Josh Hudson vs. Blake Mason
Quote:Author Note: We got here. Hoorah. Good luck bud. Hopefully this lives up to the growing anticipation. 

July 8th, 2020
On the way to St. Louis.
Private Jet

The July 4th weekend was an emotional one for William “Blake” Mason. As much as he wasn’t a fan of the idea of Kelsai and Victor dropping in at first, spending time with the family was exactly what the doctor ordered as the old saying goes. He didn’t bother going back to California. The number of hours he would take to get from Boston to St. Louis made no real difference. He wasn’t slated to compete on Breakdown. He needed to be there anyway, it is his job to be in attendance even if the thought of skipping the show for personal reasons crossed his mind, he wouldn’t. There was a chance Kelcey would need him. In a way focusing on Kelcey was a welcome distraction from the reality he is walking around with a broken heart. No matter how much he is fixated on a possible future with the true love of his life, losing Taylor Chase was not like dusting dirt off his shoulder, the reality is he loves her. Still does. If there was a way he could make it work, he’d welcome the chance.

Chances of reconciliation were next to zero. He accepted that. Onward to what lays ahead.

Blake is sitting by the window on his own private jet.

Jaxson Sullivan is sitting across from him.

Blake turns to Jaxson. With a head nod, he says, “Tonight is the night, big man.”

Jaxson stares at him, unaware of what Blake is referring to.

Realizing Jaxson is in the dark, Blake digs into his pocket. He pulls out a ring box.

It’s rare for Jaxson’s facial expression to telegraph what he is thinking inside his head. He didn’t bother to telegraph the shock he is feeling.

Blake opens up the box. Inside is a sparkling diamond engagement ring.

“Blake...” Jaxson finally finds it in him to say. “Don’t you think--”

“I NEED to do this!” Blake immediately cuts Jaxson off before his bodyguard can express his concerns. “Seven years of my life I have been wondering where I stood. I didn’t technically lose her. Chris took advantage of the hell I put her through. What if I fought more? What if I didn’t give up? Then I would have known. You should be in the same room with us, there is no doubt in my mind she feels the same way. Scott Cannon can’t possibly be her future. No chance in hell. Either Kelcey gets on this jet with us by the end of the night or I can finally move on.”

Jaxson leans forward. “I get all that. Look, I am not telling you to back off this. You’re going to do what you’re going to do. BUT I am cautioning you about proceeding now.”

“The less fortunate in history wait, Jaxson. In this world you need to act or get left behind. If I stall anymore than I have, I might lose Kelcey forever.” Blake says adamantly. “There is too much at stake.”

Jaxson says, “She is fighting for the custody of her son. Also, she has to focus on Owen. Now is not the time to put more on her plate.”

“What if something happens?” Blake protested.

Jaxson leans back in his seat. “You’ll survive. Haven’t you always?”

Blake sighs and rolls his eyes at the same time. He knows Jaxson is making a solid logical argument. He found a way to exist before Kelcey came into his life. He has managed to exist in the world while she was sleeping with one Cannon brother or the other.

Blake crosses his legs. He strokes his chin. “Be that as it may, my life has been in limbo for the past seven years. I finally figured it out. Kelcey telling me no it’ll never happen gives me the chance to move on. For good this time. No other relationship of mine will be affected. All or nothing, Jaxson. Kelcey leaves St. Louis with me or bust.”

“You mean that?” Jaxson questions.

Blake looks out the window. “What choice do I have?”

He tucks the ring box back into his pocket.





Later on that night Blake and Jaxson were in their usual luxury box setup. They were watching the show on the big screen television meaning they could see everything the monitors that are normally backstage couldn’t pick up on.  

Blake has one hand in his pocket clutching the ring box.

He has been thinking about the words he would say to Kelcey.

Laying everything on this moment? Ballsy.

He reasoned in his mind that this needed to happen.

And then he saw something that halted time.

Owen Cruze actually left with Giovanni Aires?

What the hell?

