Ace Marshall vs Chris Cannon
The War of the Worlds | Part One
Ever since Retribution things were not going our way, I was beginning to get sick of it as was Sienna. We were like Two peas in a pod ready to explode with chaos the likes SCW had not seen in a long long time. The fuse you could say was very much lit and everyone was fanning it along as if they wanted us to lose all control because it would likely our undoing... The one person of course that wasn’t willing to accept that fate for us was Xiomara who had been placed in charge since Laura felt she couldn’t do it any longer to the best of her ability. She felt her time was up, her age catching up to her and with the shitstorm which brew ever since Crane’s guilt to Ricky Octavius murder came to light, well that was the straw which broke the camel’s back wasn’t it?
Fast forward to now and Laura was staying at Sienna and I’s home in Beverly Hills, we did not want her to be anywhere else, especially now with this Coronavirus pandemic currently rocking the world. When you looked at certain things in SCW, they did still feel trivial these days in a world that was slowly falling into the Chaos we were succumbing to each week. But despite that, despite the anger welling up within us both. We had light at the end of the tunnel for us, young Nathaniel who was the beacon which would keep us from crossing that divide, walking towards that point of no return…
Or so I would think…
But things change, and Xiomara was ready to confront me about a few of those things now with the PPV on the horizon which was going to be another shitshow for us if we didn’t figure out a plan of attack…
“So, this is where you’re hiding…?”
As I said before the voice belonged to Xiomara, she found me outside laying on a floatation device in the pool catching some sun as it shone down from the heavens. The mixture of the cool water and the sun was a welcomed distraction as I hovered on the water’s surface…
Chris: “What makes you think I was hiding?”
Xiomara: “You know what I meant.”
She had a tone to her which I chuckled to before lowering my sunglasses to see Xiomara standing by the pools edge with a sarong around her waist to compliment the bathing suit, she wore with it. She looked stunning, just like Sienna.
Chris: “Yeah, suppose you’re right.”
Pushing the sunglasses back up, I leaned back again to continue catching some more rays…
Xiomara: “Can we talk?”
Chris: “If you want to talk, you’ll have to get in the water. I’m too comfortable move.”
Xiomara: “Whatever.”
There was an annoyance to her tone now, but then silence which was quickly followed by a splash as she dived in. I could see her outline slowly heading towards me out of the corner of my eye and you can guess what happened next. She rose and pushed me into the water. I went under for a moment before breaking the surface by the pool edge and pulling myself up onto the side and sitting there as she now floated in the water looking at me with a smirk.
Chris: “Feel better now?”
Xiomara: “A little, but that doesn’t change that you and I need to talk.”
I nodded my head knowing this was going to be a thing, I looked up to the house to see Sienna on the balcony from our bedroom looking down at us both, she had the baby in her arms. She didn’t look too pleased, but I waved to her which she returned in kind offering a smile.
Chris: “Come on then, lets get this over with.”
I stepped onto the side of the pool and leaned  down with a hand offering it to Xio which she took and I with that I pulled her up onto the side effortlessly which I guess took her by surprise a little.
Xiomara: “Thank you, papi.”
I nodded again walking over to where I had my towel laid out on a chair and took a seat once I removed it and begun to dry myself as Xiomara did the same…
Chris: “So what’s troubling you this time, Xio?”
Xiomara: “What makes you think I’m troubled.”
Chris: “Honestly?”
Xiomara: “Enlighten me.”
Chris: “Every time I hear we need to talk, or can we talk, or I need to talk to you. I feel there is a problem that’s coming. If you’re not worried about Sienna, you’re concerned about something else. So, what’s the matter now?”
Xiomara: “Am I really that transparent to you?”
Chris: “No of course not, but all it ever seems to be is bad news so you can’t blame me for feeling a little pessimistic these days. With this paranoia of losing Nathaniel which made Sienna go revisit the site that plane crashed a few years back, scaring the hell out of Bree and I.”
I shrugged my shoulders again…
Chris: “So I don't know Xio, transparent no but in the light of transparency it seems like we are stuck in an avalanche of negativity. Long as no one is looking to murder me or Sienna, and my son stays safe within our custody, I think whatever happens is a win at this point.”
I chuckled, thinking about that moment outside the courthouse well it still haunted me to be honest. If Xiomara didn’t suggest protection, I might not be here now… I’d be remembered a lot like Ricky was…
Xiomara: “That isn’t funny, you could have died... Besides we all know that won’t happen she isn’t winning custody.”
