Taking Hold of the Flame Battle Royal
OOC: Best of luck everyone!

Getting Down the Aisle

Monday May 27, 2019
New York, New York
9 pm

As soon as the living room comes into focus, the first thing that you see that stands out is the card table with two stacks of books on it. The stacks of books are very neat and orderly on the card table, they look unspectacular as a matter of fact even as Amber Sloane looks through one of them, not expecting anything to come of it. Walking into the living room looking completely exasperated already before even having the opportunity to look around the room, SCW superstar Kellen Jeffries, with all of his Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder on full display, takes one look at the card table on the middle of his living room and the disgust on his face is unmistakable. Approaching Amber with his sour look however, he is no match for his beautiful fiancé’s cheery disposition, even as she quickly realizes what is the matter with Kellen, at least on the surface.

Amber: (smiling) Relax, alright? I promise I will get everything cleaned up as soon as I decide on my wedding dress and then or wedding cake too?

A heavy sigh, looking at the stacks of books somewhat skeptically, before Kellen just shakes his head slowly from side to side, gradually giving in already.

Kellen: You are deciding on a wedding dress and a wedding cake now? I thought that Whitney and Aubrianna would be here to help you with that?

Amber just laughs, smiling brightly while shaking her head right back.

Amber: As if silly! Whitney and Aubrianna are like totally texting me back and forth about different wedding dresses because Aubrianna needs one too now that Dexter has finally asked her to marry him. Once each of us are down to our top three, then we are going to go look at those dresses.

Looking like his eyes might bug out now hearing about all of this, Kellen’s mouth is opened wide, but there are still barely any words coming out.

Kellen: So, the two of you are going to narrow your choices to your top three? You two do know that you can only have one wedding dress right?

Amber face starts to become a bright red as she is clearly agitated.

Amber: If that was supposed to be funny, you might want to work on your comedy stuff, unless you are comfortable sleeping alone right now, Mr. Jeffries.

Kellen: Sorry, I am just getting very frustrated with all of the planning for our wedding not going the way that I had hoped for.

Amber: What do you mean? The wedding cake could always be decided between you and I, if that would you feel like you were more involved.

The forlorn expression on Kellen’s face says that something is seriously wrong even before he starts to speak again.

Kellen: Sadly, there might not be any reason for you and I to have a wedding cake, as much I hate to say that.

Stopping what she is doing looking in the book, Amber looks up at Kellen.

Amber: Kellen, what the hell do you mean that there might not be any reason for the two of us to have a wedding cake, because I swear if you are about to tell me that you don’t want to marry me now, I might really like them, but I am totally going to kick you right in the balls!

Hearing this suggestion, Kellen cringes as any man would then does his best to try and reassure Amber.

Kellen: Amber please, I want nothing more than to make you Mrs. Kellen Jeffries for the rest of your life. However, I am having some issues as you know trying to find someone who is willing to stand up and be my best man.

Though some would argue that it is not her strong suit, Kellen has come to appreciate his fiancé mind and right now she has an idea getting a smile on her face.

Amber: I got it!

Kellen: What do you got?

Amber: I know someone that will be your best man thingy so we can go ahead get married like we were planning on.

Kellen: Alright, who do you have in mind?

Amber: Dexter will do it, believe me because I will have Aubrianna tell him that he doesn’t have a choice! Aubrianna is my BFF so I know that she would do something important like that for us without any problem.

Considering this option for a brief few minutes, Kellen has to decline despite the fact that he has no other option at this point.

Kellen: As much as I would really like to have Dexter be my best man so that we can get married, that really is not a viable option.

Amber’s hands go straight to her hips with an unmistakable glare at her fiancé.

Amber: And why not mister, unless you have decided that you do not want to get married to me and you are just looking for the perfect time to tell me.

Kellen: Amber, how many times do I need to tell you honey? I want nothing more to get married to you, and I wish we could go do it right now.

Amber: Alright, then what is the problem? I could talk to Aubrianna, right now.

Kellen: That is the problem though don’t you see? This should not be you talking to Aubrianna and then Aubrianna forcing Dexter to do this. It should be me talking to Dexter and Dexter making the decision if he wants to do this for me. And that is another thing, while Dexter is a perfectly nice guy, I have gone out with him once when the four of us went out on that double date two weeks ago. If the guy is going to be me best man and part of one of the most important nights of my life, I really ought to know the guy a little bit better than that, wouldn’t you agree?

Thinking about it a little bit, Amber finally nods in agreement.

