Match 9: Shaun Cruze (SCW Alum) vs. Eli Zechariah Goddard (EMERGE)
September 2018
Los Angeles
Shaun and Angyalka sit on their sofa watching the SCW PPV Apocalypse. They had just watched Regan Street defeat Owen Cruze in an action packed match, Shaun having been sat there watching, and beaming with pride.
Angyalka: He did good babe, Regan’s a handful for the best in the world.
Shaun: He did, kid’s got the world at his feet if he buckles down and learns these lessons. Hope he isn’t too disappointed about losing… I’ll call him in the morning and makes sure he’s OK.
Angyalka: My God of Thunder… always caring about others before himself.
Since the first day she had met Shaun, she had known that he was the one for her. The way he carried himself, the way he took care of her and their baby, Angyalka had never believed that she could meet a man like him. Sure, he had his issues, but who hadn’t, and right now sat watching the TV, she loved these moments so much. She looks over at Shaun however, staring at the screen intently, and she knew exactly what it was he was thinking. He had been the same after Taking Hold of the Flame, and also after Rise to Greatness but she hadn’t asked the question. This time however she does, knowing that it was troubling him
Angyalka: You miss it don’t you édesem?
Shaun snaps from his trance and turns to Angyalka
Shaun: Miss what babe?
Angyalka: Wrestling, the whole thrill of competition. You wish you were out there don’t you?
Shaun: Nah, I’m way too old for that now
Angyalka scoffs
Angyalka: You’re twenty nine Shaun, hardly. And don’t lie to me, I saw the look on your face.
Shaun could never lie to her, and nor would he want to.
Shaun: Well, maybe just a little
Angyalka: Yes, if a little means a lot.
Shaun just shrugs his shoulders, not committing to a response.
Angyalka: This is me babe, you can be honest.
Shaun pauses the PPV, not wanting to miss any of the action but realizing that this was a conversation that Angyalka wasn’t going to let go.
Shaun: Honestly, I don’t miss it. I get just as much a thrill from watching Owen do his thing than I ever did during my time. Without wrestling, I wouldn’t have gotten into acting, and I wouldn’t be on the verge of selling my script for Resistance. Plus, if it hadn’t been for the business, I wouldn’t have ever met you.
Angyalka: So, what is it then, because something is bothering you?
Shaun: Can you remember when I retired? After losing the tag team titles to Jake Starr and Tommy Valentine I didn’t want a lot of fuss.
Angyalka: Yeah, you didn’t want AJ distracted so you just slipped away.
Shaun: That’s right… at the time, I thought it was the right thing to do. But now, well I’m not so sure.
Angyalka: Why?
Shaun sighs, he thought he was being silly but she wasn’t going to let it go.
Shaun: Since my debut, and all the way up to when it ended, even during some of the worst times, the fans ALWAYS had my back. And yet when it came to the end, I just skulked away without telling them how much I appreciated their support, and without even saying goodbye.
Angyalka: I’m sure they understood my love
Shaun: Yeah, they probably did, and they have probably already forgotten about me now Owen is around… but it just nags away at me you know. And moments like this, it stings a little more.
Angyalka: So go back… I’m sure Olek would welcome you back with open arms right now.
Shaun: No, I can’t.
Angyalka: Why not? I know more than most you’re still in good shape, and the back is fully healed now so you would have no problem getting cleared
Shaun: No… its fine Angy honestly, I’ll deal with it.
Angyalka: You’d be main event before you knew it, like I said, you’re only twenty nine, and you’ve got plenty of years in you yet.
Shaun: No you don’t get it babe, I can’t go back and especially not to SCW
Now Angyalka looks worried, believing that there is something she isn’t aware of.
Angyalka: I don’t get it, sorry
Shaun lowers his head, looking at the floor
Shaun: Because it’s Owen’s time now… not mine.
Angyalka is relieved that it isn’t something less innocent, but doesn’t show it.
