Frost/Street/Matthews VS Adamson-Mason/J. Helms/Starr
#ooc Best of luck to everyone involved!

Hello! Hello!, Hello!

And how are things going my Lovelies? I certainly hope that everything is going well for all of you.

For me? Well the is a pretty loaded question heading into the annual Trios Tournament, which I am so very proud to be a part of, my first year in SCW.

There are so many things surrounding this tournament that I would like to talk about with all of you, so much so that I honestly do not know where to even begin.

Before I get to all of that though, and please believe me when I tell you that I have plenty of time so I will get to that, but first I should tell all of you about my friend Sophie.

I really don’t need to tell you too much about Sophie though honestly because Sophie is wrestling superstar Sophie James, one of the baddest women on the planet. To me though, she is just my friend Sophie, and every now end then when we screw up when need a favor from a friend. That is exactly what I was looking for going to Las Vegas recently too…

A favor from a friend.

Kung Fu Thai & Chinese Restaurant
Las Vegas, Nevada
Sunday, February 9th, 2020
1 pm

The first thing that you notice about Sophie is that she is so expressive with her eyes. I swear, that given the opportunity I could probably have a conversation with just her eyes, and today it would seem would be no different.

Sophie: I was shocked when you called and said you wanted to take me out lunch with me right her in Las Vegas, Kelsai. I have to be honest and say that you didn’t really seem to me like you are the Vegas type.

Kelsai: Really Sophie? And what do you consider not the Las Vegas type if I can ask?

She laughs, and those green eyes are wide like saucers almost prodding me along with her end of the conversation.

Sophie: Kelsai, you got married to the first person that you ever dated not long after your first date. Nearly everyone that runs into to you, even people that don’t like you comment how you are just the sweetest thing.

And now it my turn to laugh.

Kelsai: I don’t think that everyone says that, thanks, and if they are, they probably saying how they really feel in some instances.

Sophie: Fair point, people can be so very disingenuous sometimes, almost like they have something to hide from other people. Sometimes it is just hard to sift through all of the bullshit and tell which person real and which ones are fake.

Kelsai: I know that there are many people who think that there is no way that I can be real, be I just am who I am. I adore the fans and I love other people. Whether others want to believe me or not makes no difference to me. I am who I am, and I refuse to apologize about it, even if some people will never be leave it.

She gives me a slight look of amusement, the kind you might see someone make a movie theater when they are watching a show and they look at another person came with them to see if they are laughing or not before they decide to do it or not themselves.

Sophie: See, that is just it Kelsai, people look at you, they listen to you talk and they think to themselves “There is no way that girl can be for real, it’s just not natural.”. I know because I used to be one of those people Kelsai. I used to think that every time I looked at you, you were too good to be true.

Kelsai: That was until you really got to know me though Sophie.

The comment wasn’t intended to get that kind of response but again with huge saucer like eyes looking right back at me. Her eyes are just so much fun to watch, one of those little things that you notice about a person and you wonder if they know that about themselves. What, don’t look at me like that! I am a people watcher and I happen to be very good at it, thank you very much!

Sophie: Exactly! And the more that I get to know you I realize that there are just no false pretenses about you whatsoever. You are just you and you are not going to change for anyone, even if people might not believe what they are seeing.

Kelsai: You are right about that. I can only be the best me that I can possibly be, no matter what other people that is real or not.

She nods along with me like she is taking notes about all of the things that I am saying, hanging on every word.

Sophie: I have so much respect for that too, because that is the same thing that I am trying to build in my own life. Everytime that I am in an arena I am just trying to be myself, and I am just listening to all of my bitches and I…

I try not to, but I giggle, and Sophie just laughs again.

Sophie: I am sorry, I not that is not what you call your army of fans that seems to follow you everywhere. What did you say that you are starting to call all of them?

I grin wide, because I am proud of this and why not? I did coin the term myself.

Kelsai: I call them my lovelies.

