Cruze, Blackbourne, Sutter & Raab vs. Frost, Marie Jones, Tommy Valentine & Gold
The Royal Letter

Dear True Believers of SCW,

I'm not entirely sure of the reasons why I'm doing this Royal Letter. It's not really a promo, per say. You're not going to hear me make promises or threats to my opponents. And I'm not going to waste breath talking about the Twitter troll, Sienna, beyond this sentence. I mean – there's going to be an actual promo, I can promise that. But – well, I'm in Frankfurt, Germany and... I guess you could say I've just been thinking. I mean, living near the country-side and being with family – I don't watch alot of TV. My Netflix list is so damn long, I doubt I'll ever be able to finish it – so, when the kids are asleep or playing outside while I watch them...

Yeah, my mind tends to wander. I think about alot of things. My family, my life – SCW obviously... I've been thinking ALOT about SCW lately, especially with what's on the horizon.

Am I elated? Actually, yes. Actually, before I continue with that – I know I said it already, but more officially – thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for your votes at the End of the Year awards. While I can't always be the world champion or “the wrestler of the year”, I've always prided myself on giving all of you the best that I possible can. Never settling for 'second best' or these 'cheap finishes' that has been plaguing SCW, thanks to those like Infamous and Beauty Network. So, to receive not only “Match of the Year” but “Feud of the Year”... it was beyond special for me.

But it also let me with something to think about. It made me reflect on 2019 – the year that has passed. And, while I would change very little of that year, gods I was involved in so many feuds and wars. Fighting factions, specialty matches galore, I can't recall a moment where I wasn't involved in some kind of personal war with someone. From Bree to Giovanni to Xander – it was just one big personal battle for my beliefs and what's right.

I'd be lying if I said it didn't take its toll on me. I'm sure you've seen some of the scars on me from those battles – definitely seen the blood I've lost. Rest assured, I am not done bleeding or hurting for this company – I intend to keep fighting as “The Face of SCW”...

But I don't want to be looking for wars this year. I don't want to be throwing myself at Sasha and asking for matches to “end feuds” - as much as I am sure that wars will still find me. I want... I want to get back to why I love this place. Why I love being an SCW wrestler. I want to get back to being the best of the best wrestler. I want to get back wrestling. I want to focus on putting on the best matches – match of the year candidates – for all of you. Because there are so many in SCW that would rather buy or cheat their way through. It's why I'm so thrilled that Regan and I are working our way up the tag-team division, working towards that goal...

And it's why I said I was elated with what was headed for us next weekend. Because it's pure wrestling. It is! I know there are factors – certain people that have others watching them. Aaron has Shilo, Clyde has Braddock, Tommy has the entire tag division – but this? This feels like it's genuine wrestling for me. No “Twitter wars”, no “fighting for justice”, no “vengeance” - it's wrestling for the sport. How can I get nervous about that?

Because of what Sasha D. has put on my shoulders.

For those of you that missed it, Sasha named me as one of the four captains of this sort of 'buy-in' for the Trios tournament. Me, Ace Marshall, Owen Cruze, and Syren. And I'm not using any substituted words – she referred to us as “captains”. As in 'leading' a team...

And that's what has me nervous. Because I have never lead a team before.

Yes, I know some people are going to shake their heads at that. I've fought countless battles like these before – just last year, I teamed with Regan, Owen and Kennedy in a winning effort of Tactical Warfare to get Sasha her position in SCW. I've always fought alongside others against stables like the Coalition, Imperium, and Monarchy. So it's not that I don't know how to work as a team player. 

It's the fact that – being named a 'captain' – it creates that expectation of 'leading'. Being a leader, showing leadership – and that's something I've never done before. I've always been with teams that had a common goal but nobody was really “the leader”. We were just united in said common goal. 

But this? Was it just a 'cute name' Sasha slapped on me and the others? Something to sell tickets? Something to get people to tune in? I mean, she's pitting Syren against James at the Superbowl Halftime show – so it's not exactly beyond her to use methods to get more attention. This whole “captain” thing might just be empty words that look good on a match card. 

But what if it isn't? What if I'm expected to be a leader to Jay Gold, Tommy Valentine, and Marie Jones? What if I'm expected to lead them to victory so the four of us can wrestle and determine who gets first pick for the Trios teams?

I don't know how to do that, because I've never done that before. I've never lead a team before. Am I just to expect that someone as veteran as Jay Gold or Tommy Valentine – two men who's careers dwarf mine in longevity – hell, they are both Hall of Fame members! How am I supposed to have them listen to someone that's just passed six years here? The two of them have done everything imaginable – and yes, my accomplishments here are nothing to sneeze at, but come on! 

I mean, even Marie Jones – a woman closer to my age – has more years experience than me! I'm the youngest, least experienced person on this team in terms of numbers, and I'm supposed to lead them?

It's scary, okay? I know I should be showing this face of confidence – and maybe I'll get there come the weekend – but right now, just sitting here... I hate this feeling of not knowing what to do.

