Fantasy Tournament - Runners and Riders, Sample RP Thread
OOC: This is the only Steve Powers RP I could find that I approve of. This was still in my early years, so be

Mr. and Mrs. Powers never imagined that their son Steve would end up living the life of luxury, wealth, and comfort that he lives today. They did their best to make sure he could make a comfortable living, yes, but never did they imagine that this muscular, dirty blonde man who happens to be their son would be lying down on the plush black leather sofa in the living room of a grandiose house in his hometown of Charlotte, NC watching the latest episode of Dora The Explorer. Steve Powers has absolutely nothing on with the exception of white boxer shorts polka-dotted not with red dots but with several tiny images of his own head. He is propping his head up with his right hand, all the while staring at the television set (which, again, is tuned in to Dora The Explorer) while he is using his left hand to eat grapes.

Steve’s parents didn’t make much money but they did their best with what they had. Steve’s father, Gregory Powers, was a professional wrestler and, whenever he could, would take his son to watch his matches. Unfortunately, Gregory Powers never made it out of the indy circuits or else he might have made a little bit better money. Steve didn’t care, though. He enjoyed wrestling and he enjoyed watching his father wrestle (especially when he won). But then, one tragic night, Steve’s father died in the ring during a match. Steve, of course, was devastated, but nowhere near as much as his mother. Steve’s mother fell into a depression and, at one point, tried to kill herself. Steve, though grieving, refused to let his own dream die: Steve dreamed of one day not only becoming a professional wrestler like his father, but surpassing his father in achievements and becoming a world champion. His mother told him not to go into wrestling, but Steve didn’t listen. And Steve will often laugh rather arrogantly at pictures of his mother, telling the picture how wrong she was. For look at Steve today, Steve may not be the richest person on the planet (that title belongs to a lovely young lady from Palm Beach County, Florida) but he is certainly wealthy and not only did he do what his father could not (break into a world-wide televised professional wrestling company) but he also became a five time former world heavyweight champion. That success has provided him a nice amount of money and the chance to retire early so that he can sit on his ass every day and watch Dora The Explorer. Yes, life is good for THE VERY BEST……

Cue the signature big toothy grin

……Steve Powers! Steve pops another grape into his mouth when he hears knocking at his front door. Steve is angry that someone would interrupt him during his television watching experience, so he decides to ignore whoever it is and hope they will just go away. Unfortunately, this person is persistent and knocks again. Steve sighs as he sits up on the sofa and turns towards the door.
“COME ON IN, JACKASS!” Steve yells in the direction of his front door.

The door slowly opens and in walks a man dressed in a nice navy blue suit and white silk shirt. He has a clipboard in his hands. The man looks over at Steve’s television, which is still tuned in to Dora The Explorer. Steve gets red in the face and quickly grabs his remote and turns off the television.
“Oh, uh……that wasn’t……um, did you see……?”

“I didn’t see anything, Mr. Powers.”

“Damn right you didn’t.”
Steve says with a note of relief in his voice. “Now what the hell do you want, Alan?”

“Actually, my name is Adam, sir.”
Adam says as he walks over and sits down on the sofa next to Steve.

“Alan, Adam, what’s the difference? You’re still my jackass of an agent who just interrupted me during my favorite television sho…….erm, I mean….uh……JUST TELL ME WHAT THE HELL YOU CAME HERE FOR?!”

Adam hands Steve the clipboard with the paper on it.
“That, Mr. Powers, is something a friend of mine from within the wrestling business picked up. He said you might be interested and thought I should show it to you.”

Steve quickly glances it over and then angrily slams it down on the floor.
“What the hell does it say, Alan? You know that I’m not paid to read, I’m paid to kick ass and have sex with good-looking women. So what’s that shit say?”

“All it is, Mr. Powers, ”
Alan says as he picks the clipboard up off of the ground. “Is a contract for you to wrestle with the Showcase Wrestling Alliance.”

