The Jackass & Big Ass Connection vs. Frozen Hell vs. Infamous
OOC: The following plays off Selena's last Breakdown roleplay and the interactions therein.


The Dark Side of the Sun

“The Snow Queen Pageant – Dealings with Feelings”

March 14th, 2020
Nome, Alaska

She wasn't nervous. How could she be? She knew what nerves felt like. Being nervous involved your heart beating faster and your breath doing the same – even hitching and forgetting how to work properly. Being nervous could also involve anxiety because of fear of outcome. Being nervous could be an amalgamation of emotions like said fear but also joy and excitement of what 'could be'.

She was nervous about what was heading her way tomorrow. 


Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath, she imagined the noise she heard from the crowd on the other side of the 'space' being a hundred times louder because there was a hundred times more people. Much like this event, SCW had decided not to cancel Retribution in the wake of the coronavirus scare, but to proceed with caution and options – at least that was the case with SCW. She imagined Malcolm, the runner of this pageant, had pushed it forward so he wouldn't lose points in the eyes of potential voters. Besides, she mockingly thought, imaging the words of one of the few men outside of SCW she truly hated. Who the hell would come to Alaska from China?

Pushing the thoughts and worries the news had instilled in her aside, the platinum-blonde returned to her thoughts of what 'feeling nervous' was. In one day's time, being filled, hopefully, with fans and supporters and critics, facing two dominant teams in the tag-team division, her sister's dream riding in the balance – and possibly so much more...

Despite her silence across social media the last few weeks, the young woman had read and heard every message that she had been given access too, and the depressed her sister had teased at... hinted at... one that was far more possible that what the platinum-blonde was willing to say...

Yeah... this was the feeling of nervousness. The worry about failing. That was what it felt like to be nervous – where the whole world seemed on her pale shoulders.

But this? Right now? Selena opened her eyes – she didn't feel nervous about this. 

The weather had picked up and the temperature had dropped over the past week. And to alleviate fears of sickness with the temperature being in the minus still, Malcolm had quickly rented out the local theatre stage for the show – not much changes, really, as far as Selena was concerned. So she'd be a laughing stock on stage rather than outside, no big deal.

Leaning against the wall as she stood in the darkness of the wings of the stage, the young wrestler tilted her head a little to see through the curtains, allowing a small section of the filled audience seats to catch her eye. She could see many people, some dressed casually, some in suits and much more 'refined' clothes. Some were already sitting and some were still standing, in discussion with others. Despite the nature of this event, this was still seen as a 'social gathering' for the residents of Nome, and with the town as small and closed off from the world as it was – everyone knows everyone... she remembered. For a brief moment, the Snow Queen moved her head a little from side to side, expanding her range of sight and trying to see if she recognized anyone she could see. 

She knew Jean and Zoe would be there – why wouldn't they be? They had promised their support in this pointless exhibition. And...probably, as she didn't expect Liam or the few residents close to her to be there... they'd be the only people there to support when she got eliminated in the first round.

A sad smile of pale lips crossed her features. It didn't matter. The majority of people – with their 'small town equals small minds' mentality had always hated her for being 'The Crazy Miner's Daughter' and being 'The Snow Queen'. Their approval was not something Selena actively sought. They could laugh her right off the stage and out of the building. They would just be fuelling her deal with Talia.

The bigger and better she beats you... Selena reasoned. The more likely she'll keep her word and help you!

Crossing her arms over her chest, Selena felt her leather jacket against her bare shoulders as she leaned flush against the wall, the wood and stone offering her back its full support. She hadn't been on this stage since the last time she had been in this event. When she had won it...

With a sigh, she reached up a pale hand to massage her forehead. For a moment, she felt the absolutely crushing realization that winning this pageant all those years ago, becoming the Snow Queen of Nome, had caused so much more trouble than it had been worth. Not only had she lost her best friend by stealing her routine and the title from her, but in the years that had followed? The nickname had stuck to Selena like glue, just another thing to be harassed and abused about. And while it had followed her to better things in SCW now, here it was again, dragging her back to Nome just to be reminded of what she was here – despite the success and family she had...

Still the Crazy Miner's Daughter... Still the laughing stock... and for what?

That was actually the most laughable part of this whole thing. What had spurred the then twelve-year-old on to becoming the Snow Queen? Her step-mother, Anastasia DeCarlo, had taken her prized possession, the gold-nugget necklace (a gift from her assumed dead father) and threatened to destroy it if Selena did not go out there and win. With her back against the wall, Selena had submitted, throwing her best-friend/sister under the bus and taking the crown for herself. 

She scoffed, reaching up to give her platinum braid a sharp tug. She had been so weak back then. Now? If her mother had tried something like that? She would have spit in her mother's face – literally – and walked out of the theatre. A gold-nugget did not define her or her relationship with her father. Did not remove what her father had meant to her and meant to her now. But she had been so scared to lose it – to be without the only piece of him she had left – the pinnacle of his beliefs. Faith no bigger than this nugget...

