Tommy Valentine & Jake Starr vs. Andrew Raynes & Dustin Adams
OOC: Shoot only from me, good luck mate 

You know… 

It's funny how there was so much build up to the biggest Pay Per View on the SCW calendar, and so much at stake for many individuals. I mean just look at what was on the card for crying out loud! Kennedy Street was up against Giovanni Aries for the World Title… There was a clusterfuck for the Tag Titles… Ravyn having to literally fight for her career… Zoe having to earn a rematch for the World Title as her whining wasn't working for a change… And of course who can forget about the Thunderdome match that pit Dylan Howell against the second coming of Jesus Christ… Erm, I mean Andrew Raynes. Sorry you'll have to forgive me for making that grave and serious error as for the past few months anyone would think that Raynes was some kind of deity with how he promotes himself on a regular basis… But yeah, my point is that the card was stacked from top to bottom and even those that weren't on the main show knocked it out of the park for all intents and purposes! Which is why I think I was lured from my hiatus sooner than I expected… I mean don't get me wrong, I love SCW and the fans are the most incredible people that I've ever had the honour to perform in front of in ANY promotion, but I was seriously thinking of making my return AFTER Rise To Greatness as opposed to just before… But it seems like the fates had other ideas! I was actually called out on live television folks, lil old me, Thomas Valentine… By a man that has had a less than stellar time, lately as far as advancing in the twilight of his career is concerned. Justin Davis has… Or should I say had a plan and fair play to the guy, he is sticking with said plan. He wrote out a list of people he wanted to face, obviously put his unrequited love interest, Josh Hudson right at the bottom and then set out to face them all for one reason or another; obviously with the intent to beat them… But what's also funny is how things don't quite work out how you want them sometimes, and trust me when I say I know how that one feels on a personal level… But getting back on track, I think that all the hype and adrenaline that builds up at this time of year… It must have gotten to Justin’s head and actually gave him the notion that I was going to be his ticket to put Josh on notice or something along those lines… Because anyone listening to his emotional if not misguided promotion for our match would believe that me getting one over on him all those years ago was some kind of fluke… That the better man didn't actually get the spoils. Everyone might be talking about practically everything else that happened on that night but what happened in my match leads me to ask a very important question… 

Was it a fluke, Justin? 

Were you truly the better man, but just a victim of circumstance? 

Okay, that was two questions but the point remains. As I said before to you, dude… I was the better man and still AM the better man so all that's left to say is that I wish you luck getting what you want but we both know it was never going to be at my expense and especially not at Rise To Greatness! You were good then and you're still good now Justin so I'm sure you'll get over falling short against me AGAIN… But for me, I now have to move on from what has happened and once again focus on what I'm going to do… Which leads me back to the present. 

Showing up at Breakdown in my hometown of Raleigh was as amazing as ever, each time I step foot in an arena there or anywhere in North Carolina for that matter, it reminds me that no matter where I choose to live… That i will only ever have one home! And what better place for me to have a good catch up with Jake and show him the best places to go in order to experience the best that Raleigh has to offer a person where drinking and eating are concerned. I know many people have wondered where I've been and why I've been away for so long and to be honest, even Jake wasn't in the loop as to everything that has happened whilst I've been away… But let's just say that I gave him the summarised notes and got onto more important things. Things like Jake bouncing back from what happened at Rise To Greatness when a naive do gooder decided to stick his beak into one of my best friends business… Things like discussing how we can make a mark on this business one more time at least… Things like talking about what I intend to do before saying farewell to a beloved career. Yeah I know it might sound a little depressing if you look into that too much, but I promise that it's not all doom and gloom really! You see, when I first started out in wrestling I never expected to get this far… Yeah, shocking huh? I just thought that it would be almost like a hobby that I used to earn a little extra cash and would have to get a job flipping patties in a fast food joint to pay the bills and support a family I'd only dreamt of having up until that point… I put every ounce of effort I had into wrestling and though it was slim pickings at first working on the independent scene, I got by. Then to cut a long story short I was actually scouted by a company who must have seem something in this snot nosed punk who used every last bit of cash he could get his hands on just to attend any shows that would have him. They put their faith in me and so I put my faith in them… Which then snowballed to the point that I was getting recognised in the freaking street! From that point onwards, things kept on going for me and by the time I'd signed up for Supreme Championship Wrestling, I was at least well off by anyone's standards and hadn't needed to flip a single patty to get there. 