And it's not just the experience and age thing. I just spoke of Marie – her mother REALLY doesn't like me. I mean REALLY doesn't like me. She's sided with Beauty Network so many times over me it's not even funny. And it's not like Marie Jones has had issues teaming with those I despise. I know she turned it around – but the point is that, I've seen Marie spit in the face of those that tried to control her. I've seen her turn her back on those that thought they were 'calling the shots'. And when her captain is someone her mother despises?

How do I lead that? How do I deal with that?

And gods... Odin on high – you want to talk about direct enemies? Did any of you see what Tommy and Kandis are doing in the tag-team division? They're going after anyone in there way, and I don't mean by beating them in matches. I mean sending them to the medic room at the back of each arena. Do I agree with it? Of course not! I don't agree with any such tactics! And Tommy knows this. He knows I'm going to stop him if he tries it during the match. But more than that, he knows that he and I are after the same thing. The World Tag-Team titles. Trios could get him and I there faster, but there is no denying that I am someone that will, sooner or later, be in his way for those titles...

How do I work with that? How do I work with such a wildcard that could turn on me, on my teammates, at the drop of the hat because he feels it will serve his personal goals better? He's that smart – you don't survive this long and do all he's done without being smart – and what's more... if Kandis wins her match on the other side of matches... he won't need to win for his team to have a Trios contract...

And here's the thing: I know I have a kindred spirit, at least, on the team with Jay Gold. I was touched when he spoke so highly of me at the End of the Year event. It meant a lot to me to hear it. I know he wants this, maybe as much as I do. That this could be his 'resurrection' of sorts. His ticket to making that “Golden Age” he's spoken about bringing. I won't lie, what's he's been describing it as... I can get behind it. It sounds wonderful. SCW that's all about wrestling and not buying people or blackmailing them or attacking en masse during matches? I could really get behind that.

But again...that experience. That wisdom... 

What if I make the wrong decision? What if I make the wrong call during the match? Or with the strategy. I mean... I'm facing a man that's pinned me twice and his team – at least three I have the utmost respect for, but each one is a different style and set of morals... Shouldn't I be heeding his advice and not hoping he heeds mine?

I don't... I don't know, True Believers. And that is what is so nerve-wracking about this. Because I don't know how to do this. I don't know how to be a leader other than by example. Inspiring people, standing strong in my beliefs, I know how to do that. I know how to be a team-player! I'm great at that! 

But going that extra step? I just...I don't know if I can. I don't know if they'll listen to me... and how I can get them to listen to me if they don't. I wish... I wish I had more time to spend with them. More time to talk to each of them individually. Make them see how important this is to me – and how it should be important to them.

But I don't have more time. I don't really have much time at all. It's slipping away from me one second at a time and, before I know it, it's going to be Day of Infamy in Chicago and I'll be out there, needing to lead my team to victory or take the blame if we lose.

Because that's what being a leader entails, doesn't it? You lose? It all fails on the captain's shoulders. It's like that movie “A Bug's Life”. The big grasshopper, Hopper, said it “First rule of leadership: everything is your fault”.

And if I fail, it's not just myself that I fail – it's failing Marie, Jay and Tommy. It's failing all of you and it's failing what I need to do. What I have to do – what's the right thing to do...

We have to win – I know that – I need to win. If it becomes the fatal-four, I am going to be fine. I'll be in my element, fighting some amazing people and fighting to be the best – I'll be excited, I'll be elated... I'll be the Snow Queen! 

But we have to get there. And I don't know how I can get us there...

I just... I just wish I had more time...


The Dark Side of the Sun

“Time Waits For No Woman...”

Frankfurt Prison III
Frankfurt, Germany
January 24th, 2020

“I'm bored.”

The sounds filled Selena's ears as she turned her head to the other people sitting beside her, her eyes blinking away a little of the exhaustion she felt in their heaviness. When she blinked a second time, however, she felt the slight sharpness of sleep-crust, drawing a thin finger up to wipe it out of her eye.

“I'm tired.”
“Sssh!” the second voice was a bit harsher this time.

She couldn't really be upset at her son's remarks of boredom, followed by his whine of being tired. It was Saturday, after all. The first day of the weekend – and though young David was still a year and some from starting school, he always seemed to like the notion of sleeping in on weekends. I guess he got that from his mom. Selena thought with a soft smile, thinking of the redhead that was... somewhere... in the building.

With her free hand, she ruffled the boy's light-blonde hair as he sat beside her. “I know, prince.” she spoke quietly. “But she'll be here soon.”

It wasn't much reassurance for the impatient youth, who simply kept fidgeting in his seat, sitting on his hands and shifting left to right.

“How do you know?” the young three-and-a-half year old boy whined and yawned. It was adorable for the Snow Queen – maybe it was because she couldn't see her son or her other children every day, especially with travelling across the world to wrestle in North America most of the time, then having to rush back to Germany for any free time to support her wife.

“I...” Again, a tired smile came from the Snow Queen. “I know.” she stated. “When you love someone enough.” she tried to explain. “And you spend enough time with them – like mom and I do – you just... you know.”

“Like a sense?”

It wasn't David who asked the question – for the young boy, with his cowboy decorated t-shirt, didn't know what the word 'sense' meant (too complex for his young mind). Turning her gaze to her left, Selena smiled at the young girl sitting on the other side of her, nodding her head to confirm her daughter's inquiry. “That's right, Elsa.” 