Blake rose from his couch. He grabbed the bottle of champagne off the table. Without batting an eyelash, he tossed the champagne bottle at the big screen.

The television monitor shattered on impact. All the liquid in the bottle dispersing everywhere.

Blake rolls his eyes. “DAMN IT!” he screams out loud.

Jaxson remained seated, stoic the entire time Blake vented his frustration.


“He can’t hear you.” Jaxson said, pointing out the obvious.

Blake turned to Jaxson. “He ruined everything! No chance Kelcey will be--”  He clenches his fist. Now Blake realizes how irrational he is behaving. “Fuck.” Blake looks back at the mess he made. “I ugh... need to get a grip.”

Jaxson nods. “Tomorrow is another day?”

Blake shakes his head. “I hate that Owen rode off with that madman. Maybe this was a blessing in disguise. You were right, Jax. Now is probably not the best time to unload any life altering news. I need to divert my priorities. I can’t go into Rise to Greatness with my head not in the game, if I don’t give Josh my one hundred percent attention he is going to take me to school. We’ve waited way too long to have this match.”

Blake reaches into his pocket. He tosses the ring box to Jaxson.

His bodyguard catches it.

Blake says, “Keep the ring safe. I won’t need it now. When I do, it’ll be time to either bring Kelcey home or bust.”

Jaxson nods. He puts the ring box in his pocket. “Sounds like a plan.”

Blake sits back down on the couch a little calmer than before.


  July 15th, 2020
Capital One Arena.
Washington, DC

Breakdown came to a less than satisfying end. The team of Chris Cannon, Sienna Swann and Bree Lancaster stood tall. Not the result the SCW universe wanted or desired. Can’t always get what you want. As the main event left the fans with a sour taste in their mouths, William Blake Mason was finished getting dressed. He stared at the SCW Television Championship laying on the couch of his luxury suit once more. He couldn’t keep his eyes off it. For six years he was deprived of singles championship gold in this company. After years of coming up short, leaving the company, going to Independent Wrestling Cartel, coming back and all the stops and restarts, to know finally he was good enough to win a singles championship in SCW was a huge weight lifted off his shoulder.

Shame he had no one to celebrate his monumental accomplishment with.

Having Amy Chastaine. Kelsia Adamson-Mason stop by to congratulate him felt great.

A few weeks ago he would have been back in Malibu, bursting through the front door into the welcoming arms of Taylor Chase. Celebration sex would have been on the menu. A sigh escapes him knowing there would be no celebrating his accomplishment welcoming a woman to the Blake Mason Experience.

He’s single.


Without Taylor to wake up next to in the morning.

But he doesn’t let the thoughts cripple him.

By the time Thursday rolls around he needs to lock in on what is important. Defending the Television Championship next week. No rest for the gifted.  

He picks the title off the couch.

He tosses it on his shoulder.

He turns around to walk out of his suite. Was going to be quite away to reach the parking lot.

As he heads out he stops in his tracks.

Drake Hemmingway, followed by Loretta Inglewood, walk into his suite.

Drake approaches Blake first. He extends his fist out to his half brother. Blake fist bumps him in return.

Loretta was more jubilant with how she felt. She caught Blake off guard by giving him a huge hug. “Congratulations.”

Doesn’t take Blake long to respond. He hugs her right back. “So you don’t hate me for beating your girl?” says knowing Loretta and Cookie had become the best of friends over the course of a year.

Loretta releases her embrace. “I was sad. She had an incredible run. Hate you? Never.” Loretta smiles.

Blake clutches his heart. “That’s a relief.”

Loretta’s chuckles, finding Blake’s attempt at humor funny.

Drake shrugs his shoulders. “So how do you plan on... what’s the maxim, paint the town red? Have a nearby bar locked down?” he inquires.

“Not a chance.” Blake affirms. “The only celebration I am going to do is hopping in bed.”

Loretta looks surprised. “That doesn’t sound very Blake Masony.”

Blake tilts his head to the side. “Oh? Do tell.”

