Frozen Hell vs. The Jackass and Big Ass Connection
OOC: Slightly different format in the CD to match the tone. Occurs following Selena's first and Regan's first. Promo takes place morning of 'Rise to Greatness'. Best of luck to everyone.

The Dark Side of the Sun

"Raise to the Alarm"

The alarm blared throughout the room but she could also hear it coming from the adjacent halls, the sound from those alarms needing a bit more time to reach her ears, creating an almost call-and-respond effect between the sound systems. Every other second, they went off, sending a pinging sensation from her ears into her skull.


She turned her head down to the young girl in her sister's arms, the worry - no, the fear - dominating her expression. The poor thing was literally shaking as the brunette held her further into the room than where she was, the platinum-blonde staying next to the table she and her wife had turned on its side and huddled the entire group behind.

"It's okay, snowflake." Whispered Selena, reaching a hand out to caress her daughter's cheek, her fingers catching a tear just as it began its journey down the young child's face. "Nothing is going to happen to you. I promise."
"We promise." The affirmation/second vow came from the redhead beside Selena, her wife, Deanna's gaze sharp and almost like steel. It reminded Selena, a bit, of when Regan was pissed off and wanted to break something.

Speaking of which, Selena lifted her gaze to the woman holding her daughter protectively, the last line of defence if anyone got past Selena and Deanna. Elsa's godmother.

"What the..." Regan caught herself from swearing, aware of the child in her arms. "Where the heck are those darn guards!"

Selena opened her mouth to speak but closed it immediately as she heard more sounds coming from outside, these of yelling and screaming, like a damn frat party, but with more sounds of breaking glass and fighting - she had been in SCW long enough to know what the sound of a punch was. To know what the sound of pain was. Holding a hand up, she silently ordered everyone to remain quiet, the lot huddling closer to one another, Regan protectively wrapped around Elsianna, and Selena and Deanna pressed against the side of the table they all hid behind.

Because those sounds? The ones Selena recognized so easily?

They were getting louder as the alarms continued to sound within the jail...


12 Hours Ago
Schoenburg Castle
Oberwesel, Germany
July 19th, 2020

The air was crisp and the night was clear, the skies littered with stars. The world, time itself, seemed slower as Selena walked the castle ground, her bare feet registering every change in the landscape as she travelled - the smooth, tiled rock of the walkways changing to the soft, dew-laden grass of the far-east end. Her hair was loose, not a stand tied but rather, a waterfall of platinum-blonde locks that moved with the breeze, the Snow Queen using her free hand every know and then to touch strands of her hair out of her face.

Once more, sleep had eluded the young woman. She had tried for five hours, after spending the evening with her sister, Regan, and her children, Elsianna, David, and Amiliah, allowing the Hellcat to bond and play with her 'godchildren' and they with their 'Auntie' or as Amiliah could pronounce, "Antty". Selena smiled a little at the memory, recalling a moment in that 'play-time' where she had teased Regan at being 'The HellAnt'.

'Colonize, bitches!' She had whispered in so only Regan's ear.
'Come on!' The younger member of Frozen Hell nudged the brunette. 'Fire ants are a pain!'
'And that makes you the Ant-Queen, then?' Regan had raised an eyebrow.

That had effectively ended the joke, Selena pouting for a few seconds before returning to play with her children. She recalled that moment with another smile as she turned along the lawn and began circling back to the towers and buildings linked together with the castle, the thin piece of plastic gently clutched in her hand. The wind continue to blow gently, also moving the thin, long sleeves and 'gown' of her white kimono, snowflakes embroidered sparcely throughout the cloth. She kept the belt tied tightly around her toned waist as she walked, savouring the cool breeze against her bare legs and any other part of her skin it managed to creep through her gown to touch, the winding acting like a kimono for her of its own as it wrapped around her.

After play-time with the children and putting them to bed with Gerda, Selena had settled with Regan for a few more hours to finally discuss strategy for Rise to Greatness. It was something that the Hellcat had been itching to jump into for the last few days, but after their heart to heart in California on top of that hill and the beautiful view of the landscape below that Selena couldn't quite get out of her mind, Regan had re-doubled her enthusiasm. It was almost like she was still worried, but... Was it excitement? Was it passion? Selena wasn't sure but the hesitation that she had seen gripping her sister on top of that mountain, so similiar to what she had felt before David had given her a similiar heart-to-heart in her bus... It was gone. And Selena was just happy to see her sister excited about wrestling again. Or at least excited about wrestling at Rise and with her.

So why couldn't she sleep? With so much going right. When coming here to Germany, so far, had seemed like the perfect idea for them as as a tag-team and as sisters to bond and better prepare for what was, no doubt, one of the most important matches in their career?

Regan had already conked out, the Hellcat yawning a storm as they had concluded their discussions around midnight. But here Selena was, still unable to sleep like before. After a few more moments, she had reached the door of one of the attached wings of the castle. Using the plastic keycard Gunther had given her, she flicked against the black reader next to the door, hearing it beep and the door unlock by itself at the prompt command. With her free hand, Selena opened the door and slipped inside, instantly reaching for the wall to the side to slowly lift the dimmer switch, the soft, amber lights slowly turning on to illuminate the space. She kept the brightness down to a minimum, only enough for her to see the room and everything within it clearly, her eyes settling on the built-in hot bath that stretched across a good three-quarters of the room. There was a sauna to the left section of the bathhouse, washrooms to the far-right, Selena had been here enough times by herself, and at such an early hour as this, which was why Gunther, the castle owner and operator - as well as dear friend to the Frost family - had shown Selena how to work the door and the rooms facilities.

Without a word, Selena went to work, walking across the room and using the keys attached to the plastic card to unlock the control box embedded in the wall. She flicked the proper switches and pressed the appropriate buttons to, in the proper order, seal the drainage plug at the bottom of the large hot bath, set the temperature for the water she wanted, and turn the water faucets embedded in the walls inside the bath to fill it with water. It took only a few minutes, but soon, Selena could see the steam rising from the hot temperature she had selected.