The oldest of the Frost children nodded her head. “Wow.” she replied. “That's...kinda cool.” she replied shyly, her gloved hands (black and lacy) in her lap as the fingers played with themselves. Her eyes cast a glance over to the small bundle that Selena held in her arms before shooting back at the cold floor. 

“You'll have it too, someday.” Selena promised. “Just need to find the right one.” 
“Yuck.” Elsianna teased, causing the platinum-blonde to laugh.
“Sometimes, I forget that you're only eight.” she stated as she held the youngest of her family, the year and a half old Amiliah, in her arms. “You know it won't be so 'yucky' one day.”

Elsianna merely shrugged her shoulders, the black pancha she wore shifting slightly as her eyes flitted back to her little sister. Without a word, Selena smiled at her before gently placing the baby girl into Elsianna's hands, who eagerly took her and cradled her close, whispering cooing sounds and kissing the young girl's forehead.

Maybe sooner than I think... Selena sighed, watching her two daughters. She was glad Elsianna was protective of Amiliah. Especially with how closed off and guarded the older Frost daughter had become since her injury at the hands of that Stanton boy. But being Amiliah – was 'guardian' the proper word? - had helped in so many ways. 

It wasn't like in SCW, the real world, that is. And part of that bothered Selena. In SCW, she could vanquish 'evil-doers', stand up for the fallen and hurt and seek justice in a satisfying way. But outside it? Enemies like Malcolm Scythe, Wentworth Stanton and his son, even Brachiss and Lady DeWinter – Selena couldn't just kick them in the head or jump off cages to deal with them. She had to play by a different set of rules. Rules that were stacked against the law-abiders. And with her little one, her snowflake, her Elsianna, having to deal with so much – it hurt Selena that she could not simply fight such wars to make the child feel better.

A slight “pinging” sound and a rush of emotions filling her caused the mother of three to suddenly smile knowingly. “Here she comes.” she whispered, though both David and Elsa heard her, as both children's heads shot up. Every pair of eyes the Frost family head were glued to the end of the room, where the doors were. Yes, there were a few other inmates here in the prison, sitting with someone for their own, personal visits, but with it being so early, there weren't many, allowing the three a full view of the door as the most beautiful redhead Selena had ever, and would ever, see walked into the room. She was escorted by an officer, who merely pointed to the table where Selena and the children sat...

Or they did. 

“Mom!” as soon as Deanna had been seen in her orange jumpsuit, David had sprung out of his chair and ran towards the young woman. Quickly, Deanna knelt down to catch her son into her waiting arms.

“Whoa, easy there!” she cried out. “It's early.”
“I know!” whined David. “Mommy wouldn't let me sleep in.”
“She wouldn't?” Deanna's mouth hung open in a mocking gasp, as she gazed up at Selena, who sauntered over to her. Just as Deanna stood to her full height, Selena's lips were already there, drifting over hers in a soft kiss. Her arms wrapped around Selena's neck while Selena's wrapped around her waist.

Eventually, the pair broke the kiss, Selena tilting her head with a tired smile. She could see the exhaustion in her wife's eyes, just as she was sure the bags under her own gave her own state away to her redhead. “I need to head back earlier than usual.” Selena sighed. 

“Duty calls?” Deanna asked with a shake of her head.
“Something like that. I'll tell you later.”

With a nod, Deanna gave a bright smile before turning to gaze at David and Elsianna, who stood several feet away from the group. “Well...this is a nice surprise! I wasn't expecting everyone!” Her eyes returned to Elsianna as she stood there, holding Amiliah, was clearly awake. “Elsianna?” Deanna asked. “Do I get a hug?”

She was surprised when she felt Selena's hands on her arms. “Not yet.” Selena smiled, standing behind her wife. “There IS a reason they're here today, so early... and...well, Elsa?”

Biting her lower lip, Elsianna lowered herself onto her knees. “Okay...” she whispered to Amiliah, giving her a kiss on her small temple. “Just like we practised...” Carefully, she held Amiliah out, positioning her so she could stand on the floor. The infant redhead, suddenly very aware that she wasn't being held anymore, stuck her legs out, tiny limbs supporting the body. Little green eyes, looked ahead – and recognized the mommies waiting just a few feet from her. With a smile and a gurgle, followed by a “mum” and “mumma” cry of delight, Amiliah held her hands out to them and it was with a bright smile from Selena and tears of shock and joy from Deanna as the Frost wives watched their youngest stumble and walk the few steps into Deanna's waiting arms.

“'re walking!” Deanna exclaimed, gathering Amiliah up to pepper her forehead with kisses – a prize for such an accomplishment. “I'm so proud of you, baby!” she added with glee. To her surprise, some of the other female inmates, having heard and seen this scene unfold, slowly clapped their hands towards the family, causing a slight blush to creep over Selena's features.

“Thank you.” waved Deanna as she held Amiliah, taking one of the child's chubby, little arms, and 'waving' it to the 'audience' of sorts before taking her seat in one of the chairs, keeping Amiliah in her arms. “So wonderful.” she smiled as the rest of her family took their seats, Elsianna hugging her mom before doing so. 

