El Lucho Grande vs. TV Champion
OOC: Owen Cruze appears with permission in this piece as Aaron continues to slowly work his way through the struggles of what's going on in his head and the lingering guilt over what happened on Rise to Greatness weekend. I'd also like to apologize in advance if anything I did in my CD conflicts with his plans regarding Owen. We laid out an idea as to how I would use him, but of course since I'm my own worst critic on anything I do I tried to get some feedback to be on the safe side but couldn't reach him early enough. If this is going to cause issues, I sincerely apologize man and swear I'll work with you to sort everything out. Regardless, I hope everyone enjoys!

The key to one’s future often lies in their past.

Sometimes, though, it was hard to wonder if the past often had too much power when it came to dictating one’s future.

It was a thought that crossed Aaron’s mind in the wake of the recent Breakdown, primarily spurred by what had taken place in his first successful defense of the TV Title. An argument could be made that he might be trying to put too many irons in the fire, considering on that same show he also made an attempt to back up a prior tweet of his in regards to Clyde Sutter’s heinous attack on Alistaire Allocco the week prior only to be asked to back down by Asher Hayes, who wanted his own crack at the so-called ‘assassin,’ and there was also the possible matter of a response he gave to Regan Street about being willing to team with her to make a run at tag team gold if she believed he would be the partner to help her get the job done, but he was fully focused when it came time to make sure his third title reign didn’t end before it had really even begun.

Of course, while he wasn’t sure what to expect when that bell rang, Shilo Valiant certainly wasn’t among the list of possibilities he’d concocted beforehand.

It had been quite the surprise, to say the least, and the London crowd absolutely lost it sat the sight of arguably one of SCW’s greatest World Champions of all time being the first obstacle the creative soul had to overcome on his current journey. It still left Aaron with an odd feeling in the aftermath though… he wanted to say it had been a hell of an experience to have shared the ring with a legend he’d drawn a fair few comparisons to when it came to how they often presented themselves when the lights were brightest, but he still felt like there was a bad taste in his mouth because, at the first threat of the Unchained Creativity, Shilo had bolted and taken a countout loss. He’d seen a recording of the match the following morning that Liane sent him from when the show had aired back in the States, and he still wasn’t sure to make of Shilo’s exit even knowing now that he’d gotten a ringing endorsement from arguably SCW’s greatest entertainer.

Confusion over the antics of a legend aside, it could be considered quite a topic of debate as to whether or not the fight he gave Shilo was proof that he knew what he was doing, or if he should still be careful about trying to fight so many battles at one time. Being the kind-hearted person that he was, it felt easy to want to lend a helping hand whenever possible and suddenly realize too late you were being pulled in so many different directions. It was an aspect of Aaron’s personality that even his closest friends always questioned, even if they knew the reason why, as it was natural to be concerned with the idea of one person trying to do so much at one time. Keeping himself busy had always been his preferred coping mechanism for trying to keep his mind from tearing itself apart over certain issues in particular, and one very important one was at the forefront and trying to bury it beneath other thoughts was only going to work for so long.

His personal challenge he was undergoing through the start of his gauntlet of weekly title defenses was not having the smoothest of starts.

Even with Breakdown in the books, he still couldn’t sort through his thoughts without going back to the nightmare he’d had. Granted, he wasn’t surprised that when it came to his current mental predicament, Nemesis was going to desperately hammer home whatever fragments of stress he still had left if it meant retaining the power he possessed to keep fighting. With each passing week, the incident from Rise to Greatness weekend seemed to take on a new form to be used against him, and he’d been doing his best to fight off the memory and stick to his beliefs and the facts that backed them up about Dylan’s downfall. Still, while he’d been slowly gaining ground on that front, it was hard to shake off what he’d seen in that nightmare.

Liane had always been a source of strength for him ever since their relationship began, and the two of them had an understanding that went far beyond mere support. She was the most positive influence in his life and the bane of any stress of negative feelings that threatened to overwhelm him, and that was the biggest factor in why Nemesis’ games had been failing him for some time. She was only a phone call away, but they were still physically separated for the next few weeks and the demon was already trying to take advantage by merging arguably his greatest fear at this stage of his life with the lingering guilt over what should have been the end of a whole separate living nightmare. She had given him support when they discussed it that morning, but it was becoming clear that maybe he needed more than just the support of the love of his life if he was going to truly fight off this imaginary threat once and for all.

