Regan Street & Selena Frost vs. Damian Angel & Xander Valentine
“Life’s not fair, is it? You see, I.. well, I shall never be King. And you… shall never see the light of another day. Beyond that, I am that rare and awesome thing. I am every inch a King, and yet I feel a twinge of doubt. When my name is whispered amongst the masses, is it out of love? Or genocide? Tell me I am adored… no. Tell me I am essential. That I serve purpose in the grand tapestry of good versus evil. 

You and your petty complaints. You don’t know real hungry. Day after day it gnaws at the very core of my being. It’s like an itch: deep, persistent, profound…

I need more than fear… more than influence… more than power. I need… 

As a King, I need a Queen. As the Devil Himself, I need an Heir. 

Helena Evans sought to be that person, but she got greedy, as her Deitical brother had before her, so I had to cast her aside. It hurt me to do so, but it was oh so necessary. I require no equal. I have no equal. Helena thought otherwise… pity, for out of loyalty to her, I cast aside my army. She said I needed none, that they would be worthless in the quest for Eden. But what good is Eden if my line dies out with me. 

An Heir… is my guarantee to immortality. Sonia… no… Siona, MY child… was to carry on my bloodline, but I believe now her mind to be poisoned with thoughts of normalcy by Kennedy Street. She has sought an average life, to be a regular girl, instead of one with glorious purpose. And so, in time, I cannot trust that my plans for the girl would be fulfilled. Perhaps it was unfair to burden a child with such glory, such promises of grandeur. 

Then there was the child that Helena carries, but… she cannot be trusted not to corrupt that child’s mind to serve her purposes rather than the greater good of Eden. I simply cannot allow that. I need an Heir that is guaranteed to me. A shame, really… such good stock. Sister of God and seed of The Devil. That child should have been magnificent. Alas…

Still… the need for an Heir is pressing… So, my people… bring her to me, and she shall receive the same immortality that I shall enjoy. This is my purpose.”

And so it went out to the Denizens of Eden that their leader, Damian Angel - believed to be The Devil Himself - sought to father an Heir, one that he would be able to acclimate to the world and raise to be the Heir as he sees fit. But as it was, that was not all there was in the mind of Damian Angel, for he had other considerations… considerations of a more professional nature. Recently his one-time charge, Kali, had nearly ruined his machinations by erratically stating that Damian’s alliance with Giovanni Aries - an alliance that had united the concepts of Wonderland and Eden - was a sham on Damian’s part. She had claimed that he was using Aries and Wonderland for his own design, to build up the pair side by side until Eden was ready to cannibalize Wonderland and leave Damian as the sole leader of both fantastical ideals. It was a lofty goal, and Damian was not pleased to have it so callously thrown out there as though it were a child’s game. He would deal with Kali in time, but before then was the attack of Giovanni Aries by Xander Valentine. The trio had appeared to form something of an alliance that had been blown up by that attack. Now Damian, apparently the middle-man of this association, had some time to reflect upon it… But not without a little prodding from an SCW agent that he was very familiar with…

Dillusion: “Did you know it was happening?”

Damian looked up over the materials he was reading to see his former New Blood Rebellion ally and former SCW World Champion Dillusion standing in front of him. He smirked, returning his eyes to the parchment in hand.

Damian: “I had wondered how long it would be before you sought me out.”

Dillusion: “Sorry for disappointing you.”

Damian: “You did not. I had expected this timeframe.”

Casually, Damian folded up his parchment and set it beside him. Sitting back, he set his arms out on his knees, looking to Dillusion with intrigue.

Damian: “And to what do I owe this visit.”

Dillusion: “Didn’t you see? Xander attacked Giovanni Aries.”

Damian chuckled at the memory...watching a man he fought alongside laying out another man he fought alongside was an interesting place for a man like Damian to find himself in. Typically he would have been the man in Xander’s shoes as he had been so many times before. Still it was Damian’s laughter that piques Dillusion’s interests.

Dillusion: “Something amusing?”

Damian: “I suppose Xander had grown weary of Giovanni’s efficiency in his messaging.”

Dillusion: “Are you expecting me to believe you had nothing to do with it?”

This response made Damian curious…

Damian: “And why would I prompt Xander to attack Giovanni in such a… pronounced manner?”

Dillusion: “Playing innocent only works on those that don’t already know better. Besides, it seems every time Xander loses control, you’re somewhere pulling the strings. I just want to know why.”

Damian: “Dillusion, you and I both know that if Xander had truly lost control, I would be among his first victims.”

Dillusion: “Just tell me what I need to know.”

Damian snaps back at Dillusion.

Damian: “Why? So you can report back to Sasha? Dean? Perhaps the old bastard D himself.”