Loretta clears her throat. “I don’t know, go to the nearest club. Offer everyone drinks on the house. Point to the hottest girl in the club, tell her; ‘Babe, you are coming back to my hotel, I am going to give you an experience you will never forget.’ Something like that.”

Blake shakes his head, laughing. “In todays day and age? That would open me up to being accused of everything under the sun. The last thing I need is for some girl to hop online trying to spread inaccurate information. And what makes you think I don’t have anyone to go home to?”

Loretta looks awkwardly at Drake. Then back at Blake. “Well... Drake told me everything. Sorry about you and Taylor.”

Blake looks at Drake.

Drake says, “All I did was clarify any information circulating the--”

Blake waves Drake off. “It’s fine. I am shocked TMZ hasn’t had a field day with my misfortune. Goes to show you me blowing up another relationship is not front page news anymore.”

“It’s only a matter of time.” Drake reminds his half brother.

“Unfortunately.” Blake shrugs. “Anyways, I’m out. You two enjoys yourselves. Do enough celebrating for me. I have a date with my bed. Can’t keep her waiting.”

Blake walks past his half brother and his former sister in law.

As he is about to turn the corner, Loretta screams out. “Wait!”

Blake turns around. He can tell that Loretta is nervous. Odd coming from a woman, as long as he is known as, has come across strongly. Assertive. Unwavering regardless of what was on her mind at a given time. She takes a deep breath before letting out. “The night is still young. We could... um... find something to do?”

Blake raises his eyebrow. Last thing he expected was Loretta Inglewood of all people to ask him out.

He looks at Drake.  

His half brother holds his hands up, Drake wasn’t expecting Loretta to come forth like that.

“Loretta... I don’t think that is wise.” Blake says.

With a confused expression on her face, she asks. “Why not? Sorry to say, you are single right? Is there a chance you and Taylor going to work this out?

“Me and Taylor are done. Doubt she wants anything to do with me. Her reaction I don’t care much for. It’s--” Blake stops himself. Clearly he is going to say Kelcey. No other reason to turn down the offer from a beautiful woman. Just ignore she is a former cult leader who preached all things purity. And the fact that she is Drake’s closest friend. He chastised Victor for sleeping with a former close friend of his (Kara). Not the first time Blake has engaged in flat out hypocrisy. He tries to follow the rules he puts in place. Somehow, admitting a woman who is unavailable is the reason he can’t go out on a date feels... embarrassing.

Drake steps forward. He places a hand on his half brother’s shoulder. “Go. You don’t need to celebrate your victory alone.”

Blake tilts his head to the side. “Are you sure about this?”

Drake nods. “Positive.”

“I can’t. Nothing against Loretta. Any fan with a camera phone can weave a narrative about what they saw. The last time I was caught on camera with a woman, I was having sex with Mary Beth Mallory. Kelcey didn’t appreciate the shoddy porn footage. Almost lost her that day.Messing up her flight so she couldn’t fight Blitzkrieg didn’t help matters either. Anyway, you see where I am getting at. I can’t afford to screw up a possible chance to bring Kelcey home to me.”

“Is Kelcey here now?” Drake asks.

“No.” Blake says.

“Will she go back to the hotel with you?” Drake persists.

“Get to the damn point!!” Blake says annoyed with Drake’s interrogation line of questioning.

“Stop worrying what will happen. Focus on the here and now. Could the scenario you describe to me happen? Not denying that. But you shouldn’t allow another human being to dictate your life choices. This is one evening. The only one that exists. The future has not arrived. Deal with that should it come.”

Blake whispers into his half brothers ear... “You do realize she has a crush on me--”

Drake nods. He looks at Blake. “Do this for her.”

Drake reaches into his pocket. Takes out his cellphone. Looking at the text he says. “I need to go.” He looks at Blake. He shows him the text. “I owe you one.”

With that Drake leaves Loretta and Blake alone.

“Is something wrong?” Loretta inquires.