Yes, the Snow Queen had chosen hot water to bathe in. It was late and, despite herself, Selena wanted to get some sleep. The hot water, she knew, would zap out her energy, hopefully wearing her out enough that she could slip into sleep without a problem. Biting her lower lip, the platinum-blonde stripped out of her robe, moving to hang it on one of the hooks that lined up one of the nearby walls. She wasn't an exhibitionist, never had been, but she also loved this kind of freedom such privacy allowed her. Moments like these, similiar to how she could be in the early, dark hours of the morning at her home in Manhattan, skinny dipping and swimming lengths in the small lake in the back of her and her neighbours houses.

Alone in the room, Selena gracefully slipped into the hot water, every muscle jolting at first but instantly relaxing. The tub was only deep enough to reach Selena's collar if she stood on the floor, but there was a sitting ledge under the water that wrapped around the inner-perimeter of the tub. At one of the corners is where Selena settled, the water, with her sitting, reaching to midway up her neck. She allowed the heat to seep into her body, finding sore spots in the muscles and trying to ease the tension and aches out of them. She had gotten a few of them from, first, wrestling the Las Bandidas and landing a little roughly when she had flipped and hit "The Cold Day in Hell" finisher with Regan, and then some more when she had climbed a damn mountain - or it was a mountain to her - with her sister a few days later.

Closing her eyes, the bathing woman allowed her thoughts to wonder. Why couldn't she sleep? As she had reasoned, everything was going alright. She and Regan were bonding, training, they were in a good place...

And what happens if that changes in a few hours... When you see Deanna?

With a groan, the first sound she made in that room, Selena opened her eyes, biting her lower lip as she stared up at the dimly lit ceiling. That was it. She didn't have to even double-check to confirm. The reality had been staring at her in the face this entire time and she just hadn't faced it, opting to focus on the other parts of this little 'journey'. But she couldn't ignore it anymore. She had run out of days. Today was the day.

They were going to visit Deanna, she - she, Regan, and Elsianna - at the Frankfurt Prison. Her sister was going to see her wife, for the first time, in that prison.

It was something Regan had asked for when Selena had, initially, brought up the idea of travelling to Germany to 'prepare for RTG', and Selena had hoped that, despite her saying 'yes', Regan had forgotten about it over the last few days of their time together.

"Why?" She whispered to herself, knowing no one was in the bathhouse by her. "Why does this bother me so much?"

Did she want to want to hide Deanna from Regan? From the world? No, those were two very different situations. Yes, she wanted the world not to know about Deanna's incarceration, not for her sake, but because she didn't want certain people in SCW to take advantage of this situation. And with people like Giovanni apparently 'raising the dead' or Chris choosing to help the damn Infamous group just to try and keep her from winning the United States Championship - Selena knew that any of them knowing would only create more and more problems.

But that didn't apply to Regan. Regan was her sister. Someone she trusted more than anyone in SCW - almost as much as she trusted and loved Deanna. So why? Why did this trouble her?

Because she'll look at me differently...

Her eyes closed again, the thought gripped her heart and caused a reactional sob, short and fleeting, to escape her. She had worked so hard to prove herself worthy of Regan. After Retribution and the blame game that came with it, Selena had watched so many others throw themselves at Regan's feet to be her tag-team partner. Even David Helms, Regan's husband.

For weeks, maybe even months, Selena had believed that she had been replaced. Of course Regan would choose David over her, and she couldn't fault her sister for that. Everyone, even Tommy and Kandis, had seemed onboard with the idea, of Regan casting Selena off to team with David. And all Selena could do for that entire time was support them, running in to help them when they needed it.

The Royale had changed all that - No... Selena shook her head, hearing the water's movement sound in her ears. Destiny had changed all that.

Destiny had plucked David and moved him in a different direction, one that even the Hall of Famer had not anticipated. It had placed him right on path to the World Championship and the main-event at Rise to Greatness, meaning he couldn't, in good conscience, be Regan's partner without endangering both her chance and his own in Milwaulkee.

That left Selena. The proverbial 'second-choice'. The thought wasn't as depressing to her as many had thought, and some had used as 'promo-material'. Rather, Selena had seen it as destiny giving her a second-chance. A chance to make-up for the many ways she had let down Regan in the first place. Trios Tournament, the number one contenders match on Breakdown... Retribution... She was being given a gift by fate or the universe or whatever to undo her failures and keep her promise to Regan - the promise to make Regan a Supreme Champion. And to be a tag-team with her... A tag-team champion with her...

Selena had dedicated any free time she had to that end. To showing she was worthy of being Regan's partner. Even the tournament to crown a new United States Champion, Selena couldn't deny, had partially been to that end. Because now, Regan was teaming with the woman that had defied BOTH Infamous and the Beauty Factory. The woman that had eliminated Kandis from the Taking Hold of the Flame Royale with a swift kick to the head! The woman that was such a problem - such a threat - that the tag-team champions just had to try and eliminate her by attacking her backstage, trying to scare her off.

It had taken a lot of time, pain and bumps, but up to this point, Selena believed with all her heart that, while she still may be Regan's 'second-choice' of a tag-team partner, she was certainly the best choice right now, and a worthy choice for someone like 'The Hellcat' Regan Street.

But what if seeing Deanna changed all that?

What if Regan saw how emotional Selena could get around the redhead, her yearing for her wife's touch and freedom, her loneliness without her wife by her side always, the unfairness of this whole situation... Selena wasn't guarded - couldn't be guarded - when she was with Deanna. She was raw, honest, her emotions regarding her wife etched across her face.

What if Regan saw that as weakness? What if it undid all the work they had done to be on the same page? What if it made Regan regret keeping Selena as her partner? What if she was embarrassed at seeing Selena like that around Deanna?

Reaching up with a soaked hand, Selena rubbed her eyes, feeling the hot water soothe her face. Deciding 'to hell with it', she dipped her body lower, allowing her entire form - head included - to become submerged. She stayed that way, holding her breathe as she held herself below the surface, using the ledge she had sat on to help. Her eyes open, she saw wisps of her platinum-blonde hair floating in front her eyes and all around her. She didn't bother to move them - it was strangely hypnotic to see the wisps of snow-like hair. It reminded her, for a moment, of the winter-winds of her home in Nome. When the winds of the storms were so strong, they would pick up the snow on the ground and fling it around - streaks of white across the way.

Had she been wrong? Selena wondered. Would they had been better off going to Nome, Alaska, rather than here?