As you can probably expect by now, Steve once again throws a fit.
“WHAT?! Wrestling? Damnit, Alan, I’m finished with wrestling! I’m done, finished, finito, goodbye! I beat everyone there is to beat in this business, from NLCW’s Adam Craig to GDW’s Andreas Lasiewicz and Angelica Jones. I am a five-time former world heavyweight champion, Alan. And you honestly think I would want to go into SWA, a group of inbred hicks pretending to be wrestlers?”

“Uh, no disrespect sir, but they’re not all ‘inbred hicks.’”

“Are you questioning me?”
Steve says loudly. Steve is now on a roll, and he stands up and begins pacing the floor. “First you got that owner of theirs. He’s from Wichita, Kansas, right? Well, that’s close enough to hick-town if you ask me. And he ripped off my name. Remind me to sue him for ‘last name infringement.’”

“I don’t believe anyone is allowed to sue over ‘last name infringement’, Mr. Powers.”

“You think I give a damn? Then you have people like ‘The Pre-Pubescent’ TJ Logan. Oh and lets not forget pig f*cker from Alabama, Starla River.”

“I think she’s from Canada, sir.”

“Canada, Alabama, who cares? They’re both shit holes that I’d never ever set my wealthy, million-dollar foot inside. The point of all of this, Alan, is that SWA is not worthy of being in the presence of THE VERY BEST……
Steve flashes his signature toothy grin. “……Steve Powers!”

“Please Steve…err, Mr. Powers, please listen to me for just a few seconds. Think about how your last wrestling venture ended.”

Steve smirks arrogantly as he thinks back to his old stomping grounds of GDW.
“Ah yes, the Global Division of Weirdo’s. My last memory of GDW was ending the title reign of GDW’s greatest world champion, Angelica ‘Three daughters, three different fathers’ McBride. What’s your point?”

“That’s not your last wrestling venture, Mr. Powers. The last thing you are remembered for was having a one way ticket to entering the main event of GDW’s biggest event ever, Wrestlecade, as the world champion, only to lose it all to Jake ‘The Heartthrob’ Storm, giving Jake Storm the opportunity to go and defend the world title at Wrestlecade, not you.”

The cocky grin that was on Steve’s face turns into a frown as he slumps back down on the sofa.
“Why the hell did you have to bring that up, Alan? You know I hate that memory!”

“I brought it up because I needed to remind you that’s why early retirement hasn’t been so good to you.”
Adam stares Steve directly in his eyes. “You are twenty-nine years old, Steve. You may technically be in retirement, but you’re not like the old fogies such as Hogan or Flair. Your career is far from being over. You didn’t go out on top, Steve, but if you sign this contract, go into SWA and win your sixth world championship, I promise you there could be BIG things in the future.”

“What kind of things?”
Steve asks, now with his curiosity peaked.

“We’re talking your own book, your own brand of energy drink, your own reality show and, I’m even hearing talks of MOVIES!”


Adam nods his head excitedly.
“Yes, Steve. Movies.”

Steve quickly jerks the clipboard with the contract away from Adam.
“Well give me that damn thing so I can sign it!” Steve signs the contract and quickly hands it back to Adam. “It’s a good thing at least one of us is thinking around here. I mean, you were trying to talk me out of signing with SWA!”

“I didn’t………”

“Don’t worry, Alan. I’ll forgive you this time. But next time you do something this stupid, you’ll be looking for another job. Now get out of my house!”

Adam shakes his head in frustration as he walks out of the house. Once Adam is gone, Steve turns to look over at his trophy case. Inside are his five world heavyweight championship belts. Steve may cocky, arrogant, and, at times, overconfident, but he knows his ability and he knows that winning the SWA world title is within his ability. In fact, Steve can smell his sixth world title reign right now……or is that the dinner that Steve just burned……or did Steve just pass gas?
[Image: qyA5u6K.png]
SCW World Champion 1x
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2020 Trios Tournament Winner (w/ Ace Marshall & David Helms)

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RE: Fantasy Tournament - Runners and Riders, Sample RP Thread - by Braddock - 05-14-2020, 06:05 PM

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