Cruze, Blackbourne, Sutter & Raab vs. Frost, Marie Jones, Tommy Valentine & Gold
OOC: The translation for the Norwegian language is underneath the original with italics and coloured so Olek and the rest of you can understand what's been said in both scenes. Good luck everyone and may the best RPer win. Can't wait to read the RP's later.

[Image: xyKCnrl.png]

Helping a homeless man, unable to speak English. Chicago, Illinois. Friday 24th January (Off Camera)

It's a strange day for Konrad as he wasn't wrestling for his usual company he wrestles for on Mondays. It's for Supreme Championship Wrestling and considering it's one of the two places in America asides from Anaheim, California he has a place to live; it wasn't a new city for him when he wrestles in Chicago every Monday week. However things today was very different with Konrad having a smile on his face, being happy to wrestle on the PPV on Sunday.

He lost the tag match with Aaron, but Konrad still had a big smile on his face, knowing at least he's wrestling on the PPV for the first time since the win he had against Casterillo in September. However, many people counted his End Of The Year match being a PPV event, but it was optional. As he was getting shopping for himself, he saw a man who wasn't able to speak English sitting on the floor, in the cold. 

The writing on the sign the seems to be in another language, but a language Konrad could understand Norwegian. It was a sign not in excellent English to ask for money. Konrad's face turned from happy to sad, seeing everyone ignoring him because it's in terrible English with nobody being able to understand. The man stops in front of Konrad and says this.

Homeless early forties man: “Har du fått noen endring? Ingen vil gi meg penger fordi de ikke forstår meg. Hjelp meg.”

Have you got any change? Nobody will give me money because they don't understand me, please help me.

It was in a language Konrad wasn't very fluent in at all, but he still understood what he said to Konrad which luckily, he knew some Norwegian words. There's no way Konrad would leave this guy on the floor as he went down on one knee, patting his shoulder as he sees the man wincing and tears running down his face. Konrad looks at his empty hands, having watery eyes, knowing he has helped Fizz in the same situation before, but the guy couldn't speak any English.

Konrad Raab: “Jeg er ikke veldig flink til å snakke norsk når jeg kommer fra Tyskland, men jeg gir deg noe bedre enn penger. Vil du dra til meg i supermarkedet?”

I'm not very good at speaking Norwegian as I come from Germany, but I give you something better than money. Do you want to go to the supermarket with me?

Although Konrad wasn't very fluent in Norwegian, the man smiled at him, knowing there was someone out there who gave him all the attention he never got from any stranger due to the language barrier. The man says this.

Homeless early forties man: “Selvfølgelig ville det slå det å være her ute hele tiden uten at noen bryr seg om meg fordi jeg ikke kan engelsk.”

Of course, that would beat being out here all the time with nobody caring about me because I can't speak English.

Konrad Raab: “Ikke bekymre deg. Jeg er glad for at du kunne forstå meg. Jeg vil aldri at noen skal sitte her, spesielt hvis de ikke kan engelsk. Jeg er heldig som har familie i Norge for å kunne snakke språket litt. La oss dra til supermarkedet, så vi kan snakke og få ting du kan spise.”

Don't worry. I'm glad you could understand me. I never want anyone to be sitting here, especially if they can't speak English. I'm lucky I have family in Norway to be able to speak the language a bit. Let's go to the supermarket so we can talk and get things for you to eat.

Homeless early forties man: “Takk skal du ha. Jeg er Filip Braaten.”

Thank you. I'm Filip Braaten.

Konrad Raab: “Værsågod. Jeg er Konrad Raab.”

You're welcome. I'm Konrad Raab.

Konrad holds his hand up for Filip as Filip grabs on Konrad's hand and pulls himself up as he places his red woollen blanket and the large blue plastic bag in the mini black rucksack with Norway flags on it to zip it up and Filip walks with Konrad to the supermarket. As they came to the supermarket, the man shivers and stops as Konrad looked back and sees Filip not wanting to go in.

Filip Braaten: “Nei, ikke der inne.”

No, not in there.

Konrad Raab: “Er du utestengt fra denne butikken?”

Are you banned from this store?

Filip Braaten: “Min far sparket meg ut av hjemmet sitt og vil aldri se meg igjen. Han jobber der, det er derfor jeg ikke vil gå inn der.”

My dad kicked me out of his home and never wants to see me again. He works there, that's why I don't want to go in there.

