Neegan Redfield
Wrestler's Alias: The Brutalist
Wrestler's Real Name: Neegan Redfield
Twitter Handle (if applicable): N/A
Pic Base: Lance Archer
Height: 6’10”
Weight: 288lbs
Birthdate: 01/01/80 (40)
Birthplace: Camden, New Jersey
Current Residence: N/A
Physical Description:
Neegan Redfield is 6’10 and weighs in at an imposing 288lbs with 9% Body fat. He has an Aztec Shield tattooed on his left shoulder and a Cross tattooed on his back. Above his right bicep is a barbed wire tattoo as well. His hair is styled in a ponytail mohawk, which is normally dyed red, but he is known to dye it in a variety of other colours depending on the outfit of his manager.
Wrestling Style: Strong Style | Power
Alignment (Face/Tweener/Heel): Monster Heel
Years Pro: 21 Years
Theme Song: Miseria Cantare by AFI
Finishers with Descriptions (If Needed):
New Jersey Knockout: Rainmaker Lariat (All variations)
Out of Time: Kimura Lock (Submission)

Note: The Kimura Lock is a move he does when matches are a lot more personal to him. Of if he wants to prove a point about something.
Signature Moves with Descriptions (If Needed):
Annihilator Slam: Sit out Full Nelson Slam
Oncoming Traffic: Running Low-Angle Shoulder Block to an oncoming opponent
Iron Claw Hold
360 Degree Spinning Side Slam
*Moonsault/Asai Moonsault*
*Neegan will only use these moves in either a personal or big matches/PPV*
Common Moves:
Big boot, Chokeslam, Fireman's carry facebuster, Pumphandle Slam, Spinebuster, Powerbomb, Mafia Kick (Running big boot), Double-Leg Takedown, Elbow Smash, Forearm Smash, Double-Leg Slam
Experience, Strength, Stamina, Agility & Aadya
Lack of Speed, an aversion to Fire, Short temper
The lights switch off around the arena causing the crowd to buzz with anticipation when the opening to Miseria Cantara by AFI begins to play. Suddenly a quote appears on the big screen above the stage.
Suffering does not break us. It helps us find out who we truly are.
Verity 7:13
On the screens around the arena as well as the big screen above the stage we see a large image of a neon pink smile with x’s for eyes. The image lingers on the screens for a moment before we then see the same form on the mask of a woman standing on the stage, two neon pink rods illuminate the surrounding area to reveal a hulking figure behind her who wields them... She rips the mask off and throws it to the ground with a smirk, the song kicks, the lights come back on.
Phillips: “Ladies and Gentlemen, hailing from Camden, New Jersey. He weighs in tonight at 288lbs and is being accompanied to the ring by Aadya Verity!! He is the BRUTALIST, NEEGAN REDFIELD!!”
The focus on the stage is then on Aadya Verity who slowly walks down towards the ring, in her hand now is a black leather book. Following behind her is Redfield who rests the neon lights on his shoulder. Once at ringside, Verity walks around to a corner ignoring the fans while Redfield turns off the light tubes and leans them against the steps before leaping onto the apron and entering the ring.
Redfield paces the ring for a moment, glancing over at the official menacingly. Aadya will whistle and the big man heads to the corner she stands by and kneels with his head pressed against the top turnbuckle,she opens the book and begins to speak its words whatever they may be as he listens…
Note: If Redfield comes out second in the match, you may ignore the last paragraph of the entrance. He will immediately attack the opponent forcing the start of the match as soon as he enters the ring.
Redfield is a twenty-one year pro who’s spent the vast majority of his career, except for a short few periods of absence with injuries and an extended period after the tragic loss of his family, competing on the small stage for independent promotions. Since 2001, he’s been tagged as a performer with talent who lacks ‘the it-factor’, a fact that many promoters have called back upon since he first got labelled with that tag. However, in spite of this, Redfield was a nice guy well-liked by his peers for the first few years of his career.
In 2006, while he was travelling back to Philadelphia from an event which he was only paid $40 dollars to attend, his family became trapped in their small apartment and could not escape as a fire ravaged the building. Redfield tried to get to his family, but a combination of the fire and structural damage prevented him from getting there. After this incident it took him almost a year to get back into the ring, and many say that he’s never recovered from their loss. His attitude and demeanour notably changed after this loss and he became far more of a lone figure in the locker rooms and far more ruthless in his aggression in the ring.
Nothing is yet known about his relationship with Aadya Verity, a young woman who has only come into his life recently.
Sample RP:
This is a new character for me, so unfortunately, I do not have anything available.
Handler's First Name: Jon
[Image: JZS3pn9.png]

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Neegan Redfield - by Verity - 06-05-2020, 09:04 PM
RE: Neegan Redfield - by Verity - 06-11-2020, 12:13 PM

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