Majors/Lancaster/Datura VS Gold/X. Valentine/Taylor
OOC:  Before the handler of Adrenaline Rush left, he did tell me that he was okay with any Craig/Tyler usage in the future, especially being Craig married Stacy.  So that said, Stacy and Craig do make an appearance here, being we're in Dallas and all ya'll...


Good luck everyone.

[Bruising and disappointment are a part of life.  I know Regan Street, Selena Frost, and many others are disappointed with the pick I made in regards to the team I am on for the Trios Tournament this Sunday night, but I put my reasons out in the open.  I was not and still am not going to allow recent events to cloud my mind.  The Xander Valentine that stands before you all right now is NOT the Executioner that Xander is truly capable of being.  The two of them were not around when Xander first came to SCW.  I was.  I watched him from his first match on, as I watched his ole friend Calli Bennett as well.  It was back then that virtually everyone feared facing Xander.  When it came my turn though, I wasn't scared.  I did not back down, because I knew no matter how much he bruised me physically, that the mental bruising of giving up and backing away would bruise me a whole heck of a lot more!]

[That night I didn't win.  However I also didn't lose.  As Xander and I walked away from that ring, I saw the look in his eyes, as I'm sure he saw the look in mine.  We held a certain respect for one another, and deep down to this very day, I know it's still there, despite everything that he has done.  Keep in mind that I personally have no problems with Xander Valentine whatsoever.  Regan called bullshit, even though she has no right to do so, being she has had her bad times.  Selena I know is just disappointed with my selection because of what she had to go through in regards to Xander.  I can understand that.  But she just needs to know that I'm not turning into a bad guy just because I chose to team with Xander for this one night.  Without telling her, I would feel bruised.  So Selena, I hope you're listening and I hope you heard me out this past Breakdown.  I gave Xander this opportunity because all of the crap he has had to deal with over the past few years.  I gave Xander this opportunity because through the years he wasn't just simply "The Executioner" to me.  He was and still is very talented in that ring.  On top of that he is still VERY capable of becoming a champion once again.  And even more important, on top of that, when he isn't being pushed around until the point he cracks, Xander is a good man.  I've seen all of this myself.  Call me "living in the past" and call me an "idiot for picking Xander", but I stand behind giving him a REAL chance to show what he's truly capable of, without all of the smokes and mirrors of the past few years.]

[As far as my other teammate for this Sunday night goes, he has already had his ego bruised.  Perhaps Gavin deserves another chance to shine too, but this time as a member of a team, instead of seeing himself as this All-Star that he will never truly be...]

DATE:  Friday, February 14, 2020
TIME:  7:00 PM
LOCATION:  Black Eyed Pea (Dallas, Texas)

[It has been quite some time since I have seen my cousin Stacy, but tonight I have that chance.  Of course Stacy is not alone, as her husband Craig Thomas sits next to her in the booth that we are in.  I look across at the both of them, seeing that they are both truly happy together, probably moreso being that they at the current time are away from SCW and the wrestling world altogether.  Their little one though tonight is not with them.]

"I tell ya, it's such a relief to have a night off from our little one, ya know?"

"Yes, yes it is.  I kind of feel bad for you Jay though, being alone here tonight on Valentine's Day."

[Yeah, it does suck being away from my wife and daughter, but wrestling duty calls.]

"It's fine guys.  Martha and Sarah both understand.  Besides, I'm not alone.  I get to be with a young couple that right now hasn't had to deal with the stress of SCW.  Being a parent though, I bet he is keeping you busy."

"He is."

"I get SOOO exhausted sometimes that Craig finds me asleep sometimes before we can even spend a lil time togethuh."

"That always sucks."

[Craig looks at my cousin lovingly.  I know that same feeling with my own wife.  Anyways though, I didn't agree to tag along just to meet back up with Stacy for a bit.  I wanted to get hers... and also Craig's opinions... on the current state of SCW, being that they were both competing full-time just a couple short years ago.]