Amber: Okay, I see your point babe, but what are you going to do to find someone who will stand up for you? Have you been able to get a hold of any of your brothers? I know that you said that no one in your family has talked to you in quite some time, but this is special, but this our wedding. You would think that for something this important that they would be able to look past things you have done, and they would want to be a part of it.

Kellen comes over and puts his arm around Amber.

Kellen: Amber, I don’t think that I have told you about some of the things that I did to my family and why they no longer wish to speak to me.

Amber: I’m listening now, and I would really like to hear considering that they haven’t even made an attempt to get to know me knowing that I am going to be your wife.

Even while little both kind of nervous and ashamed, Kellen nods knowing that Amber is right, leading her over to sit on the couch.

Kellen: Yes you deserve to know the truth about everything.

Amber: Okay…

Kellen: Right. I just want to say that I have not lied to you about anything.

Amber: I know, you were a bad guy, really bad, I understand. There are just things that we haven’t talked about yet, but we are going to talk about them now because I need to why your family hasn’t even tried to meet me because this doesn’t make any sense.

After a long pause and a heavy sigh, Kellen begins.

Kellen: So, back when I was married to Lily, you remember that awful thing that I did to get out of my marriage to her?

Amber: This is how you faked the amnesia stuff after paying a guy to attack you and put you in the hospital right?

Kellen: Yes, and while that was an awful thing to do to lily like we have discuss before, I also let everyone in my family believe that I had attacked by an unknown assailant. I knowingly let my brothers and parents pay for people to try and find the person or people responsible, when I knew who it was all along because I was a part of it.

Amber tries to remain calm even as she shakes her head from side to side.

Amber: Oh Kellen….

Kellen: Also when I was married to Addison and she had Owen, my family kept trying to come over so that they could see Owen, but I told them that would not be possible unless they first apologized to me for things that they said about me after they found out the truth of the attack while I was still married to Lily.

Amber: Kellen I love you very much, and I know that you are like a changed man, just like I am a changed woman because I did some really bad stuff too. I want you to understand though, if you ever try do anything like what you did to those other two women that were married to you to me, I will totally make sure that you wish you are dead, okay?

Kellen: Amber I love you and I guarantee you that I will never treat you like I did my first two wives or my family, but if I did? I would deserve to have you make me wish I was dead. The problem now though still is what am I going to do about finding someone who will stand up for me as my best man so that we can get married?

Amber: What did Donovan Kayl say when you asked him, because I know that you and Donovan have known each other for a long time, not like you and Dexter.

Kellen: Yes, Donovan and I have known each other for a long time, but most of that time has been spent with Donovan trying to resist the urge to break my face, and quite honestly vice versa as well. So, we haven’t exactly been friends for most of the time.

Amber: Everything is just so messed up right now.

After a long sigh and a pause, Kellen nods.

Kellen: You can just go ahead and say it babe, everything is so messed up right now, and it is messed up because of me and how I have treated people in the past. I am really sorry for all of this Amber, I know that your wedding day is supposed to be the one of the most important days of your life, and I am really making this disastrous for you.

Her face softens a little as Amber puts her arm around Kellen.

Amber: Yes, that is true to certain extent, but I do think that disastrous is taking things too far. Lets, remember too that there are a lot of totally cool things that I am looking forward to in my future because of you too mister. In fact, I can think of a few things that you can do with me right now that are totally cool if you know what I mean.

Kellen starts to lighten up a little, getting a small, wry smile on his face.

Kellen: Oh? Please tell me what that you me have in mind Miss?

Amber looks at Kellen with a seductive smile, before giving him a quick kiss on the lips.

Amber: Well, what I have in mind has to do with turning off the lamp and going to the bedroom and we could practice what we are going to be doing on our wedding night, whenever that night might happen.

Kellen: You know what they say, practice does make perfect.

Amber: Oh, are you saying that I need practice? As If!

Kellen: Nope. I am saying that I need practice, lots and lots of practice, starting as soon as possible.

Suddenly Amber get a huge smile on her face a stands up.

Amber: You are right sir, and I am going to run upstairs so that you can practice immediately!

Kellen: And I am right behind you!

Standing up, Kellen switches off the lamp and then is in hot pursuit of Amber who is already running upstairs as the scene fades with both of them laughing.

Friday, May 31, 2019
Las Vegas, Nevada
6 pm

Having decided earlier in the afternoon to go out to dinner that evening, Kellen Jeffries is standing in the living area putting on a tie to with his grey suit right down to his grey dress shoes, when Kellen catches a glimpse of his fiancé Amber Sloane getting ready in a mirror. As she always is, Amber breathtakingly beautiful, in a shimmering silver dress with spaghetti straps and white open toed wedges. Kellen just continues to watch in the mirror, unable to be able to turn away. After putting on some diamond stud earrings, Amber walks into the living area.