It occurred to Konrad, he wasn't the only person who had father issues or in Konrad's case, he did, Filip did as well, and that brought memories back to Konrad, especially with the counselling sessions he's had lately. Konrad gulps, knowing the history has hunted him a lot recently, trying to hold back the feelings he had for his father, taking him a while to talk to Filip, but five minutes later, he does speak to Filip, and he says this.

Konrad Raab: “Jeg vet alt om farsaker. Faren min pleide å slå, brenne meg, og gjorde alt for å ødelegge og gjøre meg slutt.”

I know all about father issues. My dad used to beat, burn me, doing everything possible to destroy and end me.

Filip Braaten: “Jævla, beklager å høre det. Faren min var ikke sånn; Jeg ble sparket ut fordi jeg tok dårlige avgjørelser i livet mitt. Jeg tok kokain, og da min far fant det, sparket han meg ut av huset. Jeg gjorde en enorm feil, og jeg vet ikke hvordan jeg skal gjøre ting riktig.”

Damn, sorry to hear that. My father wasn't like that; I got kicked out because I made bad decisions with my life. I took cocaine, and when my dad found out, he kicked me out of the house. I made a huge mistake, and I don't know how to make things right.

Konrad Raab: “Hvis faren din er der, snakker jeg med ham om det. Hvis ikke, så kommer jeg med deg hver uke til han er der, så jeg kan snakke med ham."

If your father is there, I'll talk to him about it. If not, then I'll come with you every week, until he's there so I can speak to him.

Filip nodded, having a smile on his face because the chance of him wanting to reconnect his father desperately was high, Filip had no confidence in speaking or even seeing his dad after the day of being left in the streets. They walk into the store with Konrad pushing the trolley and Filip points to bananas. He places them in the trolley, a good start as Konrad got a few bananas himself, along with apples and other vegetables. Filip then went to pick up some cheese, cheese that's famous in Norway and places them in the trolley.

Konrad got himself seeded bread to eat since he's so strict on his diet and getting things like vegetable mince, eggs, Veggie burgers, veggie sausages, pasta, other vegetables in tins like peas and sweetcorn. When Filip saw a section for beef jerky, he picked some up and placed them in Konrad's trolley. He also went to get himself bars of chocolate and small packs of crisps to put in the trolley.

Konrad Raab: “Det vi trenger er drikke til deg.”

What we need is drinks for you.

Filip Braaten: “Jeg er enig. Jeg liker cola.”

I agree. I like coke.

Konrad Raab: “OK, vi tar dem for deg. Jeg derimot, jeg trenger å skaffe meg smoothies, og proteinshakes.”

Alright, we'll go and get them for you. Me, on the other hand, I need to get myself smoothies, and protein shakes.

Filip Braaten: “Spiser du ikke kjøtt?

Do you not eat meat?

Konrad Raab: “Nei, jeg er vegetarianer. Jeg vil også være sunn, spesielt når kampen mot fire andre brytere kommer opp på søndag. Jeg er så streng med kostholdet mitt.”

No, I'm a vegetarian. I also want to be healthy, especially with my match against four other wrestlers is coming up on Sunday. I'm so strict with my diet.

Filip nodded, hearing about how strict Konrad was with his diet, but because of only finding out he was a professional wrestler, he understood, and they reached the drinks section for Filip to pick up small cans of coke, but Konrad turns round to say this.

Konrad Raab: “Få store flasker cola.”

Get big bottles of coke.

Filip places the cans back and picks up big bottles of coke which he selected four bottles in one pack and places them in Konrad's trolley. Konrad went to pick up smoothies, and protein shakes to put in his trolley. Of course, Konrad went back to the fruit and vegetable section as he wanted to get a packet of salad and cucumber to use for his sandwiches and goes to the vegetarian section to pick up vegetarian cheese and yoghurt to place in the trolley.

Filip Braaten: “Ville ikke disse store flaskene være for tunge for meg å bære rundt når jeg trenger toalettet?”

Wouldn't these big bottles be too heavy for me to carry around when I need the toilet?

Konrad Raab: “Nei. Fordi du ikke har noe sted å bo og ingen vil hjelpe deg, kommer du til å være hos meg i noen dager, til og med komme for å se meg bryte.”

No. Because you haven't got anywhere to live and nobody will help you, you are going to stay with me for a few days, even coming to see me wrestle too.

Filip Braaten: “Herregud, tusen takk. Jeg trodde aldri at jeg skulle se dagen med å sove i et varmt hjem igjen, spesielt fra noen som kan forstå meg. Du er ikke dårlig til å snakke norsk.

