The Jackass & Big Ass Connection vs. Frozen Hell vs. Infamous
The Royal Letter

The camera fades in to reveal Selena Frost sitting on a plush, dark green chair. The walls behind her are white and there is a faint sound of an airplane every so often, but nothing to distracting. Her hair is in its iconic braid and she is wearing a dark purple loose cotton top. She has only a light amount of makeup on – eye-liner and some lip gloss and blush, typical for the Snow Queen. With a deep breath, she steadies herself before her voice is heard.

There's usually an order to these kinds of things. She shuffles a little in her seat, as if to make herself more comfortable. An unwritten code of sorts- you can call it 'customs/customary' or even something as common as 'common courtesy'.

Biting her thumbnail between her teeth for a moment, Selena then adjusts her thick, platinum-blonde braid, swishing it over her shoulder with her free hand so it rests over the left side of her chest. And you guys, westling fans and True Believers, you know what I'm talking about. I say things like 'the champion usually enters last for a match in terms of entrance order' and you guys will know what I mean. I'd say 'wipe your feet on the apron before entering the ring during your entrance' and again, you guys will get it. You're smart. You notice these things, and you know when you're being lied and fed BS.

Rolling her shoulders, Selena takes a quick huff of an exhale before focusing on the camera.

The reason I bring this up is because, customarily, in a multi-person match such as this, I should be talking about the other challenging team – Tommy Valentine and Kandis, the Butt-Connection – and then give the champions, that being Infamous, my attention. 

That is what the 'unwritten code of wrestling' would outline...
The sound of Selena's fingers rapping against the armrest of her chair is heard, a clear sign of her growing frustration. But the thing is, that would also mean that I respect the tag-team champions enough to follow that code and that I agree that they would be owed that kind of respect.

And nothing is further from the truth.

Tightening her jaw a bit, Selena shifts in her chair, her hands locking together and resting on her lap as she swings a leg over the other. I'll make that clear right here and right now, Christy and Ravyn. I'm forgoing protocol and 'unwritten customs' and speaking to you first because I do not respect either of you. Infamous, the supposed 'most dominant stable' in SCW right now. More twisted than “The Wonderland”, more resilient than “The Beauty Network”... least that's what the two of you say... you know what else you've said? Selena leans forward a little. Nothing.

She scoffs.

Before even the Trios Tournament, ladies, two teams have been tied to you. Butt-Connection and Frozen Hell. The world knew it. You knew it. One of these two teams would become the next challengers to the tag-team titles you hold. One of these two teams would be the next to stand in the ring with you and try and take those tag-team titles from you. On one hand, you had the young and dangerous Kandis and the man with more tag-team experience than practically anyone, Tommy Valentine. On the other, two of the most dangerous (and accomplished) women in SCW – women that brought men like Giovanni Aries, Ace Marshall, and Xander Valentine to their knees! Myself and my sister-in-arms, Regan Street. A quiet moment of silence settles as Selena lets her words sink in. 

Almost two weeks ago, after a hellish fight, it was decided that both teams would contend for the tag-team championship belts in a triple-threat match at Retribution. The world was abuzz! A match not only to settle things between Team Butt and Frozen Hell, but also to see who belonged at the top of the mountain as the tag-team champions. Would it be the always scheming and always relevant Infamous? Would it be the guardians of the tag-team division, Butt Connection? Or would it be the team that had taken the tag-team division by storm, Frozen Hell?

Selena shrugs her shoulders. Sounds like a great match, doesn't it? I know Kandis and Tommy think so, too. After all, we both said out piece last Breakdown. There's no denying that both of us, the Connection and Frozen Hell, are chomping at the bit and ready to just risk everything to get those belts.

So where was Infamous? 
Another shrug. Hmmm? Where were you, ladies? Where were the tag-team champions to hype the match? To promote the division they were champions of? Selena laughs bitterly. Right. They were off stealing the Television title and running around with it. To what end? No reason. Just to hand it back when Sasha, like a mother speaking to some petulant children, told them to.

Biting her lower lip in frustration, Selena uncrosses her legs to better lean forward, taking her head in her hands for a moment to run fingers through platinum-blonde hair. Her head suddenly snaps up to glare at the camera.

You know something? When I first heard Tommy and Kandis' crap about 'guarding the tag-team division' and how 'certain tag-teams didn't deserve opportunities or the tag-team titles', I thought it was bitterness and it was pathetic and who the hell did they think they were to make those calls?! Part of me still believes that. This isn't a bar with a bouncer and a rope at the door. Tag-teams shouldn't be screened to come into this division. We should be welcoming everyone, accepting challenge after challenge after challenge! That's what the SCW World Tag-Team titles should mean! 

But, I have to admit, a small part of me is seeing a degree of sense in their words. Because while Kandis and Tommy and Regan and I have done all within our power to get here and have done all we could to show our passion for this division – for this match – you two, Infamous, have done jack!

A huff comes from the Snow Queen. No, sorry – you said some words weeks and weeks ago about 'possibly facing us' before running off to just be school-yard bullies in the 'playground' of SCW. At first, I was confused, but now? I'm just pissed off. Because not only is that a slap in the face to the tag-team titles, it's a slap in the face of Tommy, Kandis, me and, most of all, Regan!