With a huff that came out as a 'bluuub' sound of an air bubble, Selena pushed herself through the surface, sitting back on the ledge and running her hands through her white hair to pull it back and out of her face. No, Nome wasn't the same to Regan as it was to her. Regan didn't need to see Selena's 'cold and harsh side'. She knew it rather well. And Selena knew that Regan wasn't missing that 'killing edge' or 'reason to unleash hell'. There was enough personal drama between Frozen Hell and the Ass Connection, as well as with David and Bree, that no one was lacking a need or will to get 'destructive'.

No, Nome couldn't 'fix' the issues between Regan and Selena. The blame-game, the uncertainty, the fear of failure? Cold winds and caves weren't the answer this time around. Time away from SCW, away from the drama, surrounded by loved ones and people that believed in you. Time spent having heart-to-heart conversations to address those fears... That's what Selena and Regan, what Frozen Hell, needed, and Germany offered that.

But that still left today... And what Regan would think when it was all said and done.

With a sigh, Selena opened her eyes, frustrated as she admitted to herself that was doing mental laps, coming and going back to the same situation and explanations. Whether she liked it or not, this was happening. She was taking Regan with her and Elsianna to see Deanna. Whether she liked it or not, Regan was going to see her, not as the United States Champion or her sister-in-arms or a 'worth partner', but as a struggling wife. A woman yearning for the one she loved... And powerless... Powerless to stop it.

Biting her lower lip, her eyes, once more, found their way to the ceiling, but she imagined looking beyond it. Okay, Odin... she mentally prayed. Whatever happens today... Can you just... I don't know... Ease up on it? she tried to explain in her thoughts. I mean... Whatever happens, whatever Regan sees from me... Can you help her understand? Can you help her not see me as a screw-up or a mistake? I just... I don't want to fail her again. I want to help her. Help her finally get what she's deserved for so long... Because we're so close. We're so close to the finish line - please don't make me be the thing that trips her up and costs her. I... I don't know if I'd be able to handle that... After Deanna...

Silence greeted her, with the exception of water moving whenever she did. I won't hide what I feel when I'm with Deanna. I can't. You know what she is - what she means - to me. And I've worked through with whatever you have thrown my way because I always thought that, if I worked hard enough, if I kept believing things would work out as long as I never gave up, they would. And yeah, you had that huge "told you so" moment when David was put in path to Bree and the World title. So... Just help Regan - help me - see this through to what I believe you're sending us too. Please...

She closed her eyes and breathed quietly, a yawn of sleepiness finally escaping her. She could feel the drowsiness creeping up on her and she smiled a little at the feeling as she cast her eyes up towards the clock on the far side of the room. She had been drifting in the waters for nearly an hour. She would only be able to grab maybe four or so house of sleep before the family would be awake. But it would be four hours well spent.

Pushing herself out of the large bath, she took a quick hot shower and one of towels in the drawer below the 'control panel' to dry off. Dressing back into her kimono robe, the young woman quietly reset the controls to empty the water into the drains and left the room as she had found it.

She just hoped she could do the same things after Regan saw her with Deanna...


The sounds had stopped but none of the four women, three adults and one child, dared peak their heads from their hiding spot behind the large table flipped on its side. For all they knew, the rioters were just stopping somewhere just outside the room... Or INSIDE the room.

Instinctively, due to that thought, Selena tightened her arms around Deanna, the redhead nestled in her embrace, her emerald eyes as open and alert as Selena's was. Turning her head, her gaze fell to Regan, who held little Elsianna in a similiar manner, but her green eyes were on Selena's and as terrifying as this moment was, it was almost as if they had the same thought - and knew the other did as well.

'When I said, 'we should do some bonding - this was NOT what I had in mind!'

Despite themselves, the pair shared a half-smile of utter worry and fear - fear so deep that it was, in a strange way, funny? It was hard to explain but there it was.

The alarms continued to blare throughout the room, Elsianna's glove-covered hands covering her ears to try and muffle it out, her eyes slammed shut.

"Deanna..." Selena whispered, her face lowered and lips resting against Deanna's ears. She felt her wife's hands tighten their hold on Selena's forearm. "Do you have any idea what's going on?"

Deanna shook her head. "This has never happened before - not like this." She admitted. "It feels like a fight or a brawl but..." She lifted her head a little to gaze at Selena. "Bigger. Worse."

More sounds and hollers came from outside the visiting room, but it was the sounds that came next, following Deanna's words that stunned them all into silence.


That was the first heard, the demand coming from the window - outside of the jail - but it was soon joined by several similiar commands from different sounding voices, all ordering some kind of cease and desist, until.

Pop. Pop. Pop-pop.

Four sounds, all the same in rapid succession, but they were worse than any sound the four had just heard. Shots. Gunfire.

"Oh my god." Deanna gasped, Selena too stunned and too scared to say anything, burying her face in Deanna's hair, as if that would protect her beloved more. More shots were heard and with each one, the women's fear grew more and more.

"I'm sorry." Selena whispered, opening her eyes and casting them towards Regan. "I'm so sorry." She whispered to her sister and to her wife and daughter. "I didn't-"

Despite the fear in Regan's eyes, the Hellcat resolutely shook her head. "You said leave the 'blaming' on top of that damn mountain." She hissed.

Selena's mouth hung open but no sound came out. They were literally in a the middle of a riot-storm, now with gunfire going off, and there was Regan, not blaming her for a single second of it!
How the hell can she be so- Selena thought, but in her current state, she couldn't come up with a proper word to describe her sister. Nothing seemed right, no matter how many syllables and 'goddess-like' the word made Regan seem.

The sounds outside died away slowly, but the alarms continued to sound. Had there been any success? When would it end?


The voice was not the answer Selena wanted and she felt her wife's body stiffen and her eyes widen in fear more so than before. Because she knew that voice, just like Selena did.

"Where are you, dear?" Came the taunting voice as it drew closer - sounding like it was inside the room. "I just want to see that you're alright."

There was the sound of something rattling along with the voice. Something off that only further unnerved Selena, Deanna and Regan. "Come on out." Urged on the voice. "So I can protect ya..."

