Raine in prison, but she didn’t understand why that would be such bad news for her. Zachary Raine, the man that is legally her father, because his name is one on her birth certificate and the man that raised her for most of her life had not been on good terms with Samantha in several years.

Not ever since it came out that he not only bribed her mother’s stay at home nurse to switch her cancer medicine that was working to a placebo that ended up killing her to the fact that he also hired someone to kill not only her boyfriend, Jeremiah, but her first girlfriend, Lexus, and had her murder look like a suicide. If that wasn’t enough he had broken into Samantha’s house on Thanksgiving with the intention of killing her then fiancé, Chase, himself, and of course Samantha who at the time was also pregnant with Alaska.

He even went as far as to hire Brittany Lohan as a hit woman of sorts to take Samantha out in the ring. To end her career before it really even started, because he didn’t want her to be a professional wrestler. He wanted her to her run his business which meant that she needed to learn how to run it, but she couldn’t do that as long as she was wrestling. He chose Brittany, because at the time Sam and her were “bitter” rivals on the scene, but as many would later find out that they were sharing the same bed together and the money that she got to take Sam “out”… she did just that. She took Sam out to dinner and on a little mini vacation with it.

“What about him?” Sam asked, stoically as she wondered if he had finally broken down and called house to try and persuade Chase to get him to talk her in to speaking with the parole board about releasing, because he’s a “changed” man.

“He was stabbed in a prison fight this morning.” Chase said, and that came completely out of left field to Samantha, because why would she care about that? Granted, she didn’t see the sixty something year old man getting into a fight like that on purpose, but she could see him talking himself in to one. So now she was wondering if he was calling to tell her that he died as a result of his injures… which to her would be a miscarriage of justice after everything he did to her family and friends.

“Is he okay?” Sam asked, as she feign concerned over the man that tore her life to pieces.

“They couldn’t say much about his condition, because Sam…” Chase was saying, but for whatever the signal in her phone became unstable and he started to break in and out. “…hospital… the doctors… he escaped.”

“WHAT!” Sam exclaimed, she didn’t figured she was going to hear those two last words that she did. However, she didn’t get an answer from her husband, because between being peppered with questions of “how?” and “when?” The call between them was dropped because of the poor signal. “Change of plans Woody… call the airport and change my ticket. I’ve got to go home.”

“What about your match? The SCW isn’t going to like you just no showing a match that you won the right for.” Woody said, and he was right about that they wouldn’t be too happy if she just no showed the match. However, she was already on top of that as well as she already getting her phone to dial the front office to let them know that she wasn’t going to be able to make it to the show due to a family emergency and probably not to expect her for a couple of weeks.

Messages In This Thread
Sam Raine vs. Aaron Blackbourne - by Konrad Raab - 05-04-2019, 11:10 AM
RE: Sam Raine vs. Aaron Blackbourne - by Rick Young - 05-07-2019, 04:05 PM
RE: Sam Raine vs. Aaron Blackbourne - by Ruppy - 05-07-2019, 09:31 PM

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