Tag Team Championship Ladder Match
November 2014 - Chicago

Kylie Majors stands near a group of wrestlers to watch the final match of the night. A four-way ladder match for the Women’s Championship of the independent promotion she’s spent the last several months touring with. She holds a mask in her hand that she wore earlier, that has a bright blonde wig attached to it. Kylie’s own brown hair tied back. She’s never seen a ladder match first hand, and the action is impressive to her. Near the end of the match, one of the companies top draws Meghan Cross has the ladder knocked out from under her, but she pulls herself up by the belt and unhooks it anyway, falling the mat and landing on the knocked over ladder below as the crowd roars in approval. Kylie smiles brightly as she walks back toward the locker room area and starts to change. Meghan comes in moments later as Kylie sits there in her underwear with a towel draped around her neck. The two give a few glances back and forth. A shy smile comes across Kylie’s lips. Meghan grins back. Seconds later, she’s sitting next to Kylie.

Meghan: You’re that girl that wears the mask, right? I’ve only been at a few shows this past two months. You look different without the mask.

Kylie: Umm… thanks. I think?

Meghan laughs and looks her up and down.

Meghan: Oh, it’s a good thing. A very good thing. I don’t know why you’d want to hide all of this with that mask…

Kylie shrugs and grabs a t-shirt from the bag in front of her and pulls it over her head.

Kylie: I just didn’t really want to be defined by the way I look.

Meghan: Hunny, the only defining they would be doing out there is hootin’ and hollerin’ over how freaking gorgeous you are.

Kylie looks at her with a shocked expression. Her cheeks glow slightly red. Meghan lets out a breathy laugh.

Meghan: You act like you don’t hear that very often.

Kylie: I don’t…

Meghan nods and stands up, walking over toward her bag and pulling her own top off. Jordan watches her carefully. Meghan looks over her shoulder and catches her, but only grins.

Meghan: You staring at me?

Kylie: I, uhh…

Meghan: It’s ok. Why do you think it would bother me, baby?

Kylie notices a bit of a switch in Meghan’s demeanor, as if her confidence changed to something else she couldn’t quite pinpoint.

Meghan: Why don’t you go with me after the show? Get a drink?

Kylie: I’m only 18. I don’t want to get you in trouble.

Meghan: Why don’t I get us some drinks and we can go hang out in my hotel room. Chat about wrestling and other stuff.

Kylie just stares at the woman, a little bit shocked. In her short time touring the midwest with this company, never had she really made any friends. She stuck to herself. Traveled alone. Others probably saw her as a loner. But Meghan seemed to understand her.

Kylie: Sure… I’d like that.

An hour later, she was sitting at the desk of a hotel room, drinking some kind of hard cider. Meghan sat on the bed and looked over at her as she flipped the TV on. Meghan patted the bedside and nodded. Kylie tentatively stood up and walked over, sitting next to Meghan at the top of the bed.

Meghan: Look, that SCW show is on. I used to want that. Now, I prefer all these indy gigs. I mean, hell, they pay me to be the champion. There I’d probably just be in and out of the company. I’m not as athletic as those women you see on there. You might be. Me? I like a different style.

Meghan looks over at Kylie, who is sipping her second hard cider and she smiles. Her hand goes to Kylie’s thigh. Kylie freezes and stares straight at the TV.

Meghan: Seemed like you liked looking at me earlier back at that high school… now you just want to watch TV?

Kylie swallows hard and turns to look at Meghan. The moment she does, Meghan’s lips are on hers. And suddenly she’s sharing her first kiss with a woman she’d just met that day at a wrestling show. Someone she watched win a championship was now celebrating their night by enjoying her mouth. Meghan breaks off the kiss and giggles.

Meghan: You’ve never done that before, have you? Holy… you seemed kinda shy, but a virgin? I had you tagged as gay the moment I saw you. Wow, was I off?

Kylie says nothing, but her bottom lip sucks in under her top teeth and she bites down slightly. There was a hint of a hunger there that Meghan picked up on and she grabbed her back for a longer kiss. As the sunlight peeked through the hotel-room windows hours later, Kylie awoke in nothing but a t-shirt with an arm around her waist, holding her tightly from behind. She smiled at first and adjusted slightly before feeling Meghan lean up over the top of her and looking down over her.

