Kelsai Adamson-Mason vs. Gigi Steward
OOC: Back after the longest LOA I have ever taken. Best of luck to you Wes and I hope everyone enjoys!

What’s In a Name?

It is 11 in the morning at Blackout Academy and Kelsai Adamson-Mason is busily working out inside of the ring, just working on running the ropes one day before her return from injury at Breakdown when she is going to take on Maddy Steward. Kelsai is under the watchful eye of her manager and friend Amy Chastaine who notices that Kelsai is looking rather ragged in the middle of the ring. Amy lets Kelsai, a particularly hard worker if there ever was one, run the ropes one more time before calling out to her young charge.

Amy: Alright Kelsai, that’s enough. We are going to break for lunch got it.

Kelsai tries to test her limits but she is only testing Amy’s patience.

Kelsai: I just want to run the ropes one more time Amy, I have to get this right before tomorrow night because I want everything to be perfect.

Amy doesn’t say anything, instead opting to look at Kelsai with a very pronounced stare, a stare that causing Kelsai to rethink her plans.

Kelsai: Right, I got it. Coming Amy, coming right away!

There are a lot of options around the neighborhood of the gym where they could go for lunch and many times they do. But today being the day before a travel day to Breakdown tomorrow Amy and Kelsai opt to have lunch in Amy’s office, though the conversation is not what one might expect between two women that have grown know each other so well.

Amy: No, I am serious, you have never actually told me, and I am just interested to know because I have never seen it before

Eating a bite of her sandwich, Kelsai can barely stifle a laugh.

Kelsai: Well, I have never come out and told you that you were saying it wrong have I?

Amy laughs, but then turn serious again.

Amy: No really, I really want to know. I think that I have been saying it right, but I want to know for sure.

Kelsai: It’s my name Amy, if you were saying it wrong, don’t you think that I would have told you by now?

Amy: So, I have been getting your name right?

Beaming that thousand-watt smile that she is known for, Kelsai nods enthusiastically.

Kelsai: Yes, Amy, you have been saying my name right.
Amy: Yes, I knew it!

With this piece of news between the two of them taken care of, the women finish their lunches together and head back out to the floor. After several hours of training later, Kelsai and Amy saying their goodbyes and Amy sticks around the gym while Kelsai heads home. Later that night, she and her husband Victor are curled up on the couch watching a movie when Kelsai looks up at Victor and starts to laugh and grin.

Victor: What did you do?

Kelsai: Why does this mean that I have always done something baby?

Victor smirks, knowing better.

Victor: Because, of the fact that you voice just got three times higher than normal when you said baby, not to mention that you look mischievous.

A giggle is all that is needed to tell Victor that he is right.

Kelsai: I look mischievous, do I?

Victor: Yes, you do, so spill it, what’s up?

Kelsai takes Victor’s hand in hers.

Kelsai: Well, Amy and I were talking at lunch today and the subject of how I say my name came up….

Instinctively knowing what is coming next, Victor facepalms.

Victor: And even though I am afraid I know the answer to this, what do you tell Amy?

Kelsai: I told Amy that she has been saying my name right all along

Victor: Let me guess, kel-SEE-a, right?

Another giggle.

Kelsai: Of course, and it is not wrong either!

Victor: Yes, that is true in one regard I suppose, but when are you going to let it be known to everyone that Kelsai is actually your middle name and what your first name really is?

Kelsai: Its just hard for me because there are just certain thing that I want about myself that are for you and only you and besides, who besides you really needs to know with as much as I talk about it already that my given first name is actually….


And with that Victor reaches up to turn off the light and he and his love watch their rest of their movie in absolute silence, the scene fading.

Hello! Hello! Hello!

And how are all of my SCW faithful this afternoon? I hope that you are ready to hear from me again finally, because you can be sure that I am so excited to talk to all of you!

More importantly, how long has it been since I have seen all of you in an SCW while getting ready to perform in a SCW ring? Actually, I can tell all of you exactly when it was to the day. September 18, 2019. Breakdown was in Washington D.C. that night and I had a match scheduled against Konrad Rabb, despite my best effort did defeat me. I have been told Konrad would like to have a rematch with me even though he one that night which I will happily oblige him if SCW will make that match. I can tell all of you again just how much I like to compete and in Konrad I find a kindred soul in that regard, so whenever SCW wants to make the rematch between the two of us, just let me know because I can hardly wait to get in the ring with Konrad again and who knows? Maybe I will even come out on top this time around.

I know that I am just so exciting to be back in an SCW ring though. Granted, when I was injured this time around, I was not injured in an SCW ring. No, that was in GCW, and I have gained a measure of retribution for that this past Sunday in GCW too, but that is for another time for me to discuss in GCW. It is still really amazing to me to think about however that I have still not been a professional wrestling for year as it will be a year on the 23rd day of next month, and yet I have still been injured for which I have been injured once but not twice where I ended up losing some significant amount of time. Now I can finally compete again having passed all of the concussion protocol, and although I did compete for GCW Sunday night, it wasn’t me competing in GCW that Ms. Sasha wanted to talk to me about when she called me into her office before Breakdown in Atlanta.

