Zero F**** to Give vs. Team Desire 2.0
*Just a short promo. Didn't want no show like Maddy's last match.*

{The episode starts backstage at guerilla where Gigi and Maddy Steward await to go on for their match mere moments away. A camera caughts up with them as their about to go on for a last minute thought.}

Giovanna Steward: Zero F**** to Give…

Madison Steward: Woah, G. Are we getting a little tense here? We’re just facing Autumn and Ryan tonight. I know we’ve had our struggles with Autumn in the past. Also trying to get any momentum as we can, but damn.

Giovanna Steward: No Maddy. Zero F**** to Give is what their calling themselves. 

Madison Steward: Can they do that? Does the network allow it? It can’t be family friendly. Should we call Katie and ask? She knows about this TV stuff.

Giovanna Steward: I think we’ll be good on our own Maddy. Autumn and Ryan don’t really care anymore and that might not be pleasant for us. We on the other hand still very much Give a F****.

Madison Steward: Goddess, G. You’re going to get us in trouble and we can’t afford to get in trouble. We need this now. With Katie winning the TV Championship recently and she’s going to be eyeing for the Tag Team Championship. Unless she completely gets side tracked by someone. We need to push onward. If it’s not going to be you and Katie as the champions. Then it needs to be us. Redemption has finally lost the titles and now jump to the front of the line. While Autumn and Ryan apparently don’t give a frack. We need to beat them right now and show them and the world why we still have the fire and the passion to do this. 

Giovanna Steward: You’re right Maddy. That’s what we’re going to do tonight. We’re going to take Autumn and Ryan and their F**** and take them to Nirvana and Wonderland tonight. They can do whatever they want, but we’ve sat back and watched everyone succeed. So you can understand why hearing Autumn and Ryan come with their fun and creative name might not sit well with us. We’re just looking for our moment to break through and get ourselves what we want. The Brat Club isn’t looking for any F**** tonight. We just want to be noticed.

{Gigi and Maddy’s music begins to play signaling their cue.}

Madison Steward: Don’t worry G. Autumn and Ryan aren’t giving their F**** tonight. They’re going to take it.

{Maddy pulls down her white rabbit mask and heads to the ring. Gigi throws up the hood on her Brats Club jacket as Team Desire look forward to action on Breakdown as the scene and episode end.}
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RE: Zero F**** to Give vs. Team Desire 2.0 - by Team Desire - 07-02-2019, 09:56 PM

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