Blake walks over to Loretta. He rests his hand on her right shoulder. “Drake will be fine. Promise. As for us--” Blake takes a deep breath. “I am going to take you up on your offer.”

Loretta’s eyes light up. “Really? This is really happening? A date with the great Blake Mason?”

Blake laughs. “Great... no. Lets not get carried away. You and my brother are right, I shouldn’t be alone. How about we pick this up tomorrow? The night life isn’t my thing; doubt it’s yours.”

Loretta nods. “Clubs aren’t my style.”

“Great. One thing we share in common.  See you tomorrow?”

“Wouldn’t miss this for the world.”

The excitement she is expressing makes Blake feel better about taking her up on her offer.

He just hopes he doesn’t regret this.

From his experience.

What goes wrong, usually does go wrong.


July 16th, 2020
Washington, D.C

Blake, sometimes the gentlemen, arrived at the hotel Loretta Inglewood was staying at.
He wore nothing out of the ordinary. Business casual suit. He had no idea what Loretta would wear on a normal day. The moment she opened the door to greet him, he was taken aback. She wore a red stripe mini dress. She didn’t bother to hide how excited she was that Blake would entertain the thought of showing her a good time.

He would try his best. His head wasn’t completely in it. Partially paranoid if anyone tried to make more out of this than they should have. Public perception matters in a way. Trying his best to push those thoughts out of his head, him and Loretta made their way to the elevator.

Once inside, she turns to Blake. “Thanks.”

Looking straight ahead Blake says. “Why are you thanking me?”

“I would never say no to spending any length of time with you. I... feel I am taking advantage. I should have been more considerate. You’re going through a lot. Should I have been more respectful?”

Blake turns to Loretta. “I pursued Taylor when she was still dating, Scott. I told Kelcey it has always been her a couple weeks ago. So I am the last one to judge you for calling your shot. Don’t worry about it. Take Drake’s advice, forget about what you can’t control. Focus on the here and now.”

“He was always a good listener.” Loretta says with pride. “So, where are we going?”

“The National Museum of Natural History.” Blake says. “Never miss a chance to visit whenever I am in town. The Africian Bush Elephant on the First Floor is a thing of beauty. Butterfly Pavilion on the second floor is must see.”

Loretta raises an eyebrow. “Really? Never took you for a butterfly person.”

“Do you think it’ll ruin my reputation?”

“A little.” Loretta giggles. “Don’t worry. I’ll keep your secret.”

Blake places his hand over his heart. “Appreciate that.”

The elevator door opens, without missing a beat they walk into the lobby.

“I am a man of many talents, Loretta. You don’t know the half of it.” Blake says.

Loretta and Blake reach the entrance of the hotel. Both stand there looking at each other.

Loretta offers a smile. “Ready when you are.”

Blake nods. “I was born ready for anything, Ms. Inglewood.” He holds the door open. “After you?”

“My pleasure.” Loretta says as she walks outside. Blake is not too far behind.


Blake didn’t have a bad time.

He actually enjoyed himself?

He chalks it up to the changes Loretta has undergone in the past year. Doubts he would have had this much fun with Cult Leader Loretta Inglewood. Never say never.

Loretta inserted her hotel room card into the slot. She pushes the door open.

Blake follows her inside. He closes the door behind him.

Loretta grabs him by the wrist.

Feeling emboldened, she pulls Blake in for a kiss.

Blake’s eyes widen. He knew there was a chance Loretta would succumb to her vices, should have been more prepared.

His hands almost found their way around her slim waist.

At the last second he gently separates himself from Loretta.

He feels his lips.

She looks to the floor, slightly embarrassed. “Sorry. I got carried away.”

Blake cups her chin. He lifts her head up so she is looking directly into his eyes. “Don’t be. You did nothing wrong.”

“Why did you push me away?” Loretta asks.

Blake grabs Loretta by the wrist. He walks over to the couch. He motions to Loretta to take a seat.

She follows his lead.

Blake sits down beside her.