Sophie: Right, your lovelies, sounds absolutely perfect for people that would follow you, which is like more and more of an arena the Livewire is playing at all of the time. Tell me, do you think that your lovelies would think that you are the kind of person that would come to Las Vegas and just hang out in Sin City, and grab a bite to eat with a friend?

Kelsai: Probably not, but how many of those people have stopped and considered that I got married on just the second date that Victor and I were on. I have to say that I think that is a very Las Vegas type thing to do.

Did I just cause Sophie James to reevaluate what she was thinking?

Sophie: That was a very Las Vegas type of thing to go, I can agree with that…

Now Sophie is interrogating me with just her looks.

Sophie: So then since we have already established that you are who you are and not going to change for anyone because there are no false pretenses from you, can I ask you a question?

This feels like a trap, but I am still going to keep playing along for now.

Kelsai: Sure sweetie, I am an open book, what’s up?

Sophie: Why are you sitting here in Sin City having flown across to time zones just to have lunch with and trying to avoid the issue, instead of just getting to the point and asking me what it is that you want to ask me?

Yep, it definitely was a trap, no doubt about it.

Kelsai: I am guessing that if I tried to tell you that I didn’t know what you are talking about that you probably wouldn’t believe me anywhere right.

Sophie: I don’t exactly where at, but I do know that somewhere, at some point, you screwed up, even though it probably wasn’t your fault, and now you need some help from a friend and that where I come into play right?

Kelsai: Right…

Sophie: Well we could continue to just skate around the issue making small talking which I have no problem because honestly, I like talking to you. However. I promise that if we keep doing that eventually we will get to have lunch, eat lunch and then leave here without ever talking about what rode all this way to talk to me about. So instead, why don’t you just tell me why you are here and how I can help you.

It doesn’t happen often, but I just blurt out the first thing that comes to mind.

Kelsai: That is if you can help me after I explain to you what is going on.

Sophie: There is something going on then, I knew it! Now you have let me know that much, so know all you have to is tell me what is going on and we will see if I can help.

Kelsai: Well, I can’t remember if you have ever worked for SCW or not, but I am certain that you have heard by now that the annual Trios Tournament is a week from today, and well Trios is a pretty big deal.

A huge smile and nod, and I know for sure that Sophie agrees with everything that I have just said.

Sophie: I don’t need to work for SCW to know the Trios Tournament is all about, and I know that yes Trios is a really big deal in SCW. Each person on the winning team gets a contract to make almost any type of match that could think of for the next year? Yeah, I would say that is pretty huge.

Kelsai: Right, it is so huge, definitely something that I do not want to miss, especially since I was one of the eight captains of one of the teams.

Sophie: You have better give them hell just for shits and giggles whoever is on your team, captain.

I could feel the heat rising in me cheeks, even though I don’t that Sophie was trying to embarrass me.

Kelsai: Sophie, you are starting to get to know me pretty well sweetie and I think you know as well as I do that well that could be a lot of fun, it is also not going to happen.

Sophie: But you couldn’t hurt your favorite bitch for trying, now could you?

Kelsai: No, I don’t blame you for trying, but the fact of the matter that I am a captain this means more than just me Sophie. There are other people that are counting on me to be there for the tournament.

Clearly, she is becoming confused now.

Sophie: Ok, so I have this brilliant idea, why don’t you just go ahead and be there for them then. Better yet, I will show up so that I can show support and be there to watch you whip all kinds of asses on your way to helping your team winning the whole damn tournament!

Kelsai: Nothing would make me smile more than to see you show up in support of me at the Trois Tournament sweetie, but you can’t…

I have never seen this side of Sophie as she starts to get visibly upset.

Sophie: It’s your husband Victor isn’t it? I just knew that he was going to start having a problem with it if you and I were to continue being friends! I know that I was so far from a Saint when he and I were going out in the past, but seriously what kind of an asshat he is if he thinks for a second that he can just tell me what to do an…

You won’t see me doing this often, but I had to interrupt Sophie in midsentence.

