Subarashi - The Demon Slayer


Wrestler's Alias: Subarashi
Wrestler's Real Name: ???
Twitter Handle (if applicable): N/A
Pic Base: Masked AJ Styles from NJPW
Height: 5’10”
Weight: 218 lbs
Birthdate: 6/15/1983
Birth Place: New York, New York
Current Residence: Yokohama, Kanagawa-shi, Japan

Physical Description: Subarashi’s mission to cleanse the world of demons requires that he wear a mask at all times, lest they discover his true identity. His mask of choice is black and white, with a skeletal pattern. He’s got dark brown hair that is approaching shoulder length. He wears black wrestling pants and boots with green lettering on them. On the way to the ring he wears a black leather hooded vest with the Kanji for Subarashi written in green on the back. His build is lithe and ripped, allowing for maximum explosive impact as he maintains his high octane style.

Wrestling Style: High octane/high-risk/high-flying/high-impact
Alignment (Face/Tweener/Heel): Mostly face, but sometimes has questionable methodology and choice of company
Years Pro: 16
Theme Song: “Touch Off” by UVERworld

Finishers:  太刀・回天
Tachi: Kaiten (translation: Change the Heavens)

Finishers Descriptions (If Needed): This is a two part finisher. Subarashi begins this by lifting the opponent up on his shoulders and delivering an Alabama Slam. He quickly slides down and lifts the opponent into a seated position, sometimes doing his signature Sideways Thumbs Up pose next to their head, before hitting the ropes and delivering a VICIOUS knee strike to the back of the head. It leaves an opponent with a few key moments where they’re able to escape its full wrath if scouted well enough, but if both parts connect… sayonara.

Signature Moves: 太刀:陽炎
Tachi: Kagero (translation: Heat Haze that Rises from the Earth)

Signature Moves Descriptions (If Needed): Lifting Hammerlock Cradle-Hold into a sitout Side Powerslam

Signature Moves:太刀・燕飛
Tachi: Enpi (translation: The Swallow’s Flight)

Signature Moves Descriptions (If Needed): A rapid action corkscrew moonsault, as in, Subarashi leaps to the top rope and flips back with the maneuver with as little wasted motion as possible

Signature Moves: Really, Just a Very Good Superkick

Signature Moves Description: A Superkick that some say may even be in the top 3 superkicks. Maybe the best ever, on its day. 

Signatures Moves: Dropkick Combo

Signature Moves Description: Subarashi whips his opponent into the corner and follows with a high dropkick to the shoulder/face area that glances off them as he lands on the apron outside. He sweeps his opponent’s leg, sending them to a seated position and in the same movement leaps over the top-rope and uses the rope to aid his momentum with a vicious dropkick to his seated opponent.

Common Moves: 
-Discus Clothesline
-Pele Kick
- V-Trigger knee strikes
-spinning heel kicks
-Tornado DDT

Strengths: Despite being 37, Subarashi is in incredible shape, having maintained a grueling fitness regimen through his thirties. This helps him maintain his high-octane, explosive style that can often overwhelm and bewilder opponents. His great conditioning also helps him to maintain during longer bouts.

Weaknesses: While Subarashi may  be difficult to catch, if you are able to get him grounded, his main weakness is submission wrestling. Opponents who can’t keep up with his lightning pace may find more success in keeping him on the mat and making his speed a non-issue.

Another problem Subarashi has often had in his career is a tendency to get caught up in the moment, playing to the crowd and trying to dazzle with a jaw-dropping manuever when he might have been better served just going for the cover.


The arena goes dark. On the video screen, we see a lit match being held between two fingers. A few second’s pass before a woman’s voice says: “Fire.”

素晴らしい”, appears on the screen written in fire as the drum beats from the beginning of UVERworld’s “Touch Off” begin to play. We wait for the song to really kick in.

Ato ikutsu no jiyuu wo!


 An explosion follows and the arena is bathed in the light of the pyro as the song’s mellow and sultry saxophone kicks in. The masked man, known as Subarashi the Demon Slayer makes his way out from the back as flames shoot up from the stage around him.

He stops at the top of the stage and brings his fist to his hand, giving a respectful bow to all those in attendance. Then he brings his left hand up, extending it in his signature Sideways Thumbs Up pose. He takes a deep breath and heads down to the ring.

Phillips: “Now on his way to the ring, weighing in at 218 pounds. From Yokohama, Kanagawa-shi, Japan... he is The Demon Slayer... SUBARASHI!!!

The crowd pops as he slides under the bottom rope and runs over to the corner, leaping up to the middle turnbuckle and extending the Sideways Thumbs up to those in attendance once more, before settling back down onto the canvas and waiting for his match to start.

Biography: Very little is known about this masked man, shrouded in mystery. When he’s not speaking in Japanese, he  speaks in half-riddles about cleansing the world of Demons. One thing is for sure, Subarashi has arrived to SCW with a mission to carry out.

Sample RP:

Handler's First Name:
[Image: SUBASHI_.png?fbclid=IwAR2222JKEG4QlQV3Lk...DXODVPeAk4]

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Subarashi - The Demon Slayer - by Subarashi - 06-29-2020, 08:51 PM

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