Oh my god, thank you so much. I never thought I'd see the day of sleeping in a warm home again, especially from someone who can understand me. You're not bad at speaking Norwegian.

Konrad Raab: “Det er ikke noe problem i det hele tatt. Jeg liker ikke å se at du lider i gatene og aldri får hjelp på grunn av språkbarrieren. Du har noen som forstår deg. Gå og skaff deg litt kylling og storfekjøtt, mens jeg stiller opp for å betale for disse varene før vi går tilbake til leiligheten min. Jeg har ingen problemer med å lage fersk mat til deg, alt du trenger for å få styrke tilbake.”

It's no problem at all. I don't like to see you suffer in the streets and never receive any help because of the language barrier. You have someone who does understand you. Go and get yourself some chicken and beef, while I line up to pay for these items before we go back to my apartment. I'll have no problems cooking fresh food for you, everything you need to get strength back.

Filip has tears down his face while leaving Konrad as he couldn't believe someone, a professional wrestler nevertheless was offering to stay at Konrad's apartment, since he couldn't see his dad working here today. He went to get chicken, streak and mince for himself and races back to Konrad to pay for the items. Konrad paid for the items and got Filip to help him carry bags back to his apartment.

As they reached Konrad's apartment, Konrad dropped the bags and got his keys out of his pocket and unlocked the doors to pick the bags up. Filip, on the other hand, was shocked, seeing how clean the place was he's staying in for a few days. He did pick up Konrad's shopping and brought it in the house and closes the door. As Konrad places the shopping in the fridge or freezer, Jerry stood up and said this.

Jerry Flack: “Konrad, we didn't agree to have visitors here."

Konrad Raab: “I couldn't let Filip suffer in the streets anymore, Filip can't write or speak English at all. He only speaks Norwegian, and the only person he's ever spoken to is me because nobody gives a damn about him just because he doesn't speak or write in English. I'm going to give him food to eat until I go and find his father who works in the supermarket we go to.”

A little hostile between Jerry and Konrad, but at the same time, it's a situation that made Filip uncomfortable, and he was just about to leave home, fearing the arguments it seems and Konrad quickly rushed to the door and says this.

Konrad Raab: “Det er OK, ikke la være. Jeg mente alt jeg sa om å holde deg her i noen dager og få deg matet og drukket. Jerry forsto ikke hvorfor du var her; det er alt. Jeg tipper at du ikke liker argumenter heller.”

It's alright, don't leave. I meant everything I said on keeping you here for a few days and get you fed and drank. Jerry didn't understand why you were here; that's all. I'm guessing you don't like arguments either.

Filip Braaten: “Nei, argumenter skremmer meg fordi det var slik jeg ble sparket ut av huset fra faren min. Var bekymret for at du hadde sparket meg ut også.”

No, arguments scare me because it was how I was kicked out of the house from my dad. Was worried you'd kick me out too.

Konrad Raab: “Jeg sa deg, jeg ville aldri gjort det, spesielt er jeg den eneste fyren som kan norsk i Amerika. Føl deg hjemme. Jeg skal ordne dette med min mentale trener.”

I told you, I'd never do that, especially I'm the only guy who can speak Norwegian in America. Make yourself at home. I'll sort this out with my mental trainer.

As Filip sat on the sofa, going to watch TV for the first time since for almost two months, he was in a warm place and felt safe on Konrad being the only guy who could understand him. Konrad and Jerry go to the room and start talking for a while about Filip and Sunday. Jerry felt terrible because of seeing how bad the guy needed someone to understand him.

Jerry Flack: “Where is he going to sleep, though?”

Konrad Raab: “If you showed some heart, you'd know my sofa is a bed. I want Filip to be comfortable so your sleeping on the sofa, and he sleeps in your room. He needs to be secure and comfortable. I must do this, so Filip trusts me.”

Jerry Flack: “He does seem like he's scared of a lot of things.”

Konrad Raab: “Wouldn't you be if you couldn't speak English coming from a country in Europe where English isn't their first language and everyone ignoring Filip because of the language barrier?”

Jerry nodded; he would be afraid to go somewhere where nobody understood him and not being given a chance because he wasn't able to speak Chinese for an example. Jerry sighed, not liking the situation he has, but he felt Konrad had no choice and was already lost on what they were talking about earlier.

Jerry Flack: “The language you spoke, that wasn't German, English or Japanese. What was it?”

Konrad Raab: “Norwegian. I have family in Norway, so I understand the language a bit. He had a smile on his face when he finally found someone that understands him. He was going to leave because he thought I was going to yell at him. His dad did before kicking him out of his home. He made a huge mistake to take cocaine. I think he could be an alcoholic too because I did smell alcohol from his breath.”

