The Jackass & Big Ass Connection vs. Frozen Hell vs. Infamous
OOC: The following immediately follows the first (CD) and the promo takes place on the day of Retribution. Best of luck to everyone.

The Dark Side of the Sun

“The Snow Queen Pageant – She Who Wears the Crown”

March 14th, 2020
Nome, Alaska

Dammit! Dammit! Dammit!

Selena's mind repeated – her mental exasperation mirroring her emotional one as she slammed a fist into the wall, striking the smooth, cold brick like a hammer. How could I be so stupid?! she angrily added, further cursing herself and the bitter woman that had just screwed her over.

”You want your wife out of prison? Then you need to, once again, become the Snow Queen.”

It the damned decree Talia had made ten minutes ago, effectively changing the terms of their deal. Angrily, Selena turned back to the task she had been trying to do... pack her bag. She had manged to get her street clothes into the black dufflebag. She had no desire to waste time changing. She would just get to her plane and head for Tennessee, where she could commit her time to something that was not a wild goose chase, which is what she should have realized this was all along! Running her hand through her hair and along her braid for a moment, the Snow Queen was rather deliberate with her movements. Still, her 3P move set (packing, pacing and punching the wall) slowed as a voice suddenly came to her ears.

“Sorry. Excuse me. Manager.” 

For a moment, the platinum-blonde ignored the voices that were outside the dressing room, as she had most of the morning and mid-afternoon of the event. But when the voice called her name out – rather loudly – ignoring it proved to be a fruitless endeavour.


Before she could make her way to the door, her path was blocked by the thin man standing there. He wore a simple black blazer with a purple vest and matching undershirt. His goatee was trimmed cleanly and he made no effort to hide the different colors of white, gray and black that belied his age – simply because he wasn't ashamed of it.

“In here, Jean.” Selena sighed, trying to calm her racing heart from her previous emotional state of anger and agitation. Quickly, the detective, older than Selena, leaning back slightly towards the way he had come and gesture with his free hand, the other holding his walking stick firmly to the ground, as if he was semi-leaning on it. A few seconds passed before someone else walked into the room with him and it only took Selena a second (enough time for Jean to usher his companion in and shut the door to the changeroom behind them) for the platinum-blonde to recognize her. With her brunette hair curled into little ringlets of sorts, her bright smile and the yellow sundress she wore... not to mention the the large protrusion coming from within the dress, in a way.

Despite her current array of negative feelings rampaging through her, the smile Selena offered both Jean and Zelda “Zoe” was genuine. She was happy to see them in person – which had become more and more impossible, not only with her time needed to be spent in Germany, but also with air transportation (the only way to get to Nome) becoming harder and harder with the airports and business shutting down in wake of the coronavirus scare. In fact, the only way Selena could travel by air is if she was guaranteed a return trip back to, at least, land that wasn't shut out from the world like Nome was. And while her private jet allowed her a bit more 'protection' from being trapped inside the states, allowing her to travel to Germany and Nome, for now, the rumor that the boarders were soon to be locked and closed certainly didn't alleviate her concerns. Fortunately, from her employment standpoint, SCW was keeping its shows within North America for the time being, allowing her to travel to shows using her luxury bus.

Still... she admitted, her eyes glancing at the slightly swollen belly of her dear friend and distant cousin, Zoe. I've missed so much. She had just arrived at Nome earlier this week for the rehearsal and pageant when Jean and Zoe had sought her out for dinner and the young Frost had noticed and finally been told. 

“What the hell happened? Wasn't the plan to lose?” the accented, quiet voice of Jean broke Selena's musings, causing the frustration she had been feeling since she had been named a 'finalist' in this pageant to return full-force. With an aggravated huff, she threw her arms in the air.

“It was!” she answered, biting her lower lip hard. “But Talia's changed the conditionals.” she hissed. “Now, if we're going to get her help, I have to beat her and win the pageant altogether!”

“What?!” Zoe asked in shock. “How can she do that?”
“She's a Scythe.” Jean reminded his fiancee and, to a lesser extent, Selena. “And she's obsessed with Selena. Quite frankly, we should have anticipated this.”

“How?” Selena asked in disbelief. “I don't give a damn about any of them, but Malcolm always had a thing about keeping his word! And Talia had promised to do the same.”
“Well, clearly, she hasn't.” Jean countered. “Or we wouldn't find ourselves in this mess, would we?”

There was a brief moment of silence as Selena paced the room, her snowflake 'Winter-Sky' dress swishing and twirling behind her with every movement. “But what caused this?” Zelda asked, a look of confusion on her face.

“Malcolm.” Selena answered. “Turns out Talia was going solo with this little plan of revenge. She tricked Malcolm and... I guess he saw through the first events. He knew I was deliberately trying to lose and when I didn't, he figured Talia had rigged it.”
“Did she?” Zoe asked, causing the younger woman to gaze at her with a cocked eyebrow.”

“Zoe.” Selena stated matter-of-factly. “I basically cursed every person in the audience for shunning my father and me. I put one of the judges on the spot and insulted him. Not a single moment of my interview was the happy and fun as the others – they should have thrown me out of the theatre on my rear!”

“And yes, she is a finalist.” Jean finished with the same tone as Selena had. “Of course Malcolm would see right through it.”

“Well, he came backstage and laid into Talia.” Selena explained. “Insulted her – it was brutal. I mean, I always felt that, deep down, her winning this would mean nothing to me, but it was for Deanna. But, I mean... the way he spoke to her? Exposed her 'rigging' one of the judges and removing that, and then just telling her what an embarrassment she was to their family... He shattered her from the sounds of it. Or at least enough that she then threw this change at me.”

“But I still don't understand why.” Zelda shook her head, a hand unconsciously lowering to rest against her swollen belly.

“Further delusion.” Jean explained as he took his turn pacing the room. “Doubling down – maybe even tripling down on your bet... Odds are Selena cannot possibly win now. Even if the judging is no longer rigged as Selena suggests, no judge in his or her right mind would pick Selena after the answers she gave. But if Talia thinks she's making Selena try her best, even if she can't win, then when Talia wins the crown, it will legitimize it in Talia's eyes – perhaps she thinks in Malcolm's too.”

There was something unspoken in his words, a third part that went unsaid, but was so damn clear in the trio's mind. Talia could have it all. Selena thought. Because she can beat me, take the crown and then just leave in the dust with no help whatsoever.

Without a word, Selena walked back over to the countertop at one end of the room where her dufflebag lay, slinging it over her shoulder. “Let's go.” she sighed.