Meghan: I think before last night, you’d been wondering about all of this, huh?

Kylie nods and looks back at Meghan who can’t hide her excited smile. Meghan leans down and plants a kiss on her lips.

Meghan: Hey, why don’t you join me and a few of my friends for Thanksgiving tomorrow. I’m going to the next show that you are so we can just ride together? Save you on a rental. What do you think?

Kylie: I’d like that.

Meghan: Let me text one of them and let them know to expect another. What’s your name again? Besides Luchadora?

Meghan leans over to get her phone as Kylie’s eyes go wide. She’d slept with someone for the first time. And they didn’t even know her name. Her cheeks burned red at the thought as she bit her lip before answering.

Kylie: It’s, uhhh, Kylie.

Meghan: Kylie, I like that name. I’ll text them and tell them you’re coming, too.

November 28, 2019 - Kenner, Louisiana

Jordan stands in her underwear holding a pair of dresses and looking at herself in the mirror. Eventually, she decides on a brighter red one. She quickly puts on the slim-fitting dress and checks out her figure before putting on set of black pearls to complete it. She grabs her phone to shoot a message to Jaina, who is supposed to be on her way to get her. Jordan holds her phone out and shoots at the mirror and texts Jaina.

Jordan text: Is this ok?

A few moments later, Jaina finally responds.

Jaina text: I’ll be up in a second and it looks great!

Jordan turns and walks toward the front door and opens it. Jaina comes in a minute later and looks her up and down. Jordan looks back at Jaina sort of shocked. Jaina is wearing a cute sweater and some leggings and boots.

Jordan: Is that what you’re wearing!?

Jaina: Is this not ok?

Jaina laughs and looks down at her clothes with a curious smile.

Jaina: Mom is wearing a Saints t-shirt and a pair of jeans. You don’t have to wear that, but you do look great.

Almost before Jaina can finish the sentence, Jordan is back down to her underwear and walking around her apartment looking for something else. She’d only recently moved all of her stuff from Pasadena to this apartment in Louisiana. It made sense. Jaina spent her off time here near her parents and in Bree’s new home. Jordan worked out at CrescentCity Fitness to rehab her knee and practiced at Amy’s school underneath when she could. She walks into a closet while Jaina sits on her bed looking at her phone. It takes her a moment to come out wearing just a low-cut, long sleeved shirt and a pair of tight fitting skinny jeans. She puts on a pair of brown boots and smiles to Jaina, who just laughs as she looks at the dress strung about on the bed.

Jaina: You crack me up sometimes. You didn’t need to be so extra for this. It’s just Thanksgiving. Save that dress for Christmas.

Jordan: Right… Christmas…

Jordan grabs a bag off her table and then Jaina reaches for her hand and Jordan grabs it as they leave the apartment and walk outside to Jaina’s brand new, orange Jeep. The sun shines brightly off of the paint as the girls get inside and start heading toward Bree’s new place. Jordan lets out an almost nervous sigh.

Jaina: Gods, are you ok? You seem to be out of sorts today.

Jordan: I’m nervous.

Jaina: You don’t have any reason to be nervous.

Jordan thinks back to that moment she shared Meghan, the older woman who invited her to a Thanksgiving meal with her friends after just a few days together. This somehow felt different, and she knew why. This was the first time a real girlfriend was taking her to Thanksgiving with her family. She tightened her grip on the bag in her lap. Jaina sees it and reaches over and puts a hand on Jordan’s leg.

Jaina: What’s in the bag, babe?

Jordan: I thought I’d get something for Bree. For hosting dinner.

Jaina: You’re kinda weird, you know that? But it’s cute.

Jordan: Gods, I hope so.

Jaina laughs and squeezes Jordan’s leg.

Jaina: You’re in trouble if I’m rubbing off on you so much that you’re starting to speak like me.

Jordan’s flashes a nervous smile as they pull into the driveway of Bree’s home and head inside. Jordan heads to the table with her bag and bumps into Amy.