Angyalka: My love, I don’t know Owen as well as you do, but what I do know is he would love you to be competing again. He’s not worried about you sharing the spotlight with him. If this is something you want to do, then talk to him, tell him why you are doing it, and I’m certain he will be ok.
She takes his hand, and holds it in hers.
Angyalka: If you’re not happy, and competing again is whats missing… then you have to do it Shaun. Owen will understand.
Shaun: No… I just can’t do that to him. Now please drop it babe, please.
Angyalka opens her mouth to continue, but then thinks better of it as Shaun picks up the remote, and restarts the PPV. Hearing him speak so passionately about his fans, Angyalka now realized more than ever how important this was to him, but whilst ever Owen was competing, there was no chance of him saying his goodbyes. Shaun was willing to deal with that, but what he wasn’t aware was how much seeing Shaun unhappy about this was hurting his wife. But, he couldn’t do it, not when Owen was on the cusp of something big. He just couldn’t.
April 2019
Auckland, New Zealand
Having gotten the green light on his film, time had flown pretty fast. Once a director had been assigned, it hadn’t been long until they had begun filming, and a release date of December 2019 provisioned. The cast had been assembled, and Shaun himself was taking the lead, he had also taken the opportunity to provide Kennedy Street with a part. It was no secret that Kennedy wanted to be an actress once her wrestling career was over, and the part he had in mind suited her down to the ground. Now, a scene being filming that didn’t involve either of them giving them the opportunity for a break, they are sat in Kennedy’s trailer, which was actually better than Shaun’s dressed in all her blue Alien regalia. Truth was, Shaun was having a lot of trouble keeping a straight face, and Kennedy realizes this.
Kennedy: Something funny?
Shaun: Seeing you dressed like that hun… it tickles me, I gotta admit.
Kennedy: You know I make this costume look flawless honey.
Shaun: I can imagine the cosplayers are going to have a field day with it.
Kennedy: When I win my Oscar for Best Supporting Actress and you get nothing honey, you won’t be laughing then
Shaun laughs again
Shaun: I’m just kidding Kennedy, you’re a natural at this.
Kennedy: As I am everything Shaun, you know this.
Shaun nods
Shaun: Indeed I do.
Kennedy: Can I ask you something?
Shaun: Of course
Kennedy: Do you ever think about going back, to wrestling I mean?
Shaun: Sometimes, why do you ask?
Kennedy: I’m thinking of taking a break… and I’m not sure whether I should make it a permanent one or not.
Shaun: Truthfully, I’m not sure you ever really are… sure I mean. I mean, the first time I retired, it was because I had to, the back was a mess and if I hadn’t have had the operation and gave it time to heal, I’d be in a wheelchair right now. But the second time… walking away to do ‘this’, well I was never sure it was the right thing, and I’m still not. All I know is that the talent is off the chart nowadays, so perhaps I’m better off being here
Kennedy: So, I shouldn’t?
Shaun shakes his head
Shaun: I dunno, only you can answer that. I remember having a conversation with Angyalka last year, and she asked me pretty much the same thing. Only advice I could give you is you might not ever be sure, but you have to ‘make’ sure it’s the right decision for you. My opinion Kennedy it’s way too early for you to call it a day, but sometimes destiny isn’t the one that you think is written for you.
Kennedy: That’s deep honey
Shaun: Maybe, but just because you’re a Street doesn’t necessarily mean that being a wrestler is all you can be. I’m a Cruze, and wrestling is all Cruze’s have ever done… doesn’t mean to say that’s what I should be doing. And Owen seems to have that side covered anyway. This right here is my dream now, to write my own script and see it on the big screen.
Kennedy: So you’ll never go back?
Shaun: You know this business as well as I do, never say never. But if I did, I would have to believe in what I was doing, that I needed to return… or if family needed me.
Kennedy: Owen?
Shaun: Or Angy… even Taylor if she ever returns. But honestly, I can’t see it happening, they can all handle themselves. And I’m perfectly happy with that.