“What?” Zelda asked in shock. “Just like that?”
“You heard him.” Selena replied. “I can't win. There is no way I can win now. And the reason I agreed to this? That's gone too. So why would I give Talia that satisfaction? Why give her everything she wants when she's pulled this?”

“But then she'll just say she ran you off!” the pregnant woman countered. “That she drove you out of Nome.”
“Maybe. But Malcolm will know better.” Jean countered. “If he's figured out this much, he'll know there's a reason simply would disappear. And Talia's whole thing is to have Selena 'witness' it. Now that she's removed Selena's reason for losing the pageant, we have no use for her.”

“But what if she could really help Deanna?!” 

“Zoe!” Selena stated, spinning around to face her friend. “Do you not think that if I believed I had half a percentage of winning that I'd be considering leaving? If I had any chance at all, I would take it! I would fight with everything I have for my wife! Don't pretend that you get that!” an abrupt silence followed Selena's voice, her next words dropping to a near whisper. “I was stupid for believing that Talia would be honourable after all these years. She's dreamed of this moment and having me at my lowest. And if I can't save Deanna – if I don't have a chance to save her, than I'm not sacrificing my pride on a fool's errand.”

She was about to say more when there was quiet knock on the door. As all three heads turned, they say the doorknob turn slightly before the door was pushed open, a head full of redhair poking through the opening. “Ms. Selena?” came the shy voice of Rebecca Briar, one of the finalists. “Can I come in?”

Throwing her gaze between Jean and Zoe, the platinum-blonde quickly adopted a smile before nodding her head, moving closer to open the door and allow Becky into the room, closing the door behind her. “I'm sorry.” Selena said automatically. “Were we making too much noise?”

Shyly, the young child shook her head before her eyes suddenly fastened on the strap of the dufflebag that hung off Selena's shoulder. “Were...were you leaving?”

Selena's eyes widened in alarm – she had forgotten she was still holding her bag. She opened her mouth to speak, to explain the situation and the unfairness... the 'no-win' situation that she was in, but no sound came out. Her reaction sparked something to emerge from Becky. Slowly, as taking control, the girl's hands began to shake nervously, she shifted her weight from one foot to the other and she seemed to be blinking repeatedly, as if trying to hold any tears back.

“But...” she whispered, her voice barely audible, even within the quiet, mostly empty, dressing room. “But you promised...” her head fell down to stare at her trembling hands. “You promised you'd watch my performance...”

“Becky...” Selena tried but the guilt that gripped her heart and throat cut off any possible explanation she could give. She knew the child wouldn't understand anything about why Selena was here or what she had been forced into or what she had to endure today. Becky was a girl of twelve, just trying to do what her mother told her to- 'Go win the pageant' or something like that, much like Anastasia had told Selena to do nearly twenty years ago.

Taking a deep breath, Selena lowered herself onto a knee, kneeling before the child who kept her eyes on the ground. “Becky...” she tried. “Sometimes... things happen and... and you can't...” she couldn't find the words and struggled the more and more she tried. “When I was... that is... sometimes promises...”

“She was just holding onto it for me.”

The explanation came from neither Selena or Rebecca, but the third woman in the room, who moved to take the bag off Selena's shoulder before handing it to Jean. “Selena's not from here, hunny.” Zoe offered Becky, who slowly looked up at her. “And she brought me this bag all the way from New York, you see. She was keeping a promise to me.”

There was a held moment of silence as Becky studied the brunette's face and brown eyes, slowly turning her face and attention back to Selena. “'re staying? You're not leaving?”

“Of course she isn't.” Zelda quickly rushed out. “Not when you clearly want her here.”
To Selena's surprise, the child quickly nodded her head. “I do. Please tell me you're staying.”

The pleading look in those reddened eyes (reddened from tears) tugged at Selena's heard. Despite the child being more than a decade older than her wife, and with different colored eyes, the red hair and pleading face... it was enough to remind Selena of the woman that was waiting for her in Frankfurt. 

A woman that didn't care how small the chance of success was. How small the amount hope existed. Looking up, Selena's eyes, surprisingly caught Zelda's standing behind Becky, the brown-haired woman's lips mouthing the words.

“She believes in you...” 

And, for what it was worth, Selena wasn't sure if the pregnant woman was referring to Becky. With a sigh, Selena turned her gaze back to the child before nodding her head.

“Of course I'm staying.” Selena whispered, though it felt like an emotional surrender than anything else. Still, to see the girl's face light up at that almost made everything worth it. 

“Okay!” Becky exclaimed, tears gone but still clearly nervous. “I just need to get Bunni!”

Okay... wasn't expecting THAT for a response. “Bunni?” Selena asked as the small girl rushed towards the other bags in the room, by the rack of dresses, which by this point were mostly taken off or being worn by the finalists. Selena had thought that she was being eliminated from the first round, so she had no 'finalist' outfit. 

That fact, however, did not sit in her head for long as she watched Becky reach into a large, sky-blue bag and pull out... well, at first Selena could believe what she saw and had to blink her eyes several times to ensure she wasn't seeing things.

Before her – staring back at her – was medium sized (large compared to Becky) rabbit puppet! It had gray 'fur' and long ears and such cute eyes, nose and a pair of buck-teeth at the front. But that wasn't it all! The adorable thing had a half a body – a torso – that 'wore' jean overalls and a white/pink plaid shirt!

“Oh my god...” Zelda squealed in delight as Selena looked in utter amused wonder.
“Who is this?” she asked, reaching out to gently feel one of the puppet's ears.

“I'm Bunni!” the puppet suddenly spoke in a high-pitch but feminine voice. “And I am de-E-lighted to meet you!”

“It talks!” Zoe explained, reaching out to take Jean's arm, who had remained, surprisingly, silent throughout this entire exchange/change of plans. “Jean, the bunny can talk!”
“Yes.” smiled Jean in a amused, though tired (for other reasons), voice. “It's a ventriloquist puppet. I believe that is the young girl's talent.”

Selena's mouth hung open as she looked back at the puppeteer. “You do ventriloquism?” she asked, earning a nod from Becky.
“A little.” she replied shyly.
“A little?!” laughed Bunni, animated as it was. “Oh geez, take it from me, Ms. Selena. I love to talk. You can't make me stay quiet for long!”
“Well, Bunni, do you think Becky is good at this?” Selena asked, playing along.
“Oh yeah! She makes the clouds talk, her dolls talk, school's pet turtle talk!” the rabbit listed off.