It had also become the core of Selena's own – though it would take years of pain and suffering and losing said faith for her to regain that core. Deanna had helped with that, the redhead slowly, but surely, worming her cute, little way into Selena's heart. With her other free hand, Selena placed it over the organ that beat so strongly in her chest. That's who's opinion mattered to her – that was who she was doing this for. The rest of them can continue to freeze up here in their hatred...

There was the sound of movement coming from further backstage and Selena recognized it – like a stampede of the smallest animals in the animal kingdom. A mixture of pitter-patters was coming from the green/crew/cast room (whatever they called here) in the basement as people, children, rushed up the stairs. Selena was too far in the wings to really see them, but it did not take long for several small children to be standing beside her. She counted a good half dozen of girls, not including her, each wearing a dress, heavy-makeup for children their age and hair done up so many different ways and styles. Despite herself, the young woman smiled at them, their enthusiasm and myriad of emotions from stage-fright to excitement rubbing off on her. That she was excited to be part of this – her part in this was a sham as it was – but she was hoping to have some fun like she had a few days ago during the rehearsal. 

The girls whispered amongst themselves, Selena unable to make out much of what was being shared, so she kept quiet as she removed her leather jacket, folding it up and placing it in a corner of the wings. For a moment, she felt the light and soft material of her dress – especially the softness of the white faux-fur that circled around just under her bare shoulders. It had been an easy choice, deciding to wear her Winter-Sky dress. First, and perhaps foremost, was the notion that she had to at least seem to be interested in this event – in participating in it – and appearing as “The Snow Queen”, hence the sapphire blue dress with long, sheer cape with snowflake designs galore. Even in the darker space of the wings, Selena could see the lights around her bouncing off the sequins that formed the designs. 

The second reason she had chosen this dress was because... because... 

She sighed a little, smoothing the dress out with her hands. She would be lying if she said the second choice wasn't a matter of pride. If she was going to hand over the title that had both made and broken her – if she was going to be a laughing stock in this town – she was going to do being something more at the same time. Holding her head high, smiling without a care, and showing them what she was deep down.

A Snow Queen...

A nod of confidence to herself was all she needed before turning around to face the stage – and the half-dozen pairs of eyes staring at her in stunned silence. 

Slightly taken aback by the children's sudden focus on her, Selena was temporarily at a loss for words. “Ahh...” without thinking, she spun on the spot, allowing the cape and skirt to billow and flow around her in a beautiful display.

“Wow...” came one remark from a child – Selena was not sure which one. She smiled at them quietly before biting her lower lip nervously.

“Don't worry, girls.” she whispered. “You'll fit into one of these one day, too. Promise.”

That seemed to excite a few of them – given the large difference between their height and size and that of Selena's. Fortunately, before the situation could become more awkward, the sound of music began playing, low enough so a voice could be heard from the stage.

“Hello, ladies and gentlemen!” came the broad, deep voice. “I'm Robert Gillies! And I will be your host for the final event of the day!”

There was a round of applause from the audience, some hoops and hollers as well (though those seemed to come from the back, if Selena's hearing was accurate).

“As you know, my friend...” Robert continued. “For us here, in Nome, the snow never really goes away, does it?” some muttering from the crowd was the reply. “But this weekend does mark the final weekend of the 'Winter Season'. Therefore, let's send it on its way the right way as we crown a brand new Snow Queen!”

More cheers came as the music reached a louder volume, the cue being heard as “One in a Million” by Bosson began to play. Immediately, the little girls in front of Selena scrambled into line and began to walk on stage, heads straight, posture perfect – what they had no doubt been practising for months. Selena both admired and felt sorry for them (not pity, but something close to that). Because there was a difference between walking regally and walking with confidence. One was done out of being told to do it and the other came from self-worth. And from what was before her, these young girls had not realized that yet.

Still, with a shake of her head and a last huff of breath, as her turn came, Selena walked out, a smile crossing her face as the stage lights hit her full.

Chest out.
Head high.
Shoulders back.

Her step-mother's checklist from years past came running in her hand and, surprisingly, Selena allowed it, even feeling a little comfort by it. True, things had been horrible with Anastasia throughout most of her life, some scars that would always remain, but the end – the last few years with her step-mother... it hadn't been all bad. And since her death, Selena had almost wished that they had had more time together. So to hear her voice again – well, Selena leaned into it, walking as her mother had taught her but adding her own slight swing in her hips as she moved across the stage.

From the corner of her eye, she spied Talia – the next Snow Queen if this farce was to finish up as it was supposed to. Her former friend/present tormentor's eyes widened a little as she beheld Selena in her dress. Talia had chosen well, far as Selena could see – the brunette dressed in a low-cut V-neck, form fitting number – Jovani, Selena guessed if what she had overheard earlier that day was to be believed – that was fully embroidered. It was a beautiful dress to be sure, but the look in Talia's eyes as she quickly scanned Selena's form, the two crossing in the X-pattern of the choreography to reach opposite sides of the stage to bevel and pose with the music – Selena recognized that look. It was one she saw over and over again at SCW.