“I still can’t believe you ended up facing Shilo Valiant, of all people.”

“And apparently he’s onboard the ‘Blackbourne Bandwagon’ like so many other former World Champions now.”

“From semi-finals in God of Wrestling to showing up in London to face you… I don’t know if I should be jealous or worried I may see him trying to join me in the World Title hunt.”

Even though it had been some time since they’d hung out together outside of backstage at shows, one thing Aaron was grateful he still had was his camaraderie with Owen Cruze. It seemed easy to forget at times because the two didn’t always immediately jump to one another’s defense these days, but that was because of the trust they had about being able to handle their own business and intervening to help if absolutely necessary. After all, despite his own issues with the way they carried themselves, the fight with the Beauty Factory really was more of Owen’s conflict than his, and Owen had already been to the top of SCW’s highest mountain and might be looking at a chance to return there on the immediate horizon while Aaron was still convinced he had work to do before he was ready for that same opportunity. It was interesting to the artist that something that started off as mutual respect ahead of their first match with one another and an agreement to watch each other’s back afterward had evolved into a true friendship, but there was no denying the two had similar outlooks on life even if they approached it in different ways.

Maybe it was because they’d realized it had been some time since they’d well and truly hung out that the decision was made, but with Breakdown set and done the two had set out together towards Manchester for the first house show on this little UK tour, with Aaron driving while Owen gave directions when necessary, being a little more familiar with the area as this was the country he was born in. Their talk of what had happened the night before was a welcome distraction for the lengthy drive, considering there was a lot to discuss between Aaron’s title defense, Owen’s potential pending World Title rematch, what had happened to Alistaire and how Peyton was holding up in the aftermath and more. Through it all, though, Aaron felt something burning in his mind that he just couldn’t ignore no matter how hard he tried, almost like the equivalent of that small lingering headache that just won’t leave you alone even if you take something to make it go away. As they were starting to run out of SCW-related topics to chat about, Aaron pondered it for a moment before deciding to bite the bullet.

“Hey Owen… you mind if I ask you something?”

“You know you can ask me about anything bro. Shoot.”

“Well… it was kind of about… moving on I guess.”

“Moving on? Please don’t tell me you and Liane are ending up like me and-”

“No, it’s nothing like that! Believe me, I can’t even begin to talk about how much I’d fall apart if I’d ever lost Liane. That’s kind of part of the problem though… I guess I figured, since you had some sound advice when I lost my brother, that maybe you might be able to help me kind of come to terms with the fact that his ex and murderer is gone too.”

The smile slowly left Owen’s lips as the new topic of discussion was laid out on the proverbial table, though it was hard to tell at first glance if that was because he was acknowledging they were moving on to a truly serious subject or if there was something more going on. Still, he seemed intent on listening, so Aaron proceeded, stealing glances at his friend every now and then while keeping his eyes on the road.

“I know the news broke the morning after I no-showed the Hall of Fame Ceremony… about the attack and the fact that the son of a bitch was dead. I know it’s clear from anybody who overheard what happened and what the police got from my honest recounting that Dylan ended up killing himself when he missed me and landed throat-first on the tip of the crowbar. But… ever since Rise to Greatness ended up in the rear-view mirror, I’ve been haunted by the thought that I murdered him in response to what he did to Andrew, despite putting up no fight except for trying to dodge him swinging that thing around at me.”

Aaron briefly glanced up into the rear-view mirror, almost feeling obligated to when he mentioned those very words, before glancing at Owen for longer than a few seconds. This time, it was virtually impossible to ignore the feeling that something about what he was saying was striking a chord with the kid, as beneath Owen’s look of concern for his friend he also appeared to be conflicted about something else. Maybe it was selfish to keep pressing forward seeing something about this conversation was bothering his friend, or maybe he was subconsciously hoping he could draw it out in a bit of a sharing session, but Aaron continued all the same.

“I keep having nightmares about what happened that night… I keep seeing visions of Dylan appear in front of me when I’m trying to just relax or do something else, accusing me of being a killer that got let off scot-free. Liane’s been helping me to cope with it, but the reason I was almost late for the call time for Breakdown yesterday was that I woke up late after another nightmare… not about Dylan, but about someone who knew him seeking revenge. Some of his friends and people he had connections with were arrested or brought in for questioning when they were still looking for him, but considering he dabbled in dealing drugs while he and my brother were together, I just have a bad feeling there’s someone unaccounted for that would take this all personally.”