Amy: Jordan. Happy Thanksgiving. Did you bring Bree a gift?

Jordan nervously pulls a bottle of wine out as Bree and Jaina walk into the dining room and displays it with a smile. Bree crooks her head to the side a bit as Jordan opens the bottle and reaches for a glass.

Bree: Hitting the wine before dinner there, babe?

Jordan pours a glass of wine and starts to hand it out to Amy. Bree’s eyes go wide and she slashes at her own neck while mouthing something to Jordan. Confused, Jordan looks at Amy.

Jordan: Amy, I poured you a glass.

Amy: Oh, no thank you.

Jordan: Oh, come on. It’s a holiday.

Amy: Sometimes I do for the holidays, but right now is not a good time.

Jaina cups her hand to Jordan’s ear and whispers something that makes Jordan’s face go beat red. Bree hides her embarrassment for Jordan from the other side of the room as Jaina grabs Jordan’s arm and squeezes lightly as if to let her know it was fine and to let it go.

Jordan: Oh. OH! Oh my gosh I knew that, I totally did! I'm so sorry!

Amy: It’s ok. Really.

Jordan sets the glass on the table and there’s a long silence before Bree motions to Amy.

Bree: Amy, can you come help me with something in the kitchen?

Amy leaves the room and Jaina hugs Jordan from the side and laughs.

Jaina: Are you going to be ok? You look like your face is burning.

Jordan: I’ve never done this before and I’m overthinking it.

Jaina: Done what?

Jordan: Any of this. Thanksgiving with a family. Anything with a family.

Jaina: Oh. Well. It’s not that scary. Just stuff your face, and listen to the conversations and answer when they ask you questions and you’ll be fine. I probably should have reminded you about mom to save you from all of that embarrassment, sorry about that. I’ve never even seen you this nervous about a match. My family is not that scary.

Jordan smiles and plants a kiss on Jaina’s lips as they stay locked in a side hug.

Jordan: I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else, anyway. I’m just still getting used to all of this. It’s so nice. Last time I went to a Thanksgiving dinner was like five years ago. They ate take-out Chinese food. It was not the same as this. I like all of this. I’ve just been on my own a lot. It’s nice knowing I don’t have to be on my own anymore.

Jaina: Not if you don’t want to be.

Jordan squeezes Jaina close as a warm smile comes across her lips, right before she brings that glass of wine to them and takes a sip.

November 29, 2019 - Iowa

As Jordan pushes one of two double doors inward to a large building she finds a number of people working out around a wrestling ring. There, in the ring, stood Jake. She walked toward the ring and put her bag on the outside near some rickety wooden steps that led to the apron. Climbing up the stairs, she’s quickly greeted.

Jake: Ah, you’re here. Wasn’t sure you were actually coming.

Jordan: Jake, we have a tag team title match in a few days. Of course I was coming to make sure we were on the same page.

Jake: Well, you know, you’re always with them.

Jordan: Them?

Jake: Those friends. The Beautiful People or whatever.

Jordan: That’s like an old as shit song by Marilyn Monroe or some shit.

Jake: Easy, not that old. Marilyn Manson.

Jordan sighs and crosses her arms as she shakes her head.

Jordan: Anyway… are you talking about the Beauty Factory? Because I mostly hang out with Bree. And most of all my girlfriend.

Jake: They aren’t all in the group?

Jordan: Do you not, like, pay attention to anything?

Jake points at Jordan’s chest. She awkwardly looks down and sees that she’s wearing a shirt that features both Bree and Sienna.

Jordan: That’s different, dude. They’re friends.

Jake: But are they?

Jordan: I’m not sure what you’re doing right now, but please stop it. They are my friends and they helped me get to the point I was at before you showed up.

Jake: Ah, but where were they when I had to show up? You know what, nevermind. This match…

Jordan looks annoyed and shakes her head, gritting her teeth and balling her hands into fists before uncrossing her arms.

Jake: Have you been in any matches like this?

Jordan: A ladder match? No. It can’t be that hard. Climb the ladder and grab the titles before anyone else.

