Jake Starr vs Sienna Swann
When it came to meeting my sister for the first time, it was a surprise to me that my parents held that as a secret for so many years. Since meeting her, since having my sister come into my life, I have felt a sense of family like I haven't in the past. Don't get me wrong, I love my parents. I love the family that raised me. But I will say that I don't appreciate that they hid this from me. I don't like that I didn't get to be there for her growing up. I know she didn't have the best childhood, and maybe I could have given her something positive. Maybe, just maybe, I could have been the person who didn't leave her jaded about her childhood. Maybe I could have been something positive, like I'm trying to be now...

The fact is, I appreciate the feeling of being an "older brother."

Now I say all of this because the other day at the hotel, a lot of shit hit the fan on me, and I'm trying to figure out how to remedy it. Why? What happened? Family... That's what happened! It's as simple as that. When I was checking into the hotel before an event, I heard someone calling my name. Now, this isn't the strangest of occurrences. I'm used to being pointed out in public. I'm used to my "real" life crossing over into my "business" life. Many of my coworkers like to say that our two worlds can stay apart. They like to argue that those boundaries exist, but the fact is, sometimes the real world crosses over into the business world too. Take my sister and I. That's a perfect realization of that. We tried to keep it "real life," but eventually it bled over.

Now back to the hotel...

So while standing there checking in, I hear my name called. I assume the same as I always do, and I turn around and I don't see fans. I don't see the typical "supporter" that I am used to seeing. Instead... It's OUR parents...

As Jake turns around he sees Jeff and Denise Starr standing there in the hotel, emerging from the hotel restaurant after seeing Jake walk in to check in. They has called out to Jake, simply to get his attention. When Jake sees the pair he's initially stunned. He wasn't expecting "company." He has been traveling alone, lately, leaving Thoren and Brandon behind, so he can focus on the business and his sister. To him, when he's on the road, that is the top priority.

Jake acknowledges his parents with a wave, and motions toward the counter stating he's going to check-in first. Both parents wave and acknowledge him, and he nods. As he goes through the check-in procedure, he keeps looking back at his parents, wondering why they're there. His parents coming to an event is not something normal. In fact, it's not something they have EVER done, outside of the times Jake has asked them to be there to cheer him on. So as he checks in, he begins to think about everything that could possibly bring his parents to his hotel, and nothing comes to mind.

After finally getting the keys to his room, he turns around to see his parents standing near the wall on the other side of the lobby. Jake makes his way over to them and ultimately within earshot, and begins to engage them, and trying to find out why they are where they are.

Jake Starr: Mom... Dad...

Jeff Starr: Hey son! How's it going?

Jake Starr: Umm... I guess OK. What's going on?

Danise Starr: What do you mean?

Jake Starr: C'mon, Mom... Let's be real... You two are here for a reason. You're not here because you "care..."

Jeff Starr: We are here to support you... Why can't we be here?

Jake Starr: Dad... Stop... You and Mom don't come to support me unless I ask. You don't randomly show up to hotels. Something's going here, and I'm just trying to cut through all of the crap and get to it...

Danise Starr: Jake...

Jake Starr: Mom... Am I wrong?

Jeff Starr: Jake, why can't we be here to support you?

Jake Starr: Because you haven't ever "just done it," in the past. So what's going on? Just be frank with me...

Danise Starr: Jake, we're here to show you we love you...

It was at this point I realized they were completely bluffing, and that the reason they were there was because of me and my sister's relationship growing. I didn't feel they were against or fearful of the two of us becoming close, but I had a feeling that it created a sense of tension in their minds they wanted to figure out. Honestly, I didn't know the entirety of their story when I saw them initially. I didn't understand what they did with my sister, and why. I didn't know why they kept it a secret from me for decades. And really, it wasn't the top concern on my mind, but it was there. I just wanted answers, and wouldn't hesitate until I got them.