There were a lot of thing that she and I needed to discuss, not the least of which was the fact that I had to prove to her that I can be healthy and safe, not just for myself but for everyone I am in the ring with too. That is something that I don’t think that fans consider sometimes either. I don’t need to be safe for me to compete inside of the ring, I need to be safe for everyone else also. That means that while I need to take the bumps and bruises that are associated with being a professional wrestler, I also have to be certain I can take a punch, or that I have enough strength to give someone else a slam and make sure that they are safe too. As our promoter of SCW it is one of many of Ms. Sasha’s responsibility to ensure the safety of our wrestlers, so that is why she had to be sure that I would no longer be a liability in terms of safety all the way around before she could give me the ok to resume my in ring career in SCW.

What a time to come back and resume my career too, right during the holiday season, which is perfect for me because my career is the greatest gift from me to all of you, I love competing and performing in front all of you. In fact, performing in front of all of you is second only to my love for other people in general and my love for Victor specifically in a long list of the things that I love in the world. While we are on the subject, Victor, my loving and gorgeous husband somehow thinks that he is responsible for my recent injuries that have kept me from wrestling, because he even believes that he has somehow failed me. Let me tell all of you just as I have told Victor himself on multiple occasions that Victor has never nor will he ever fail me. In fact, with Victor feeling down the way he has if you fans see he and he out and about shopping for holidays and such and you wat to tell him that you know he would never ever fail me please do that; it would certainly appreciated. The hope is that if we can get enough people to tell Victor that they know that he would never fail me, that eventually he might actually believe it.

This week of course one of my favorite holidays of the whole year on Thursday, which is only two days away, as it is Thanksgiving Day. A good time to reflect upon the last year while spending time with family and friends, Thanksgiving Day for me brings to mind things like the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade and of course there is always plenty of food to go around while watching your favorite football team try to win the big game. When I was a little girl growing there were many times that I was at different arenas watching my Daddy when he was in the ring against other competitors, because my Daddy was one of the best wrestlers around, hands down. He says that I have taken over the family name know, because I am one of the best wrestlers around, hands down, something that my Mama agrees with him about.

Those are some very nice things that my Daddy and Mama have to say about me, though I don’t know how much I agree or disagree with them at this point. I know that I am certainly trying my very best every time I step in the ring, but as I always tell my Daddy when we sit down and talk about wrestling, I have some huge shoes to fill being the daughter of a six-time World Heavyweight Champion. I do have to say though that coming back from this injury I feel different, like I have somehow turned a corner in my career and even Amy has said that I am much sharper and I seem to have more focus when she is training me at the gym right now. I have been wrestling professionally for almost a year how, but I have been a part of the SCW roster for a little over six months. Neither of those is a lot of time when you think about it, but like I was telling Amy the other day I don’t know what it is but I really feel like something special is going to happen for me in my career and soon. Like I think that something big is going to happen by the end of this year and as an end result, people will look at me very differently in both professional wrestling specifically and SCW by the time this year is over as opposed to the way that they do now.

This year I will be doing something that I can’t wait for to be perfectly honestly one a day before Thanksgiving as in TOMORROW because I am going to be in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania for SCW Breakdown. So many great moments in the history of professional wrestling have happened in Pittsburgh. I can remember from when I was a little girl, I watched like so many people did my Daddy’s friends whose names I cannot remember were fighting in the cell….

And outside of the cell….

And on top of the cell…

And THROUGH the cell..

Let’s just say they really didn’t look all that much like they were friends, after all, there was even the one point where one of the guys made the other look like he could fly. That match was that terrible to watch but thankfully both of the guys walked out of the arena that night even though were many people that were suggesting that the one who took flight in a manner of speaking might want to go to the hospital, but I don’t think that he ended up going.
I don’t plan on having to go get checked out at the hospital tomorrow night in Pittsburgh either when I get back into SCW action and face Gigi Steward. Gigi as everyone is aware is the adoptive daughter of the Queen of SCW Katie Steward, and the second of three members of the Steward family, one the toughest families we have here in SCW. I did face Gigi’s younger sister Maddy, and while I did defeat Maddy in what was a very good match, that in no way at all means that I will defeat Gigi tomorrow night. Even though they are sisters, Gigi presents a different set of challenges for me that Maddy did not. Where Maddy is a high flyer just like I can be and that led to us having a very high paced match up that the crowd definitely seemed to enjoy, Gigi is more of a mat wrestler and a brawler who I would think would be trying to take our match to the mat tomorrow night, and looking to slow the pace down.

I will be looking to exploit the fact the I am faster than her because I am almost always faster than my opponent and tomorrow night shouldn’t be any different. You just never know too, I am getting better and better on the mat all of the time with Amy being one of the greatest mat technician in professional wrestling of all time so tomorrow night having just had over 8 weeks to prepare I might try some new offense and maybe catch Gigi by surprise.

Oh yes, it is Holiday time in SCW, and with a little Clarity coming hopefully Sunday night, Breakdown tomorrow night should the start of some exciting wrestling for everyone to watch which I am so glad too be a part of once again. So get ready fans, and you get ready too Gigi, because I am going to come at you with everything that I have and I will guarantee you that by the end of our match tomorrow night that we will steal the show and we will find out who is the best woman between the two of us. I can’t wait to hear that huge roar from the crowd when I step through that curtain either because it is that huge roar that is going to remind me one of the main reasons that I do all of this that we do in professional wrestling and do you know why that is? Because….

Kelsai loves all of you!

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RE: Kelsai Adamson-Mason vs. Gigi Steward - by Simple77 - 11-27-2019, 12:34 AM

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