Jerry Flack: “It's very kind of you to do that. I have no choice, but to accept him around us. As long as you go to the gym, workout and do some fan interaction stuff for helping the animals, we arrange for you to do yesterday, that's the main thing.”

Konrad Raab: “Of course I will. I got to tell Filip where I'm going. Just make sure he's feeling safe and secure. Any problems, text me, and I'll help you to understand him.”

Jerry followed Konrad's instructions as he opened the bedroom door that Filip will be sleeping in for a few days, although the other problem would be a lack of clothes for Filip to wear, Konrad has a plan since he has a lot of clothes in the wardrobe. Filip's watching TV, being entertained and laughed at the comedy show he's watching. Konrad says this.

Konrad Raab: “Jeg skal til treningsstudioet nå. Jerry vil ta seg av deg og ba ham sende en tekst til meg hvis han sliter med å forstå deg. Jeg kommer tilbake om to timer.”

I'm going off to the gym now. Jerry will take care of you and told him to text me if he struggles to understand you. I will be back in two hours.

Filip Braaten: “Ok. Jerry kommer ikke til å skade eller sparke meg ut, er han det når du ikke er her?”

Alright. Jerry's not going to hurt or kick me out, is he when you're not here?

Konrad Raab: “Han vil ikke, og han vet om han gjør det, han ville være i en hel verden av problemer med at jeg roper og roper på ham fordi jeg kommer til å ta vare på deg, da livet mitt er avhengig av det. Jeg ser deg senere.”

He won't, and he knows if he does, he'd be in a whole world of trouble of me yelling and shouting at him because I'm going to take care of you as my life depends on it. I'll see you later.

Filip Braaten: “Kos deg i treningsstudioet ditt. Igjen tusen takk for at du tok meg med hjem i noen dager.”

Enjoy your gym workout. Again thank you so much for taking me in your home for a few days.

Filip stood up and gave Konrad a massive hug, holding him for quite sometime before he lets go of from Konrad who went to his room to place his gym gear in his bag before closing the bedroom door with his bag. He picks up the keys before opening the door and closing it to head to the gym to work out for a couple of hours.


A call about the beaten cat to take home/Trios Tournament match discussions. Chicago, Illinois. Saturday 25th January (Off Camera)

Konrad has been coming to Chicago every week to help out the Animal Rescue Craft Guild to do knitting for the animals who still needed things to keep them safe. Things like making nests, poaches, mittens and blankets were mainly needed to keep kangaroos, birds, koala bears and bats safe. At the same time, while he's doing this, along with Filip who also came to help, knowing how much passion Konrad has for the animals, he also had fans to meet as well, even while he's in the middle of knitting poaches, mittens, nests and blankets.

Konrad wanted to do the meet and greets with the fans for nothing, but because SCW management told him he couldn't, instead, the money he makes from meeting the fans were all going to the wildlife animals in Australia charity. It's always something of a passion for Konrad, especially when he once again like a couple of weeks ago, he wears a rainbow mask with sowed on Australian animals patches on each of his cheeks on the mask. Konrad knows he and Filip were helping a good cause, even while Konrad signs autographs and took pictures with the fans, although had been busy helping, some fans also offered to help to do some knitting for the animals. They stayed behind and joined in.

It has made the owner who was a woman in her thirties with blond hair named Jessica of the Animal Rescue Craft Guild club extremely happy for Konrad to not only do meet and greets with the fans but to also get some of them to join in and help together. It's working well with Filip who's quiet, getting down to work. As all of this was happening, he had a phone call. He decides to ignore it because he was busy with the fans and the knitting of things for the suffering animals in Australia. After meet and greets are temporary over, Konrad pulls his phone from his pocket and sees the missed call from the vets in California. He dialled the number back to place over his ear.

Because Filip and Konrad had been knitting things since eight in the morning and had more people coming to help to knit things, more than Jessica ever had. Konrad deserved a bit of a break as he goes away from the kitting area and goes in a spare room where nobody was around, and the phone picked up.

Male voice: “This is California animal rescue society, Matthew, you're speaking to. How can we help?”

Konrad Raab: “Hello, this is Konrad Raab, and I received a phone call from you earlier.”

Matthew: “Oh, yes, that's right. We called you because we wanted to let you know the ginger cat you rescued two weeks ago is ready to go back home. Your wife is on her way to collect it. It's a boy cat, and it's been neutered from your request made earlier this week. He's put on a lot of weight now and is eating properly.”