“There was a time in my life I would have carried you to the bedroom, tossed you on the bed, ripped your clothes off. Fully suffocate you in the Blake Mason Experience. Offering you a night you would never, ever, ever forget. It would take a couple months for you to get sick of me. That’s besides the point.” Blake sighs. “Anyway. We could cap this day off with the obvious. I am not at point right now where offering myself to anyone would be wise. Sex stopped being casual for me along time ago. There are consequences. Even if I didn’t know you had a crush on me for years, I can’t risk opening Pandora’s Box. I can’t put another woman in this position until I know for one hundred percent certain where I stand with Kelcey. Until that day comes Loretta. We can’t do this. I don’t know if we can anyway. You’re a nice woman. I need to be responsible. Understood.”

Loretta takes a moment to process everything Blake said. She leans over to kiss him on the cheek. “You’re a good man. Kelcey would be foolish to turn you away.”

Blake appreciated the sentiment. Kelcey knows his intentions. Whether she comes home to him is up to her at the end of the day.

Blake stands up.

He doesn’t get far.

Loretta grabs his wrist.

“Stay.” she says. “A couple more minutes? Nothing wrong with that?”

Blake turns around. He doesn’t hesitate to say, “Nothing wrong spending time with a friend.”

Loretta smiles.

Blake sits back down.

He stayed over an hour. They talked. Loretta made it clear that she enjoyed the evening, however, she was content with them being friends. Considering it a win he isn’t creeped out by her. To which Blake said he saw a side of her he didn’t expect. Hanging around Cookie has done a world of good. Sooner or later Blake had to head back to his hotel. He kissed her on the cheek. Off he went.  


July 24th, 2020

Early Friday morning, Blake was in the living room sitting comfortably on a white couch. His feet were propped up on a coffee table. Without the television on, he kept himself busy by reading the book his brother gave him, Meditations by Marcus Arelius. He is officially hooked on the book, hasn’t been able to put it down. He hopes he can become a lot better at implementing the practices inside.

He wasn’t too lost in the book to notice footsteps coming in his general area.

Blake is not alone.

Wasn’t surprising to him, he already knew that.

He placed the book down. He looked over his shoulder to welcome the person coming his way.

That person... Taylor Chase?

By the way she froze in place, she was not expecting Blake Mason to show up. He waves at her.

Over the initial shock, she storms over to the couch.

Blake stands up.

The only thing separating them is the couch.

“Blake?! How the hell did you get in here?” Taylor reasonably asked.

Blake reaches into his pocket to produce a pair of keys. “Forgot to drop these off.”

Taylor snatches the keys from Blake. “Good! Now you can go!”

“We need to talk.” Blake responded.

Taylor points to the door. “Like hell we do!”

Blake walks around the couch. He bridges the gap between himself and Taylor. If looks could kill, Blake would not have been able to get within mere inches of her, nearly invading her personal space.

“I am done running, Tay. We need to have this conversation!” Blake says.

“You expect to come into MY home after not calling for me for nearly a month and expect I am  going to talk?” Taylor says justifiably aggravated.

“Felt it would be easier if I let you be. Pull out of your life. Maybe you would be better off. Then it dawned on me recently that I had no right to make that call. Here I am, in the flesh. Lets be honest, if I called in advance you would not have let me in.” Blake says.

Taylor can’t help but nod to that. “I would have told you to go to hell.”

“See.” Blake smiles. “All I ask is ten minutes. Can you do that?”

Taylor sighs. She places her hands on her hips. “Fine.”

Blake walks back to the couch. He takes a seat.

Taylor Chase joins him. She sits on the opposite end.

“More than any other person in my life--” Blake begins. “--you made me a better person. We were both in a unique place when we came together. My marriage to Bree sucked the life out of me. You knew you were capable of being so much better. Together we were able to put a lid on our respective demons. Me becoming Television Champion lately, you were one of the first people I thought about. Without you who knows where I would be.”

Taylor rolls her eyes. “You can’t charm your way out of this one.”

