Seduction (Joint RP)
OOC: Best of luck!

“It’s been a long time since I’ve done one of these things… okay. Here we go…

My name is Amelia Robson. For twelve years, I’ve been a part of the professional wrestling industry. I’ve competed on every continent… I mean, except Antarctica because my ring attire would absolutely NOT be conducive to a show there. Besides, who would we compete for there? People aren’t allowed to live there… there’s maybe a few handfuls of scientists who, no offense, probably aren’t the biggest wrestling fans out there… so what? Will the penguins show up for a show? That happened before, but it was in Pittsburgh, and they were hockey players.

Sorry, I’m getting off track.”

“Were you? I think you were just having fun, and if you want to know the truth, I don’t believe there is anything wrong with that.

Who am I you wonder? I am Dr. Grace Morningwood, though my friends just call my Gracie. Amelia here, she is my best friend. I have also been involved in the world of professional wrestling for the last twelve years. Amelia and I, we have been with each other the entire time in the ring because we were tag team partners. Don’t believe me, you can actually look us up…

That’s right we were called Seduction, uh-huh, that is us right there. Yes, I know, we were just so stinking cute, especially Amelia. We might have changed a little bit since then in the way we look, but that’s to be expected, I mean it was twelve years ago and all, so don’t judge us! We have done a lot of changing during that time and in 2010 we actually became partners out of the ring too, if you know what I mean.

Then in 2014, we made it super official and Amelia became my wife!”

“Wait a minute Gracie, I remember that pretty well, it was April 20th, and if I do recall, you became my wife, no?”

“Look, it was almost six years ago, and one way or another, someone became someone else’s wife and we were very happy.”

“Still are, I might add.”

“You absolutely right, thank you. Very happy, but we still didn’t feel complete until a year and a half later, when we adopted this adorable little goober right there named Donovan that Amelia is picking up right now.”

“Mom, can you make Mom stop calling me an adorable goober again?!”


“Sorry, he is just so adorable, I can’t help it!”

“He is adorable, whether he wants to admit it or not.”

“Fine...adorable, but not a goober. That just sounds weird!”

“Ok, ok so now though, after a break of 9 years or so, we have decided to climb back into a wrestling ring together because we heard that Adam Alfonso….”

“Actually I think it is Adam Allocco babe.”

“Yeah, right him! So he wanted to have this tournament to decide who the World’s Best Tag Team is, and well since we are the World’s Best Tag Team and all, we thought, why not?

How did we end up at that point?

Well, that is another story…”

“Well, that kind of really IS the story in a way. What Gracie wouldn’t say is that we have actually BEEN in this position before… on the cusp of greatness, literally matches away from being seen as the best tag team out there. If you look at our record, you’ll see quite a few great moments there. SWA US Tag Team Champions for a record-breaking reign. We were trailblazers! But when it came to the top of the world, there was always… well… let’s call it “unfinished business”.

Look at me being all “actually”.

And I don’t know if I CAN speak for Gracie here, but if she’s in the same mindset as I am, it kind of stings that we never ended up on top of the mountain. Going down in history as the best tag team to have never been seen as “The Best” is kind of a… would you call it “blase”?”

“Kind of?

Yeah, when you are doing the something you try hard to be the best at, better than anybody else in the world with the person who is well you person but something still always seems to keep ensuring that you end up falling just short?

Yeah, I would say that “kind of stings” falls under that category.
“Admittedly, our careers took different roads after NEWA went belly-up. I ended up in SCW for a cup of coffee, then landed in GCW where I eventually… and I might say overdue-edly became World Champion.”

“I myself have never been a World Champion at least not in the singular sense. However, I was extremely proud of my wife, and I was one half of the World Tag Team Champion with Willow Wilkes in ULW, a team that was defeated I might add.

So you see, we have achieved a modicum of success in our careers, but there is still the “unfinished business” that Amelia was talking about before, as we have never been to the mountaintop together. That is why we are going to be in the World’s Best Tag Team Tournament. Because the tournament itself is just step one, and then after that?

Well, we will see after that.”

The Home of Amelia Robson and Grace Morningwood
Wednesday, March 25th 2020
Toronto, Ontario
2 pm.

Gracie: “I’m bored…”

All she could do is shake her head is with that same cheerful expression on her face, an expression that never seems to have changed, except for when they were in the ring. For all of the changes that they have done since the time that they had come into each other’s lives over twelve years ago, the argument could be made that “Supergirl” Amelia Robson and Dr. Grace “Gracie” Morningwood by-in-large were very much still the same people. Amelia had this very thought in mind while walking over and carefully taking a seat next to Gracie on the sofa

Amelia: “Well it’s two in the afternoon… Ellen isn’t on until three, so that gives us about an hour to kill…”

A wide eyed smile grows across Gracie’s face, which Amelia has known for quite some time now that usually means that some thought in the psychologist’s brain is up to no good. Gracie turns to Amelia, laughing.