“Did you name the turtle 'Franklin'?” Zoe asked, earning a confused tilt of the head from Bunni.
“No. Slowpoke. Why would we name him 'Franklin'?”
“Because of...the...” Zoe tried. “The books... you know? 'Franklin the Turtle'?”

No reply came except a small laugh from Jean Black. “This is is all very entertaining.”

“Thank you.” Becky whispered, tucking the puppet under her arm and excusing herself from the room – perhaps to warm up or rehearse her routine – Selena guessed that was the right word. 

“Well...” Jean spoke slowly. “Never could resist a cute redhead, could you?” he asked Selena directly, though it earned a laugh from Zelda.

“She reminds me of Amiliah...and Deanna.” Selena whispered.
“So, we're doing this?” Jean asked. “You're staying?” 

Deep down, she didn't want to. She didn't want this to be the ending between the Scythes and her. She had been happy with how things had ended years ago, with the Scythes in defeat and her able to live her life with her wife and children – having beaten the powerful family of Nome.

“I know this will haunt me.” Selena whispered to Jean as they stared out the door that Rebecca had left open, watching all the children in their dresses, warming up their voices as names began to be called. “But when I was doing this...years ago... I wish I had someone in the wings watching me, telling me it was going to be alright...”

“Will it be?” Jean asked, turning his head to gaze at Selena. “It might be for that little girl, but you still have to go through with this.”

It was that reminder that caused something to jar in Selena's brain. Eyes widened, she suddenly remembered that – hey – she needed to have a talent, too! She had carelessly picked the most overused song – the one that, if the blue dresses several of the girls wore was any indication – three or four were going to use. It was a good choice for the Snow Queen when she was expecting to not make it this far, or even if she was prepared to lose. But now?

“What are you doing?” Zelda asked as she saw Selena reach into her dufflebag, which was still on the floor, and dig through several items before pulling out her folder, which contained her sheet music. The first song at the front as she opened it... THAT song? Selena flipped through it as she rifled through the other few songs that was in the binder, until her eyes settled on one.

“Perfect.” Selena exclaimed, opening the binder rings and replacing the front song with this new choice. “Hope they don't mind a little change.” She prayed but stopped when she saw, across the way, the redheaded Becky waving at her with one of Bunni's arm.

Quickly, tucking the binder under her arm, the platinum-blonde pushed herself to her feet and made her way to Becky's side, helping the child up the flight of stairs, Selena feeling the little girl beside her shaking more and more.

“And our next contestant, with something very special-” came the familiar voice of Robert Gillies, the host of the Snow Queen pageant. “Rebecca Briar with 'a friend'!”

At first, Becky did not take a step, though her quivering legs seemed to shake more. But, a second later, the girl had taken a step onto the stage, followed by another and another, until she stood several yards away from where Selena stood in the wings. Tilting her head, the platinum-blonde smiled at the young girl as Robert greeted her. There was a sound of applause from the audience as Bob introduced her again.

“So, Ms. Briar. Will you be introducing us to your friend here?”

“Y-yes.” Becky answered, Gillies holding the microphone close to her mouth to allow her to use it as she spoke. “Everyone, this is Bunni. Say 'hi', Bunni.”
“Hi, Bunni!” came the puppet's response, one arm 'waving' as Becky moved the puppet.
“No no.” Becky shook her head. “You're name is Bunni.”
“And so is everyone else's!” Bunni replied. “That way you told me to say 'hi' to them.”

“Make it curse!” came a random voice from the crowd, causing the redhead to snap her attention towards the audience, her mouth hanging open as she tried to get back to her routine.

“I...Bunni...did-” her voice kept changing between her real voice and her 'character voice', except her lips were moving for both. And by the time Selena had realized what was going on, the poor child had run off the stage and into her, the Snow Queen barely having enough time to catch her in her arms.

“Becky- ssh – it's okay.” Selena tried to console, but the child could only cry quietly. Settling for quiet, the wrestler gently held the child as her eyes caught sight of the woman standing further into the wings and smiling with delight.

“Oh, those jitters are killers.” Talia whisper-laughed as she sauntered on stage, a soft clicking sound in every step. Selena said nothing to the irritating adult, though she was mentally cursing Talia as she passed. For a moment, and only a moment, the platinum-blonde questioned whether or not Talia had planted that heckler in the audience in order to throw off what was clearly a unique talent compared to the endless performances of “Let it Go”.

“I messed up.” came the quiet cry from the small girl in her arms. “Mom is going to be mad.”
“Hey.” Selena whispered, gently squeezing the four – and a half – feet tall girl. “You made it all the way here, didn't you? All the way to the finals. Your mother should be proud of you!”

Vigorously, Becky shook her head. “She wanted so badly for me to win – and she said I'd be grounded if I messed up.”

Again, that spike of familiarity laced through Selena's very frame, filling her with a plethora of emotions. Quickly, she pressed them and her memories back as she heard music begin to play, a tune she recognized. Turning her head, Selena saw Talia eyeing her from where she stood on stage before the lawyer began to sing.

“Times have changed. And we've often rewound the clock...”

Selena's eyes widened as Talia's song continued and eventually broke out into a full-fledged tap number. With a dawn realization, Selena almost laughed out loud at it. It was the 'Anything Goes' routine from their past – the one Selena and Talia had made in 2002 for Talia and Selena had taken to become the Snow Queen. Had that been Talia's plan? To win the competition using the combination she hadn't been able? The one Selena had used?

For a moment, the platinum-blonde, for the first time, felt a swell of genuine pity for Talia. Seeing her performance, while good, displayed to the young Frost just how much that date in time, that moment in history, had haunted Talia – how obsessed it had made her. Had she dreamed of this moment? Acted out so much against Selena in their school years, made her teenage life in Nome a living hell with the others like Gavin, destroyed Selena's engagement and endangered her children to feel this? This revenge?

Again, a sense of pity filled her. Because now, she was hoping for a miracle of winning the tourament for two reasons. One, which hadn't changed, was for Deanna – thanks to Talia's actions, but the other, the new one, was because she actually feared for Talia in that moment. She's spent most of her life obsessed with revenge – what...who will she be when it's finally gone? She'll have nothing left.

With a shaking sigh, Selena expelled the emotions watching Talia created within her, just in time as well, for Talia sauntered from the stage and the audience applause, her feet giving a tap-tap sound. She cast a satisfied look at Selena, but her smirk disappeared when the white-haired woman only shook her head sadly.

“Please welcome back to the stage, Selena Frost!” Bob's voice rang through the theatre, but Selena did not move, instead casting her eyes down at the little girl that had been unable to let her go.