“Thank Elsianna.” Selena revealed, “She spent so much time with Ami – by the time I got here, she couldn't wait to show me.”

Shyly, Elsianna, once again, studied her hands. “It was fun.” she simply stated.

Deanna could only smile even brighter than before, rocking and kissing her baby, who cooed and laughed in delight. Selena, meanwhile, watched the scene unfold, feeling proud – but more than that, feeling grateful. She had missed everything in Elsianna's child and her work in SCW had made her miss a few of David's first... but, for once... fate or the gods, or whatever you wanted to call it, had allowed her to see this...

It was a feeling of delight that instantly brought a slight sense of sadness. Because milestones mean the passage of time... and where will my babies be a year from now... or four... 

Slowly, her eyes gazed up to the clock hanging from the wall and – for a moment – above the laughter and words of her beloved family, all the young woman could hear was the passing of the second-hand...



Centre Bell Arena
Montreal, Quebec
December 31st, 2019

Sapphire eyes scanned the paper in front of her for the umpteenth time, putting every word into memory. Repeating every sentence and conditional that was displayed before her. It had reached a point that she didn't doubt the writers of the agreement, prepared to go as far as to blame her own senses. 

However, after another reads of the contract, the Snow Queen could only lift her head to gaze into the patient expression of her employer. 

“Four years?” 

Her voice was little more than a whisper, and a look of confusion splashed across her face. 

“It's a standard four-year contract.” Sasha offered calmly, as if unaware of Selena’s discomfort. “And there's also benefits and perks.” the SCW head leaned a little from her seat, her pantsuit barely shifting as she looked at the pages in front of Selena. “Did you see the new percentage for merchandise sales?”

“Yes.” Selena nodded, her eyes still fixated on that dreaded number of four. “It’s all extremely generous. But I don't understand why four years...” 

It was late at night, and the Snow Queen had been waiting until the end of the year event to conclude before she signed her new contract with SCW – a standard ritual for her the past six years. Nothing had come across as different to that ritual in the negotiations. True, certain aspects had been discussed, like a percentage of the merchandise sales – as items pertaining to Selena – from t-shirts to stickers to posters and even dog-tags – made her one of the top selling merchandise figures in SCW... but in terms of the length of the contract, this was new. 

New and frightening. 

With a sigh that sounded more like a grown, Sasha sat back in her chair behind her desk. It did not take a brilliant mind like Ravyn or a twisted one like Clyde Sutton to see the displeasure across the young D.'s features.

“It's just that...” Selena started, not wishing to irritate the young woman. “Your father and I always had an agreement. That I would just do these contracts with a year-by-year basis.” She shrugged. “To be honest, I rather preferred it that way. It's not that I have any desire to go somewhere else. You don't have to worry about that. You know how I feel about this place. But... multi-year contracts... promising something I can't predict... I mean, your father understood my stance on...”

“Well, I'm not my father.” 

The line was so direct and borderline harsh, that Selena's eyes widened in near alarm, causing her to sit back in her seat, feeling the material of her blue sweater against her skin and her damp hair (having just showered) cool her. The grim silence hung in the air between the two ladies. Employer and employee, lasting longer than either thought comfortable. “The truth is...”, Sasha began. “That you were given a rather wide liberty for the last six years with these 'one-year contracts', Selena. Maybe it had to do with your relationship with my father – business-wise, of course.” she added quickly. “Be that as it may - any other professional company would have requested a more long-term investment from you long ago.”

“Long-term investment?” Selena repeated, the term sounding foreign to her. She understood the words but there was something hidden behind the message. And as she let the words swirl and process in her mind, her body relaxing after the taxing match she just finished of in the End of the Year Battle Royal invitational, the truth behind Sasha’s words suddenly became clear. 

“It's the board.” Selena whispered, unsure if Sasha heard her. “You're set to be reviewed by them, aren't you?” 

Sasha remained silent, but the Snow Queen could see the woman's hands tighten as they clenched one another, providing enough of an answer to the question. It wasn't that the board didn’t believe Selena wanted to stick around in SCW. Rather, with all that had happened during Sasha's time in SCW – from Giovanni's invasion of his 'Wonderland' to Sienna's latest 'acquisition' of a Trios contract that wasn't hers, not to mention the lawsuits that had made their way to SCW's door thanks to Xander, whom Sasha had decided (Selena could only imagine to the chagrin of several board members) to keep on contract, it was made perfectly clear that things between Selena and the SCW director were becoming rocky at best. What had started out as a relationship full of understanding and as communicative as Selena's relationship with Mr. D, had, in the span of a month or two, spiralled into frustrations and irritation - where even Sienna had remarked on it during an episode of Breakdown. 

That’s what it came down to... The board thought Sasha was going to torpedo Selena’s relationship with a SCW, causing the “Face” of the company to potentially leave with nothing holding her back. They were demanding a solution... and Sasha was ready to give one to appease them.