Amber: This was a great idea coming out here for a few days after Breakdown Wednesday night. We did a lot of gambling yesterday. I know that when I left the video poker machine and we left the casino, I was up almost two hundred dollars. How did you do babe?

Looking up and down Amber and admiring her in all her stunning splendor, Kellen can only reply with a slowly grin before adding.

Kellen: It doesn’t matter how much I left the casino with, looking at you I have already won because you look incredible.

Amber: Thank you babe!

Coming over alongside of Kellen, Amber gives him a kiss on the cheek, then she smiles at him brightly.

Amber: You know, you never did tell me what you are taking me out for tonight?

Kellen: Well, I could just say that I want to take you out because you are breathtakingly beautiful which is of course true. More than that however, I have decided that I want to take you out because I am so proud of you.

Amber looks at Kellen curiously, raising her eyebrows even.

Amber: You are proud of me? Thank you baby, but I don’t get it. What did I do that you are proud of me for?

Kellen: You were in that Global X Destiny Match at Resurrection and you left with one of the briefcases. That makes me extremely proud of you, just so you know.

Amber’s face lights up.

Amber: That is so totally sweet of you to say something like that, and believe me, I will like make sure that you are rewarded for it later on.

Kellen: Well I certainly like that sounds of that.

Amber: Oh believe me, I do too, but right now why don’t you tell me where are you taking me for dinner?

Kellen: Nope.

Amber: Nope? What do you mean nope?

Kellen: Tonight is going to be a surprise, so you are just going to have to wait in see.

Amber: Oh I do like surprises, you know that!

Kellen: Yes, I do know that, so we had better get going to where we are headed because we do have reservations.

Amber holds out her hand which Kellen takes.

Amber: After you please, my super hot fiancé!

They leave their hotel room and go outside to where a limo awaits to their destination for dinner which is Kung Fu Thai and Chinese Restaurant. Getting to the restaurant with Chinese being one of Amber’s favorite, she is of course very excited and given that they are there celebrating her briefcase win in the Global X Destiny Match both she and Kellen are in a festive mood, so the start early drinking Baijiu or wine. About an hour and half and several glasses of wine later, and Kellen and Amber are more than just a little bit tipsy to say the least when their manager comes back over to them. Because money is not an issue for Kellen, the manager is doing his best to try and get them to keep in down because he does not want to ask them to leave, despite the fact that several other customers have complained about the increasingly loud volume.

Manager: Excuse me, I do not wish to be rude, however I would ask that the two of you please try to keep things down so that your conversations can only be heard by the two of you at this table please, if at all possible.

Amber: You might not want to try and get loud with us Mr. Manager guy, because we are both pro wrestlers, and we get paid by the boss people and stuff in different places to totally kick some ass.

Following that statement, and the fact that Kellen has said nothing but continues to glare at the manager, and that has the manager getting even more nervous, turning and talking to only Amber now.

Manager: The two of you get paid to kick some ass as pro wrestlers?

Amber: Oh yes, we are celebrating tonight because I was in a match last weekend at this huge show where I totally kicked all kinds of ass on nine other people and ended up winning a briefcase to get another big match later on! I totally rock and stuff Mr. Manager guy, so you don’t want to kick me or my fiancé out of your restaurant because people love me, as if!

Manager: I see, so this is your fiancé no?

She doesn’t mean it, but as she is talking to the manager, Amber is getting increasingly louder because of how excited she is about getting married to Kellen, who is still looking on and saying nothing.

Amber: Yes, this is Mr. Kellen Jeffries and he is my fiancé which means that since I am Amber Sloane end when he finds someone stand up for him I am going to marry him, I am going to be Amber Jeffries, or Amber Sloane-Jeffries, how cool is that?!

Manager: It sounds very cool yes, I do agree Ms. Sloane. We are very pleased to have you here at Kung Fu Thai and Chinese restaurant to celebrate your big victory.

Amber: Thank you! My fiancé is a wrestler too and so he gets paid to totally kick all kinds of ass like he is going to do at the Flame thingy where he is going to whip thirty-nine other asses all over Canada so he can go to the RTG in July and win the main event to become the biggest ass kicker in the world and stuff yeah! The will even give him a big belt buckle he can wear everywhere to prove he is the biggest ass kicker in the world!