“Hey, Becky?” she asked, gaining the attention of the redhead, distraught pre-teen. “Wanna try something crazy?”
Becky's eyes widened. “Crazy?”
“Yep.” Selena bit her lower lip, grinning mischievously as she took Becky's free hand and slowly led her back on the stage. The stagelights irritated her eyes for a brief but she was used to such bright lights from work. She felt Becky's fear and hesitation, but the child did not fall out of step with Selena.

Reaching Robert, Selena smiled at him as he regarded both the adult and child. “And...apparently, welcome back Ms. Rebecca Briar!”

Leaning forward, Selena waited for Robert to move the microphone closer to her. “Sorry, Bob. I know this is very unorthodox, but, I have to admit something.” she paused, trying to build the audience up. “I really wanted to meet Becky's friend, Bunni!”

“Oh...” Bob's eyes widened in realization. “Oh! Well, what do you say, Becky? Did you want to try again?”

Eyes wide as saucers, Becky's eyes pleaded with Selena to let her run away again, but Selena merely smiled warmly at her, gently and only with a nod of permission from the host, taking the microphone from him and moving to kneel down beside Becky (on the side where Bunni was held).

“So, Rebecca – you were introducing us to-” she gestured to the puppet. “Bunni?”

There was a moment of silence and Selena could see the panic on the redhead's face. “Hmmm...” Selena hummed. “You know what-”

“Make the bunny curse!”

It was the same heckler again, clearly wanting another reaction from the first time – and when Selena heard it – she gave him one, turning her head and narrowing her eyes a little. “Oh Bunni, don't be doing that.” she turned back to the puppet. “I'm a mother, you see, and if you use foul language in front of all these nice people, then I'll have no choice but to do what I do with my children and wash your mouth out with soap.”

A small smile crossed the lips of the puppeteer, further prompting the Snow Queen to help her. “Oh yes...” Selena said, holding up her hand, as if she were holding a bar of soap. “I'd have to cup the bar of soap like this and just...” she raised her hand closer to the puppet's mouth until it was inside the felt cloth. “And just scrub, scrub, scrub.”

And she did! Before the mass of audience and the the amusement of the host standing nearby, Selena 'scrubbed' the mouth of the rabbit puppet until a sound filled her ears.

“MMMMM- Alright! Alright! I'll talk!” It was the voice of Bunni but Becky's lips did not move! “Patoey! Patoey!” the puppet spit out the 'soap'. “Blah! Blarg! Ewww! That was so mean!” Bunni chastised the Snow Queen before opening her mouth wide. “Hey! I can talk! I can talk again! Thank you, Ms. Selena! I had a BIG piece of felt in my mouth and was having some issues with my throat!”

“Sore throat?” Selena asked.
“No. Hand crap.” Bunni shot back before throwing her 'head' towards Becky. “Big hand cramp.”

The audience laughed, as did Selena as she watched Becky's confidence slowly grow.

“So what is this?” the puppet exclaimed. “Big theatre – what are all these people doing here?”
“They're here to crown a new Snow Queen, Bunni.” Becky explained. “Whoever they chose will be Snow Queen of the whole town.”

Bunni's mouth hung open. “You mean... if I win...I get to be Snow Queen?”
“No, silly!” Becky laughed. “You can't be a queen. That's for people and you're an animal.”
“Animals can be queens.”

Biting her lower lip, Becky's look surprised Selena. Was it...daring? Playful? Her question was answered when the child looked up at Selena. “Can animals be queens, Ms. Selena?” catching Selena offguard for a moment – thank Odin she had experience with promos in SCW!

“Uh, well that depends on what you mean by 'animals'. I live in New York now so... when you say 'Animal Queens'... that takes on a whole different meaning.”

A few knowing laughs came from the audience, allowing Becky to press on. “Bunni, name one animal that can be a queen.”

Turning its head, Bunni actually had an answer for that. “Bees.” causing Becky's mouth to hang open in surprise.
“She's got you there, Becky.” Selena replied.
“Who's side on your on?” Rebecca teased back.
“The Queen's side, of course!” Bunni proclaimed. “And when I become Queen of the Snow, I shall be instituting a 'carrots for all' law. Everyone gets carrots and they shall be planted year round! We shall have fields of snow and carrots!”

“I don't think that's how farming works, Bunni.” Rebecca stated, causing Bunni to look at Selena for support, but the Snow Queen merely shrugged her shoulders, causing the rabbit to twist a little and mutter.


“You know, Bunni.” the redhead continued, casting a glance at Selena before continuing. “Ms. Selena here is a Snow Queen. She wore the crown last.”

Bunni's head snapped towards Becky. “Really?” Becky nodded, causing Bunni to turn her 'attention' back to Selena. “Than I've got a better idea!”
“What's that?” Selena asked was laughing when the puppet sprawled itself across Selena's front, eyes up and looking at her.

“Adopt me, mommy.”

The audience gave a loud laugh, allowing Becky to thank them, give Selena a quick hug and then rush offstage. Watching her go, a content-hearted Selena pushed herself to her feet, picking up her binder that she placed on the ground near her before handing the microphone back to Robert.

“Well, now, your turn, Selena.” he smiled. “Please tell me you're not going to make me say something like Ms. Rebecca did.”
“No, Bob. I'm a woman. If I wanted to make you my puppet, I know where to put my hand and grab.” Selena smiled sweetly.

Playing along, the host made a wincing sound and expression, holding the a free hand over his groin as the audience laughed. “Note to self.” he said. “Never date a ventriloquist.”

It wasn't long before Selena began singing her song for the audience, having chosen “Small World” by Idina Menzel. She didn't remember much in those few minutes as the piano had played the chords. She had just kept the thought of her Deanna in her mind – her beloved waiting for, and the long week that would come when this whole weekend was over...

“From here I'm weightless, no stars are famous. And the world is small.” she sang, finishing her song with a last, “and the world is small...” earning a nice bit of applause from the audience. 

The next thing she knew, she was standing there with the other girls on stage, just like they had an hour or two ago to determine the finalists, but this would be who would be the new Snow Queen.

For a moment, as Robert thanked everyone on and off stage, Selena could not ignore the pang of loss she felt. She was about to lose the nickname she had carried through this town most of her life. Someone else would be the Snow Queen now... it was strangely far more sad and something she would miss more than she would have thought – though she was quite sure the Selena Frost of twenty or even ten years ago would have kicked her ass over that.