Jake: Ah, so you think it’s that easy. This match could test you mentally and physically. Have you ever had to climb a ladder when you’re worn out and can barely muster the strength to pull yourself upward?

Jordan: Well, no. But I…

Jake: Have you ever…

Jake turns and picks up a chair and Jordan looks at him curiously.

Jake: Fallen from a ladder, several feet down to your back or side. Or had someone hit you with a ladder?

Jordan: I guess not. What’s the point?

Jake: You see that up there? That sort of rafter area in the gym?

Jake points and Jordan turns to look up.

Jordan: That’s way higher than we’ll climb? Why would we be up there?

Jake swings the chair at Jordan’s back with a resounding thud that sounds throughout the gym and gathers the attention of a few who are working out near them.

Jordan: FUCK!

Jordan falls to her knees and then down onto her hands. Jake lets out a laugh and unfolds the chair, sitting down.

Jake: It feels like that. Only 10 times worse.

Jordan: You asshole. We’re on the same team.

Jake: This isn’t a match. This is just you and I talking and me showing you what you should expect when it comes to this ladder match. I have been in so many big matches in my time in SCW. I’ve challenged people in ways others though I was crazy. But that’s why I have a legacy here that stretches on and my name is remembered always and you, well, you’re just a person who was lucky enough to be on the roster this last year.

Jordan turns and sits down cross-legged on the mat. She looks down.

Jake: And right there. That’s the thing I notice most about you. When someone puts down your ability or your accomplishments. You look down. Do you see that person you called mom around here still messing with your head?

Jordan looks up at him and scowls.

Jordan: You think I asked to grow up with her? Do you think I wanted that?

Jake: I didn’t say any of that, did I? What you went through growing up turned you into who you are now. Your personality and your flaws. They aren’t because you’re related to me. You aren’t me. We’re blood related, but we’re not the same. Those things you do that are things I’ve been doing for years, that’s you trying to imitate me. Which, I’m flattered, really.

Jordan: Shut up.

Jake: But seriously, all the things that you are capable of, that’s you. You’re naturally talented. In different ways. I see you and things you did to get here… I’m not sure everyone can make that path. I didn’t so I can’t even predict what would have been different. Which brings me back to my original question. You could have joined me up here for Thanksgiving. What’s so special about them?

Jordan brings her legs up to her chest and wraps her arms around them.

Jordan: Ok, firstly, I’m still not totally convinced your family isn’t just a bunch of differently named chairs. If I hadn’t met a few of them I would be sure they’re all chairs. And secondly, when you first came back at Taking Hold of the Flame, I didn’t even know you were coming back. I was in a weird place. I was sort of seeing things. Not sleeping well. Having a lot of feelings that were coming out of nowhere. Things I’d felt when I was 13 or 14. I saw someone, got some medication. Had a lot of dreams as a result where I was hurting people like beyond the ring.

Jake: Is this shit serious, or is this like something you just conjured up on the spot as an excuse? And these dreams… they’re like sexy dreams right?

Jordan rolls her eyes and shakes her head.

Jordan: Stop it. You’re my brother. Anyway... things started to go south with my girlfri… well, the girl I was sort of seeing. We saw that whole thing differently. So Bree stepped in and she was the voice of reason. She told me what I needed to hear. She told me to always look out for myself. I feel like she has been a mentor to me when I needed it the most. The rest of it just sort of happened. And of course, I have other reasons for being there too.

Jake: Ah, that girl you’re always hanging around. Well, here’s what I say. You trust her so that’s good enough for me. I didn’t find her to be the most trustworthy when I fought her a few months back, but regardless. You’ve got to do your thing. And we have to do our thing. Now, go out there and grab that ladder.

Jordan and Jake stand up and Jake folds his chair up as Jordan looks around the gym.

Jordan: Where?

Jake swings the chair into her back again with a thud that knocks her to the ground.

Jordan: What the hell!?

Jordan rolls over on to her back and lets out a cough as Jake laughs at her again.

Jake: You’ve got to be ready for anything. The ladder is under the ring.

Jordan shakes her head and rolls her eyes as she crawls over to the ropes to pull herself up.