"Yeah, I know the feeling.  I've been on both ends of it.  But um, guys, can I ask you something?"

"Yeah sure.  You have looked bothuhed ever since we got here.  I can only assume it's SCW related?"

[She knows.]

"Yes.  I know the landscape has changed since 2009 and all.  I got a small taste of it a few years ago.  But it just seems that... that... people go overboard far more than they used to back when I was around."

"Sadly yeah.  I know I left due to pregnancy, and to spend more time with Craig of course."

[She looks back over at him, a twinkle in her eye.]

"But shortly thereafter Damian Angel's thugs did their best to injure Craig and Tyler so that they would never be able to compete again.  After that well..."

"After that we both said screw it.  It was clear that things were getting out of control.  Don't get me wrong, we both still love wrestling, but it just seemed that when we teamed up as Adrenaline Rush, that a majority of the rest of the roster acted more and more like assholes.  I get it, you're there to win, but you could at least be an athlete about it instead of trying to maim your opponents, just in order to get what you want.  So right after that attack by Her Meggido, Tyler and I decided that it was time to call it quits.  Sadly nothing has really ever changed since we left."

"I'm hoping to help change all that.  I mean SCW still does have its beacons of hope.I know many don't see Xander Valentine as one... but I still do.  He's just been misled into doing the things that he's done.  I'm sure Artemis hasn't told him to do these things either.  He's just a pissed off individual, and with very good reason too."

"If that's what you believe Jay.  Hopefully he doesn't hurt you too."

"I haven't given him a reason to, nor will I be doing so.  Everyone deserves a second chance.  Hell, Regan got one."

[Stacy again looks over at her husband and then to me.]

"You're right on that one.  I was given a second chance after what I did to Sasha.  Regan is being given a second chance, and by Selena at that.  So I guess I don't see why Xander shouldn't be given another chance to thrive like he used to."

"Exactly.  At least the two of you can see why I picked Xander.  I'm sure Selena will realize it too.  It's just that her mind is clouded when it comes to him, and understandably so."

"Yeah, give her time.  Selena is a really good person."

[I simply nod.  Perhaps I shouldn't be bothering this happy couple about SCW, when it's clear they are very happy away from the madness.  I guess I can only hope my daughter will never want to join the madness.  For me it's too late.  I've enjoyed it for far too long, and both the girls in my life could see it.  That's why they wanted me to come back.  Sunday night I hope I can make them proud.  I hope they also both realize that choosing Xander was really the only right decision for me to make, even if it didn't seem that way.  Sometimes we need to make the difficult yet correct decisions.  This was one of them.]

"So um, Jay, how's Sarah doin'?"

"I'll just say school has been rough on her, but the problem has now been dealt with.  Should hopefully be smooth sailing going forward."

[She can hear the worry in my voice.]

"I hope it will be.  Just like I hope that you pickin' Xander doesn't lead to any bad repercussions for ya.  You've always been a great cousin to me, whenevuh we've had the chance to interact."

"You too.  I guess as soon as we're done with dinner here, I'll let the two of you go off on your own.  I don't want to ruin the night for you."

"Yer not doing anythin' of the sort."

"I insist.  You guys are still young.  Go enjoy it."

"Yer sure you'll be okay?"

"Yes.  Thank you for having me for dinner."

[Both of them nod as I finish the last few bites of what I ordered.  I leave them with my portion of the money and a wave, as there is definitely a phone call I need to make, before it gets much later.  I walk out of the restaurant and head for the rental car I picked up from the airport.  It's here where I grab for my cell phone and immediately dial the familiar number.  It takes a few rings but she does answer.]

"Hi honey.  Happy Valentine's Day.  I hope all is well?"

"It is I guess.  I just wish you were here with me, or that I was there with you."