Chris: “It isn’t and you’re right she isn’t but if I don’t try to find the funny side to something, I’m afraid I’ll lose it completely and no one wants that.”
Xiomara begun drying off her long-tanned leg which I caught myself watching for a minute before shaking my head to myself… It was then she begun to talk about what was troubling her.
Xiomara: “You know this PPV is going to be a rough ride, don’t you?”
Chris: “What makes you say that?”
Xiomara: “Don’t play the fool, it doesn’t suit you. You’re a lot smarter than that. You know why I say that. Asher Hayes, Selena Frost, Ace Marshall? JAKE STARR?! I mean where do I begin Chris, just what the hell is going on up in that head of yours or Sienna’s?”
Chris: “At this point does it really matter what I say?”
Xiomara: “It always matters because you know, if she doesn’t listen to me, she is going to listen to you, so I need you on side here for her own protection and yours.”
Xiomara looked at me, she had concern in her eyes which I could tell. I’ve been there and had those exact same eyes starring back at me many times as I looked at my own reflection or as I starred at Sienna or even Kelcey back in the day…
I sighed…
Chris: “There is only so much I can do love, you know that. Besides I’m getting pretty sick of the lot of those fucks, especially Ace and that crack whore of a wife of his.”
Xiomara: “I know but don’t you think we need a smarter tact for this? We should divide and conquer papi, we can’t take them on head on, especially as a united front, we won’t stand a chance.”
Chris: “I know… This Sunday should give us a better chance of doing just that though shouldn’t it?”
Xiomara: “Yeah it should, I just worry about Sienna and what she’s going to do.”
Chris: “She will be fine.”
Xiomara: “Will she? Forcing herself to apologize to Jordan, that stung I know she didn’t like that even on face value she looked like it didn’t.”
Chris: “Well for the benefit of things, she had to because Bree asked and there is no point rocking the boat there, especially since her god daughter is dating Jordan...”
Xiomara: “I know and it’s Bree who is challenging for the World Championship now and James Evans now has a crack at the United States. You know what will happen if he wins don’t you?”
Chris: “I rather not think about that.”
Xiomara: “Yeah well it’s a possibility isn’t it, so someone has to.”
I sighed again, thought of that happening was just another twist of the knife into my gut SCW was responsible for…
Chris: “So what do you want me to say there? I’m losing my faith in this company as it is to be honest with you, seeing that wanker holding two belts would probably be the straw that breaks my back once and for all. Especially if the worst happens in the earlier matches with Ace, Jake and Asher and Selena…”
Xiomara sighed and nodded as she leaned back into the chair now. I reached down to the cool box and pulled out a bottle of water and handed it to her which she thanked me for as I helped myself to a bottle too.
Xiomara: “I noticed the tweet the other day, is it true your contract is up soon?”
Chris: “Yeah it is, expires just after Taking Hold of the Flame. Honestly, I look at how we’ve been treated lately, how I have been treated by this company over the last year and change and I wonder why should I bother any more you know? The only reason I’m staying so far is because of Sienna. If she wasn’t here, I’d be gone like that.”
I snapped my fingers without a second thought.
Xiomara: “That isn’t a healthy mentality to take with you into a big match, Chris. You need to be one hundred percent focused. You need this win.”
Chris: “Can’t help it, look who I face? The poster child for not giving a single fuck about anything. Forget Ryan Watson and Autumn Valentine, Ace is the only one zero fucks to give actual representative.”
Xiomara: “So what then, you’re gonna just lay down and take it?”
Chris: “How little you think of me.”
Xiomara: “You’re not exactly giving me much choice right now are you with this attitude, Chris.”
She had a point; I knew that but the feeling of resentment I had for the company was taking precedent these days.
Chris: “It’s warranted, Xiomara it’s bloody warranted. But far as I’m concerned, I’ll walk into the match do my best to win and that’s about it, I’m sick of SCW throwing people undeserving of my time at me. Time and time again SCW have fucked me over and I’m sick of it. The only title opportunity I’ve had since the start of last year, was retribution when Sienna used her trios. If she hadn’t included me, I’d still be without any kind of opportunity while people like REGAN gets a TV title match because why not, let’s just knock another notch off the bedpost so she can become a Supreme Champion.”