Breathing through her nose deeply, Selena narrows her eyes a little at the audience. See, unlike the two of you, Regan didn't make any 'backstage dealings' to get the tag-team titles. She didn't coax champions to lie down so she could win the tag-titles and then throw those titles under the bus by lying down for the former champs in a damn game of 'hot potato'! She waited eight long years to be here and we turned SCW on its head by forming a team that was – two or so years ago – was deemed 'literally impossible'! We have faced ridicule and doubt and critics and believers but we are here, at Retribution, finally seeing the fruits of those labours!

And you just slapped all of that in the damn face!

Now, I could say the same kind of thing for Kandis and Tommy and how you slapped them in the face, but I get the feeling they are going to have that covered at some point within the next few days. With Kandis' mouth as big as her derriere, that will not surprise me. Because, just like Regan and I, you slapped all their hard work to be here in the face. Now, I can – and I definitely will later – say alot of things about Kandis and Tommy. I do not like them, not even remotely. Don't like their attitude, their actions, their arrogance, their entitlement – I do not like them. But, unlike my feelings for the two of you, on some level I do respect them. Because at least they worked their butts off to be here. At least they believe in the tag-division enough to give it the time of day. So, I will say a lot about them soon enough, but one thing I will not say is that they don't deserve to be here with Regan and I, because they do. And I mean that as sure as I mean anything else I am going to say now and in a couple of days.

Selena takes a quiet breath before continuing. So, the fact that you've slapped both of us in the face with your dismissal of us, Christy and Ravyn. The fact that you've neglected the titles you actually hold for one that you don't, it makes me wonder two things. One is 'what's your plan', which I'll get to in a moment, but the other, and most importantly, is 'how damn arrogant can you be?'.

A short laugh comes from the Snow Queen. What? Do you guys believe that you're going to just waltz on into Retribution and, without breaking a sweat, retain the tag-team titles against one team you've beaten before in a ladder match and another that's green? That it? That the two of you are so 'damn good' that you would just, how did you word it, Christy? 'Drop the Snow Queen again', is that it? Like it was the easiest thing in the world?

Selena raises her eyebrows in curiosity. Tell me something, Christy. When was the last time you actually 'dropped me'? Hmmm? Was it a few weeks ago when you and I wrestled? Was it when you challenged me for the US title and had Alexander Crowe as your special guest referee last year? Because, if it's so easy to 'drop me', Christy, why do I recall you losing match after match to me?

Hmmm? Tell me, Christy, I am dying to know. I'm not going to say you've never 'dropped' because we both know you have. I'd be lying if I didn't remember you being the woman that ended not one, but two of my reigns as Adrenaline Champion. But that was 2016. Almost four years ago. What happened, Christy? Because I faced you just a few weeks ago and knocked you out with a kick. Same thing last year. 

If it's so easy, Christy, what happened?

I'll tell you what happened, Matthews. While you were lying to your daughter and promising her the moon, I was getting better. While you were taking shortcuts and lying to her about your 'greatness', I used 2016, not as a 'be all and end all' for my career, but as a launching pad to become a better wrestler. While you were making 'deals' and 'shortcuts' to achieve your 'greatness', I was becoming one of the most dangerous women in the ring. Until now, here we stand, four years later since your 'win' against me and you don't have a single win against me since then to your name.

Selena shakes her head. But it's going to be 'oh so easy', right? For you to beat me? Beat Regan? Beat Kandis and Tommy? So easy, right? You think so too, Ravyn? After all, “I'm afraid of the big, black bird”, right? I've, how did you put it before Trios? I've 'avoided you for years'?

A short laugh comes from the Snow Queen. Avoided? Funny you should think that, Ravyn – because I haven't seen you breaking down the doors begging for my head. Haven't seen you running to Sasha with demands of “GIVE ME SELENA!”. But you know what I have seen, Ravyn? 

I saw your little stable fail to reclaim the SCW world title at End of the Year when Syren was pinned by someone. Who was that?
I saw Infamous fail to claim SCW and the power it held at Tactical Warfare when you were beaten and your team was pinned by Sasha's team – who was on that team again, Ravyn?

Come on, you're one of the most diabolical and smartest women in SCW, Ravyn. I know you know the answer. It's been me. Me there, beating you, Ravyn. From 2016 where I 'started to avoid you', through 2017, 2018 – hey, remember when I beat both you and Christy and Giovanni for good measure on a May episode of Breakdown that year – all the way to present-day. 

You argue that I've 'avoided you', Ravyn, but it seems to me that every time since you threw our 2016 singles match out the window because you couldn't beat me... every time that you've faced me since, you've had the opportunity to 'settle things' and 'beat me', or as Christy would say 'drop me'. 

Yet, here we are, four years later and you're still talking about it. Talking about how it's not happened yet, despite you having opportunity after opportunity in the last few years. 

In fact...
Reaching down to the floor, Selena suddenly pulls out a rather familiar looking list. She observes it for a second before showing it to the camera, and to Infamous. 

