Casterillo vs. Tommy Valentine vs. Alexis Quinne
PART 1 OF 2.

I hate you all.

If you need to ask me or even yourself why, I hate you.  99.9 percent of you out there always want things to go your way.  You put on the pouty faces.  You show off those puppy dog or sad eyes.  You stamp your feet and yell out in protest, all until you get what you want.  It is pathetic.  I am glad I am not like a single one of you.  Even those of you who carry around gold championship belts are pathetic, because currently when I see the list of these champions all I see are people who manipulated their way towards gaining success, at one time or another in their lives.  There are many ways to manipulate the situation so it favors you, so yes even though you just lost the United States Championship to Giovanni last week Selena, you were mixed in with the others.  You just have the distinction of not being quite as bad as the others.

Anyways, as I look around, there are so few that seem to be willing to break the mold of the motif that has been built up around SCW since its inception back in 2003.  I have done my homework, amongst having to take care of my one piece of side business while I have been away since Retribution.  Now that I am back though, the boring slimy mold that is all of you is about to be cast aside.  The world needs a powerful being like me.  SCW needs me too.  None of you will agree with me and that is just fine.  You will all have to accept it, just like how I have accepted that I have been holding back for far too damn long.  I know what I am capable of, yet the rest of you have only seen the cover of the Book of Casterillo.  The question of note now is if you are ready to have to deal with its pages.  As I look around there are a scant few of you that might be up to the task that is about to be set forth before you all, but that is only because much like me, you pose a threat to the way SCW is at this current moment of time.

Xander Valentine.  I am in full favor of what you did to Mr. D.  I am not saying this to get on your good side.  I am saying it because he had it coming to him.  If you had not attacked him at Retribution, I would have done so myself.  You just happened to barely beat me to the punch.  After I saw that I was severely tempted to go after his two daughters in the same fashion, so SCW could actually have a REAL breath of fresh air.  Sadly though we are stuck with what we have, at least for now.  His two little girls should be lucky that I am giving them one last chance.  One more wrongdoing from either of them and they will be getting straw-fed.  It is pretty ridiculous already that you Xander are getting a free pass into the Taking Hold of the Flame battle royal, when I actually have to fight just to qualify.  You attacked the company's owner.  I did nothing of the sort.  If I were in charge, every single one of us would have had to qualify for the battle royal.  Every single one of us would have had to EARN our spots, whether you are held in main event regard here in SCW, or if you are just starting out in EMERGE.  That being said, I rest my case.  Sasha, after some fiascos she has had with some of the roster back around 2009 and 2010, STILL has no clue what she is doing.

Moving on, despite being many eggs short of a full carton, Giovanni Aries.  You are interesting.  Am I interested in joining your Wonderland though?  No.  However I do like that you pose a threat, same as me.  Damian Angel and Konrad Raab however do not pose a threat, so it does bewilder me why you are interested in the two of them following you.  They have both shown their many flaws.  The world is familiar with them.  

However the world is not familiar with what is about to happen.  You are ALL about to see what happens when desperately needed change is brought to SCW, not by a mere mortal, but by me.  It is about to be written.  It is about to be done.  Everyone will have their precious flame put out by the one being who truly possesses the power to control whose fire burns.  Me.  Yes, you will all try, but you will all fail because you are overly desperate, overly feeling like you simply deserve to win, and unfortunately you all feel entitled.

The summary is easy to understand.  These are the reasons why I hate you all.


Sunday, March 10, 2019
Chicago, Illinois
United Center

She is nervous.  Casterillo has been gone for longer than she thought he would be.  She paces and paces until she hears something.  Her head snaps to the door.  She closes her eyes and mouselike speaks to herself.

He is here.  I told Lawrence he couldn't protect me.

Shadron looks around for another means of escape besides the door, but there is none.  She does something now that she does not like to do.  She hides, to the best of her ability.  Meanwhile he is outside picking the lock.  It takes a little time but finally the lock turns.  Ian grins, knowing now that his future is about to begin, in this very room.  Shadron is horrified as she can see him a little from her current location, way in the back of the room, behind some old shelving.