Looking down, Selena stared at the emerald-coloured, wide-eyed woman as Deanna shook her head back and forth quickly, a silent urge as she stared into Selena's sapphire eyes. With a sad smile, Selena leaned in, capturing her wife's lips with her own before gently releasing her and standing up to her full height, her eyes meeting the black ones that spotted her... And the pearly-white smile that came with it.


80 minutes ago
Frankfurt Prison III
Frankfurt, Germany
July 19th, 2020

"Was that all necessary?"

Selena heard the question from Regan as she reached down to smooth out the wrinkles in her salmon-coloured, silk v-neck blouse, feeling the long sleeves billow in her movements and her fingertips brush against the many circles, and shapes that made up the pattern design across salmon top. "Sorry about that." She sighed, playing with the strings that rested at the apex of the v-neck dip of her shirt. "I wasn't expecting such a long pat-down."

Like her, Regan had opted for jeans, but where Selena had her blouse and matching flat-shoes, the brunette had opted for sneakers, a t-shirt and a jacket. And her annoyance. Regan was annoyed while Selena was nervous, though the Snow Queen believed Regan had a good reason to be. The moment they had arrived and checked in with Elsianna, who wore, as usual now, her elbow-long gloves (these particular ones being black with white embroidered stars on them) and a light purple t-shirt and jeans, the three girls had instantly met resistance from the staff of officers. Not out-right refusal to enter - that would have made both Selena and Regan frustrated and annoyed - but rather, a delayed, or prolonged, series of events from checking pockets, purses, pat downs, questionnaires - it was all rather odd, and it unnerved Selena.

Still, they had been ushered into the visiting room, Regan taking stock of the space for the first time. She eyed the concrete floor, the long, wooden tables where other visitors and inmates were sitting, the white-stone walls, the windows that lined one side of the room (the side that was the wall of the prison) and the fence that ran along as a 'wall' for one side of the room.

"I can't help but feel like this place could use a woman's touch." Regan teased before eyeing the inmates that sat near where she stood. "Not that kind of touch." She replied off-handedly before shuffling back to Selena.

"Don't pet the inmates, sweetheart." Selena whispered, a poor joke to hide her growing nerves. What sleep she had managed to get had rejuvenated her, but she had also taken a cold shower upon waking up to try and kick-start her energy level. Still, she couldn't entirely shake the worries that had kept her awake most of last night.

Regan, meanwhile, merely shook her head at her joke as they made their way to one of the empty tables at the far side of the room. They didn't have time to sit, however, as Elsianna's expression suddenly turned to a beaming smile as she ran away from Selena and Regan, back to the other end of the room. As she did, and as Regan and Selena watched her, a tall officer had brought in the redhead in a blue prison suit. She barely had time to register the people in the room before the young child was barring down on her.

"Mom!" She called out in joy, throwing her arms around Deanna's waist and hugging tight. With a laugh that Selena could hear held a mixture of sad-joy within it, Deanna leaned down to pick up Elsianna, carrying her back to Regan and Selena's table. Neither woman heard what Deanna was saying to Elsa right away, as her voice was much softer than Elsianna's cry of jubilation, but as she got closer, the young child's voice was heard, talking about her classes at school and some new German words she had learned. After another moment of affection, Deanna lowered her daughter down before turning her attention to Regan.

"Hey." Deanna smiled, a bit of surprise in her voice and expression. Despite this, the smaller woman did not hesitate to march right up to the taller Regan and wrap her arms around her in a fierce hug. "What are you doing here?"
"Oh!" Regan shrugged as she returned the hug. "You know I was in the neighbourhood and Selena's been raving about the food here and the ambiance, so I thought I'd see for myself what all the noise was about. Nothing special."

The redhead raised an eyebrow at the woman before turning her gaze, which softened even more, onto Selena. "Hey." She whispered, a slight tremble of joy in her voice.

"Hey yourself." Selena replied, her worries temporarily forgotten as she, once again, beheld her beloved. Without any hesitation, Deanna moved to Selena just as Selena reached out with her hands to catch her wife's face, cupping it to draw her close for a sweet, long kiss.

"Ewww..." They heard Elsianna moan in disgust, causing Deanna to laugh and, thus, break the kiss. Adding a quick kiss to her beloved's forehead, Selena turned her gaze with Deanna to regard their daughter, Regan standing there with a 'shame on you' shake of her head.

"You have a child here." She replied dryly, though it clearly was a joke.
"Hey!" Deanna warned right back. "Be nice."
"Yeah..." Selena added. "Or else no ice cream and you're going to be put down for a nap."
"I was talking about Elsa!" Regan motioned towards the short girl, who shyly looked between the three women.

" there really going to be ice-cream?" She asked, her ears having perked a little at the word.
"Maybe." Selena stated. "If you behave."

The short, blonde girl nodded her head in understanding before taking a seat on one of the metal, folding chairs at the table, putting her hands on said table for good measure. Turning her head back to Regan, Selena saw the brunette raise an eyebrow at her sister/tag-partner.

"Don't judge me." She dismissed with a wave of her hand before sitting on the other side of the table with Deanna, Regan joining Elsa on her side.

"So..." Deanna started, eyeing Regan, then Selena, then Elsa, then back to Regan and Selena. "One week away... Nervous?"

The two women - Regan and Selena - shared a look before Regan answered first. "A little."
"A bit." Selena admitted. "Though I..." She stopped herself for a moment, but decided to continue the train of though. "I think it will really hit me later, maybe after next Breakdown when we're doing the events of the weekend... Or when I film my last promo... Hey, can I ask you something, De?"

"Yeah, of course." Deanna replied, slightly surprised by the abrupt change of topic by her wife.
"The whole sequence of clearance we do: pat-downs, questions, checking - it was insanely more thorough and longer than usually."
"I was pretty sure I was getting a physical exam for, like, ten seconds there." Regan shifted uncomfortably.

"Yeah..." Deanna thought about it before answering. "Shar told me this morning. Apparently there was some kind of security issue. Someone left something like a knapsack or something on one of the building walls, so they had something like their bomb squad come in or something to check it out. Took up all the morning, but I think it's taken care of."
"And the security are just super on edge?" Selena asked, earning a nod from Deanna.
"Sorry." She added.