Haven't looked at this in awhile – or even updated it in years, but it's my old 'True-Believers' list. Remember that? A list of all the people I defeated, and number of times I defeated them. You want to know what the amazing thing is, Ravyn? Out of all the superstars I had beaten at that point – the main-eventers, the up-and-comers, the Hall-of-Famers, you want to know who was at the top of the list for 'most times beaten by Selena Frost'?

Turning the page, Selena points to the name at the top where Ravyn Taylor's name is written, with a staggering “x5” written across it. The smartest woman in SCW... the woman with a plan for every plan and an extra plan on the side just in case... and yet when did a single plan of yours to 'beat me' actually succeed? When did you beat me, Ravyn? Selena tilts her head before shaking it.

The pair of you – I've beaten you two by myself more times than you have beaten me. I've helped destroy some of your best laid plans – just ask Syren if you don't believe me! Pretty sure I'm the reason she's not World Champion now and won't be for a very long time. And I'm not saying all of this to say the conclusion at Retribution is set in stone – unlike you two, I'm NOT just going to breeze through this thinking Frozen Hell has got this in the bag.

I'm telling you this because you two need to open your damn eyes! 

With a sudden flash of movement, Selena claps her hands in front of the camera once, but loudly. WAKE UP!

Because if that list is any indication of our history, Infamous, then I'm your goddamn kryptonite in terms of sheer numbers! I'm your Waterloo, Ravyn! I'm the thorn in your side, Christy! And you would rather scoff at me and say nothing – not care about facing me for the titles you hold!

A sad laugh escapes Selena's lips. It would be funny it wasn't the most frustrating and pathetic thing of this match right now! Because that alone should be your wake up call, ladies, but Ravyn, who do I have with me? Who is it that this is all for? Who is the one that made Frozen Hell possible? You want me to take you back to history class? I'll do that:

It's the woman that ENDED your reign as the World Champion!
It's the woman that ENDED your reign as the Adrenaline champion and then surpassed it!
And again, it's the woman that was part of the team that kept you from owning SCW!

Licking her lips a little, Selena shakes her head again. But you two would rather scoff and dismiss us. Like none of that matters. Like we don't know what it takes to beat both of you. Like we don't know your moves, your styles, your desperations. Like we don't know the kind of 'plans' you have in place for this weekend. 

And that's the beauty of it, Ravyn. Christy will hide behind you and whatever 'plan' you have. And with it being Triple-Threat, that could mean anything. You could break every rule and not get disqualified. 

Thing is, we know that. And we're ready for it. Not only that, but if you've paid any attention – and I have no reason to believe you have – to us, ladies, you would know just how quickly Regan and I adapt to the rules being thrown out the window. Just ask Xander Valentine. That bastard has more scars from Regan and I than he does brain cells. But you don't see it...

A sad sigh comes from Selena before she shakes her head. This match is going to come down to one thing and one thing only. It won't be some 'grand, Infamous plan' where Alexander Crowe and CHBK pop up to run amok. It won't be some 'destiny' or 'rightful winners' nonsense – what it will come down to is one word: passion.

Who wants it more. Who gives a damn to go the distance...

So if you two can't get your heads out of your asses and look our way – if you two aren't going to be the dangerous Infamous that I've seen the past – if you two are just going to continue to dismiss Regan, me, Tommy and Kandis, than do yourselves a favor and stay home and let us handle it. Because if you're going to bring the lacklustre, piss-poor crap you've brought the last few weeks, then there will be no doubt in the minds of the SCW Universe.

Crossing her arms, Selena narrows her eyes at the camera.

We will have new World Tag-team champions... because taking those belts off you two will be a damn cakewalk. Believe it, ladies. Because when it's all said and done, it will be the two of you – it will be Infamous – that won't matter.

The camera fades to black.
[Image: hffOaUZ.png]
SCW Supreme Champion
6x SCW World Champion
4x SCW World Tag-Team Champion
2x SCW United States Champion
3x SCW Adrenaline Champion
SCW Television Champion
Longest Reigning SCW World Champion (234 days)
Winner of Shot of Adrenaline Tournament (2016)
Winner of Best of the Best Tournament (2016)
Winner of Trios Tournament (2018)
Winner of U.S. Championship Tournament (2020)
Winner of World Championship Tournament (2023)
Winner of Tactical Warfare (2014, 2019)
Winner of Elimination Chamber (2015)
Winner of Roofed Cage Match (2019)
Winner of Last Person Standing Match (2019)
The Unbelievable Main Event (2021-2023)
Winner of Double Jeopardy Match (2022)
Winner of EOTY Invitational (2023)
Female Wrestler of the Year (2016, 2021, 2022)
Tag-Team of the Year (2020 - w/ Regan Street)
Match of the Year (2018, 2019, 2021, 2023)
Feud of the Year (2014, 2019)

[Image: 34zetxl.png]

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RE: The Jackass & Big Ass Connection vs. Frozen Hell vs. Infamous - by SnowQueenSCW - 03-14-2020, 11:36 PM

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