The 2020 World's Best: Tag Team Tournament Information/Sign Ups
Handler Names: Jess & Von
Tag Team Name: None (for the time being.) 
Members:  Lyza Reyes and Devin Brando
Home Promotion:  Free Agents
Alignment: Face & Neutralish (picture Jubilee and Wolverine when paired together.)

Gimmick: The "too cool for school" types that make you wonder.

Entrance Music: "Clockwork" by Hyper

Entrance Description: 

A black and white video vignette begins rolling on the screens, showing Lyza Reyes dressed as Charlie Chaplin on the moon. There is no dialogue, but simply piano music playing with the pace of the footage. She's caught in the middle of a tug of war match between a U.S. Spaceman, and a small group of miniature aliens. Before determining which side pulls Lyza once and for all, the feed goes dead. Television static comes through, which leads to a shot of Devin Brando, standing in the center of war born chaos. Half of his face is painted with his former persona’s essence. He glides his hand down his face before he starts down the centerline. The venue goes black.

“There’s no right, there’s no wrong, there’s only popular opinion.”

All while these videos play, the introduction of “Clockwork” by Hyper comes and goes. When the beat drops, Lyza Reyes and Devin Brando make their way out from behind the curtain. Devin gives the world a solemn look while Lyza moves around him, taking in the energy of their environment. When she clears out of his way, the Last King starts his way down the ramp. Lyza takes the time to slap some of the hands of the fans. Brando doesn’t seem invested in the action. When they make their way to the end of the ramp, Devin looks to both sides of himself. Lyza stops in front of him and turns to face him. Brando’s eyes fall on her and she gives him a pat on the shoulder before backing away. 

With a nice turn of the heel, Reyes hit the ring steps while Devin opts to slide underneath the bottom rope. While the man rises, Lyza leaps over the top rope and scales the nearest turnbuckle. She points to some of the “Lyzanities.” When she gets off the turnbuckle, she turns to face the hard camera. Devin stands in their corner, seated against the second turnbuckle. She comes over and levels herself onto the top turnbuckle, finalizing their tandem as they await the beginning bell.

Primary Tag Team Finishers: 
Nail of Helena - Devin lifts up his opponent and prepares to drive them down with a Kinnuku Buster. Lyza scales the top rope and dives off with a double foot stomp, causing Devin to spike them onto his shoulder. 
Murder, They Wrote - Devin hits the Midnight Murder Scene. When the target is flattened out, Lyza will lock in a bridging chin lock.
Pura Violencia - Devin sets up his opponent into Ya Omote and Lyza connects with Pura Vida, which drives the victim into the Ya Omote. 

Signature Tag Team Moves: 
Helping Hand - Devin lifts up his opponents and chucks them at Lyza to “assist” her with a powerbomb. 
The Tower of Power - Devin allows Lyza to climb onto his shoulders and she hits a senton bomb on a fallen member.
Chirocrisis - Devin hits a Full Nelson Bomb as Lyza hits a Jawbreaker on their victim.
Shotgun Suplex - Devin hits his opponent with a German Suplex. While he applies a bridge, Lyza rushes in and connects with a sliding dropkick. 
Ultra Combo - Lyza begins with a headscissors takedown. The momentum will send the victim into Devin’s big boot. Lyza will connect with a dropkick to the back of the person’s head. Devin concludes the combo with a rebound spinebuster.

Short Biography: 

Devin Brando. A multiple-time world champion. A recovering scum of the earth. After some events in his life led to him taking a break from professional wrestling, he decided to try to confront a lot of what made him a monster throughout his career. An older man now by wrestling standards, he began to search for fulfillment. He reconnected with friends, no longer trying to be the recluse he enjoyed being. 

Lyza Reyes. A former world champion. A competitor searching for more opportunities to prove herself. Signing with dying federations proved frustrating. In the current environment of wrestling, it became harder and harder to find someplace stable. She returned to SCW to try her hand again. This time, however, she wanted to try something new. Tag team wrestling was a venture unknown to her, so why not try that out? 

The two of them didn’t know each other until a fateful meeting at a mutual friend’s party. Instead of hitting it off in a personal way, the two decided that their competitive energies matched. They both wanted to dive into something unfamiliar. So, they reached out to SCW to compete in World’s Best. Unfortunately for them, their personalities clashed more than originally thought. But any good team must go through the wringer to become something great.

Links to Individual Member Bios: 
Devin’s Biography (soon)
Lyza’s Biography (soon)

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RE: The 2020 World's Best: Tag Team Tournament Information/Sign Ups - by Reyes - 03-25-2020, 11:49 PM

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