Jake Starr: Stop... Alright? Just stop. Just... Just fucking stop... Quit placating me and acting like I can't see past the bullshit. I'm old enough to know better, and know something isn't "right" here. You two don't show up. You don't come to see me at events. And most importantly, that's normal! Hell, Mom, you hardly ever went to see Dad perform in person. You watched at home because you couldn't handle it. You always said that was why you didn't watch me in person more. Dad, you were the fucking same. You always gave me distance so I didn't have that feeling surrounding me that "The Great Jeff Starr" was watching me... I could always make myself believe that the eyes of those who made me the most nervous weren't there to see it. People at home, I get it, I can't control, so I never knew one way or another, even though, at heart, I did. But if I asked you... If I wanted you... Then THAT was when you'd show up. So being here... Without me saying anything... And you coming to me first... This tells me something isn't right... So what's up?

Denise breaks the "everything is normal" routine and chimes in.

Danise Starr: How's Jordan?

I knew it. I knew they came for my sister, and were beginning to feel whatever it is they feel as parents. The fact is, her story and her relationship is something I've never wanted to delve into. I have never wanted to push them to meet up, or reconcile. It's not my cup of tea. It's hers to do. But I realized now that they weren't comfortable meeting her on their own and were trying to gather intel through me. It was something that, to be honest, bothered me a lot. For one, I wasn't my sister's keeper. Yes, we had come together in this organization, and began to find out footing as brother and sister on a profession and personal level, but there was still a lot of distance between the two of us. I couldn't speak for her. She couldn't speak for me. There was still a lot to learn about one another, and yet here I was, feeling like I was the one supposed to file some kind of report on her.

Jake looks down and sighs. He then looks up at his mom and dad and shakes his head.

Jake Starr: Really?

Jeff Starr: What do you mean?

Jake Starr: You two came all this way to ask me that? Couldn't you have fucking called?

Danise Starr: Jake... We...

Jake cuts his mom off.

Jake Starr: Mom, stop... I'm going to be blunt. Jordan and I don't sit there and have a lot of chit chat. We don't sit there and try and talk about the past. What little I know about her past is something I would say is hers to tell, and not pretty. You two and your backstory with her, I don't know, and I'm not asking...

Jeff Starr: Jake, listen... We...

Jake Starr: No...

Jake doesn't give his dad a chance to explain.

Jake Starr: ... I don't want to hear excuses, stories, or anything of the sorts, right now. You guys and Jordan have to figure out what went on between the three of you. Why you guys wouldn't be honest with me, that's a whole other ballgame. For Fuck's sake, I don't even know how she made the connection, or who told her the truth, but nobody told me until she did. She came to find me, not to be the "next Jeff Starr," and not to be the "next Jake Starr in SCW." No she sought me out to find out how she could be the best fucking Jordan Majors on the planet. She wanted to become her OWN woman. She wanted to define her OWN legacy. So what did I do? I advised her. I did so with the intention of never returning or the world even KNOWING we knew about one another. Shit... Why do you think I never answered either one of you in text form about her?

Danise Starr: Jake, is it because of all of this that you won't just tell us how she is and such?

Jake Starr: Mom, I just said that. Listen... I don't know your story. I don't know how she ended up in another house. I don't know why you wouldn't allow her to be part of our family... I...

Jeff Starr: Jake, it's not an easy story...

Jake Starr: Well no fucking shit, Dad... I don't figure letting your youngest end up being abused as a child is an easy decision!

Danise Starr: Jake, we didn't know!

Jake begins to get heated.

Jake Starr: And I didn't fucking know she existed! I could have fucking been there to protect her. Instead, from what I know, she lived a life of abuse and it was a shitstorm. And who was there for her? Now, she and I, yeah, are able to talk somewhat. On somedays, it's good. Some days it's pretty contentious. Why? She doesn't fully trust me. She doesn't believe I'm legit, yet. Why? It's because of whatever you two did to her when she was young and before I had any knowledge of her. So you're coming to me hoping I can facilitate something that isn't my business. My business is showing I'm a big brother, no matter what. I am not part of whatever you two decided for her before she had a right to decide for herself. I'm part of what she's deciding to do now with her life. And I'm lucky she's even giving me that chance.