Jealousy. The brunette was not 'digging' what Selena was wearing and felt like she, herself, was wearing a paper-bag in comparison.

The knowledge put a slight smirk on Selena's face and as they continued the choreography of the song, doing their turns and spins, the Snow Queen didn't shy away from adding a bit more swing and hip-movement and a hint of smoldering looks. If this was all for Deanna – Selena reasoned – she was going to put a little of 'dance for Deanna' into it.

The number was over before she knew it and the audience gave a solid applause as the contestants were rushed off the stage, Robert returning with a huge 'host-smile' on his face.

“Quite a group of lovely girls, am I right?” he asked. “Before we continue, let's take an opportunity to thank our sponsor – the fine mayor of our town. Malcom-”

Selena tuned him out as she made her way to the backstage area and down the stairs. The room was beige, white and green colored with tables of catered food and bottles of water. It was large enough to accommodate the fourteen contestants and a parent for each child, but it was still rather full. As she made her way down the stairs, she saw some of the girls prepping themselves near the doorway and some just relaxing. Above them, the PA system played out what was being said by Robert and whomever was on stage, a television hooked up in the corner of the main room to show the stage's current happenings as well – Robert was still thanking people and introducing the first part of the event.

Grabbing a bottle of water from the table of them, Selena quietly ushered herself into one of the changerooms, filled with mirrors and dresses for the last part of the event. A large rack of costumes hanging from them was her target, and she moved around it to take the plush seat in the corner that no one saw. With the rack moved slightly by Selena as she moved behind it, it offered a rather pleasant curtain/private hideaway for her – a corner of the room that she could just keep quiet and out of the way of the people that wanted and deserved to win this pageant-thing. 

With a sigh, she unscrewed the plastic cap of her water bottle and quietly drank the contents. The first event was the interview portion – the 'meet-and-greet the contestants' section. It was also the event that would be the only thing Selena participated in. Because from that event, the judges in the front row would eliminate seven of the fourteen girls just like that – and Selena had every intention of being one of them. She knew Jean and Zelda (Zoe) were on standby, ready to drive her to the airport after her elimination so she could get to Tennessee as fast as she could – where she wanted to be, working with Regan to prepare them for their chance at the SCW World Tag Team Championship.

Taking another sip of water, the platinum-blonde closed her eyes, imaging the minutes ticking away as the sound of Robert's voice, asking contestants questions on stage, filled the room. Minutes ticking away until you're no longer the Snow Queen here.

For a moment, Selena thought about what that would be like. What if she wasn't the Snow Queen of Nome anymore. Strangely enough, the thought was not as depressing as it could have been. I mean, word would probably get out to SCW eventually about it – probably some kind of backlash to that, but she highly doubted that would affect her being 'The Snow Queen' in SCW... something she actually enjoyed being – so different than Katie Steward's ridiculous notion of 'Queen of Queens' and whatnot. And if SCW really got upset if they got wind of this pageant, it wasn't like Selena was at a loss for nicknames: Winter's Knight, The Alaskan Dragon, hell, she could change to 'Ice Witch' if need be – and of course... her personal favourite along with “Snow Queen”. 

The Face of SCW

Smiling shyly, though no one was around, Selena snuggled further into her plush chair. Glad I'm not having to give THAT one up any time soon. Despite several superstars in SCW chastising and critiquing her on 'how to behave like the Face of SCW', it only added to the excitement and honor she felt being called that. If it was so easy to dismiss it – like the Butt-Connection had dismissed Frozen Hell over the last few weeks, though not as much as Infamous had, focusing on causing scandals in the Television title scene – then it would have been ignored and forgotten. But ever since Shawn Winters had uttered that name, a casting of opinion, the world had been swept up in it. Some, like Adam Sharper and, on some level, Jonathan Knots, agreeing while others, particularly the entitled Syrens and Siennas and Brees, denying it every time Selena's name came into conversation.

They're just keeping my name in association with it... Selena sighed at the stupidity of said bitter superstars. It wasn't like Infamous or Gloria Braddock. She didn't have to tweet it every few days or after every win or in every promo – everyone else seemed to be content in reminding the world that she was called “The Face of SCW”.

And she had to wonder: Would 'The Snow Queen' survive this and stay with her? Part of her, deep down, quietly hoped so-


“Bless you.” Selena replied instinctively before realizing the sound came from right beside her. Turning her head and leaning over the side of her chair, she spied the little bundle of dress and life sitting under the counter top that ran around the room for the 'makeup stations'. It was a mixture of red curly hair and light purple chiffon! “Hey.” she said, causing the girl to uncurl herself from her wrapped-up state to gaze up at Selena, the young Frost recognizing the girl immediately. 

“Becky?” she remarked with a surprised smile. “What are you doing down there?”