Dillusion: “Why do you have to be so difficult about this?”

Damian’s scowl slowly turns into a smile, then laughter.

Damian: “Don’t take it personally, Dilly… you and I have history, after all.”

Dillusion: “I’m aware.”

Damian: “This? This is simply a game of cat and mouse. In this case, you’re the cat seeking out what you want, and the information you believe I have is the mouse you’re trying oh-so desperately to acquire.”

Dillusion: “So you really know nothing about Xander’s motives.

Damian: “Would I lie?”

Dillusion examines Damian’s face, attempting to decode his features to determine any answer to his question.

Dillusion: “Fuck… I’m at a dead end.”

Damian: “Maybe Xander’s attack wasn’t part of a grand plan. Maybe he just felt like eviscerating Aries.”

Dillusion: “Do you honestly believe that?”

Damian laughs.

Damian: “No, but wild speculation sure is fun, isn’t it?”

Dillusion shakes his head as he turns, walking away and leaving Damian alone as he found him.

Dillusion: “You’re out of your mind, Damian.”

Damian hollers out after him as he goes.

Damian: “Why do you think they keep bringing me back?”

The scene fades...

“Do you ever wonder why I continue to put SCW through the rigors of my presence? Why I remain here to antagonize your heroes in the name of whatever whim expresses itself in my head? Am I a glutton for punishment? A man who is seeking to again find himself set on fire by Greg Cherry? Beaten within an inch of my life by CHBK? 

Nearly stabbed outside of a wrestling show in London by a hooligan? 

Do I do this for my benefit? Do I do this to be lauded as some kind of desired character amongst a tapestry of heroes and villains? An essential force in the battle of good versus evil? No… I do it for the promise of something greater than myself. I do it for the promise of Eden.

As I told you before, Eden is paradise. With it, all ills will be washed away and all shall be… unattainable. Eden is an idea that shall never be realized because people… because you do not deserve it. I do not deserve it. But I seek to provide a path so that future generations may deserve it. So that they might sneak past the gaze of the Archangel Gabriel and return to where man had once been banished before. And to attain that, I require my Heir. 

Ohhh, this is not going to be any sort of competition. Oh no… my Heir shall not be left to chance. Rather, He shall come through meticulous planning, through proper genetic selection and through the veneer of absolute loyalty to me. There has to be order amidst the chaos. 

That is how it has always been. Even as an agent of chaos, I have been meticulously planning every move. I have considered every scenario. I have plotted a course that has led me to this spot in this moment. I am the Devil Himself, and as such I am far more capable of this than you would rather I get credit for, but your comfort does not get to dictate my position. That is where your heroes fall. That is where fail to stop me at every turn. 

Sure… Selena Frost may relish her recent victories over me. Regan Street may reign as Adrenaline Champion… Believers and Hellcats. And yet, they cannot combine to a force capable of changing nature and that’s what I am! I am a force of nature in SCW. And with Abaddon by my side again…

Oh, what is that? You do not recognize the handiwork of Abaddon in the vessel of Xander Valentine? I can. I am all too aware of His handiwork. After all, it is I who unleashed him on the unsuspecting masses previously. I am not intimidated by my partner. I am perhaps the only person who truly accepts him for who he is, not who you want him to be. 

It was obsession at being seen as more to people like you that castrated Xander Valentine. It is acceptance of who he is that gave him his life back. The same could be said for Konrad Raab… everybody’s best friend was weak and easily manipulated. Black Ice is strong and stands for something. You see, when this company dies it’s death - as all do - it will not be the proclivity of “True Believers” or the desire and passion of “Hellcats” that lives as it’s legacy. It shall be the work of men like me. People like you may be the ones who bring others in. But people like me give people like you something to rally them behind. Without people like me, all that exists is people like you… and who are you going to unify them behind if not someone like me. 

Selena, you rally your True Believers against villainy, but without us, you are simply cannibalizing your own allies. Same for you, Regan, although as the Hellcat, you may not be so opposed to that possibility.

So do you as do. Rally your supports behind you facing against the wicked Devil and the monstrous Abaddon. Tell them how we poison your company and how things would be better without us - lie to the people. That is what you do. Lie to them. Tell them what they want to hear… what you want them to believe. I tell them the truth they cannot accept, because if they do their faith, their conscience, their entire world shatters as if I snapped my fingers wearing a fancy, bejeweled glove.

Face me at Breakdown but realize that I will not be vanquished. I will continue to rise. I will continue to shine a light on you as you are and there is NOTHING you can do to stop me for I am the Devil Himself!”

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RE: Regan Street & Selena Frost vs. Damian Angel & Xander Valentine - by Corner G - 07-02-2019, 08:24 PM

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