Scarlet Grey vs. Alexis Quinne
“Annoyed” would be quite an understatement when it comes to Scarlet Grey right now.

The sex goddess couldn't help but lay back on her bed and growl in frustration as she thought back on the past couple of weeks. SCW certainly hadn't been going the way she'd hoped despite her best efforts, considering she all but had the TV title in her grasp only to be robbed by the Jones family playing more of their games and refusing to admit they were finally on the verge of dropping one to the superior red tandem in some fashion. True, Ruby did kind of steal one in her own right the previous Breakdown by getting Cassidy Carter to lose her shit and get DQ'd and she admitted she had fun getting to “test” Ace's claims of how sexually proficient he was on top of the assault they'd performed, but knowing she didn't have a title in her hands right now despite that still burned her up inside.

You should've just knocked that bitch's head off anyways. Left them both shitting their teeth for weeks.

That wasn't helping either as she tried to bury her face beneath her pillow. More and more she found herself having to put up with the voices in her head that never seemed to want to leave her alone, and with each passing it day it was starting to feel like her grip on reality was fading more and more. That wasn't what she wanted to gain out of this wrestling endeavor, but it was starting to seem like the more she fought for what she really wanted, the more she was set back and the more vulnerable she became. Very few people took her seriously and she was far from being the threat she wanted to be, so was it any surprise that she found her world crumbling around her like this?

Grey: I bet Kandis doesn't have to put up with thoughts like this.

Scarlet couldn't help but think back to one of the few friends she had outside of Ruby. True, the two hadn't really interacted too much beyond SCW as much as Scarlet wanted to one of these days, but Kandis at least seemed like she was doing fine for herself. True, she also ran into some unnecessary roadblocks that kept her and that earth-shaking ass away from championship gold, but she seemed like she'd succeeded in finding a consistent mate to keep her entertained for a while in the form of Tommy Valentine, which was a positive. Surely there had to be someone Scarlet could get her hands on for the same effect to help keep her occupied before her mind became overran by millions of other thoughts that threatened to consume her. The track record so far may not have been very good, but there was always someone out there and she just had to keep picking away until she got it.

With this in her mind, she at least figured a temporary distraction was in order, which was what managed to get her out of bed and in front of her mirror. She could easily admire her own reflection and the barely-existing underwear that adorned her body, but she know clothes would unfortunately be required... at first at least. It didn't take her too long to squeeze herself into a tight red minidress that clearly looked like she would literally explode out of it at any moment, but she was satisfied and someone had to take this bait so she could reorganize her brain before Breakdown. It may not get a title around that hot waist of hers, but hopefully beating a former world champion would at least turn things around.

Grey: With Katya still trying to give me the freedom I want and Dark Fantasy kind of still assisting us, I need something to go my way for once.

Scarlet tried to stop ranting to herself and put on the best smile she could manage in order to seal the deal for some lucky soul tonight, and with a deep breath that somehow didn't split her dress she began to saunter her way towards the front door of her mansion. When she got to the door, however, she couldn't help but pause and turn as she realized Ruby was lounging around on the couch as usual. Instead of reading or writing in that journal of hers as she's seemed to want to do more often lately, to Scarlet's surprise she was actually on the phone. Perhaps even more intriguing was the fact that in order to mask her conversation from whatever she might want to hear out of it Ruby was communicating with whoever was on the other end in spanish. It didn't take too long before Ruby was saying “adios” and hanging up with an extremely rare look of amusement on her face, though the smile slowly faded when she caught Scarlet's curious glance.

Amarant: Can I help you with something?

Grey: Just curious as to what that was all about, that's all. Not that I don't want to accuse you of not having a social life Rubes, but normally this is my territory and you just kind of roll with it and make sure I don't do anything I'll regret. Plus... spanish?

Amarant: Did you ever consider I may have an acquaintance who lives south of the border?

Scarlet's jaw almost dropped. It wasn't to the same degree as she usually pulled on her partner, but Ruby making such a playful jab at her was still an unexpected change of pace.

Grey: OK, who are you and what have you done with Ruby? You've got five seconds before I see fit to-

Amarant: It's the real me Scarlet, I promise you. I simply met up with someone I once knew in a... past life, I suppose, and we've been catching up.

Grey: I would swear it was more than that considering the smile you were wearing. Spill it: compared to me, what's she packing?

Scarlet couldn't help but illustrate her point, as well as what came with it, with a sensual gyration that would turn any weak-willed soul on with little effort. Ruby, however, simply shook her head but at least became more open with her amusement at the situation.

Amarant: I'm not telling. We both have our secrets Scarlet, you know that. I won't pry into yours if you won't pry into mine.

She's totally getting laid by someone else!

Maybe she'll finally leave your crazy ass for someone who can make her happy.

Scarlet whipped her head rapidly to shake off these thoughts. There was no way Ruby would consider leaving her... was there? It was true she'd been the more successful half of the Red Empire lately, counting her own TV title run, and it seemed like she was finding happiness that Scarlet hadn't been able to provide in quite some time in one form or another. She'd pledged her loyalty to the cause of the Red Empire and stood by her through some of the worst she's had to offer, but how long could even Ruby take before she believed enough was enough?

Scarlet didn't realized she'd closed her eyes until they opened wide following a kiss on the lips, and this caused her to stare straight into Ruby's eyes as she presented the most calming look she'd seen our of her partner in quite some time.

Amarant: I think I have an idea of what you're thinking about, and you have no reason to worry. I'm not going anywhere or replacing you or anything like that. This is your endeavor and I'm curious as to how it's going to end, so there's no point in walking away now. I'm simply restarting a few old connections, that's all. There's nothing to be afraid of... except perhaps how much sleep you plan on making me lose tonight.

As much as she peppered it with that familiar annoyed tone, Ruby still winked to remind Scarlet of what she was wearing and what she planned on doing with it before she headed off to her study, leaving Scarlet in a daze. Deep in her heart she could swear Ruby meant every last word of it, but the voices were still insistant that there was more to this. Maybe she could figure out a way to know for sure...

For now, though, Scarlet had a fun night to attend to so she could forget about those stupid voices, and then she had a date with crushing Alexis Quinne beneath her heel to start turning everything around for herself. Surely that would all help do the trick.

Messages In This Thread
Scarlet Grey vs. Alexis Quinne - by Konrad Raab - 05-04-2019, 11:09 AM
RE: Scarlet Grey vs. Alexis Quinne - by Da Queen - 05-07-2019, 11:58 PM
RE: Scarlet Grey vs. Alexis Quinne - by Max Kane - 05-07-2019, 11:59 PM

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