"I knew we should have come on Saturday." Regan teased, earning an eye roll from Selena, who reached to her side to take Deanna's hands in hers.
"Why didn't you?" Deanna asked.
"I wanted to." Regan shrugged. "But for some reason, Selena kept putting it off."

Biting her lower lip, Selena looked down at the table, not seeing it, but knowing Deanna was giving her a confused look. "Selena?" She heard her beloved ask.

Taking a deep breath, the platinum-blonde lifted her head, first to Deanna. "It wasn't anything against you, I swear." She answered. "I just...I'm..." She paused for a moment. It had sounded clear and understandable in her head late last night in the bath, but now? She wasn't sure either of them would grasp it.

Taking another deep breath, she spoke a little slower. "Regan came here with me because of your idea, Deanna. To get on the same page, address some issues. And she wanted to visit you as well as play with the children."

Deanna merely nodded, remaining silent to allow her wife time to explain.

"Thing is... I've... When I'm working..." She gestured towards Regan but then turned back to Deanna, gesturing towards her. "And when I'm with you..."

Both Regan and Deanna shared a look, mirroring the other in their expressions of confusion. "Do you know what she's talking about?" Regan asked the redhead.
"Not a clue." Deanna shook her head.

"It's just..." Selena tried, growing more and more irritated at her failure to communicate. "I'm different when I'm with you!" She gestured to Deanna. "I'm your wife here. You know? Lovey-dovey." To express her point, she pulled her wife's hands up to kiss the soft fingers and knuckles. "Emotional. Unguarded. Sometimes..." She hesitated at the next word. "Really broken..."

"Yes..." Deanna nodded her head, still unsure where her wife was going with her.
"You're that way with me." Regan shrugged. "We've had emotional breakdowns and such."

"Yes, but that was based on so many things, Regan." Selena tried to explain. "And even if it wasn't work related, we were always striving for an answer. For a solution. Fighting for something."

With a sigh, she released Deanna's hands to gesture to her wife, her eyes on Regan. "This, Regan? I'm not working towards a plan. I'm not fighting against something other than my own hatred at the unfairness of it and my loneliness with the person I love more than anything. And sometimes... I fail. I breakdown because I literally can't do anything. I can't do ANYTHING to help her. And I... After all I've tried to do make sure you never regretted teaming with me - especially after all you've risked... I was afraid of you seeing my like that."

"Feeling useless..." Deanna finished in understanding, reaching back over to take Selena's pale hands in hers, but her eyes were on Regan. "I get it, Regan. I know what she's talking about now."
"You do?"
Deanna nodded, casting a glance back at Selena for a moment. "There are times were our situation is too much for us to handle. I'll wager Selena has never really broken down in front of you about it, has she?"

The brunette opened her mouth to retort but slowly closed it, unable to recall a time where, beyond a line for argument's sake, Selena literally broke down over having her wife locked away on the other side of the planet.

"Selena leaves all that here. With mine." Deanna admitted. "It's how we get through it together. We vow to love each other, we promise to do all we can to stay alive and get me out of here, but at the end of the day...baring some miracles in place... There is little - next to nothing - that neither Selena or I can do but wait. And the thought..." It was the redhead's turn to stop to shake her head and keep herself from crying. "And the thought of it being only one year... And nine more to go..."

Quickly, Selena reached out to embrace her wife, holding her tightly. "I was afraid if you say this, Regan... Me being useless, it would undo everything we worked for. Everything I've wanted you to believe in with me as a tag-team partner. Someone you could risk your dreams on because you knew I wouldn't let you down..."

"Sometimes..." The word came from Elsianna, who had remained amazingly silent till now. "Sometimes, I hear mommy crying herself to sleep when she is at the castle." She shyly retracted back to herself, afraid that she might have said something that got her into trouble. Instead, Deanna reached out with her free hand to caress her daughter's cheek.

As for the Hellcat, to say that the brunette was stunned would be a slight speechless would be a slight exaggeration. Never the less, she gave herself a moment to collect her thoughts, both Frost wives waiting patiently for her give her thoughts.

If only the alarm hadn't gone off in that moment and spun the whole prison into absolute chaos...


Selena stared down at the large, dark-skinned woman in the blue prison suit, exactly like Deanna's. Every part of her was stiff with fear at the insanity that was circling the prison like a damn tornado. She could literally feel her heart pounding inside her chest like a jackhammer. And that feeling only intensified as she looked down to see the long chain in the woman's hand.

"What do you want, Queenie?" Selena tried to sound unfazed by the woman's presence, but she wasn't sure if she pulled it off.
"Haven't you been listening?" Queenie half-yelled over the alarms. "The place is a mess! Someone tried to escape! There was a bomb threat, too! And now, several inmates are causing a riot of a brawl all throughout the prison!" She paused, shrugging her shoulders as her hands played with the chain. "I wanted to make sure you all-"

"We're fine." Selena stated. "But I don't think you should be carrying that." She tried, gesturing towards the chain in the woman's hand. "We heard gunshots outside. Can't imagine they'll respond positively if they see you with a weapon."

Despite the fact in that statement, Queenie seemed untouched. In fact, her pearly-white smile only widened as she regarded the chain, wrapping it around her right hand as she spoke. "Oh this? This is merely to protect myself. You see, a woman recently told me that she had beaten up a bunch of dudes and that she'd come after me." She eyed Selena darkly.

"If you hurt my wife." Selena added. "I warned you to stay away from-"
"And what is a woman struggling to survive in this prison to do when she's threatened like that?" Queenie interrupted, her tone mocking the taller woman. "I gotta defend myself, don't I?" She took another step towards Queenie. "Can't be showing weakness in a place like this, can I? Lot of angry people in here that'll eat ya alive!"

Her tone was condescending and still carried its mocking tone. Looking down only a little, Selena stared into the terrified, emerald eyes of her wife, who was holding her leg with all she had.

"So...what?" Selena asked taking a deep breath. "You going to beat me up with that chain?" she asked. "Are you that stupid? The second you do and the officers come in here-"
"Ain't no death sentence here, Vanilla." Queenie laughed. "And I'm here for life. What else they gonna do to me? Make my sentence longer?"

Another step closer and Selena could make not dark-red splotches on the chair and on the sleeve of the same arm of the uniform Queenie wore. Her dark eyes were scanning the room before settling on the table Selena stood behind. "You hiding strawberries back there?" She laughed.

