Match 1: David Helms (SCW Alum) vs. Victor Mason (GCW)
Quote:Special guest appear via permission. Been awhile since I wrote a Victor rp. Here we are. Luck to you as well, Was.

Sunday, September 22nd, 2019

Victor Mason was in the back watching his wife Kelsai challenge Nadia Allen for the North American Championship. Kelsia and Nadia were down on the mat, exhausted after a grueling bout. All of a sudden, the mood change. The crowd boo’ed, for good reason. Mason Van Staton lead Chastity Noel, his wife Destiny, Hannah Myers and Kendra Classic down to the ring. Victor knew exactly what that meant. He bolted for the door, there was one problem, the door was locked? How could this be? No matter how hard he tried to escape, Victor couldn’t. Accepting that he was helpless to stop the oncoming onslaught, the only hope he had was maybe what Mason had in store wasn’t going to be that bad... 

He was wrong. 

Nadia was the first to fall. She was dropped with an elevated three fourths neckbreaker Destiny Van Staton called ‘The Destiny Cutter.’ The worst was yet to come. Chasity held Kelsia in place as Destiny blasted her with the North American Championship. Hannah then blasted Kelsai in the head with a well placed running knee she calls Lights Out. Kelsai dropped to the mat. It took everything in Victor to stop himself from screaming. He knew screaming wasn’t going to do any good. He should not be watching this, the part of the human psyche that can’t turn away from a car reck was what forced him to watch the rest. Kendra dropped Kelsai on her head with a vicious vertebreaker. Chastity followed that up with Vow of Chastity, her version of the Unprettier. Unable to witness the massacre of his wife anymore, he stormed back to the door, pounding the door as hard he can, hoping anyone would be able to hear him.     

GCW officials finally did. By then it was too late... 

September 23rd, 2019

On a Monday, Victor Mason found himself inside the Methodist Hospital deep in the heart of San Antonio, Texas. He was sat alone in the front row of the chapel. Unable to keep his eyes off the cross bearing Jesus likeness on the back wall, a million and one thoughts filtered through his head. One of them was, why did last night need to happen?

By the time Victor was let out the locker room, he was able to join Kelsai on the ambulance ride  to Methodist Hospital. Doctors already surmised that Kelsai at least had a concussion. She had to stay up all night. The doctors told Victor they wouldn’t know how serious the concussion was until they ran more tests. Kelsai urged him to get some sleep. He refused. He couldn’t. Believing if he went to sleep, something else could happen. Finally, Kelsai was able to convince Victor to get some sleep. He didn’t sleep long. He told Kelsai he needed to get some time to breath. That is what led him to the chapel. He needed a quiet place to collect his thoughts. 

Victor closes his eyes. He cups his hands. “Please Father, I don’t profess to understand your ways. Your ways are not man’s. I would really like to know why you have put my wife through these trials and tribulations. Was is not enough she was attacked in Central Park back in April? Or that she had to find out recently she was adopted? Last night, four heinous women decided to take the law into their own hands... concussions are serious business. There is no way of knowing if she will ever compete again. Please, give me a sign, any sign, what you are putting Kelsai through is worth is. Am I to blame? Is being a Mason that much of a burden?”

Victor sits in silence for a brief second. At the top of his lungs he screams, “ANSWER ME, DAMN IT. WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS!” 

The middle of the Mason siblings took a moment to calm himself down. He knew his anger at God was irrational. Victor prides himself on being the rational one, the one person who can sift through everyone else emotions to get them to see the bigger picture. Countless time, Blake has told Victor, the times he didn’t feel he was being listened too, Blake heard him, may have taken time to realize Victor tended to be right, his insight was always valued. Always. With Kelsai, as energetic as she can, she always relied on his judgement nine times outta ten, there was no one around to help ease Victor’s emotions. His bitterness was in full swing, his guilt for not being at the scene of the crime, forcing him to doubt himself, in the moment he needed a comforting voice. God wasn’t there to shine a light down on him...   