“This is a leash.” Sapphire eyes narrowed as she held up the contract. 
“It's hardly a leash.” Sasha scoffed. “Considering how much we’re giving you. You even said it was generous.”
“But why the four years?” Selena asked. “You know how I am. You know the kind of matches I've been through. Why would you think that I could give you four years when I may only be able to go another two?”
“There's an injury section in a contract.” came the nonchalant answer from Sasha-


The sound of a hand smacking against the wood of the desk caused Sasha to jump back a little, startled. As for the platinum-blonde, Selena barely felt the smack of pain. “What is going on with you?” She asked, her eyes blazing. “Why can’t you just give me the one-year contract I've always had?! Give me that and I'll sign it right now.” She declared. “If it's not a leash like you say it isn't, than one year should be more than enough for your board members!”

A silence hung in the room once more, Selena's eyes boring into Sasha's. “Go ahead.” She challenged, as if in a dare. But when she was met with silence, and a strong glare from the SCW head, she didn't feel the elation of being right. Rather, it was the cold, pressing reality that threatened to crush her.

“This is also for you, isn't it?” Selena dared to ask. “To make you look good in front of the board. That you 'guaranteed' four years from me.”

“It's far more complicated than that.” Sasha replied.
“The hell it is!” Selena spat back. “You're using me. You're using me so you can look good in front of the board members. You get me to sign that and suddenly you've locked me in for four more years!”

For a moment, Selena felt a pang of selfishness wash over her, replacing the pain of betrayal she felt. “Why?!” she asked. “Haven't I done enough for you?” she asked, hating how pitiful she sounded but being beyond caring. “I helped put you behind that desk, remember?! I was the first person in that Tactical Warfare match! I could have just lay down and let myself get pinned in the first few seconds! I fought Giovanni for you and this company – and Xander-”

“ need to calm down!”
“Tell me what I did wrong, Sasha!” Selena all but cried. “Why did I do wrong that you would do this to me! That you would...” she couldn't find the words. She didn't care about the perks or the increased wages or all the other little 'goodies' Sasha had put in that contract to get Selena to sign. All she saw was that the woman she had stood by without a single falter had – once again – used that trust to her own advantage.

“It’s not just about making me look good.” Sasha explained, breaking the short silence. “It’s about making you look good too.” she stated. “Let's face it, Selena. You've done an amazing job here. But the company has never been prepared to back the supposed 'face' if you were only going to be here for a year. But if we can guarantee them four years? Suddenly, we can make more of an investment! They'll be desperate to make more of an investment! We can build a brand!”

Despite herself, Selena could hear the excitement building in Sasha’s voice. Could hear the gears working inside the woman’s head. “I’m not just talking about merchandise or posters.” Sasha continued. “There’s so much more we could do, so many more avenues we could discover. Movies, talk shows, specials. I want you to be part of that! And the board would not hesitate to do that if we gave them four years!”

The young Frost said nothing. Maybe it did sound wonderful and was wonderful to anybody else, but the Snow Queen could only shake her head and cross her arms as she leaned back into her chair. “I don’t want that.” She answered honestly, earning a surprised – no, more astounded – look from Sasha. Still, she pressed on. “I don't need to be a model or some celebrity or actor or whatever. I just want to be a wrestler. That’s it. Let me just...” Her tone change to a near begging. “Let me just be the face of this company like I have been. Let me just continue to do what I've been doing. That's all I want.”

For the third time, a heavy silence hung in the small office room. In some ways, Selena could be grateful to Sasha for the offer. The salary was far above what she had in her last contract, with the 20% merchandise addition, which she planned to donate to Kelsey’s charity, The Perfect Cure (anonymously of course). In a way, Selena could even see what Sasha was doing, the D. daughter trying to do more for Selena then her father ever could in a relationship that benefited them both. 

But it wasn't what's Selena wanted. She didn't want to become another Sienna or another Syren! She didn't want to “expect” things from Sasha because she had four years to her contract! She didn't want guarantees! She didn't want handouts! The one-year contract, yes they were short, but it also meant that no one was going to hand her a damn thing unless she earned it! Unless she made her case beyond a shadow of a doubt! And Mr. D. had known that. Had respected that. 

“I don't want to become bigger than SCW.” she whispered. “I'm just happy to be part of it.”

The response to that full confession from the Snow Queen's heart was meant with a rather cold, stern reply. “I’m not making another offer.” Sasha crossed her arms. “The offer is generous and I am not asking for much.” The words cut through Selena. “And just so you know,” Sasha added, “I’ve already got plans in place for you and the trios tournament.” Selena’s eyes widened. “And if you decide not to sign, well, you’re going to let down three very deserving people, including Jay Gold.”

Again, Selena was rendered speechless. What did that mean? The Trios tournament was determined by drawers... was randomly selected. Has that changed? Had Sasha altered the rules to bring her into the tournament? The thought only occupied her mind for a second until she recalled the name Sasha had dropped on her. Immediately, Selena remembered the SCW Hall of Famer standing on the stage in front of the audience about an hour ago, praising her for being a shining example of what SCW should be about. It was beyond honour for her to hear her name so praised like that. But now, she almost wished that her name had never left Jay Gold's lips.

