The 2020 World's Best: Tag Team Tournament Information/Sign Ups
Handler Names: Wes
Tag Team Name: The Dresser Boys
Members: Violator Black and Marcus V. Lopez
Home Promotion: SCW (Hall of Fame)
Alignment: Face

Gimmick: A By Their Own Rules Teams. 

Entrance Music: "Shake Ya Tailfeather" from Bad Boys 2 Soundtrack

Entrance Description:

"Shake Ya Tailfeather" from the Bad Boys soundtrack plays and Violator makes his way out onto the stage and continues walking to the ring as he's focused on the match at hand. MV walks out second wearing a classic wrestling robe and he stops on the stage to pose for the crowd. MV hyping himself up from the cheery fans in attendances. Violator rolls into the ring and walks to their corner where he psychs himself up and MV begins his walk to the ring. MV walks up the steps and wipes his feet on the apron before entering the ring. MV de-robes and walks over to their corner and the two have some words before their match begins.

Primary Tag Team Finishers:
Violator throws MV at their opponent who rams them with a headbutt to the gut

Signature Tag Team Moves: One Ups Men Ship Contest
Opponent in their corner. Violator delivers an open chop to opponent chest. MV tags himself in and chops opponent. Repeat.

Short Biography:
Unsure of how or why the partnership came about, The Dresser Boys are one of the most unique and interesting teams in wrestling. Not bound by friends, family or even a common interest and at times questions of whether they like each other. Though for whatever reason they have something together that makes a winning combination that they achieved WWED and SCW Tag Team Titles multiple times. 

MV continues to pursue his dreams of winning the big one after all these years and found himself traveling all of the world with his manager Sparky. Usually finding his way back to SCW for their yearly Taking Hold of the Flame event.

For Violator, not much been heard about him. Some believe the man retired. Others believe probably something illegal. Whatever is the case, MV is set to track down and find his old partner wherever he is and prove again that they still got it. Maybe winning the big one is a World Title, but being the Best Tag Team in Wrestling.

Links to Individual Member Bios:
[Image: wk3BgLS.jpeg][Image: mFro5V6.jpg]

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RE: The 2020 World's Best: Tag Team Tournament Information/Sign Ups - by Team Desire - 03-25-2020, 05:50 PM

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