You'll always be the Snow Queen... she heard Deanna's voice in her head, though she wasn't sure if her wife really would say that. Still, she accepted it as she stood on the stage, holding Becky's hand as the child refused to leave her side.

The names began to be called in order of elimination. Despite the turnout, Rebecca had not been the only finalist to either panic, make a mistake or run off the stage, Selena was surprised to find out. Because those names were called first. The next were the acts that had – well they were children trying to do adult skills, if that made any sense. Not all acts would be perfect.

Regardless, Rob's voice brought Selena to the present completely, her focus on the – five? - wow, five contestants left. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Talia beaming eagerly, awaiting the moment she had waited for all her life. All she had to do was blackmail, bribe a judge, and beat a bunch of children... Selena thought, which made her crime years ago seem rather innocent and mild in comparison.

“Ladies and gentlemen,” declared Gillies. “One of these five women will be our 2020 Snow Queen!”

Carefully, he opened an envelope and checked the names for a moment before nodding his big chin. “In fifth place... Devon Isler!”

The dark-skinned girl closer to Talia nodded sadly before waving to the audience and exiting. “Fourth place... Allie Vaskways!” the same was true for the blonde girl as her name was called.

The audience grew quiet at the scene now. Selena and Rebecca held each other's hands where, several steps away, Talia stood proud and confident.

“Ms. Talia, Ms. Rebecca, and Ms. Selena. One of you three will be our Snow Queen.” the host double-checked the list he had in his hand. “Our third place winner of this pageant is...”

Selena heard Rebecca's voice hitch and she automatically squeezed the girl's hand encouragingly. The single second that passed felt like another long hour before the name was called.


Immediately, she felt her shoulders relax, releasing tension she did not know she had been holding. She felt her eyes mist a little, but she did not have time to lament. Instead, she leaned down to embrace Rebecca. “Stand proud, Becky.” she whispered. “You've made it so far!” she added proudly before gently letting the little girl go and waving to the audience as she left the stage. Unlike the other girls though, she stayed in the wings, breathing slowly and deeply.

I...I'm not the Snow Queen anymore. I'm sorry, Deanna... I tried... she said more to herself than anything, but it was all she could allow herself to say as Robert continued. The scene before them was almost hilarious. The under four-and-a-half-foot tall Becky standing with a hopeful smile next to the five-foot-six Talia, who continued to pose like a model.

“And now, the moment you've been waiting for!” Robert announced and Selena – the former Snow Queen of Nome – found herself holding her breath.

“Our 2020 Snow Queen is...” the drumroll was heard, the audience waited with baited breath, only to explode in applause as the name was called:


Selena laughed – or huffed laugh (oh, it was an ugly sounding laugh, but it was genuine) – as Talia's eyes slowly widened in realization. The two women's, Becky and Talia, faces went through a serious of emotions, from shock to disbelief to joy and finally to tears – at least for Becky. There was no disguising the anger and rage on Talia's face! 

Unable to stop herself, Selena clapped her hands happily and “whooed” for the redhead as Robert placed a sash and tiara on the twelve-year-old's head. “Way to go, Becky!”

Still in disbelief, the child allowed tears to fall as she waved to the audience, confetti falling from the ceiling. As for the former Snow Queen, she couldn't stop smiling and applauding, her hands actually starting to hurt over how hard she was clapping. Still, she was not so distracted to ignore the tapping on her bare shoulder, causing her to turn around to see-

“Selena.” Malcolm greeted her with a respectful nod of her head.
“Malcolm.” Selena's smile vanished, but she did not fight him off when he placed a hand on her shoulder to guide her to the backstage area.
“Forgive me, but there is someone that would like to speak to you, besides me, of course.”

To Selena's surprise, the person Malcolm was referring to was not Talia – who had stomped off the stage, probably to yell and scream at the judges, but the woman Selena recognized as Becky's mother (she remembered the woman yelling at Becky during the rehearsal days earlier this week).

“Selena, Sonya Briar-”
“Rebecca's mom.” Selena stated, offering her hand. “You have an incredible daughter. I hope you know that.”
“I...” Sonya wore a black pantsuit and her hair was blonde, flowing in waves down her back. “I do. But... I wanted to say thank you.”

“Thank you?” Selena asked in surprise. “For what?”
“Becky told me how you helped her – and I saw what you did for her, giving her your time to go back up there and do her talent with Bunni.”

Slowly, Selena nodded her head. “I hope you know that the reason she ran in the first place was because she was so scared of disappointing you.”

Sonya's initial reaction was an expression of anger over such an insult/accusation but she held her tongue, as if recalling something. “When you told us about your time as Snow Queen...and what you went through... It was an eye-opener.” Sonya admitted. “And then when I saw how scared Becky was...”

There were no words the mother could say and Selena knew it. Instead, she spoke for Mrs. Briar. “May I give you one last bit of advice – from one mother to another? And someone that's walked this path for decades?”

Slowly, Sonya nodded.

“Never allow her to forget who she truly is. A kid. Encourage her to do whatever she wants to do – don't let this define her. It's a moment. She will have so many better ones than this... trust me.”

The older woman took a moment to register these suggestions before giving a nod and thanking Selena again. She then turned and headed to the stage to celebrate with her daughter, leaving the platinum-blonde alone with the mayor.

“I'm sorry for you having to go through this.” 

The sincerity nearly bowled Selena over, but Malcolm continued. “Talia acted on her own – and against my orders.”
“Your orders?”
Malcolm nodded. “I ordered our family, save for Gavin cause he's a friend of yours now – that no one is to bother or provoke you again.”
“Is that because of what I have on you?” Selena challenged.
“No.” the mayor answered honestly. “Call it a 'professional courtesy' for the mother of my grandchildren.”

Despite the thought making her spine shudder, Selena nodded her head. “I imagine you know about Deanna?”

A nod from Malcolm answered her question. “When Talia wanted to pass the bar in Germany, it made no sense to me, but I let it slide because it kept her out of my hair. Then, when I got wind of you entering this pageant, I dug a little deeper.”

“She promised to help get Deanna out of prison if I lost. Now, I...” Selena paused. She wasn't sure what she was going to say the next time she saw Deanna. She would have to be upfront, tell her the whole story – and how she failed... “I don't know. She changed the terms.”
“Yet you stayed.” Malcolm remarked, causing Selena to shrug.
“I'd be lying if I said I didn't almost leave...” she crossed her arms over her chest.

Another round of silence between them began, only the sound of the crowd still cheering and those on stage celebrating could be heard. 