“I hate to sound like I’m letting you down bro, but… I really don’t think I’m the right person to talk to about this.”

Aaron’s mouth opened, wanting to voice a response about how he was simply looking for some input and support from a friend, but it immediately shut when Owen turned to look out the window. There was no denying now that something was deeply troubling him that he wasn’t comfortable talking about, and it somehow linked up with what the creative soul was dealing with. Considering how often his mind wandered in putting together various scenarios, he couldn’t lie about believing that something heavy had happened during the weeks Owen had taken off from all SCW obligations prior to his return at Taking Hold of the Flame, but he never pressed for details then and he wasn’t about to start now.

“I’m sorry man… I didn’t mean to upset you.”

“It’s not that. Believe me, I get wanting to seek support in a friend, and you know I’ll always have your back. It’s just… there’s some things I’m still coming to terms with myself that I’m not comfortable talking about just yet, and I don’t feel right trying to give advice if I’m not sure it’ll work out for you myself.”

“I completely understand man… sorry again, though. You know I’m always open to lending an ear if you need someone to talk to about anything. I guess I just felt a little desperate trying to find more support in the real world to put an end to the war in my head.”

Aaron’s eyes widened and he slapped a hand over his mouth, the sudden movement causing the car to jerk a bit before he focused on keeping things steady once he got both hands back on the wheel. He shot an apologetic glance at Owen for it, mentally cursing himself out that he’d had a moment of letting his mouth blindly voice thoughts he wasn’t open to sharing yet, something that hadn’t happened since well before he ever started wrestling in the first place. Owen, however, realized the cat was out of the bag on something, and given his friend’s recent statement about lending an ear on top of knowing full well something was wrong with his creative companion after the past few minutes, wasn’t going to let it go that easily.

“Hold up… war in your head? I know you’re struggling with what happened before Rise to Greatness still, but I don’t know if I’d call it-”

“The Dylan issue is… part of the problem, but it’s more than that.”

Aaron let out a sigh, looking ready to drop the entire conversation point, but something briefly flashed through his mind. It was a memory of when he’d gone into his head with the intent of making a deal with Zeitgeist about fighting through him in the battle royal where he’d won his Adrenaline Title opportunity near the beginning of the year, and he recalled the lord of time implying that the greater his real world support system was about the goings-on in his mindscape, the more stable he would be when truly challenged on that front. He was very uncertain about how Owen would even react to any of it, but now that he’d let it slip he figured now was as good a time as any to take the shot.

“I know this is going to sound hard to believe, but… I kind of treat my imagination like a world all its own, separate from anything that happens in my day-to-day life. Kind of like a literal escape from reality whenever I need it, I guess. For roughly the past year or so now, though, I’ve been feeling like I’ve lost control of my own imagination at times. I’ve been letting my stress and all the more toxic feelings about what’s going on kind of take shape, almost like a dictator rising to power and threatening war to achieve absolution. A lot of the ‘demons’ I portray from time to time? They basically have a form in that world, and I’ve been slowly convincing them to join me in a unified front to try and destroy the tyrant and free my mind for good.”

The car ride continued in silence for several minutes after he gave the most basic explanation he could think of as to the inner workings of his mind and the mess occurring there at the moment, resisting the urge to go into detail figuring the idea alone would possibly lose Owen. He couldn’t blame him if that was the case, though… most people who might hear such a thing would likely be on the verge of dialing the number of the nearest shrink to examine him, fearing he was finally losing his marbles. Aaron started to bite his bottom lip but immediately ceased in response to the pain from when he’d split it open doing that exact same action in his sleep just two days prior. How Shilo hadn’t busted it back open with some of his shots during their match was a mystery in and of itself. He was pulled away from the urge to distract himself from the disaster he felt this trek to Manchester was becoming by mentally rambling on to himself about the state of his lip by a hand resting on his shoulder and the sight of Owen giving him the most sincere look of support he’d seen in a long time from someone not named Liane Forte.