Konrad Raab: “I'm pleased to hear that. That got a bit crazy that day, didn't it?”

Matthew: “Yes and we're very thankful for your help on saving a kitten being left in the car for days. We know you and Fizz will be excellent owners to the ginger cat who's now well and healthy to go home. When you come home this week, you'll be seeing your new cat.”

Konrad Raab: “I can't wait to come home after Sunday and take care of the cute kitten. Thank you for letting me know, and I'll be working with you a lot very soon.”

Matthew: “You're welcome.”

That's when the phone cut off as Konrad placed the phone in his pocket when Filip who found Konrad in the other room, looking concerned as he was told to take a break, even if Jessica from what Konrad saw pointed to Filip to leave asks this.

Filip Braaten: “Hvorfor sluttet du å strikke og forlate rommet?”

Why did you stop knitting and leave the room?

Konrad Raab: “For under møtene og hilsenene jeg har gjort, hadde jeg en telefon fra dyrepassasjersamfunnene i California. Det handler om en fem måneder gammel kattunge jeg reddet for et par uker siden som var fanget i en bil i tre dager fra en tidligere eier som prøvde å drepe den og sa at det er sunt å komme hjem til meg og Fizz.”

Because during the meet and greets I've done, I had a phone call from the California animal rescue society vets. It's about a five-month-old kitten I rescued a couple of weeks ago who was trapped in a car for three days from a previous owner who was trying to kill it saying that it's healthy to come home to me and Fizz.

Filip Braaten: “Den stakkars kattungen. Det viser at du forteller meg denne historien, hvor mye du bryr deg om dyr. Jeg er glad det er i et nytt hjem som vil bli elsket og tatt vare på.”

That poor kitten. It shows you telling me this story, how much you care about animals. I'm glad it's in a new home that will be loved and cared for.

Konrad Raab: “Det vil, veldig mye, men også med barna mine så vel som med Fizz og meg selv.”

It will, very much, but also with my children as well as with Fizz and myself.

Filip Braaten: “Jeg tror vi bør komme tilbake på jobb.”

I think we better get back to work.

Konrad Raab: “Jeg er enig, la oss gå tilbake.”

I agree, let's head back.

Konrad and Filip left the empty room and got back to work. Before they got started this morning, Filip was shown what he had to do. For Filip, anything's better than being in the streets and begging for money. It was for a good cause. Of course, Konrad knew the match he has coming up was important, being apart of Owen's team with Aaron and Clyde who's already caused a lot of problems. As Konrad and Filip knit a lot of things, it occurred to Filip Konrad hadn't spoken anything about the match, and he asks about it.

Filip Braaten: “Så hva er så viktig med kampen du konkurrerer i morgen?”

So, what's so important about the match you're competing in tomorrow?

Konrad Raab: “Trios turnering er der du er sammenkoblet med tre forskjellige brytere, og du vinner en kontrakt, slik at du kan bruke noe med det i et år. Det er min favoritt brytingsturnering i året.”

Trios Tournament is where you are paired up against three different wrestlers, and you win a contract, allowing you to use something with it for a year. It's my favourite wrestling tournament.

Filip Braaten: “Det er unikt. Kan du si at bruk kontrakten for å få tittelkamper?”

That's unique. Could you say use the contract to get title matches?

Konrad Raab: “Ja det kan du. Jeg vet ikke hva jeg skal gjøre med meg ennå. For tidlig å si i øyeblikket.”

Yes, you can. I don't know what I'm going to do with mine yet. Too early to say at the moment.

Filip Braaten: “Så hvem er lagkameratene dine og hvem kjemper du mot?”

So who are your teammates and who your fighting against?

Konrad Raab: “Lagkameratene mine er Owen Cruze, Aaron BlackBourne og Clyde Sutter. Motstanderne mine er Selena Frost, Tommy Valentine, Marie Jones og Jay Gold.”

My teammates are Owen Cruze, Aaron BlackBourne and Clyde Sutter. My opponents are Selena Frost, Tommy Valentine, Marie Jones and Jay Gold.

For a while, there was silence as Konrad and Filip went back to work to knit a lot of mittens for the koala bears and poaches for the baby kangaroos. Others were making nests for the bats, although Konrad had done some nests today as well. Everyone was busy at work for a little while. Thirty minutes later, Filip shakes his fingers off, but while working on the pouch he's making, he speaks to Konrad again.

Filip Braaten: “Har du hatt noen kamper med motstanderne dine?”