Fortunately, the twelve-year old remembered Selena from the rehearsal days and seemed comfortable enough to approach her, pulling herself up from under the counter to stand at Selena's eye-level (Selena still in her seat). “Keeping away.” she whispered.

“Keeping away?” Selena asked, mentally remarking how cute and beautiful the young girl looked – wearing an A-Line Princess Scoop dress that reached for floor at Becky's feet. Her hair was pinned back with a hairband of faux-diamonds and Selena was sure the child was wearing contact lenses because the thick-rimmed glasses she had seen earlier this week at rehearsal were gone.

Becky nodded at Selena's question before tentatively reaching out to feel the faux-fur that lined Selena's shoulders. “You can touch it.” Selena smiled. “It's okay.”

Emboldened by Selena's grant of permission, the young girl ran her hand gently along the material. “It's so pretty.” she whispered shyly.
“So is yours.” Selena remarked with a smile. “Did your mother pick it out for you?”
A shake of the head was her response. “My big sister. She... she helped me when my mom wouldn't listen...”

It took some coaxing from Selena, but the child soon opened up about her older sister, ten years older, named Maria, who lived in Nome as well, but was studying to be an accountant. When Becky's mother was becoming too obsessed with this pageant, it had been Maria that had stepped in and whisked Becky off to her own place, taken her shopping and kept the mother in check. “She's my best friend.” Becky admitted.

“I see.” Selena smiled. “I have a sister like that too.”
“You do?” Becky asked. “Is she pretty?”
“Yes.” Selena nodded hesitantly. “But I wouldn't call her that too often – she's a bit of a tough girl.” she winked at the child knowingly. “But we're always looking out for each other.”

“I like that.” a shy smile came across the twelve-year old's lips. “Is she here today?”
“No.” Selena shook her head. “She's waiting for me in Tenne- way out there.” Selena gestured to the 'out there'. “We've got a big competition tomorrow to win together.”
“Another pageant?” she asked, causing Selena to laugh.
“No, not quite. But just as important to me, for sure!”
“Oh...I...I hope you win.” Becky offered shyly.

It was adorable, this child, a beacon of innocence and kindness. She reminded the young Frost of her older daughter, Elsianna, even after the world had seen fit to hurt her scar her as it had – she still kept her heart as pure and good... a far cry from how Selena had been when the world had dealt her a similar hand.

“I hope you win.” Selena offered, placing a gentle hand on Becky's shoulder. “I really do.”

Becky's mouth hung open in surprise and she was about to speak when “Briar, Rebecca! On deck!”

Eyes widening, Selena turned her attention back to Becky. “Is that you?”. Becky's nod urged Selena's next words. “You have to go then! You're up!”
“I...I don't...”

“You got this!” Selena stated, holding up her hands. “Go out there and own it!”

With a sudden burst of confidence, fleeting as it may have been, the redhead clapped Selena's offered hands in a high-five times two before scampering out of the quiet corner and up the flight of stairs. For the next fifteen or so minutes, Selena actually paid attention to the pageant, listening in on the questions and the answers the girl gave. She stammered a little, but Selena was more than thrilled that the child managed to get through without much in the way of problems. She even laughed affectionately at Becky's answer to the question “If you could have any superpower, what would it be.”

Teleporting. Becky had answered. So I could always find a place to watch the sunrise.

“Okay, that was good!” Selena laughed again at the cuteness of the girl as the interview drew to a close, excusing Becky to move on to the next one. The redhead had rushed downstairs and Selena had emerged from her 'hiding space', leaning against the open door frame to watch the child as she ran across the room. She spoke to her mother for a few minutes before then making her way back over to Selena.

“Good?” she asked, earning a shaky nod from Becky.
“I think so.”
“I really liked your superpower answer. Sunrises are awesome.”
“Thank you... and thanks for the encouragement.” the young redhead sounded so shy and timid. It was enough to cause Selena to smile and chuckle a little.

“You're very welcome.” came the reply just as another voice rose up.
“Frost, Selena. On deck!”

With a small nod of her head, Selena took a short breath to prepare herself. “Okay.” she smiled. “Wish me luck.”

Instead of 'luck', however, the small girl's tiny hands clutched the purple long skirt of her dress before she blurted out. “Can you watch me during the talent part if we both make it?!”

The offer caught Selena off guard, causing her to mentally curse herself. The 'talent part' was the second and last section of the event, where the final seven would perform a particular talent of theirs for the audience. For most of the children, it would be something simple – hell, there were at least six out of the fourteen that were going to sing “Let it Go!” from Frozen – and that was not an exaggeration (Selena had checked when she had heard the first three girls practising it during warmups). 

But here was the reality, and the cause of Selena's mental cursing. The platinum-blonde was supposed to be eliminated in this round and then head straight to Tennessee afterwards. For the love of Odin, for her 'talent', she had also chosen to sing “Let it Go!”, choosing the obvious and – by far – worse choice she could to ensure she would lose should the impossible happen and she move on.