I've been goofy with her.

I've been serious.

I've tried being everything that represents me. And that's all I can do. I can't be the middle man to help you fix the past. That's completely on you two.

Jake's mom becomes teary eyed.

Danise Starr: Jake... We didn't mean for you to feel that way... Not at all... We literally just have begun to realize our own regret and hoped you could give us insight into how she is. We don't want you to play middle man. We don't want you to do anything to facilitate us reconnecting. The fact is, we don't know our own daughter, and we need help to just figure out someway to broach the situation. You're our oldest, and you know her better than anyone else in the family. We want to begin righting the ship. But we don't want to fly blind and ruin it before we ever got a chance to fix it.

Jake Starr: But maybe flying blind is the best solution, Mom? Maybe NOT knowing is the key for you both, instead of having some secret insight into who she is? Maybe you two need to walk into it like you should have years ago, and just sucked it up? My job isn't to give you the "in," on this. My job is to remain agnostic to the situation. She's my sister. She's the one I'm LUCKY enough to have had find me. So I'm sorry, this isn't a situation where I'm going to play sides, and...

I felt myself finally making a point. I felt myself finally getting into the heads of my parents. But then my heart sunk. Everything I had worked for, lobbied for, everything was about to blow up in my face in a way I could never imagine. I could have never imagined this was about to have the timing of "your worst nightmare coming true."

Jordan Majors: What the fuck?!

Jake is interrupted and turns to see his sister, Jordan Majors, walking into the same hotel and seeing Jake standing in front of his/their parents. Jake's eyes go wide, and he gasps.

Jake Starr: JORDAN! Let me explain!

Jordan Majors: Just... Fucking don't... Don't even try, Jake...

Jordan immediately turns, shunning Jake's pleas, and walks out of the hotel, and Jake can't help but feel his head slump. He slowly turns his head toward his own parents with the "Jake Death Stare" on his face, and doesn't mince words.

Jake Starr: Now... Now... She's your responsibility. For once in your life, I suggest you figure out how to take it. I'm done even remotely being in the middle. I'm not losing a sister twice.

Jeff Starr: Jake, we...

Jake cuts him off.

Jake Starr: Fuck, we... It's on YOU now... You're always going to be my mom and dad, and the only ones I've ever known. If you want to be something special and better, then I suggest you possibly find her, and do the same. Otherwise, I'm done discussing her with EITHER of you...

Jake grabs his bag, which he had set on the ground, and immediately turns for the elevators. Jake's mom goes to reply, but is held back by his dad. It's as if Jake may have struck a nerve with both of them on different scales, and also with Jordan. He knows she believes he had something to do with his parents showing up, and being there "waiting" for her. He knows he somehow has to reach out and convince her he didn't have anything to do with their arrival, and was just as blindsided as they were. But will she listen? Will she care? Does she even want some kind of relationship with her birth parents? Jake doesn't know the answers, but knows he needs to find them soon to get life back to a sense of normalcy, going forward.


Jake Starr: Cold Blooded... A night where we get the opportunity to see those who rely on momentum, versus those who innately have it in them. What do I mean? Well let me explain... You see, warm blooded animals, in a simplistic form, keep a very regulated body temperature whether or not it's hot or cold outside. They ultimately have the need to have their temperature stay at a certain point, and if it does so, everything is fine. If it rises or sinks below a certain level, that's when the body begins to have problems. In a nutshell, I'm talking fevers, and no, cowbell won't help these type, and hypothermia, where your body has been frozen, and everything begins to slowly shut down inside, trying to conserve energy, thus leading to ultimate death. Honestly, it's like your body tries to preserve itself, and fails itself in the process.

Having said all of this I would like to simply digress and say that this science less is, A) brought to you by the letter "Q" and B) not going to delve into the world of cryogenics because that's a whole lesson in theory that isn't for the world of pro wresting...

To quote the Foxxy one... AAAAAAAnyways!