Although Amber is getting louder and louder which is what he came over to try and stop in the first place, the manager is getting lost in the story of Amber and Kellen that Amber is telling much to the chagrin of other customers in the restaurant.

Manager: Your fiancé wrestles for chance to become biggest ass kicker in the world and he will have a belt buckle to prove it that he can wear everywhere??

Amber: Oh yes, if he wins he will wrestle for the belt buckle that he can wear everywhere. I will even let him wear it around the house when he is wearing nothing else afterward we totes have sex and stuff yeah! He can even wear it while we are totes having sex if that is what he wants because it will be his belt buckle as the biggest ass kicker in the world!

Manager: The is the most exciting to hear about mighty Ms. Sloane! We have never had potentially the biggest ass kisser in the world in our restaurant before!

This catches the ear of Kellen who understandably does not take to kindly to the faux pas being called potentially the biggest ass kisser in the world rather than the biggest ass kicker in the world, but he just lets it go listening to what the manager still has to say. Taking a look at several of the other customers in the restaurant and how annoyed they are becoming, the manager goes back to his original reason for coming to Amber and Kellen’s table in the first place, as he becomes very calm and respectful to what has been said.

Manager: While this is again very exciting to hear about, and I wish you Mr. Jeffries all the luck at being the biggest ass kisser in the world, I still have to ask that the two of you keep your conversations between the two of you if at all possible please.

While Amber is still laughing hard at what has been said, Kellen is not laughing in the slightest.

Kellen: And tell me, what is going to happen to us if that is not possible?

Despite the fact he is extremely nervous having to confront Kellen the manager does his very best to remain his composure as he continues to try and talk down a increasing agitated Kellen, while Amber just looks on, suddenly very quiet as she knows what can happen when the still somewhat volatile Kellen gets angry.

Manager: Sir I am very sorry but if you cannot keep down your conversation so that only you and your companion can hear them I will have to ask you to leave then, as much as I don’t want to do that.

Amber: Ummm that might not have been like that best thing to say Mr. Manager guy…

Even Amber looks a little concerned now as to what Kellen might do as he is saying nothing but surprisingly and much to the relief of both Amber and Manager, Kellen after thinking about it for a few seconds starts to smile genuinely.

Kellen: Alright, I don’t want to leave just yet either, because there is something that is important for me to do first.

Pushing away from the table, Amber and the Manager get nervous again but Kellen rather than getting up to his feet instead drops to his knees.

Amber: Oh my God, please someone that is like a doctor or something please help my fiancé before he pukes on my Jimmy Choo Heels because these costs him $925 without the shipping and handling charges!

While Amber is overcome by what she fears might be happening to shoes until Kellen comes up to her on his knees and grabs her left hand.

Kellen: Ms. Mighty Amber Sloane, she who whipped all kinds ass on the weekend not too long ago to win a briefcase, will you marry me?

Knowing that the happy couple is already engaged everyone in the restaurant is suddenly watching and is very confused, not the least of which is Amber.

Amber: Um baby, I know we are pretty drunk and stuff, but you already asked me to marry you and I already said yes, and then we had amazing sex because both of us are totes hot and stuff, remember?

Kellen thinks for a minute.

Kellen: Yes, yes, I do remember, especially the amazing sex part, because quite honestly that was kind of hard to forget you know?

Amber: I do know right?! Other couples should totally take pointers or something like that from us, it is that amazing! But if you remember us getting engaged then why did you just ask me if I will marry you now?

Kellen: Because, I do want you to marry me, like now!

Amber: Like now?

Kellen: Yes I want you to marry me. We are right here in Las Vegas there is always a chapel somewhere, and quite honestly I am tired of trying to figure out someone that is going to stand up for me as my best man when all I really want to do is make you my wife. So, what do you say Amber, will you marry me here in Las Vegas?

Thinking for a moment, Amber starts to panic.

Amber: I mean I totes want to marry you like always and stuff but what will I say to Whitney, Aubrianna, and all of my other friends who were supposed to be there at our wedding when they find out that we are already married so there is not going to be a wedding? My Mom and Daddy are going to be very upset to babe, and I don’t want to make my Daddy angry with you baby, because you have already replaced him as my favorite guy and stuff.

Kellen while still very drunk is still quite reassuring to Amber all of the same, and not letting up on how adamant he is while they are in Las Vegas they should get married.

Kellen: Amber, I love you more than anything in this world and all of those other people that you just mentioned? Well, they are really important people but the fact is I do not love any of them and the only person that I want to marry, the only person that I love, the person that I am ever going to love again is you. So I really think that you should marry me here in Las Vegas, and you should do it so we can have more amazing sex together, drunk amazing sex!