Have you had any matches with your opponents?

Konrad Raab: “Jeg har ikke hatt en kamp med Jay Gold, nei. Han er den eneste fyren jeg ikke vet så mye om. Tommy Valentine, jeg har hatt mange kamper med, og jeg vil hevne meg for å prøve å skade meg med et kne på hodet og prøve å rive armen av meg. Han vil se hevn fra meg før enn senere.”

I haven't had a match with Jay Gold, no. He's the only guy I don't know much about. Tommy Valentine, I've had plenty of matches with, and I do want to seek revenge for trying to hurt me with a knee to my head and trying to rip my arm off. He'll see revenge from me sooner than later.

Konrad took a break as there was a lot to be said on his next two opponents. He drinks some water after being here all day, knitting along with meeting and greeting the fans who were still coming in and wanting Konrad's autograph and pictures. Once the last few fans went or some that stayed to help, Konrad speaks again.

Konrad Raab: “Jeg har ikke kjempet for Marie Jones på lenge. Som deg har hun også gjort mange feil hun angrer på, men hun har beseiret Gavin Taylor i det siste, så livet hennes er på et bedre sted enn det var i fjor. Selena Frost, jeg angrer på feilene jeg har gjort henne i fjor, men hun er på roll in tag-kamper med Regan Street. Hun er en betydelig trussel i kampen.”

I haven't fought Marie Jones in a long time. Like you, she's also made plenty of mistakes she regrets, but she has defeated Gavin Taylor lately, so her life is in a better place than it was last year. Selena Frost, I regret the mistakes I have done to her last year, but she's on a roll in tag matches with Regan Street. She's a significant threat in the match.

Filip Braaten: “Virker som et fast lag som du er imot. Jeg vet at du, Owen, Aaron og Clyde vil trekke seieren.”

Seems like an adamant team your against. I know you, Owen, Aaron and Clyde will pull off the victory.

Konrad Raab: “Det kan jeg ikke garantere. Jeg, Aaron og Owen kan ikke stole på Clyde fordi han har kostet oss kamper. Samtidig er det bortsett fra hva Trios-turneringen handler om. Vi jobber sammen og tar ned teamet til Selena Frost. Så kjemper vi mot hverandre i en kamp Royal og vinneren tror jeg får det første valget av hvem de vil ha på laget sitt."

I can't guarantee you that. Me, Aaron and Owen can't trust Clyde because he has cost us matches. At the same time, it's apart of what the Trios tournament is about. We work together and take down Selena Frost's team. Then we fight against each other in a battle royal and the winner I think gets the first pick of who they want in their team.

Filip Braaten: “Høres spennende ut.”

Sounds exciting.

Konrad nods, but it wasn't a satisfied nod, especially when a guy coming in looking angry at Konrad, looking as if he's done something wrong, clearly was a wrestling fan coming down to watch Day of Infamy PPV. He smirks at Konrad, wearing a shirt that resembles an enemy of his, Tommy Valentine as he says this.

Tommy Valentine fan: “He made you like your bitch twice now. It's enjoyable to watch a weak old man getting hurt and attacked by Kandis's lover.”

Konrad Raab: “Good for you to come down and visit me, but I don't waste time with ignorant people who are a waste of time.”

Tommy Valentine fan: “Aren't you wasting time being a professional wrestler? You're the biggest failure of them all, and you're going to be the reason why the team will lose because you can't beat anyone.”

Konrad Raab: “I can beat many wrestlers; obviously, you haven't watched what I do in the ring. I don't have time for this, go and live for another day, punk.”

Tommy Valentine fan: “Continue to wrestle with a broken arm and a concussion because only stupid wrestlers continue to wrestle when they keep getting injured by Tommy. You're a cripple old man who won't quit. Come on, lets fight.”

The security comes rushing in before the situation gets out of hand as they drag Tommy Valentine fan away, without the spit he receives that lands right on Konrad's cheek, luckily it was on the mask before being pulled away. Konrad, on the other hand, hadn't received those kinds of insults for a long time, at the same time, he traps them deep inside of him, although he sighs, looking down on the ground. One of the fans came over to Konrad and said this.

Wrestling fan: “What an asshole.”

Konrad Raab: “Yeah, you get them sometimes in the real world as well as in the business, but you stand up to them, and it only reminds me what I have to do, next time I face Tommy by myself.”

Wrestling fan: “You're not thinking of being The Black Ice, are you?”