Xiomara: “…”
Chris: “You can look at me like that, but you know I’m right. We lost that tag match at Rise to Greatness, Sienna and I when we shouldn’t have even been in that. Then Owen gets a world title shot and win’s the belt. He becomes SCW Champion before ME. So yeah, I won’t apologize for losing my faith in how this company is run. Everyone else can be a wild animal and get opportunities to sate them. But when Sienna and I want what we’re owed, we deserve, no one cares. It’s because of Kelcey, I know it. That bitch is behind it somehow, she was the same when we were together getting all the opportunities and even now, she’s trying to screw me over…”
Xiomara took a swig from her bottle and just listen to me, a lot of this was stuff that had been buried and begun to bubble to the surface at times, but I just had to let go here…
Xiomara: “I don’t believe that for a minute, Kelcey has no such authority.”
Chris: “No she doesn’t, but she knows Sasha, she is like a surrogate daughter to O.. I just won’t put it past them.”
Xiomara: “Then maybe IF that is the case, and this is what is happening then we need to come up with a plan to counter it.”
Chris: “I know, and we will, after the PPV.”
Xiomara: “That doesn’t change anything though Chris, I was asked by Laura to be the voice of reason, to take care of not only Sienna but you as well. I haven’t really lived up to my end of the bargain I made with Laura and I want to change that. I owe it to both those women who are in that house and I owe it to you too.”
Chris: “You don’t have to worry about me, just focus on Sienna.”
Xiomara: “You know I can’t and won’t do that, we’re all in this together.”
It was sweet to hear that concern from Xiomara, she came across hard as nails a lot of the time, a real take no shit attitude but it’s good to know there are layers to the woman.
Chris: “Well then, you’re gonna have to make some allowances if that’s what you want to do because I know Sienna is going to lose her shit.”
Xiomara: “I know she is and that’s what worries me, if you and I though talk to her about it, maybe we can change her mind and save some of this before it’s too late.”
Chris: “While that is noble, and once upon a time I would have likely taken you up on that approach I would have. But I honestly think we all should really make them suffer.”
Xiomara: “What would that prove?”
Chris: “That we’ve had enough, that you push us we will push back and there is no length to what we will do to make them understand.”
Xiomara: “I don’t like that, its counter productive to what we initially had planned.”
Chris: “Things change, we have to adapt, and this is my last hurrah as it were. My contract expires at Taking Hold of the Flame, I want to do something by then even if it’s ends one of those cunts, career. Then all of this will mean something.”
I had finished drying myself up and threw the towel over my head. Xiomara wasn’t thrilled as I walked back towards the house, and maybe it wasn’t the right thing to do or work towards. But deep down it’d make me feel better and that was the only win that mattered right now…
+ ====================== +
Another day, another dollar that’s the saying isn’t it?
That is what they want you to believe but for most people can’t do even that simple thing, earn themselves a dollar. At least not without giving up a sense of their dignity in trade. Its no different in our profession where some companies are willing to pay that little extra if you do the same thing. It could be making a twat of yourself on T.V weekly or worse put your body on the line in matches such as the underground division SCW used to have. That division was killed off by the company of course, making way for the T.V Division instead which is a bigger joke in all honesty.
One now helmed by Regan Street who is being spoon fed opportunity after opportunity just so she can have her moment in the sun to cap of her SCW career so she can feel special. But this isn’t about Regan or that shit division. It’s about her family and one in particular and that being my estranged ex-wife, Kelcey Wallace… It was no secret things weren’t on the up n up between her and I, she had herself an interview to expose whatever it was she thought she could use as leverage to get my son from me.
I knew already she didn’t think of it herself, no doubt Shawn and more than likely my own brother Scott played up the idea to her. It had Scott’s hands all over it, but I wasn’t going to let whatever she said play any such role in losing my son to them. It wasn’t going to happen; I made a promise to sienna and I fully intended on keeping it which brought me to where I was. I had spoken with my son, Christian recently and he told me where I could find Kelcey. She was always a creature of habit while we were married, it was good to see somethings never changed.
Now she was healthier, she was free to go about and attend yoga classes away from the mountains, now she was back out there in the world and on television with SCW, she felt she was well protected from any real harm.
She was wrong.
As I sat in my car I watched and waited for the right moment, she was talking to some of her new friends from the yoga class before heading off to a coffee shop I knew she couldn’t get enough of when we were together. I waited until she was inside and settled in for a while of relaxing, she as probably expecting someone to meet her, likely Scott so I had to be quick. So exited the car and adjusted my suit, I wanted a public place somewhere cameras would be in full view because I just wanted to talk.