A montage of Philadelphia is shown before it settles on Jordan standing at the bottom of a set of steps and looking up at a statue that rests at the top.

I’ve heard before that this is a city where champions are made. Maybe that’s just something for the movies. Maybe it’s just a fairytale that someone came up with to make the people of this place believe in something. To think that they can dream and that somehow those dreams will eventually become realities. No one ever wanted that to happen for me. No one ever wanted me to even dream I was capable of doing anything at all. I grew up in a terrible situation. I won’t bother comparing mine to anyone else. We all have our own personal tragedies and triumphs. I don’t even want to talk about when I was deadass broke and couldn’t afford a Happy Meal. Everyone has their own path. Mine has led me here to this moment. I’d be lying if I said I ever dreamed about challenging for the tag team titles with my own brother, but then again, I never thought I’d be here at all. I’ve never had the time to dream about things like this. I dreamed about getting my big moment at Rise to Greatness after I signed with the company. I’ve already failed in two other attempts at winning gold and I’ve started to think there’s nothing else to lose. I felt accomplished from what I did there at RTG and what I did soon after by beating Ravyn again. It felt like a big deal to me. But to some, it means nothing.

Even Ravyn’s own wife, Syren, made sure I knew that a week ago. I gave her damn near everything I had and she still beat me. And this was only after she berated me and belittled everything I’ve done in this company as if it means nothing at all. All the fighting I’ve done, well a legend like her makes it sound like I’m wasting my time. Like I should hang up the tights, pick up my ball, and just go on home to where I belong. I’m tired of it. I’ve gotten sick and tired of people telling me I don’t matter just because I haven’t won several world titles or titles at all. I’m done with all the bullshit that is fed to me on a silver platter by people who want to ignore me because I’m just this young rookie that apparently doesn’t know her shit. Syren did everything she could to make sure I knew how worthless I was to her last week. She barely escaped that match with a victory, but they say a win is a win is a win. It didn’t matter how ugly it was. She reminded me that it was going to be an honor to lose to her. The biggest thing that has ever happened in my career. Now I can pay back that favor for her -- by making absolutely sure her wife leaves Clarity without a new toy for you two to play with in bed.

I don’t know what will happen at Clarity in that ladder match. I’ve never even been in a ladder match. For all I know I’ll fall off the top of that ladder and break my freaking neck trying to win this match. But if I have to pull my half broken self up a ladder just to keep from proving you right, I’ll do it. Because I do matter, Syren. Maybe you got away with one because you didn’t have to take the blame for what happened in the chamber, but it doesn’t make you and your group any less guilty of all the other crimes you’ve committed around here. Your wife took something from me. She tried to expose me as vulnerable. She was proven wrong. Now your move is to try and paint me as useless and unneeded. I’ll prove you wrong, too. I’m every bit as capable of becoming a tag team champion with my brother as any other team in that match. This match has proven tag teams, and Jake and I have just been thrown together. But we have a bond that goes deep like what the twins have. Even if we didn’t grow up together. Even if our stories are completely different and there’s just that one link, the blood we do share is enough to drive us to win this for each other and for ourselves. He has my back and I have his. And no matter what nefarious things your people have planned to rob every other team in this contest of their chance to win these titles, we will snuff it out. Just like we will that last remaining bit of light that glows in your wife’s eyes when you look at her at night. This is her plunge into total darkness. Courtesy of the Starrs.

Jordan takes a step forward and starts to climb the steps that lead to the statue.

The worst part about what Syren said last week is it forced me to crawl back into my head for a moment. There was a time when I did feel like the person she described me as. Shortly after I signed to join this company, I left to get my head right. Things happened while I was gone. Fortunes changed and my mental health improved, and I was right back here doing what I was born to do. Working my way up the ladder at the toughest wrestling company I’ve ever been a part of. Then Ravyn got involved in my business and it put me in a bad place once again. I fought myself out of that place and I had to fight back. The question now should be what is the obsession of Infamous with Jordan Majors? Why do they keep coming for me just because I won a match they seemed ill-prepared for during the summer? It has been months now and they have been unable to move on. I have become the subject of their deepest desires. They wish to do horrible things to me and all because of one match. One match caused Ravyn to try and permanently damage my leg. One match caused Syren to try to damage me mentally. All because of one match they lost. And you might be asking yourself, was it because of the great stakes that were involved in that match that they lost? No, this is about pride. This is because they made a plan and because that plan ultimately failed. This is because they didn’t get their way. It’s a childish reaction from veterans who can’t grapple with the idea of losing to an unproven rookie.