Kennedy nods, she could see that he meant it. He believed the business had passed him by, and that was one thing she never wanted to happen to her. A break would do her good, and after Rise to Greatness she’d take a hiatus, if only a little one. The business needed the ‘sexy, flawless diva’. But trouble was always brewing in the wrestling business, and Kennedy was now surer than ever, that one day the ‘Impact Player’ would return. Because one day, he would be given no choice.
30th of August 2019
Los Angeles
A few days ago Shaun had just watched the EMERGE show on his laptop, and seeing Vanilla Skyy destroyed at the hands of a group termed the ‘Unforgiven’. He had watched helplessly as an absolute legend of this business had been dismantled by those that didn’t care about the industry and the legacy that he himself had helped to build. Shaun was disgusted, but he was also fearful that the same was happening in SCW, and that history usually pointed to these groups seeping from one company to the other. If the Unforgiven, or a similar group, decided to set foot in SCW, Owen would be in trouble, and no matter how well the young man had handled himself so far, Shaun wasn’t sure that Owen was ready for that. With the death of Ricky Octavius still unsolved, and no one actually sure where his best friend Kelcey was, Shaun was feeling more helpless that he had done in the entire two years he had been away from the ring. More than anything he wanted to talk to Kelcey, because she’d put him straight. Instead, because he was home for a short break, as he was currently doing promotional work for Resistance: Earth, he found himself talking with longtime friend David Helms over a glass of the rum that he and Lucas had produced.
Shaun: This is good
David: Course it is, not going to put my name to any old crap.
Shaun: True… take it that’s why you didn’t buy into EMERGE?
David: Well yes, but also because I learned my lessons with the UWA, won’t be making that mistake again in a hurry. That, and it’s an absolute cluster fuck at the moment, and your brother isn’t helping… sorry
Shaun: I honestly don’t know what he is playing at. I’m sure he had better offers than Silas Mason and Aiken Frost though.
David: Even Blake would have been better than those two
Shaun: I’ll drink to that
They clink their glasses together, both taking a sip.
Shaun: It worries me though, that what is happening in EMERGE could easily happen to SCW, and if it did, I’m not sure Owen could cope.
David: I reckon you do the kid a disservice, he’s come through the other side on some pretty tough stuff, I reckon he’d handle it. Why do you bring it up?
Shaun: It’s just this God of Wrestling tournament I saw you’d entered… I’m contemplating giving it a go myself.
David: Christ, what with you AND Lucas, this is turning into a SCW reunion. But I get the feeling that this isn’t just a one-off and more a ‘trial’?
David had always been Orlando’s friend, but over the years he had been a firm acquaintance of Shaun’s as well, sometimes to Regan’s chagrin. Shaun helped AJ had gotten them close, and Dave had never not had Shaun’s back, even through all of his troubles.
David: Are you thinking of making this a full-time deal?
Shaun looks at his glass thoughtfully. He wasn’t usually a rum drinker, but this was one of the better ones he had tasted.
Shaun: I dunno Dave. I mean let’s face it, I am only thirty, nowhere near as old as you and Lucas…
David: Careful…
He grins, Shaun holding up his hands in protest.
Shaun: I just see all this bullshit happening… and I feel the need to do something about it.
David: What about the movie career? I mean I’m sure Resistance: Earth isn’t as bad as ‘Ghostbusters’ was.
Shaun: After Resistance comes out, I’m taking a break from acting for a couple of years. And spend time with Angy and Dorothea… if I could get on some kind of part time deal, maybe I could make it work.
Dave smiles
Shaun: What?
David: Dude, it’s not your battle anymore. It’s Owen’s, Peyton’s and yes even Jennifer’s, they are the business now. I’m sure the fans are loving the fact that Lucas and I are stepping into the ring, maybe it will help sell a few tickets. And if the Impact Player is in that tournament as well… it will be a pretty cute stroll down memory lane for the fans… well those that have heard of us.