Selena's eyes narrowed but she said nothing.

"Come out, Strawberry." Queenie called out. "I told you! We needed to celebrate your anniversary here! I brought a nice gift to keep you safe. Show everyone you're one of my girls-"

That last phrase - that damn bitch trying to own her Deanna. Trying to take something that was hers. Deanna was her own woman, but -
she's MY fucking wife!

With a strong step, Selena disengaged her leg from Deanna, who tried to grab it again, but Selena was already walking around the table to stand between it and Queenie.

"Fuck off, bitch." She stated coldly. "Or I'll use that chain to knock those teeth out of your damn head."

Queenie stopped her steps, not scared but certainly surprised by the Snow Queen's words. "Is that so?"
"And I won't end there." Selena replied just as darkly, feeling power and energy roll off her in waves. "I'll string them into a nice necklace for Deanna to wear so she knows you're HER bitch! Assuming, of course, you survive the blood loss of having them all ripped out of their gums."

The two stood there, still too far apart for Queenie to take a swing, but her chained hand flexed, making a familiar sound that sent a chill down Selena's spine. "I'd like to see that." She dared.

"Yeah... Me too." Came a voice from behind Selena, causing her to turn around and Queenie to gaze over her shoulder. Standing there, holding one of the metal folding chairs in her hand like it was an extension of herself, stood Regan.

"And who the hell might you be?" Queenie raised an eyebrow.
"Who me?" Regan asked, taking a few steps to stand beside Selena. "I'm her sister." She gestured to Selena. "And, fun fact?" She pointed to Selena with her thumb. "She's the nice one."

The dark-skinned inmate narrowed her eyes, now acutely aware that the situation had become a damn two-on-one issue, and with Regan holding a chair, Queenie was outmatched even with her chain.

"What was it you were looking for?" Regan asked. "Strawberries? Hmmm. Fraid they're not in season here." Her tone was 'promo-like'. Like she was channeling her 'Hellcat' persona while Selena stood there, coldly staring down Queenie. "But you know where you might find them?" She slammed the head of the chair down on the ground with one arm, stabbing the concrete with the metal. "Back the way you came."

The three women stood at a standstill, the alarm still ringing between them. For Regan and Selena, they were waiting for Queenie to make a move, any move that would endanger the other or endanger Deanna and Elsianna. As for Queenie, she cast her eyes between the two women, playing with the chain in her hand, considering her options until-

"NOBODY MOVE!" Came the loud ringing voice as two guards entered the visiting-quarters, their guns raised as they saw an inmate holding a chain. "PUT THE CHAIN DOWN!"

Immediately, Queenie dropped her hold on the chain, the metal clanging as it hit the ground. Holding up her hands, she smiled a pearly-white smile. "Nothing happening officers." She stated lamely. "Just a couple of girls looking out for-"

She wasn't able to finish that statement as two more guards came in, these two taking Queenie and, not so gently, shoving her against the wall, handcuffing her in the process and dragging her out of the room.

As she disappeared, Selena felt her strength give out and her knees buckle. Without hesitating, she threw her arm around Regan to keep her balance, the Hellcat catching her with her free arm and steadying her. "Thank you." Selena whispered, leaning in to hug her best friend. "Thank you." She repeated.

Regan's response, however, wasn't the sisterly affection that one would anticipate. "Uh...Selena..." She whispered, causing Selena to lift her head to see the two remaining guards standing in the room.

Their guns trained right at the members of Frozen Hell...


Frozen Central

The scene opens up the the SCW logo first. A voice is heard as it shows. The following is brought you by Supreme Championship Wrestling!

Immediately, the camera changes to an outside, overhead shot of the U.S. Bank Stadium in Minneapolis, Minnesota! The arena where the biggest night of the year for Supreme Championship Wrestling - Rise to Greatness - will take place! The SCW Universe has already had a hell of a start to the series of special events for the occasion, witnessing not only the immortalization of four legends into the SCW Hall of Fame, but the RTG pre-show that took place that same night. That doesn't include all the fan-access events that took place during the day over the weekend as well! But now, as the camera pans above the arena, taking the large structure in, there is an even more impressive sight to behold.

For sprouting away from the arena, almost appearing like it's growing from it, is a wave of SCW fans, hundreds, perhaps thousands, already in line despite it still being the morning! The line of fans, wide as it is, wraps around the sidewalk and down some blocks before the shot changes to a street view, catching the excited faces of fans! Some have signs, some wear t-shirts, some are sitting in chairs they brought, some are carrying carrying bags of food! In short, many of the SCW Universe are parked outside the arena, ready for the big night they have all been waiting for all year!

It's enough to take the woman's breath away - the shot changing to the inside of a limo bus that is parked in the arena's designated parking space.

Wow. Selena Frost gazes out of one of the bus window, seeing the massive crowd gathered there. There is nothing fake in her reaction - the Snow Queen's a mixture of stunned awe and excitement at the sight. You know... she says, turning her head to look at the camera beside her. This is my sixth Rise to Greatness event... And I still can't get use to it. I mean... Look...

Taking the camera, she holds it towards the window, to all the fans outside, some even looking in the direction of her bus - hard to miss it with the large snowflake design and "Believe it!" Written on it. Returning the camera to the original holder, Selena can't help biting her lower lip as she beams. Can you believe we're here, guys? After months and months, we're back at Rise to Greatness! I just...

The Snow Queen sighs in awe. I'm sorry. she laughs. I know I usually start these things in side the arena, inside an empty ring. But... I can't not show this! I mean... THAT! she gestures to outside the window. That's the SCW Universe! Their all waiting there - hours upon hours before the show starts or even the doors open!

She bites her lower lip again as an idea strikes her. In fact... she decides. Come on!

Reaching over to grab her dufflebag and the United States Championship belt, which she will defend tonight, Selena, still in her street clothes of black jeans and a light-blue t-shirt with white snowflakes decorating the left side, makes her way out of the bus, making a beeline towards the back of the long line. The footage seems to speed up a little, showing Selena handing her bag to an SCW staff member, but keeping hold of the United States Title. As the platinum-blonde reaches the back of the line of fans, separated only by the rope the arena staff put there to keep the line organized, the footage resumes it's real speed, just as fans spot her and recognize her.