“Did this meet your expectations?” Selena finally asked. “Get you some solid votes?”
“I won't know that till later. But I won't be 'playing up' Talia's involvement.” Scythe stated with a knowing smile. “Still, you never know what this could lead to.”

“I worry for Nome if it leads to another term for you.” Selena shot back.
“Ever the blunt one.” Malcolm dismissed in good nature. “For what's it's worth, I am sorry for Talia interfering with your business.”

“It...” Selena paused, thinking for a moment. It would be so easy to just blame Talia and continue hating the Scythe family. But, in truth... “It was a long-time coming. I've carried the blame and guilt of 2002 and being the Snow Queen that... I'm glad to be free of that guilt.” She admitted. “I'm not going to let her obsession with me weigh me down anymore.”

“Chains are hard to break.” Malcolm stated. “Yet freedom is worth it. Your father knew that better than most men I knew.”

Selena nodded. “Well, Malcolm.” she settled on saying. “Next time you hold a Snow Queen pageant...maybe keep me off the invite list?”
“I'll take it under advisement.” the mayor smiled knowingly, effectively dismissing the young woman. 

With a nod of her head, Selena made her way down the stairs and into the change room. This time, she managed to change out of her dress and into her street clothes of jeans and a burgundy cover with a white t-shirt underneath and black running shoes. 

“Ms. Selena?” 

Her name being called caused her to turn around, seeing the teary-eyed, smiling, sash-and-tiara-wearing redhead as she stood in the doorway with her mother.

“Hey.” Selena smiled brightly before suddenly curtsying. “Your royal highness.”
“Becky wanted to say goodbye.” Sonya's voice came from outside, getting Selena's attention so she could see the mother. Immediately upon that, the child ran into Selena's arms, the platinum-blonde embracing her tightly. 

“Thank you.” she whispered.
“My pleasure.” Selena answered. “You'll be a great queen. Just don't let your head get too big for your crown.”
“I'll make sure it doesn't. Snow Queen still needs to eat her vegetables and do her chores.”

“Mom...” Becky whined before turning her attention back to Selena, her face suddenly sad. “Do you really have to go?” she asked, her eyes once more begging the young woman to stay.

Sadly, Selena couldn't promise her that this time. “Becky.” She answered slowly. “Your family is here and your place is here. Mine...” she gestures with a wave of her hand. “It's out there. And I need to do what I can for it. They need a Snow Queen in that kingdom too... that's where I have to go.”

“Will...will you come back?” the pre-teen asked, a few tears in her eyes.
“Someday.” Selena smiled. “Like I said earlier... you can take the Snow Queen out of the cold, but you can't take the cold out of the Snow Queen.”

One last hug and Selena was up on her feet. She was barely out the door when she heard a 'wait!” come from behind her. Turning, she saw Rebecca standing there with something in her hands, which she held out to Selena. “Please, take her.”

Selena's eyes widened. “Wha- Becky, I can't. No, I can't!” 
“Please.” she asked. “You helped me so much and... I know your kids will love them!”

Turning her head to Sonya, Selena looked for some kind of help from the rational mother. Instead, Sonya greeted her with a nod of her head. Gazing back at Becky, and with trembling hands, Selena took the offered rabbit puppet into her hands, cradling it gently as she held it. “Thank you.” she whispered. “I can't wait to have my children meet her. I'll take good care of her, I promise.”

The Briar's soon parted and, avoiding Talia (thank Odin!), Selena made her way out of the theatre through the back entrance quietly, where Jean and Zoe were waiting for her by their car. The pregnant Zoe was beaming from ear to ear, while Jean was simply smiling knowingly.

“What?” Selena asked.
“Nothing.” they both said before getting into the car.

With huff, Selena looked down at the smiling puppet gazing back at her.

“Well, Bunni.” Selena laughed, moving the puppet's head up and down with one hand. “Shall we hit the road?”

“How hard should we hit it?” came the high-pitched voice Selena tried to emulate.

“Oh, we are going to get along just fine.” Selena muttered, seemingly annoyed, as she got into the car with her new travel companion, leaving Nome with a new Snow Queen...

[Image: tetXUW1.jpg]

The camera fades into the FedExForum in Memphis, Tennessee, the arena filled with empty seats and a nearly empty ring. Much of the tech and gear is set up for tonight's event, the SCW Pay-Per-View Retribution, one of the staples of the SCW PPV season. Focusing on the ring, however, it is easy to see a woman dressed in her black, red and white wrestling attire, the snowflake designs on her shoulders, skirt, boots sash and twin-straps of fabric that flow from shoulder cover down her back. If any more information is needed to assess this woman's identity, the platinum-blonde braid trailing over her shoulder and down her front is the big give away. 

Dressed to do what she does best, Selena Frost, the Snow Queen, takes a deep breath before looking around the empty arena. What a difference that one year can make...

She is quiet for a moment as she continues to take in her surroundings. 

A year ago, and that isn't me rounding up or down or being close to – it was a year ago. This event – Retribution 2019 – that changed the landscape of SCW forever. 

In a match that was declared a “Match of the Year Candidate”, the ownership of this federation was put on the line. And for those of you that did not see it?
With the hand closest to the rampway, Selena points to the massive screen, where a photo is suddenly displayed. True enough, it is a photo of Retribution 2019, with Sasha D. standing proudly at ringside. To her right, she is raising the arm of Owen Cruze, who is raising the arm of Kennedy Street. To her left, she is raising the arm of Selena Frost, who is raising the arm of Regan Street.

A night where so many superstars tested everything they had – everything they could handle... That is what this event, Retribution, brings out. This night – perhaps on the same level as Rise to Greatness, compels us to push through every limit and doubt we have and do something extraordinary, unbelievable, something that defines the initials of S-C-W.

Slowly, a smile comes across her face. And on some level, few understand that more than me. Because since the beginning, Retribution, in the same way as Rise to Greatness, has been a place for me to risk everything and accomplish so much more.

You all just saw the photo but the year before that? 2018? Know what I was doing? I was fighting an iron-woman match with Sienna Swann that became match of the year. 2017? I was teaming with Kelcey Wallace in a roofed cage match that closed the show rather than the world title match doing that! 2016? 2015? I was in the finals both years in the Shot of Adrenaline Tournament!
her smiles widens. Retribution has always been special to me in that way. Whether it was fate or some kind of luck, I don't know – but this event, this night, has never failed to provide a challenge for me. Something that I can do to make the world notice and hear them believe.

Selena sighs as she looks up into the empty arena. They say you 'never forget your first' – and, in that way, how could I forget my first Retribution – especially now.