Soon as I walked in, I think she took notice, hard not to when you’ve been married for the length of time we had. I still wore the same cologne as I approached the bar and ordered a coffee before walking over and taking a seat in front of her, I didn’t even bother to ask if I could. She wasn’t expecting it.
Kelcey: “What are you doing here?”
Chris: “Grabbing a coffee.”
Kelcey: “Don’t give me that, you and I both know you don’t drink coffee.”
I laughed.
Chris: “You’re right, I’m getting something for my wife. Suppose you use to know what that was like once upon a time.”
Kelcey: “Hope you can get the order right, something you always got wrong… Like all your choices in life it would seem.”
Chris: “I wouldn’t haven’t it any other way, it’s one of those poor choices you are still alive after all.”
She rolled her eyes at me and started to get up from her seat, but something clicked in her head there and then. I could see it in her eyes, curiosity got the better of her…
Chris: “Don’t let me keep you.”
Kelcey: “It’s fine, what do you mean by that?”
Chris: “You can go.”
Kelcey: “That’s not what I’m referring to Chris, what you do mean I’m still alive?”
Chris: “Does it matter?”
Kelcey: “Yes it does.”
Chris: “The way I see it is that you should be thanking me, thanking Sienna for all we did to help in your recovery. Sure, Scott and everyone else has fed you bullshit and maybe we reacted a certain way, but if we hadn’t you’d be six feet under and wouldn’t even have the opportunity to be a memory in our sons life. A son might I add you tried to hurt before even giving birth.”
Kelcey looked at me a little shaken now, there was anger there I could see that as well. That is what I wanted this time around her to get angry.
Kelcey: “I would never dream of hurting my son.”
Chris: “That isn’t how I’ve been told, and I have the medical files to prove it. I have the stable relationship to support my claim of custody as well. While you have whatever it is you and Scott claim to have. Do I need to go on here, or continue to spell it out for you.”
Kelcey: “You’re not going to keep me from my son, you don’t have that authority or the right.”
Chris: “That was never on the agenda, I wanted you to have the right to see him, spend time with him, even take care of him on weekends and the like. But you’re making it incredibly difficult to even warrant that case. You’re doing more harm than good I want you to see that Kelcey.”
Kelcey: “That is nonsense! Sienna wouldn’t let me near him or neither would you, don’t try to play the role of the good huy here you are anything but that. I’ve seen how you’ve been behaving in SCW, outside of the company. You’re not saint Chris, not anymore. You and Sienna deserve each other. You’re both broken.”
Chris: “Well we all know how I become broken don’t we if you want to push that button, Kelcey. This is all your doing as is every bit of misfortunte that has befalling not only you, but me as well.”
Her eyes widened as I said that, I could see her right hand shaking a little now as she glared at me. If I wasn’t the same man she remembered since that day, then she sure as hell hasn’t been the same since she rose like a phoenix as it were…
Kelcey: “You’re having a laugh aren’t you love, none of this is on me…”
Chris: “Your fucking arrogance astounds me even now; this is all your doing. You broke my heart, before that you stomped on it repeatedly without a second through of how I would react. You think when you gave birth was when I broke, not it broke the moment you walked into my life. That is the truth, I spent the entirety of my days trying to appease the perfect ten. My first true friend I made when I came to America, William he tried to fucking kill because of his lust for what lied between those legs of yours.”
There it was, I felt a hard-right hand across my face which got a collective gasp from the few customers of the café. I merely rubbed my jaw…
Chris: “The hell was that for?!”
Kelcey: “How dare you say that to me, you have no right!”
Chris: “I don’t know what you’re talking about, I’m just making sure you’re okay.”
I emphasized that last word and then looked over to one customer and she seemed too sympathetic to me which was all I wanted.
Kelcey: “Don’t look at them, Look at me Chris. You can’t play these games, not with me okay. You’re not smart enough. What are you looking at?!”
She snapped at one woman who quickly turned her head away to not make eye contact, I smirked on the inside…
Chris: “That’s just it, this isn’t a game Kelcey… Not when it comes to my son. Thank you for that though, it helps a lot. Good to see you have gotten healthier, not sure what magic wand they’ve waved on you, but that’s good. I truly am happy for you.”