"I understand.  Sarah and I wanted you to go.  Even though we're not together today physically, just know I'm with you always.  Here, sending you a kiss."

[She sends a kiss through the phone to me, which picks up my spirits some.]

"Thanks Martha.  I needed that.  How's Sarah?  She was so worried the last I saw her."

"About that.  Something happened that day.  Those girls went after her again and they got expelled for it.  She got saved by someone we both know... the boy down the street, Paul."


"Yes.  So um, he's kinda here now.  They're doing homework together.  He's going to be heading home shortly, but it was so cute to see them both here together.  I know you and I were like that once."

"I remember.  So um... he saved her?  How?"

"I didn't get the whole story from her I feel, but she said she went to defend herself and when it wasn't enough, he just appeared out of nowhere to help her.  I guess she got her knight in shining armor."

"I guess so.  And I missed it."

"Hey, you will always be her King."

"True, my Queen."

[Martha giggles like she always has.  I turn a bit serious now.]

"While I did call you to wish you a Happy Valentine's Day, I also wanted to know what your opinion and Sarah's opinions are of Xander Valentine.  A lot of people are all up in arms about me picking him for a teammate for the Trios Tournament.  I got Stacy Kissinger's and Craig Thomas's opinions and they seem to be on my side, that Xander deserves a chance to show the true side of himself that he showed so many years ago."

"Of course it will be considered a questionable decision honey.  But you have your beliefs.  I trust you, and since you trust Xander to be a teammate for one night, then I trust your gut instinct.  He never has come after you or me or our daughter after all..."

"Exactly.  But he has gone after Selena and Regan.  I just don't think he knows what he was doing at the time though, because his mind has been darkened by those that chose to not give him a realistic shot in this so-called modern era of SCW.  He was driven to do what he did.  On top of that, ole Jonathan Knots should know better."

"Hmm.  I know how much Knots gave you grief back in the day.  I don't know if Knots quite deserved what he got though."

"I guess that's up for debate.  My point is that Knots pushed Xander over the edge, which seems to be happening to Xander a lot over the past couple years.  It's been a repetitive theme, and I for one want to see it end.  Hopefully the end starts on Sunday night."

"Me too.  So um, I guess I might see you sometime next week then?"

"I'll try to get back home for a bit.  Until then I love you.  Please also let Sarah know that I love her as well."

"Mmhmm.  Bye honey."


[Hearing her voice today has helped.  This weekend though, who knows what will happen.  Really the only guaranteed thing right now is that Gavin Taylor will probably just keep being Gavin Taylor.  With Xander though, it's up in the air, and to be honest, I'm okay with that.]

DATE:  Saturday, February 15, 2020
TIME:  7:00 PM
LOCATION:  Inside the Frank Irwin Center (Austin, Texas)

[It has been 24 hours since I saw my cousin Stacy and her husband.  In this time that has passed by I've been thinking.  I've been thinking about what Xander's mindset will be when we get to that ring tomorrow night.  I know he wants to win the tournament, which in all honesty, is all I'm truly entitled to know.  That in the end is all I want to hear.  I want him to hear my thoughts going into Sunday though, and now is that time to break my silence toward him, not to mention everybody else...]

"Tomorrow night is a big night here in Supreme Championship Wrestling.  It could very well be a night of change.  When you look at myself and my two teammates in the Trios Tournament, change is needed for the three of us.  I embrace this chance to make the old become new again.  I have been embracing this since the second I came back on New Year's Eve.  I haven't made that any sort of secret or anything.  For Gavin, this is a chance to begin what he actually desires, the road to a second championship reign.  Perhaps maybe this time he can learn from the mistakes that he made that cost him the Adrenaline Championship against Asher Hayes. Hopefully tomorrow night he learns a lot.  He has the perfect opportunity to do so being he gets to team with two grizzled veterans of our sport.  And finally for Xander, this is a chance for him to get a contract that allows him to face whomever he wants, however he wants, whenever he wants.  I know that brings fear into the hearts of most, but not me.  If for whatever reason he chose to face me in a match, I wouldn't be scared.  It would be an honor facing him once again, even though there is always that chance that I will gain scars that will never heal.  Honestly it's too late for me though.  He knows almost better than anyone else that I have numerous battle scars from all those years ago that have never truly healed.  The only ones still active here in SCW that might know more than him would be Josh Hudson and CHBK.  But I doubt that is what Xander truly desires."

