Tag Team Championship Ladder Match
OOC Note: Concussions suck.

Jake Starr: Politics... Elections... Impeachment... We are surrounded by the talk of the political future of the world, but what has the idea of politics taught us in history?  It’s taught us that we never know what is truly going to happen until it does.

Folks... What we live in a world that has seen many instances where we all believe or think there is a foregone conclusion, only to be surprised and shown we don’t know anything.  From an American perspective, thibk about this...

Dewey defeats Truman...

JFK becomes the Democratic nominee and first Roman Catholic President of the United States...

Bill Clinton, an unknown, comes from out of nowhere to become President...

Obama defeats Clinton...

Trump defeats Clinton...

Just in American history we have so many instances of people who were given no chance to win, ultimately proving everyone wrong and winning.  Whether it be legit, by hook, or by crook, whether their subsequent actions are praised or jeered, they proved critics, skeptics, and “those who knew better” wrong.  They showed that no matter how much the scales, the beliefs, the rhetoric, or anything of the like was making them seemingly less palatable, they pulled out miracles.

This is the same outside of politics as well.  Think about the “Miracle on Ice.”  The Red Sox snd Cubs both winning World Series.  Jinder Mahal wins a World Championship.  The Hatfields and McCoys finally creating a truce.  There are examples everywhere of the odds being so against someone and yet they somehow pull off the miracle and stun the masses.

That’s what I’m obviously here to talk about today...

In a few hours Jordan and I are walking out of that curtain as decided underdogs against, yes again, established tag teams.  We didn’t fair well in the match at Breakdown, and needless to say people aren’t going to be expecting much different come Sunday.  But that is when I challenge them to rethink how they’re handicapping this match.  This is where I challenge them to think about the bigger picture.  You see you can’t handicap this match like you did at Breakdown.  You can’t say it’s an apples to apples or apples to oranges comparison.  Instead you have to realize you’re comparing fruit to a mass casualty plane crash because of one factor, and one factor alone...

The ladder!

Yes one singular object can create a situation where the odds, no matter how lopsided in a normal contest, quickly even out with the introduction of it.  This is no different.  This is no exception.  What a 15 foot high piece of metal is, is an opportunity.  It’s an opportunity for anyone to run in there, climb up, grab some belts, and be done.  It’s an opportunity to gauge the right time to throw your short moment of offense to get up there and piss off the rest.  I mean, think about it... How many times have you seen a team, not the best, emerge victorious and win a ladder match?  How many times have you seen that upset I talked about earlier, where the world was stunned and it was because the playing field had leveled out?  It’s not something you can say is a rarity.  We’ve all been part of that, “how the fuck did (insert name here) win anyway” feeling.  We are all witnesses to something like that and we know it’s fucking possible.

So what’s this all mean?

Why am I droning on?

You have several teams you look at and know that if there weren’t the great equalizer, would be the easy favorite against Jordan and myself.  But that doesn’t matter. Hell, even Jordan’s I experience in a ladder match doesn’t change anything.  See, she looks at this as an opportunity to show that she can walk into a match she’s inexperienced in, and dominate.  Hmm... Sounds like a 2009 match where Jake Starr was sent into the Chamber against Kayl and Foxx and I hadn’t even once been in a situation where that much hell would be endured.  But I didn’t let it deter me, did I?  I didn’t let everyone betting against me make me second guess if I could win, did I?  So why should my sister be afraid of a ladder?  Why should she fear some piece of metal she can walk up to change the light bulbs, when she just has to do that to become a champion now?  

The fact is I’ve been made certain that she’s ready.  How?  We’ve been training and putting in the time to make sure I can convey any knowledge I can to her and teach her how to prepare to face the possibility of carnage.  Sure some of that training may be a little big brotherly, and not be the nicest, but in the end it’ll get the message across.  I figure if I can impart any knowledge she would benefit from knowing, I’ll give it.  Just like she could do the same for me, if the situation called for it.  We are family and simply trying to understand this new relationship we have in front of us, but ultimately we know that the bloodline we both come from leads us to having a leg up on the rest.  I've proved it in SCW already.  She's been on her way to doing the same.  So this match, no matter what betters, handicappers, and believers alike may think, we know we have something special to provide.

.:: Jake smirks and begins to pace. ::.

I want you all to think about how equal this match has become.  Yes... The ladder, more or less does it, like I said, but there is one other equalizer that Jake and Jordan bring to this match that others don't...

.:: Jake holds up Chairee. ::.

You see, for the longest time Chairee was my great equalizer, and recently, Jake Starr and Chairee decided it was time to bring another "familial" member to the fray, and Jordan was given ownership of Chairee's older brother, Chairub.  That's right, folks, we keep EVERYTHING in the family on our side.  Damn near Arkansas family... No forkage of the tree... Just everyone fucking and sucking and...

.:: From behind the camera you hear Jordan's voice. ::.

Jordan Majors: Fucking hell, Jake, really?

.:: Jake smirks, and continues. ::.

Jake Starr: ... I think you get the picture.  And with that close bond, we do whatever we have to to ensure that we have whatever advantages we need.  And with the deck stacked against us, Jake Starr and Jordan Majors bring our brother and sister chairs to the ring to help show everyone they're going to have to watch their backs, or know that a free fall isn't the only pain that could be coming your way.  Now do we WANT to resort to that, nah, because then it gives a lot of SCW whiny bitches the chance to say that was the ONLY reason we won.