Shaun: Oh please, you and Lucas are two of the biggest names in the business
Dave grins again
David: Look, what I’m saying is after they have done reminiscing, you’ll be the one unable to hold Dorothea for days after your matches. I don’t know, maybe you can still hang with people like Alistaire Allocco, perhaps Regan won’t want to kick your ass the minute you return…
He pauses for a moment, picking up the rum bottle.
David: But seriously bro, if you’re coming back to fight a war and make the business ‘right’ again, just promise me one thing?
Shaun: Sure
David: Before you commit to anything, before you sign any contract with anyone, you REALLY consider whether you want to risk everything you have built since you left. Because believe me Cruze, it’s not just about you anymore, it’s about everyone that you love. And is getting involved with the likes of Sienna Swann and Bree Lancaster really worth that?
Shaun sighs, Dave had raised a pretty valid point.
Shaun: I know… it just annoys me that’s all
David: And it annoys me bro… but we did our bit, it’s time for us to trust the younger generation to do the right thing. If you want to enter the tournament, go ahead, it would be amazing to get in the ring with you one more time. But in my opinion, keep it at that… you’ve done your time.
Shaun nods, David was right. Now wasn’t the time for him to return, potentially it would never be the time. But he was going to enter the God of Wrestling tournament, even it if was just to say goodbye. He may not have been able to give the fans the product they deserved, without the bullshit, but at the very least he could give them the thanks they had earned. And he would, no matter who he faced
20th of September 2019
After signing up, Shaun had started with a new trainer, and embarked on a training regime that had reminded him just what a strain this business put on your body. He was actually quite lucky, he’d kept himself pretty fit during his time away from the business, but that didn’t mean that after training with his Nephew Owen, his body didn’t feel like it was broken.
Usually, he would have just had a shower, but after returning to his hotel room he had been glad the room had a bath, and he had run himself one. He was just about to get in, when a knock is heard at his door, and cursing he turns, opening it in just his shorts. As the door opens, the person at the door covers her eyes, Shaun just standing there in disbelief.
Maisie Phillips was an ex-girlfriend of Shaun, a part of his life he preferred to forget. Yvonne Knight had been seriously hurt by Maisie who had fits of jealousy, and had even stabbed Pixie whilst she was pregnant. Shaun hadn’t seen her for years, and yet here she was stood in front of him.
Maisie: Can you please put a tee-shirt on or something?
Snapping from his shock, Shaun grabs a tee-shirt and puts it on, turning back to Maisie.
Shaun: What you doing here?
Maisie: I saw you earlier, coming out the Gym…
Shaun: Hold on, so you followed me here? How did you get my room number?
Shaun suddenly felt fearful her being here
Maisie: Don’t worry… I haven’t been stalking you, not really. I live here in Baltimore now, and seeing you… well I just thought it would be nice to catch up with an old friend. Nothing more than that.
Shaun looks at her questionably.
Maisie: I promise, that’s all.
Shaun: ‘Just’ a catch up?
Maisie laughs
Maisie: Oh please Shaun, don’t flatter yourself, I’m not ill anymore
Shaun: Haha, cheers.
Maisie: What I mean, is you have nothing to worry about.
Shaun looks at his watch
Shaun: OK, I’ve got an hour… lead the way
Maisie: Perfect, I know a little coffee house not far away.
Maisie heads back towards the door, Shaun suddenly remembering his bath that he would have to now take later. It was just a coffee with an old friend, nothing to worry about, that’s what she said. What Shaun didn’t know at this point, was that he had EVERYTHING to worry about.
“God of Wrestling.”
The scene appears, Shaun Cruze sat on the apron of a wrestling ring.
“You are going to hear those words bandied around a lot over the next few weeks. You’re going to hear stories of people wanting to be a ‘God’. You might even get one or two trying to explain how they are already a God, and this will just prove that point. And you are going to get those that one hundred percent claim that they are better than twenty three others, and their victory is guaranteed, the rest of us may as well not even bother showing up. And then, finally, you’ve got the realists like me.”