Cold blooded animals aren't quite the same. They are animals, or as I call them, "critters," that seem to let their body temperature regulate based on the surroundings. This means that if it gets colder, they do the same, if it gets warmer, again, the same. Now, I get that, to a degree, no pun intended, that sounds like fever and hypothermia. But no. See these critters require a certain environment to thrive, whereas the warm blooded animals can hold their body consistent. So if you have, say, a reptile in a cage, and you live in bum-fuck northern Canada, you may want to have a heat lamp to help it thrive. Whereas if you're in Guadalajara down in Mexico, you MAY want to invest in a cooling unit to help keep those room temps at a constant for your reptilian friends because in the end, whether your freezing, or sweating down your asscrack, you need those same temperatures.

So how does this relate to wrestling?

How does this matter in SCW?

Well the fact is they have named a pay-per view after the need for something to be constant and consistent. They have named a pay-per view after the inability to allow for fluctuation. They've decided to create a nomenclature that creates an environment that, if everything, say, momentum, isn't as consistent as it has been, it can lead to everything going crazy.

It named this gem... Cold Blooded!

Now, for me, I look at it in this light. I don't look at it like members of the Mafia, say, did. They would walk around and just kill a target with no feeling of wrongdoing, and do it, pun intended, in "cold blood." But I don't see this pay-per view as a day to kill someone or off someone out of existence. Instead I see it as a night where people either ride their waves, or crash and burn, and show the world that it's time to reconsider what they may be looking at. I especially look at it in that way for myself. Why? Because lately I haven't been known to surf the waves of SCW in the most graceful manner. Somedays I've been able to catch the wave, and safely ride it to shore, and other days I'll catch the wave, and it'll put me on my ass so fucking fast I don't know what end is up. And I'm not talking about me being old or new Jake Starr here, I'm simply saying, people have my number right now, and my failures are outweighing my successes. But I also look at a night like Cold Blooded where I can change ALL of that, and show the world this old dog can still surf like Kelly Slater, with the big boys!

Jake smirks.

Now, feeling like I do, you'd think this was 2009, and I was walking into a match with Soopaman Luva, or one of those other nobodies who came through SCW during that period. Instead I'm going against someone who is ALWAYS riding some kind of momentum in SCW. I'm facing one of the hottest, both physically and statistically superstars that this company offers, in Sienna Swann. And let me tell you about this hussy... For one... I don't think I've ever beaten her. Honestly I don't think I've ever come close. In fact, I think it's always been one of those where wiping her own ass was probably harder than beating me. So I'm walking into a match with a "Cold Blooded" SCW assassin, ready to take me down, knock me out, and show the world that she can continue to ride that wave of momentum and live the life of ease in this industry.

But I'm ready to ride a new wave of momentum into a NEW DAY in my SCW career, and utilize a win over this broad as my chance!

Now, I know what everyone believes... I know everyone thinks that she has my number, and will continue to do so... Now you may all be right. You may be spot on. The possibility, though, is that Jake Starr does what he's done to others who have beaten him time after time, and surprised the masses with a win out of nowhere. I'm not scared of Sienna. I'm not shy of taking EVERYTHING I CAN to her, and trying to take her off her game. And that's what it'll take, you know? It will take making her not be expecting something, see something new, or realize she mistook what I was capable of, to beat her. I can't walk in with the same gameplan I've had in the past. Hell... I can't walk in with a gameplan like that I've ever brought with me before. I need to bring something new. I need to bring something special. And I know that sounds cliche, but the fact is, it's true. I can't simply go in there as "the normal Jake Starr." For fuck's sake, she has shown she's better than that. Why would I be "just that?" Instead I need to walk into Cold Blooded with the realization that I'm in a hole, already. I'm already behind the 8-ball with Sienna...


She's that fucking good!