I started to get up from the seat, held my hands out innocently enough continuing my role to a T…
Chris: “I’ll leave you to calm down, no need for you to continue to make a scene here Kels. Okay? I just wanted to help and discuss our son…”
Kelcey: “Oh screw you, just go I know what you’re trying to do.”
Chris: “It doesn’t have to be this way you know. When you want to, come talk to me when you’ve calmed down.”
Again, I emphasized my final words for the audience watching.
I slid out of the booth and headed to the counter to pick up my coffee and paid for it. I could feel her watching as I continued to talk with the barista.
Chris: “Sorry you had to see that, she’s highly strung and emotional right now.  Are you the manager?”
Barista: “No, our manager is in later today they’re not here right now.”
Chris: “That’s fine, here if you could give them this I’d like to speak with them when they had a spare moment.”
I reached into my pocket and handed them a business card, all black with a gold gilding along the edges with my name and number on it. They took the card and placed it in their pocket.
Chris: “Please make sure they get that.”
I removed a twenty-dollar bill and placed it down.
Chris: “Keep the change for yourself yeah?”
I smiled before taking the coffee and turning to Kelcey before winking at her, I could feel her watching trying to figure out what I was up to but her anger was obviously clouding her judgement as I walked back to the car. I could hear the sound of the door opening of the cafe and after that my name being screamed across the parking lot, and even bigger scene now ensuing…
I got to my car and turned before sitting on the hood and smirking as she glares at me.
Kelcey: “What the hell are you playing at? You think that in there is going to ruin my claim to custody of MY son? Well it isn’t, you won’t win this, I will make sure of that.”
Chris: “You think some magic pill is going to help you, it isn’t it and do you really thinkg Scott is going to be around with you for the long haul as well? C’mon Kelcey its my brother, he’s jumped from one tart to the other over and over again. You’re no different to him in his eyes, and it’s bloody sad this is what you’ve been reduced to. You can tell me I’m not the man you fell in love with all that time ago, but you’re not the woman I fell in love with either. The woman I gave everything up for, the woman I forgive the abortion of our first baby, all so you could fucking compete in Taking Hold of the Flame.”
Kelcey: “How many times will I have to apologize for that Chris? It was a mistake, I should have included you in that decision but you can’t hold our son over me like a carrot on a stick thinking I’ll stay in line.”
I laughed at that, it wasn’t what I was trying to do in the slightest…
Chris: “You know the funny thing is I really did want this to be amicable Kelcey, I wanted US to be able to see eye to on this subject and find a happy medium we all could live with. But there is no happy medium, not really.”
Kelcey: “Don’t give me that bullshit. You were never going to do anything like that.”
Chris: “That is something you’ll never find out now because I’ve had it up to here with your bollocks and it’s going to end now. See I meant what I said earlier about wanting you to be a part of Nathaniel’s life and yes that is his name, get used to it.”
Kelcey wanted to retort but didn’t.
Chris: “I told you we cared for you and whether you want to believe that or not, what we did was with the best of intentions and like I said, because of us whether you’ll admit it or accept it, you’re standing right there in front of me able to fucking talk, let along stand. You came out of that coma because of Sienna and I make no mistake about it, and your attitude as of late, these threats are going to fucking stop.”
Kelcey looked at me as I glared at her now, my demeanour shifting a little now to one less pleasant and a little more hostile…
Kelcey: “They aren’t threats Chris, they’re promises and if you think you can intimidate me into changing my mind think again.”
Chris: “That is where you’re wrong, it’s exactly how I will make you change your mind Kelcey because you have to take one long hard look at me. Realize just what length I am willing to go if I love someone, look back at our time together and see the sacrifices I made… that was for the betterment of YOUR Career. What do you think I am going to do to ruin it? Ruin your families and I mean EVERYONE. Your friends, colleagues… Because Kelcey you haven’t even scratched the surface of what I will do to you if you test me and try to take my fucking son.”
Kelcey: “You won’t do a damn thing!”
She tried to slap me but I caught her arm and held her wrist tightly, I looked at her as calm as I could but gave enough for her to see the intent in my eyes.
Chris: “It didn’t have to be this way, stay clear of me and Sienna on Shows. Drop this custody case with our son and go live your life, a healthy life and start a new family with my brother if THAT is what you want to do. But this ends now, otherwise I will make sure that our time under the thumb of Silas, including Sienna will look like a walk in the fucking park… Do you understand? You’ve cost me more than you could ever imagine, you’re poison to all those around you Kelcey and I will NOT let you take my boy.”