On the large screen up the ramp, the picture changes to one taken six years ago, Retribution 2014. In the photo, a large, dark-skinned woman, the Voodoo Queen Janeeri lays on the mat. Standing above her, however, holding up the tag-team titles of SCW are Dawn Lohan and her tag-team partner, Selena Frost.

It took me some time realize this – the happenstance that I find myself. The amazingly beautiful way that history can repeat itself.

You see, True Believers, a bit of a story. I had just met Dawn Lohan a short while before that match took place. We were as green a tag-team as one could get. And it wasn't my championship title shot to have. It was hers. Dawn had split from her Cashmere Mafia teammate, Kennedy Street, and needed to chose a partner to decide who would keep the tag-titles both members held.
Selena gazes at the photo, a small smile crossing her lips.

And she chose me.

I didn't understand at the time, and she would be better to ask than me, but it didn't matter – the why's and whatnot. Because I was resolved to ensure she did not waste her choice on me. So I worked hard, pushed myself to the limits against one beast of a woman and one future Hall of Famer. And Dawn and I won... and we became tag-team champions.

And now, six years later – after spending every Retribution in some of the highest-staked matches every year, after winning the Tag-team titles, the Adrenaline titles, the Shot of Adrenaline Tournament, and helping Sasha become the rightful owner and head of SCW... Here I am, full circle, with someone choosing me to help them become World Tag-Team champion...

The look on Selena's face changes to a rather content, happy one. And from the first Retribution I was in to the last, it has linked together, because that night last year – some would say – was the beginning of Frozen Hell. No, we didn't have a catchy theme song or a cool team name, but that night, along with Kennedy and Owen against Infamous, the Wonderland and the Beauty Network... I... the Snow Queen laughs a little. I can't tell you how many times Regan had my back and I had hers. It was the strongest display of camaraderie and tag-team potential. Regan and I, from that night, began to realize that there was...something special with us. Working together, even if it was just us, we could change the world of SCW. We could do amazing things like we did that night. 

And from there, Regan and I fought our wars together. Against the Wonderland. Against Xander. Say what you will about Infamous and the Butt Connection, but for all their 'legit' tag-teaming last year, Regan and I were there as well, watching eachother's back and fighting for what we believed in.

A quiet sigh escapes the pale lips of the young Frost. But, according to the other challengers for the tag-team titles tonight, especially one grizzled, Hall of Fame, tag veteran... I'm just in this because I'm a gold-whore. That I'm only doing this so I can get a championship around my waist again.

Nodding her head, Selena pushes herself to her feet, allowing her to pace the ropes.

Let me get something out of the way first before I get to that. Butt-Connection – the supposed 'guardians' and 'standard bearers' of the tag-division – I meant what I said a few days ago. I will not discredit your passion and your skill. I said it then and I will say it now: I believe, in the very depths of my heart that you two deserve to be here as much as Regan and I do. I believe you deserve your chance at the tag-titles just like Regan and I do. I also know that your tag-team is the most dangerous team here. Because while Regan can be coaxed to getting as much as she gets in terms of bending the rules – just ask Xander – she and I would rather win this match, win these titles in a way that not only honours the tag-team titles, but proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that Frozen Hell is part of the tag-division and is here to stay!

But you two, you don't have that concern. You don't need to be coaxed to break the rules, you'll just break them or do whatever you have to at the drop of the hat. You two are the amalgamation of the other teams here. The same kind of passion and drive as Regan and I but the brilliance and 'lack of morals' that Infamous is quite known for.

So, with all respect to the two of you, I know what Regan and I are in for. I know what you two are capable of here tonight at Retribution 2020.

Stopping for a moment, Selena turns to look at the camera as she leans against one of the corners.So, with that in mind – and that respect going into the match – mind telling me, Tommy why your head is shoved all the way back to 2014? Gracefully, Selena pushes herself up so she is sitting on the top of the turnbuckle.

I mean, I brought up my past so I can express not only what I bring to the table at this event every year, but also to appreciate the beauty of history repeating itself. You? You're dragging up old insults that Infamous was using that time – ask Christy. Ask Ravyn. Ask Autumn Valentine if you can find her.

I mean, here you are – set to face two four former world champions – hell, I'll ignore Infamous for a moment because they sure as hell did that for both our teams! You've got two former world champions here. Two of the most dominant women in SCW today... and you're sticking your head about 'what was said six years ago'?

The platinum-blonde scoffs lightly. You know what, Tommy? You're so unoriginal. You're just grasping at straws because, deep down, there isn't a single thing you've got against me or Regan. That's why you scream that while you have Kandis crying “She just wants to be Supreme Champion”, thinking discrediting us like that is going to weaken our resolve. Going to weaken our belief.

It's had the opposite effect, Tommy. Kandis It's made us, made Frozen Hell, all the more driven to take you two down, become the Tag-team champions and show you just what these titles mean to us.

Selena takes a deep breath. I mean, let me ask you something, Tommy. What was your endgame with that little jab? What that 'I'll settle for whatever title I can get my hands on' nonsense? That I'm greedy and will take whatever I can get?

Have you been buried in Youtube clips from 2014 that you've forgotten how 2019 went for me, Tommy? Let me give you a bit of a refresher course. Out of the entire full-time roster that was with the company all year, you want to know how many 'title shots' I was given by the company? How many 'contender matches' I was placed in? How many 'contendership tourneys' I was considered for?

Selena holds up her hand, her fingers and thumb forming a circle. Zero. Not one title shot awarded to me. Not one contender match sent my way. And all this was while I was beating guys like Giovanni, Xander and helping Sasha get to run this place. The only title shots I got came from Trios cashins at the beginning and at the end of the year. Nothing came from the SCW board. 

But you? Mr. 'I Only Care For The Tag-Team Belts!'? 

Hmmm, correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't you challenge for the United States Championship title last year against Bree Lancaster? Under Attack, right? And since we are on the subject, Tommy, didn't you also start the year early as a champion by winning yourself the Television title? All while wanting the tag-titles, right?

But oh!
Selena holds up her hands. 'Selena Frost just wants to hold any title! She'll settle for anything!'. A serious adopts her face as she hops off the barricade to glare at the camera.

It's not that I 'settle for anything', Tommy, it's that, unlike you, title shots don't come my way very often. So, when they do, I cherish them. I respect the opportunity and I give it everything I have because I don't know when the next one will be.