Gracie: “What time did Donovan go down for his nap this afternoon?”

Amelia looks over at her wife, a grin on her face as she looks up from the latest issue of Time Magazine. Her legs crossed over, she rests the magazine lightly against it,

Amelia: “He’s been down for about half an hour I’d say.”

Throwing a towel that lands in between the magazine and Amelia herself, Gracie looks at her with almost a crazed look in her eyes.

Gracie “Are you thinking what I think you're thinking? Because I know what I think I am thinking…”

Amelia: “Actually…”

Amelia tosses the magazine on the table in front of her, sitting back as she pushes her hair to the side.

Amelia: “I wasn’t really THAT interested in Ellen anyway.”

Gracie: “YOU love Ellen!”

She laughs again, getting closer to Amelia.

Amelia: “I do…”

Looking at Amelia’s hair pushed to one side Gracie slowly kisses her on the mouth and right at the moment is when it happens. You know, the moment that every parent dreads and yet somehow always happens at the least opportune of times.

Donovan: “Moms!”

Looking at each other, Amelia and Gracie remember how much they wanted to adopt before that brought Donovan into their lives and then can’t help but laugh now.

Gracie: “It never seems to fail, does it?”

Amelia: “It’s like he has a radar.”

This time they are startled by just how loudly Donovan sounds down the hallway, and immediately both of them are up.

Gracie: “That did not sound good my dear..”

Both women move towards the sound of their son’s voice.

Amelia: “Donnie, are you okay?”

Donovan: “I think so...I don’t know...maybe.”

Amelia and Gracie look at each other even more confused now as they come to the four-year-old’s bedroom, and then join him sitting on the side of his bed.

Gracie: “What seems to be the issue, Mr. Goober?”

Donovan: “Mom, please, I am not Mr. Goober!”

Amelia stifles a laugh as she looks at Gracie followed by Donovan.

Amelia: “It’s okay, honey. What’s up?”

Donovan: “I was watching Mindhunter on Netflix and I think that I was having a nightmare only it was in the day, because I kept dreaming or maybe maring that….”

Gracie immediately puts out her hand and puts it over their son's mouth while Amelia looks positively stunned by what they have just heard.

Gracie: “Donnie, repeat after me please ok? I will not watch Mindhunter until I am at least thirty-years-old because that stuff is not for kids.”

Donovan just shakes his head up and down slowly.

Donovan: “I don’t want to watch anything on Netflix at all anymore!”

Amelia: “And you are four, so how did you end up watching something like Mindhunter on Netflix to begin with?”

Donovan: “I waited for you two to fall asleep one night and then I got a hold of your I pad and it was just there. I thought that I could be a famous psych person like Mom.”

Looking at each other again briefly, Amelia and Gracie turn back toward Donovan.

Gracie: “Alright, first of all, getting on either one of us’s I pad bad unless we are there with you, and I think that you know that too, don’t you. Because that is why you waited until we had fallen asleep, right?”

Reluctantly, Donovan shakes his head yes.

Amelia: “However, it is not bad to want to be like Mom yet, though you need to worry about that right now Donnie. You are only four-years-old, alright?”

Donovan shakes his head yes again, and then hold his hand up like he wants to say something.

Gracie: “Yes, son?”

Donovan: “Mom your phone is going off, so is Mom’s, I can hear them both”

While Gracie checks her phone, Amelia tends to their son.

Amelia: “We would have checked our phones later. Right now, we were checking on our son, he is much more important than whatever is on our phones.”

Even as she says this, Amelia sees a look of amazement come across Gracie’s face while reading her phone.

Amelia: “What up, babe?”

Gracie: “ do you remember that Adam guy who had the Tournament in SCW last fall that we got in, but then didn’t really participate after all?”

Amelia: “Right, he was a jerk to us, tried to make us face each other in the first round, why?”

Gracie: “He is starting another tournament..”

Amelia: “Oh goodie.”

Gracie: “No, this could be good, very good. This is called World’s Best: Tag Team Tournament.

Amelia: “Oh”

Gracie flashes a knowing look to Amelia who then gets the message, while Donovan is curious as ever.

Donovan: “Tag Team. That is what you guys are right?”

Gracie: “Right.”

Amelia: “Right!”

Donovan: “So, I think my Moms should get in the tournament.”

Gracie: “What do you say, Supergirl?”

Amelia: “I think our son is right!”

And we fade to pink

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Seduction (Joint RP) - by Simple77 - 04-09-2020, 11:58 PM

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