“Not what I’m doing.” Blake smirks. “I don’t want you going around thinking that our relationship was a lie. I don’t want you to believe that I was waiting for the day for Kelcey to wake up from her coma. I wasn’t pining for Kelcey the entire time. Yes, I admit that Kelcey has this effect on me. I chose not to let go. I hurt you in the process. Doesn’t matter whether that was my intention or not, the bottom line Taylor is I hurt you. Like I hurt everyone else in my life. You deserve better is what I am coming too. There is probably nothing I can do to make up for the pain I caused. I always believed I could fix anything. There are some things that can’t be put back together.”

Taylor took a moment to ponder everything that Blake dropped on her. Through gritted teeth she says, “Damn it I was happy with you, dummy! You’re not the man you used be, but wanting what is unavailable to you is a vice you can’t seem to overcome. That’s pathetic.”

Blake nods. “Yeah... I agree.”  

“Surprised you’re not with Kelcey.” Taylor says.

Blake slides a little closer to Taylor. “This is where I need to be right now. With you. Our union did happen, by walking out of your life completely would be a disservice. We were friends before this turned ugly. I would like my friend back. I still want you as a part of my life.”

“Going to take a lot more than sweet words to make that happen.” Taylor protested.

Blake continues to inch closer to Taylor. “Wouldn’t want it any other way.”

He places his hand on her knee. “No expectations. No promises. I don’t want to hurt you again. I still want a place in your life, if you allow me.”

Taylor looks down at the hand on his knee. Then looks back up at him. “I could use a new wardrobe..” she smiles.

“Your wish is my command.” Blake says. He removes his hand from her knee. “But first, breakfast. Already made by the way. If you are thinking I was that certain you wouldn’t toss my head out the front door, no, I wasn’t confident about that at all. Least you would have had your breakfast premade.”

Blake stands up. He presents his hand to Taylor.

She doesn’t take it. She rises to her feet on her own. “One less thing less to do.” she smiles.

She walks by Blake as she heads into the kitchen.

Blake breathes a sigh of relief.

She didn’t kill him.



The scene opens on a Saturday morning. Blake Mason is on his private jet wearing a light powder blue three piece suit. Sitting by the window he is looking at an hourglass that is on the table separating him from the opposite seat. Blake flips the hour glass over, the sand begins to trickle down.  Paying the dripping sand no mind, Blake looks straight into the camera.

“I learned many business lessons from my Father, nothing I am about to say is brand new, the lesson I am about to talk about has been used since the dawn of human history. As my upcoming battle with Josh Hudson approaches, I can’t help but be reminded of this one particular lesson. My dad told me, ‘Blake, when you find your WHY, you’ll have the power to make anything happen..”

“Rise to Greatness is chalk full of matches where we know for absolute certain why people are fighting each other.”

“Sienna Swann feels betrayed by Jordan Majors. She wants to destroy her.  Ms Majors wanted to break away from what she felt was a controlling, manipulative situation. My friend Regan Street, has been on a quest to become Supreme Champion. Also helps that she can’t stand the ground Tommy Valentine and Kandis walk on. Owen Cruze wants to take down Giovanni Aries for the crimes he has committed. Gio is on his usual burn down the lizard kingdom, going after the youth of the sport rhetoric.”

“And then you have me and Josh Hudson... a match originally agreed to because me and Josh were at each others throats at one point. He told me he wanted to settle the matters between us in the ring. I got tired of him always bringing up that closed funeral promo I cut years ago claiming that I blamed him for my failures. Also didn’t help that he did wrong by two people who are close to me, Regan and Rachel Tatum Lee. As everyone knows, Rachel and Josh were married. I wasn’t a huge fan of their union. At the time I didn’t really like the guy. Felt Rachel could do much better than him. The day I learned he betrayed Rachel you could imagine how pissed off I was. Evil, malicious thoughts floated around in my head. This was around Josh’s previous run with the company, I was around, the spirit of vengeance flowed through me. I didn’t act. Mainly because I knew Rachel wouldn’t want me to. I tried my best to ignore Josh. Went along my merry way.”