I released my gripe and she backed up; a lot more intimidated then she thought she might be. I meant every word as well as I headed into my car and started up the engine. The odds those words would get through to her, that she would in fact take heed and NOT challenge for custody, it were a long shot but truth was I wanted her to try, I wanted a reason to really take her to task. Take them ALL to task…
I was sick of every one of them and it was all going to change from here on out.
+ ====================== +
Vs. Ace Marshall
We were just twenty-four hours away from our next PPV event, aptly named Cold Blooded. It was like Sasha was taunting Sienna and I to see just how far we could take things, maybe give her a reason to have us fired from this company and I’ll admit I was tempted to test that out, since Sasha deserved everything she had coming to her. I was in the French quarter with Sienna, staying at a hotel. The baby was with us, Sienna insisted we brought him with us now with the threat of Kelcey every growing, especially after I told her about my confrontation with her.
It put her mind at ease having him close by, so I wasn’t one to deny her that luxury. Besides I did enjoy having him with us as well, made all of what we’re doing feel worth it in the end. Because we were doing it for him as well as for us, and I could only hope he would look back in the history books and see that.
The baby was asleep in the other room of our suite as I sat in front of the fire, the camera set up as I investigate the lens. This was the home state of Bree, a huge night for her one we all were supporting, I was hesitant of course but the moment she helped me find Sienna, that all changed and I would be the first one to congratulate her should she beat that piece of shit James Evans.
I was decked out in my typical suit, looking as dapper as one could and leaning back into the chair a little to get more comfortable, I address the camera…
Chris: “Here we are on the precipice of what you all wanted. It seems all anyone ever wants is to see me fight those who are beneath me. Yes Ace, that includes you despite all you’ve accomplished, all you will accomplish in the future and even with what you set to accomplish tomorrow night when you and I face in that ring which I’m sure you cannot wait for. I should be sitting here excited too, chomping at the bit to get in the ring with you too, Ace. But I’m not. Because you see as tomorrow gets closer I’ve pondered to myself that question we all go through, just what is it I am going to say about this match, about you as an opponent Ace?”
I let out a sigh as I begin to think mull it over some more…
Chris: “It’s a question wrapped in an enigma isn’t it, there are many thoughts that come to mind, many questions with a few answers a lot of which all land on the same conclusion. The question above all else, it’s a simple one, maybe even the simplest of them all much you like you and your way of thinking. Just what do I get out of this? What does Chris Cannon gain from this match with Ace Marshall?! As I look into the future, if I were to use a crystal ball metaphorically speaking of course because god knows the mere mention of crystal or balls would no doubt lead you to talk about the size of my penis again, but despite that nonsense I ask myself just what do I take away from this match between us tomorrow night at Cold Blooded, Ace?”
It was a legitimate question I felt.
Chris: “What do you think it is? Once upon a time I could say maybe respect maybe? Just the thought of a hard fought match between two talents on an ever evolving roster. Something those fans would watch and love to see. But that isn’t me any longer, I don’t care about what they want to see. I don’t care about what you think either because the answer is nothing. I get nothing from this match between us and I understand the consensus is I have brought this upon myself and maybe I have. But maybe I haven’t, who am I to say yes or no to that. Fact is though while I’ve been getting disrespected by fans, my peers by members of my own family extended or otherwise. I did so with the thought that maybe my time will come sooner, but it never does. I then begun to think maybe I’ll get a shot at trios you know? I’ll either get drafted because people use common sense when they want to win this thing, and low and behold as always you appear like a fleeting thought, whenever you feel like it and are handed a spot pretty much.”
Chris: “Am I jealous, yeah I am because if I was given half the chances everyone else in this company has had over the years then maybe my career in SCW would be looked upon a bit more favourably, maybe just maybe people like you Ace, would show me the respect I fucking deserve. But that is asking too much from an ingrate like you isn’t it. Because you interject yourself into other people’s business, you get off on it. If it isn’t you it’s that wife of yours and if it isn’t that wife of yours it’s your buddy Asher. Or it is Selena or Jake Starr or anyone else it seems who has it out for Sienna or I. It’s a never-ending circle jerk for the lot of you so you can keep some relevancy about yourselves at the end of the day and you question why I say your disrespectful punks?”