Slowly, her eyes stared at the contract in front of her, specifically the signature section that awaited someone to sign. Still, after everything Sasha had said, Selena could not shake the dread filling her. What if, instead of trying to help her become better at being “The Face of a SCW”, Sasha and the board did all they could to protect her? What if they took away the matches she wanted to have. What if they removed any potential risk from her career. No more scaffold, last person standing, or cage matches... The long list she had shown her sister, Regan, a few days ago – matches she wished to partake in! The thrill of them all... Would it all just disappear so Sasha and her board could protect their “investment”? 

Part of her wanted to cry, to beg Sasha for more time. She had been blindsided with the four years addition... she needed to get out of this room, get back to Germany, hold her wife and cry on her shoulder until all her tears were gone – then talk about it with the one person she trusted with all her heart and soul...

But she had no time. Her contract was up, and if she didn’t sign now, who knew how long it would take to write up a new one – how many weeks she'd have to miss of SCW…

And knowing that, Sasha had gone for the throat, playing the guilt card on Selena…

She felt trapped. She felt sick. She felt out of time.

Its not fair. Her mind screamed as her hand slowly drifted to the blue ballpoint pen near the contract, shaking as she picked it up.  It’s… it’s not fair…


[Image: tetXUW1.jpg]

The camera opens up to the United Center in Chicago, Illinois. The seats are empty, as is the usual for this particular segment. The blue and white arctic lights shine down on the ring, where Selena Frost, dressed in a simple, white sweater and blue jeans sits. With a deep breath and an exhale, she lifts her head and smiles at the camera as she tilts her head.
Hello, Owen Cruze. 

I feel like this time needs to be spent speaking to you. Captain to captain, leader to leader – whatever you want to call it.

She offers another smile, though there is a seriousness to her tone. Because just like me, Sasha chose you as a captain for this particular set up of two matches. A supposed buy-in of sorts for the Trios Tournament, where the two winning teams will have a chance to pick someone out of the entire roster of SCW to be on their team at Retribution. And while Ace tried to make it into something massive involving all of us last Breakdown – really, it's his team vs Syren's team. And it's your team against my team...

A moment of silence passes as Selena seems to contemplate her thoughts. Then, with a sigh, she pushed herself up to her feet to stand in the ring. I've got to be honest with you, Owen, this whole “captain” thing... it's a responsibility that I've not been able to take lightly the last few days. I mean, I've run the gamut of emotions from uncertainty, to fear, to excitement, to elation, to panic and anxiety - from doubt to surety, I've run the scope. 

And as of right now, I still feel all those emotions. Do you? 

Look there’s nothing that I’m going to take away from you in this - your rise to the main event level, to former world heavyweight champion has been nothing short of meteoric. You've done in basically a year or two what I couldn't do in three. And you've earned the right to be chosen by Sasha! But like me, you've never lead a team. You've never had that thrown on your shoulders and the expectation that comes with it. 

So I wonder if the emotions are the same for you, a wrestler still in his first years of wrestling, as they are for me. Are you nervous? Or does your youth make you excited or impervious to such worries?

Reaching up, Selena plays with her iconic braid, holding it in her small hands as said hands rest on the left side of her chest. 

Let me get something out of the way - right here, right now, Owen. I've not been particularly happy with how things have gone between what you've said and what has happened. Don't get me wrong, I respect what you can do in here here – in this squared circle. Hell, you and I had a damn “who blinks first” in that fatal-fourway a few days ago. To have someone that forces me to change up my game, contemplate new strategies – I respect and I'm excited about it. It's partly why I not only want to beat you, but then I want to go on and face Tommy, Marie, and especially Jay Gold – the true wildcard in all of this!

Without a doubt, Owen, you and at least two members of your team deserve respect for their abilities... but that's not what has me unhappy. You see, Owen, I wasn't a fan over how you justified the notion of Sienna getting another title shot after losing to James Evans.
The Snow Queen gives a huff as she shakes her head. We all read it on Twitter – you telling SCW that they should do 'the fair thing' and have Sienna face James for the world title. When I read that, Owen, I couldn't help it. I thought, “how could this person, of all people, defend someone that has cheated not only him but countless others out of a proper and decent match? How could someone who’s spoken of good form and fair play - who helped Sasha get into her position as head of SCW because of such ideals - how could that person just endorse a woman who has stolen so much?”.

Biting her lower lip as she contemplates this, the platinum-blonde eventually sighs before lowering her arms and gazing back at the camera as she stands in the ring. But then I thought about it. And, you know, the more I thought about it and the more I battled with these emotions inside me - this uncertainty of being a captain - the more I realized that maybe there is a profound difference between you and me... And maybe it’s a profound difference that will allow me to be a better leader – both in this match and in the locker room – more than what I originally thought I could be. 

You see, Owen, you spoke about fairness. You said it has to be fair that Sienna gets a shot against James Evans.
A slight scoff comes from the Snow Queen. Why is it fair, Owen? Why would it be fair when she has never given a fair match to anyone? Normally, yes the former champion could be entitled to a rematch. SCW doesn't always follow that rule (I’m a case in point in that), but it is a fair request for the former champion to make. But in this case, is it the right thing to do? 