Amber: Oh my God Mr. Kellen Jeffries, you had me at more amazing sex! Yes I will marry you here in Las Vegas!

Kellen is wobbly getting to his feet before he kisses Amber and the other customers start to cheer now while the manager makes this announcement to everyone in the restaurant.

Manager: Everyone, they are getting marry, then they are going to have amazing sex, drunk amazing marry sex!

More hollers, cat calls, and wolf whistles can be heard throughout the restaurant, while Amber starts panicking again, even while she is celebrating with Kellen.

Amber: Kellen babe, what are we going to do? We still have to have people stand up for us in Vegas for our wedding to be like legal and stuff!

A horrified expression crosses Kellen face when he realizes that Amber is right and that the new plan of getting married in Vegas might have to be put on hold. Right then however, coming up to their table is an Elvis impersonator.

Elvis: I wasn’t tryin to be cruel or anything but I couldn’t help but hear you two talking about havin someone stand up to see you two get married and well I work at the wedding chapel just up the road a little ways, and if you two need someone to stand up for the two you well I have seen it done plenty of times and I would be more than happy to stand up for you to fine folks!

Kellen: Thank you Elvis!

Elvis: Thank you very much, thank you, I mean you’re welcome!

Amber: But that is only one, who is the other person that is going to stand up for us so that we can be married?

The manager comes up to Amber and Kellen.

Manager: You need someone to stand up for so you two can be marry?

Kellen and Amber: Yes!

Manager: You will to let someone join in on amazing drunk marry sex later on?

Kellen: Yes!

Amber: NO!

Kellen looks at Amber confused.

Kellen: Maybe?

Amber: As if!

Kellen looks at the Manager.

Kellen: Sorry dude but I don’t think she is going to budge on this one.

Amber: You’re damn right I’m not!

Kellen: What do you say, will you still do it?

Manager: Okay….

As quickly as possible at just after 8 o'clock which honestly is not very quickly at all given that Kellen and Amber are quite drunk, yet the two of them pile into Elvis's station wagon along with Elvis and the manager of the Chinese restaurant. Elvis then drives the four of them about 3 miles up the road to "Hank' s 24 hour Wedding Chapel and Auto Salvage". Kellen and Amber look at Elvis skeptically as soon as they see the sign, as even the manager looks like he might have some doubts.

Kellen: Hey Elvis, are you positive that we can tie the ole knot at this place because if not we are going to be pretty pissed coming all the way over here in the middle of dinner for nothing.

Manager: Yes and making them pissed at you would be very bad for you my friend because they are both pro wrestlers and world champion ass kissers.

Kellen: Yeah buddy, while we are at it It's world champion ass kickers not world champion ass kissers got it?

Amber kind of cringes at the remark as soon as it is said, knowing that Kellen is getting increasingly agitated with this faux pad that has been several times now.

Amber: Yeah, if you could just make sure that we are called world champion ass kickers from now that would be just great okay?

Manager: A thousand sorries to both of you. From my mouth from now on you will only be called world champion ass kickers, even during the amazing drunk marry sex I am watching later on.

Kellen: Excellent!

Amber: There is going to be any watching later on! Damn it you are going to be my husband, back me up on this or there will be no amazing drunk married sex later on, got it?!

Kellen: Oh hell no! Sorry dude, you don't get to watch either or I am going to have make yours the first ass that I kick this weekend, alright?

Manager: Okay. You not blame for trying Ms. Mighty Amber. You are so hot, want to touch the hiney.

Amber: As if!!! There will be no touching of this hiney unless it is done by Kellen!

Manager: Okay...

Everyone gets out of the station wagon and goes inside where before Kellen and Amber go before the Justice of the Peace to be married, they first have to meet with the chapel clerk who seems less then thrilled to see them, or see anyone for that matter. A dowdy looking woman who is roughly in her mid-forties, the clerk looks and acts like the last person who would ever want to help someone get married, but here she is nonetheless.

Clerk: Welcome to Hank’s 24 hour Wedding Chapel and Discount Auto Salvage where all of your dreams come true. How can I help someone today? Do we have someone that needs discount auto parts?

Kellen: No, we would like to get married.

The Clerk regards the odd collection of people quite skeptically, including the Elvis impersonator who works there trying to figure out what is going.

Clerk: So all four of you are here to be married? Wait until Hank get a hold of this one. What the hell is going on here, Joelvis?

