Tommy Valentine & Jake Starr vs. Andrew Raynes & Dustin Adams
Jake Starr: It has been some time since I walked out here and I said anything regarding SCW, and you know, there's a reason for it.  It isn't because I lost at Rise to Greatness, which I'll touch on in a bit, but because I just decided to take some time for me.  It's been a decade since I started running my mouth in SCW.  10 years... A long time when you think about those who have graced the hallowed halls of this organization.  You think about those I was inducted into the Hall of Fame with, and you realize that over a decade's time, SCW has seen some of it's all time greats walk through those curtains.  For once, I felt like one of them.  For once, and I know I've said this before, I didn't feel I had anything left to "prove."  So after Rise to Greatness, I went home.  I went to my family.  I went to my friends.  I enjoyed the moment of what those nights meant.  Why?  Because for once in my career, I could say I had done it all, and I didn't want to let it pass.  I didn't want something to overshadow the moment.  I didn't want to let myself forget what SCW had bestowed upon me.

I was a Hall of Fame inductee.

For years, it was a moment I dreamed of.  For years, it was the pinnacle of my career aspirations.  Now, it's reality.  It's that term that I have spent so many years harping on.  It's real.  I can't say it's something I'll lose, or ever have to defend.  It's mine.  It's something I had no say in, but what I did over my career justified.  And for once, I wanted to go home and just be greatful.  I wanted to sit there and let people be proud of me, and not feel like they were blowing smoke up my ass.  I wanted to feel like what people were telling me was fucking real.  And it was.  Every word of it.  From Shawn, to my wife, to Brandon, to David and Tommy, everyone told me their honest feelings about how I went out there and SCW had made the decision to recognize me for what I had earned.  And dammit... For once in my career I wanted to just enjoy and savot the moment.

So I did.  I went home, and I embraced the love and the admiration.  I embraced those who praised my achievements and told me I deserved what I had gotten.  I took the time to finally take a break to actually feel like a human being who had worked his ass off for that moment.  But... As tends to happen, Jake Starr took over.  I began to think of the fact that that I had lost at Rise to Greatness.  I began to think about the fact that I had gone out there and slipped up, much like others had done before me on their big induction year.  I began to wonder if I was like them, and simply enjoying that final curtain call.

Now, before I go further, let me say something to Mr. Allocco.  My friend... You earned that victory.  You avenged that loss to me inside the Chamber.  I don't look back and have regrets, nor do I have any excuse for you winning.  You were the better man, and you came out ready to prove that one night didn't mean the world.  For that, I have to say you are a fucking damn-fine competitor.  You are someone who embodies what SCW represents, and man, you bring one hell of a fight into the ring.  You pushed me to a level that I wasn't ready for, or I was too distracted to prepare for, and you got the win at the biggest event of the year.

So I guess it's safe to say, we're one and one...

Now I'm not going to be bitter and call for an immediate rematch.  Why?  You earned some momentum, and you deserve to see it through.  I've been in this business long enough to know our paths will cross again, and right now, I'm not going to be a spoiled fucking sport and try and say I want to kill what you earned.  Instead, I want you to prove to the world that beating me wasn't some fluke for you.  I want you to keep going, keep winning, and keep achieving whatever it is that is next for you.  Why?  Because you earned that right.  You beat me on the grandest stage, man... You EARNED the right to go forward and not have some dickhead like me tell you that I'm out to stop you.  Sure, you had a rough outing at Breakdown... You still beat me on a bigger stage, and one that can definitely help define your career.

So one loss means nothing to me...

One loss doesn't detract from what you did against me...

You never wrote off my victory over you, so you deserve the same respect.  You deserve to know that, what you did at Rise to Greatness, was something I am happy to say you earned.  I don't want to sell you short.  You beat me.  And having said that, like I said, our paths will cross eventually again, and the rubber match will happen.  But until then, I won't look at you as someone who was lucky, someone who didn't deserve it, or someone who just caught me on a bad day.  You were the better man, my friend.  And I can say that knowing that when our paths cross, I'll have the opportunity to prove myself to you again.  I will have my chance to win the infamous rubber match.  But until then, you have the one-up on Jake Starr... So go out there and make sure that you don't waste that momentum, or let one single loss deter you from your ultimate goal of being back atop the SCW mountain...

.:: Jake shifts topics slightly. ::.

... But let's also be clear that, unlike some others who have been inducted and lost at Rise to Greatness, my time in SCW is not short.  I'm like AIDS, and I'm not going anywhere.  At Breakdown, while some were having a rougher go at it, Tommy and I rekindled our Resurgence and we went out there and we took care of business rather quickly.  It was a moment that, personally, felt good.  A lot of people don't realize the personal issues that have gone on behind the scenes, and it's not my place to talk publically about them, but the fact is, Tommy and I, while having rekindled our friendship, found our path filled with potholes and cobblestone roads.

