The 2020 World's Best: Tag Team Tournament Information/Sign Ups
Handler Names: Ashley and Fizz

Tag Team Name: Honourable Win

Members: Konrad Raab and Gable Winchester

Home Promotion: SCW (Though Gable is technically on leave)

Alignment: Face

Gimmick: The Orthodox and versatile style of Konrad Raab mixed with the more unorthodox and flamboyant style of Gable Winchester blended together

Entrance Music: “Death Before Dishonour” by Five Finger Death Punch

Entrance Description:

Both Gable and Konrad come out at the top of the stage from either side as “Death Before Dishonour” blasts out around the arena. They both meet at the middle of the stage and fist bump before nodding to one another and walking down to the ring, slapping palms of the crowds as they go down before Gable slides into the ring and Konrad circles around, slapping more palms before climbing up the steps and into the ring. Both pose on opposite turnbuckles before standing together in the ring, talking amongst each other as they wait for the match to start.

Primary Tag Team Finishers:

1: Frozen Fame – Konrad hits the ‘Ice Storm’ cutter as Gable climbs to the top rope and then counts down before hitting the ‘FameChanger’ elbow on the prone opponent

2: Win-ter Is Here - Gable tosses the opponent up in the air from a gorilla press position and Konrad catches them mid-air before driving them down for a powerslam. (ala The Viking Experience)

Signature Tag Team Moves:

1: Snowblind – Konrad lifts the opponent on his shoulders and Gable takes to the top rope before leaping off with a flying clothesline as Konrad goes backwards for the electric chair drop simultaneously.

2: Winning Combination – Konrad hits a double knee Codebreaker and on the rebound, Gable hits a German Suplex. (Can be used as a pinning combination or a release suplex)

Short Biography:

Unused to taking part in tag team competition outside of sanctioned matches with partners allocated, Konrad Raab wanted to change that. The 2020 World’s Best Tag Tournament was something he wanted a part of bad as his opportunity to show just how versatile he was. Konrad made the wrestling world aware of his desire to compete in the tournament and SCW’s prodigal son, The Man Of Win answered the call just when Konrad had given up hope of finding the right partner...

Links to Individual Member Bios:

Konrad Raab -
Gable Winchester -
[Image: rM9CI0v.png]

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RE: The 2020 World's Best: Tag Team Tournament Information/Sign Ups - by Asherlizzle - 03-31-2020, 12:27 PM

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