Kellen, Amber, and the manager of the Chinese restaurant turn and look at the Elvis Impersonator at the same time

All Three: Joelvis?

This leaves the Elvis impersonator to explain.

Joelvis: My given name is Joel Buford McCoy, but from the time I could count I have always been fascinated with the life and times of the King, and so as soon as I turned 18, I moved to Las Vegas and became an Elvis impersonator. So all of my friends here who know my story call me Joelvis.

Clerk: Trust me, we all know his story, but we are not all of his friends.

Joelvis: Anywho, the young couple here are the ones who are looking to tie that knot, Bertha. Me and the other man are just here to stand up for them as witnesses.

The Chinese restaurant manager is grinning from ear-to ear.

Manager: And later I am going to tape amazing drunk marry sex.

Amber: The hell you are!

Bertha: Yeah, whatever. I am just here to take money, licenses, and registration. I don’t judge anyone. Hell, there was one guy in here an hour ago who said that he and his intended wanted to have his horse join in a little later on.

Amber: We will not be having a horse join us for anything!

Bertha: Just letting you and the potential mister here that nothing is to weird for us. Now could I have the actually names of people who intend to be married to one another?

Kellen: Kellen Jeffries and Amber Sloane please.

Bertha: Wonderful. Now then Mr. Jeffries and Ms. Sloane, could I see some Identification please?

Finally happy to see a light at the end of the tunnel, both Kellen and Amber show the clerk their drivers licenses and are quickly approved.

Bertha: Alight now could I see the marriage license please?

Being on top of things despite feeling ten feet tall and bullet proof right now, Kellen produces a marriage license and it is signed by Bertha just as quickly, although there is a problem with the proceedings.

Bertha: Okay, now you two are going to have to wait for three days before you are able to be married.

Kellen and Amber: What?!

Bertha: Sorry, don’t yell at me, I don’t make the rules and it could be a lot longer if you want to keep testing me. Any couple who has an out of state marriage license has to wait until they can go to the court house and get things finalized. I know that you are not happy either one of you, but it is what it is.

The manager of the Chinese restaurant steps up to the counter and smiles whispering to Bertha while holding five 1 dollar bills.

Manager: Must be something can be done so these young people can be marry tonight.

Bertha: You have got to be kidding me, right? You call that a bribe?

Before the manager of the Chinese restaurant can say anything else, Kellen stumbles up to the desk drunk, pushing the manager to the side and he takes out ten one hundred dollar bills with a goofy grin while looking at Bertha.

Kellen: Now do you think something can be done?

For the first time since the group arrived here, Bertha gets a smile on her face.

Bertha: Sir, for that kind of price, I would marry you two crazy kids tonight myself if I had to!

Kellen: That’s what I thought.

Amber: Yay!

Manager: We are going to get amazing drunk marry sex tonight after all?!

Kellen: Dude, there are two people here that are going to have amazing drunk married sex later on, hopefully, but I guarantee you that you are not one of them two people that I am talking about so stop bringing it up before you are really sorry, got it?

Manager: Oh yes, I got it Mr, world’s biggest ass kicker with the big belt buckle. I will bring it up no more.

Amber swoons while Bertha and Joelvis look on.

Amber: It’s about damn time! That is why you are my fiancé baby yeah! As if!

Bertha: Right, as if or whatever. You guys can go ahead to Hank and he will marry you tonight since everything is in working order. Go ahead and step inside of the chapel please and best of luck to ya.

Kellen and Amber: Thank you!

Our group then makes their way inside of the chapel where they are met by Justice of the Peace Hank Wainwright, balding, middle aged, and fitting in perfectly with this picture as he is just like Kellen and Amber and very drunk himself.

Hank: Ahoy everyone! Who is our happy couple this evening?

Kellen and Amber help each other up before him with bright smiling faces.

Kellen and Amber: We are!

Not trying to hide his condition at all rather, but instead hitting the flask around his neck and taking a whiff as well before he continues.

Hank: Damn I really do love the smell of Captain Morgan Spiced Rum!

Joelvis: Damn that’s good shit!

Hank: Right! Joelvis, come over here and hit this flask!

Joelvis: Don’t mind if I do!

Joelvis comes over and takes a healthy swig from Hank’s flask and beams.

Joelvis: Thank you very much, thank you!

Meanwhile as Hank and Joelvis become reacquainted with Captain Morgan, Kellen and Amber are becoming increasingly unsteady, and desperately wanting to be married, so Kellen decides to get things back on course.

Kellen: Hey, we are going to be able to get married soon, right?