What Victor wasn’t expecting was to feel a comforting hand grip his shoulder. He knew it wasn’t Kelsai’s hand, the doctor’s had advised her to stay in the room, Victor made certain to guarantee there would be at least one guard stationed outside her room in case she wanted to go against doctor’s orders. Maybe it was a total stranger who he wasn’t aware was in the room, he did have his eyes closed, lost in deep thought, it was logical that someone would have walked into the chapel, sat behind him without his knowledge. He didn’t say anything to whoever it was trying to comfort him. He didn’t need to know. Was it good trying to send a guardian angel his way? 

“God can’t hear you...” the familiar voice coldly told him. “By the way, I hope your wife is alright.”

He opened his eyes. He knew that cold, sultry voice anywhere. The last voice he imagined he would be listening to is Willow Wilkes. What he wanted to do in the moment was spin around, grab her by the neck, choke her out for having the nerve to show up at the hospital. A jolt of fear surged through him. Despite what he wanted to actually do, Victor knew Willow could give the hospital a reason to find another room. Kelsai was upstairs. She didn’t need to worry about him too. 

“I doubt you mean that, Willow.” Victor finally summoned up the resolve to say. 

Willow removed her hand from his shoulder. She joined him on the bench he is sitting on. Every fiber of his being wanted to stand up, storm out the chapel never to be seen again. 

“I wouldn’t waste my time coming here if I didn’t.” Willow calmly remarked. 

Victor sighed. He wasn’t in the mood for what he perceived as Willow Wilkes playing games. Here is a woman who has been on a path of destruction. Ran two men out of Emerge, helped play a role in the legendary Vanilla Skyy being put on the shelf, Willow is a woman under normal, abnormal circumstances could not be trusted. Yet, Victor didn’t budge. He also couldn’t bring himself to look at her. Not in the uneasy emotional state that he is in.  

“Fine. I... believe you. Can you please go, I need to be alone.”

“I felt the same way too a week ago. You are under the assumption that I am a monster, Victor. I am still a woman who loves her husband. Danny [Darko] made the biggest mistake of his life, he had a choice, let what happened to his wife [Vanilla Skyy] go. When the day comes, I get my hands on him--” Willow pauses. “My point is. Cindy. Liam. They wouldn’t let me be alone. I’m offering.”

“Hope your husband is ok, by the way.”

“I don’t believe you.”

“Look, I may have been displeased with your husband’s advances towards my wife. Doesn’t mean I was cheering Danny Darko on. Wrong is wrong. Violence isn’t going to solve anything.”

Willow raises an eyebrow, “You didn’t feel that way when you challenged a man you knew wasn’t going to be cleared to compete to a match.”

“Can’t fault a man for trying to defend his wife--” saying that elicited a sigh from Victor. He lowers his head. “--not that I am any good at ensuring my wifes safety. You would know all about that..”

“Ask.” Willow sternly said. “Ask the question you’ve been dying to.”

Victor pulled his head up. He looks at Willow for the first time this entire conversation. “Did you attack my wife in Central Park?”

Without hesitation, Willow replied, “Yes, I did.” 

Victor sat there shocked that Willow Wilkes would casually tell him what he had suspected all this time. Circumstantially everything lined up. Willow offered Victor a deal back in April. He got carried away, declined Willow’s offer, not too longer after, Kelsia was attacked in the park by an assailant Kelsia can’t remember, it could have been someone else. Central Park is crime central, people get assaulted there all the time. There was no evidence to the contrary to lean Willow’s way. That changed. Willow’s confirmation didn’t send Victor into a rage like he imagined it would should the day ever come. He is shocked. Confused. In disbelief. 

“Cat caught your tongue?” Willow said cutting through the silence.

Victor snaps himself back into the moment. “Um... shocked you’d confess, that’s all.”

“You haven’t asked until now.” Willow shrugs. “I want there to be no secrets between us. Everything is different. I’m back with Cindy. Your sister is quite close to her. We are connected more than ever when you really think about it.”

“We can agree to disagree. I live my life. You live yours. Don’t quite get why you’re here, I appreciate the company. I’ll take what I can get it.”