Kelsai: Victor? Oh no, Victor doesn’t care that we are friends. Victor and I don't try to control each others relationships because we trust each other and so there is no need for us to ever be even the slightest bit jealous. In fact Victor and I are trying to have a baby!

Immediately Sophie looked like I had tried to force her to swallow her own face whole, and just as quickly I realized my mistake, which I tried to correct myself from just as fast.

Kelsai: I am so sorry sweetie! What I meant to say is that Victor and I have been looking into trying to adopt a baby. I am not trying to get pregnant any time soon.

Sophie: Alright, because I was going to say that you are just starting out in the world of wrestling and nothing will derail a women career in this business at least for a little while than becoming pregnant and having a baby. So adopting, how has that been going for the two of you?

Kelsai: Honestly, we didn't realize everything that went into making the decision. So many things to consider, much more than just financial things to think about, because if that were all that it was then we would have it, no problem!

Sophie: Of course you would. I will just keep thinking positive things then for the two of you, and hope that it all works out for you the way that you want it to.

Kelsai: Thank you.

Sophie: You're welcome. If not Victor though, then why did you say that I could not come to watch you and show my support for you at the Trios Tournament? Does one of you partners have a beef with me?

Kelsai: Jason Helms or Jake Starr you tell me?

Sophie: Those are your two partners? Seriously, you really made out didn't you, captain.

I blush again.

Kelsai: Seriously you are going to have to stop that.

Sophie: I am sorry, but you just really made out. I think that you might win the whole damn thing with those two at your side.

Kelsai: I am really excited to be teaming with them.

Sophie: And I don't have a beef with either one of them. Jake is a legend, Jason a rising superstar, so I have asked again, why can I not be in Dallas to support my friend on such a big night?

Kelsai: Because you have to work for Livewire that night….

I hang my head in defeat.

Kelsai: Livewire is in Brooklyn, New York, and the Trios Tournament is in Dallas, Texas.

Sophie: Damn it, you are right now that you mention it. Even though I am not on the card for Livewire, I still am expected to be there for Livewire as you are well awa….

She stops herself right away, and I know now that Sophie can see the dilemma.

Sophie: Oh shit…

Kelsai: Yeah, it is a lot of crap indeed. Sophie you have to realizes that 3 weeks ago I did not even know whether or not I was going to even be in the Trios Tournament. Now I am going to need to choose which promotion I am going to have to work for in a week, while at the same time voiding my contract in the other.

I have seen that look on Sophie’s face before, that never say die attitude, I just didn’t know what it meant in this case, but I was interested in finding out.

Sophie: No, I think that there must be something that can be done.

Kelsai: But what can we do about it Sophie? Unless you are going to be like King Solomon and cut me in half so that half of me is going to be in Brooklyn while the other half is going to be in Dallas.

Sophie: No, you are definitely going to go to the Trois Tournament and you are going to whip all kinds of ass, ok?

Kelsai: Sure, that is great, and honestly with the stakes being so high I was almost certain going to be leaning in the direction anyway. But what can I do about GCW, Livewire, Adrian Waters who is expecting me to be his partner that night, and all of my lovelies who have paid to see me wrestle that night?

Sophie: You are not going to do anything about that, because all you going to concentrate on is helping your partners win the Trios Tournament for SCW in Dallas. Leave GCW Livewire to me that night. Who are you and Adrian Waters supposed to be facing at Livewire in a week.

I still had no idea what Sophie was talking about, but I would continue to hear her out, because after all, I really didn’t have much of an alternative at that point.

Kelsai: Brother of the Sith, so you have to know that the last thing I ever wanted to do for that match was leave Adrian alone for a 2-on-1 handicapped match. Adrian is my friend, what an awful thing to do to a friend and especially against them!

Sophie: Luckily, Adrian will not be facing them in a 2-on-1 either.

Kelsai: Ok Sophie, you are going to have to tell me what is going on here because I am afraid that I have no idea what you are talking about.

If I didn’t know any better, I would swear that I had started looking at a mirror the way that Sophie had smiled at me.

Sophie: I am going to take your place in Brooklyn!