Hank: Oh yes right! You kids go and see Bertha and get everything squared away?

Kellen: We did see Bertha and if by squared away you mean I am out a thousand dollars, well then yes, everything is squared away.

Hank nods along while Kellen is talking and then takes a another hit from his flask.

Hank: A thousand dollars you say? Yeah that sounds about right, wouldn’t you say so, Joelvis?

Joelvis: I think she left them off easily honestly. Bertha has taken other folks for a whole lot more.

Kellen: Guys, wedding, can we get on with it, please, before something awful happen like my fiancé passes out in your chapel or I do?

Hank: Yeah, that really would be a bitch. So anyway, do you take her to be your wife?

Kellen: Um yeah sure!

Hank: And do you take him?

Amber: You mean right here, right now, in front of everybody? I said no amazing drunk married sex in front of other people Kellen!

Kellen: No, no. hon, he means do you take me to be your husband?

Hank hits the flask again.

Hank: Yeah, what he said!

Amber: Oh yeah duh, as if! Of course I do, look at how hot he is!

Hank: Great! So does someone have rings?

Amber: Oh my God, I forgot about the rings!

Kellen pulls two wedding rings out from his pocket and everyone in the room gets the hugest eyes.

Amber: Well what the hell! Those are gorgeous babe!

Kellen: Only the best for you.

Hank hits the flask again then looks like he is close to falling over.

Hank: Ladies and jellybeans, they have rings and they are mmm gorgeous! Why don’t each of you go ahead and slip one of those on each other!

Doing as they as told, Kellen and Amber takes the rings and put them on each others hands, was is cause for Hank to take another hit from his flask.

Hank: Well then, by the power invested in me by Captain Morgan and the state of insanity, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss….

Before Hank is even through saying his line, Kellen and Amber are one step ahead of him as they look like they have swallowed each others tongues forcefully.

Hank: Well hell would you look at that guys, I guess they have already gotten to that part!

Hank, Joelvis, and even the Chinese restaurant manager joins in hitting the flask again while Kellen and Amber still haven’t come up for air, trying to swallow each other’s tongues as the scene fades.

Going after that Flame “thingy”

Friday, May 31, 2019
Las Vegas, Nevada
11 pm

We fade into bed.

Let me say that again slowly, so that everyone can really think about what I am saying, we fade into bed.

I am a man, and so I wonder just like any countless other men who down through the years have recorded a professional wrestling promotional video just like I am doing right now have stopped and wondered wouldn’t be nice to start that video by saying “We fade into bed.”

Kind of sounds like the type of thing that so many other men would love to be saying, and yet I can’t count one other time I have heard those words spoken in SCW or in any place else for that matter.

That’s what it really all boils down to it though, because while people will try and tell you over and over again how that all of the truly great professional wrestlers speak alike and do alike, the reality of the situation is that it is the one who dare to be different who truly stand out from the crowd.

Standing out from the crowd, that is exactly what I am trying to do to, because I realize what this Sunday night means to each and every one of us in Supreme Championship Wrestling, but more, much more on that later.

Why was I beginning my promotional video with the words “We fade into bed” rather than giving viewers a description of some remote location that they will be lucky if they are ever able to witness themselves.

Well, surprise, I am in bed!

Or maybe more to the point I am in bed in the honeymoon suite of the MGM Hotel and Resort in Las Vegas, Nevada because you have guessed it, I am on my honeymoon right now, or more to the point I am actually on my wedding night. That is also why I am currently whispering because it would seem that the new, most recent, and the last Mrs. Kellen Jeffries is fast asleep next me right now.

Smile pretty for the camera, Mrs. Amber Jeffries, or Mrs. Amber Sloane-Jeffries.

We haven’t really had much time to discuss that, although honestly it makes no difference to me either way, just as long as Amber, who by the why could smile anything but pretty for the camera, is happy with what people are calling her.

Amber is my third wife, but it feels like the first time that I am getting married for the right reasons, which means that I am putting Amber thoughts and feelings first in this relationship, so scary that it feels like it will probably work this time, at least God knows that for the first time I am truly trying, which has to count for something, or at least I think it does.

I am well into my 33rd year of life which means that I am into my 15th year of being and adult at least chronologically speaking, but there are certain things that I am coming to terms with as I try to figure this whole life thing out.

First, its not all about me, in fact I am just a bit player who ended up with the starring role, but only when it comes to telling my own story, nothing less and nothing more.

I really wish that I had realized that sooner because if I had maybe I would have to refer to the last 8 years or so as my miserable existence, and this is by mothing but my own fault that thing are this way, believe me.