"Xander, I heard you out.  I know you desire making peoples' lives miserable these days.  And I know exactly why you do.  Because your life was made miserable.  I know you'll just say to shut my mouth with a certain expletive included and be glad that I'm a teammate of yours for one night, but I have to say it.  I understand where you're coming from.  But I don't think you understand that I didn't pick you to use you.  That isn't it at all.  If I wanted to pick someone in order to use them I would have picked Sienna Swann, being she has used how many people again?  Thinking about it that would have been fun... the user being used!"

"Anyways, I didn't pick her.  I picked you and I've already made the reasons clear.  I've seen the look in your eyes.  You know that right now that you aren't as feared as much as you used to be. Selena isn't scared of you.  Regan isn't scared of you.  And it's driving you crazy!  That being said this Trios Tournament you can turn over a leaf and just go out there and wrestle, taking down anyone you see fit.  That's why we are both here after all these years, is it not?  It's one of the handful of reasons I came back Xander, as I don't like what SCW has become.  It's more of a drama now than it's ever been, and believe you me, I know drama!  I've experienced it back in the day, and I'll be damned if I have to face it again.  I'm not back for the drama.  If I encounter any, I'll make sure that those that dish it out get what they have coming to them.  Yeah I know I'm not as big and bad as you, but you know better than most.  I'm a hall of famer for a reason."

[I think now for a few moments, recounting what I heard Xander say, and I nod to myself.]

"In our own ways Xander, we are on the same page, and we didn't even need to have any sort of team building meeting.  I was very damn sure we didn't need one.  We're both professionals.  However as I look around at the other teams in the tournament... I don't know.  A lot of them are likely running scared, still shocked that I went and drafted you."

"But anyways, to our first round opponents, I know you Jordan Majors happened to win your team match the fastest, and somehow outlasted Ace Marshall in the process.  You have definitely come of age, but even I can see that you're just trying to become the media darling on Twitter, and probably any other social media platform that you're signed up for.  Jordan, SCW isn't about being beautiful.  My wife Martha used to wrestle.  While she is pretty, she didn't make her career on being a pretty face.  She went out there and fought tooth and nail, just like I did.  She was SCW Women's Champion at one time because of it.  I guess my hope for you Jordan is that you don't become like how Kennedy Street once was, or how Sienna Swann and Bree Lancaster are now, or how Syren has always been.  All of them have something in common.  They bank their careers off their beauty, and while they are all good-looking females, they are truly only showing the ugly side of themselves.  You're a young talent, and honestly you're the only good thing that's on your Trios team.  Don't blow it."

"As for Bree Lancaster, I can't even believe that you would take Knots' side of things on the matter of his concussion that he received from Artemis.  Knots has never been able to keep his mouth closed when it comes to certain wrestlers on this roster, myself included.  I'm sure Knots will attempt to tweet me about my remarks, but I don't have Twitter, nor do I want to be involved in that drama.  That's all someone like him creates Bree, drama.  It's what he's paid to do.  We're paid to wrestle at a top level, and sadly I agree with Xander.  You mainly held the SCW United States Championship for as long as you did because you had quite a few easy opponents.  But now you're going to be in the ring against cutthroat competition.  On top of that you think I shouldn't be running around SCW with a Trios Contract?  At least I wouldn't use it to flaunt it around, unlike what you would do for probably an entire year, or like Sienna Swann is doing... even though Sienna never even earned it.  In fact Gavin would probably be the only one in our trio to do any flaunting with it.  Xander and I would just use them as we saw fit."