Kelsai: You can do that?!

Sophie: Sure, I can do that. I do not have anything else to do other than eat too much from catering, and Adrian while he might be really, really smart, he is going to need some help from someone who wants to whip Sith bitches just as bad as he does.

Kelsai: Are you sure that management is going to let you do this though? Because I know that I do not have the authority to make matches and I didn’t think that you were a booker for GCW either.

Sophie: If something happens to Adrian because they allow that match become a 2-on-1, do you think that Tiffany Manning is ever going to let that go?

It was a good point right there.

Kelsai: No…

Sophie: Sometimes I swear worry too much for your own good. You just leave management to me, and right now you just need to worry about one thing.

Kelsai: Dallas and the Trois Tournament?
All she could do was smirk while looking at me.

Sophie: No, you need to worry about helping me get some food! We have been here for almost 20 minutes and we still have not gotten any food!

Kelsai: Right, Right!

So I called the waitress over so that we could order some food and then we ate, and I was thankful for such good friend as Sophie.

Everything’s bigger in Te….

No, as tempting as it might be to use that popular tagline for this promo, I am not going to use it here, I would rather just do something original and so that is exactly what I am going to do. We here in Dallas, Texas though, and we have actually been Texas all week after being in San Antonio for Breakdown Wednesday night. Sorry to all of my many fans who were expecting to see me live at Breakdown defending the SCW Television Championship. Sometimes, no matter how much you might want to do something however, things happen and then you aren’t allowed to do those things?

Well that is what happened to a week ago Wednesday night in Portland, Oregon when I was defending the SCW Television Championship against the legendary Jake Starr. Now correct me if I am wrong, but I am pretty certain that I remember saying that while I probably had the edge in athletic prowess being significantly younger and faster than Jake, that he would have much more experience than me. Well, that was precisely what happened when we had that match, and Jake proved that experience greater than youth this time around and ended up walking away with that prize.

So just like that, the first title reign of my SCW and my entire wrestling career was over. As many people have tried to point out to me since that night, I really do have nothing to be ashamed of. Jake Starr in a legend in professional wrestling, so it’s not like lost to the first person that I was defending my title against….except for the fact that I lost to the first person that I defended my title against. Definitely you could say that while I have had some crazy highs, like pinning Syren in the Trios Buy-In match, or defeating Katie Steward to become the SCW Television Champion, that I still have a lot to learn inside of the ring as well. Jake took my weaknesses and exposed them and that is why he walked away with the title that night instead of me.

Did it bother me that I lost?

Trust me it did bother me, and it still bothers me. I think that there is a huge misconception about me, a misconception that I might have brought about myself at least in part, and I think that right now would be a good time to change that misconception.

From the time I started coming up to my Daddy’s knees and he started taking me to wrestling matches backstage that he was in I started to love this sport and more than anything, almost more than breathing itself growing up, I KNEW that I wanted to a professional wrestler. Do you think for one solitary second that if I had such burning desire to do this one day for the rest of my life, that now that I am doing it that it wouldn’t matter to me if I won or lost?

You are darned right it matters to me if I win! That burning desire to become a professional wrestler has changed now that I have become one into a yearning in my soul to be the very best that I can be.

The very best performer, the very best wrestler period!

So, when I lose, you better know that it bothers me. I still put a smile on my face however, and I don’t sulk or blame other people because if I lose just like I did ten days ago I don’t have anyone to blame but myself. That is why you get the girl that everyone believes has her head is so far up in the clouds that she really doesn’t care if she loses, but I do, even though I can still be nice and kind to Jake after he beat me for the title, because Jake didn’t do anything except what he was supposed to do. At least if I was going to have to lose (and yes, I knew that at some point that it would happen) I lost to a Supreme Champion. Like I said, multiple people have came to me since then and told me that I have nothing to be ashamed of, though I do have to admit that I was a little disappointed and I would have liked the first title reign of my career to last a little bit longer.