He grins, looking behind him at the ring and lifting his arm so that he grasps the top rope.
“You see guys, for nigh on six years, between these strands, this was my home. This was the place where I could release my frustrations, it was a place where I could throw off the shackles. Heck, it was the place where I could be an inspiration for so many people, who threw their hat on me… to do things that they could only dream of. Win title upon title no matter which company I represented, yeah I did that. Main Event the biggest wrestling show on the planet, finished it mate. For six years, I was the Renegade, I was the Impact Player… I had wrestling fans backing me worldwide. No matter which city I went to, they were there. Through the good times, and especially the bad, the wrestling public, the guys that paid good money to see us wrestle and are just as much a part of the fabric of SCW as Lucas, David and I was, they supported me, and showed me their love. Yes, of course I earned good money for what I did. And yes, I got the prestige of shiny belts with my name on the plate. But hearing those fans cheer my name, hearing the ‘Impact Player’ chant rolling around arenas all over our planet…”
He pauses for a moment, trying not to get emotional
“That was the biggest part of it for me, and it’s those moments I remember more than any other when I look back over my wrestling career. Those moments when I connected more than anyone else in the business. So giving me the opportunity to be a God, truthfully it’s not that big a deal, because I, and anyone else who has reached that level never wanted to be a God, and I still don’t.”
He laughs, shaking his head
“I mean, hark at me, I sound like a sixty year old like CHBK, reminiscing about a career that was thirty years ago. And with that explanation you’d be forgiven for asking ‘so Shaun, if you’re not bothered, why enter the tournament? And the answer to that question is twofold. One, there wasn’t a chance in hell I wasn’t going to take the opportunity to once again ride with Lucas and David… potentially the last chance I will ever get. And two, at thirty years old I have hardly any regrets professionally, but I do regret the way I left the business two years ago. So the second reason for me entering the God of Wrestling tournament…”
He lifts his hand up, pointing at the camera
“… is every one of you. I needed this tournament, a tournament without the daily grind of arena, after arena, one show after the next. I needed it to be able to step through those ropes one last time and show my appreciation for you all. To finally, be able to say goodbye.”
He brings his hand back down and rests both hands either side of him.
“And you better not blink guys, because my participation might not last too long and could be a one night only kinda deal. I mean, let’s brass tacks this a little, I could name all the participants in this competition and make more of a case for them going all the way than any justification I have. There are former world champions, current people wrestling in the business right now and tearing it up. And just my luck… Shilo Valiant has even made an appearance, someone I never managed to beat. Take that into consideration and the fact the only wrestling I’ve done in the past two years is with my baby daughter trying to get her nappies on, and the fact is for me to say I’m going all the way, count on it… it would sound pretty ridiculous. You want to put your money on me, fine, I appreciate the support, but come on, Selena Frost? Katie Steward? Josh Hudson? You’re getting my point here right? Not to mention in the first round, the bracket decided to give me you… Eli Goddard.”
Shaun puffs out his cheeks and shakes his head in disbelief.
“What the hell did I do to deserve that huh? I mean, the bracket could have given me one of the other ‘alumni’, but I get you?”
He manages a grin, at least seeing the funny side.
“Let’s get one thing straight right off the bat huh Eli? Don’t think for one second this is going to be one of those ‘fly under the radar’ kind of deals. That you are going to get a situation where I, being the one that had been out of the business for a couple of years don’t know who you are, or what you bring to the table. As Tombstone, with your brother Sawyer, you have torn up the EMERGE tag team division, and were only recently beaten for the titles by the Moustache Ride, a fact that I’m pretty sure hasn’t helped your mood none. You’re not someone from the EMERGE roster that’s just starting out, in fact you actually have three years on me, and you are the eldest of the siblings. That all about right?