“There is a common denominator to Kelsai’s trips to the hospital this year, you. I am not telling you anything that has not been going through your mind ever since you witnessed your wife being brutalized. Don’t mean to make light of that. I was helpless to, I couldn’t stop Danny time. I know how it feels to sit by the person you loves beside with the realization you couldn’t do anything. But there is a difference between us, Victor. I am willing to do what is necessary to gain a measure of revenge. I won’t make the same mistake, twice. You suspected I was your wife’s attacker, you choose to do nothing. Your moral stopped you from coming after my husband, Danny at least showed no care for the consequences. In every way you are still a caged bird stopping himself from flying out of its cage. Been that way all your life. The Mason who allows things to happen, never acts until its too late. I came here to once again make you an offer.”     

“And if I refuse? Going to attack Kelsai again? There is no honor in attacking a woman who can’t defend herself.” 

“Honor is overrated. You already feel useless, nothing I can do can make you feel any worse. There’s no sport in that. Lets not find out. Same deal as last time, I can offer Kelsai my protection.  All you need to do is say, yes.”

Tilting his head to the side, Victor says, “What are you terms? Still want one night with me?”

“Maybe.” Willow stares coldly into the eyes of Victor. “Or maybe my terms have changed. You never know. The best I can do Victor is tell you to take a leap of faith, trust me. If you decide to take my offer, whatever I want, you have to say yes. No exceptions.”

Willow stands up. She looks down into the eyes of Victor. He doesn’t take his eyes off her. “I have to go. Think about it. Go upstairs to your wife, tell her everything is going to be ok. The clock is ticking. My offer won’t be on the table forever. Do the right thing for you and your wife. I’ll send her my best.”

Willow leans down, kisses Victor on the cheek. With that she walked out the chapel as smoothly as she entered. Victor continues to sit there. Four months ago he would have flat out told Willow to go to hell. Right now? He didn’t. He couldn’t. 

Was he really considering the offer?     


Victor spent half an hour more inside the chapel mainly in silence taking in everything Willow had to say. He knew what he needed to do next. He got on the elevator, rode all the way up to the fifth floor. Stepped off, walked straight to his wife’s room. Upon entering, Kelsia was looking at something on television, he didn’t care what. As he has come to expect, Kelsia exudes positivity. She was more upbeat than a person would expect after getting assaulted in the manner she did, Victor has come to appreciate it. He didn’t understand. If it were him in the hospital bed he wouldn’t be so exuberant. Seeing his wife like this did bring a smile to his face, one that faded, he knew what he needed to do. He closed the door. Walking to the bed he taps his wife’s shoulder. Breaking her attention away from the television, a smile that would make the sun envious broke out on her face. 

“Hey baby.”

Victor half smirks. He takes a seat on the bed. “Has the doctor told you how serious your concussion is?” 

“Not yet. I know concussions are serious business, I feel fine. I’m going to be back in the ring before you know it.”

“No, you’re not!!”

“I am not going to let Destiny and her friends keep me down. As soon as we get back to New Orleans I’m going to-”

“Kelsai, you’re not hearing me!” Victor says a little more forcibly. “No training. No Blackout Academy. No SCW for awhile. No matter what the doctor says, you are staying home. I can’t afford anything else to happen to you. This is my fault.”

“No it’s not.” Kelsai said with a smile. “Don’t doubt yourself. We can make it through anything!”

“I wish I had your optimism.” Victor leans in and kisses Kelsia on the cheek. “We need to talk. There is no easy way to say this, when I was downstairs in the chapel, Willow showed up.”

Kelsai looked shocked. “Willow was here?”

Victor nods. “Last thing I expected. She said she hoped you were ok, unsure if I believe that. Her husband was attacked, too. Who knows. Her reason for stopping by was to give me another deal, similar to the last one. Not exactly similar, she didn’t offer her husband this time--”

“Good! Jason King is gross. I would never. I wouldn’t sleep with anyone else besides you. Jason is a creep. He belongs in prison.”

“On that we agree. Willow offered you protection for undisclosed terms. She wouldn’t tell me what.”

“Good thing you told her no!” Kelsai says. Victor’s silence makes the smile on Kelsai’s face disappear. “You did tell her no...”

“I didn’t say yes, either. Kelsia--” Victor runs his hands through his hair. “I don’t know what to do. Your faith in me means the world. It’s infectious. This is the second time you have been attacked. Not to mention, I am not your manager in SCW. At the time we agreed Amy was the best route, I was okay with it. Last night was another reminder why I am useless as a manager and a husband. I should have been there. Nothing anyone can say changes the fact you are cooped up in a hospital room because I failed.”