I did not even have time to process what was happening initially however, because besides having my first title defense that night, I also was up to my waist in everything to do with the Trios Tournament that was happening on Breakdown that night.. The Trios Tournament in case you have been living underneath a rock is a one night tournament where eight three persons teams compete, with the three people on the winning team receiving contracts. The contracts are good for a year and can be good for almost anything, even the SCW World Championship if the person with the signed contract so chooses. Because of the fact that I helped Team Ace defeat Team Syren in the Trios Buy-In match at Day of Infamy like I already discussed earlier, I did secure one of the spots in the Trios Tournament. However, I took my eyes off of the prize when my team faced each other immediately following the buy-in match, and thus my spot became seventh out of eight for a Trios Team.

Another perk of being on a winning team in the buy-in match is that we got to be the captain of the team that we are on for the Trios Tournament. Trust me, that captain is nothing more than a ceremonial thing though. I am not going to go around wearing a big “C” on all of my clothes for the weekend, nor is there any chance that you will ever see me trying to tell my teammates what to do. They have so much more experience than me both in Trios where I have none, and in professional wrestling in general, it would be pretty foolish of me to try and tell my teammates what to do. Besides, I think the most important thing heading into the Trios Tournament is that my teammates and I have chemistry together, so why would I want to do anything to mess with that?

Who are my partners in the Trios Tournament?

Well that is something that is very interesting to even me, because the either of us that were giving the responsibility of being captains, were also given the responsibility of choosing our first partner. This was a Trios Tournament first as it used to be that there were no captains and partners were chosen completely at random. So that meant for the eight of uses that were going to draft one of our partners, which was something to consider very carefully heading into that Breakdown as well.

For me though, I can honestly say that there was never any real choice to be made. That is because going back to Day of Infamy, while there was a lot that happened in SCW on that night, for me the biggest thing that happened was the return of my brother-in-law, Blake Mason! (Sorry, no disrespect intended whatsoever, I just cannot get used to calling you William).

To say that I was super duper excited seeing this would be the understatement of the year, and so when it came time for me to select one of my Trios teammates with the seventh selection of the draft and I saw that Blake still available to be drafted, he was the obvious choice for me. However, Blake didn’t mention that as part of coming back to SCW, he was not allowed to wrestle his ex-wife Bree at this point, and since Bree was chosen first by Jordan Majors, Blake could not compete in Trois and I would have to make another selection.

But who would I choose for that selection?

This could be a tricky situation because this person would obviously know now that they were my second choice, there was no way around admitting that, not that I would ever condone lying to another person anyway. A lot of wrestlers might have a problem with being someone’s second choice. Of course I also had to remember that if this person had a serious issue with being my second choice I could always help them to remember that there is the Trios Tournament we are talking about, and if we are able to win the tournament that this person would get one of the three contracts.

So, I thought to myself, who do I know that I could trust to be one of my partners, someone that would have my back? Then I looked at Amy and I thought about all of the time that I have spent at BlackOut Academy, and I could feel the smile slowly enveloping my face, because I knew who my choice would. Like Blake he is someone that I have a ton of respect for, and also like Blake he made his return to SCW at Day of Infamy. This person has also been one of my trainers at BlackOut Academy, and if you can’t trust a person that is teaching you wrestling moves you might as well just quit wrestling altogether.

I do not want to quit, so instead I just Jason Helms!

Not only is Jason someone I know and trust, but Jason is one of that best trainers and wrestlers in the world, the most of time he just ends up being compared to his older brother David, who we could end up seeing in the Trios Tournament too. Now don’t get me wrong either, David Helms is an outstanding, legendary wrestler, but Jason is younger, personally I think that he is probably stronger since he is bigger, and is experienced in his own right, though nobody seems to know how experienced he is.

In short, I think Jason is every bit as good as his brother, and I know that even though he and David are stablemates now, that he will take any and every opportunity to remind the world of that in the Trios Tournament, since the world seems to forget that sometimes.