“I...” looking down at the pleading eyes, however, the Snow Queen could not help but sigh and nod her head. “If we both get into the final round, I promise I'll be there in the wings to watch you, okay?”

She didn't give Rebecca the chance to respond as her legs moved her quickly up the stairs and into the wings just in time to hear the last question being asked to the woman on stage.

“And lastly, Mrs. Scythe – if you could have any wish granted, what would that wish be?” the smooth talking host asked as he stood on stage in his black and white tuxedo. Unfettered, Talia leaned into the microphone to answer.

“Well, Robert, if I had one wish... I would wish to win the crown of the Snow Queen here tonight!”

The answer caused Selena to roll her eyes at the fake tone of voice the lawyer was using, so sickeningly and fake sweet (like sweetener vs sugar) that the platinum-blonde was sure she now had a few cavities in her teeth just from listening to it. The audience gave a round of applause as the host excused Talia, who walked off the stage, passing Selena in the wings as she did.

“Top that.” the brunette dared with an arrogant smirk.
“No thanks.” Selena threw back. “I'm trying to get you to work for me, remember?”

Before Talia could retort, Selena's name was called by the host: “And now, ladies and gentlemen, our final contestant. She is a former Snow Queen of 2002, Mrs. Selena Frost!” - allowing Selena to stroll elegantly onto the stage, waving to the audience before standing beside Robert.

“Welcome, Mrs. Frost.”
“Thank you, Robert. But Selena is fine.”
“Very well.” Robert shrugged nonchalantly. “You can call me Bob. Nervous?”
“No, not really.” Selena answered with a smile. “I did my taxes before I came here. Now that was nerve-wracking.”

The response earned a quiet rumble of laughter from the audience.

“Very good.” the host answered, chuckling himself. “Let me ask you, Selena. What makes you different from the other girls competing today?”

Now, something to make clear – in case it wasn't already: Selena was ready to be eliminated from this round. Whereas every other contestant may have studied every possible question and put together the perfect answers for whatever questions were thrown their way, Selena had used that kind of hard-work and mentality trying to figure out the worst answers she could realistically give. And from all her research, the answer that came to her? Brutal and 100% honest truth!

With a smile, Selena leaned into the microphone. “What makes me different from the other girls competing today, Bob? Well... I'd say for most of them? About twenty years, one and half to two feet, at least a hundred pounds – just to name a few things.”

The audience laughed at that – the elephant in the room being put in the middle of the spotlight. Rather than be stunned by this, Robert smiled at leaned into it – clearly a practised host!

“And do you believe this makes you stand out amongst your fellow, competitors?”
“Not to discredit those brave girls, Bob.” Selena replied, smirking at his humor. “But there's a reason I was in the back row of the opening number.”
“Head and shoulders above the competition, eh?”
“And chest too, in some cases – do go staring, Bob.”
“Eyes are on you, Selena.”

The back and forth was certainly getting some humor but Selena could see the judges were only slightly amused. Good. 

“Next question, Selena. Why do you think you should be the Snow Queen pageant winner once again this year?”

Biting her lower lip, Selena shrugged her shoulders. “Well, I was the last Snow Queen back in 2002. And since then, I've held onto it and taken it with me around the world... are there any wrestling fans in the audience?”
With a grin, Selena pointed to the audience where she heard the sound of the spectator. “Thank you!” she smiled. “So, yeah, I've travelled around the world with that title. Wouldn't mind keeping it for a bit longer.”

“Alright, let's take it over to our judges for their questions!” Robert stated, turning the attention to the panel that sat at the front of the audience. Selena didn't recognize any of the three that sat there. Two women and one man – all older in age, clearly.

“So, Selena.” the woman on the right spoke first. “Who is your role model?”

It took Selena a few seconds to answer, only because she had to make a choice between two people... and she couldn't. “Well, that would be two people. One is my wife, Deanna. Easily the strongest, kindest woman I've ever known after travelling all around this world. Bias as that sounds.”

No sound came from the audience, the Snow Queen unsure if they were being polite or shunning her – it was a small town, after all. 

“And the second person, many of you will know, would be my father. Donovan Frost.” the silence that followed that answer, was far more obvious to identify. One word: uneasy. Still, Selena pressed onward. “For those of you that do, this town wasn't exactly kind to my father.” Her tone had a slight edge to it. “He was referred to as 'crazy' or 'crazy miner' and I 'the crazy miner's daughter'. But he never let that deter him. Never let that get in the way of his dream. Even when he was taken away from me, he had kept on believing and kept on searching, telling me that all you needed was faith no bigger than a small nugget of gold, and you can do anything. Truth is, guys, I wouldn't be the woman I am if it weren't for him. And just to give you all an ending to it... he did find that gold.”

With a sad-happy smile, Selena reached up to gently dab the tears that had formed in her eyes, barely hearing the quiet applause from the audience. She did, however, feel the pat on her back by Robert, the host offering his quiet support.