Konrad Raab: “Not in the trios tournament, no. When it comes to facing Tommy one on one, I have no choice. He's tried to end my career twice now with the concussion he gave me, and he tried to break my arm. I don't want to be The Black Ice again, no chance in hell, but in the circumstances of Tommy, I may very well have to.”

Luckily, Konrad was wearing the rainbow mask that controls him, but he already has the nature to let things loose on Tommy, being way too soft to him was not the answer. He clinches his teeth for a while before he responds to this.

Konrad Raab: “I rather get back to work, than worrying about things on my mind, even if Clyde has me concerned on stabbing the team in the back and Tommy doing everything possible to turn me into The Black Ice again. I can't go through with that again.”

Wrestling fan: “Then don't be The Black Ice. Be The Iced Rainbow with an attitude and do everything to hurt him. He deserves it. However, you're right, I want to help you to save the animals and for us to get back to work.”

The male wrestling fan who was in his twenties was a fan of Konrad, but he goes back to where he was and sat down to continue building a nest for the bats and the birds. Filip, on the other hand, looks around, shaking his head as Konrad explains the situation with him.

Konrad Raab: “En fan minnet meg om hva jeg har å gjøre med Tommy Valentine i fremtiden. Muligens i denne kampen å skade hver del av kroppen hans. Jeg har ingenting mot andre medlemmer av teamet, men Tommy er et spørsmål jeg må ta tak i. Jeg trenger å være voldelig mot ham, så mye som jeg hater å gjøre det, men fansen har rett, jeg har vært svak for at Tommy avsluttet karrieren.”

A fan reminded me of what I have to do with Tommy Valentine in the future. Possibly in this match to hurt every part of his body. I have nothing against other members of the team, but Tommy is an issue I need to tackle. I need to be violent with him, as much as I hate to do so, but the fan's right, I have been weak to Tommy ending my career.

Filip Braaten: “Du er for snill til å gjøre noe sånt. Jeg kan ikke forestille deg at du vil skade Tommy.

You're too kind to do something like that. I can't imagine you, wanting to hurt Tommy.

Konrad Raab: “Jeg vil ikke, nei, men det er noe jeg må gjøre. Det er en må ting jeg skal gjøre nå. Jeg kan ikke la Tommy gå over meg lenger. Jeg måtte avslutte ham med å prøve å fullføre karrieren, raskt."

I don't want to, no, but it's something I have to do. It's a must thing for me to do now. I can't let Tommy walk all over me anymore. I got to end him trying to finish my career, fast.

Jessica comes over to see what's going on and tells everyone to continue working, something Konrad wanted to do, and he does as it kept him busy. For Filip, it was to earn some money as if he helps; he gets paid for it due to his lack of funds. As it was five in the afternoon, Jessica told everyone to stop knitting and she thanks everyone today for helping out a great cause that will go to Australia. They all stand up and leave the community centre that's closing up for the night.

Konrad and Filip walk back to Konrad's apartment with Konrad looking a little angry as he goes in his room and places his gym stuff together to put in his bag. Konrad screams as he needed to let it out before he walks out of the bedroom and tells Filip where he's off to.

Konrad Raab: “På grunn av det som skjedde, må jeg ta turen til treningsstudioet en stund for å roe meg ned. Jeg ser deg om en stund.”

Because of what happened, I need to head to the gym for a while to calm myself down. I'll see you in a while.

Filip nodded at Konrad before he watches TV, but only he was stopped by Jerry who of course didn't understand Konrad's slight tone of anger, and he says this.

Konrad Raab: “I need to go to the gym to calm down. A Tommy Valentine fan reminded me of what I have to do. Tommy has tried to end my career twice now. I need to come back and hurt him. I need to go.”

Jerry nodded, without even responding to Konrad's slight tone of anger as he picks his keys up and closes the door behind him to work out for four hours. It made Konrad feel so much better when he comes home, going into his bedroom to close the door with Filip and Jerry sleeping in bed and on the couch. He turns the laptop on and then does his usual setup on youtube before he goes live on there.


Konrad's quest to earn himself a spot in the Trios Tournament shoot. (On camera)

“I love the Trios Tournament. I know I've already said it, and I'll repeat it, it's my favourite wrestling tournament to compete in. I love the thought the contracts are handed out to the winners and doing something great with it. A lot of people criticize Kellen cashing in his contract for the rumble, but it took guts to do what he did, and I respect that. I prefer to win a title in matches that have odds stacked against me than it is to gain a win that there's a high chance of doing so.