“Fast forward to the fateful day on Twitter I agreed to fight him. The remnants of that vengeance still filled my soul. Also didn’t help that he got into with my sister-in-law. The paranoid part of my brain felt he would try to use Kelsai to bait me to finally giving him what he wanted. I would have fought him in the promotion he tried getting off the ground. That didn’t work out. He comes back to Supreme Championship Wrestling, over time the original reason I wanted to kick his ass evaporated. We became allies in a way, helping Jordan a couple times to fend off our common enemies. Him helping me out on Breakdown the other day. It’s a bit strange walking into a match with someone who I initially wanted to piledrive straight to hell.”

“I don't have a deep seated reason to kick his ass.”

“I don’t want to maim Josh.”

“I don’t want vengeance.”

“As the sand in the hour glass continues to fall, I need to ask myself... what is the WHY that will push me to wrestle Josh Hudson at Rise to Greatness.”

Blake pauses to stare at the hour glass. Shaking his head, he looks back up into the camera.

“A quick sidebar. I know you are not a fan of drama. Back here to wrestle, want there to be purity in the sport, yada yada yada. Bro... it was one thing for you go after Rachel after we broke up. But you had a fling with Bree too?”

Blake rolls his eyes. He chuckles, not because it's funny. It’s clear Blake is trying to mask how he really feels.

“I got to admit Josh that going after my ex’s creeps me out. How long did you wait before I was out the picture? Why even bring it up now? Hello. You knew you were facing me at Rise to Greatness, you had to know I was going to bring this up. Kinda mutes the point of no drama don’t you think? To what end did you feel dropping that bomb would serve? To get inside her Bree’s head? That didn’t work. Chris, Sienna and Bree won that match. Did you want to force Bree to face some truth? Were you attempting to drive a wedge between her and Sienna? Somethings are better left unsaid. I didn’t need to know that. I didn’t want to know that. All well and good to focus on wrestling, no one needs to know you banged my exes. If there is another ex of mine you seduced, please, keep it that yourself.

Blake looks like he wants to throw up. He manages to keep his composure.

“Where was I? Right. The why.”

“For me this comes down to a quote by Marcus Aurelius that goes, ‘You could leave life right now, let that determine what you do.’

“Sounds morbid, we are not guaranteed the next day. There is a chance fate may claim me before Rise to Greatness. Not saying that to alarm everyone, life is fickle, we can’t make the assumption that we have extra time. This will be my first Rise to Greatness match in three years. I accepted  a challenge made by Owen Cruze’, I walked into that match looking to atone for almost compromising his wrestling career before it even started when I invaded the company Drew Bryant and David Helms used to own, piledrove him straight to hell. Put him in the hospital. Even though I won that match, I didn’t feel overly great about it, that match will always serve as a reminder my actions from my more nefarious days is what ultimately led us to that point.”

“Not the purest memory don’t you think?”

Blake shakes his head.

“For the past two years I sat on the couch watching everyone else have fun.  I was living vicariously through my friends. I cheered them on with reckless abandon feeling quite confident that I would never compete at Rise to Greatness again. Josh, what if something had happened to me? What if my life ended at any point during the last three years? What if, on my deathbed I was able to reflect on my career, looking back knowing full well my match with Owen could have been the last time I competed on the Rise to Greatness stage. Whether I won or lost that match, the story would have been the same. I can’t have that. I am lucky to be alive today. I am grateful for the chance to  compete in front of the best wrestling fans on God's green earth. I am also grateful as hell that I get to compete on the Rise to Greatness stage once more--”

“Especially against a man I admire.”

Blake smiles.

“There are a few men I looked up to watching wrestling in my early years. We all have our favorites, Josh. You were mine. People clamored about the Chad Evans, the Katie Stewards, the list goes on and on. You were the one that stuck out to me. Coming to Supreme Championship Wrestling back in 2008, there were two people I wanted to meet. Katie Steward, which I wound up regretting the day I decided getting her attention was worth it, and yours. Back in 2010 when you won the World Championship, I was one of the handful of people excited you reached the mountain top. In my eyes, Supreme Championship Wrestling needed Josh Hudson as the World Champion.”