“Selena.” it was the second female judge, ready with her question. “Were you ever bullied? How did you handle it.”

A short laugh came from Selena as she heard the question, her desire to continue her answering-pattern of blunt answering shining through. “Gracefully when I could. Viciously when I couldn't. Victoriously whenever possible.”

“Spoken like a wrestler.” the woman replied with a slight smirk.
“Can't win fights with daffodils.” Selena replied. “Especially if it's a group of people or a very dangerous person.”

“And would you feel this is fitting of a Snow Queen?” the woman asked, though there was no malice in her voice, only true curiosity, perhaps a bit of concern.
“I don't know about that.” Selena shrugged. “But it's how I've survived all these years, so between that and being dead in an alley somewhere, which path would you take?”

The woman gave a curt nod before returning to her notes, allowing the third judge – the man – to speak. 

“Mrs. Frost, let's speak plainly here. You're quite well known here in Nome and around the world. But not all of it is the 'celebrity status' you currently possess. I remember some years ago of a very different Selena Frost that worked at Liam's Bar and Grill – a girl with problems. I'm sure, much like your father, we all remember that 'Selena Frost'.”

Selena felt her jaw clench at that and saw Robert shifting uncomfortably on stage. This was far different than the questions thrown towards the little girls that had gone before her, and even Talia. This was a firing squad and the platinum-blonde was being assailed with shots.

“My question to you is, why would we consider you when, the last time you wore the crown of Snow Queen, you did nothing with it other than, to be blunt, become a source of infamy here in Nome?”

Nodding her head slowly, Selena turned towards Robert, gently taking the microphone from the host's hand. “What's that guy's name?” she whispered so only Robert could hear him.
“Sean.” the host answered, clearly not liking where this event had gone in terms of direction.
“Thanks.” Selena replied before turning her attention towards the male judge.

“Well, Warren. I'll tell you why. Because I know I can handle it.” Her eyes flashed towards the second female judge. “You asked me if I was ever bullied and how I handled it? Well, truth is, I was. It started off being because of my father, but after I won this pageant years ago, that just added fuel to the fire. And with my father gone and my step-mother less than caring, it was basically me on my own. Me dealing with having chocolate milk dumped over my head. Hot coffee thrown into my face to try and 'melt me'. Being locked in a chest deep within the abandoned rooms of the school gym to 'keep me cool till next Christmas'. Years and years of – despite being called 'a queen' – being told I was worthless and pathetic.”

She took a strong breath. “Yes, I fell from grace. I fell hard. I fell into depression, alcoholism, even moreso when I lost not only my baby but also my fiancee in one fell swoop. I was lost in a deep, black pit that not even my father's words could get me out.” For a moment, Selena cast her gaze out to the audience. “But I did get out. I got out because of my father, because of my new job, because of my daughter, and because of meeting my wife, who further helped me and made me into a better person.”

Turning her head, sapphire eyes bore into Sean. “And do you want to know where people like you were, Sean? Who are questioning my integrity now? Where were you when I was so broken? You were ordering drinks from me and hitting on me at Liam's Bar and Grill.”

“I beg your-” Sean started but Selena cut him off.
“You and everyone looking down on me where doing just that while I was spiralling downward. But you know something, Sean? If I had let people like you beat me. If I had let people like you continue to push me into the dirt and fracture my integrity, then I would not have come back here and be standing on this stage. I'd have never returned.”

She sighed quietly, running a hand through her hair.

“But I did return. I am here now. Because, in spite of it all – Nome has always been my homeland. Always will be.” There was a moment of silence before the Snow Queen chuckled. “And you can take the Snow Queen out of the cold but you can't take the cold out of the Snow Queen, am I right?”

There was a silent bout of laughter from the audience – not much, mind you, but it certainly helped ease some of the extremely awkward tension within the theatre. Shaking her head, feeling suddenly so tired, Selena turned back to the audience.

“The reason I want to be the Snow Queen again is because I don't want any of your children – the parents in the audience and backstage – to go through what I went through. Because, I promise you, it may be 'fun' and 'cool' now, but take it from someone that's lived with this title. There's a price to pay for it... and I wouldn't ask it on anyone that wasn't strong enough to handle everything that goes with it. Thank you.”

Turning on her heel, Selena walked back to Robert, handing him the microphone before moving to the back of the stage, and out one of the wings. To her surprise, Talia was standing there in the back, leaning against the rail near the stairs. Her eyes narrowed when she saw Selena, who merely shrugged her shoulders and pumped her fist.

“Nailed it.” she laughed.
“Drama queen.” Talia said simply. “Always playing the victim.”
“Coming from you? And seeing where we are right now? Doesn't really mean much.” Selena simply replied as the other girls all made their way up the stairs, apparently all being called to the stage.

Seeing Selena as she emerged, little Becky rushed over to her side to stand beside her, not saying a word. Eventually, the group of contestants made their way onto the stage as Gillies was handed a piece of paper from the judges before returning to the center of the stage near the ladies.