That's why Breakdown was a special moment for me.

Tommy and I went out there and we put everything in our past in our rearview mirror.  Tommy and I showed the world what the former Tag Team Champions are TRULY capable of doing.  We dispatched of two people so fast it was like an NES Classic had gone on sale at Target.  And we did so together.  We didn't do so like what had felt like behind the scenes, where we were trying to one-up one another.  Instead, it felt like The Resurgence.  It felt like The Brotherhood, yes.  It felt like Jake Starr and Thorn, and Jake Starr and Tommy Valentine.  It felt like US.  It was a moment that I think we both needed to finally take a step forward.

Now, when I say a step forward, I don't say so in the sense of we are magically Tag Title contenders again.  Do I think we could win them, fuck yeah, but do I think we are on SCW's radar yet, probably not.  And that's ok.  Tommy and I aren't really the types who want to be completely coddled.  Do we want and like title opportuntiies, yes, but let's be real, if we didn't think we could win them, then why are we wasting our time?

Same goes for SCW...

If they don't think The Resurgence is ready for that big moment, why put us in that moment yet?  Why give us a chance when we haven't shown we were ready again?  It's a waste of time if we aren't truly at our A game, and that's something I think it's safe to say, Tommy and I both want to be at.  We don't want to just be cannon fodder for someone.  We want to be the ones causing the damage.  That's why, I don't care who it was we beat, they were simply a first step for us.  We are a RESURGENCE for a reason.  It's not just some fancy moniker we came up with some we didn't call ourselves "The Brotherhood" again, no, it was because of what we both stand for.

Tommy Valentine...

Jake Starr...

Two ICONS in SCW lore who have kind of become a shell of who they once were, and it's time they show the world that inside the Chamber, the matches before, et cetera, all of that wasn't just some flash in the pan.  That's why at Breakdown Tommy Valentine and Jake Starr have to prove their Resurgence is real against Andrew Raynes and Dustin Adams.

.:: Jake shrugs. ::.

Not going to lie... No clue who they are!

.:: Jake smirks. ::.

I mean, c'mon, when have I actually not been honest when someone new crosses my path?  I'm not saying they're two shit competitors, I'm just saying I don't have a fucking clue WHO they are, or WHAT they've accomplished.  And honestly, that's not a real bad thing for them because I don't have a lot to go on.  Instead, I have to focus on the reality of what Tommy and I can do.  I have to look at these two people I don't know and know that between Tommy and I, we can take them, no matter HOW MCUH they bring to the table.

What Tommy and I are focusing on is simple... We want to prove to the world we still have what it takes to compete.  Shit, I lost at Rise to Greatness, and in most years, my world would be falling apart.  Instead, right now, I am using it as a learning experience.  I am using it as my moment to grow.  Why?  Because I'm a different guy than I was when I walked into this place, just like Tommy is.  We are BOTH different.  We have BOTH evolved.  We BOTH want that chance to continue to prove it as well.

See, Tommy and I realize that many don't believe in us anymore.  Sure we can pull a win here or there.  Sure we can surprise the world one day our of the year.  But we want more.  We want to be the guys peopel chase after.  We want to be the champions people want to emulate.  And if we sit here and rest on our laurels and believe that the past will carry us through, we are going to be like all of those other guys who were inducted and NEVER became anything more than a shell of the person they once were.  We want to beat the stigma.  We want to beat the expectations.  We want to beat EVERYONE who dares to cross our path.  Why?  Because we're fucking assholes like that, and a tad greedy, I don't know.

But we want to make sure that we do what we do best!

So Andrew... Dustin... Yeah I don't know a whole lot about you, and I don't believe that takes away from what you two bring to this match.  What I do believe though is that you two are being fed to the wolves.  Not because Tommy and I are the cream of the crop, but for fuck's sake, we sure as shit want it and know what it'll take more than most... Including you two.  So when you walk into that ring, and you look across and see two former World Champions and the former Tag Team Champions, understand that it's just business.  I'm sure you'll both have your moments of glory, but it won't come at the expense of The Resurgence.  Instead, you'll be the ones running to the back to warn the rest that Jake Starr and Tommy Valentine are not only on the same page, but they are beating people whilst on the same page.

And that's a bad tanedem to have together!

Breakdown will continue to be the "Next Level" of "The Resurgence," see what I did there?  And it'll come at the expense of you two.  Face it... We're back... And we're ready to rise to the occassion...

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RE: Tommy Valentine & Jake Starr vs. Andrew Raynes & Dustin Adams - by Jake Starr - 08-28-2018, 11:53 AM

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