You saw Breakdown, Owen. You heard what that vile woman had to say. You heard the bullshit that came from her lips. You heard how she and her team manipulated, blackmailed and made a bargain for Regan – THEY PUT HER FAMILY AT RISK! All to get Sienna a trios contract that she did not deserve! And do I need to go over what she did to Kelcey? A Hall of Fame woman that I know you respect!

Angrily, Selena raises a hand to rub at one of her sapphire eyes with the palm of her hand, as if shes' removing a lone tear that's stemmed from her anger and hurt, her tone suddenly releasing a saddened laugh before speaking. And yet, you say it’s fair that Sienna gets another shot. It's fair that she gets another chance at a title she has robbed so many of. See... that's the difference, Owen. You look at what's fair, I look at what's right. 

Because when you're dealing with people who throw fairness out the damn window every chance that they get, it has to come down to that. It has to come down to what is right in your heart and in your soul and your beliefs. It has to come down to you being able to sleep at night. 

For the past several months - from July to December - I fought a war against somebody who assaulted innocent people, who came after my family, who dissected every part of me trying to get me to crack and break to become something I wasn’t. I risked everything! Not because it was fair, not because it was vengeance-fuelled, but because it was the right thing to do. The right thing to do... 

I’ve lived my entire career and so much of my life since becoming an SCW superstar by that notion. I never tried to pander to anyone. Never tried to promise things just to appease the masses. I always acted in what I felt was the right thing to do. And that is what has weighed so heavily on me these past few days. Because, you look at this as an opportunity as a chance for you to do something cool. A chance for you to have something that, hey, would be fun to have at some point of the year. You lose? You shrug your shoulders like you've done the last few months with the world title and you try again later – waiting for the next title shot that comes your way. And there will be others for you, Owen. The past several months have proven how fortune tends to favour you.

Despite it showing weakness, Selena does not hide the slight tone of frustration that comes from some of her statements. I don't have that luxury, Owen. I don't have that freedom that you have. All I can see ahead – all I can think about is what I can do – the wrongs I can right... that NEED to be righted – if I win.

Shaking her head, Selena continues to pace around the ring again. Have you given any such real thought behind this match, Owen? Like Jay and I have? Have you thought beyond the 'coolness' of the match? Seen the implications of it? Have you given any thought about what would happen if Clyde Sutton pulls out that lead pipe and comes after one of us like he did Alistaire Allocco? What if he does? Will that be fair? What if Konrad Raab puts on that rainbow mask Giovanni made him one more time, just to give himself an edge? What if Shilo Valiant shows up, coming after us to mess with Aaron? Will that be fair? And if it is fair to you, Owen, will you just look the other way? 

Because I look in your eyes now – as I did last Breakdown - and I don’t see the exuberance that once was there when that young boy challenged me to a match and beat me in that singles match long ago. I don't see that innocence, that virtue, that was there back then. I don't see the drive of someone that wanted to do the unthinkable and dominate SCW at a young age. 

I see someone who has settled on something but maybe isn't as morally high as he claims he is. I see somebody who tries to be as neutral as possible - so he doesn't offend anybody. I see somebody who is afraid! 

Yes, you can jump off barricades and you can sling yourself out of a ring! You can move faster than anybody I've ever faced before, but you can't outrun what I see. And what I see, Owen, is hesitation in your eyes. That notion to 'play it safe' and please everyone like you do on Twitter. That notion to take a stand but be ready to change stances when the need arises.

Raising her arms, Selena gives a slight shrug. That isn't me, Owen. That will never be me. I may be opportunistic in that ring, I may be someone who is driven to succeed and crazy enough to jump off cages to do it – but above and beyond all of that, I will always stand by what I believe in and do what I believe is right. I draw a line in the sand and I choose my side and I fight for it. And, for me, the right thing is for me to go to the trios tournament as one of the eight leaders. Yes, I understand that sounds selfish and I understand that it may sound unfair when we are talking about a team of four facing a team of four where elements of teamwork need to be at play here. But I'm not going to take it back. I'm not going to pretend that, at some point, I am not going to be focused on anything else but being the last person standing in the ring! I won't lie and say that isn't important, because it IS important! It's just as important to me as it is for Jay and Marie and Tommy.

Take a deep breath, the Winter's Knight calms herself before continuing. 

You see, I didn’t get a chance last year to compete in the Trios tournament. While several others were competing in it, I had to be told that my name wasn't called and I had to sit on the bench and watch it pass me by. Me. One of the winners of the previous tournament. 

Yeah, I'll be honest, it left a very bad taste in my mouth, Owen. It bothered me. Because this tournament, Cruze - it’s a staple of SCW and I wanted to represent SCW again. Because the last time I was in this tournament, yes I won it, but I don't feel like I earned it. I was on a team where Josh Hudson, my own teammate, was making deals with other teams to take me out. Where the whole thing was one big scheme by Past, Present, and Future to take me down. I was little more than a punching bag, Owen, and it took the courage and bravery of Donovan Kayl to keep our team from falling apart. 

Donovan Kayl was the reason I won that tournament and got a Trios contract!

Another deep breath from the Snow Queen as she stares down at her hands as the fingers interlock. 