Oh come on Shadron.  Come on out.  I know you're in here.  I'm not going to hurt you or anything.  This is an overdue reunion, you know?

He pokes and peeks around, checking every nook and cranny of the room, all the way until he gets to the back.

Ah, there you are.  There is really no reason to hide from me.  I just want you to help me out, being I hear that you have some sort of powers.

She is even more mouselike than just moments ago.

No.  I will not help you.

You will.  Come with me.  You have no choice.

He takes her by the arm and goes to yank at her, but she hangs on to a piece of shelving.  He gets irritated and yanks harder, thus ripping her away from her hiding spot.  He then tackles her to the ground.  A little blood can be seen coming out of Shadron's left hand which had been holding on to a piece of the shelving.

You always loved the hard way.  Some things never change.  We will bandage that later.  Right now we need to move.

Squeaking now, Shadron belts out as loud as she can.


I didn't think I would have to resort to this, but it is what it is I guess.

Ian pulls a white cloth out of his left pants pocket and immediately shoves it right against Shadron's face.  He can hear her wail, but then he can also hear her fall silent.  He pulls her up and looks right into her eyes, which have seemingly gone into an empty trance.

Perfect.  That will be more than enough to get you out to the car.

Ian pulls Shadron along, right out of Casterillo's locker room, but forgetting to take the evidence of the cloth with him.  It sits on the floor, stained with whatever was applied to it.  With haste he hauls her straight to the parking lot, right to his car, but not too fast as he clearly does not want to raise any suspicion either.  They do make it to his car.  He forces her in and buckles up her seatbelt for her, before taking up residence in the driver's seat.

It feels great to have you back Shaddy.  We are going to have some fun, just like the good ole days.  To the hotel we go.

He puts the car into gear and makes the short drive back to the hotel.  He parks inside the parking garage, pulls Shadron from the front seat and quickly walks her in and right into the elevator.  The effects of the cloth appear to be wearing off just as the elevator door opens.

Leave me alone!

He covers her mouth with his hand and shoves her along, shoving her all the way to his assigned hotel room, and then shoving her right into it, finishing with shoving her right down onto the bed, quite forcefully.

Good.  We're alone.

He races to the door and locks it.  Shadron rolls off the bed, clearly showing fear.  He heads towards her and corners her until she is against a wall of the room, against her will.

Look.  All I want is to learn about your powers and then for you to use your powers to help me.  That's it.

This is kidnapping!

Well, you are clearly still a child, so yes, I guess that is true.  I will let you go from this wall, but please, go shower.  I won't even watch you.  I've seen you already anyways.  Nothing to lovingly stare at.  If you don't go into that bathroom I'm going to force you in.  So go.

Fine.  But he will be here.  I told him you would take me.  But I also told him to come and find me afterwards.  And he will find me.  You will be a dead man.

Oh trust me.  I won't.  He has no way in.

Yet you were the one that ran from him.  You are scared of him, as you should be.  Even I am scared of him and scared of what he can do to others.  But with you, I will not stop him from exercising his own free will.  He will find a way in.

Nope.  Go.

Ian points his left index finger towards the bathroom door.  Shadron sighs and goes, figuring she can at least be away from his presence, even if it's only for a little bit of time.

Meanwhile back at the United Center, Casterillo senses something is very wrong.  His fears are confirmed as he finds his locker room empty.  The earth trembles beneath his feet.  He closes his eyes and immediately searches for her.  It does not take long.

He is a dead man.  Do not worry.  I am coming.

His rampage begins as he stomps out of the room, and down the same path that Shadron and Ian took not all that long ago.  On his way out though he hears a commotion.  He is drawn towards it and then sees Mr. D. down and out on the ground, unbeknownst to Xander Valentine as Casterillo has hidden himself well.  Casterillo shakes his head and moves along, knowing he has a far more important matter to tend to, saving the one person he cares about most in this entire world.