Of course, all of that information you can find out on the Internet, no big deal that I know that when it would take five minutes to Google. But there is one bit of that information that is important in our case. One thing that at least gives me a chance to advance. You are every bit the veteran I am, you’re not going to be flying from the top rope, or overcoming me with speed. Our match, pits two people that will come to wrestle in almost the same way, perhaps except the biting. And that excites me Eli, it excites me a lot. And you know why? Put quite simply, if this is to be goodbye from me in the first round, it had to be with someone able to make this the stand out match of this tournament. And you know something buddy, assuming I can keep up, I reckon you and I are going to do precisely that, if, and it’s a big if, there is a Goddard that can for once keep their eye on the prize.”
He shrugs his shoulders, not caring for one second that Eli wouldn’t have the first clue what he meant. Before Eli’s head explodes Shaun explains.
“I’ll refer to EMERGE again and your title loss, when the Moustache Ride’s ‘antics’ led to your downfall. Was it not because the two of you failed to do what you do best and deal with the threat in front of you, instead of discounting it as a threat altogether? Take your ‘brother’ Sundown, who allowed himself to lose a title match, because he refused to accept that he ‘could’ be beaten, until he was. Is it reaching that far to suggest that maybe, just maybe, your family is so cock sure of themselves, that they fail to do due diligence, something that is criminal in an industry as cut throat as ours. Is it possible that honestly, and regardless of ring rust and anything else that occurs after two years hiatus, you could believe that your advancement to round two is inevitable… when you are stepping into the ring with someone who was known as one of the most prepared wrestlers of this decade?
Now, of course… I’ve no doubt that according to you, I don’t have the first clue who you are, Tombstone protect their own, yadda, yadda. But the thing is, I don’t need to ‘know’ you, to figure out what kind of person you are and that this match is likely to go one of two ways. Either, you’ll come at me like a hurricane, and overwhelm me with your aggression, beating me down to a pinfall. Or, you’ll come at me like a hurricane, TRY to overwhelm me with your aggression, realize like so many before you that good old Cruzie just won’t stay down, get frustrated and then BAMMM, fall foul to the ‘Morality’ and get pinned for the 1-2-3, wondering what the hell just happened. And the difference between you and I buddy, as long as I get the goodbye I wanted, I couldn’t give less of shit which of those scenarios plays out. Of course I want to advance, but if I’m not good enough so be it, someone else will be a ‘God’ apparently… just don’t let Sundown loose on me after ok?”
He laughs, the end of the promo getting closer
“And, it might seem to you like I don’t care, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. I want to win, whilst at the time realizing to come back right now and face the current crop of exceptional athletes that I would have to go through to win the tournament, I have to be a realist and concede it’s unlikely…”
He pauses, a smirk forming on his face
“Thing is, it was unlikely I’d make the transition from wrestler to actor, but I did. It was unlikely I’d ever win a world title, but I won two. Nobody thought I could break from the shadow one of the biggest names in the business and carve a career of my own, but guess what, I did that as well, so unlikely, that means nothing to me Eli, I’m been defying ‘unlikely’ all my life. So when my music hits, I want you to listen. Whether you are in the back, or in the ring waiting. I want you to hear the reaction of those fans in the arena, the noise level when that ‘Impact Player’ chant breaks out. And I want you to take note…”
He pushes himself off the ring and stands in front of it
“That noise you hear, thats due to a legacy built not on breaking bones or being badass, but by being the best in the world. That reaction is respect, for someone who for years wrestled not for himself, but for those that made him. Eli, you are about to step in the ring not with a ‘has been’, but with an ‘always will be’ and win, lose or draw my name is forever etched in the history of this business… when you retire Eli, on your current path, do you think you’ll be able to say the same?”
He salutes the camera, and then winks with a smile
“It will be a pleasure finding out.”
With a final smirk, the scene slowly fades.

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RE: Match 9: Shaun Cruze (SCW Alum) vs. Eli Zechariah Goddard (EMERGE) - by thisisemerge - 09-27-2019, 05:40 AM

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