And last year, I wanted so badly to be in this tournament to earn it. To prove that what happened the year before wasn’t a fluke. That I could be good enough to win this tournament. But that didn’t happen. I didn't get that chance... 

But now, I can not only secure my chance, but I can secure the chances of three other people and I can choose somebody to be on my team. I can right a massive wrong that has happened, Owen. Do you not understand that?! Talking about what's 'fair' and what's 'right'? Nothing has been fair in the last few weeks where I am concerned. Nothing has been right in a certain aspect of SCW – and I aim to change that! I aim to make it right!

Looking back up, Selena stares at the camera. A grim look of determination settles across her features. The last time you and I fought one-on-one in a singles match, you did a wonderful character dissection of me. Do you remember, Owen? Because it’s sat with me ever since. she smirks. You said: “When Selena Frost does not have hatred for her opponent, when she does not have vengeance, when she does not have bitterness, she loses something. She loses her 'killer-edge' that transforms her from being a great wrestler to being a woman with the deadliest kicks in SCW. From main event superstar to the Face of SCW”. 

At the time, you were right. I didn't have anything against you. I didn't have a personal stake in facing you. Far as I was concerned, this was a test of wrestling for both of us. You to decide if you could hang with a main event superstar and me to see if I was good enough to take on the new talent. And I'll give you credit: you beat me. I won't take anything from you about that, you beat me clean. 

But, here we are, some time later... and things have changed. They are most definitely changed, Owen. Because now, you're a former world champion. You're the male wrestler of the year. You're somebody I've never beaten yet. You're someone that's pinned me twice now. As a wrestler, it puts you at a much different footing with me than before. It makes you look different in my eyes. See, to me, you're not the rookie anymore. You're the main event superstar I have to finally beat. You're the main event superstar that I need to beat in order to get into the Trios tournament. Every bit an equal – and every bit a rival!

In short, Owen, you stand in my way of going into the Trios Tournament and doing the greatest good! To correct something that needs to be corrected. You and your team stand in my way, except, this time, I will not allow you to steal this from me, Owen!

Slowly, as if an idea is dawning in her mind, the young former world champion laughs in amusement before turning back to the camera. Because I finally figured out what drives me to lead this team. I may be the youngest member and with the least years of experience, but I know a common trend that unites Jay, Marie, Tommy, and myself. Despite our different reasons, we want to win. 

Scratch that - we need to win! Marie to further her momentum towards an Adrenaline championship run, Jay to further bring in the Golden era, and Tommy to launch his tag team back on track. And me...
stopping herself suddenly, a knowing smile plays across Selena's lips. Maybe I won’t tell you the rest of the details of why I want to win it. Maybe I'll save that for afterwards when I'll be able to pick my teammate... or maybe you're smart enough to figure it out on your own. But either way, it is more than enough to push me into that 'killer instinct' that I didn't have the last time you and I fought one on one. 

You may have the unpredictability of Blackbourne, you may have the passion and determination of Konrad and the violence of Clyde, but this time, Owen, it is you that lacks the killer instinct. It is you that lacks the drive and the passion and something to fight for that is more than yourself.

A cold edge shines in Selena's eyes – a look that has been seen since Rise to Greatness. This time... it is me that is the underdog. It is my team that are the hungry ones. To the point where once our match is over, Owen, my teammates and I will tear each other apart to get that first pick. That first choice. 

So rest assured, Owen, I fully intend to do the right thing at Day of Infamy. I fully intend to show you the difference between 'fair' and 'right' – and the driving force that motivates each one. I fully intend to show you that 'killer instinct', and when I do, I will leave you with your 'fairness' as I continue to stand for what I believe in and continue to do the right thing as I become one of the eight captains of the Trios tournament. Believe it, Owen, and tell your teammates that I said, 'hello'!

With a small bow of her head in respects, the camera fades on Selena before eventually going to black.
[Image: hffOaUZ.png]
SCW Supreme Champion
6x SCW World Champion
4x SCW World Tag-Team Champion
2x SCW United States Champion
3x SCW Adrenaline Champion
SCW Television Champion
Longest Reigning SCW World Champion (234 days)
Winner of Shot of Adrenaline Tournament (2016)
Winner of Best of the Best Tournament (2016)
Winner of Trios Tournament (2018)
Winner of U.S. Championship Tournament (2020)
Winner of World Championship Tournament (2023)
Winner of Tactical Warfare (2014, 2019)
Winner of Elimination Chamber (2015)
Winner of Roofed Cage Match (2019)
Winner of Last Person Standing Match (2019)
The Unbelievable Main Event (2021-2023)
Winner of Double Jeopardy Match (2022)
Winner of EOTY Invitational (2023)
Female Wrestler of the Year (2016, 2021, 2022)
Tag-Team of the Year (2020 - w/ Regan Street)
Match of the Year (2018, 2019, 2021, 2023)
Feud of the Year (2014, 2019)

[Image: 34zetxl.png]

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RE: Cruze, Blackbourne, Sutter & Raab vs. Frost, Marie Jones, Tommy Valentine & Gold - by SnowQueenSCW - 01-25-2020, 05:30 PM

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