“Alright, ladies, you have been interviewed by our judges and myself. And with your answers, the judges have determined who shall be moving on to the next portion of our contest. First, I want to thank all of you, from the bottom of my heart, for coming here today and showing us all what beautiful, unique and wonderful people you are! I am sure this decision was not an easy one for our judges.”

Oh please... Selena mentally laughed. My name is probably written in caps under the 'Eliminated' Section. She secretly hoped so.

“Our first of the seven finalists are: Holly Fratel!”

One of the little girls in front of Selena jumped up and down before scampering to the other side of the stage.

“Our next finalist: Devon Isler!”

Three more names, including Talia's, were called and with each name, Selena felt Becky's grip on her hand tighten. She could feel the little girl's concern – or was it fear from her mother? Selena hoped not.

“Our sixth finalist:” Robert held a slightly longer pause with each new name mentioned, as if to grow suspense. Such a showman... Selena shook her head in good nature, but beamed when she heard the name- “Rebecca Briar!”

Eyes growing to the size of saucers, Becky's face shot up to gaze up at Selena in shock. Smiling genuinely at the girl, Selena nodded her head. “That's you, Becky! It's you!” 

With a gentle nudge from the Snow Queen, the redhead was able to release her hold on Selena and make her way across the stage to where the other girls were.

“And our last finalist, who will compete in the talent-portion of the event to name a 2020 Snow Queen...” Robert read the list as the audience remained silent, waiting for him to speak.


The world stopped. Nothing made sense. Nothing was right. She knew she misheard. It was impossible!

But as she looked across the stage and saw Becky motioning with her hands towards her to come to where she was standing, Selena knew she hadn't. Slowly, hesitantly, almost forgetting how to walk, Selena moved across the stage to where the others were. The second she was close enough to the small child, she felt Becky's hands grasping her own. Her mind, however, was only half-there, the other half was trying desperately to figure out what the hell had happened. She was supposed to have been eliminated! Taken out in the first round and Talia sauntering onward to win the damn crown!

Lifting her head up to the other finalists, however, her eyes settled on the other adult in this competition. And the knowing smirk that played across the brunette's lips. bitch. Selena's mind growled as the stage was cleared to prepare for the next event – with a forty-five minute intermission for everyone to get prepared. Selena kept her eyes narrowed and focused on Talia, almost missing Becky wishing her well before the redhead had to scamper off to get ready for the talent event. 

Alone backstage, Talia and Selena stared each other down. One smug and arrogant, and the other seething. “You did this.” Selena stated with a hiss. “You arranged to have me make it to the next round.”

With a smile, Talia held her hands behind her back. “I can't take all the credit.” she admitted. “You were the one that gave me the idea. I just whispered in Sean's ear.”
“What are you talking about? 'My idea'?” Selena all but yelled. “We had a deal, Talia! I throw the competition in the first round! What do you get out of this?!”

“You said it yourself, Selena.” Talia replied darkly, dark, brown orbs glaring at Selena. “At rehearsal earlier this week? 'Lose the first round and then you're outta here'? Remember? That was your plan? Skip town before the show was even over?”

“So that's it then?” Selena asked, almost in disbelief. “You rigged it so I have to stay till the end?”
“Stay till the end, throw the competition...” Talia grinned. “And stand on stage and watch me be crowned the Snow Queen.”

“You know, I take it back.” Selena growled, only Talia able to hear. “I told you that there was nothing good in pretending to be me... but there is one thing. It's a hell of a lot better than being you!” she added with a snap.

“For once – and though it pains me to admit it – I agree.”

The voice did not come from Talia but from just to the other side of the stage, causing both women's head to snap in that direction, both in shock and, in Selena's case, frightening concern, as the tall, strong-shouldered, salt-and-peppered-haired man walked into the light before the two women.

“Malcolm...” Talia muttered, which was more than what Selena could do, the Snow Queen choosing only to glare and clench her jaw. “What are you-”
“I sponsored this event, didn't I? At your insistence, I might add.” 

With slow, methodical steps, the mayor of Nome paced back and forth around the two women.

“Now, when you came to me, Talia, with this idea, I must admit I was intrigued by it. The notion of nostalgia and social gatherings – how did you put it? 'The past being brought back to help us reflect on the future' – it certainly was appealing. But seeing you on stage... and seeing you -” he turned his gaze to Selena for a moment. “I am not so smug and set in my way to not know when I've been had.” 

“She got both of us, then.” Was all Selena said.

“It seems that way.” Malcolm stated with a slight nod of his head. “Now, please excuse me while I talk to my daughter-in-law.”

Taking a deep breath, Selena was almost tempted to stay and defy Malcolm, like she had countless times before. But the fact was, it didn't matter why he was there, or if he supported Talia or not. It didn't change anything. She still was in the finals and she still needed to lose in order to get Deanna out of prison.

Without a word, the Snow Queen excused herself, making her way down the steps, but instead of going into the doors of the green room, she stayed against the wall of the stairway, out of sight but able to hear the conversation above her.