That to me is what SCW should be, competition. Glory's cash-in was to stop Syren as much as I hate her guts for ruining what wrestling is meant to excuse me for my language earning your shit, Glory succeeded there that although she didn't win the title, what she achieved was Syren walking away, titleless. Regan also accomplished her goal of uniting her family together.

Of course, I don't want to ramble more about that because I got other things I should talk a lot more about. Partners like Owen and Aaron I know I can depend on, I proved that with Aaron in the tag match and Owen's a great wrestler and a great team leader, but Clyde is a different cattle and fish altogether. The guy loves to hurt people all the time, not like me when I only hurt people if they deserve it, the guy also likes to cost people matches as well.

Clyde is another Xander Valentine, except he has a bit more guts than Xander does, at least he attempts to attack men as well as women wrestlers. I don't like him or trust him at all, but I know at the same time, it's what Trios Tournament is all about, trusting partners and working as a team to win. That's more important than anything.

I have captained a team late last year over in UGWC when I lead a team of three other wrestlers in Outlast tournament that's a lot like the Trios. However, my team got eliminated in the first match; it shows Sasha does pay attention to what I did over there on being a responsible team leader as I was. I know I want to redo the mistakes I made, regarding that, so I'm going to do everything possible to earn myself a captain spot. I'm also sick and tired of being left out of the PPV's as well and this is a chance to get me to wrestle on them once again as I did before.

Now we go to my opponents. We have Selena Frost who's the most significant threat of them all because of her wins lately against the top wrestlers in SCW. I can't think of anyone she hasn't beaten in the ring. Even I've been defeated by Selena too. Selena's teaming with Regan that's a force to be reckoned with in the tag team division. I have nothing bad to say about her whatsoever as I respect her abilities in the ring. I also apologise for the actions I made before Rise To Greatness. You didn't deserve to be attacked, and I let my emotions on personal problems I had out of the ring get to me.

Jay Gold is the only guy in the match I've had no experience being in the ring with at all. I know he's wrestled against Autumn Valentine in two thousand and seventeen and a few weeks ago, but I really can't say much because of my lack of knowledge about him. However, from what I've heard, he seems to respect this business a lot and wants to do the right thing. Who am I to speak against what Jay wants to do right? You have impressive skills in the ring, and that's all I say.

Marie Jones has made mistakes, much like I have in the past in SCW, but Marie has learnt from them not to repeat the mistakes she has made. That's been proven because nothing brought a smile to my face than seeing her defeat Gavin Taylor who's the worst champion going right now in SCW. I hope you'll get the chance to face him because after the jokes he made about animals in Australia, hence you see the badge patches on the cheeks of my mask to wrestle for them, he deserves a beat down. You're changing into a good woman, and I hope you don't change.

Somebody else who deserves a beat down and he's the reason I've left last on the opponents because although Selena Frost in terms of her achievements is the biggest threat, you're my biggest enemy of the whole lot, Tommy Valentine. You're my biggest target because a fan of yours reminded me of something I haven't been doing, seeking revenge on your ass. I haven't shown aggression to you at all, and yes, you defeated me and while I wouldn't have minded the losses you've given me, what I do mind is you trying everything in your power to end my career.

Giving me a concussion and then trying to rip my arm off, you bet that's why I'm angry, both at you and myself for allowing you to push me around. I won't be pushed around any longer, and you will witness the true meaning of angry The Iced Rainbow. I'm going to punish you any way possible violently, maybe I'll give you a concussion or a sprain in your arm for revenge, bitch. Yes, you're talented wrestler, but crippling someone is not the way forward. If you want to wrestle me violently, bring it because I will not hold back anymore.

Excuse me for being angry, but I've had enough of Tommy trying to injure me from ever coming back to wrestle in the ring. It's got me fired up and why I want to wrestle for the captain spot even more. Nothing against the rest of you and I hope Owen, Aaron and Clyde will leave me with Tommy in the ring because it's time for me to seek revenge on him.

Of course, all of you I don't have revenge on, I know we have a good match against each other and make it competitive, but I do feel we have more top wrestlers on the team, and we want the contracts more than anyone, and we'll prove that in the ring when we'll be the last team standing. Owen, Aaron, Clyde and I will do everything to win this match, whether it's me or one of us will win via pinfall or submission. Then we'll wrestle against each other if we win and get that captain spot we deserve. Prepare to be Iceinated by The Iced Rainbow.”
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I love AJ Allmendinger.

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RE: Cruze, Blackbourne, Sutter & Raab vs. Frost, Marie Jones, Tommy Valentine & Gold - by Konrad Raab - 01-25-2020, 01:26 PM

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