Chris: “I hate people like you Ace, your existence causes me to question why I even bother competing in a company as grand as this one. I bust my ass and for what? You’re talented I get it, that goes without question but your attitude is what grates me, but annoys me more is the fact you wear as a badge of honour, you wear it with pride because you’re a cunt. It is a lively hood you proudly live because, you’re a piece of shit and to think there are some people out there, children who will look at you and think it’s okay to act that way... And you accept this because at the end of the day, when it’s all said and done you don’t give a single fuck about any of this, or what I have to say.”
I chuckle knowing full well he wouldn’t care for what I was saying, or he’d have a response to everything I say instead.
Chris: “I was talking with Xiomara earlier this week and I told her the exact same thing in a few less words. To put it bluntly though so even you can understand and all of those sheep that follow you for entertainment is that I get nothing from this because you are the poster child to not giving a single fuck aren’t you. I could break your leg tomorrow, it’d hurt, you’d get paid to sit at home, I’d get fined and you’d return and carry on with your life because you just wouldn’t care. I could beat you within an inch of your life, we could go to war and have the match of the year tomorrow night, a five star classic. I could beat you in a war of words, but in the end it matters not because you won’t care and why because everything just rolls off your back like water to a duck and it isn’t just you either. No your wife is the same. She makes a fool out of herself every single fucking time, but it doesn’t’ matter because she has about as much self-esteem as you do, in her case as long as she has shoes nothing else matters, right?”
Chris: “All of this is one big giant joke and right now, you look at me as the punch line and if not me you’ll look at Sienna. It’s the same story repeatedly. It was the same with Kelcey, it was the same with Syren, it’s the same with anyone really and it’ll be the same with Bree should she beat Evans tomorrow. It’s the same old shit every god damn time and it is a wonder why no one has seen it before. You bring with you the same tired act time and time again, and this company laps it up like you just bust a nut for Sasha to lap up and enjoy but that’s just it isn’t it though. You’re only good for one thing it seems, it works so if it isn’t broke, why fix it right? You stand there with a trio’s contract in hand, we all know how they are. You’ve held enough of em in your time. You no doubt will throw it into my face at how we failed to win the big belt at Retribution, and we did.”
I take a breath as my emotions begun to rile up a little, just thinking about that and I wanted to keep those in check. If I were to lose it on Ace, I wanted it to be during the match…
Chris: “But for this match of ours I’m going to do my best not to look at the past, I’m going to focus on the future and that brings me back to the question I pondered all week about. Just what will I gain from this match. Retribution? Maybe. I’d like to think that was possible but it likely isn’t it going to be that. It seems to make a career or see any sort of success; I must turn myself in to a clown. Worked for Lucas Knight under a mask, worked for David and Jason Helms since you picked one of em to be your partner in trios after all.  Is this all that is missing for me to get opportunity around here? Become someone like you?”
I shake my head.
Chris: “No I refuse to drop myself down to that level, the harder Sasha tries to deny us the harder we are going to push back and if I end up getting fined or fired because of what I do next so be it. I am sick of falling short of that supposed brass ring. I am sick of all of you people and while I the odds are going to be stacked against me as always, while tomorrow night you’re going to have the full support of SCW Top Brass and that roster, know this Ace. Much like your mantra I do not care, I am only going into tomorrow with one soul purpose to lead by example. And that example is the one I intend on making out of you. It isn’t about that three count for me tomorrow, it’s about being able to leave feeling like the winner and that is exactly what I intend on doing.”
Chris: “to do that you’re going to bleed, and you and SCW won’t be able to stop me. So, until then mate, go along with your wife somewhere and go fuck yourself.”
Sitting there, I looked into the camera; I was sick of this shit to be honest with you. Something had to change, I had to do something otherwise I would see out my time until Taking Hold of the Flame. That was my current train of thought, it’s what I told Xiomara, it’s what I told Sienna and that is what I told Bree.  I look at my hands and wondered if I would be able to do the unthinkable tomorrow, beat Ace Marshall…
I don’t know…
But I meant I was going to make him bleed and that itself would be a win.
But he would be just the first…

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Ace Marshall vs Chris Cannon - by Ace - 04-15-2020, 10:55 PM
RE: Ace Marshall vs Chris Cannon - by Ace - 04-16-2020, 09:10 PM
RE: Ace Marshall vs Chris Cannon - by Chris Cannon - 04-18-2020, 11:17 PM
RE: Ace Marshall vs Chris Cannon - by Ace - 04-18-2020, 11:19 PM

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