"Oh my god!"

These are just a few of the cries that can be picked up as Selena waves and greets the fans. Hey guys! she grins,Guys ready for Rise to Greatness!

A loud cheering and "wooing" is heard, which Selena returns before the footage speeds back up, showing the "Face of SCW" high-fiving fans, signing autographs, taking selfies, and letting fans hold the United States Title as they take pictures with her. Random phrases are said by fans and Selena, both appreciating one another as Selena makes her way down the line, the footage speeding up and slowing down between fast and normal speed to pick up the atmosphere of excitement and joy between superstar and fans. Countless shots are shown of Selena with different fans, the Snow Queen even enjoying a handful of pretzels one fan offers her from the pretzel-bag he carries.

Eventually, the Snow Queen reaches the front of the line, greeting the last of the fans before waving at the whole group, chants of "We Believe!" Sounding loudly.

"I'll see you guys inside!" she promises before turning and making her way around the arena and into a side-entrance in the back. The camera follows her in and as the door closes, Selena leans against it, her eyes closed and a look of contentment washing over her face. She's able to catch her breath from the high energy she had just witnessed. They're amazing - you are all amazing. She says, turning her eyes to the camera, to the audience watching this video. Every one of you. I can't stress that enough. You come here, some of you waiting out there for hours, others planning parties for his event from their homes, others still paying their hard earned money to watch is Pay-Per-View. she shakes her head as it all washed over her. How can we not promise to give you our best? How can you deserve anything less than all we can give? The best show! The hardest effort! Nothing held back! Wrestling at it's finest from the greatest federation in the world!

One last slow breath and Selena pushes herself off the door as she begins to walk down the halls, the camera following ahead of her as she adjusts her iconic braid to rest behind her back and her United States title to rest order her right shoulder. Does it feel... Otherworldly to any of you? I'm asking all of you fans and even my fellow wrestlers. Whether you hate me or not or whether you believe in what I say or do or not is irrelevant when I ask this:

Do you feel like this moment in time, where journeys end and legends are formed - this one night a year where legends go into the Hall of Fame, we do fan access, give grand entrances and fireworks - does it feel... Magical? Like something greater is part of this?

I don't know, but I look back at all of this. From last year's Rise to Greatness, where I waged war with Xander Valentine, giving the Executioner the shortest match of his career on that grand stage. To go from that to where I am now, getting back the U.S. Title, teaming with my sister and best friend, facing so many highs and lows that you all know...

It's a hell of a story, I think we can all agree on that, but it also feels
she tries to find the words. Like everything I've been through has lead me to this moment. Everything Regan has been through has lead her to this moment. Everything David Helms has been through has lead to this moment.

Suddenly huffing a bit of a laugh, Selena shakes her head. And I know this is going to sound 'cliche', but I'm going to use the 'd' word here. It feels like it's been destiny playing a hand here, just like it has for me over and over again throughout the years...

Because, by logic... I shouldn't be here.

She takes a moment to pause as she continues to make her way through the empty halls of the arena. I know Tommy and Kandis will love to just play on that - probably still don't think I belong here. Hell, they're gun-ho to make sure Regan and I never can be here as long as they are tag-champs, but I'm not interested in what "The Ass Connection" wants. Hell, this match has been all about what they 'want'. Even so, the fact remains that, on paper, and by logic, I shouldn't be here with Regan Street challenging for the tag-team titles.

Let me take all of you back - Tommy Valentine decides to make this far more personal than it needs to be. And he can whine and cry with Kandis about it being about 'things Regan said about Kandis', but that's a load of crap and everyone knows it. Unlike Tommy, who blames everyone else for his problems and pretends he's 'the victims in all of this', and unlike Kandis, who sees herself as flawless when she sure as hell ain't no Kennedy Street, Regan owned up to her mistakes. She apologized for her bad choice of words,. She tried to make amends with you, Tommy, and you, Kandis...

But no. That wasn't good enough for you, was it? Her humbling herself, for the sake of her friendship with you, Tommy? That wasn't good enough for you, was it? You decided to go further. You decided to win the tag-titles, which I can't fault you for... But then you decided to rub it in her face.
as she talks, her tone darkening a little with every word, Selena turns down a hall, followed by another turn until she is in the gorilla position. You decided to mock her and I. Decided to take delight that you denied Regan her chance. Not take pride that you beat two main-event superstars but delight that you 'kept Regan' from her dream.

And even with that! That wasn't enough for you, was it, Tommy? You decided then to get involved in her war with Xander Valentine! Something that didn't concern you! You decided to attack Regan and try and get her injured and taken out of SCW. And you succeeded in costing her her match - you handed her a loss to Xander that I know Regan is still pissed about.

But even then, that wasn't good enough for you, was it?! No... You decided to go after David, Regan's husband, trying to get him to side with you against his own wife!

Shaking her head in disgust, Selena pushes through the curtains, stepping into the main area where the ring is set up for Rise to Greatness. This section, like the halls, are devoid of people, only Arctic blue and white lights streaming down from the ceiling and into the ring and where Selena walks. You've been playing the victim all this time, Tommy? You as well, Kandis? But let me set the record straight here:

Regan apologized to you and tried to make amends.
David asked you, as his best friend, not to force him to get involved. To solve this like it was supposed to be solved!

Selena, with her free hand, points to the ring in front of her. In that ring! as she makes her way down the ramp towards it. That's what they wanted, and that's what I wanted. We wanted to keep this professional, guys. We wanted to just compete for the tag-team titles, earning our way through the ranks just like anyone else would have done - but you just couldn't let that happen, could you? You wanted to try and break us. You wanted to try and goad David into this, maybe to take the Helms couple out with one blow or maybe to also screw with me...

And you almost did.

Reaching the ring, Selena walks up the steps and steps under the ropes to enter it, placing the United States title on the nearest turnbuckle, securing it in place before turning back to the camera to face her audience.

But destiny had other plans, didn't she?

Tell me, Tommy. How did it feel looking into that ring and seeing David Helms there as the man that would headline this incredible pay-per-view? How did it feel to have your plan to cost him the Royale fail? How did it feel to see the man you thought you were 'so much better than' surpass you, showing the world that he could still compete at a level above yours?