See... This is when it all comes together.  If we win, many will argue we did it by accident, or we cheated, or we stole it, or whateveer.  Hell I can see the fear already coming out of the masses.  When you hear Syren even go back to her old paul bearer mentality of burying people like my sister, you know they're scared.  You know they're angry.  You know they don't want us anywhere near "their" title matches.  Instead they want the world to think we are crap and undeserving.  They want to insult us.  They want to try and have a reason to argue what happens if they lose.

Effectively, they're doing what a winner does when they see an upset on the horizon.  They begin to convince their followers that it isn't legit.  It's basically what Trump did when he WAS the underdog, but let's be real, his upset is kind of an anomaly in the world.  Regardless, you make excuses.  You make people think that the outcome is wrong before it ever transpires.  Burying my sister, yeah, that's the old Infamous tactic when they feel they're going to be against the ropes.  I've seen it time and time again.  I've seen it used by WHOMEVER is in their corner.  Dig, dig, dig, bury, bury, bury.  And yeah, I'm one to talk.  I used to do the same.  I got shit on the same.  Well guess what, call me Pot or Kettle, or call me the reformed burier, but I'm calling shit where I see it, and going to call a spade a spade.

Now... I'm not stupid.  Infamous isn't the only challenge in this match.  I'm seeing double, a pair of assholes, people who don't give a shit, and a revolving door of hoodrats who eventually fuck one another at some point in time, and don't like people questioning their rules of the road.  So I know there are a lot of people involved who could do just what I said we could do, and that's steal the win when everyone else is unconscious, or have their back turned.  They could be the ones who make Infamous all batshit crazy, or Infamous could steal the win and have wasted a lot of unnecessary shit talking and excuse making for nothing.  But the fact is, Jordan and Jake plan on making them all angry and being a brother sister duo as Tag Team Champions, watching the rest go back to the locker room knowing that a Starr, or two Starr's to a degree, are champions in SCW.

.:: Jordan interjects. ::.

Jordan Majors: I'm not a Starr...

.:: Jake rolls his eyes. ::.

Jake Starr: Ok, whatever, you get what I mean.  The family in which SCW has a long and rich history of HATING as any type of champion would be holding two titles at once.  Just imagine the frantic nature of the roster.  Imagine how annoyed a lot would be.

Oh does it bring a smile to my face.

But what else brings a smile to my face is just the idea of winning a championship alongside my sister.  Yes, we are still learning about one another.  Yes, we have led separate lives.  But call me crazy that I'm the happy older brother to have his sister in his life.  I've done things I regret and realize I almost lost this opportunity.  I regret I almost cause a lot of irreparable damage to so many people.  Now I'm to the point I simply want to enjoy life, enjoy what comes my way, and help bring those around me to whatever levels I can with whatever I can... And that includes Jordan.  If we can't win the Tag Team Championship, I want to help her in her singles career.  No matter what that entails.  If it's something I want, I don't care, I just want to see us both achieving what we want.

It's why we have nothing to lose, and everything to gain, once again...

All of these tag teams, with the exception of us, are worried about their status in the tag rankings.  Jordan and I feel HONORED to even be included.  If we perform well, we receive praise, or even a championship.  If we lose, we can go back to where we were before Infamous decided to single my sister out, and focus on our respective singles careers.  But if we win... When we win... We show the world that family means everything, in the end.  Family means more than revolving sexual doors, assholes, or a couple of look-a-likes.

.:: Again Jordan chimes her opinion in. ::.

Jordan Majors: You realize if you're a twin, you're a sibling, right?

.:: Jake realizes he hadn't thought of that. ::.

Jake Starr: Well Jesus had a brother named Craig, there's a song about it, but the Bible refuses to acknowledge the truth, so I'm playing that role with a couple of twins... K?!


The fact is, we are here to make a statement and not just be written off because of whomever you decide to put as the front runner.  Jordan and I are lucky to have found one another, reconnected in SCW, and decided to finally step up and show the world what we both can do when aligned.  I may not necessarily be the same Jake Starr as I was in the past, but I can still turn some heads.  I may not be on my game right now, but that doesn't mean I won't turn a corner, and possibly do so at the pay-per view.  I'm coming to make a statement.  I'm coming to watch my sister kick some asses.  I'm coming to watch my sister begin to cement her legacy, and yeah, continue to evolve mine.  Most importantly I'm coming to shut a number of broads up, who have had the AUDACITY to act like their shit didn't stink, again, when their relevance has become mediocre at best as of late, and they're simply included because of their damn name.

Face it... Jake Starr and Jordan Majors are coming to make themselves a bit more... Infamous... Than they've ever been!

Messages In This Thread
Tag Team Championship Ladder Match - by HardyGirl - 11-27-2019, 08:55 AM
RE: Tag Team Championship Ladder Match - by Jake Starr - 11-30-2019, 10:54 PM
RE: Tag Team Championship Ladder Match - by Syren - 12-01-2019, 12:51 PM
RE: Tag Team Championship Ladder Match - by Syren - 12-01-2019, 12:53 PM

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