Oh yes, there is no doubt about the fact I was a really shit, and quite frankly I still am sometimes, I mean I could get online and go to twitter and make my best friend along with everyone else hate me, and if you don’t believe that I will have you meet Timothy Myers who has a lot of stories to tell for sure.

But with Amber things are different this time, and I have finally found someone who truly completes me as corny and mushy as all that bullshit sounds, and she is going to be my partner for life, as this is what it means to be truly happy, something I never believed was possible for me, but Amber has proven otherwise.

With my personal life finally worked for the best and leaving me in the right spot mentally, rather than just being mental as I have been accused of so many times and often rightfully so in this life, now it is time that I talk about this Sunday’s event, an event called Taking Hold of the Flame, or the Flame "thingy" as my beautiful wife has decided to call it.

Let me tell all of you who are still listening however that doesn’t mean that my wife doesn’t understand what is on the line, or that she is taking this lightly because view this as part of our honeymoon, a part that I fully intend on winning, with her at ringside cheering me on because Amber is more than just another pretty face, we are a team, a team that has her as an asset, not a hinderence.

The Flame is one of the biggest pay per view events the year in an industry where no matter what promotion you are working for the object is to make each pay per view event bigger than the last one, or so it would seem.

The headline attraction is always the same however; a huge forty person over the top rope battle royal to determine who will challenge the SCW World Champion at Rise to Greatness, the biggest wrestling pay per view event of the year every year, no matter what promotion that you are working for whether you want to admit it or not.

Rise to Greatness is the premiere wrestling pay per view event in the world, and before you just dismiss as a corporate shill for the company I am working for consider that competitors from all over the world work their entire lives to be performers on the Rise to Greatness stage, so that shows you just how big it is, for those that don’t believe what I am saying alone.

I can't be certain because I have never done this before, at least not in SCW, but I think there is supposed to be things that are expected to be talked about when talking about an event such as this with all kinds of implications on the line.

I will bet for example people are supposed talk about other people in field or people are expected to discuss what a challenge the Flame represents and because of that how little people have actually winning.

The thing is while that would be easy enough to talk about, I don't really take the easy way out even when it is presented right in front of me, because it was that thing I was talking about before, I need something different, something that will make me stand out in crowd so to speak otherwise both myself and my message could get lost in the shuffle so much promotional material for this event.

So with all that being said I have decided that I am not going to talk about how hard it's going to be for me to win the Taking Hold of the Flame battle royal because it feels like it is just going to be a moot point, when you considering that a lot of participants are going to be doing just that, and I don’t want to sound like everyone else, knowing that I have never done that before so why am I going to start it now?

Rather, I dare to be different and in being different I have decided that I am going to say to hell with it, and although it may not be traditional just to overlook thirty-nine other competitors, I know already that I am going to win that battle royal this Sunday.

If that pisses a few people off while I guess i don't know what to tell them except that I would rather be pissed off instead of being pissed on right?

For over 11 years I have involved in wrestling in one way or another, I wasn’t just a kid with no talent trying to make it some place that I should not have been yet, because I have raised more hell, won more matches, and held more titles than many of the people I come to blows with in SCW every single day.

I have come to realize however, that I really don't give two fucks about what other people think about what I have to say at the end of the day whether it is someone I like or someone that I can’t stand which encompasses a lot of people but not as much as it once did, because I didn’t last that long in this business just to have someone else take my spot when I can finally see it.

My spot as I see it is on July 21st, 2019 when I am going to be in the main event of Rise to Greatness where I will become the SCW World Champion.

You can call that confidence, cockiness, or anything else you want it makes no difference to me, I am going to be you SCW World Champion after the premiere event on the professional wrestling calendar, and I dare anyone to try to stop me.

There are a lot of people in SCW who are going to try and do just that, to try and stop me, and I welcome it, because I have always had people who have tried to stop me from reaching my goal of being the absolute best, and if I didn’t what kind of fun would that be?

Speaking of fun too, I really need to be going now because it sounds like my beautiful wife is awake and there are other things that I need to be attending to if you know what I mean, after all this the Las Vegas portion of our honeymoon and what happens in Vegas stays in…well you get the idea right?

See you this Sunday up in Canada, for Taking Hold of the Flame.

I’ll be the guy standing in the ring after the battle royal with his arm raised, ready to go on to Rise to Greatness and become the SCW World Champion, I guarantee it!

And now fading back into bed….

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RE: Taking Hold of the Flame Battle Royal - by Simple77 - 05-31-2019, 11:20 PM

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