Selena smiles. I was so happy for him. The man that had nearly done it all, came back after years of retirement to show how much more he still had. How much more he could still fight. That's what David Helms does. He inspires. He's inspired me, been part of so many amazing moments in my career, almost as much as Regan has! So, how could I not be joyful that he was getting something he deserved long ago?

And if you really had any love or respect for him, Tommy, you would have felt the same. But we both know you don't. You hate David, but it's not because he betrayed you or abandoned you. It's because you never could be him, and you could never get out of his shadow. While he surpassed what Next Level was... You couldn't. You saw the tag-division, not as something that needed saving, but as the only place you could still compete. I mean, let's face it, Tommy. You couldn't beat David without Bree. You couldn't beat Regan on your own. And how many times have I beaten you in my career?

Isn't that the real reason you want Regan and I out of the way? Because we can reach that level that you can't? That we can elevate the tag-titles to that level? Because, if we do that, then not only is that one more Helms that left Tommy Valentine in the dust, not only is that one more Helms that could do what you couldn't and become 'Supreme Champion', but the one place that you think is 'yours'? It just isn't, because it's always been SCW's - whether you like it or not.

Selena shrugs her shoulders. You know how I figured that out, Tommy? Because you and Kandis almost took the place that I thought I 'belonged'. she sighs, walking around the ring and observing the empty seats in the far back. When you beat us and Infamous back at Retribution and then dragged David into this, leaving him no other choice but to get involved, I thought I had lost my place at Regan's side. I couldn't hate David for that - how could I after all you did to him and Regan? But I thought, I truly thought, that my chance to do right by Regan, to be tag-team champions with her - something that, through Regan's desire to achieve her goals, became my dream - I thought that was gone.

And I won't lie, guys. It hurt. It hurt to not know where to go. Not know where my place in SCW was beyond drifting between single matches and battles with the likes of Asher Hayes and Glory Braddock...

But unlike you two, I never blamed Regan or David for any of it. No. I blamed the two of you for making it THAT personal. For making it that damn personal that David felt he had to step in!

But when he won that Royale? Along with all the joy for him that I felt - it was like destiny was SCREAMING in my ear! Like it was telling me "don't give up on Frozen Hell, don't give up on helping your sister, and, most of all, don't give up on yourself! It's not over yet!".

Lowering her arms, a small smile comes across Selena's face. And every time you attacked me from behind? Every time you busted me open? Every time you spoke my name and tried to goad me further and further into this? That voice just got louder and louder and louder until... Well, here we are.

Looking around, Selena's sapphire eyes catch sight of the glowing Rise to Greatness lights hanging above in a section of the arena. I believe in destiny. I believe everything Regan and I have gone through, every hardship, every low point. Trios, the contendership match, Retribution, the months of aimlessly wandering through SCW with no idea where we were going, the pain, the doubt, the self-blame... again, she looks around before returning her gaze to the camera. It has lead to this defining moment. A moment of history-making and a moment of destiny that neither Regan or I or the SCW Universe, or even you two, will ever forget. Because...

Looking up at the bright lights for a moment, Selena reaches up, temporarily overwhelmed by where she is standing and all she and Regan went through and, even now, are risking to make this happen. You can't... You can't control our destiny. You have tried over and over to dictate this story to us. To dictate the terms and the chapters. Even now, you're trying to force our story to end. Trying to tell us and the world how our destiny is going to end once you 'beat us'. she shakes her head. And that is not something even a Hall of Famer like you, Tommy, or a wildcard like you, Kandis, have the power to do. You don't have the power to tell us how our story ends. And you don't have the power to split us up.

Because this? All of this?
she gestures to the arena and everything SCW has put together for this weekend. This is NOT the ending of destiny. It is the culmination of it. The culmination of Regan's dream, my dream, David's dream, and all of their dreams! she gestures to the empty seats that, if outside was any indication, will, by tonight, will be packed with the SCW Universe. And this is NOT the ending of Frozen Hell's story, but the very beginning! The beginning of a new story filled with rivalries, title defences and legendary moments that will represent tag-team wrestling, the United States Title, and Supreme Championship Wrestling!

I believe in that story - and no matter how much you try to take from us, no matter how much you knock us down... It won't be enough! Our story WILL NOT end tonight!

Selena's voice echoes at the last part, allowing her to take a breath to calm herself. Tonight, SCW and you, Tommy and Kandis, will witness a true rise to greatness. You'll see the man you tried to destroy, Tommy, rise above your words and antics and become, once again, the World Heavyweight Champion. You will see the Snow Queen keep the United States Championship you, Kandis, could only pretend to hold. You will see Frozen Hell do what you declared was 'impossible' and defeat the Jackass and Big Ass Connection and become tag-team champions...

a knowing smile crosses Selena's face. You will see the destiny you have tried for months to prevent happen on the grandest stage SCW has - with the whole world watching... As Regan Street becomes the new Supreme Champion!

Believe it.
Selena smiles. Because it will hurt a little less when it's over and you actually see it. Selena tilts her head, a bright smile re-emerging over hear features...
[Image: hffOaUZ.png]
SCW Supreme Champion
6x SCW World Champion
4x SCW World Tag-Team Champion
2x SCW United States Champion
3x SCW Adrenaline Champion
SCW Television Champion
Longest Reigning SCW World Champion (234 days)
Winner of Shot of Adrenaline Tournament (2016)
Winner of Best of the Best Tournament (2016)
Winner of Trios Tournament (2018)
Winner of U.S. Championship Tournament (2020)
Winner of World Championship Tournament (2023)
Winner of Tactical Warfare (2014, 2019)
Winner of Elimination Chamber (2015)
Winner of Roofed Cage Match (2019)
Winner of Last Person Standing Match (2019)
The Unbelievable Main Event (2021-2023)
Winner of Double Jeopardy Match (2022)
Winner of EOTY Invitational (2023)
Female Wrestler of the Year (2016, 2021, 2022)
Tag-Team of the Year (2020 - w/ Regan Street)
Match of the Year (2018, 2019, 2021, 2023)
Feud of the Year (2014, 2019)

[Image: 34zetxl.png]

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RE: Frozen Hell vs. The Jackass and Big Ass Connection - by SnowQueenSCW - 07-25-2020, 03:21 PM

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