While she's still a bitch, she's a bitch with talent. She's like Syren. Nobody may like her, and I emphasize NOBODY, but she still goes out there, competes, and wins. So likability matters not. I say this because I know for a fact she's unliked. People pretend to, but in all reality, she has a beard and smells of fish. I'm sorry to break the news to everyone, but she does tend to have a odor of canned oysters and Vienna sausage about her, and it does contribute to her success. I mean, from experience, that smell LINGERS! I'm not saying she doesn't shower, but she could use some Monestat every now and then because she's about three minutes away from hearing a "DING" from her cooter, and a loaf of focaccia sliding out like an Easy Bake Oven. It's like Syren... You know she's about 2 sweat droplets away from being 90 proof...

I'm just saying..

Jake chuckles.

Sienna... The fact is, I realize you're someone who everyone expects to win. I know everyone expects you to knock me out, and do what you do what you do with other SCW talent, and that's simply walk on, and use a stepping stone. I'm not naive, either. I know that realistically, that's what SHOULD probably happen. But what "should" happen doesn't always occur. Just like the weather has the ability to change and really fuck with those who are "cold blooded" like you, it is always a PREDICTION. It's never a GUARANTEE. So I am walking into this pay-per view with the mindset that I can take advantage of the "winds of change." Why? Because it's all I have. It's what I have to really lean on. The momentum, the odds, everything favors Sienna Swann, and yet, I am going to walk in and give it everything I have, and EXPECT to shock the world.

Hear that?


The fact is, I don't care what odds, momentum, "blooded-type," or realistic expectations state. Instead, I care about what I feel in my heart. It's time for someone to go out there and fight someone like you who has heart. Too many fear people like you. They think you're unbeatable. They think your infallible. The truth is, though, you're nothing of the sort. You're not scary. You're not unbeatable. You're not infallible. Instead, you're just like people like Syren were in the past. You're a dominant force, yes. But you have your weaknesses. You have your flaws. And it takes people like me to go out there and exploit them. The proof is there. James Evans did it. He took that World Championship from around your waist and showed the world that, no matter how dominant you may be, you can be beat by ANYONE.

And that includes me!

So Sienna... Listen close... I haven't mentioned anything about Jordan for a reason... This isn't about her, to me. This is about me and you. This is about me showing the world who you really are, what you really stand for, and how shallow of a person you truly are. I plan on going out there and exposing you for the fraud, the fake, and the "cold blooded" competitor that you are. You simply ride momentum when it is in your favor, and when it isn't, you have to resort to trying to FORCE it back that way using whatever, or WHOEVER, you need to in order to put yourself ahead. Well guess what... I'm not a "whatever" or a "whoever." I'm Jake Starr. I'm a guy who has done more than you, and NEVER relied on momentum to carry me. I never relied on myself to sound like one of a million, but instead stood out as MYSELF. My legacy is already set in stone, and it was done in a manner that you only WISH you could mimic. You WISH you could stand out from the likes of others. But instead, you're one of a crowd of like-minded people who take turns at the top of the mountain.

Guess what... I made everyone WAIT their turn!

So when you come out there, and you try to start your climb back up the mountain amongst the other 100 others who look and sound just like you, guess what, you're ultimately WANTING and NEEDING to do what guys like Jake Starr, Jason Wheeler, David Helms, and Tommy Valentine did. You're wanting to make a mark that makes people remember the name "Sienna Swann." Well I'm sorry... You're not doing it at my expense. You're not becoming a "name" like Kennedy Street was, simply because it is "your turn." Instead, you're going to face a guy who realizes he's not the favorite, not the likely winner, and not the guy anyone believes in anymore. Like I said, my legacy is set in stone. I've got a ring and a resume to prove it. Now I'm here to do something special, like those of my past have done. And yeah... THAT is at your expense.

You're not scary to me. You're a clone of the rest. You're one of a crowd. I... I stand ALONE!

Messages In This Thread
Jake Starr vs Sienna Swann - by Ace - 04-15-2020, 10:56 PM
RE: Jake Starr vs Sienna Swann - by Jake Starr - 04-18-2020, 04:36 AM
RE: Jake Starr vs Sienna Swann - by Sienna Swann - 04-18-2020, 09:47 PM

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