More than anything else though, Jason Helms is my friend, and everyone knows that my friends are just like family to me. I know that some people were saying that those of us who were making picks should set aside personal feelings and instead choose the wrestler available that gives us the best chance to win, regardless of how we feel about that person personally, but honestly?

With Jason, I feel like I got the best of both worlds, just like I would have with Blake.

With my pick and the nervousness associated with that officially out of the way, now all the was left was for Jason and I to wait and find who our other partner was going to be, which would be chosen at random like Trios teams usually have been in the past. This brought a different kind of anxiety because the are a lot of people in SCW, and I know that there are many who don’t know agree with my ideologies, both in and out of the ring. With me believing that team chemistry could mean everything in this tournament, I was hoping to find someone who could at least get along with Jason and I, even if this person wasn’t looking to be best friends with either one of us.

What happened though is I ended up smiling ear-to-ear again just like I am now thinking about the legend that Jason and I had join our team, which when you think about what had happened to me so far on that might you really just have to laugh about really.

Yes, Jason and I were joined by none other than the SCW Television Jake Starr, the very samew Jake that ended my reign as SCW Television Champion about 20 minutes or so earlier that evening.

Now I know what you maybe thinking, and so I am going to stop you right there and just admit it, yes there is other way to say this other than to be upfront and honest about the whole thing, so, yes Jake has something that I want very badly. Does this mean however that Jake and I cannot function together as teammates for Trios?

Well, I don’t know how Jake feels about me exactly, other than he knows that I am friends with his sister Jordan, but from my end, excuse me, but really, I am not Kelsai Adamson-Mason?

I want to making sure that everyone is paying attention to me when I say this so here goes; There is nothing, and I mean NOTHING that I cannot set aside for the good of the team, especially when there is such high stakes that the teams is competing for like Trios contracts. There is one person that I know who although I won’t say names as to who they are they said that I could make best friends with the devil if you gave me the opportunity.

Jake Starr is not the devil. I have said it once already, the man is a legend. He is a Supreme Champion, he is a previous winner of this Tournament, and Jason and I are lucky that we have him on our side rather than potentially having to face him as an opponent later on.

Again, it does sting a little bit that I lost my first title after I had it so briefly, and Jake was the person who beat me for it. But that just means that I have continue to get better because you know what comes after your first title reign once that it is over? Your second title reign if your are fortunate, and between having Jason Helms and Jake Starr as my Trios tournament partners, I think that it is very safe to say that I am certainly fortunate, no two ways about that. Really going into Trios, I am in an incredible position. and I can’t wait for the competition to begin.

The question now remains though, who were we going to face in the first round? Because sure, I could try and talk about every one of the other 21 participants in the tournament, and I could tell you why I believe that we that our team is going to win. That would just take too much time to do that however, with way too many variable involved and so I am not going to do that because among other things I love all of you, so that last thing I want is for you to become board listening to me. The first round of the Tournament is the one thing we do know ahead of time going ahead of time Sunday night, and I need to tell all of you that I will not be overwhelmed when we step into the ring with Selena Frost, Regan Street, and Christy Matthews.

Granted it going to be hard, but I swear that I will not allow myself to be overwhelmed when I look across the ring and see three women who I hold in such high esteem staring back at me as my opponents. Selena Frost? I grew up with posters of Selena Frost on my walls, ok?

Yes, I was a believer growing up!

Regan Street is the Mom of one of my two best friends Jenni Helms, which also means if you hadn’t figured it out, she is also the wife of David Helms…

Yes, that David Helms, so we will be facing Jason’s sister-in-law in the first round. I do love a good family get together, don’t you?

In Christy Matthews you have one of the three people that was in the main event of the first Rise to Greatness I was in the crowd for in 2012 when I was 15 years old and wrestling was just something I was thinking about doing everyday of my life. Christy came damn close to winning the SCW World Championship that night too.

In fact, all three of those women that I have looked up to have won the SCW World Championship. The pinnacle of this sport that I will do everything in my power that I possibly can to one day achieve myself, and all three of those women have done it. There is every possibility that they could win that prize again too, because that have not lost a step, any of them.