“I can explain-” Talia started.
“I'll bet you can.” Malcolm cut her off curtly. “But I already figured it out. You have this put together because your little grudge with Frost.”
“It's not as-”
“You think I don't know your two's history? You think Ryan didn't tell me?”

There was a moment of silence, and Selena wondered if they were still talking.

“What does it matter?” Talia's voice suddenly came through. “I'll win and-”
“You listen to me, you pitiful child.” hissed the mayor. “I did not allow you to sleep your way into my family, and pay your way to turn your from a pitiful 'volunteer nurse' into a powerful lawyer just to have you embarrass this family with your squabbles! Do you hear me?!”

“How am I embarrassing you?!”
“This WHOLE thing is a joke! That's all everyone was talking about! The mayor's daughter-in-law competing against children! It's a mockery -”
“But Selena legitimizes-”
“Oh stop it!” Ordered Malcolm. “You think everyone here hasn't figured out she's been throwing the competition? Any idiot with half a brain can tell she doesn't want it. That's she's here for other reasons – know why? Cause she was out there, acting real. You, just like those kids, were talking out your pampered asses because you want to win. She was brutally honest to the point it was uncomfortable because she doesn't care if she wins!”

Again a moment of silence, but Selena was filled with a smug confidence. She had hoped someone had noticed her honesty was there for a reason. 

“You can win your crown.” Malcolm stated darkly. “But no one – no one – will believe you earned it. Especially with Selena here like this. They'll know you're a sham, an embarrassment to this family.”

“What...what are you going to do?” Talia asked, her voice shaking.
“Nothing.” Malcolm stated. “Except have a word with that judge you spoke to. Rest assured, there will be no more rigging. But besides that, I won't be interfering. You want your crown so badly, then you can have it... but I'll point out what Frost said on that stage. You'll have the crown...” he leaned in, his voice laced with a threatening tone. “And everything that comes with it.”

Even from where she was, Selena's spine shivered at the tone of that threat. Despite defeating him in the long run, there was no denying that Malcolm Scythe was a dangerous man. She heard the sounds of retreating shoes as Malcolm made his exit. With him gone, Selena took a deep breath as she leaned against the stone wall, her hand pressed against the bare skin of her clavicle and over her heart. For a moment, she hoped that any revenge or action done by Malcolm to Talia would happen after the lawyer got Deanna out of prison. Part of her may have worried for Talia a little, but the brunette had made her bed and dug her grave and she needed to lie in it.

With a deep breath to calm herself further Selena turned her head up to see Talia standing at the top of the staircase, glaring daggers at her. For a moment, the two said nothing – nothing needed to be said. They both knew that Selena had heard everything. They both knew what this even truly was, regardless of Talia's delusions. Reality had just paid them a visit and it was Selena's view of reality that had won out.

Because it was a reality she saw every day. Hell, where she was headed in one day's time, there was a woman that believed if she won the world title by having a basic four or five on one, it was 'fair' and made her 'the rightful/legitimate champion'. People like her, like Talia, discredited the intelligence of the world, even if that world was small like Nome.

“Heavy is the head that wears the crown.” Selena finally settled on saying to Talia, staring up at her, arms crossed over her chest. “I told you this would not work out the way you wanted it to.”

“Oh, don't be so sure about that.” Talia replied with a deep breath. “Because I'm altering our deal.” she stated darkly, eyes cutting through Selena. “If you want my help – if you want Deanna out of prison – then you have to beat me.”

For the second time today, Selena's mind stopped, her heart froze and the world came crashing down.

“You heard me.” Talia stated with a cruel smirk on her lips. “You want your wife out of prison, then you need to, once again, become the Snow Queen.”

[Image: hffOaUZ.png]
SCW Supreme Champion
6x SCW World Champion
4x SCW World Tag-Team Champion
2x SCW United States Champion
3x SCW Adrenaline Champion
SCW Television Champion
Longest Reigning SCW World Champion (234 days)
Winner of Shot of Adrenaline Tournament (2016)
Winner of Best of the Best Tournament (2016)
Winner of Trios Tournament (2018)
Winner of U.S. Championship Tournament (2020)
Winner of World Championship Tournament (2023)
Winner of Tactical Warfare (2014, 2019)
Winner of Elimination Chamber (2015)
Winner of Roofed Cage Match (2019)
Winner of Last Person Standing Match (2019)
The Unbelievable Main Event (2021-2023)
Winner of Double Jeopardy Match (2022)
Winner of EOTY Invitational (2023)
Female Wrestler of the Year (2016, 2021, 2022)
Tag-Team of the Year (2020 - w/ Regan Street)
Match of the Year (2018, 2019, 2021, 2023)
Feud of the Year (2014, 2019)

[Image: 34zetxl.png]

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RE: The Jackass & Big Ass Connection vs. Frozen Hell vs. Infamous - by SnowQueenSCW - 03-14-2020, 11:32 PM

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