Jordan reaches the statue of a movie icon at the top and looks up at the bronze statue of the boxer.

I know in their minds they believed if they kept poking and prodding or trying different ways to break me down, eventually I would succumb and I would give up. They want me to surrender and put up the white flag and wave it like a coward. They can rest horribly knowing it will never happen. The idea of this match has breathed serious new life into me. I look at this statue of Rocky and I think about the stories of underdogs who prevailed in the end. There are days I feel like him in so many ways. I grew up the punching bag of a woman who blamed me for things that weren’t possibly the fault of a mere child. I was abused by an alcoholic who hated seeing my face and the idea of my presence apparently made her feel ill. I ran away from that only to find nowhere to turn. People who didn’t want me and spit on me. People who sent me right back to the women who’d just as soon see me dead than to see me in her home. I escaped that only to have my own mind punch at me and play tricks on me that no young woman should ever have to deal with. I couldn’t separate fantasy from reality. I struggled to find my place in this industry, even feeling pushed away by this locker room when I arrived so much so that I nearly gave this all up to sit in a car and whither away. But today I stand here, stronger than ever with the hand of my older brother on my shoulder reassuring me this was the correct path all along. I see now that those moments in the past made me stronger and allowed me to grow into a person who is a great friend to a terrific mentor. Hopefully a strong girlfriend who is there emotionally and physically. And a talented fighter who has channeled all of those past experiences and packaged them into one product in the ring that refuses to give up and will never stop.

Jordan reaches out and touches the statue and closes her eyes for a moment, as the camera pans around to the side. She opens her eyes and nods.

I’ve never been a champion in this company, but this is only the beginning of what I’m going to do in SCW. I’ve only been here for one year and it took me time, but I’ve started to really gain momentum and pick up steam. I’m starting to understand what it means to compete with the greatest talents on earth. My composure is different now. Bree has shown me what I need to do if I want to be able to compete at the level she does. Jake has told me what it will take if I want to raise my status in this company and get on the path to becoming one of the greatest wrestlers to ever grace this place. I’d imagine the truth is no one really wants to see that happen for me, but me. I’ve never had anyone else to look out for me and what I want. And Bree once told me I had to do that for myself. It’s in my best interests to make sure Jake and I walk out of Clarity as the new SCW Tag Team Champions. I understand the obstacles that lay in front of us. Featured in that match with us is the four best tag teams that currently call SCW their home. We have to find a way to better than them. And we will. The SCW ring hasn’t been the kindest place to Jake lately, but he’s been waiting for that right moment for it to all come back to him in the best way possible. Why not next to his sister. Me? I’m hungry. No, starved for a good reason to piss off the person that can’t seem to leave me alone and her wife who believes her own lies while telling me to get bent and go away. Screw Syren and Ravyn. To hell with Infamous or whatever they want to call themselves. Jake and I will win this match for us. We will win this one because the underdogs will have their day. They say that stuff only happens in the movies, well, this time we’re making it happen for real. You better believe it because Jordan Majors… no… Jordan and Jake Starr are money. You can bank on that, baby!

Jordan gives the Rocky statue another nod before looking down the steps and jogging away from the camera as it pans upward to the sky.

Messages In This Thread
Tag Team Championship Ladder Match - by HardyGirl - 11-27-2019, 08:55 AM
RE: Tag Team Championship Ladder Match - by Jsquared - 12-01-2019, 11:08 AM
RE: Tag Team Championship Ladder Match - by Syren - 12-01-2019, 12:51 PM
RE: Tag Team Championship Ladder Match - by Syren - 12-01-2019, 12:53 PM

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