So instead of me fighting for scraps in a company with the quality of athletes that SCW has had over the years, I've had the good fortune to be a multiple time champion across the board, even capturing the Underground Championship and the Tag Team Titles more than once! This alone coloured what my plans are going forward, and after talking it through with Jake, we're on the same wavelength. At the Hall Of Fame ceremony, David Helms and i joked about a lot of things… But the one thing that was serious is for all three founding members of The Brotherhood to be in those halls together. For that however, I'll only be happy to have that honour if I check one more thing off my bucket list… 

Supreme Champion status. 

And of course for that to happen I need to finally get my grubby mitts on the one title left for me to complete my collection, and that of course is the Adrenaline Title… A belt that many say embodies what I'm about when I step into that ring. Now the interesting thing about that little nugget of information is who actually holds the belt at this very moment in time. A man that was pretty much the vanilla ice cream of wrestlers when he first came to SCW, someone that had decent skills but didn't have any sort of unique selling point, so to speak which might have caused people to say a little more than ‘Who?’ when you uttered his name in passing. Cue his departure from the company and then a surprise return… The guy that came back was a little different… So let's say more like vanilla ice cream with rainbow sprinkles. That skill was still there, but in the place of a personality rivalling that of a wooden plank… There was an attitude that started getting a bit more attention, does that sound about right Andrew? You came back and immediately set up your stall, figuratively speaking. You told the world what you wanted, that you were going to get it by any means necessary and no one was going to stand in your way blah blah blah. Granted you didn't do a whole lot of walking along with that talking you know how to do well… But why walk when you can make an impact by attacking people, interrupting matches and pushing exhausted members of the roster from the tops of ladders knowing full well they can't defend themselves, right? I'd be a hypocrite if I called you out on that and condemned you like many others have, dude and at the end of the day it got the result you wanted. You became Adrenaline Champion and surprisingly acted like an actual champion when it came to putting your money where your mouth is in that ring so bravo! However, that doesn't stop me feeling like you're a little like a broken record, unable to flap your gums about something that all the universe and their pet goldfish already know about… You’ve held the Title longer than any other champion on the active roster, good for you, we heard you the first thousand times! 

On saying that though, was it divine intervention that you and your girlfriend have been pit against The Resurgence on Breakdown? Or has this been done deliberately to see how yours truly does against a team with you on it Andrew? Truth be told, it doesn't matter all that much when you get down to the brass tacks because on Breakdown we get to see what you're truly made of, now I know, I know… You have ‘destroyed’ everyone that's been put in front of you, I know you arguably pushed Dylan Howell into thinking about retirement following the Thunderdome match at Rise To Greatness, and I know there's every possibility that you MIGHT stand a chance against Christy Matthews at Apocalypse in spite of you believing its in the bag because… Well just because. But all of that means very little to me as I want to see for myself if you're worth all the hype you've whipped up for yourself. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not forgetting there are other factors in this match such as our partners but let's be realistic here, you're the mouthpiece for everything that you do or say you're going to do and the guy you have in your corner just turns up and does his part… Which is good for you of course, because having someone reliable in your corner is important… And that could be the difference in any match, so that's why I found it so interesting to read your tweet in the lead up to last Breakdown. You said about the possibility of sending Jake and i a message? Ring any bells? Well I figured you would be too busy cosying up to Bree and talking at Christy about yourself to even remember about such a trivial thing so I actually decided to send YOU a little message instead. I feel a little guilty about what I had to do to those guys who were just wanting to put food on the table and get a few extra dollars to help provide for their families… But I figured that on the off chance you saw the match, it would have been worth it just to give you a little taster of what you might have to deal with because in all honesty this is your teams match to win, Andrew and so The Resurgence are going to be looking to play spoiler, i mean come on… Your resume won't look half as impressive going forward when there's a list of people you've beaten and then a pesky little loss against two guys like us that can't be erased from the record books no matter how much you can talk a good game, right? 

There are no guarantees in this business so I'm not going to say that Jake and I are going to come out of this one as the victors or anything clichéd like that, I'll leave that to you… However, I WILL say that if you believe you're going to have an easy ride on Breakdown, you'll be very disappointed! 
[Image: jeNZaGV.png]

SCW Achievements

SCW Television Champion (x3)
SCW Tag Team Champion /w Kandis (x4)
SCW Tag Team Champion /w David Helms (x2)
SCW Tag Team Champion /w Jake Starr (x1)
SCW United States Champion (x1)
SCW Underground Champion (x2)
SCW World Heavyweight Champion (x1)
A Founding Member Of "The Connection"
A Founding Member Of "The Next Level"
Ranked 7th in the 2009 Taking Hold Of The Flame Battle Royal
Conquered The Thunderdome...and CHBK

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RE: Tommy Valentine & Jake Starr vs. Andrew Raynes & Dustin Adams - by Thomas Valentine - 08-28-2018, 10:07 AM

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