“I appreciated your never say die attitude.”

“There were moments in your career you didn’t exactly do things by the book.”

“I didn’t care.”

“I elevated you, in my mind, to God status. In my eyes you could do no wrong. Josh Hudson Fan 4 Life.”

“Until you slowly over time broke my heart.”

Blake looks away from the camera for a moment to gather his thoughts. Sighing, he looks back into the camera. He points to his heart.

“The fan inside me died. I was smacked in the face with the harsh realities of the sport. The naive optimism I had fizzled out. I became a lot more cynical. That’s the thing with viewing your heroes from afar, getting to know them is a different story. I did grow to hate you, Josh. Yes, once upon a time I did blame you. I can’t deny that part. Took me years to finally accept I am accountable for my own career. Better late than ever. What broke my heart the most was when you aligned with Regan and Sienna. Past, Present, Future, cool branding, you more or less accepted that you were the past of  professional wrestling. The Josh Hudson fan in me was angry when you settled for being third. Regan and Sienna dominated. What were you doing? Getting lost in the shuffle. Allowing your legacy to erode with each passing week, the fan in me couldn’t accept that. I was more angry than you could ever imagine. I wanted to shake you. I wanted you to wake the fuck up. Finally you grew a set when you challenged Sienna for the World Championship, by then, what was left? Hardly anything. You walked away. You could have allowed your one final moment to be losing to Sienna Fn Swann of all people. The fan in me didn’t want you to leave the business on that note because you mean so much to Supreme Championship Wrestling. You mean a lot to me.”

Blake takes a moment to collect himself. He continues.  

“I am glad we are on better terms these days. Are we friends? I don’t know what we are Josh. I can comfortably say I don’t hate you anymore. We all make mistakes. So have I. If I came across as judgemental at any point  that wasn’t my intent. What I won’t apologize for is when I  hoist you on my shoulders, drop the back of your neck on my knee, forcing you to embrace The Blake Mason Experience. When I press down on your chest for the one-two-three, I will not have beaten an enemy. I will not have beaten my hero. I will have beat a worthy opponent.”

“As soon as the bell rings I will look at you like everyone else, an obstacle in my way. Nothing more. Nothing less. All the sentimentalities will be tossed out the window. You are a threat. The experience edge you hold over me is stark. Anything I can throw at you, you have more than likely seen close to a million times. You know more about wrestling than I’ll ever know. You have a counter for anything I throw at you. You eat, breathe, sleep this profession. I would hope you didn’t come back just to have a good time, I believe you have one more World Title run left in the tank. Beating the current Television Champion may go a long way to get Sasha’s attention.”

“There is no future for me, Josh. Our match at Rise to Greatness is the most important match because it’s the next one. Beating you would be great. Seeing how I match up to a legend is a nice benefit to us fighting. I come into our  match with the belief this could be my last. Whatever happens, happens, if you win, great. I’ll shake your hand. Should I win, I would feel ecstatic, what matters more than the end result is what happens between the first bell ring and the last one. I want to create magic. Will we have the greatest wrestling match ever? Who knows. I want to give it a good try.”

Blake winks.

“Thanks Josh.”

“Thanks for being an inspiration.”

“Thanks for being a rival.”

“Most importantly, thanks for coming... back to Supreme Championship Wrestling.”

“Thanks for making Rise to Greatness special for your number one fan. See you Sunday.”

Blake turns to look out the window as the scene fades to black.

Messages In This Thread
Josh Hudson vs. Blake Mason - by Konrad Raab - 07-17-2020, 10:24 AM
RE: Josh Hudson vs. Blake Mason - by BME - 07-24-2020, 07:15 PM
RE: Josh Hudson vs. Blake Mason - by Huddie - 07-24-2020, 07:19 PM

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