Oh make no mistake about it, come Sunday night there will be butterflies in my stomach looking across the ring at three of them, but I promise you right now my lovelies, that I will not become overwhelmed by the task in front of our team. You see, while the large majority of people that are participating in this tournament will tell you that they have nothing to prove, I am different. I lost my last time in the ring, a loss that still has bit of a sour taste in my mouth because I was the SCW Television Champion and that my first defense of my first title reign. So, 24 people are going to be participating in this event, and I might in fact be the only one that feels this way about themselves going in, but I do in fact a lot to prove Sunday.

Because I have heard all of my critics and hear this type of thing all of the time. Whether it is people who say that I am too nice, sweet, and polite that I am not cut for professional wrestling, or that losing the TV title so soon after winning it only amounts to one thing: That I do not belong in the ring, that I am never going to make. Nevermind the fact that I have already made it, I am here, I am part of SCW, one of the greatest professional wrestling promotions in the world, and like it or not I am here to stay because I am not just surviving, I am thriving! Losing to Jake Starr didn't make me a fraud or fluke like so many people that do think that I am cut out for this business would have you believe. What it did give me is a resolve and determination that while some of you may match, nobody has more of. All of that and more will be on display this Sunday too.

Selena you think that there is no greater force in the world than your believers? I say lets let them share the arena with my lovelies and then let the people decide who is the greatest force of will that the world has ever seen.

Regan, they say that you are the most determined superstar in SCW, maybe in SCW history? I say that there is nobody, and I mean NOBODY wants to help their win more than I do Sunday night, and I will do whatever it takes to prove it.

Christy, to many people you are the definition of a striker, where all you need is one kick to take your opponent out. I certainly respect that just like I respect everything that both of your partners can do in the ring, even if you do not, but I am going to remind that you can’t strike what you can’t catch, and honestly I have my doubts as to whether or not you can keep up with me. In fact, I have my doubts as to whether or not any of the three of you you can keep up with me, but I guess we will find out soon enough.

Sunday night is going to answer so many questions, like can Frozen Hell operate as a team with someone from Infamous, when they both desperately desire the one thing that Infamous currently holds, the SCW World Tag Team Championship currently?

I have a pretty good idea of how that will play out. Selena, Regan, both of you are professionals and I know that you will put aside whatever personal feelings that you have for Christy just like you Christy will do the same for Regan and Selena, because three of you want those contracts, a common goal. I seriously hope that I am right about this to. This understand is what I think will happen with your team and if I am right, this is going too end up being one heck of match, because I know that our team is ready. We will shine when we have the opportunity to perform as a cohesive unit and if we can get to great teams to face each other when the six individual parts are so freaking spectacular?

This is the kind of match that I have been dreaming of being involved in for my entire life, the kind of the match that will be the best match that night! I am salivating just thinking about it! It is the type of match that kids will be there and watch and twenty years later they will bring their children to a wrestling match, and tell them how this match made them wrestling fans for the rest of their lives because it was that great! We have the opportunity to be that great Sunday night, and I truly believe that is exactly what will happen too lovelies. When we walk into the American Airlines Center arena, Jason and Jake will be with me and we will surrounded by all of you screaming at the top of your lungs, know the you are about to see something that you will never forget, that is what I live for!


Don’t get me wrong though, I do want to win. To the other competitors in the Trois Tournament and particularly Selena, Regan, and Christy since your number is up first please do not mistake my kindness for weakness. I might talk about love and I will admit that part of me is thinking about how we can…


…Sunday night Dallas, but that is only until the bell rings. Because once it does, the only thing I will have in mind is making sure that I do everything I possibly can to assure that Jason, Jake, and I, our team, moves on into the next round, until ultimately we win the whole tournament, and we do it with smiles on our faces…

Or at least there will be a smile from ear-to-ear on my face because…


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RE: Frost/Street/Matthews VS Adamson-Mason/J. Helms/Starr - by Simple77 - 02-16-2020, 12:11 AM

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