“Dude, I don’t want you to think I’m doubting any of what you just told me, even if I have to admit it sounds like the perfect plot to some kind of fantasy novel or something. I’ve kind of noticed something’s seemed a little off for a while, but I didn’t want to bug you about it and feel like I was invading your privacy or anything. I can see why you’re hesitant to really discuss it, and I might be able to hook you up with someone who can help if you need it. I’m certainly not the right guy to help you out with some actual war happening in your head, but for what it’s worth? If you truly feel you need someone else to talk to about it, then I’m glad you were willing to let me in on how your mind works.”

It was a gesture that helped Aaron feel a little more at peace with the whole situation, and the rest of the drive continued on with a more cheerful tone before they arrived at their destination. True, Aaron may not have necessarily gotten the exact help he might’ve been looking for about resolving the guilt over Dylan’s death, but some part of him had a feeling the issue, in general, might be something the both of them were dealing with in different forms. He was hopeful it was an issue they could resolve together to get themselves back to where they emotionally wanted to be. At the very least, even if there was still some understandable doubt, Aaron knew he’d gained more support from a friend on the outside for dealing with the problems going on inside.

At this point? Even baby steps were vitally important in trying to permanently destroy Nemesis’ stranglehold on his psyche and return everything to some semblance of normalcy, and this was still better than he could have asked for on that front.[/color]

In any story, the characters are arguably one of the most important elements, considering they are the ones responsible for getting you invested in the plot in the first place.

The story of life is no exception to this.

No matter what kind of life you live, you are the main character of its story and it becomes your task to dictate how to make it something you, above all else, want to be invested in. How do you portray yourself to the world around you? What kind of people will play just as big a role in your tale as you will theirs? How do you want people to perceive you and get invested in whatever it is you’re doing with your life? These are all important questions that are not restricted to simply typing something out in a Word document and passing it along to a publisher with the intent of getting a book on the shelves.

Being honest for a second? The characters are the biggest reason that drew me to wrestling in the first place.

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve been watching wrestling since I was a kid and admired all the moves and techniques that created so many legends in this industry, just like most of the SCW roster even if they won’t admit it, but the first time I stepped into the ring it wasn’t because I had a point to prove or wanted to live out a childhood fantasy or use it as a launching pad to something else entirely. I was at a point in my life where I was questioning the value of the creativity I embodied and advocated in the world around me, and in wrestling I found people portraying these identities that felt like they were an entirely different entity, larger than life and adding something a little extra to the sport without sacrificing the talent they possessed when they needed to fight.

Even though I wouldn’t exactly call him an influence on me or my career, one man who fits the bill on this to a tee would be the surprise I fought against on the last Breakdown, Shilo Valiant. How many people mocked him and thought he wouldn’t amount to anything in this company just because he made the entertainment of the masses his personal mission? His look, the way he presented himself and the grandiose lengths he went to in order to have that spotlight on him at all times… they were all unique to him, and none of it got in the way of him becoming a multi-time World Champion and earning his place in SCW’s Hall of Fame. As much as I know Syren would be quick to disagree, especially considering how often those two crossed paths, but many consider Shilo one of the best to ever step between those ropes.

That makes it all the more difficult for me to understand why Breakdown happened the way it did.

I’m not lying when I tell you that Shilo was probably one of the last people I ever expected to step out onto that stage, looking to tend my TV Title reign before it could truly begin, nor am I lying when I say it was a great honor to get to lock up with a man I know I’ve been compared to quite a few times considering my passion for sharing the inner workings of my imagination with all of you. I also can’t lie about feeling a little robbed, considering that while I did win the match and am still champion, it’s because Shilo apparently got whatever he wanted to out of that match and walked away of his own accord. I know that having all eyes on him at all times was always a big part of what made him who he is to the masses, but it still left a bad taste in my mouth that I didn’t truly prove anything in my mind.

I did see later on that on his way out, I proved something to him to see him add his name to the list of legendary names that feel I’m destined for big things around here, but while I thank him from the bottom of my heart for the ringing endorsement, I want you to know, if you ever see this Shilo, that if possible I want a proper rematch at some point. Name whatever big stage you feel would be appropriate so you can bring your entertainment and I can bring my imagination, and we’ll put on a show for the ages with a definitive winner.

As is always the case when you’re TV Champion, though, there is no rest for the weary. As much as I want to spend more time trying to solve the Shilo puzzle, I have to shift gears to the luchador waiting for me in Atlanta.