"Let me guess, Datura, you probably share Bree's opinion? With the amount of times that you have appeared in SCW only to disappear again a short time later, I wonder if you will even be prepared for tomorrow night.  True you were able to topple Regan Street once upon a time, but one night in the grand scheme of things doesn't make a career, nor does it break it.  Tomorrow night IS a big night and it can lead to a far bigger night for the three winners, but a loss doesn't mean that someone is "done".  It means that they have to work harder to achieve what they truly want.  I know what your teammates and my teammates want, but with you, I don't know what you truly want.  Perhaps you should be considered a Wild Card instead of me..."

[It will definitely be an interesting first round match in the tournament, but should Xander, Gavin and I advance, things will definitely get more and more interesting the further we proceed.  I'm going to do whatever I can to get us to the finals and help us win the whole tournament, just like I know Xander will be looking to do the same thing.  He wants who I want in the finals, but we have to first take care of the cart before the horse.  Jordan, Bree and Datura will be the first trio to fall, then Marie's or Peyton's team, and then hopefully we get to see Frozen Hell and the Infamous Misfit in the finals.  It's what the world wants to see.  If it happens, Xander and I will no doubt quell the drama that could come from it.]

"But it is what it is Datura.  I know what you're capable of and I do see you as dangerous.  You, Bree, and Jordan could make quite the impact in this tournament.  The bad thing for the three of you is that you drew a motivated team right off the jump in round one.  Myself, Xander, and yes even Gavin, know exactly what we want.  There are no questions about it.  Now it is all about the execution, and tomorrow night, you will be the first three executed from the tournament.  By the time the end of the night comes, maybe, just maybe everyone will realize that they should stop overlooking past stars like myself and Xander.  We both EARNED our hall of fame status.  We both EARNED all the championship reigns that we had.  And now here in Dallas, we have our chance to EARN our rebirths.  This is a GOLDEN opportunity that will not be passed up.  This is a GOLDEN opportunity that will be earned and taken by Xander and myself.  Hopefully Gavin will at least hop onboard this train that will get him closer to another Golden Moment that he clearly desperately wants.  Because he sure as heck is not going to make a name for himself off of me.  Instead on this one night he can make it WITH Xander and me.  If he makes the right decision, actual wrestling can return to SCW, instead of all the smoke, mirrors, plots, schemes, and drama."

[I look down the hall that I'm in and there is no one in sight, so I continue to walk down it until I turn a corner.  I then choose to lean up against this very wall and close my eyes.  Immediately the flashbacks come to me in quite vivid images.  I see faces of the past that I remember well, all the way until the one moment that angered me the most, and still angers me to this very day.  I see City Boy putting my precious Martha right through the announce table, and immediately my eyes bug open wide.  I realize where I am and do my best to shake off the cobwebs.  This is why she is not on the road with me.  I don't want to see her hurt again, nor do I want to see my daughter hurt.  I am back for them.  But that moment... it drives me.  Even after these years, it drives me to be better, and to protect those that deserve to be protected, and to be a better man than I have been.  Seeing that eerie moment yet again brings it all back.  I'm ready to hit that ring full blast and do battle WITH Xander Valentine and WITH Gavin Taylor... two men that have their own significant others.  Two men that also know they can be far more than what they currently are!]

[Will there be bumps and bruises along the way?  Yes.  Will an ally or two have to fall?  Yup!  Will egos on the other teams be beaten beyond repair?  Of course!  But in the end this trio is going to do every damn thing it can do to win this tournament and earn those contracts that can change our careers, and more importantly change the course of SCW from its current state over to what it's supposed to be all about... Supreme Championship Wrestling!]

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RE: Majors/Lancaster/Datura VS Gold/X. Valentine/Taylor - by Jay Gold - 02-15-2020, 11:33 PM

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