As he continues to the hotel on foot, thunder can be heard rumbling in the background, and it only grows louder and louder as he walks.  The look in his eyes tells the story.  They are filling up with hatred, hatred that he wants to empty out on Ian, this ex-boyfriend who wants to take advantage of what Shadron is capable of doing.  Casterillo himself knows how important it is to make sure that does not happen.  The anger in him is about to rise to fever pitch as he enters the hotel.  The storm is about to hit.


Thursday, May 30, 2019
Long Pond, Pennsylvania
Somewhere in the hills

Casterillo at the current time has eyes of glass.  They appear to be very empty.  Yet he is definitely not in some sort of comatose state.  He is all here as he speaks out loud to himself, as he is the only one out in this part of the wilderness that is the Poconos.

Soon you will all know what happened on that fateful night.  But for now you will all be left in the dark, just like how clearly Sasha wants me to be left out in the dark as far as the actual battle royal goes this Sunday.  That is why I am in this qualifying match instead of getting an automatic berth into the fray, a fray that she does not want me to have the opportunity of joining.  I actually do feel bad for the others who also find themselves in qualifying matches, as they too are victims of this Sasha Era.  To be fair she could have just made a whole slew of qualifying matches over the past several weeks, being I thought things were supposed to be a Tabula Rasa, a clean slate.  Evidently not.  It really it is the same old song and dance.

But this Sunday I will bring something fresh, and that is bringing you ALL of what I am capable of.  No longer am I going to hold back, or sit back and watch others get things that they do not deserve.  I know my two scheduled opponents will have something to say about it, but the fact of the matter is, from where I am standing, neither Alexis Quinne nor Tommy Valentine has the motivation that I do at this very damn moment.  Over these last few months that I have been out I have dealt with so damn much.  I have had my best friend kidnapped.  I have had to sit on the sidelines and watch as the lot of you continue to make sure that SCW never changes.  And I have had to take time out to think.  I thought and I thought and I thought, until a couple of weeks ago it hit me.  Instead of bottling it all up inside me, and allowing all of you to get to me...  it is time for ME to get to all of YOU!

Casterillo stamps his left foot against the earth, and then his right.

Do not consider this as an empty threat.  Consider this as what is about to happen.  And even though I have no past problems with Mr. Valentine or Miss Quinne, they are in my way. Both of you were put in my way by Sasha.  That does not sit well with me, as I deeply desire to be a part of the 40 person field that gets to take center stage this Sunday night.  That means I will do what must be done in our qualifying match.  No puppy dog eyes from Sasha will stop me this time.  I will make sure that neither of you can soldier on that night.  You will both find out after unwillingly sharing this ring with me that your lives will be forever altered.  Take Konrad Raab as the "colorful" example.  He thought his Black Ice mask would do the trick, that it would gain success for him over me, but he failed because he lost control of his emotions.  He got him disqualified at Retribution.  Not like it would have mattered anyways.  I already had the upper hand on him, and it was only a matter of time before I struck.  I was picking my spot, and then he chose to ruin the one thing that he wanted, a wrestling match with me.  But it does not matter.  What DOES matter is that I am back now and of you undeserving little people here in SCW are not going to get what you believe should be spoon-fed to you.

Alexis, Tommy, you are both about to fall.  Your flames are about to be extinguished by this powerful being that neither of you can stop.  You cannot stop a powerful being whose hatred has boiled over.  You cannot stop what is already written in the stars, when I allow them to be out.  The fates have aligned and my hatred will first be dealt out on the two of you.  The moment it is said and done, Sasha too will be filled with hate.  Hate for me, and hate for knowing that her plan for keeping me out of the Taking Hold of the Flame battle royal failed.

The next step after that is obvious, take away from each and every last person that enters that ring in the battle royal this Sunday.  You will ALL hate me, but never as much as I hate ALL OF YOU!

Casterillo swats hard at the mountain air.  He stands right where he is and listens intently, that is until he chooses to move on.  Much like he plans to move on to the big stage, after taking out his anger and frustration on not only Tommy Valentine and Alexis Quinne, but indirectly the entire D. family as well.

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RE: Casterillo vs. Tommy Valentine vs. Alexis Quinne - by Jay Gold - 05-30-2019, 11:59 PM

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