Remember when I talked just a short bit ago about characters and the importance they play even in the story of life? Perhaps nowhere is that statement truer than in Mexico, where lucha libre has gone beyond being its own style of wrestling and assimilated itself into the country’s very culture itself. Whenever you find yourself in Mexico, it’s a common sight to see men and women walking around wearing masks and coming to embody everything that they mean. Unless they put them on the line and lose, you never know who is truly under that unique visage staring back at you, and that makes it an experience getting to meet one of these luchadors who live their lives as every bit the heroes and villains you see whenever they compete in the ring.

That, in and of itself, is a major reason why I’m excited about my next title defense.

I’m sure some people on the roster are likely having a conniption about the fact that El Lucho Grande has this opportunity. After all, thus far we’ve only seen him and his partner El Lucho Venti competing in tag team action and slowly building a case for themselves as to why they may be a potential sleeper pick for future tag champions. I’m not going to argue against the work they’ve been doing to slowly climb into consideration for that opportunity, especially considering that’s been the whole driving point behind why I’m fighting every single week to keep this title around my waist for as long as possible and why Peyton before me fought for so long even when many believed she’d already proven herself ready for bigger opportunities. I have no say in who would be standing across the ring from me with this title on the line… if I did, there’s another name I would’ve suggested solely because I feel a lesson needs to be learned there for what he’s done to one of my close friends, but I’m not going to overlook the challenge presented to me like some may just because they don’t believe this man isn’t worth taking seriously.

Just ask an old enemy of mine in the former Ruby Amarant how well that worked out for her at Under Attack.

If I had to wager a guess, though, I may have an idea as to why this is the match set for Breakdown this week. Just as I mentioned moments ago that El Lucho Brothers are in the hunt for tag team gold, I would be remiss to ignore the fact that Regan Street has made her intentions clear on Twitter that she’s looking for a partner to pursue those same titles, and I am one of the many names that offered to join her in that endeavor. Before anyone starts throwing out accusations, I have no intention of simply abandoning the TV Title to focus on that and am fully committed to the idea of fighting for this gold while helping someone whose respect I earned achieve her own goals in any way that I can. Think of it as another way for me to truly prove, especially to myself, that everyone voicing their belief that I am destined to be a future World Champion in this company is telling you the truth that they see something in me that warrants the endorsement, especially the idea of being able to team with and learn from someone who’s been to that very summit multiple times in her SCW career.

That said… we should be careful about putting the cart before the horse in this instance.

I don’t want El Lucho Grande to approach this match thinking that he may be trying to get a leg up on a potential future tag team rival, because Regan herself has said her partner isn’t set in stone just yet. If I am the one to join her in pursuing those titles, that will be a concern for a later date once everything’s official. Right now, this is about the TV Title, your first chance to earn some gold for you and your partner and make the kind of statement I know you two have been looking to make since coming to compete here in America. This is about proving what you, and you alone, are capable of that contributes to what makes El Lucho Brothers a tag team worth keeping an eye on. This is about the desire to prove, week in and week out, that you are willing to bust your ass and put on nothing less than your best to both try to keep this title and prove that fi your time is truly up, that the person taking it from you is ready for the challenge that awaits them.

I don’t doubt that you could tackle this challenge Grande… but I’m simply not ready to let mine end just yet.

I made a promise to Peyton that I was going to defend this title with the same respect and determination as she did, picking up where she left off so that when my reign does come to an end, I know it will truly be my time to meet not only her but Owen and Alistaire as well at the very top, putting on the kinds of matches SCW fans deserve to have. That is why I will fight tooth and nail to keep from letting this gold slip through my hands Grande: to put on matchest that prove all hope is not lost yet in SCW when it comes to the way things are done around here, and to prove that there are still those who respect the value of earning your place around here, no matter where it may be.

For that reason, I’m looking forward to a sleeper classic with you come Wednesday night… a match that well and truly fits into this vision of mine. But I also have to apologize, because I’m not planning on letting this gauntlet of mine end now. Not when we’re just getting started and I still have so much to prove… all the same, I look forward to the story we’ll tell between those ropes as we both write the next chapters in both our respective stories as well as SCW’s future and the legacy of the SCW Television Championship.
[Image: yC0vuyj.png]

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El Lucho Grande vs. TV Champion - by Konrad Raab - 11-16-2019, 08:29 AM
RE: El Lucho Grande vs. TV Champion - by Ruppy - 11-20-2019, 12:59 PM

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