Victor runs his hand across the top of his head. “I... don’t know. I feel useless. Not even worthy of you. I’m considering accepting Willow’s terms.”

Kelsai shakes her head. “Nonsense. We don’t need Willow. Together we can overcome anything.”

Victor sighs. “I am going to take Willow’s offer under advisement. Hope you understand, anything I do is for our own best interest. Do you at least trust that?”  

Kelsia nods. “I do. Can we not talk about this for now?”

Victor nods. “Gladly.”

Victor slides in the bed with her. Wrapping his arm around his wife’s shoulder, he has a lot on his mind. Somehow, someway, he needs to refocus. God of Wrestling is on the horizon. 

The scene opens up with Victor Mason sitting on a burgundy armchair, the backdrop of the room he finds himself has two adjoined bookshelves filled with books. He is wearing an all white double breasted suit. There is a small oval table next to him with a wine glass filled with liquid. He grabs the glass, takes a sip of wine, places it back down on the table.    
“It’s ironic how life works...”

He offers a quick smirk. 

“My wife would nudge me on occasion to step back in the ring. I admire her enthusiasm, one of the many aspects I love about her. My response was always the same, the wrestling ring is not my place. I had my share of fun competing in Cartel Next Gen, Chimera among other places. I always saw my role as the behind the scenes guy, using the administrative aspect of my business acumen to help anyone who sought it. There are a few men and women out there who have taken my guidance, put it to practice, I won’t name names. Name dropping is not my style. I can assure you, whoever came to me for business help did benefit from it in someway.”

“I had no intention of signing up for the God of Wrestling. I wouldn’t be here if my brother didn’t prod me into it. Why would a guy who hasn’t wrestled a competitive singles match in quite sometime toss their names in a hat that has SCW legends coming out of retirement for their own respective reasons. The task for me seemed daunting, felt like an unwinnable situation. Still is. Having all the faith in the world does not equate to victory. Me having a lack of faith lessens my chances of making it out of God of Wrestling on the other side, especially against a man of David Helms caliber. He has shown, in the few times he has stepped back in the ring since shutting down his full time wrestling career, his part time appearances have shown beyond a shadow of a doubt he still has it. When my name was drawn to face him, as you can imagine I felt, what chance do I have?”

“Life isn’t designed to be easy. I knew the tournament wasn’t going to be a cake walk, how boring would that be. Looking at the field, filled with names past and present, on paper I am the third Mason. 4th counting cousin, Lenore. 5th if you count my half-brother Drake. I am not even the most prominent member of my entire family. In light of the odds and my stature,  I have been training my ass off. Studying as much David Helms footage as I can. Can’t have a chance being unprepared. I have given myself at least a chance, how much of one, that’s why we wrestle right? If this match was strictly on paper, bet on David. You can still bet on David. He is the favorite. Almost anything can happen, with preparation I stand at least a chance.”

“My brother is the reason I’m here. What happened recently to my wife is the reason I am glad I have a match this weekend”

Victor trails off. Once again he grabs the glass of wine, takes a sip, rest the glass back on the table. He takes a deep breath, composing himself for what he has to say next. Rubbing his forehead with the tips of his fingers, he continues. 

“I likely would have stayed at my wife’s beside twenty hours without sleep if I didn’t have a match to focus on. My mind would be consumed about the next attack. Trying to put on a good face that everything is going to be ok, when I feel, deep down, it won’t be. God of Wrestling allows me, for a little while, to not deal with what happens next. One thing I admire about Blake is he knows how to compartmentalize, for better of worse. I need to do the same. Wrestling a legend requires my full undivided attention. David. You have it. I won’t pretend I am a stone cold guy who can shut off what I’m feeling. When that bell rings, in the moment, as both of us do what we came to do... win. Wrestling you is my escape from the reality I am know I need to confront sooner or later. In order to keep myself from falling apart, I need to advance. I need to win.” 

“That’s all for now. I’ll have more to say this weekend.”

Victor stands up. The scene closes on him walking away.

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RE: Match 1: David Helms (SCW Alum) vs. Victor Mason (GCW) - by BME - 09-26-2019, 10:39 AM

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