And more than that, where you see it as 'settling', I don't. I don't see the Adrenaline title and think “settling”. I see a title that I won a tournament for. That I became synonymous with for the longest time. I see the history I have with that title and the history I could make with it by becoming the only wrestler to win that title four times. 

I don't see the United States Title as a 'distraction' till you get the  titles you want. I see it to me as 'unfinished business'. I see it as a reign that I never got a rematch for. That I defended it in every match I had when I was champion and then was shut out of the division to deal with a monster. I see a title that every newcome and main-eventer would love to have. 

And on and on I could go, Tommy. You want to peg me as some kind of 'glory hog', someone that's in it for the 'champion's bonus' like Ace Marshall? No, I will embrace every chance I get to win a title because I respect every single title in SCW. I respect what they stand for, I respect what they mean to people and I respect what a blessing it is to get a chance to win one. Because some of us don't get three or four in one year, sir.

Narrowing her eyes before shaking her head, Selena resumes her pacing around the ring. And I fully intend to embrace this opportunity, whether you think me a 'gold-mongul' or not, Tommy, because, just like the first Retribution I participated in, this match is not about me.

A slow breath comes from Selena's mouth before she speaks. You two, you and Kandis, just don't get it, do you? I know Infamous doesn't get it and doesn't care, but you two? You're not just dismissing us, you're flatout being stupid and seeing us as something we're not.

It's simple. So simple, it's stupidly crazy. 

One word: Regan. 

Regan is so much more to me than a tag-team partner. She's more to me than a fellow wrestler. She is my sister.
Selena places her hand over her heart. She is the godmother of two of my darling children. She... she is my family. 

Do you even remember what that means, Tommy? You and David? Brothers-in-arms? You came into SCW as a tag-team? Waged wars in AWF that forged “The Next Level”? How can you not see the similarities, Tommy, between that and Regan and myself?
she shrugs her shoulders in disbelief.

Tell me! Because I would think if anyone would understand the different wage to forge a bond, it would be you with your experience with Helms! The families you can create from being in this business.

Standing with her head lifted a little, Selena's next few words are filled with pride.

I love Regan Street. She is my sister. She is my family. She has done so much for me – I would not be here, be where I am, were it not for her. I'll say it a third time because I want this to resonate through your thick skulls! Regan is my family, and when your family comes to you, looks you in the eyes and says 'I need you', what do you do?

You don't settle, Tommy. You don't wave them off. You don't 'go after another title'. You put your dreams and goals on hold because they deserve your support, for all the times they've supported you! Regan has looked out for me for over a year. I can't recall the number of times I've been beaten and broken and found her there, be it in the ring or in the back, watching over me. And for all of that, she has asked for nothing from me in return.

Until now.

This match is not about me, it is not for me – though I respect and appreciate the potential the tag titles have and what Regan and I could bring to them. This match, this championship match, is for Regan! It is accomplishing an eight-year long dream that you, Tommy, waltzed into from the day you entered SCW.

The platinum-blonde runs a hand through her hair and along her braid. And, unlike you and Kandis, we don't have the history of 'multiple attempts' when it comes to titles. We don't have 'oh maybe next time' emblazoned in our brains or on our Twitter accounts. We have one opportunity. One chance to achieve something wonderful!

And you want to know who's the most scared of failing, Tommy? It share as hell isn't Regan.
She lifts her hand and places it over her heart. It's me. I am terrified of failing Regan tonight. And, while normally, I wouldn't talk about this, she already posted it on Twitter – Regan is considering walking away from this – from SCW – if she fails. 

The Hellcat – an SCW without her? Even if we weren't a tag-team, I couldn't imagine it. I can't imagine it! That's why I can't lose. That's why I won't lose. That's why you're going to get everything from me until I can't give any more! That's why you're going to get the woman that won the Shot of Adrenaline Tournament and helped take down three factions on this night! Your team may be the best tooled, Tommy and Kandis, but as I said before, this, all of this, will come down to passion – who wants it more.

And Connection... you don't have enough weight in your ass to bury us! No!

Sapphire eyes narrow as Selena stares into the camera, to the biggest obstacle to Frozen Hell's goal!

No, Tommy. Kandis. I will not lose my sister tonight. I will not fail her. I will not be the cause for her to lose her belief in herself and in SCW. I will not be the reason SCW loses one of its best! I WON'T! DO YOU HEAR ME?! her scream echoes throughout the arena, replaced by a soft, deep huffing of breath as Selena tries to calm herself.

Regan believes in me, that's why she picked me. Tonight, I am going to repay that faith back tenfold. I am going to restore her faith in her dreams of becoming Supreme Champion. I am going to restore her faith in being a champion. I am going to restore her faith in Frozen Hell and SCW...

And most importantly, I am going to restore her faith in herself!

Lifting her head a little, the Snow Queen stands before the camera in the middle of the ring. And if I need to knock you out again, Tommy, or you Kandis – or if I have to dig deep and annihilate Infamous like I did Xander Valentine... then rest assured that I will do it without hesitating.

Holding her hand over her heart in a familiar pose, Selena's gaze does not harden.

You, just like Infamous, have had your chance and your time with the tag-team belts. Now, in 2020? It's Regan's turn. It's Frozen Hell's turn. And you can hate it all you want, just like I know Infamous will, but when we are done... you are all going to believe it!

The camera slowly fades to black, Selena's gaze never flinching.
[Image: hffOaUZ.png]
SCW Supreme Champion
6x SCW World Champion
4x SCW World Tag-Team Champion
2x SCW United States Champion
3x SCW Adrenaline Champion
SCW Television Champion
Longest Reigning SCW World Champion (234 days)
Winner of Shot of Adrenaline Tournament (2016)
Winner of Best of the Best Tournament (2016)
Winner of Trios Tournament (2018)
Winner of U.S. Championship Tournament (2020)
Winner of World Championship Tournament (2023)
Winner of Tactical Warfare (2014, 2019)
Winner of Elimination Chamber (2015)
Winner of Roofed Cage Match (2019)
Winner of Last Person Standing Match (2019)
The Unbelievable Main Event (2021-2023)
Winner of Double Jeopardy Match (2022)
Winner of EOTY Invitational (2023)
Female Wrestler of the Year (2016, 2021, 2022)
Tag-Team of the Year (2020 - w/ Regan Street)
Match of the Year (2018, 2019, 2021, 2023)
Feud of the Year (2014, 2019)

[Image: 34zetxl.png]

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RE: The Jackass & Big Ass Connection vs. Frozen Hell vs. Infamous - by SnowQueenSCW - 03-15-2020, 10:22 PM

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